The Huron Expositor, 1963-10-31, Page 1217,4448 likmo QS1TQR WA T N .NEWS The second meeting , of ,tile CG1T,was held in � 1a'i ell inch Tgesday ve tin , "'be Q ,o Dom,41, 1,903, OF THE WEEK chairman. Mission Band Mission Band met recently with an attendance of 59. Karen Coutts, the vice-president, con- ducted the meeting. Lois Wil- liamson acted as president. The meeting opened with the hymn, "Mothers of Salem." Miss Coutts read the call to worship, Psalm sang, 103:2, 4 and 5. Everyone an g "When He Cometh."„ Mrs. W. Bewley read the ,J ymn, "Let Us With a Gladsoiile a2ipd," and explained it. Dena Wey read the scripture from the revised standard version of the Bible, II Corinthians 9:7. Mrs. Bew- ley read the same verse from Phillips' translation, to show that they both meant the same and explained we can show our thanks to God for all the good things we have by being a cheerful giver. Betty Roe and Mary Bewley collected the offering, and Gail Searle dedicated it with pray- er. Betty Roe read the treas- urer's report, and Karen con- ducted the business. Gail Traviss will play the piano for the next meeting, and David Watson and Ricky Mc- Donald will help with the wor- ship. Everyone went to class- es: Messenger girls, Mrs. N. Marks; Messenger boys; Mrs. William Coutts; Baby Band, Mrs. G. McGavin; Tyros, Mrs. R. Williamson, and Explorers, Mrs. W. Bewley. The meeting closed with the hymn, "God Sees the Little Sparrow Fall," and all repeat- ed the Mizpah benediction. meeting was `opehed byr al'ng- lung. songs. Officers were elect- ed as follows: p'resiident, Linda Johnston; geeretary, Linda Traviss; treas- urer, Mary Bewley; lunch coin: mlttee, Velma Higginbotham, Karen Coutts, Sherrill Craig; recreation • committee, Mary- anne Wildfong, Sandra: Watson, Barbara Bryans. It was decided to collect for the UNJCF on Hallowe'en and them will attend the party at the . hall; also any person who dues not attend every meeting Will be fined five cents. Recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Walter Broadfoot were: Mrs. Harry Faber, Hensall; Mrs. Jack Caldwell, Kippen, and Mr. and Mrs, William Farquharson, London. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin and Brian have moved to the residence they recently pur- chased from Mr. and Mrs. E. McCreath, south of the village. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ryan, Rose, Mary and Gordon visited in Lon- don on Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. Klein, at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, and with other relatives. Mr. Earl Mills spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Dailey at Barrie and Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Fels'" Whitby. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Maines of Granton visited on Wednes- day of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming. Mr. and Mrs. William Simp- son of Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Norval Stimore of McKil- lop ,visited on Sunday at the same home. Miss Norma Leeming of Lon- don spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Leeming. .Miss Claire Hackwell of Lon- don visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hackwell, over the weekend. Mrs. Sadie McDonald is at present visiting with friends in Stratford. Mrs. John Shannon has re- turned home,. after spending several months with relatives in the Western Provinces and in Toronto. McKillop Unit The October meeting of the McKillop Unit was held at the home of Mrs. David Watson with 15 ladies present. Mrs. Stewart McCall presided, open- ing with the hymn, "We Plow the Fields and Scatter," with Mrs. Campbell Wey as pianist. Miss Tena Dennis led in pray- er. Mrs. McCall chose for the topic, "A Thanksgiving Story." After the reports and busi- ness, Mrs. David Watson read a poem on "Thanksgiving Day." The meeting was closed with the hymn, "My God, I Thank Thee," and the Mizpah benedic- tion repeated in unison. Lunch was served by Mrs. Merton Hackwell, Mrs.. David Watson and Mrs. Campbell Wey. School Area Meets regular October Grey Toip School Area No. 2 meeting was held in Walton Public School. Tadeuse E. Mosz- kowski of Wingham discussed the World Book Encyclopedia. Although the 20 -volume set was highly recommended, the school board decided not to purchase them at the present time. The following accounts were presented for payment: Mrs. Marjory Humphries, supply teaching 16 days in September, $240.64; Jack Hood School Sup- plies Co. Ltd., $46; Huron Coun- ty Library, fees for G:T.S.A. No. 2, $45; Humphries & Co., sup- plies, $11.86; Douglas Ennis, supplies, $1.55. The meeting adjourned to meet again at the call of the LOCAL iBRIEFS Mrs J. W. Thompso,'n �d Mrs. John Thompson of Hallett'. left Friday en a trip to Chi- cago, ._Mr "a id'ffirs"'CharleS Stewart an MX, and flus. ge0.14.,Stewart of Toronto were guests 9f Mrs., Harry Stewart over the. week= end. Mrs. Robert Adams and son Thomas of London were. guests of her mother, Mrs. Alex f.,illi- co, last week. Messrs. William and Jack are v Hargrea es of Toronto guests of Mrs. E. P. Chesney. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Riley of Goderich were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Wilbee over the weekend. Misses Ann and dean Goven- lock of Weston were here last week visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Secord McBrien have returned from Los An- geles, Cal., after spending three weeks with Mr. McBrien's daughter, Mrs. G. M. Gracey. Mrs. Walter Broadfoot of Walton spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Robert Patter- son, last week. Dr. and Mrs. Reid Edmunds of Brantford were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling on Sun- day. Mrs. Margaret Chamberlain, Mrs. Georgene Smith and Miss Marion Chamberlain of London spent the weekend in Toronto' visiting Miss Shirley Rouleau and Mrs. Elva Westcott. Mrs. Snell and Mrs. Carrie Bell, Exeter, and Mrs. Margaret Johnson of Toronto visited with Mrs. J. W. McLean. Mrs. William Beattie, the for- mer Jennie Calder of Winthrop, is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Stanley Garnham, and Mrs; Garnham. Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain and Miss Marion Chamberlain vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rouleau and Miss Shirley Rouleau in Toronto over the weekend. Rev. and Mrs. Bruce A. Hall of Toronto were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Paul Brady over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Ma- loney spent the weekend in Waterloowith their daughter, Miss Lois Maloney. Mrs. Lloyd Hackney of Kirk - ton and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smale visited with Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Smale in Midland over the past weekend. Miss Teenie Dennis is visiting in North Bay this week. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Ross, Basswood, Man., who have been visiting Mrs. A. Cuthill in Sea - forth, and the Dennis family in McKillop, have returned home. Mrs. J. William Thompson and Mrs. John Thompson of McKillop have returned from a visit to Mrs. William Thomp- son's sisters in Chicago. Mrs. Orville Oke was a guest of the Board of Directors 'of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children in Toronto Wednesday at a luncheon honoring the memory of the late Miss Gretta Ross. Miss Ross pioneered the work in establishing and direct- ing the society's nursing and camping services. A tour of the beautiful new Crippled Chil- dren's Centre followed, when the guests were given an op- portunity to inspect the modern facilities of the centre. f , INSTALL NO. PETER MALCOLM AS REBEK►H NOBLE GRAND ;' "1ffs' Peter Malealin w$9 iii- er, and Mrs. J. Grummett, press stalled into the office of Noble Grand at Monday night's meet- ing of Edelweiss. Rebekah Lodge. The installing officer was Mrs. A. Qsbaldeaten, of Goderich, DDP oft Huron Dis- trict. Mrs. Grace Fuller . was deputy marshal; Mrs. Harold. Rivers, soloist, and Mrs, J. Snider, musician. Other officers installed were: UCW Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the 17th and Boundary Unit of the UCW of Duff's United Church, Walton, was ' held at the home of Mrs. Albert Clarke, with 17 members answering the roll call and three visitors pres- ent. Mrs. C. Ritchie presided and the meeting was opened with the hymn, "Just As I Am, Without One Plea." Mrs. Jim Clarke led the devotional per- iod with prayer. Psalm 731 was repeated in unison. Mrs,. M. Baan read a poem and Mrs. H. Smalldon had charge of the topic from the study book. Financial reports were given by Mrs. H. Craig and Mrs. E. Uhler and arrangements for the turkey supper were made. Mrs. Albert Clarke read a poem and the meeting closed with the hymn,- "All People That On Earth Do Dwell," and prayer by Mrs. Ritchie. Lunch was served by the hostess and the lunch committe and a social time enjoyed. Births JPNG, Mrs. George Campbell; vice -grand, Mrs. Wilmer Cuth- ill; recording secretary, Miss Jean Scott; financial secretary, Mrs. James Rose; treasurer, Mrs. Keith Sharp; chaplain, Mrs. Hugh Thompson; warden, Mrs. Harold Hugill; conductor, 'Mrs. Lorne Carter; musician, Mrs. Joseph Grummett; RSNG, Mrs. Ed Andrews; LSNG, Mrs. Allan Campbell; RSVG, Mrs. , Mae Habkirk; LSVG, Miss Eleanor Henderson; inside guardian, Mrs. Margaret Messenger; out- side guardian, Mrs. Charles Reeves; color -bearer, Mrs. Wm. Miller. Mrs. Andrews was named so- cial convener for November and December; Mrs. Ila Dorrance, degree captain; Mrs. Mae Hil- lebrecht, Sunshine Pal conven- Miss Jeah Scott as convener. reporter. . In addressing the meeting, Mrs. O.sbaldeston asked mem- hers to speak, act and serve to- gether and put service above self. She announced that the president's project was to sup- port the building of a new chapel and auditorium 4t the r00F'', Hopie at Baric,, and ask- ed all lodgep. to Cooperate. Three of the officers , have been asked to appear' en CKNX- TV (M'Lady) on November 7, along with some of the officers of Huronic Lodge, Clinton. A carload of members have been asked to be present at a meet- ing of Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter, on November 20. A school of instruction is planned by Mrs. Osbaldeston, to be held at Goderich in the spring. The president of the Rebekah Assembly, Mrs: Matilda Mac- Donald, plans to visit Huron district in early December. In this connection, members of Edelweiss Lodge are to meet jointly with the Exeter lodge on December 4 and assist with the meeting. Following the meeting, a de- licious lunch was served, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCon- nell were in Toronto this week, when Mrs. McConnell repres- ented Scott Memorial Hospital board at the Ontario Hospital Association. Mrs. W. L. Whyte was in Ot- tawa this week attending a meeting of the National Liberal Women's Federation, as a re- presentative of the Ontario Lib- eral Women's Association. FLANNIGAN At Scott Mem- orial Hospital, on Oct. 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Brian Flannigan Seaforth, a son. FLA.NNIIGAN—At Scott Mem- (trial Hospital., on Oct. 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Garth Flannigan Seaforth, a son. BRODHAGiEN--At Scott Mem- orial Hospital, on Oct. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brodhag- en, RR 2, Monkton, a soap. WINLAW—Ax Stratford General Hospital, on Oct 24, to Rev. and Mrs. Currie Winlaw, (nee Jane Daniel), of Stratford, forme* of ' ,1•:•.;) . >a son, David Thomas. Engagements Mr. and His, V&i it Murray wish, to' anmowlee the engage - Ment of, their eldest daughter, Roseanary Etuzebe'th, to Mir. Daniel Frame O'Connor, son of Mr. and Ms. James O'Con- nor. 'Connor. The marriage will takle plane on November 30, et St. Columfban Church, St. Cairn - ban. 93x1 Too late To Classify ' FOR SALE English saddle, good condition, $60.00. Mrs. James Hopper. Phone 602'W 3, Seaforth. 11-93-1 TURKEY BINGO—Keep Thurs- day evening, Dec. 12, 1963, open for the annual turkey bingo in St. Celumban Parish Hall, at 9 p.m. sharp. -1 FOR SALE—Girl's green win- ter coat size 1.4, excellent eon- dition, $10, or trade for l's coat sot, sine 8. A Loom'ans, lhtblK FOR SAS-NeW gay+ heater, boyst skates, *OS 18 84 5, 6. pie 516,.. 1 WH"---MED-4664 a of fir old atontlifr t1 galar, dad Matting' - FOB ' ALE --•'50, Jo* 6ed'i,.... 'AWAY --at -- EVE -MAR STORES SEAFORTH PHONE 405 A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Article till Dec. 23rd Take advantage of this plain *Idle the selecttoi is at its list! The annual, fall rummage sale was neld;'icy the.Publie"Lib- rary on Saturday, Oct. 26. The Hospital Auxiliary Mei fibers would like 'to thank all who donated and helped in any way to make this event such a suc- cess. The proceeds were ap- proximately $374.00. The ar- rangements for the sale were completed by a committee con- vened by Mrs. D. L Stewart. This week the Ontario Hospi- tal convention is held in Toron- to. The delegates from the auxiliary attending the .?onven tion are Mrs. F. R. Cosford and Mrs. J. A. Cardin). Tickets for the turkey draw, which takes place in December, may be purchased from the members of the auxiliary. Postal Notes Postal rates take a hike at midnight, October 31, across the country. Among the new rates is a rise from 10 cents to 25 cents on items prepaid at first- class rates for special delivery. There is also a rise as well in the prices of registration and in charges for money orders. ...See BLUE. MOUNTAIN POTTERY -- at -- SAVAUGE'S Jewellery - Gifts - Fine China SEAFORTH WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS — Phone 141 CLOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Come to EVE MAR STORE For Quality Plus More for our Dollar 45 More Shopping Days Tilt chwistn a -. VOTE FOR THE 'r 1963 SNOW (WEE The public, by ballot, will decide who the 1963 Seaforth Snow attendants will be. HERE ARE THE CANDIDATES: as selected by Students of the Seaforth District High School MARGARET HILLEN JUDI THOMPSON MARY MORRIS AMY STEWART Here is how you vote: 1. Write the name of the Candidate you prefer on one of the Official Ballots. 2. Ballots are available in many Seaforth stores on the basis of one ballot for each $1.00 pur- chase. 3. Leave your ballot in the boxes provided in the participating stores. 4. Ballots to be counted must be deposited on or before Saturday, November 23. 5. The Candidate receiving the largest number ANNE McCONNELL Queen. and MYRA McNAIR WILMA JACKSON BARBARA NOTT of votes will be declared the 1963 Seaforth Snow Queen. The Snow Queen will be crowned at the Snow Queen Dance Friday evening, November 29, and will occupy a position of honor in the 1963 Santa Claus Parade: 6. The Candidates receiving the Second and third greatest . number of votes ~11 be de- clared attend alts, and will accompp the Snow Queen 'at the Dance and in, 'the Santa Claus Parade. — Complete and Deposit As Many Ballots As You Wish For the Candidate of Your Choice — Plan To Atrticonci Annual Snow Queen Dance FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 29 Come With Santa to Seaforth Saturday t',,l�vember 30 And see the Monster Parade of Floats, Bands and Costumed Characters • • r • b • • a i O • • • r r • r 1 • 1