HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1877-02-16, Page 6:1 [s showing .an'entire .Ni) ': OgRIES Bougnt on the bestterms, and sells*gib a " aural est li-vingaarofit Examine and be Convime Lucknow, Marche 1876. 11.A.11044f,14:;..rj:P. 000d. L O.Tili& steel aier for goods single= -steel: `axe :and 'handler for $1. :15TH, �Isi laCkAr • +- - STOCR: OF .; e y- chews We :seep all Binds, a C ; : I bra Eit'S ' OLS, - J fth ei hest 'it LATEST IM° -1-)artie that- are building can Wi t: lied with P TTY,LOC S1 P ilii gaiL3s reasonable prices. '\V'e Ivo a; far stceh of T1. NES.: .lust.published; anew edition of DRCUL VE-RWR+ LL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY .on the radical •cure (without medicine) Of., Sper- zriatorrhaeea or Seminal •\Veakneas, Tnvoliui- tary Seminal Losses, Inmotency, Mental and :. Physical Incapacity;= Impediments .to zitMar- riage Consr2mption, Epilepsy _and Fits, in -duced by self-indulgence, or sexual` extrava -fiance, etc' . _ _ l ' Price,_ in.s, sealed envelope; onlyG-cents. The celebrated author,.:in this aclrrurable Essay, clearly demonstrates, - frc)ni a thirty, • years' successful practice,.-,-that–the.. alarininv, -consequences of seIf-alnise = may be..radicallv cured withouttli dangerous use `of "internal medicine, or the. application :of the= knife pointing- out &mode of mire, at ince;:__ sznip?,, certain:and effectual,by means::. of which every -sufferer,. no.niattei• what. his -condition-may he uiay euro hiMself cheaply, privately and rami tV'' This Lecture :shoulci,i;e in the h.nds o.: every youth and everyman in the land Sent under seal, in -a plain envelope, to F;ly: address;- on receipt Of 6.ceiits, .er, two .postage stn mpps AddrPssr TIDE CTJ:L\TERWRX MEDICAL Co.: 41 -Ann: St.. ` New York : Post=Ofnce 13o . - 4ADE. Ilas a1arge 1 wither of tlL n eve 4 meds stove, patented t s bear, and t!e Ceijt ai nial Prize stove. t )� e . is ha., --e ,5.01.d a 1-r:r~fie nuniter and.tib :_ demand is o, t 1: 4 lie iacre.��� Ca,l �. L `the=. moth estaJil bnireit of S., r 11 ' ibbin ;1 . see the stoc' of :stoves ;t - - t .o , ar tl ! tnzr.2.l�e that . - - u to.p �':: the' uliltc as .ch. a ) ., nd c>l a1)er than , - they have e.' er beer}:offer cd.' S�tovA sof great' variety 'and t all -prices, lot ` hand Clothen wrhuger wit bench c�3m1! for • : springs, no c ag ilieels,'no , am, ytthin co�rnplicsir ted in it:. -_ IA e are willing() ry it iwith any: other wrhu,r,'u in this=,cout _ . Th t .patent Lamp Chin e -v- Calf an e. it.. S. : cit. P. S.= Sav your tivoo and bring tit p._alon . -inns. , nd :sem • MEETING WITH I A Tl T1 At;TUTPL TI S PLOW,.. , AD:APTE FOR - - SON Off° .tiij H� ES a. 1 P I,0€TQHS ARE Sb;LLING-: AS:FAs� . a d leave- your order ear- :141- S s ERC A T TAILORS y4xsv oil IEle pants, Oil. - Oil. Seal, Oil,, lea MARICET; SQUARE, • z,•�=e -ZZs a _calf and " be conVjnce:l` . that 'te r � have.a good _stock and- �l r sell c11eaF,`: • Constantly on hand a.larg aasso rtmen t' of ABY -MADE CLOTHIN And GerotsFurnishing Goods .A. splendid assortment of Cloth: MADE-• TO... =-04DE11., Fashionable,Style' and on Short Notice -. A. 5 WI ITH: & Go AND KINDS ALLI ILIh � 17 S OE "Arai. as as the ean be nzanufact 1 in order to ensure lts y. RENCE . ani Of. 11 kids -;and That can of ;fail to su l _rtes . re asets,- -ate Everyth gmade ups -t ne -est_: AND .Tv10 "I-'IirIPROviEJ) ST We deal in all kinds of Bunk HAIR CLU . CAN 'I3OTTom,l; COMMO_ Sofas unges; 7�?, x: L.re ..F: a kit ,C aiI° t ad�.e. e.,a, ht sisti:ngo£' New aAd A VERY x CUL e,< 1. " S by 11;0 $et t eedl s ; ,nd INfacline Oil a _wilt work oil any ma c fin d, F kdo 1!"lillllliu(„iIIPr'— 4, : �B; C reatest.wonder of modern Times.. kiiRIEFITL7 Atxroderate rat tori s: A HEA4, 4 'th- this depat-tii • • "The ,, 1..911, purify the Blood,. correct all - d i' or ,the live i , Steamac i, KIdne-Ys And-.:: �Ol, alp, a u.I are i iv altlal)Ie i a11,Complaints' ; • incuitit�il t�'x1 cniales - The ointment i, the only reliable reniedyfor I1 -.L1 Legs; Ohl \\ rods_; Sores and 'deers; of `li()iv-ei-er Icing bt riding.: For ronchitis:-=-Di - ` (�4 Coughs Cfiltls` For Rheun sham., :BEST ADVERTIS t MED 4 id r�l1 Slciul)iseases--iti.- no equal.,: MS 1 ieONT (7- BEWARE 0 Melodious .-. _sold at � riC ea,l� _ - Q key: S and. on tli lC'r O Suit •:statitiv on, YARN COUNTERFEJTS, Spurious •imitations . of "$olloway's -Fulls and Ointment".. are inanufactured and soldilz. rider: the name of "11011oWay-& CO.1P- b T.F. henry,, Ourran, &_ Co rpruggists � y by f �� anti also ae• hletropoU ;; , tan i l iedicine ozn i L an :.cif — — T Y _t _ LY' C 1t l an- ate, n*n n' o � e - d r' . tihizfl - ,� • � �, t ode na.k, —Again -one •.J osephllaydoclL York -. i'le.tvise Daises . =�� •i •.. -,..-, �i ff counterfeits: :of. his own make orioles the name: of Holloway.. Co.,. having fora trade mark a Cresceiit and; Serpent-;:- • cKessen. and. R;obbins!:`bf New ..York are agents -for 'the same.- • These persons, the:better todeceive you• uzr i)lwthir,gly caution the.' 'public in the small boos. of directions affixed to. -their _1�Ieclicines '-hich`are-really the spurious imitations, to be=; - i=pare of Counterfeits- A: ''Unscrupulous dealers obtain.- them at very i otic prices and sell :them. to the j ublic n Can-- u.da as my genuine Pills and Ointment: . i Most. earnestly and res- -. ectfull ..a -'eal - t the Clergy p Y pp, to Clergy,.16 -mothers of families - and other ladies,; and t() the-pziblic'gen.erally of =°]3ritish North -America, that they may be: pleased: to leaounee-unsparingly these -Hands. _. Purchasets.sliould look, to: the Label tike Pots `aids Boxes:.- If the address= not 33 Oxfoird Street,:Londpij ?Try: the Counterfeits. they. -'Each Pot an(1J3o of the Genuhie Iiediclnes- bears the }3ritish Government Stainp, •-\with the, Worths ";Hollows, 's "Pill, and. Ointnieiit,., Lou , dolt,"ugraved- thereon:... -On the label : is _ the: aiititwor : 533,; Oxford Street: -London, 'w e alone they are cranufaetured.' e Parties who may bc- defrauded by 'den r�drs selling= epuri .:; • •.Holloway's. _ Pills and Ointment," as. of ni,-;;ennine make; shall- on , icomtnnn cstinb the particulars to. zn , be am ply remunerated, and. their names- never, di` lruIged. Signed . : TI30�O111iQ', oadon Jia.= 1st,1�7�7. - all. 'a er, Counhids of -truce end lure AND ONE 'OF T sin es 1l�ac n - . p � r. � e a,ll eC ter 11 - a S rented. 1 C d at ens able rtes Dnn'tf,- ew Livery S hors a:ud rig, robes. ti'ould.al my lar a three. As everything cannot: fail to .Don t fob o now:. o. call at able i� . o1 `fir d Culloch„s .. t a coact. I ply of o cell yonx ai t4ntion #o- seated Fa, its � WO,- i§: Perfectly IAA( W ;they._ xy sati faetz -,. e , '.. Vit_::_ et--tt.i ac x �l !letliiii n lira s€ reg �t E have.lust received a large and plete stock of the ltitest :styli!. .• And a,� <o -ha' a bought close, we G w� -IC CHEAP? DE$T , -APER PROVING- 0 -IS THEA Ise Don't failour stock -of neck ties;_ co and everything usually kept in a aogd store:: ILBEA.TONi.. new :prepared to manu- facture any article in t,}io shape of Of a nary kind. Sugar, Tea, Canned fruit, Gir rants :Pickles and eve ,'y thin,, el a sill CHEAPER THAN THE. CH 'Don fail -to see my stock.e ill be Old at and under cost... • GIVE ME A CALLa i;JQ .: P an e uggy ITR: o LEIGTT i as good as the .best._ and as cheap as the cheap, lest. : An person ,savoring me ` with their pat- 'ronage, wf}l find that _niy stock : of timber xs ' just as good, and : as well ': seasoned. (second grOirth of any other growth) as: any i 'ouse in town - Having' recently added to -my stock=©f timber,1: am In a _position to manufacture- ,either of the above named articles• as good,and trade . scientific a principle as any. ,ot3ier in the ,,. Intendinb purchasers;come and: see for yourselves, compare prices and style of work- alp, .= NEIL BEATON, f carriQge, Work; = • Lwow,