HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-10-24, Page 11A • • • 1 w R s A ti r • V !' -• 1' i J,'A<?}A ��6Z•fMM1/f1k ��A �1d�A. �!! M'S/.1.. *R4�""°b"11� y Uzi- , v USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS ,4, :Help hW:axtted X2r• Wanteo uy . f TO YOUR ADVANTAGE Wanted'To B192d, 1��lGjt1((flil ` 22. legal NQces 2`.g 1. Coming Events WANTM, experienced: book- SET of usea tractom e!haln'a, bo, 3M. ' 2. Lost, Strayed leeeper, with pleasing person -al. fit, tyre (1+1 x T4). No spiralis SEPTIC "TANK ESTATE IYATED thus 2� day of 04to r.P401tty< �? 3 Found itY fiox Paz t�hme work, AiAgiDY plena Lloyd A. Armotvong', S' AUGTION ►r''?, ALE tier 1963 day of O�ler �S�rca i �RYrcxtwactia TIYa.. Box 1185, 'Huron -Expositor, ,Phone 336 W 7 Brussels. 12.82xl' �`�V�Lkj ' , - �� 1. 4. Help Wanted Clleamted anti aired vudlCfr DATED lit llin, the 1st' andA7tiqu an,Ge viae stating qualhfntlations. 4-9&3 HARRiY F. TEBlf[PIT 5. Business Opportunities -- 1 0 ' Estate Auction! $ta+le of iso � d'a+y � Opt>o�7r, 7963, JAM Night, 6. Teachers Wanted 'LADY boblrkaeipem and dllerk to 13, Wanted modem equipment. Acre Tamm, Farm _)4IaeharueTY Cylert, Hltlllett Tlorvnlr2p.. ANNE $t7RCFI�ILL, C)i1t, or a IUMIN COXON, Cattle P„ig,� H4,y n L9242 t q i0 ; 7. Situations Wanted work rry Seaforth business, .Ion BOAR'D'ER wanted. Phone Hoon. 9�Tuclrer�smabh�Tanvot 5 NOTICE T' i P1lane dicate Sala required sand -1 8. Farm Stock For Sale � r f ,, Epee iience to Boat 1281 ,J, Soat�omth, 13 92-1 Phone 264, Mi1vsrbo19 89-tf OF LAS • • GLZA Township, TMEAS E'S `S' ' Seaforth,. Ontario 9. Poultry For Sale S miles South rar>Id ]! trriles r` F' 10. Used Cars For Sale --- 14 Property Fpr Sale Nastes Southl an 9ATUR TO CREDITORS N TAXIES A �'ty Town Of .Seaforth . 7.7`IVSE#� >Jartu;R 11. Articles For Sale Remember, it takes but ,a .DAY, .00TOBER 26th, .at 1.p.m• Ixr Estate ob al►d FUS OU4, DIRECTOR . 12. Wanted To Bu HELP WANTED FARM for sale 8 -acre Iarm, moment to place an, Expositor CATTLE --18 Holstein caws, Y EI:IZABEr1'H DINNTN. County -af `'Harron. N'igllt or Day :Calls 13. Wanted new tiara, 2 miles frim Sea- Want Ad and be money 'in fresh and due to freshen,; -edght Persons having clients TO WIT; YOUNG man for production forth, house with all modern ocket.'To advertise just Phone Holstein heifers, bred; 5 calves; lagaanst The Estate Of 1Fl 'a'be't1h 'By virtue of a Waiaaut`iseue�d G, A, WH,ITN�' 14. Property For Sale comtruli P ' 7 Dihnin, late of the Town of Sea- the Ma of the Tann Of 15, Property For Rent typing essential, must ecavelnces, uteri oil f=ace. Seaforth 141. Herefaxd, bull '2 be accurate with, figures, full Phone 864 W -4, Seafiarth- 14=94x2 years old. by Ym' FUN + IRAIIL HQMB . 16. For Sale or Rent medical benefits, pension fund. - - PIGS -13 saws, 3 with pigs, fob' in the County of Karon,, Seaforth under =his hand and Goderich`'St.,'`i+V , Seaforth 17. Wanted To Rent , FOR scale is 9ea�omth—beauti- 20, Auction Sales others due Sion York hog. Widow, deceased, who died on seal of the said -C7orporaklm Gide :JI 1t3E ,, %eifoi 18. Property Wanted Apply in person,, to lroxree with Beauty Salon in ' the 6th day of October, 19RV 63, bearm, g date the 8th da of.July 19. Notices ,house, torr with egrupment CLEARING MACHINERY- W-4 Allis) Chra1- are herelby notifiied to send in sale aE lands iu arrears of tax Adju§takile fk[EE6�Sita1 fifeiis. pp ' ty miers tractor, f equipped, full' paxticul�au•s .of their claims in the Tows, of Seaforth a be• • for rent 20. Auction Sales HIGHLAND SHOES, and su fres for Beau Salon. equr ed FLOWERS F(7i )VEIL' sEAFORTH Red brick house, with asphalt AUCTION SALE good condition; 4 -bar Case side- �' 21. Tenders' Wanted P fin the undersigned on or •before held in the Council Chaanbers, OCCASION - 4-922 �, 7 roams, ul bedrooms 6-ftrak. *moAl-lw r; 2 -fu taller; he 8th day of November, lea at the hour of •3 O'clock in the :Pborie'119 SeaforOl 22. Legal Notices and 2 bathrooms), Clearing Auction Sale of 6 -ft. mowed ; 2-fuxu^ow rafter which date the assets will afternoon on the 6th da of --- ftrll basement plow; i - 23. Business Directory with finished recreation room, Ohmce Qualrty C+attic. nerd tractor, disc; sniff Tooth culti- y 7. Situations Wanted be distributed, having regard November, 1963 unless the -Sell, that unnece,Ssary,piecw.of 24. Cards of Thanks _ Machinery at Lot 16, Coni. 1, va�tor g , only to claims then received. taxes end casts are sooner paid. furniture through a Huron Bi - only one car garage, house spring tooth cultivator ' 25. In Memoriam k only 13 years old, in beautiful Goderich Township, on Blue manure spreader; -set harrows; Dated aft Seaforth., this 16th Notice is hereby given that the positorClassified Ad. •Phone 141. 26. Personals WORK WANTED condition, centrale located, Water Highway, 4 miles south 2 -unit Surge milking machine; �' day of October, 1863, list of lands for sale far arrears The cost is low, Classifications large lot, well landscaped, For of Got h, ar 8 miles north 6 -Cam mills cooler; 128 gallon McCONN�ELL & STEWART, of taxes was, publislibd fn the 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and Experienced Carpentry Work inspection and berms' a of Payfield, an WEDNESDAY, milk cans; milk Seaforth, Ontarua. Ontario Gazette, on the 3rd day 24. Cards of Thwits 17, minimum 40c an insertion. of all kind's,; also bO paths; electric any atter Mn. Melvin r Gla:nvrlle RR 1, OC OBER 30th, at 1 p.m. pair; 2 H.P. air cooled, motor; Sollicibors for the Estate. of August, 1963, and that copies I would like to thank 'aye` ivy Classification 25, minimum 65c, Jobs including kitchen cup- Hensall Ontario. Executor of CATTLE^2 registered Dur- International fertilizer drill; board's, painting etc• ham cows, with calves at font faxnnin mill. 22-91-3 of the said list may be had at friends, Legion Ladies- Awdl- plus 25c for each iliac verse. the Estate of Letha Euleen Mil, 9 g my office, •vary, Church of England, Dr. All other classifications, mini- phone 697-W or 863 W 1 Ier, telephone 337 W 2. 14-91,tf g'l'ade Durham cows, with HAY ,and GRAIN -2,500 bales NOTICE Treasurer's Office, flus 8th Gorwiii and staff of Scott Mem- mum 65 cents per insertion, calves, retired; 5 Durham mixed hay; NO bales, straw day of August, 1963. +orial Hospital for •kundnesoes P. Malcolm or Ed Andrews hel:fers bred in April; 5 Dur- 1�, torr mixed grain. TO CREDITORS except Auction Sales (20), Ten- g��r�,• Y5, Property For Rent ' p gx' C. L. HAMMOND, slrown:me'whne Iwase a:patiemt ders Wanted (21), and Legal ham steers, 7-800 lbs.; 11 Dur- Forks, shovels, other articles In the Estate of Treasurer there. Mrs. La�weremce Dillon. 7 89bf HALF house in c o rained. ham; ar old heifers. too numerous to mention. Same JONATHAN HUGiLL 22.81-13 Notices (22), rates on applica- 2 bedrooms, se)£ contained. ye I wired like to �thaxuk,nwy friends tion. MACHINERY ham, household effects. All, persons having claims and would li a to an visited xrre S. Farm Stock For Sale Phone 3, Seaforth. 15-92x1 , mer mQlll; 50 ft, endless belt; FARM -150 acres farm, good a'g'ainst the Estate of Jonathan 23, Business Directory sent treats and flowers and For cash payment or if paid TWELVE Figs 8 weeks old, APARTMENT for Dent in the New Idea m+anuire spreader, clay ' haatn land, lair a bank Hugill, late of the Township of went helped by 10 days following last inser- Ken Huisser, Searflorth, phone Town of Seaforth. Apply Harald (Pike new.). 5 g Tuckersmnth, iqu blue County of SEAFORTH 'Fed a:t home while -I Jackson learn, goad stabling, silo, two- VETERINARY tion, 15 CENTS deducted from 862 J 3, 8,92x1 , phone 474, 15-91-2 Five ban Rodney nabs. Huron, Farmer, deceased, who avis a patient in Clinton. Public slrorey brick house, immediate above rates. -- ed, a apace ant heat TERMS -Cash. died on the 27,th da of Hospital also Doabors and THREE Herefoad steers, aver- ese•ssiarn. Said sub•Ect to re- 'y Septem- , COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED ed vire entrance and bath. po' 7 nurses. It was a aging around 700 flits. Earnue NORMAN FULLER Pro oetor serve bid. 10% dawn, balance beer, 1963, are hereby notified CLINIC >l greatly dq, Phone 336=W. •15-91-tf P s • reci�ated. Mrs, Harold Dodds,. RATES �ch> Clinton, One 2-7,407. — HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer m 30 days, to end in, full particuk irs of J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S F 24-92xt TWO -bedroom . apamtmenA,, oxr Chattels, Cash. their claims to the undersigned W R. Bryans, D.V.M,, V.S, GAL-Heredbrd and Chamlais 20-92-1 (For Business Firms, Trades- North Main, St,, available Nov. - on or before the 24th day of D. E. Gilt, D.V.M., V.S. WE wish to extend sdzycex�e: ' crossed. Dale Nixon Seaforth, Montgomery, x1 Estate of the late October, 1963, after which date men, etc,): gt2iurimum, 50 cents 15th. Clarence M G. R. Gra B.S. D.V.M, V.S. 'thanks and appreciation to oti2 phoa�e 67& W 4. 8-921 _-._ CLEARING y, , per .insertion. ;Billing charge, 15 LARGE brick house on, farm THEODORES HAUWERT Prop. the assets will 'be distributed phone 105 Seaforth relatives, friends and: neighbors cents . per :advertisement, MILKING Shorthorn cow's and AUCTION SALE HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer, having regard only to claims A. M. HARPER &COMPANY , gee of sym'Faithy, P near Brussels -rent very reason P fior me' messa hem's' die 't° freshen s°°n• GEORGE POWELL, Clerk then received. able. Applly Box 1rL84 Huron Clea in Chartered Accountants flowers and tatnbs of kfndwess John A. Keys, Varna,. 8-92x1 g Auction Sale of 2092.1 DATED at Seafiarth, this 7th 1, Coming Events -- Expositor. 15 9Lx2 li�a,rms, Shock and Implements 557 South St. Telephone is aur. recent :bereavement. A 'THIRTY•Itlwa choice pages 'Rot mP day of October•, I863, �6 of Coh=bus, 'F J1er •sa'le. Apply Carl Vaadeu+zexr, LOWER dupllex, • suitable foe• will be 'hel'd at Lot 20, Con. L2, Goderich �.� JA �4-7562 'special thanks to Rev. J. Z. couple, all conveniences. Ap- Hibbert Tawons 22, Legal Notices McCONNELL & ,STEWIART Licensed Municipal Auditor Britton, Das, P. L. Brady 4nd Stephen ,Eckert Council ,are North Main St., Seaforth, phone hip; 7 mulles *last E. Maitre and Box Funeral sponsoring a Turkey+ Bingo, -in 469. 8-92x1 Pik Orville Dad)e, North Mann of Hen�sall, or 8 miift south Seaforth, Ontario. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Home. ms G.. M�aAoct Funeral eral Canadian Legion :Halle,':Se St., Seaforth. 15-92x1 west of Dublin, on TUESDAY NOTICE Salicibars for the Eynecutors. 1 afomt]4 TWENTY -four pigs, •ready to - a. Executors. 3 Optometrist, optical services, Fa ' Thursday', Dec• 75th, 8'80 p.m. wean, York. and Laadrace 'R'OONLY residence, Gadderich OCTOBER 29th, at 12:00 p.m. Goderich St. West. Tuesday to Street Fast. Lloyd Hoggamth, PROPERTY -Consists o£ 1+00 Court of Revision Saturday, 95:30, except Wed- THE "famAy of 4be ]lase Thomas Everyone welcome. - 1 crossred. Francis GoLle-man, secretary, Scott "Mema2ial Hbs- acre's at Lot � Con. 1¢ .Hub- NOTICE Appleby wish to mapsess tabor phone 838 R 22, 892-1 , Township of McKillop nesday-Thursday evening by ap- pital. 15-92-1 bent Township, of which ^95 ' slncem appreciation lto +'n my w 2. Lost, 'Strayed HOLSTEiIN heifers, vaccinated, p TO `CR"ED'ITORS pointment. Phone 791, Sea- f neighbors) and rerlati es bred Hereford, dine soon. John FOUR ''bedroom "house incited irvclhrd'e a large 9—room 'frame The CaurtLcii' of flue Township. forth. Monday, Clinton 'Medi - PAIR Bi=Focal. .,15}ack ,plass "e in Seaforth, nicely decorated, '�'se, with running water, 3 pc. of McKil1bp wilt! ,meet as a I•n'the Elstate of for the many acts,of kinduiess Berrendsen, on 83 .Hughrway, cal Centre. rimmed metres •glassem,.in:bcown spacious lhvingraom, modern, bath arrrd new furnace, a taunt Count of Revision an the Assess All SCOTT HAWTHORNE. Shown them m. their recenit. kw. phone 21 R 4,-Ki'rktoQn, 8-'98-6 barn, 40' x 70' and straw shed, merit Roll of 1963.64, at ng Dr. M. R. Bububasie leather caste. Finder .please kitchen, bathroom, gas furnace, persons �henn. claims e:av�eanemt. Special thanks to phare 678 W 3, Seaforth, after REGISTE+HIED Hereford tali, garage. Available Nov. 1st. ' x �', with litter carrier and MASONIC BUILDING againstthe Estate of 'R: Scout Dentist Rev. Fry, Box; Funeral Homme, 6 P.M. Zgy 1 Papers. _•P•roven sire. Good dis- 'Phone 348-864'1, Mitchell. 15.91.2 water bowls, i�mluement shed 28' SEAFORTH Hawthorne, late of the Town Graduate of the Faculty of Ladies of McKtllbp WM5 a id position. SeR at about beef TWO bedroom cottage, L bloat x 52', hen. house, 2 garages. 50 of Seaforth, in the County of all those*who sent flbwers, cards price, Glenn Rase', R, ag , ou Dentistry, to inset. A fiMunto R 4, Sea- acres an the west half of Lot MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1063 Haran, deceased, •who died on successor to Dr. J. A Munn and helped in .Ube luame: •ThRs. 4, $elp Wanted forth. 8-92x1 from Goderich Street gas stove 21 Coin, 1,3, Hibbert Township, or about the 19th, day of August, was much a gas beater supplied, 45.00 mon- p• at 10:00 a•.m. g OfE1Ce Jahn St., Seaforth appreciated by flue TWFA- TY cad of ca tie•, Here- thl+y; 4.4bedsoom ground Abor with `2 acres workable and the 1963, are hereby notified to send falmily. 24-9W APPLICATIONS rest ,Parties interested should gov- in to the undersignedPhone 151. fiord and Hobstein crossed, 554 a arbment; also 2 bedroom: 2nd geoid hard'w'ood bush. are or be ern themselves a ccardingiy.We wish to extend sincere ane invited far the .posrilriom, of to 700 Desi. Mrs. Wm;. Jewitt, Elba- apartment, in north west T1e property will be sold at fare the 7th day of November, MCC NNELL. p 3:00 1863, full -tical, thanks and appreciation fou organist for or the ti position Unit- f RR 1, Clmton, phone 860 R 6, section of Seaforth. Joseph Me- p.m., subject to reserve J. M. ECKERT Clerk particulars of their bid if not claims, after which date the & STEWART many, -kindnesses, messages of Seafbrhh. . 8-931 Connell', Realtor, 19 Virtoa4a previously soled, Township of McKillop , Barristcrs, Solicitors Etc, prove and understanding and please Church. Persons interested' THREE Hereford sheers, 500- St., Sieaforth, phone 266, W92-1 CATTLE --The cows are all 22-92-2 rassets of the said estate will be please write Mr. Arthur Wal- 600 lbs. • L Hereford heifer, 500 due to calve .before April. 17 distributed amongst the parties P. D McCONNELL, Q.C, beautiful &val offierinrgis from lace, Clerk of Session, RR 4, BAYFIELD Holstein caws 4 Jersey cows; ' entitled thereto, Navin regard D. 1, STEWART our manly relatives, friends Selaforth, before November• 5th, Ibs.; 26 pigs, 8 weeks old. Ap- APARTMENTS y Clerks Notice Of the g g Sesforth, Ont. Phone 550 and neighbors tendered during pPy Patrick Ryan, RR 3 Dub- 2 cross' 'breed cows; 16 yearling only to claims+ of which the Apartments g cross breds,• 9 heifer calves; First Posting Of Voters undersigned -shall then have A. W. SILLERY tlrc illnd and death of a dear stating experience and salary p ments an cottages in r lila, phare Liz R 16. 8-92-1 'B y -field Heated furnished. Ex- hrtrvbanxi and father. Special INSURE i4 90 6 steed! calves. notice. thanks to the Doctors and r — - ce]Ilemt laundry facilities. List Barrister, Solicitor, etc. INSURE your Merry Christmas. HORSE -1' saddle horse, geld DATED at Seaforth, this 9th phones: office 173, Res 781 nurses and the G. A. Whitney lU. Used Cars For Sale L, R. BANNISTER, Earn Christmas money selling ins, 3 years iia, day of October, 186&, Seaforth Ontario Funeral Home and to those nationally advertised Avon gift 1960 German Ford station wags phone Stratford, 271-2308 or POULTRY -75 Le TOWNSHIP OF ALVIN W. SILLERY, 271-6641. 'n 'per'- ' who helped in our home. Mrs. sets. Write Mrs. M. .Nielson, on, good condition. Phone Brus� lets, starting to lay,, 150 H I.rn�e 17 'Hawkesbury Cr., London, or sets, 381 W 4. 1p.,92.1 g Y Y` HULLETT Solicitor for the Ontario. D. C NIeINNES and Jane ,� y BERT EKE�RT hems,; hen nests sand poultry Seaforth, Ontax'io. Chiropractic David Shaxrnaxr� call collect 432-9019 between �0 Volkswagen,Apt. 803, Bayield, phone 54 R 2.equipment: Notice is hereby new paint The �id�eallocatioxlforcamrrnutera y g�rve+ry that I z2-91.3 Commercial Hotel 7-8 plim. job; dean inside and outside, HAY, STRAW, GRAIN and have complied with Section, 9, - . Monday, Thursday -1 to 8 p.m 4«8689.92.95 1s -92x3 SILAGE -A lar of The Voters' List Act, and TOWNSHIP OF ratluo, whitewalls. Must sell g's, quantity of B 0� RmvixI'GH .BUSINESS IgGW immediately. $%5 or best forage hay'; a large quantity, od that_ I have pasted up at my HIBBERT For OPEN IN HURONICY COUNoffer. Don't 'pass up this bar -17, Wanted To Rent loose straw; a large quantity Office, Lot 16, Concession 8, FUNERAL SERVICE Tracie well -established. Betel-• gain. Phare 333, Seaforth. 10-92-1 HOUSE in se,afortar, with 'three of oats and mixed grain; 20 ft, on the 15th day of October, the R. S. BOX lent 'Opportunity. Full itimie. bedrooms, Barge, living room- of � corn' silage, list of all persOnsi entitled to „ Court', Of Revision LICENSED EMBALMER • and dining room. AMPLEMENTS - Alhu Ohal- vote in the Municipality, atA'dd tion �I Wsdte: lY. Articles For Sale Apply to P.O.P,O, rnerc CA tractor; grow Allis pall Elections and that Notice is hereby given that prompt and careful attention Municipal Hospital Bed 84489, 4GH'S Bax 599, Seaforth. 17 912 such List remains •theme for in- the Court of Revision of the FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS OIL space heater, re'asonaaal�e. Chalmers snuffler; Allis (}ha'l_ Township of Hibbert on the Dept. J-264Mon 4005 Richelieu; .phone 694, SeaMrth. 11-92-1' mens WD tractor; 3 -furrow s�pection. :Assessment Rall far 1964 will Montreal. 19. Notices Oliver ' Phones: .l. 4+921 �1'I1I'a enamel' oil burning Pugh; 2furraw' Oliver ' Res.. 595-W - Store � C l tp s $1 f ted range, with carburator and bank. PROMPT watch repair service plough;And I hereby call on all be held at the Townshi Harll, 3 -furrow M -H plough; p LADLES phone 464, Seforbh, la_922 at Sav'auge's, (opposite Post 2 rubber tired wagons; 2 hay Voters to take immediate pro- Stafifa, on Monday, November Remember, it takes but a Office) 2 certified watchmak- racks 16 -fit, forage box; 15 -run ceednngs to have airy omissions 4, 1963, at 3 p.m., to hear and moment to place an Expositor Earn $2s, bo $30 working 2 or BIGHT ben cards hard maple or errors corrected according determine the a. 7 e� ens. Automatics a I -H appeal's of the Want Ad and is money in See Page I.G 3 evenings per week. No in, circle wood. Harry Johnston, �'c'"�• Pyr � se'e'd' drill-; 7 ft• to haw, the last day for appeal void Court. pocket. To advertise, just Phone vestment no c(Aleating, no phone 850 R 23, Seaforth, 1d-92-1 19-8941 power mower-, John- Deere PTO being the 9th day of November, All notices, of appeal most be Seaforth 141. -canvassing, no delivering OVEN ready chickens, sma-all or NOTICE corn binder and loader; Goodi- Car an aesett, son 28-50 thresher, with cutter For interview, call large quantities. James East, Tuekersmith and. thrower; 150 -ft. drive belt; NAPOLEON -- By McBride 261 J 4, Hensall, or write P.O. RR 4, Clinton, phone HU 2.7578, 7 -ft. stiff tooth I -H cultivator; or IYU 2-7281, Clinton. 11-921 Municipal Dump I -H 3 -bar Sade dd1i • Box 145 Hesrsall -- very rake 4�gD z MEDIUMsized oil) space beat- er• also peony colt, reasonably Will. 'be : open until further notice on Wednesday and Satur- ret of double disc; 5 sections I -H spring tooth harrowis,; five required now, FEMALE priced. Louis Maloney, Dublin, da -y afternoons., from 1 to 5:30 sections diamond harrows; M -H Steady work with OrA. A-92-1 p.m. 6 -ft. binder; 2 manure spread - HELP WANTED No wire fencing, old concrete, or car bodies permitted. ers; Wilson 6 -can milk cooler; FEDERAL Sweets, Snows, Delicious, Rus year, pale greexn, tmumanietl wi4Ilr pump jack; 2 chop boxes, stock 2 -unit Universal, milking mach - g poly to white fur. Phone 505, Sea- J. I. McINTOSH, m'e; pipeline for 3o cows; elec- FEDERAL MOGUL - BOWER forth, 11-92`1 Clerk •tric 1989 -ti cream separator; Fair - bank -Monis hammer mill; 12 -ft. FOR SALE --Trade in your old (Canada) LTD. shaver now, low prices at Cockshutt swather; root puLper; hay loader; Tack all'; z trailers; ANSTETT Mechanical Rubber Division Arthur St. Savauge's, apposite Post Office. JEWELLERS 2 sets of tractor chains; 4 milk - MITCHELL 4-92,3 tri -89 hf Ltd. Offers you cans; 2 ,milk sdradners; slap pans and heater; 200 sap buck - epi and srpiles,; oil drums,; 'bolt CEDAR posts, all sib; anchor 12 brae"; steel posts 6 7'; barb wire; Paige wire, posts; and WATCH REPAIRS cu. Kinaruum. 'Stau+e, phonic 841 $ 2, Easy Credit Terms. ppm' , cattle clippers- cattle dehorxrtexs; lei" electric dri11 HEUP WA1'rT'I�ED Barden Brawn. lfl on" nth Iand stand; 250 gallon gas tank GIRL'S blare, coat, grey omlom, NO and. pump; anvil, onCarying Charges OUR TOWN — By McClelland Men for colar size 214; boy's tweed 32-f.extension ldderc; 3 -drum Ph 77 S afomth Presswork sport coat, size 14-16, like new. oar' � e land roller; quantity df lum- required now, Mrs, Orval, Greer, RR 4, S'ea- 79 8B�£ ber; 4 water troughs- rarnge SEAFORTH Steady work with 'forth. 11f92xl shelters; snow fence; nr�c an mpanding Company. SPRAYED apples, SM, Kings, UPHOLSTERY cut; electric fencer; Beatty FEDERAL Sweets, Snows, Delicious, Rus TD1LiVg-,Ch ttels a n cash o pump jack; 2 chop boxes, stock MOGUL - BOWER setts, Greening5 +and Cider ap- Centre Street S*alles; pig scales; pig crate; (Canada,) M. tyles. Fred McOlymant &Sons, Telephone 446 bag truck; cutting box; straw Mechanical Rubber Division Arthur Sb. - MrWH1 LL Varna' 1191hr3 D g. cart; Far all kinds of u holsterin 19 89�tf , cedar posts; quantity' of �w bolts and nuts,; and ONE Thor electric washer, new; i flow oxlamp; one la 4925 other• too numerous to men - articles FST SERVICE tion, APPLICATIONS easy chant; one medium size galvanized wash tub; 1 large on HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -47 WANTED aluminum preserving kettle, WATCH REPAIRS cu. ft. Woods deep freeze; VILLAGE OF ZURICH with cover. Phone 66 R 2, Dub- All work guaranteed radio S'r`eJ refrigerator; R. C. A. ,and phonograph eom�bin- Manager Secretary -Treasurer far Hvndrn anif WnfPrn Ave1L-m- ]in. 111-94-3ANSTETT ationl; combination china cabin - tin rarer have tonsil- 12. Wanted To Bu J n VV M.U.U.Gtco C4 Wail au13411; arum I roam p •�. enable experience in Hydro and y Ltd. - suite; china cabinet; 2 space LIT 'P��3R0 —` B de la Torre Water distribution, systems -rain- SCRAP cars for wrecking, Call Phone 17, Seaforth heaters; tables and chaIrs; 3 y �_. __ __ ..._ _ -- . l514rhiet. MT ? R�r1 r�Ttn,�,,_tf nip. -A hPOT-nevem .t,.�+� ,�,..a��a. _- '_L1 tiILVC, 0.ymulig, I,yIrlLll&' , Rum l�e'n'eral office work an4�II be available for interview. Apple- _ .- __-, -- Auto reckea� lY`aCf" u - - _ - ••-'."", . rge, wardrobes; Ia M bure'aush; disthes; SRWT- Im DEAD ANIMALS 2 catianm to be in, Clerk's hands N no Tater then, Octobar 28, 1963, fall defines , Boxholdler8 Names Not Given (7ttt 1 REMOVED wave; complete For Dead or Disable Animals and gli sw nook stove; 12 -pi ae set of difilres; numerous .other -articles. pin,, welt as i?rllowia� TD1LiVg-,Ch ttels a n cash o to to the , circa- tion, Irre'iou'a salt• It is not possible for us CALL COLLECT PrapeTty, , 10"/o day of Salle, bale c ary expected and in 'blreil' o'er+ handwriting, `lealst two to divulge the namq or ad- dress of any advertiser ance Darlin &Com ane `Fannia •'n 30 d ys, x, 11�� ILTJ,EY pro p' with at Winces using a Huron Expositor 0i Lid: 1VtRSl ELDA WAGlNER l box number. Please do not a$k for this i�wfdrmatlon. Phone C7linton HiY 3 72813 Au donioft , P1�PP?F1ft - 011 c+1t-'I'rea urere. License No. 262.0.63 ALVIN tnt';ALPM to