HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-11-21, Page 9r- 777 1 SELL AND PROFIT... BUY AND SAVE ...GET A BETTER JOB ... HIRE GOOD HELP ti USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers' Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 1,2. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18, Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals The cost is low. Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. All other classifications, mini- mum 65 cents per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), Ten- ders Wanted (21),. and Legal Notices (22), rates on applica- tion. For cash payment or if paid by 10 days following last inser- tion, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business Firms, Trades- men, etc,): Minimum, 50 cents per insertion. Billing charge, 15 cents per advertisement. 1. Coming Events OES are holding a euchre, in The IOOF Hall, December 5. 1-96-1 RESERVE Friday, November 29th, for Dublin CWL Annual Turkey Bingo. 1-95-2 KNIGHTS of Columbus, Father Stephen Eckert Council are sponsoring a Turkey Bingo, in Canadian Legion Hall, Seaforth, Thursday, Dec. 5th, 8:30 p.m. Everyone we4'come. 1-82.5 ANNUAL Snowflake Bazaar, Sunday School Rooms of United Church, Hensel, Saturday, Nov. 30th, 2 to 6, featuring fancy aprons, home baking, Christ- mas novelties, attic treasures, candy and afternoon tea. Spon- sored by United Church Women. 1-95-2 2. Lost, Strayed ALMIOST new red and white tricycle, in area of John St. Phone 259-M, Seatheth. 2-96x1 ONE 'Hereford heifer calf, 200 lbs., vaccinated, strayed about 3 weeks ago. Arnold Campbell, RR 5, Seaforth. 2-96-1 WILL the person who took the pig from Mts. Hickey's barn please return immediately. John Anderson, Seaforth. 2-96-1 SKILL saw, borrowed from my car. Please return at OMB. Archie Smith, RR 5, Seaforth. 2-96x1 LARGE black Persian male cat, belongs to visitors. Apply Mrs. Russell Brock, phone HensaE, 343 J 4. 2-96-1 4. Help Wanted COOK, housekeeper, to live in, other help kept. No heavy, work. Mrs. F. M. Squires, 232 Water Street, Stratford. 4-96-1 SPLENDID Rawleigh business available in Huron County. Pro- ducts well known. Opportunity unlimited for big sales and big profits. Start your 'business on credit without experience. Write today for full details. Rawleigh's Dept. K-364-224, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 4-96-1 NATIONAL organization re- quires mature man or woman, experienced meeting public, to train for local interviewing. Suitable for semi -retired per- son. Confidential work needs discreet person with excellent character. Apply P.O. Box 206, Watford, Ont. 4-94-3 WITHOUT any experience you can earn money for your Christ- mas shopping by selling Avon Cosmetics and toiletries in your vicinity. Write Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Cr., London, or call colleet 432-9019, between 7- 8 p.m. 4-84-87-90-93-96-99 APPLICATIONS Applications for the position a's Secretary - Treasurer for Th e Tuckersmith Municipal Telephone System win be ac- cepted by the Chairman of the Commission, Mr. Lliayd Lovell, RR 2, Kippers, until Nov. 30th, 1963. 4-95-2 X-RAY TEICHNICIAN Young man or woman to train as X -Ray techtrician. Interesting profession, with opportunity for advancement. Benefits. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, SEAFORTH 4.96,2 7. Situations Wanted PART -time job after supper. Phone 563-W, Seaforth. 7-96x1 WORK WANTED Experienced Carpentry Work of all kinds; also any other jobs including kitchen cup- boards, painting, etc. ED ANDREWS, Phone 863 W 1, Seaforth. 7-94-tf S. Farm Stock For Sale SEVENTEEN York weaner pigs Jim Chalmers, RR 2, Kippen, phone Seaforth, 653 R 3. 8-96-1 ELEVEN good pigs. Apply to Joseph Nolan, St. Columban, phone 123 R 16, Dublin. 8-96x1 SEVENTEEN month old York hog, guaranteed breeder. Her- man Van Baked', RR 2, Dublin, phone 55 R 10. 8-96x1 10. Used Cars For Sale 1957 Studebaker Silver Hawk, in good condition. Apply Ken Coleman, Seaforth, phone 17, or 653 R 14. • 10-95-tf 1959 GMC 1/2 -ton, truck, with racks, good condition;. See Jack Traviss, at Seaforth Mot- ors. 10-96x1 1962 Ford Fairlane, black, auto- matic, radio, white wall tires, 8 cy_.e, one owner, 17,000 miles, very good buy; 1956 Meteor sedan, good motor, new paint job, body in good condi- tion; 1956 Meteor, (A2954), sedan, . automatic, radio, blue and white, cl an, good tires; 1962 Volkswa., n, model 1200, black, leathe to upholstery, in re e!, good cf ndition. These units ' can . e seen at Huard Service Station, Goderich St., phone 8, Seaforth. 10-96-1 11. Articles For Sale LARGE size Quebec heater. Phone 463, Seaforth. 11-96-1 PHILLIPS tape recorder, near- ly new. Doug Fraiser, phone 563-W, Seaforth. 11-96x1 NUMBER of hanging chicken feeders and nests. Art Hender- son, phone 858 R 3. 11-96x1 CHESTERFIELD and 2 match- ing chairs, in good condition. Phone 838 R 12, Seaforth. 11-96-1 HOME grown green house tomatoes.. Staffen's Flowers and Gifts, phone 49. 11-95-2 FOR SALE—Trade in. your old shaver now, low prices at Savauge's, appesulbe Post Office. 11-94-tf USED skates for all the family, $1.00 and up. Trade in your old skates on a new or used pair at Smyth's Shoe Store Ltd., phone 97, Seaforth. 1195 tf SINGER sewing machine, drop - head, treadle, all attachments. Miss M. Scarlett, phone 785, Seaforth. 11-96x1 HOCKEY pants and shoulder pads, (blue), age 12 to 14. Ap- ply Brian McGregor, phone 607 J 3. 11-96x1 BOY'S hockey skates', size 4, hockey pants, sweater and sox, Maple Leaf, size. 8; sport coat, size 10 to 12. Mrs. Tom Wilbee, phone 239. 11-96-1 CHRISTMAS t r e e retailers! Now is the time to place your order with Georgian Bay Tree Ferns, Owen Sound. Phone FR an'ielin 6-6254. 11-94x4 GREETING cards for every occasion, Christmas a specialty. An excellent selection of gifts, stationery, wrappings, etc. Mas. Evelyn Mills, phone 563-J, Sea - forth. 11-94x3 SHELBURNE potatoes arriving weekly, quantity of carrots by the bushel. Kinburn Store, phone 841 R 2, Borden Brown. 11-94-tf 12. Wanted To Buy CHILD'S doll buggy and child's car chair. in good condition. Phone Dublin, 65 R 16. 12-96x1 WANTED—ciders apples, for sale applebutter and cider, empty whiskey barrels. Lob - singer Bros., Mildmay. 12-95x2 13. Wanted YOUNG man wants boarding house, in Seaeorth. Apply Box 1293, Huron. Expositor. 12-96-1 WANTED, a man or woman to come and board for company; also a garage to rent. Mrs. James Barron, phone 195-R, Seaforth. 13-96x2 14. Property For Sale SEVEN -room, 4 -bedroom home, with all modern conveniences, centrally located. Box 1291, Huron Expositor. 14-95-2 FOR SALE Modern 7 -room house, on Cen- tre Street, Seaforth, Immediate possession. Mortgage can be ar- ranged. Joseph McConnell Realtor 19 Victoria Street Phone 266 -- Seaforth 14-96-1 Boxholders' Names Not Given Out ! It is not possible for us to divulge the name or ad- dress of any advertiser using a Huron Expositor box number. Please do not ask for this information. 14. Property For Sale THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO PROPERTIES FOR SALE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH A two-storey, frame dwelling numbered House No. 1, with single car, frame garage, loc- ated on a parcel of ]land, 75 ft., by 417 feet, more or less, and a two-storey, frame dwellfing,num- leered House No. 2 with single - ear, frame garage located on a parcel of land 75 feet by 417 feet, more or less, both proper- ties fronting on the road be- tween Lots 5 and 6 approxi- mately 1,000 feet south of High- way No. 8 just east of the Town of Seaforth in Lot 5, Con. 1, H.R.S., Township of Tucker - smith. The Commission will re- serve certain, rights over each property. Before submitting offers, pros- pective purchasers are request- ed to contact A. H. Cass, 340 'Wellington Street, London, tele- phone GEnemae 4-7391, to secure further particulars. Envelope containing offer to purchase must carry identifi- cation that it refers to either Seaforth House No. 1 or Sea- ford? House No. 2. Offers to purchase, stating total offer and method of pay- ment, must be received by the undersigned before 4 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. Decem- ber 9, 1963, . at 620 University Avenue, Toronto. The highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. E. B. EASSON, Secretary. 14-96-2 15. Property For Rent TWO -bedroom apartment, heat- ed, private entrance and bath. Phone 336-W. 15-94-tf MODERN three-bedroom house, immediate possession. W. E. Haney, RR 4, Seaforth. 15-96-2 THREE bedroom modern apart- ment, downstairs, avaii'aibiie im- mediatly. Duel Hopper, phone 602 W 1, Seaforth. 15-93-tf SEVEN -room farm house, oil heated, modern conveniences, $45 month. Bruce Roy. Londes- boro, phone 523-4237, Blyth. 15-94-tf 16. For Sale or Rent EIGHTY -seven acres ]land, in Tuckersmith Township. Apply Box 1292, Huron Expestpr. 96-1 NOMI in Seaforth, corner let, 4 bedrooms, bath, spacious liv- ing room, modern kitchen, with ample eating area, gas furnace, attached garage. garden. Avail- able immediately. Phone 348- 8641, Mitchell. 16-95-2 19. Notices PROMPT watch repair service at Savauge's, (opposite Post Office) 2 certified watchmak- ers. Automatics a specialty. 19-94-tf ANS,TETT JEWELLERS Ltd. Offers you Easy Credit Terms with NO Carrying Charges Phone 77, Seaforth 19-94-tf SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 For all kinds of upholstering. 19-94-tf SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Cleaned and repaired with modern equipment. IRVIN COXON, Phone 254, Milverton. 19-94-'tf NOTICE • Tuckersmith Municipal Dump Will be open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5:30 p.m., until Saturday, November 30, 1963, from which time it wiE be closed until fur- ther notice. No wire fencing, old concrete or car bodies permitted. J. I. McINTOSH, Clerk 1.9.95-3 FAST SERVICE WATCH °REPAIRS All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS ,. f, Ltd. Phone 17, Seaforth 19 94-tf Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron E1c- positor Classified Ad. Phone 141. 19. Notices DEAD. ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead or Disable Animals CALL COLLECT Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 License No. 262-C-63 19.94-tf 20. Auction Sales ESTATE AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale .of Household Effects in the Town of Seaforth, Goderich Street West, on SATURDAY, NOV. 23rd, at 1 p.m. Sectional 3 -piece chesterfield; step-up corner table; 2 walnut end tables; 2 occasional chairs; 2 coffee tables; radio; fireplace irons; Niagara massage lounge; table lamps; twilight lamp; small walnut tables; TV occa- sional chair; chetstenflield; foot stool; mantel clock; 7 -piece walnut dining room suite; buf- fet; mirror; 2 modern bedroom suites; 10 pair drapes; 1 pair for barge pieture window; 9 x 17 broadloom rug, with pad; 8 x 12 broadloom rug, with pad; scatter mats; McClary table- top electric stove, hotpoint; 9 -ft. Frigidaire; -kitchen set, table and 4 chairs; 15 --ft. Frigi- daire deep-freeze, (1 yr. old); Easy spin dryer washing mach- ine, (new); Westinghouse dry- er, (new); ping-pong table; :audio couch; dishes; smoker; crokinole board; lawn chairs; metal poilch swing; lawn table and umbrella; cedar .picnic table; sten ladder; storm win- dows and' screens; combination door; electric hedge clippers; garden hose; Maxwell rotary dawn mower, 21/2 HP; garden tools; quantity apple wood. Other articles too numerous to mention. BEAUTY SALON EQUIP. -2 Rayette air conditioned dryers, (like new); 1 hydraulic chair; 1 swivel chair; 1 wash basin chair; basins; towels; 2 large mirrors; 1 birch beauty shop desk, with planter; Niagara massage hand unit. In case of bad weather, sale will be held in Wright and Ley- burn warehouse, Goderich St., E•a st. TERMS—Oash. Estate of the late MRS. LETHA MILLER, Prete HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk. 20-95-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm, Stock, Implements, Hay Grain and Ensilage, at Lot 9, Con. 2, McKillop Township, 11/4 miles north of St.. Columban, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER `22nd, at 1e o'clock sharp. CATTLE -8 cows, .fresh, with callves at side; 1 cow due time of sale; 7 cows due in March; 1 'cow due Feb. 15; 1 cow due Dec. 15; 3 cows due April:; 3 cows due May; 3 cows due in July; 4 of these registered; 1 heifer due March; 1 registered heifer open; 6 open yearling heifers; 3 Holstein heifer calves 3 weeks old. MACHINERY — W-6 McCor- mick tractor, on rubber, in good shape; Ferguson tractor, with Ferguson manure loader; Mc- Cormick 3 -furrow ace bottom plough; John Deere 81/2 -ft. cul- tivator on rubber; Fleurry-Bis- seI manure spreader, 90 bu•; McCormick fertilizer drill, 16 - run, on rubber; Fleurry-Bissel double disc; McCormick sidr rake, 4 -bar; McCormick 7 -ft. power mower; 1 Case combine No. 6, with motor; 1 Case com- bine, No. 77, with power take- off, 7 -ft.; 7 -ft. McCormick -Deer- ing binder; Fairbanks -Morris hammier mill, 11"; 1 New Hol- land baler, No. 67. 2 years old. like new; 32 -ft. George White bele elevator; 75 -ft. belt, 6" wide; fanning mill, with 1/4 HP motor; rubber tired wagon; 8 -section harrows; 12 -ft. grain auger, with 1/4 HP motor; one aluminum wheel barrow; 1 hot water tank, 1000 watt heater: 6 water bowls; 1 vise, 4"; steel water trough; 1 lawn mower, like new; 1 McCullough chain saw; 35 sap pairs and spilus; 2 electric fencers and posts: 1000 4 -inch tile. DAIRY EQUIPMENT — One Surge milking machine, 2 units. for 30 cows; 14 milk cans; one milk cooler. 7 -can. FEED -3000 bales mixed hay; 120 bales straw; 150 bales bean straw; 8 bags potatoes; 25 ft. ensilage. GRAIN -1000 bushel mixed grain, MISC•—Shovels; forks; pains; chains; tools, and a host of other 'a•rticles too numerous to mention. PROPERTY—Consisting of: 1 100 acres, 85 acres/ workable. balance bush. well drained and fenced, on the property, 11, storey frame house, with kit- chen, furnace, 3 -piece bath, hot and cold water, bank barn. stabling for fifty head of cattle, silo and drilled welli. 2 Fifty acres well drained, half seeded and h.aif ploughfed. Proterty will be sold at two o'clock. Tertns on property, 10% dat of sale balance in 30 days, On ehattels, cash. WILLIAM RYAN, Proprietor. J. L. RYAN Auetioneer. JAMES' McQ'iTA.1o, Clerk. 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of CHRISTOPHER JAMES DALE All persons having claims against the Estate of Christo- pher James Dale, late of the Township of Hullett, in the County of Huron, Retired !arm- er, deceased, who died on . or about the 8th day of Septem- ber, 1963, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of December, 196,3, after which date the assets will be distri- buted, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 12th day of November, 1963. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate•of THOMAS RE:GINALD APPLEBY All persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas Reginald Appleby, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- eeesed, who died on the 14th day of October, 1963, are here- by notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of December, 1963, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard onl'v to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 19th day of November, 1963. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the 1Ebcecutors. 22-96-3 Nomination Meeting TOWN of SEAFORTH A meeting of the Electors of the Town of Seaforth, wilm be held in the LEIGION HALL, SEAFORTH on M'ONX)AY, NOV. 25, 1263 for the purpose of nominating persons, for the offices of May- or, Reeve, Deputy Reeve six Councillors, Public School Trus- tees and Public Utility Commis- sioner. Nominations will be from 7.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. If a poll) be necessary, the same will be 'held at the follow- ing places on MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1963, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Polling Sub -Divisions Nos. 1 and 2, at Miller's Garage. Polling Sub -Divisions Nos. 3 and 4, at the Public Library. Polling Sub -Divisions Nos. 5 and 6, at Town Hall. SEAFORTH, November, 18th, 1063. C. LYLE HAMMOND, Clerk 22-96-1 Remember, it takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Phone Seaforth 141. 22. Legal Notices Township of Hullett NOMINATIONS Talee notice that a meeting of the Electors of the Township of Hullett will be held in the Corn- munity Hall, Londesboro, on Friday, November 22, 1963, at 1:00 o'clock p.m., for the pur- pose of nominating fit and pro- per persons to be elected to the offices of Reeve .and four coun- cillors foe the year 1964. Nomination papers must be filed with the Clerk before 2.00 o'clock p.m. or, the above date. A public meeting will com- mence at 2.00 o'clock p.m., when. matters of general inter- est to the Municipality will be discuasied. HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk, RR 1, Londesboro. 22-95-2 Clerk's Notice of the First Posting of Voters' List Township of McKillop NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at' Lot 27, Con. 2, McKillop, on the 12th day of November, 1963, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at num- icipali elections, and that such list remains there far inspection And I hereby _call upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any errors or ommiss'ions corrected accord- ing tQ law, the last day for ap- peals being the 26th day of November, 1963. DATED this 12th day of Nov- ember, 1963. J. M. ECKEIRT, Clerk of McKiEop Township, 22-95-2 Township of Tuckersmith Notice of Nomination Meeting A meeting, of the 'Electors of The Township of Tuckersmith w i!U be held• in 'the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Monday, November 25th, 1963, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices of Reeve and Councillors for 1964, and certain School Trustees, for the years 1964 and 1965, (two to be elected). Nominations will be received from the hour of one o'clock to two o'clock in the afternoon. In the event of more being nominated than are required to fill the positions, an election will be held on Monday, Decem- ber 2nd, 1963. Polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., at the following places. PSD No. 1 Township shed, Egmondvilue. DRO, Audrey Cameron; PC, Alice Boyes. PSD No. 2 S5 No. 8: DRO Roy Greoch, PC Edith Russell. PSD No. 3 SS No. 4: DRO, George Turner; PC, Howard Johns. PSD No. 4 SS No. 3: DRO, Norris Sillery; PC, John Broadfoot. PSD No. 5 SS No. 1: DRO, Melville Traquaire; PC, Glenn Bell. PSD No. 6 SS No. 9: DRO, .John Wood; PC, Wilmer B roadfoot. J. I. McINTOSH, Returning Officer. 22-95-2 OUR TOWN — By McClelland 23. Business Directory' SEAFORTI.f. VETERINARY CLINIC 3. 0, Turnbull, D V.M'„ V.S ' W. R. Bryan, DVM., V.S. D. E. Galt, D.V.M., V.S. G. R. Gray, B.S., D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 : Seaforth A. M. HARPER & COMPANY Chartered Accountant* 55-57 South St. Telephone Goderich JA 4-7562 Licensed Municipal Auditor JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST — OPTICIAN Seaforth Office Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat. a.m. only, Thorns. evening by appoint- ment only. Phone 791 — Residence 613 Mon.—Wed., Clinton Office McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D McCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. : Phone 550 A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor. ete. Phones: Office 173, Res. 781 Seaforth : Ontario D. H. McINNES Chiropractic Commercial Hotel Monday, Thursday -1 to 8 p.m BOX FUNERAL SERVICE R. S. BOX LICENSED EMBALMER Prompt and careful attention Hospital Bed FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS Phones: Res. 595-W — Store 43 J. A. BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN ONTARIO Night or Day Calls: Phone 43 R 10 W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls — 335 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St., W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 119 - Seafortb Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Ex- positor Classified Ad. Phone 141. 24. Cards of Thanks WE wish to thank all those who remembered us while in the hospital and since returning home. Margaret and Edward Arnold CampbeWi. 24-96-1 I would like to express my sin- cere thanks' to my friends, rela- tives and neighbors for flowers, letters, cards, treats and acts of kindness shown while I was a patient in Stratford General Hospital and since arriving home. Mrs. _Alex Dennis. 24-96-1 I wish to thank all our friends and neighbors for their kindness and consideration shown to - yards, me and my family while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter and since re- turning home. It was deeply appreciated. Sincerely Yvette Binnendyk. 24-96x1 '2�5+. IIn McMOria a deanI!y beloved, doirobott alh4 sactiflct,a1' wife ladul1 , Norms "'aura . Powell!„ .'w'b.O "w'a promoted to bieu ~'vice, one year ago, N'mve'gthmber 2E, Thee is a IOW arid` 'our` ??? read. Along which each Menet go, It leads beyond to 4414 01 time, Into the smuse?i ,gbw• But only for a little nib lie, Our loved one leaVe0 our sig t, For just beyond the slue waits, In God's eternal light. —1,0v4PAY rennemberedsand sadly missed by herr husband,' Arthro , and her ehill4ren, Rb- bi:e arid Janice. 24-864 BROOM' ••.-In liavang n> 614.0%my';af B111oon e who pass a wa'y one'ye,ar see, Neverbery e2e, "1 2, and~ :a .dear mother, Ab! • BrOotue"; passed away 27 year .ago, Tau. 1, 1936. Dear Dad and Mother you are not forgotetn., Though on earth. you ace no more, Still in memory you are with us, As you always were before. As I loved you, so I miss yu, In my 'memory you are always) near, Loved, remembered, longed for always, For to me you were so dear. —Lovingly remembered by daughter Ilene, son-in-law Ken- neth and gradchildren Judie;, Jim and Joanne Thompson. -1 BROOME—In loving memory, of my loving brother, Tom, who vassed away, one year ago, ore Nov. 23, 1962. Tbor 's an emptiness within ray life, Since it was meat for us to part, But I still love my brother Tom, Who lives within my heart. And as I sit and think of him, It seems I hear my brother say, This is not death, dear sister, Rose, I'm just away. At the gates of Heaven WE meet us, With that same sweet loving smile, For we are only parted Tome,, Just for a little while. Dearer to us than words can tell, is the brother we last and loved so well. —Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by your Brothers and Sisters. 25-96-1 BROOME-4n keying memory of my dear brother, (Tom:), Thom- as A. Broome, who passed away one year ago, Nov. 33, 1962. Dear brother Tom, My heart still aches with sad- ness, And secret tears. still flow, What it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. And when I am sad and lonely, And everything seems wrong, I seem to hear you whisper, Cheer up and carry on. Each time I see your picture, You seem to simile and say, Don't cry I am only sleeeping, We will meet again some day. —Always remembered by his Sister and Brothea'-inaLaw and Nephew, Irwin and Anne Agar and John and family. 25-96-1 Additional Classified See Page 12 JUST THINK OF PUTTING A MAN WHO WRITES SCI-1O0L TEXT BOOKS IN A POSITION OF POLITICAL � POWER._�- MOCO — By Barley NAPOLEON — By McBride I✓ Y P� e(j •S10e +.,s BE RIRNYVAILE CEMISTER tN.. 7011,�i;1'f., .,, ,,,anN ,, HO, fMil9Mlflf !'MD,t�N