HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1877-01-19, Page 3UARY 1 9,
k`werd, a-prond rarevtell, -
nger- and repentant tears, -
A fe sounds dull like a thuftled714,elis,
()ugh weary space of years. 4 ,
. ,
0 Ugh' tongue that:idly-Bpi:arc F"-
ooliSli heart, go prond.,ta-bel_
fish lovers, who they Wake .
etCtistoalate the truth to seel-
reliant. He wentaway,
ashe was-lert alone to grieve, -
miner; shane_ae sun by. dayi,
d pater rose the:Mow:tat:eve,
cetorth for -each the Sapphire sheen
eivg-Eaver in the stunther skies; ; •
gold -n tights- upon the green
- •i faded-intasombre-dyeg.
secno-or birds, Me rip:Tiling-WI
-fauntain as It rose and -Telt, .
theta alltuneless had become,
rts.r.4.gg fur hope adreerY knell.
SallleYparied-and' the
Or love rolled on its fai airway
Artb, stretch -edit desert plain out wide,
il•Cherein no fair
Yet. oft landdid he:
• 0011 _ as she passed
afincorn ; and In her fancy she
Beheld as she saw higa,bist:
llTn til threngli„thethary beartto heart ,
Drew niii though oceara-relled between;
Timephicki!g eutlhe ranklino-dart.
•-The' lingered over *het bad been. ,-• .
xtb layinglonging for
• "ta roTalisn tongue that idly spake
Q foulisnIovers,,who 4 last •
To your olv.appalistuiess awake.
• -
A Story in Three Tarta,
- VAMP!.
IRS t171t4T- Tign
Eleven years :ago, it Aye - eleven,
-,renteinbe ,-' for 'it was the - year after I got-
• It
my` first' icture_ into the Academy (I had.
only gal**, for Suffolk street and the Dad:.
: ley before), and that was.* 1860. :It was
eariy iii the spring„-,toa„ and. I wasdown, in
rrey Sketching, working. up:- backgrounds.
a fact, for a-eouple. of - pictures, both of.
which I hoped soon:- to submit to the dread
conclave. who . riile. at Burlington lionise!
There was a.-- little - inn at the Meeting - o
three - CTOSS TOadSx . SOMeWhereS betVirebri s
DorkingandSheere ; and there I put up for.
headquarter's, Making longer. or ,sharter-ex:=
eursions therefrorn according as I found the,
neighboring skies and.'" bits" propitious, or
the reverie.
I -had been.outone .day painting at a. bit
.. ,
of moorland; dark brown 'earth, dAghia here
and there with i;bit of golden. furze blow,
sore. two three tall fir trees -standing up -
to their right, . their trunks picked .out. Sharp!
ly against -a pale; far-off slr,y,_ It was for
background to_ my -Priscilla, the Puritan
Maiden, - the best bit '�f coloring -ever r
Net that, you will remember it, though;
thiktigk, it wasn't rejected either: "wish,. it
had been instead: of being "skyed," where
no one could see it, in the. darkest .oerner.-:'. of
'the' Academy„ and obligedtostick there till_
the end. of .July when Willis, :the picture,
dealier sat in my studio,and said
‘-fIlly dear fella v. if you'd shown me that
before you it ; 1 might have „offered
you three figuy or . -
As it AVaSoffer Me anything -4-
. . •
antl if you. want, to see. it .., you have only t�
leak under a_ pile Of Oki canvas inmy models
dressing room. - It would go for under three
tiures but that hasnothingto_*da_With
I had been -painting for the best part �f the
as --.1. Said, making' the most of the.
sky, , a misty': opaline tint throwing up the fir
,treei wonderfully,- and *giving an improved
tone' to •the browns and_madders of the bit -a
moorland and then, a suciclar.breeze cable
Out, brightly„; the dim, -pearly Sky broke- up
into sharp whites and blues : and I packed
up my traps to gekome. The " effect " was
over for that -day at all -events 'and I wanted
a walk. There was a good bit �f afteriician..
still -before nie: I determined to take wile* -
roilte homeward, and go- through the park of
certain.nobleinan in the neighborhood;
place of Which I had often heard, though- I
had never happened to visit it before. •
-Wonderfully beautiful, too; it Was when
got: there,. which Was not forsomeI
didn't, know my way a bit, and had. an -lin?...
conquerable dislike (I have it novi)-te asking
it of other
- The land rose and 'fell„ now in sharp
ridges, thickly wooded: with deep ferny -
`clefts betEeen : now in =Loth, green rol-
lers, lik tic waves of an inland sea, dotted
over N1r.,,v- Alie beeches, and spt ofe.her sind'
. :there hij: a dark Scotch pine, .or an emeAld-
:areh in all the first glitter of its early Spring
rgarnitnre. It was a lovely scene altogether,
-ana-1.- wandered On, now . taking one path,
now another; and anon striking across the
' grass to catch S.7 nearer view of one of the
soft -eyed, slita-legged deer, or disturb a; hare.
from its bracken covert, 1 -
•at once oceurred to -me to wander
w ere -I as going .
: -
wascomingdownoneof the graisy.un-
flulations in the park.' The sun was jut.
Setting, amrthe light fell an one side' of :the
straight silver stems of the Scotch firs
and larches, having the other Side dark, and
throwing long lines Of black •shadow -'across
the coppered-cOlorecl- leaves which Covered_
the doping woods below; to that they sig.
gested-S. nilisical- Score with its lines and its
giant-black-stalked. -crotchets. -That Weocl
looked too dense, however, to be a portion ot
the'park ; and if it were not, I had strayed
.to. ttip-Viireina furthest . point from that
desired. to reaeli.--- Still it was bet-
ter to ascertain the truth; the -sin would be
down in a few moments ; and if, As I !Swiped -
ed, *that, mass of -,brown: foliage .was the ant -
skirts Of iNtC11.1CVIVO0d, I was a good eight
miles . from home„ -and hadbettergive up, the
'thought of walking thither, and betake -my,
self insteadto Ditchley village, in the hope
-of finding Sortie sort of a. conveyance.
• The groundgot steeper, and the OaSs
poorer, as I descended. A thin 'belt, of
7 scot& firs: stood up it the bottom, out Of an
undergrowth of fern and -ragged Shrubbery':
and when -I had passecl this I -saw,that my-
suiPicicas -Were correct. -My hand rested. on
the =dent,. roeS-groWn paling which Sur-
split:tied thepark, while beyond .the - deer;
ditch on the further side stretched a nonow
:-..Strip :of .brown, mirshy-leoking -Mookand,
shut in by the aforementioned woods.
- The sun had set by --now, and there -Was
methiligr dark and. threatening about the
-. . .
belt of dutiky foliage, and. deep, iniPenetra-.
-bile shade* before me; something .linspeaka=
•. bly -melancholy in that lonely bit of common,
broken only by an occasional hillock; or pool.,
Of blackish water.- throwing back a dullgleaM
'- to meeethelialelight . of the. -.evening. sky :-•
. Something Which -ni.hde, me inclined to cling.
to. this rotten park. paling as a signoflunian
habitations and civilization. To .- reach
Ditchley„,I Must cross ,that bit of . comm on
and the wood beyond;- .' if I: followed the •._
' pa-
ling Imust come out -somewhere! - -,I deter
mined to folio* thepaling.
The. light grew fainter and More clhaky as
I advanced, the landscape blacker andmore:
indistinct - ',had Often been out at this time
before 1. -'not- unfrequently had only found My'
way back to niy- lodgings by the clear light
of the moon ; but never in all my life had . I-
-experienced., this unaccountable. feeling. of
i -nervousness and depression which positively
'Macletine start and shiver sound,
of a ruatlirig among the firs a ., d undergrowth
. . . -
On my: right.n. - . -. , , ,. - _ "i •:-_ :.,
It Was nothing -but Inst. such a rustling as.
had several tiniesbefore-Chstarbect rtne---.7-the,
aSsage . of a _ fallow- edeer *rough the dry ,
. rend:sof its _bracken. cover; Yet (mock at me
,if . you - wal)-17-11-. -e'IO-- Heaven ' I Stood
still, _drenched from head id- footwith:6; cold .
-de* of perspiration, and turned my head ta---
look for the innocent- eansefetthe noise with
the slow, .still inevernent of one Who expecte
to see something .terrible -even, .._ perhaps, .
the enemy of Mankind itself.
L-- Instead,: I . saw. . nothing,' - ., Nothiflg,_ that i
• s -but a darkish pgteli.- among,: the bushes,
which, at first,- I thought was the shadow of
-A.. -man. - They were. not high.,enoligli;-- haw,
.ever; to conceal even a deer:= and the belt of-.
frees; among which they 'grew, was. Sa thin,'
-r could clearly: gee through-. it to - the steep,
grassy ridge -- beyond. , It could but have been
-a; harp„."-sta,rtled from its farm,: and gone be-
fore I couldturn my head; .. IlaUghed aloud -
;at -myself ai-I walked on,: and then stopped :
-short, with a positively !sick feeling Of dread
as the rustling began_ again I- . and this . time
Ssaike-L--toirty sharpened senses-4hp-, steal,
thy tread of a ,_man's .fOotstepa through the -
brake at my right-hand, that I looked.:- over
my 'Shoulder :With the .full - anticipation- Of
seeing him there,: - .- . - 4- - - 1- . ' -;
. Again -nothing! . Nothing 'but--_:4aving'
shadow among the ShrubliprobiblY, cast. by .
T one of the fir trees, looking blaCker for:
the paleness of the evening light4a Mere
-shade, which- Might_ even havebeiti fancy, -
for itiseemed, to fade-. and. disappear : as I
looked -at -it; and I Went on again resolutely.
The rustling sound went on Loo. Yea ; there
was no MistakingitnoW., it Was the creen-
ing, careful step of -.a man_ following-, some-
,thing--oman who did not Wish to: be heard:
--Could it be -such -mistakes.; have been Made
- through. the medium of -disordered nerves -
the sosnd af. my awn footsteps, translated.
by a feverish imagination. to a.little distance
-frem me ? - ' '
--I stood still again to try.
:The shadow -tread went . on, crushing the
--Ary leaves beneath it step by titep•'; Caine up:
to me, Still on my riglit.:'.passecl me -(it May .
have been fancy; but I-couldalinoskawear I
felt the shadow on Me then, s- i-lici- with it -a.
strange,: cold sensation, - as -- of an icy :
draught); ,went on a- few -- yards,. - and their_
paused, -ii thOnglr-he,:if it were _a Man, had
.suddenly _panght. sight:Of the _ object he was
pursuiug. ' - - - - .;-'-.
Quite involuntarily. I -.stepped -forward, .:
gazing eagerly to seeit too-' - and, :to my great'
• relief; saw, . at the distance Or aljo iit_twaity
- • t -
-yards fro nil mei A Toth* lady! : - T1, • : : - -
- The path I Was fallowing -had, - been - ,
' ing upward for some time.. It reached the
' brow uf a: long ridge at . a little. distance,
Where the siender,, seanty-haved boughs of
• a tall birch tree feathered down taitear the
_paling& in a sort . of natural arch,- beyondwhck you 'could see -a Sria,ce . of cold- gray -
'bine sky. Beneath this-arch...She Stobd,, her
. headturned, looking, backaver her shoulder
. at me: ' She had on a canary7co1ored _ goyim,
--with 2, White bloominess on the edges of it,
as:though it were made,_ Of velvet,: and cut,
inthe quaint eidjashionect style which we-
! rarely see -nowadays -except in pictures,:
square-shaped lacross , the :'.. bosom.:1 . The-.
-sleeVis were puffed, and slashed in some.
, darker- calor; . above the .; and: the -neck
was bidden bia ruffling ofkerchiefcif lace:
- Staniing there, she looked :rather .above the 1
middeheight in women; . and the exquisite -.•
shancat her head and .limbs, the latter ra-
ther. skposedthan hidden i :by. the: straight, ,
.clingngfelds of her gown;' - the fortifier ' un- .
coYered„.-Save: for '. a • wreathof; Soft, _Shining
blackliair, curling law onthOT forehead and
dawn her neck,*mild . have attracted: the-.
eye o' any man; had he an artist's' dull lie .
hind it or not.: In her - left -hand she -held
somehing like a leathern strap„ celled 1,1P .
and, as she turned. her head; f caught the
• brakti,--quivering gleam- of what looke4. like
a dater. Of diamonds, , pendant -franf- her--
threst s:and ears. . Her face I will not at._
tennit:ta -describe: : It was simply that. of
the moat- lovely woman I have ever yet- Seen; •. •
- Iis.ve said that she was looking 'back at:
nio, butas1 gaied at her, -I saw, with a re -
tuts of the same- Strange feeling I have be-
-fart noticed, that her eyes rested, not on me, .
but on. sornetAing to my right; and, in the
,Sane Moment I felt that she; too,. was listen --
in -0e the - Shadow„-.: ' - Ny, more;-. She was .
loan* at it. -----. --'
-.i.bnost before I ceiild. r this, the-
, ,
- hrely, -listening'', express'.
--Clingedto one Of innigle&feary----
:II 1 .1117 V
' .are, - .struggling With strong distasteful pride.. •
Sb flung back her_ head. - witkan i impatient
getiire - and, turning her head. abruptly
rand,ilisappeared over the ridge.
In the same breath the -rustling . sound , be-
-again,- glided from j Me.: up the hill, and/
dsappea.red toe,: - : . - - - . ' ,- . • ' ---,-. ri
--I suppose I must havestoodwhere IT was
"fr -a minute or so, beforepinning' my- on -
rd way, in •the hope .of seeing soniething
, . - -
;bre of the lovely lady of the park:- I .was
.,sruggling With_my own insane folly in hav- -
.igTallowed. myself to connect her'adeven:fora'
,scOnd, with the rustling whichl:diaturb-
,. . -
--ti ray Morbid- nervousness; and . in having..
• ,
: 'bcome possessed
with thei
-idea that .t was _
. • . _ - . .
kfil*e,: , and no other, - whom this -creeping.
sadow-was following.; and. that sheknewlit
a..Well. as, I _did. - .I Put the fanciful notion .
fonx. me -with an -effort, and was :trudging
toWly . on; -_when a _midden-1. sharp,- -wailing
ay_ rose from the other side oftheridge.; . a
-roman's- . cry, -so plaintive, I so': shrill With
,eadly terror' that *grasping My stick tight -
r,_ I tore- up the iath and -gained, the spot
•;71i. re -the girl: had stood, before another-tiiiir '
ite conld have elapsed. .. The. echoes- of ithe -
!, try were Still trembling on the air. as I stood -
:here; anciTIlooked. down for the -:cause of it, -
!..ully expecting to :see 'that the. ;girl :had.
a las ti sis PO az
eitherfallen, or had been attacked by sonie.
animal Which had alarnied her. •
To, nit intense .astOnishnient there ,as. no
one whatever in sight!
- The path sloped downward `from .fiy feet
and stretched out straight . and milrokeik;
with the high paling and fiat con:midi= 'one,
side and the lineoftrees on the other Just".
at the bottom two or three rabbits hitt come
out, and were feeding as .quietly at lie edge -
of the grass as though nothing ha e passed
that .way within an hour. They_thrw back
their- ears, cocked_ up their little NOW tails,
and. Were Off like a.shot when 1 shoed
"Where are you? - Are you hrt ?" but
the card..and saw mitten in penc
the nitrueand--Ltiiidati.
_Ditchley.Abbey ? Well 1
in the liaMe to make.ine.Sitart?
bly heard of- the place z before. • !lit Was
tolerably well-known one, and beIon
- an equally well-known peer. The.gle
the. Abbey were mentioned witlrhoiror in tlie
county gaide-hook: 1 had ev.
that l had Once been to .-the:rilace, and "Int
- Seen some of the ladies of the haiii4 It
have been along time back,. at .-all eV
--Myideas- on the subject were most indist
:-artd-I had notevenhad an- idea' that
there was no ether response, no ,otfrr sign of Abbey was -within a drive ofmypre
any one hearing nie, and my voice ;ed away- I. -residence. My friend's train came (sip w
in echoes against:the silent litoads:1,Even.the . - 1 was still looking at the card-,' and I droPie
rustling sound .had ceaied, and wh it the it on the. platform, and with, it menMryi
chilly; nervous' feeling I had 04.srienced. :had been trying to :recall. - ::. ' 1-
, ,
As I went on; indeed, I begantopk•myeelf In due :time, however, 1 drove over to t
Whether I had notfaneied the cry I.felt as Abbey,. a.magnifiCent Place, 'palatial in s'
if I had been in a dream, ' Of, whit the only_r and ugliness,- and approached. by one of tli
real thing was the girl I had seen Probably 'finest avenues in the south of England; an
.she was arie of Lord Marldesilaughteri. Was welcomed very di 11 b M ha i
cor a y- y y s
Theremightbe:italics ball thatight at the
*Abbey, and she had dressed -ear, and cane
out for a stroll. in the park, disturbed.
by • the intrusion- of a stringeOke Myself:
The cry- (if cry there had bes) epthe
from the other side of the ridgemd from no
great distance; and, as the trs. were no-
where so thick that I could *see through .
-them. for several hundred yard it evi,
-dent that she had neither meither hurt, nor
frightened so: seriously is .toe _ prevented
fromrunning very sivittly out sight. -
. I *went hn; therefore; „withiorMare delay;
a.,-na in another Minute or 43. -came On i;
park keeper's - lodge, at a twin the path; -
With -a -Woman. sitting ontsicbt• peeling po-
tatoes into a wooden tub: -
- She stopped to look at mEs Came- up,
and-ansWered My query as tin -nearest vil-
lage by pointing tondry Caliinini
of smoke riaing above the ediaf the common
at a little distance,and tolli .nie that that.
was Ditchley. Ys, . it :beige& , like the T
abbey,. to Lord-.Mailoes.,, - -Oh; _
'certainly ;_ a -Young thavith E
tera; and. his wife not ta-siiandsome
way; though a - dear,- goody, but. a , sad -
invalid. • They were '• hog SOIlle grand '
doings at the • Abey that ;ening, and:my
lord's.sister had just CaVin passing, and
carried off the eldest brio help With - the:
decor-Ai:one. the-miisidom.-.. She . Were
hrealildftniely' 11 1 belciaet 14atreahnootYt, ariviidtil
eyes; but as to -her Idrejthe dame . had'nt-
'seen- her, had been Inuiy0ors, and the boy
had only run in to tear he was wanted
She didn't know hat kleY was, _ had
never:heard-of it; and. to a shriek (here;
she -stared it m ratlOari:dy,. as though:
thinking. I Was a little Of .nVi mind) there
ha,d'ut been none in. hearing, wi'ont I
meant the peaeooksAy lord kept a.
" mort" of than wild Sim preserVes ; and; •
indeed; she'd got so net° then screeching -
that she didn't pay no -int itiow: -
And that Was it; , 03011rEle. r had not
known of the peaccie f9sr1.3,:uhr rest, have asked the Ties*
Mylast conjecture:waprobably arect.' - r
don't remember ever :1-ghing Mortheaffily
than I:did at the recalction Of iny;wn fan-
ciful cowardice, whaten minntedater, I
-found, myself _Sitting ha blazing 'firiu the
Most coinfortabIe roowf the
I should have liked I-have.seen nikarcl's.
sister again though. lovely face -Welt_
in My mind for weeks; and
fixed. it there . by nising a sketch cii,er;
from memory, as shsiitood Under the
- birch, looking back .
PA4'r 11.
Ten years. had -parsed over My head 4,
theoccurrence of tb incident mentioned
my last chapter to speak the truth
had. faded so entirelr_ out of My -Mind thi
-anybody-had aSkedme about the events
that isming-excursita, I aril- certain. it WO'
forming 9
as ..'*,ar from c ifon4;._ but it is a remarkable piece
hofaveti -ieriturr ed_ .7.n:ternary
f had -traveled Mu& More in theintervalof antiquated mortuary hunifer • _
had lived for Sotheitirne in‘Roing. Nap1
an p
*add a name as a successful artist; last, _ e• death mmemorytiweair'ot- ohm: this
spot least; marriedanestablished myself -in LO!• • * -
don, the father- of sitin. girlsi and _a bOY-si 18 hundred and 40 too.- He was
-- - -
• ' • • I
, ::-Ttrhord ni.treastires,- or to Waste. them
uselesslybOthl.fare • sins' • against • Society-
--Everything Should *be put to Some tee, ,Y.4,
. _ •, . ,
ievrialiotforetlhat there --is,use-in beauty;
.• • ..
• nor demand that things which punster only
to the frnertaste‘,-shall needlessly_ be Made
.*Sertrre-the:gtosSerappetites.- I say -f! need-lessly," for 1 think -
no•thOughtful :member d
the 'great hinnanifamily; i,01.1oire to lavish
Much upon his Or her -tastes," . when
-iiirroundedby ineighbors Who are suffering _
for.'. the: most camincin-- necessaries -of. life.. .
There is neither beauty nor. utility in -packing
away, mereli_foriproseriation, ,articles- that -T..
though no longer 'servicable to
!Amply -because they are oars: It
.-Seaowe :illlilds-esl economy, or pure seltiSh.-
l,think might all nfforel More generosi- -
ty- in , our lives. We ',Might trust
who introduced me W.. his - wife and- sister ourselves -or :rather we Might trust the --?•91V. --
in-law, and a .couple of men friends `
_like • Verschoyle, were down - for the sh�ot.
ing, and _ with., whom we all sat down to
lunch. . - -
During' the meal gathered- that. Lor
Maioles. himself was traveling on the Conti
nent for his wife's health, andthat his biro -
ther was only staying at the Abbey for th
- home shooting, And the vicinity - to the - rep
ment towhich he, as well as Verschtayleand
one of the other men, belonged.- :_ h
The conversation, hoWever, chiefly turn
_ _ .
on.art, compnment to me, I suppose, M
stranger, and to the idea. (only ,too correct
one, I fear) that painters and singers ar
_never thoroughly happy en anyl- sribjeet ant ,
of their own profession. any • fate, the
usu.al,silliness and inanities common to those
cultivated members of SoCietyWho wouldn't I
know a Titian from -a Gainsborough if left to
themselves, Were said by my- hostt
.and her husband, Verschoyle _chiming
• with the air of an A. R. A. at thefvery least
and bringing out such reperteire " of
studio slang tlieway of " bits, ' "effects,"
"modelling," and '"tone,", &c„ that • he was
equal to a whole' crew of sedond-ratelSuffolk-
street artists rolled into one and Boon as
lunch -was over he repaired -the picture.
gallery, - .
I have no space or time for dwelling
. paintings. t -There were some very gitiOd ones;
and some equally trashy;' a very fair. collec-
tion of old masters; and ,a lengthy array 'f
family portraits. 1 These had a . gallery [
themselves leading out of - the organ roam. ,
d we came to thein at the last, Our -• heat .
wing considerably more interestin descant;
ni on them than on the more :interesting
,pictures we had just been seeing.
1 All at once a strange feeling came Over me. -
1 saw nothing, and heard nothing; 'Ibut '
hands grew cold as ice, and a Sick, skiverin
sensation crept along every Vein in My bodA-,
bringing hack to in one breath the rust
ling sound of that shadow step whieh I la,c1
heard, . or had fancied I heard, = ten years
„ago,. in the very park on to which the win-
dows of the picture gallery were looking.
Row it calm, or whence it came„ I know not,
but in that moment the terror I:had sO leng:
forgotten was there, .as plainly and; vividly as
though the sound of . the. stealthy footstep
wereeven then in my ears.- I Was standing
facing the window, and with my back to &-
picture. Something made me turn round;
though with a feeling of reluctance which. I
could not define; and look at it wasthelife-size; half-length portrait �f a man in .the
dress of the Stuart era, very well painted, but
with a dark, evil face, strongly lined, and.
wearing a; peculiar look in the eyes; half
sombre, half passionate, which gave -a
sinister expression e ,to the whole;edunte-
nance. F
great Giver -and share rnore freely. with
those who have need, without _Worrying
pliant our oWir-T.tb-marraw and its supplies.
What would happen, doyou suppose,
if ali
the members of allthechurches should and-
denly eonie a.great deal nearer than ever :be.;
fore to obeying that inost.trying teitipnt to
the young man of igreat possessions, who de.- :
sired to be -a.- follower of Christ ?=,-" Sell- all
that and give - to the poor then
-Come and follow. me." A good deal Ott corn-
-taa:4 • "
woo\ some. wo ave to...go along With the
attempt to obey .such - a command... , • _
- But only think of all the chests anfrolasets
full of :out -grown or old.faahioned, but
strong and warm fgarments, to be found in
:imany hOntea at vOiese doers the -wolf 'never
how* and where Winter's frosts cause no;
Then think of. thesuffering- poor, .
*heti we "have always with us." .A great :- -
dealofthoughtless wickednesiis practiced
in cutting ' up for Carpet rags or _for . linings; -
.garments Which -M. ight do. a great deal of ser-
vice someivliere, their- present _shape, I f
never thought of this Until a. friend took me:
to -teak many years,. -ago- for cutting up a
•g.004 04._ek :for some trivialp nrpose,becauseT
-1.-did net care toWear it. Only .think of.
all the stitchesinthat sack - she
When a,-gaiMent-las been cut out and
Made; it ought, ifisissible;. to be Worn out in
;that shape:. ' 1 thought so too; when I came .
tale* at the subject.. For this reason,. good
[-garments should bp made with simplicity, so
never book leek Old,14814f-,Aleds"
-In some-, families it is customary to pass.
baby -clothes from bile_to another, T as different,'
'nimbus have need of them, and this prac-
tice tends to the itiqrease of sisterly love and
sympathy. : , The world . will gain by it, as -
such affection and helpfulness overflow their
family Iimits, until the strangerandthe poor
feeltheireffects. A common sorrow., or a
;common _ danger, draws human beings to- •
.gether,lirrespective of theoldbarriers: of fa- -
sect, or nation. ...In times Of war, or
pestilence, people begin to_fee1 their depend.. .
enee upon each Other. T There - are ea 1 many
[charitable k". Homes"- and Children's Aid
Societies,"Wane tor .• help, that no one
, ought to feel justified iiilioarding unused old
! clothes, which have warmth And .comfort in
therri.-. Chazityibegins at home;"
• 411 111111• *
Seine, Odd things in Epitaphs.
It is saidthat the following epitaph comes
man tolerably well -to do in the world whc
papered his house with dingy green, and
hung it with cracked Japanese plates made
a fortnight back in England. CouldTany hi;
stividual have passed more completelY out _ot,.
• by his uwn. ;
It was not one of, the new kind;
but aold-fashioned
„brags barrel, and of such is the:
Kingdom of Heaven."
e following -is -another- exampie of the
the realms of youthful- dreams a.nd fancietther loose way the engravers of the epi -
to the modern shams and fashions of ththa managedli) jumble up with, tr. text
day ? uritationS, and it has the advan-
Ameng my acquaintances -and lietng welltiPtui*?1.'4
off,. I, had a large circle of them -was one
Captain Versehoyle the -son of one of our
merchant princes, and heir to a collection of
pictures worth some hundreds of thousands.
He had a very fair'taite-, for art himself,
had had a couple ofstudiesfrom me; and
had got into a way of dropping in at our
house; now and then of an evening, to have a-
gain& of billiards With me, or. to play over
some of his own musical compositions to my
wife. -
When the time for the annual suninter ex-
odus drew near, on this particulat-,year,
.happened to mention one day that, after . a
month .t the seaside, w •
of being, apparently genuine:. It is co.
'wife' and the children to
from a tombstone -in, Pennsylvan'
•I Battle Of Shiloh,
April 6, 1863. ,
in D. L' was born March .26, 1832, in the
a Of West...Dreiden, State of New -York, ,where,
acked- cease from trodbling and the weary are at
e efforts to compress within the. spec
ipnall epitaph (the cost of cutting' each
' being a matter Of serious Consideration
ny cases) a description of the cause of
very frequently lead to .curious re -
AS witness the following from a eliureb.-
,In Glastonbury, _Conn. 1 '
riere lies one whs's
Life's thread's wit
der: --sheivas
'gate -for Septem-
" . t
=," •
. *111-'1:tat live and. thiive, even- there,' if al-
ways:kept:at haniet :
Itis not at all fair for those who can af-
ford to purchase reading to keep it au to
themselves; whilepoorer people about them
are hungering for something to read. ; Self
kye itself,1 should lead us to de all in OUT
power toward educating our neighbors, so
that we and our children have good and in-
telligent society. How, childish Are those
en of Wealth who ishut their fine -galleriea
paintings entirely from the public, imagin-
g that ;they somehow get more pleasure
rom such exclusive possession of coveted
reasiires, than they could if the treasures
ere open for the enjoyment of others.
MY* ,HOMe.
Poverty fore s its victims into strange po-
itions, sometimes. . Not far from a respecta-
le street in a Western city, is an open lot,
aving.asloPe toward the street. It .seems
01 be covered by at, crop of old ashes ,emp-
ied from the neighboring dwellings- and
cattered about in little Conical heaps.' On
his rather dreary.leoking lot an old woman
fl the neighborhood has made her home,
eying been ,expelled from her cellar for
ility to pay rent. tThelpreisent ,dwelling is
curiosity. It consists of an da tool -chest,
Ch as is Usedb3t . street contractors in
hich to house their sheiels and picks. The
overshutsdown slanting, and forms,- when
osed, the,rooffito keep oitthe --rain, dew,
eet and snow. night the old lady- de- .
ends into her house and, closing down the
-deaf, disappears like Itt
tday-time the .ever is held open by a
ake, and. the apartment is ventilated. The
rinture of thislIhninble dwelling. seems to
c snsist of a few ° tin utensils. and EOMespare
a,gments of oldcarp
ets spread. out
, on a
Gard; forining aSeat and a shelf. _ The kit-
enis betWeen two, 7 -no roof over
but the sky—where an iron pot *inters
a few embers; fed by the chips and,
which the outcast -contrives to 'gather -
'er during the day. • This is redneing
old expenditure to a very fine point.
, I ;
. .Die4ggS'
Er. Henryi-Meiggs,1: the enormouslywealthy_
id contractor- of South -Arnerica, is a
tiv, e' of -New_ York State, and about sixty -
'e years old.- He first _sought his fortune
California and'opened tip the great 'timber
tereits of that Westerncbast. -- He engaged
many scheme -a- of public benefit. - But
b ing Obliged to borrow •money the usurious .
tes Of interest theprevailingin Caifrornia
t • ok him beyancl-hisillepth, and he went to
S uth Amrica leaving -behind him heavy
1' bilitiek _There hem*: large sums as a -
ilioad -contractor and then settled th,-'Cali..;
He °Wm- two residences -one.
the ,City . of Lima -and the other in the
burlis---z-where he -dispenses hospIality to -
ry Am- itcan or foreigner, and esPecially.
Californians, on every. passible occasion.
o -ericair was !ever lard 'pressed for
ney without 'Mr. Meiggs- coming t� - his
cue and-sUpplying him with means to; go
is any part of the world he _might ,.. desire.Quintal" or -private dwelling -house; is
sibuated itt the midst Of sixty acres of pieta.
&' re grounds, filled With the rarest fruitsandwent •
and turned rou I- • express 118 --
was . going for a fortnight's -shoating to a
friend's place; about- ten mules from Reigate.
If we were there, he should''. be able to see
something of us. How . jolly! -1
- Of course I echoed his -_ pleasure. The..
:young fella* was a- puppy and a noodle;
but a gentlemanly. puppy -too, and nota
bad -hearted noodle I rather liked him on
the whole. • _ - -
-"Sure enough, I had not been ten days at
Reigate; and Was standing, one afternoon, On
the platform of .the London and Brighton
with: a friend, waiting for the train which
was to Convey him to townt, when, lowering
myeyes from one of the Most glorious golden
sunsets ever voneksafed to the Oyes of man,
I saw standing up black against the saffron -
colored sky two men - at the -further' end,
- of the platform, one af whom was making ve-
hement gestures of recognition in iny direc-
tion. -
- Needless to say it was Verschoyle, and. the
moment we were shaking hands, and he
had introduced his friend, who turned out to
- be his then host; and Who Met me very cor-
dially, and gave me his card •with a.hearty
- invitation to -come over to lunch any day and
seethdpicture gallery, of which he said. his
brother, the owner of the places was -very
-proud. :When they were gone I looked at
. of thander."
writer copied some years agar -three
;OM the stoneover the grave of
e first who killed.in the Glasgow:
bythestages, or omnibuses as they
edthere-whiCh also Were of a -pric-
escriptive-character. They are as
"Here lies the body of Jane Gray, :
The *finer of her death was thug:
• She wasdrav, Over by a 'bus."
;confusion of sentences sometimes
at curious mistaltes, as witness themfol-
oin a cemetery near Cincinattf:
Who came to this city and died
for the'benefit of his health."
a fine as the closing sentence of the
the gravestone of a station -master
&tan the Glasgow & Sorithwes-
ad near Kilmarnock, in Ayrshire
y years ago : -
He died imsomplaining in
No pain without medical aid."
very fair specimen of the I blun-
11 dais of epitaphs. It is'from.fhe
urying-ground at .lieesevillel. New
lies the bodies of two -sisters dear:
uried in Ireland; the other lies here." •