HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1876-09-13, Page 5i .S • • • _i- p!ernber • . •Q:.. •x - NT CEiTQWM D O1 r:R S FACTUR1 0 ars _pav i)attielitar attention :to ,job - tut Hex�ae�ioeit3�;< I'ritntt� antl- zo1.tt iritiry d cn o N ith rE sona tyle despatch. - \V c tike<i:bis opportunity of thanking. - the public Or Lt ek,izo-w ancl ti.ieinity for rceir litera4 'patron -age in flee .pa. t --and dope to in; fate c,. by. doing first-class-. , -ark. at rc ason able. prides,-. and -i► using. oi44y is LPs -t -niaiteria1-_an( - -ink first-classorkmea _ •- � na .-a,. all before -purchasing acre;_ rH: Have veru nuch.plensure in announcing that their ! eme mberthhe P race _McLean''s tea: 'e�F (1. '-. GanTbell Street, F�Trt • HTTII 11R:0 meow's. the tiiije for • PINITUR iid.`the place to find it i- -a AREROOMS- -sero of the OHAIR, Lucknow: %In - returning thanks -for the very liberal natroilago extendedby an aj - preciAting public -for ; the past :.sixteen. mouths, I -4eg to call: atter; ftion. to .- 'meant. Tk'13anti WhIch is lari er _ -cheaper; and pore at- aactt:Ye than ate any former- businliss acquaintance -coupled' with my ,facilities;f'oz: getting -Goods: ` at the very. ,best rates,_ enables nee to, offer to iny-,etistonieis better taind for their moue,;= than: -iiy other'IIouse- in: the_ o A on -and Bruce,: %ttentptf to : enumerate tn- an ad- tsxe_inetit like this- i otild be _utterlly- Mesa., It must be seen to be apprec- iated. It comb} isos ,..every ,novelty- In: fire trade, cart ng.ntxinei sly of P .RLORs1TT$,,: • � IIWWI S=ip ]TES,; I3AI.R..:CLOTI-I:CHAIRS:' CAE C HAIRS-, SQL', 3.0>LT'`�CES .... BEDSTEADS:, OIC CHAIRS. r: Also :a Splendid Asssortment-of P 1!-. mu; Centre. Tables,' Look -inn -_Glasses and' Pictures. Everything' ~ very .nice.- �>3,��.ceaF -.. gs:cheap est.: ar e:aved,. and tld stock is.one of the largest and most comprehensive that • has rive . beau imp )rted,° The reputation that vie. gave establish ed for ourselves throughout the eo}uhty eve have work, edhard for, and flatter. -)u_rselves, is ,« at it should; be.. We have no Itesitatior,.kin- . -aging that our business is nhw snore- extended than any in the County,; hfficl eve believe is dditinect togrow niore and more. • UE}MOTTO 25-- • R TAILORING ®EPA TIVIENT Is under. the`speci l Care,- of one of -the BEST' CUTTERS, in thisconnfry; and we gua4antee- A PERFECT- 9T,OR. NO S_ ALE. People who hat a -:-not :yet visitkill us will do iso only to make the Fresh `Goods constantly' Arriving. An im manse increase of . badness- deznand*coiiistant' assorting of stock. I do not adLyert e ;'great Slaughter of GGuods," "Great 81.4arig+41. ie -at cost' "Special sale -for a - month "but =a: son=; tinual_sale at:prices consistentlefty aea1thy' trade, -Strictly adhering to: the inrattO 5 ble _foods Prices. Ibi.y'-often,-buy`ligh,t, ad at the hence my qulek turn. over of goods -,-.1.e e[frea. goods,, hence:-niy success..'• -As a 064 elf the: soundness of i- policy I c�te.the fat hammy -A lgustsales are .;mor than-'doubfo +khat, of Augu t,1875: , My trade is a ` living stream'' rf constant' bizsine-Bs activity.-Thereis nostrangulaition of its vitality by old stock, . I know not _ling ng of- L�tt�s i ass boil know- i otliiiic of. dull. times; 'NI STOOK OFT Is -assorted, newly boii ht, and of the --purest kind . The rvportance :F of having fresh Drugs- _cannot , 'be over• estiuiatea '-_The' publiewould do well- t6 ell to seeystocl .. --. Patett.:aria- OPRIETIUMIZEINCI Co ape s ii :the latest and most im �gttrov- ed +'nglish,- American and ;Canadian. smaniifacture. I wotild : direct especial attention to my extensive stock of it • • • resident - of -Natick, Mass ,;`nano .+t'ann, ceniplaii ed of beer}g i�vell c; day: lately, and- throwing heti self ups st,loun�e,; died alin:ost • nstan:tly. . death was sale 1 d by clri kind too- ick-� ater. �... Pant •prizes to be awarded by the 03 ;.-t-- ''-lat694sdi:efi.41-gi,b6:Istl::4274;sPecciosii1711a°i'8bIlea:t1..-ab°.g.,t updgg.:;4': . rat 'of .S:yrtia to :,recover from thNip_epIl-- Safeiti-the..iihola -ainodut, clairned4. MovementS ofa- lot of crabs,: 64 whqi--: bitAS -they had- `insertbed -- the Dames -v. -- hid: maLched:for- a series. Of races'. ' is Where EDUOTI -,SA.DDLE$, BIT ?F:ALOR0BEO, YA We 'would 'take this opportunity - (-,? 'genierally -16r the 'Fbeiial-, pa; keep nothina 1..tt the iiery best ;_grade..:, leather on'aJln-trid.;_. • Curry. Combs,. SurSingles, tirst,claSs- Harness' shop. Coll:list :of And in_ consequenee of tha-clediii, leather iye 'halve reduced tb,e; It" :21 - • Furniture Varnish $1- 20 - F111,14 LINtS*. —and iw EA GRA SICK TAYLOiv ir011:04.1.qt6.0-(1-1rp -all TIED PLAGE OF BIJSI • We ked revery ent fur hirig in the lines: of Fully assorted leading articles lows : gi COCHINEAL; 11.1AGENTA o PAINT il3,11.1ISIIES,' 11A-14, TOOTH and NAIL In the County. -Owing; to the -I Fra,se in My business, haye-Te ob- 04 a ssences vaah brushes, Shoe britshl cle tote nay. whole. time to at bottom prices. Remecinber the Stand. Opposite the Post Mice, 'Campbell street. DRUCCIST,AND PHARMACi