HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-11-28, Page 22t } 144 pOSITQRts:Qp ,..tijro MWq 'SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY T. Pryde & Son ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Inquiries are invited. Telephone Numbers: EXETER 41 CLINTON: HU 2-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office — Main Street SEAFORTH Insures: • Town Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available. AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Sea - forth; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth. teprez DISTRICT WEDD I NOBS DI EHL --PARSONS Baskets of pink and white chrysanthemums decorated Roy's United Church for the marriage of Betty Alma Parsons and Carl Lloyd Diehl. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Parsons, RR 1, Staffa, and the bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Diehl, Jr., RR 1, Brunner. Rev. A. H. Daynard officiated at the ceremony and the organist was Mrs. Elmer Dow. The soloist, Miss Eliza- beth Smale, RR 1, Staffa, a cousin of the bride, sang "Wed ding Prayer" and "I'll Walk Beside You." Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor - length gown of white slipper satin, fashioned with a round net neckline, lily -point sleeves, and a long train extending from the skirt. She wore a long, em• broidered veil falling from a crown of crystals and seed pearls. The bride carried red roses, fern and ivy in a cascade arrangement. Mrs. Donald McKay, Toronto, a sister of the bridegroom, was the matron of honor, wearing a blue satin street -length gown with a rhinestone -trimmed jack- et. She wore a single strand of pearls, a gift from the bride- groom, and carried a cascade of bronze and yellow chrysanthe- mums and ivy. bToGIffS THAT MAKE R107i9R/A/G ERRY 1962 Chev. Bel Air Sedan—Radio, O.D 1962 Impala "8"—A.T., Eke new 1961 Corvair Station Wagon 1959 Chev. Impala Station Wagon 1959 Chev. Sedan 1958 Chev. Sedan—Radio and A.T. 1958 Vauxhall Sedan 1957 Pontiac 8 -Cylinder A.T. Station Wagon, Radio.... 850.00 1956 Chev. Sedan $2,225.00 2,495.00 1,475.00 1,575.00 1,375.00 1,025.00 675.00 575.00 O.K. RECONDITIONED "No Reasonable Offer Refused" Seaforth Motors Phone 541 -- Seaforth 4 .. +... '. '.'...4..'4..4. v.. `.. `4• ,y,,; •r,•,4 iF- r --r° • Red Tag SPECIAL One Week Only! 3 Model CW 721 Preserubs for you Doesn't pound out lint Overflows dirt away No gears to wear out This is KELVINATOR'S yola‘t 300 TIMES A MINUTE Kelvinator's Golde Touch agitation squeezes suds through your clothes. No jerking, no pounding — everything comes out cleaner. 5 -YEAR PARTS GUARANTEE Kelvinator will repair or replace any detective drive - mechanism part for five yyears, and any other deter part for one year. Labour testa will be paid by the dealer for the firet y4"$r. Washes more vigorously Washes everything safely Saves Water, Detergent mica Washes 1 to 12 lbs. This remarkable and exclusive agita- tor action gives you both the cleanest possible washing and the gentlest possible washing. It saves you wear and tear on your clothes and saves you detergent, water and electricity. It prescrubs for you and never drains dirt, suds or scum back through your clothing. And it does all this without any gears to wear out or break down. GINGERICH SALES & SERVICE LTD. --Phone 585 -- Seaforth Miss Helen Heckman, RR 2, Mitchell, a cousin of the bride, and Miss Donna Gilchrist, 1111 1, Fullerton, were the bridesmaids. Miss Heckman wore a pink dress of nylon net over taffeta in a ballerina length, and Miss Gilchrist wore a matching blue gown. Each carried a cascade of bronze and yellow baby chrysanthemums and ivy, and wore a single strand of pearls, gifts from the bride. The bride's brother, Robert Parsons, RR 1, Staffa, was the best man and Bi 1.arsons, Staf- fa, a cousin of The bride, and Nelson Diehl, RR 1, Stratford, a brother of the bridegroom, were the ushers A reception and wedding din- ner were held at the Brodhagen Community Centre, where the bride's mother received guests, assisted by the bridegroom's mother. Mrs. Parsons wore a silver grey nylon sheath dress, matching duster coat, red ac- cessories, and a red carnation corsage. Mrs. Diehl wore a fit- ted blue crepe dress with a sil- ver -white trim, blue accessories and a corsage of pink carna- tions. The couple will live at RR 1, Brunner. Guests at the wedding came from Toronto, Stratford, Brun- ner, Brodhagen, Staffa, Mitchell, Gadshill, Bornholm, Williams - ford, Sebringville and Milver- ton. Co-op Medical Meets In Huron Wilson C. McCoig, Chatham, past -president of the Co-oper- ative Medical Services Federa- tion of Ontario, spoke at the 16th annual meeting of Huron Co-operative Medical Services. held in the council chambers, Clinton, on Wednesday. His topic, Recent Develop- ments in Prepaid Health Care Plans, was fact -filled and time- ly, providing the members with a valuable insight into current progress in the planning of a Government-sponsored Medical Health Plan. Mr. McCoig, .who is secretary - manager, of Kent Co-operative Medical Services, represents the Medical Co-operatives on the liason committee set up to stu- dy Ontario's medical care needs. Members voted approval of new coverage added during the past year, which included the addition of chiropractic care ef- fective June 1, 1963, and a new Comprehensive Medical Care Plan instituted August 1, 1963. Re-elected for a three-year term were: president, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, Goderich; direc- tors, Mrs. 0. G. Anderson, RR 5, Wingham; Lorne Rodges, RR 1, Goderich; Kenneth Johns, Wooham. During the year the Major Medical Plan paid claims total- ling $17,983.00 and the Improv- ed Surgical (with In -Hospital Medical) paida total of $55,003.00 in claims. Current assets are $148,519.00 and total, liabilities are $123,- 721.00. Toronto -Dom. Bank Reports Record Earnings FAME Report Shows Assets Are Increased At the third annual meeting of FAME shareholders, which was largely attended, the audi- torts report indicated assets to date of over one million three hundred thousand dollars, -with approximately one million in liquid investments, at interest, and immediately available for construction purposes. Merlin i3aker. of York Coun- ty, in his director's report, pointed out that work for im- mediate construction has been completed at the Ayr plant site as soon as sufficient capital is available. Plans are being made to reach the share -capital objec- tive of two million, possibly by seeding time. Debenture sales are most encouraging and the original objective of three mil- lion should be reached within the year. "We can hopefully look for- ward to the cpnstruction of three and possibly four plants during 1964," stated Mr. Baker. Luncheon guest speaker, Oren Lee Staley, President of the U.S. National Farmers Organiz- ation, of Corning, Iowa, pointed out that the buyer sets the price for farm products, in all other commodities it is the seller who fixes prices. In order that farm- ers can effectively price their product they must control the sale of sufficient volume so that the trade cannot supply its cus- tomers unless this farmer con- trolled supply is purchased. "Farmers must join hands to concentrate their power to eq- ual or exceed the power pre,- ently concentrated in the hands of the buyer," Mr. Staley re- peated. The club bore was boasting of his ability to distinguish be- tween different beverages. Fin- ally one of the listeners took a flask from his pocket and ask- ed the connoisseur to taste it and tell him what it was. The man took a mouthful and promptly yelled, "Great Scott, that's gasoline!" "I know," came the curt re- ply, "but what brand?" Record earnings, assets, de- posits and loans are reported by The Toronto -Dominion Bank for the year ended October 31. Net profit, after. taxes, was 6% higher than in the prev- ious year, amounting to $8,754,- 990 8,754;990 as compared with $8,244,- 914, equivalent to $2.92 a share as against $2.75 a share in 1962. Total assets of The Bank at the end of the year amounted to $2,462 millions, an increase of $193 millions for the year. Cash resources at $342 mil- lions show little change and are equivalent to 15 per cent of the deposit liabilities. Readily realizable assets, including cash, equal 51.7 per cent of liabili- ties to the public. Call loans are up $82 millions to $269 millions. Current loans show an increase of $69 mil- lions to $1,069 millions. Hold- ings of N.H.A. mortgages at $104 millions are $2 millions higher. Total deposits increased by $173 millions to $2,277 millions. A major share of this rise is attributable to a jump of $97 millions to $1,014 millions in "other deposits", mostly those of business concerns. Personal Savings deposits in- creased by $69 millions to $1,- 017 millions but deposits of oth- er banks decreased by $32 mil- lions to $185 millions. Deposits by governments in- creased from $15 millions in 1962 to $62 millions. Govern- ment of Canada deposits, up about $35 millions, account for the major share of the increase. Investment in bank premises rose by almost $6 millions to $47 millions. The increase is partly accounted for by invest- ments in hall and buildings in connection with the major To- ronto building development an- nounced by The Bank n 1962. After payment of d idends, $2,3 millions was car d for- ward to undivided profits. rans- fers to Rest Account inclu I millions from undivided pr and another $3 millions from tax paid reserves. Sharehold- ers' funds as at October 31 to- talled. $120.6 . t»iliiotts. iji v,.f • -. KWIC Give Her McBRINE For a Gift that last forever ! We carry a full range of McBRINE LUGGAGE for Men and Women See the New Moulded Aeroplane Luggage COCKTAIL BOOTS We have a COMPLETE SELECTION of the LATEST STYLES in Women's Snow Boots Try on Our New COSSACKS They are so warm! Priced $5.95 to $14.95 SLIPPERS SLIPPERS For Every Member of the Family ! Many styles in all sizes at the lowest prices. We feature KAUFMAN FOAMTREADS CURLING BOOTY by KEN WATSON • Soft Calf Uppers • Genuine Lambskin Lining • Fibregless Insulation • Micro -Cellular. Non -Slip Soles • • Leather Patch Included MEN'S WOMEN'S $17.95 $14.95 • BONUS DRAW • FREE DRAW With each purchase of 50c or more you receive a FREE TICKET on our LAZY -BOY CHAIR. Draw to be made on December 23rd. • SMYTH 'S Phone 97 • .vt• 'dtAn, 4, F,..h, 1 • • 1 v 1 • HOE STORE LTD. . ,urtir,� wLy ,uY, el,u•1,x ,w,w �i,w,w,r, Y,, ,s•..,y. ..•w ,.-.- +S..,,. a,�. ..,..,.. .. .. .., h, . 11,1 ynH,rat , A, I• it,' , it, it, , , w , , Nv , ' , it, 1 k,41 Jr' r ,x..1l ,ell! foal, it, 1 if, , ,r , , ;r.• , xfl, it, ! it, , Now Is the time To Seal your home and make it more com- fortable . . . and you may cut your heating bill as much as half with fine -qual- ity, properly -installed Storm Windows. Perfect -fitting, self -storing, lifetime aluminum storm windows are easy and permanently installed on. any home. COMBINATION WINDOWS PROVIDE YOU WITH COMPLETE PROTECTION AND PROVED SAVINGS ! When Thinking of Remodelling Your Home, FULVUE or if you're building a new house, look to . SEAFORTH FULVUE SLIDER WINDOWS The Fulvue Slider on a Track with' Built•in Drainage System (Dry windows all the time) Your new home deserves the best! INSIST ON SEAFORTH FULVUE SLIDER WINDOWS Jackson Aluminum Limited WINTER SEAL WINDOWS AND DOORS PHONE 74 -- SEAFORTH s a