HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-10-31, Page 11IN
�Y/7�, HURON�.•.'.R'• Oi7In 1#'v'•^,.-') �y. yam,
. -
USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS 4; Help Wanted 11. Articles Fir Sale 19. Notices, fie at Seaforth., omr fird : '
_ . rte. .
TO YOUR ADVANTAGE: day November; 1983-; the list
Le8ra1 'Notices �rUSt>tles#� , 24• car Of h ht>l
MAN WANTED USED furnace', circulator and of all persons entitled vote.In � ch tate, �a�aro TI1F, ,` � � Mme'
cllaims1 R Blxl u
1. Coming Events!1"M. M
SEPTIC TANK russets oRi thee' staid a walt;be1st?an .tx� ;;
To seal R�aiwleigh Hauseb" stoker. Bargain for quick salle; the municiptalu at unutucm'p
2. Lost, Strayed Products to consumers. We help Allier Cbesii6y, phone 648. J 2a, elections and that- .such list We- , s�tribute�d a7nvngst Ate paries �
3. Found SERVICE VYf�;Fi. Graduate of trieA ra•eulty, of ,
4. Help -Wanted You. Good profits for hustllems. Seadort4r, 1193-1 moms! tivex+e for 3n oa> erititled t rcDo, ha,
ngF reigard' e alt, °Rome
No experience needed. P,llealsa'nt a14,vo� h' tip : U�vk�at3n'of'L'oz�po r �+'
5. Business Opportunities K ONE girl's' Mogcarroa red coact, CDearred and repaired, witfis And,I htereby- capfl u� Pa1lY Ca rlai'm� of ryvhic succaesroa+.to Th': � �, ' � �'
profitable, dignified work. Write in exeelllent condition. Never•( modern quip ent, tors to take,mmedtate, proceed, natter igned 'sh 1, td lei have 1ttlfler Wiest' 4W t".
6. Teachers Wanted to haveany omtsaious or, cev John ' Tf1PPeRr
8. Farm 7. 1ons 5tockWForeSale Dept. J-364-53, 40055 Richelieu, teen. Oallf Mrs. Site Na'gde, Phone 254, Milverbo��tf emrars connected according to � DATED c ato>Se�, ' thus 9th Phone 1frL � �ardsh a �dobet0a
Mantreall. Dublin 69 R & mornings onPyr law, tote 11ast dAp fort appe 1 bei Me' CONNELL r
9. Poultry For Sale ' i. a ALVW-- W. STLiGER,Y, of syt ,, u» �W, rewenb+ kd
4-93-1 ng fourteenth dal^ of Now.
10. Used Cars For Sale ember, ig Solicitor for .tom, Exetcutors. & STEWART bereavemient alisroi) .'
11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted TO Bll�' Seaforth; Ontario. Barristm SvHcitarof EtG. aeted aa gia�i�' 24 8Qi:1 ,
12. Wanted To Buy HELP WANTED SCRAP cars for wreclftg. Call C. L. FfA1VI4VlOND, Cllerk; 2291"3 P. D McCONNET.L, Q.C: :Nib t
13. Wanted Cliniton, HU 2-3211 Clea:r.Vn Town of Seai6ti D. L STEWART thanks and Bleep appreari :
YOUNG man for production s
14. Property For Sale Auto Wreckers. 1290x4 22931 Clerk S Notice Of the Seaforth, Ont. Phone
15. Property For Rent control, typing essential, must � tR friends, ryex� acrd` zit='
be accurate with. figures, full First Posting of Voters A, W. SIT�LRi' taw's for their .. lam of
16. For Sale or Rent medical 'benefits 13. Wanted NOTICE. , mass, Ing,
17. Wanted To Rent pension fund' NrY OJ(, List Barrister, Solicitor; etc:• Sa a rt1 a
18. Property Wanted Apply in person, to CATTLE fed for the winter. ' Jo., oRON Phones: Office 173; cies. 781, y. pac# nd
Court of Revision fu'l fWral tuubu�t6> received dur-
19. Notices Apply Htarold Jackson, Seaforth TOWNSHIP OF Seaforth Ohtano' ing our recent sad bereave -
20. Auction Sales HIGHLAND SHOES, phone 474. 13-93-1 Township Of MCKi110n ment, inu the loss of to dear
SEAFORTH WOULD like to receive up THE ' HULLETT. D. H. McINNES brother, Jack Ryrsnr Yowr 1deaTr
21. Tenders wanted r d NOVEMBER The Council' of the Township Chiropractic
22. Legal Notices 492 2 to 37c per dozen more for your of McKi1' will meet as a Notice is hereby
eggs than Grade A Large? we 1bP y given that I Commercial Hotel ness will, be forever me+meimbeR++
23. 'Business Directory SESSION Court of Revision on the Assess- have complied with Section 9, ea .by the family. Mr. and Mhnst:
24. Cards of Thanks 7• Situations Wanted need additional' hatching eggs Monday, Thursday -1 to 8 p.m.
and we take some breeds every Of ment Roll of 1963-64, at of The Voters' List Act, and BOK - Tom Burns and Sister's. 24-%3:I,
25. In Memoriam MARRIED ,man wants, -
ants farm MASONIC BUILDING, that L have posted up 'at my THE, family of the hate 'Mr.
26. Personals week in the year. For full in- Office, Lot- >6, Concession 8,
vmrlD. Write stating particullars farma'tion write Box 1271 The THE HURON SEAFORTH FUNERAL SERVICE Harry Che�tey, wish to express
The cost'is low. Classifications to Box 1288 Huron Expositor. on the 155th day of October, the R. S. BOX ti�eir sincere Eanksl to all those'
xP Huron Expositor. 1f3 -90x1 on
2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 7-93x1 _ COUNTY COUNCIL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 41 1963 list of all persons entitled to LICENSED EMBALMER who may have heilped• in any
17, minimum 40c an insertion. vote in the Municipality, at
14. Property For Sale at 10:00 a.m. Prompt and careful attention way during ,their (recent sad
Classification 25, minimum 65c, p Y Will commence on TUESDAY, Municipal Election's, and that
WORK WANTED ,Parties intenesroed should gov- ,. Hospital Bed it, for the. cards and
plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. FOR SALE -100 acnes roiling NOVEMBER 12th, 1963, at 10:04 ern themselves accordingly. such list remains there for in- FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS visits at Scott Memorial Has-
All other classifications, mini_ Experienced Carpentry Work tray loam, large brick house, a.m. spection. ,
mum 65 cents per insertion, of all,• kind's; also L-shaped barns, 50 x 60, 24 x Any documents or notice of J. M. ECKERT, Clerk,
Phones:. pitall, to the staff orad' special
except Auction Sales (20), Ten- other aped And I hereby call an all Res. 595 W — Store 43 nurses, Dr. Gorwilfl and Dr.
40, (loose house 100 head tootle) deputations must be in the Township of McKillop Sta lebarr, to the Bout Funeral
jobs including kitchen cup Voters to bake immediate pro- P
dens Wanted (21), and Legal boards, pwinroing etc. never flailing spring creek, 5 hands of the, Clerk no later than 22-92-2 J. Af BURKE Home, e bearers and for the
' 12:00 noon, Thursday, ceedtings 'bo have any omissions
Notices (22), rates on applica- acres of hardwood bush. High y, Noverm- Funeral Director lbvely flbral� !tributes, donations
ter 76h, 1963. NOTICE or errors corrected according and Ambulance e
tion. Phone 697-W, or 863 W 1, way Va mile, close to school to law, the last day for appeal Service t, Canadian Cancer 'Society and
P. Malcolrm, or Ed Andrews and village,. Fred McCool, Lou, DUBLIN ONTARIO expressions of sympathy. Spec -
For cash JOHN G. BERRY, TO CREDITORS being the 9th day of November, p�
payment or If paid Sea6orth. desboro. 14-92-2 . Night or Day Calls: i'al thanksi to 'Rev. J. C. Brinton,.
'Clerk -Treasurer of urer 1963. These kindnesses were, truth
by 10 days following last inner- 7 FOR sale Seaforth, beau�ti- In the Estate of Phone 43 R 10
County of Huron DATED this 28th day of Octo-
tion, 15 CENTS deducted from fvd home with Beauty Saibn in Court Hawse THE,ODORUS HAUW�ERT I �a�ppneciated: 24-93-1
above rates. 8. Farm Stock For Sale house, to ber, 1963• W. J. CLEARY j
getter with, equipment Goderich, Ontario. All person's having claims Seaforth Ontario
and supplies for Beauty Salon. 19-93-1 against the Estate of Theodarus HARRY F. TEBBRITT, 25. In Memorial
COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED TWENTY good pigs, 8 Red 'brick house with asphalt g LICENSED EMBALMER
P Hauwert, late of the, Township Clerk, Huldiett Towns�hi
RATES and 9 weeks old. Ted Van Dyke, roc P' and FUNERAL DIRECTOR ROBINSON--In loving memory -
RR ? 'rooms,, u bedrooms of Tucke'rsmitlt, in the County 2292 2
(For Business Firms; RR 3, Seaiirrth, phone 61iM W 4. and 2 bathrooms) full basement 20. Auction Sales Night or Day Calls —335 of away s Robinson, who pass-
Trades- of Huron, Farmer, deceased, I
men, etc.): Minimum, 50 cents TWELVE pigs, 9 weeks old. with finished recreation room, who died on the 2nd day of TREASURER'S SALE ed away November 3rd, ,clmo
per insertion. Billing charge, 15 Appilly William Alexander RR 2, detached one car garage, house HIGH LAWN HOLSTEIN G. A. WHITNEY Softly the leaves of mc�ncrry
October, 1663, pare hereby roti- OF LAND FOR TAXES gall
cents per advertisement. Walton. 8-93-1 only 13 years old, in. beauttiful DISPERSAL fled to send in, full particulars Town of Seaforth FUNERAL HOME Genal we gather and treasure
TWENTY -ane pigs, 7 weeks condition, cehbrally located, 40 Head of their claims to the undersign- Goderich St., W., Seaforth �
large lot •c ll' landscaped. For County of Huron. AMBULANCE SERVICE thein OR
1. Corin Events old. Torau Kale, chane 1A7 R 9, 'P�• Owned by Ross MtcPhee,, ed an or before the 22nd day Unseen, unheard he is always
Coming Dublin. 8.93x1 inspection 'and terms apply to Axlburn, Ont., at the Famm, l,at of November, 1963, after which TO WIT; Adjustable hospital beds
ANNUAL, Bazaar- Salle of Home Mr, Mellvin Glanville, RR 1„ date the assets will be distri- By virtue of a warrant issued a for rent. near,
Braking, aro Chis�lhur�st Unrated TWENTY -foam pigs, lU week's Hensall', Ontario. Executor of 8' Con 9, Colborne Township, ,buted having regard only to by the Ma
aid.. Curl Vanderzon hone 469, midways been Auburn and g g nor of the Tawe of FLOWERS FOR EVERY Stihl lO"� missed and ever
Church, Thursday, November P the Esttatt� of Letha Euleen Mil Nile, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER cllaims then received. Seafol+tly ardor his baud and OCCASION dear.
7th 3 to 55 m, Tea. will; be Seaforth. 8-96+x1 ler, telephone 337 W 2. Li -9141 DATED at Seaforth, this '36th seal of the said Corporation, Phone 119 - Seaforth —Ever remembered by 3�n;S.
p 1, 1963 at 1:30 m .
' YEARo9d York beg, pure bred p bearing date the 8th day of Jolly, Family,. 25931
stea^ved. Sponsored by UCW. dray of October., ]963.
stock. Ervin Si levy, Brucefleld,
This i9 a young herd with sale of lands in arrears of taxes DUNLOP—dao, loving 1-g2 irJ. Property For Rent; test that ,avera McCONNELL & STEWART 24. Cards of Thanks memory oto
— choir HU 2-7590, Ciintorn 8-931 ar have
4 pro- in the Town of Seaforth' will be a dear mother and grandmother
IMGRTS of (Columbus, Fa&er TWO�bedraom modern dwpilex.' and several cows that Have pro- Seaforth, Ontario. held in the Council Chambers WE wish' to thank .our neigh- Sarah Juno Dunla
SEVEN pigs, 7 weeks olid. Atp
Step -hen Eckert Council are Phone <3 Seaforth. 737 du'ced a can of milk a day. Solicitors,for the Estate P, Pam
Ally Llbyd Dale, phone 845 R Com letely sired by Waterlbn• 22-93-3 at the hour of 3 o'clock in the bars, friends and old who 'help- anvay November 1, 1947'
rung a Turkey Bingo, iv THREE-bedfioam hou `South' P afternoon on the 6th day of ed at the time of our fire. Mr. Although we smile and 'maim
73, Seaforth. 8.93x1 Unit sures. 15 carry the service g
�'dia>flr Legion Hail, Sea>Eort41, Main"Street. 'Gras heated. Cinae. Novbtniber, 1063 unless the and Mrs. Albert Cronin and no fuss,
Thu ay, Dec. 5th, 8.30 gram. FOUR registered Holstein cows, Reeves. i 93 2 of Rosafe Shamrock Perseus(, NOTICE taxes' and costs are sooner aid. Familty. 24.93x1
' p No one misses you morel than
Everyone tiv'e9�come' 1.82.3 milking. Donald Buchanan, RR ,, There .ar+e Ztf ca�ws� cawing r
n 3 Walston ane 382 J 5 Brun- Two-bedroom apartment, 'heat- TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that thb THE Hensall Kinettes •wish to us,
, ph throughout the year, 6 bred
g 7 ed, private entrance and bath. heifers, balm" yearlings sand In the Estate of list of lands for sale for arrear express their grateful thanks And when old times we oft ne-
4. Help Wanted Phone 336-W. '15.91-ttf of taxes was published in the and appreciation to the resid- call,
HOLSTEIN heifers, vaceinated, -. calves. ELIZABETH DINNIN. Ontario Gazette on the 3rd day erts of Hensa)9 'and Area .far It's them we miss you most of
WANTED, exPeriem boalt bred Hereford, due soon. John LARGE brick house on farm This herd is Accredited Areca A'll perrson�s having claims '
. of August, 1963, and that copies their kind donations to their all.
]Deeper, with pleasing; personal -nal` Bearend5ien, on, 83 Highway, near Brussels, rent very (reason m, TB, Cued Area on blood lagainst the Estate of Elizabeth
of the said lust may be had at vary successful Rummage Sade. —Sadly 'missed' by daughter,ity fin• part-timework. Apply phone 21 R 4 Kirlcton. 8-88=6 anile, Appily Box 1284, Huron and all are Vaccinated. Dinnin, irate of the Town of Sea -
Box 1185, Huron Eaupositx�r, _ _ Expositor. 15-92x2 g County my office. 24-93-1 Maud and Family. 25-93xl
Dalry equipment also selling, forth, in the Caun of Huron, ,
10. Used Cars For Sale p Treasurers Office, this 8W ON' behalf of the family of the NEAB'EI.—In loving
stating qualifications. �=92� THR:E!E b�ediroom ma+iletm apart- De'LavtaW 2 -•unit' milker, milk Widow, deceased, who died on g memory of
merit down'stairs,, aviflalyle i'm- cans, strainers, etc. the 6th day of October, 1963, day of August. 1963'. tate Mrs. Thomas J. Barton, we a. dear- mother, Susan Barbara,
'1959 Ch'ev. rl2-'ton truck, Flit mediately. Durl Ham, phone ROSS McPHEE, Auburn, Owner are hereby notified to send in C. L. HAMMOND, wish to express our. sincere Neabel, who assed away Oct.
APPLICATIONS side box, 36;406 m� e's, nevdtr 602 W 1, Seaforth. 15-93tf SHORE HOLSTEINS LTD., full particulars of their claims Treasurer thanks and. appreciation to our 26,, 11960, and ia dear farther,
painted. Mecha'nicaily, tpe ifect. Glanworth. Sale Managers. to the undersigned on or before 22-81-13 relatives, friends and neighbors Daniel Neabel, who passed
arae arndited far the mon <df' Phone 671 W 4, :Seafmt'h. 1I�331 �11♦3 bedroom }mase, living BOB 'SHORE, Auctioneer. the 8th day of November, 1963, - for the messages) of sympathy, away Jan. 29, 1950.
,organist for Egan Unit- roam, dining room, kitchen, ail 20-92-2 ,after which date the assets will 23. Business Directoryflowers ad acts of kindniess in We didn't wish to see you 'go,
ed Church. Persmmm interested heated, available immediately. _
,pi�� vine Mr. p Wal- 11. Articles For Sale 'Sixxty dollars aj month. Write be distributed, having regard our recent bereavement. Mabel The parting caused us pain,
lace, 'Clerk of Session,, RR 4, SEWER pipes and ftttings. A,p- Box 1286, Huron' Expositor. 21. Tenders Wanted only to claims then received. SEAFORTH and Leonard Strong. 2493-1 Still, in our hearts, memory
Seaforth, before Novmber -5tth, ply Frank Kling Ltd, phone 19, 1592-tf — Dated at Seaforth, this 16th VETERINARY I wish to express my^ sincere brings back,
day of'October, 1963. thanks, to all my friends,'nei'gh- Your faces, oh so dear.
slatting experieace and Salary Seaforth. 77�'r2 BAYFIELB TENDERS WANTED McCONNELL & STEWART, CLINIC boys and relatives who sent me'Yow voices raised in songis' of
P R'd• +1'90-4 LADY'S coat, size -14, solar APARTMENTS Seaforth, Ontario. J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S cards, treats, flower9 and visit- praise,
IJADgM charcoal, liars new. See at Apartmenros and cottages in Tenders vAlll be received by Shcicitors for the Estate. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. ed me while a ,tient in Cl'in_ Stip~ linger in the air,
Grown Hardware. T1,�-1 Mayfield. Heated, Turnished. E.c- the undersigned, until' 1l2 o'clock D. E. Galt, D.V.M., V.S. p Your words of wisdom still live
Tamm ng to $91! kg 2 odor GIRL'S 3_ fere cuayt set size cse'Rienit Bain ,
22-91-3 tom and London Hospitals.
:3 evenings r +cvt�k. �>a 'its- P dry facilities:. moan Tricia-, November 81963 G. R. Gray, B.S., D.V.M., V.S.Special thanks to Drs. Kennedy, on,
g 5; red coat, size S, bdbh 'in goad L. R. BANIWSTE�R, for thie constru'cti'on of a, picnic ,
�stment, Vol oolg, :1llo NOTICE Phone 105 _Seaforth Brown, waldan and Street; also ul' memories we hold dear.
condition. Phone 847 R 12, '931 Thor* Stratford, '271-2348 or padlion, for (portions 'dwzeaf, at A. M. HARPER & COMPANY the nurses of five centre, Vic- --Sadly missed by Sons, Dati'gh-
craanva'stsling, no dig. 271-'6641;, the Seafortin Lions Park, as TO CREDITORSers and Gra'ndchmldren. 25-93,A
:Car; an assie6t. NINETY ga`IDan capacity OuI Chartered Accountants tori, Hospital. BobBab Popple. 93-1
BTE1tT EKERT, 10nows
For interview., ,�, tank with filter. 7hane''368, Sea -Ln the Earoate of 55 57 South St. Telephone THE family of the llabe Joseph
:Apt. 803, Bagield, phone 54 R 2. (a) Necessary grading, con,281 ,J .4, (Henson, � * rio . fob' 1V-93XI -The idea11locat o.Toreommuter•s struction of piers, footings R_ .SCOTT HAWTHORNE. Goderich JA 4-7562 Dill wish to express their thanks For
Box 145, Ilfi=a7ll. WHITE enam- d cook stave. All persons 'having claims Licensed Municipal Auditor and appreciation for the kind -
15 -92x3 and foundation only to be Pp
4*2,L2 John F. Bell, RR-2'Seafomth, against the Estate of R. Scott ness of their relatives, friends
Y-looreted in 1ss¢. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Additional
phone. 8417 8, �l. 11-"93�-1 � . Hawthorne, late aI the Town and neighbors and for 'the' many
Wn- mbUT any ewe TM 19. NotiOeB (b.) Flbom and structure only, of Seaforth, in, the County of Optometrist, optical services, me'ssage's of syrnpathy, floral
� � money for yow(chr'dot- ONE cast uon bath 'tub and. to be completed ,by June Huron deceased who died on Goderich St. West. Tuesday to
(PROMPT wrattoh (repair service tributes, mass cards, and pact's
mires shopping by,se1>firng Asvon fittings, good condition. J. 'C.' 1. 1964. Saturday,
0osmetics and I)Wl�mieo in voiw Ocrieh, Seaforth. _11-S3nG1, vauge's, (apposite Past 1ct) Complete structure, includ- 19 about,arthe 19th' day ed August, Y, 9.5:30, except Wed- of eave ss during their recent Classy fed
(Office) 2 caeirtifted watchmak- 1663, arehereby notified to send nesday-Thursday evening by ap- bereavement in the, loss th a
vicinity. Write' VIM, M. 3i'I H90n, GAS space beater, good as new. Ing -grading and all; con- Automatics a `specialty, in to the undersigned on or be- Pointment. Phone 791, Sea- beloved husband and father. see Page � 2
17 HtmWkesbury Cr., London, rots' Martin Feeney-, 'Dublin, home trete work, to be campllet-
p I9-89-tf' fore the ,'Tth day of November, forth. Monday, Clinton Medi- Special thanks to the Cancel•
call Tett 492-M", `beitween ?t- 1ii2 R 4. •11; 93!-1 ed in 1963.
8 p•m•
PORTABLE, record player log' NOTICE (d) Complete structure, includ- 1963, full pamtncwi'ars of their cal Centre. Society. 24-93-1
78 RPM records. Apply Box, Tuckte'r mith in'g, grading and all con -
4 apps g3gg;p¢} t o the complet- -- B y Barley
1287, Hurolu Expositor. 1U93um crete work, Municipal Dump ed by June 1, 1964. O C O
P_W!A1i A T.17 WHIT[El erratmel' ort' burning avaia ho ,,,.kl a,..,fl— Plans and specification's may
'ran'ge, with carburatar Ana tan'K.
Phone 464, Seaforth. In 922
not on Wednesday and Sa4ur-
day' afternoons, from 1 to 5:30
be obtained from the under -
signed. '
The lowest or any tender will
BROWN enafine7l Quebec'heater•,
App'l'y .to •
(Granada) LTD.
Mechanical Rubber
Arthur St. — MITCHELL
'for• coal or wood, in good cam-,
Phone 852 R 24. 11931
Ne wire fencing, `old concrete,
ar car bodies pemmdtted.
J. I. 1Vic mow
nut necessarilUy be accepted.
'G'OOD hard cabbage, carrots,,
turnips, beets and squash. Am-,
brise Addeyti first house south!
Of Kimbumn- Store. ' 11-93x2,
22. Leza'1 Notices
GTR`L'S winter coat, brown Un-
ed, with (leopard ,skin, size 10j
to 12. Price' $10. Mrs. Dou'gla's
Fry, phone 3N, Seaforth. 1193-2
AME33fI'CAN Eskimo puppies,
registered, pure white. Lovelp
J 1 nt�fi, nnc %A+& P'hv ,% AQQ w a_
Offers you
Easy Credit Terms I
wR�.. FJ,,..
Of First Posting of the
Voters' List
Presswork Seaforth, Ontario. 11_-03x2 NO Township of Hibbert OUR TOWN — By -McClelland
required now. LIVINGSTON stake• arra Vile- Carrying Chaws
Stead work with %,-t- bath Countty od Perth,
an expanding Company•
lc natio : Chances Reeves, Sea
Phone 77, � n H
Notice is hereby given: that I
forth, 11-93-2
have complied with Section 9,
the Voters' List Act,
GIRLS 3 -piece teat
Boxholdera' Names'
of and
(Canada) LTD.
ie trim
set, rase with white trim, size
that L have coasted up aro my
'Mec'hanical Rubber Division
3-X. Mrs. Robert M. Bell,
Centre Street
office in the Village of D'u'blin,
Arthur St. — MITCHELL
phone 344 J 1 Hem'sall. 11 -93rd
FOR SALE—Trade in your old
Telephone 446
For all kinds of upholstering,
the 28th• day of October, 1963,
the first of all persons, entitled
to . vote in, the Municipality at
Darling & Com any
shaver now, low pitices at
savaw:ge's, apposite Past
Municipal Electionv and that
remains theme forin-
Notice is 'hereby '�u that I
have Complied' with Section
ask for this information.
speectiorn. on.
CEDAR posts, all' sine's; anchor
Large United Staters and Can-
And I hereby call upon all
adman Company, , agricultural
'1" °re '
posts; 12' braces; steel posts 6'
and 7'; barb wire; Paige wi .
voters to take immediate pro -
ceedin i to have, an om fissions
� y
uiresi re e-
field um nil pr
work guaranroeed
sentative in this; erre, `lac•' Crop
Kinburm Store, Pine 841 R 2,
or errors corrected according
--'• •,-.,-a -..-4.
RnMAn. Rrmim 11A-ClAf
to lou,. hha llnRlf rfiarn fnM n ,n ml
.7r7CVWl7l: uGlJ au��,uca,�u, rainy,.,..w�� - - ..—. - - __„
must have recent agricultural SPRAYED apples, Spys., Kings, JEWE RS being the 12th day of November,
background and be well regard Sweets, Snows, Delicious, Russ Ltd. 1963• L l' L P E D RO — 6 de la Torre
cul +r nrpm% awhc. Greenin�mq tend Cider acv- PhnnA 17. Achn-fhrth DATED �thisr 28th day of 7
Position is full4m,e, or canry1eq.
be handled at first alongwith
Fred AfeClyman't &Sontis,,
Varna. 11-91x3
October. 1963.
your present farming, operation.
Township of Hibbert.
Successful. applicant can expect'REMOVED
between $140 - $150
Boxholdera' Names'
weekly with exWftnt opp'arWn
Mot Given O,ut,1
For'Dead or Disable Animals
ity for early • advaneement In,
this area.
It is not ossible for us
Town of Seaforth
•Write, and tell rale about your-
to divulge the name or ad-
dress of any advertiser
Darling & Com any
Count of Huron
self. Reply at once to:
Geneml Sa1e0t Mftager,
using a Huron Ekpositor
bok number. Rle'ass do'-11ot
of Canada L13.
;phone Clinton Ht 2-7289
Notice is 'hereby '�u that I
have Complied' with Section
Box 84, London, Ontario.
ask for this information.
License No. 262-C-63
The Voters' List Act, and
tthhat I have 1 iuP a� my of-