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The Huron Expositor, 1963-11-28, Page 16
TO BMW EXPOSTOPe t MC OW, NOV.2S, �Itf�1:1�..I.iJ'r��'+l i Day k� l,. Summary For CHRISTMAS_ , Heed At Hensen SEE THE BRILLIANT NEW �E QED PATTERN But... Look Again It's Solid Stainless she I Summary Day for the train- ing school of the dessert course v. -as held on Friday iii Hensall„ with Kipper East, Zurich, Sea - forth Dashwood, Goderieh and blitrundale participating. The calibur of dessert were set up. alias Patricia D imede. Home DEAR DORIS — About a • Econaa mss fur Huron County,' month ago my husband vs as In eieuraed the guests and hand- killed and since then Pm ai- rs the meeting over to Mrs- most a nervous wreck. My Delbert Geiger. mother-in-law is a very neraous Min Wilhaia Caldwell gave person. Since my husband's the martens for Sippen East- death the has dreams of my Zur,ci gale no ew riments but husband. and now she believes sleeted a dessert with recipe he visits her every night. He be:.•,t it Mrs Mae HiL'ebrecht tt'kc with her and tells her all ,1 Seaforth gine comments for kinds of things- seafurth Comments for Dash , Today she tried to tell me caved oy Mrs. McRae showed a that on his death bed my hus- Dutch apple pie Goderich des -'band told me. ''Now 1 could • cert w as a festive fruit cake. ',chase after that old boy friend.•. ' with comments bre Mrs Strati It has got to the point where char.: comments by Mrs Fern I don't want to go there any Dougal; for Hurondale was a more. i have two sisters rear. low calorie showing dessert- , ried and both want me to come Miss Mara McInnis. food and and visit them for a while, but ' nutation specialist- Toronto. I feel obligated to stay and take presented the leaders ,with their 'my babies to see Qty m -laws badges. and rot' cal; of the every day beeause they have no branches was answered by 50 one members The ladies enjoyed , M XED UP MOTHER the desserts and the coffee j • which was prevailed by Mrs. R.; DEAR MIXED UP — Leave nq yak these deranged in-laws before they start you heating things. Your job is to raise the lining. not the dead. Lt's good sense to know your limits and re- treat to safe territory—namely, where n our sisters are. Canadian social worker Doris Clark invites you to write her about your problem. She answers letters cf general interest in this column but can't undertake personal replies by saeVeRetiiT#rs $ 44 PIECE SERVICE FOR EIGHT 711 1 8 Teaspoons, 8 Forks, 8 Knives, 1 8 Soup Spoons, 8 Salad Forks, 1 2 Tablespoons, 1 Butter Spreader, 1 11 Sugar Spoon. III ATTRACTIVE SERVICE TRAY i i *Trads,narits of Or ,da Ltd. 1 Also Seven -Piece SHASTA, CHATEAU, TAPER and ACCENT PATTERNS Other Stainless • Set~ 1847 Rogers Stainless FIRESONG, SYMMETRY PATTERNS 241': -re Ser. ice or S:x. $29.95 Community Stainless DRIFTWOOD and SHORELINE PATTERNS 16&P:ece SFr.. i,r 1'•inr • LOWER-PRICED 's 1 1 1 1 4 a $23.95 STAIN LESS By INTERNATIONAL j NIGHT SKY and RENOWN 1 PATTERNS 1 24 -Piece Sex -ace fir Six 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $7.75 Buy Stainless for Christmas Gifts ALL PATTERNS OPEN STOCK A small deposit bolds your purchase till Christmas --at— SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY • GIFTS FINE CHINA A series of comments on the eourses were given by Mrs. Vern Alderdue. liippen: Mrs. Beatrice Hess. Zurich. Mrs. E". -- don Kerr Seaforth. Mrs. Hugh lane. H urundaie Mrs Baker. DaKhw otic and Mrs Straucnan Mrs Lore :.r.troduted Mrs Elmer Passrr. ire who demon- strated a bake; Alaska on a bruwr.ie tease net also en a cup cake as an ind..nvidua, des- sert for a birthday party. Dash- orr er.'er✓a;.c-c` wilt a moo - 'Ague b) Mrs Ervin Rader or. Happy Des.ert-i:.g. Mrs. He=> fa‘ orer w a pLar.. sena Three Gcderic± ladles provided a skit in which they brought out tip: or: the maks€ of a good mer- ingue er•ngue :emelt pie They were Mrs. 'Bert Mills. Mrs. John Kern- ohan ar-d Mrs Lyle Bannister Mrs Newel Geiger of Zurich gave a reading inns McInnis cotrnlented en the display. Miss Damude discussed future cours- es for future liar -.:.ng schools DEAR DORIS — My sister -in - lee u going blind. She is sin. gie and vier independett and has always done office work. but she a an.t be able to do this en much longer. Three different specialists say there is Liu hope It is a gradual deteriur a t or of eye tissues and she will just be able to see sha- dows of light and dark. 1 would like to be able to offer somethirg concrete for her future and nut lease her think Life has ended with eyesight. SISTER -Ln -LAW DEAR SISTER-1N-LAW—Now there's one handicap for which there's high cless rehabilitation is Canada. The C K:LB. has branches right across Canada: places where the blind .and near blind learn to read, write, type. get around, entertain them- selves and °there. To locate the branch' nearest you. write to the Canadian Na- uonai Institute for the Blind. 1929 Bayview Avenue. Toron- to 17, Canada. DEAR DORISS—I am 32 years old and my husband is 52. My mother made me marry him and I never loved him. We have no children. I asked him time af- ter time to adopt one but he said he would not feed some ane else's child.. A month ago my girl friend and I left our husbands and went away together. After three days our husbands brought us. home. Now we cannot talk to or see each other. We can't ge any place without them or have any money. So we stay at home and it is getting on my nerves now. If 1 cannot go some place I will leave him again and never come back. LOCKED UP DEAR LOCKED UP — Fight for dour rights. Your Old M.eany forgets what marriage is supposed to be about. Such arrogant punishment is not de- signed to make you love it back home. At least try explaining bow iyou feel before making another break for freedom. DEAR DORIS — I hate my mother. She is so mean to ev- erybody but my baby sister (13). She screams constantly. We all !try to keep the house quite (Dad too) but she's never satisfied. We think she is mentally but who can prove it? DESPERATE DEAR DESPERATE — H o w about just plain emotiorally up- set' Sounds less ominous. If she's in her forties there could be a physical basis. Her Amber Lodge Gives Donation Amber Rebekah Lodge met Wednesday evening with Neble Grand Mrs. Clarence Vnilend presiding 4 donation was en to the War Memorial { ,- dren's Hospital and to the Girl Guides. The Kinsmen's party will be held at the next regular meeting with an escshaxe of gifts. Members will also bring . gifts for the Children's Shel- • ter. Members of the Hencatl ette Club delivered 40 gifts of heaps of fruit and treats to shut-ins in He isail on • Sunday. Included were VISITS to patients im Queensway Nursing Home ' Hensall; South Huron Hospital Exeter, and Huronview, Clin- ton. The annual project was ; convened by Mrs.. Jack Drys- dale. Mr. George Smale is a pa- tient in Clinton Public Hospital where he underwent an emetg- ency Bppf>rndix operation night. 'doctor may well be the one to restore her balance and with ii 'her good humor. Ask Dad if he has thought of this ALL TYPES Donald G. Eaton INSURANCE Office in Masonic Store Main Street Phone 75 : Seaforth ODORLESS CLEAN BURNING FURNACE OIL STOVE OIL D. Brightrall FINA SERVICE Phone 354 DRIVE IN TODAY For an ELECTRONIC TUNE-UP a new CUSTOMER SERVICE on our ELECTRONIC SCOPE ANALYZER Electronic 31100 4 and 6 Cylinder REG. $5.95 $5.50 8 Cylinder 1 REG. $7.95 10 DAYS We Check 93 - VITAL ENGINE PARTS Electronically! Here is a partial list: • Spark Plugs. • Distributor • Points • Condenser • Coil • Timing • Generator • Carburetor Seaforth Motors YOUR GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE SERVICE CENTRE Phone 541 Seaforth BRUCEFIELD fa4C€'---t:(4'4i44M-t‘°4M-C-! Friendly Unit Meets The Friendly- Una of Bruce. ' field United Church 1 CW eas 1Sv held en Monday afternoon at the brine ,f Airs. Haney Ta:r-' ii. :9T with a £ e{X: a'.ter:Car :'t 51' Wilmer Er.adfeot area Mrs-. Ei• tea • n.. Ti rip -, were :n charge �' •,f the de: -.:o s. The meeteee opened with 'be nraing .'f a ]:tier fo:.'owed by i prayer In Mrs Thetnpson. Mrs c' Broadfo s trpir ea,' taker srr,T the -Ile Word and the 10 Wan' Th:s part of the meet:rg Cease—ref w;ti the Lord's Prayer a' SEAFORTH .r- The se_'retary's repos". was 2e. :en b: Mrs John Renderso'- y, and re'. ed the offering. Mr- Berry ga•.e the treasurer's re- port in the absence of Mrs. E. Sulery A r-on,ir_ating committee sat appointed to make arrar.ge ' meetings and rami officers for the cerang year. and ineluded Mrs. Brrarlfeot. Mrs. Henderson ee and Mrs Bern- Mrs. Tr:ebrier offered her home for the December meet- ing rein Dec. 10 in the evening. Flo Th_s ail! be a Christmas meet- Ing and ar. exchange of gifts will take place. along with a I%� Chr:t tura; program and lunch. { Alt members and home helpers aga are asked to hand in their gift ley boxes for the year. in order that the treasurer can make a full report at the December meeting. Assisting at the meet- ' ing will be Unit Four. WANTED LIVE FOWL Picked up at the farm Top Prices Locker Service Available Phone 751 J 12 — Seaforth or 393 J 15 — Brusse Ronald Benne WALTON RIVE IN HERE: TOP PRICES FtpR YOUR CAR! -�,,g -: Tr E � _ W1LKiNSON'Siwwis IMPORTED NEW ZEALAND Lamb Legs Ib. 45 t LAMBRIB in the Basket Roast - Chops - Stew 230 Sunkist Valencia — Sweet Eating 5 -Ib. Bag ORANGES 690 No. 1 Garden Fresh from Florida RADISHES 2 Pkgs. 190 No. 1 California, Garden Fresh Tender Jumbo CELERY Ea. 330 'd`GENERAL ELECTRIC 25-4040-700 WATT LIGHT BULBS 6 F- GREEN GIANT FANCY MEDIUM SMALL CR FANCY CREAM Hershey — Gold Bar — Krackel — Almond CHOCOLATE BARS 3 Bars Hellman's Sun Blended SALAD. DRESSING IGA POTATO CHIPS Aylmer Fancy ROSE BUD BEETS Clark's TOMATO SOUP Libby's TOMATO CATSUP IGA PIMENTO OLIVES 1956 CHEV. 2 -DOOR 1958 RAMBLER SUPER 1959 CHEV. 4 -DOOR HARDTOP V-8 Automatic; power brakes and steering © 0 See the New 1964 Ramblers ER M•1TOR.S piton 149 SEAVOI1111 Crisp and Juicy ! ONTARIO APPLES Macintosh or Spy BASKET OR BUSHEL 16 -oz. Jar 14 -oz. Pkg. 20 -oz. Tin 2 10 -oz. Tins 11 -oz. Bottle 8 -oz. Jar. 1.00 370 690 250 27¢ 210 39¢ 6 15 -Oz. ■ 00 Tins IGA FROZEN FOODS TOP VALU PEAS TOPORN VALU C TOP VALU MIXED VEGETABLES McCAINS FRENCH ERIES HIGHLINES OCEAN PERCH W ELCH'S GRAPE JUICE • reit-e1_14 „_- CHRISTMAS BAKING SUPPLIES --- Fresh Shipment Now in Stock Nuts - Cut Peel - Raisins - Currants, Etc., Etc. PLEASE NOTE — Gold Bond Stamps for Pre -Christmas Premiums must be redeemed by December 2nd. Special mailing of Stamps will be made Monday night. 2 2 2 2 2 2 -Lb. Pkgs. 2 -Lb. Pkgs. 2-1.5. Pkgs. 9 -Os Pkgs. 1 -Lb. Pkgs. 2 r.. . illi iS .%' Tr T%f %'` Tr % T� t'• ^+ T�� T , Tom" T-�� T�%rT � '!�'- T�� 'T% re' •s T� r•-/' .'+f �� .:�r .are' .✓ � ,+* 48 -oz Tins APPLE JUICE 4 /$1.00 15 -oz. Tins APPLE SAUCE 7/$1.00 28 -oz. Tlns PEACH HALVES 3 / $1.00 COME, SEE THE SANTA CLAUS PARADE! Pkgs. of 50 BOOK MATCHES 8 /$1.00 sisistos 89' 89' 89' 37' 69' 39' Maxwell I G A BAKERY FEATURES WESTON'S ICED DATE AND NUT LOAF SHIRLEY GAY APPLE PIEto . 3P 3P .dA1RY SPECIAL ! ROYAL GOLD ICE ' CREAM House T9' INSTANT COFFEE 1.49 Large 10 -oz. Jar COME, SAVE AT IGA 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 9 LAMBRIB in the Basket Roast - Chops - Stew 230 • LOIN LAMB CHOPS Ib. 590 FRESH PORK HOCKS 4 lbs. 1.00 FRESH ROASTING CHICKENS 3�'/ • 4 lbs. Ib. 390 COME, SAVE AT IGA 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 9