HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-10-24, Page 8^' 1moi Ex oSI'. o , watorm ONT.* 'OCI", 24, ll $ Call us now and let us repair your storm win- dows, so that they will be ready for wintry blasts ! Full Line of Weatherstripping and Insulation 0 wi WINTERPRQOFe YOUR HOME NOW WEATHERSTRIPPING Phone 797 • Seaforth WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS — Phone 141 AdviseR�pair tl'ork Now BeforeWinternds8lorar Many people have contem- plated much needed repairs to their houses and have then post- poned their plans simply be- cause they couldn't find the nec- essary money. This need no longer be the case. In fact, more and more homeowners are discovering that Federal assistance is avail- able to them under the Nation- al Housing Act. The Act auth- orizes Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation to give a limited guarantee to banks in return for an insurance fee paid by the borrower on loans made for a wide variety of improve- ments around the house. For the purpose of home im- provement loans, a home is de- fined as a house, multiple -fam- ily dwelling, housing project or building consisting of business premises and family housing units where the repairs, altera- tions and additions may be fair- ly considered to be primarily for the benefit of the housing units. A home does not include a building used as a hotel, motel or summer residence, or for seasonal occupancy. But it does include apartment build- ings. Home improvement loans cov- er the cost of labor, materials and equipment for many perm- anent -type alterations, repairs and additions. Home improvement loans are secured by promissory note. If got a hard -to -heat room? building a rec' room? workshop? attic room? Wake your home complete rwom i Olo i1.001.° ▪ 011.111 11111•111 . .T =.114 OlOsOen_ with ".4-0 .00▪ 0 ono r -. a MN SOMN FMMW With built-in electric heating units, you don't have to extend or strain your present heating system. No duct work or expensive structural changes are required to provide maximum heating comfort in the added living space you're planning or " in a presently hard -to -heat room. Safe, clean, flameless electric heating units provide heat almost instantly. Produce no dust, dirt or fumes. CALL YOUR QUALIFIED ELECTRIC HEATING CONTRACTOR. HE IS TRAINED TO SERVE YOU. Your Hydro and Electrical Contractors are" work- ing together to help you make your home complete with electric heat. ASK HOW YOU CAN ARRANGE TO INSTALL NOW AND PAY LATER SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITY (OMMISSION kitONg, 47Z SEAFORTH the amount of the loan applied for, or the total amount of the loan plus the balances owing on other guaranteed home im- provement loans on the pro- perty, exceeds $1,250 the len- der may take such additional security as is considered appro- priate, including a mortgage or an assignment of the owner's interest in the home. The maximum loan is $4,000 for a one -family dwelling. A loan of $4,000 for the first unit of a duplex, semi-detached or multiple -family dwelling, plus $1,500 for each additional unit, may also be obtained, The rate of interest on NHA home improvement loans is six per cent and loans are repay- able in monthly instalments, to- gether with interest, in not more than 10 years. Application for a loan must be made by the owner of the property' and not by anyone act- ing in his behalf. A joint'own- er of a home or anyone renting a property, provided the lease does not expire in less than three years following maturity of the loan, is eligible ,to ap- ply. It may be more profitable to plan certain improvements for the winter months when men and materials are more readily available. F OF A PRESIDENT RECALLS TOUR OF MICHIGAN FARMS Elmer Ireland, President of Huron County Federation of Agriculture, recently returned from a tour sponsored by the Morris Federation of Agricul- ture, to Lapeer County, Michi- gan, when about 45 people, in- cluding some from other town- ships and urban friends, spent corn silage daily. Heifers are grouped according to age. Crops include 200 acres of corn, 50-60 acres of alfalfa and 15 of wheat. The Apache Ranch, owned by Gene Vessely, manufacturer of Apache trailers, employs six fulltime men. Complete records are kept on each cow. There is housing capacity for 180 cows in a free -stall system, and this farm has one of the most high- ly mechanized feed handling systems in the State, as well as the largest bulk milk cooling tank. Crops include 340 acres of alfalfa, 50 acres of oats and 250 of corn. Crops and feed are stored in four air -tight silos, Lunch was served to the visi- tors at St. Mary's Church, Burn- side, and dinner at the Lapeer County Centre. Building. R. S. Lincoln, county agent, and Leo Doer, county milk inspector, conducted the tour, and' Mrs. Dorothy Pohl, the home econ- omist, took the ladies on their visit to the homes. USE . • 0PNOTCH ENERGY BALANCED For Peak Production and Extra Profits $ $ $ $ Feeds available in Pellets,. Crumbles and Blend 17% CAGED LAYER A complete feed for Caged Layers. 20% SUPER LAYER Formulated to be fed with your home-grown grain: —1 part oats to 3 parts for Light Birds —Equal parts for Dual -Purpose Birds VITATONE Feed four to five days for severe stress when disease threatens. 3 I�. �a. 17% LAYER ' A complete feed designed for all -mash feeding 24% POULTRY BOOSTER Designed to provide birds with an increased intake of all nutrients; to stimulate them dur- ing a slump in production, or when they are exposed to mild stress. POULTRY WORMER Don't feed worms—they cost money and lower or production! Ask for a Poultry Feeding Pro- granime Pamphlet when in the Mill. For poultrymen that like to mix their own feed, ask us to Formulate an Energy -Balanced Feed using Topnotch 36% Poultry Concentrate, or 40`,;, Super Poultry Concentrate. "FOR PRODUCTION THAT PAYS — FEED THE TOPNOTCH WAY" OPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED SEAFORTH PHONE 775 "THE MOST VALUE FOR THE FARMER'S DOLLAR" TO IT IT IT tTi Tj...TjTIT1Ti ELMER IRELAND an interesting day touring farms in that county. In the follow- ing notes he recalls features of the tour: A coffee break was held at the Alson Shoults Farm at Brown City. Two fulltime men are employed on the 343 -acre farm, with 269 acres being till- ed. Hay, corn silage, oats, corn and soy bean oil meal are used. with silage fed through a cir- cular feed, bunk. A strict cull- ing program is followed. The Ed and Bob Martus farm, operated as a partnership, em- ploys three fulltime men. To- tal acreage is 380. They have 90 Holsteins. About 40 cows per hour are milked in the double six herringbone milk- ing parlor. A mechanical feed bunk is used for feeding a high level of corn silage. They also handle 300 to 350 head of beef cattle and 40-50 Holstein steers per year. Individual calf pens with wire bottoms are used. Both farms had beautiful homes that had recently been remodelled and the ladies on the tour were taken to see the homes. All the latest equip- ment had been installed, and. in one case, where they had nine children, it was quite evi- dent that excellent planning had provided a very compact and convenient home. While the house itself was not un- duly 'large, there seemed to be plenty of room for the family. The grounds were also well kept and attractive. The Simmons Brothers utilize almost 700 acres, about 450 us- ed for crops. They have 347 steer calves, 123 heifer calves and 45 sows. Their corn crops yield 90 to 1.00 bushels to the acre and 50 bushels per acre of wheat. Lake Bros., with 100 Holstein cows, operate an eight -stall milking parlor. They use a mechanized feeding system for feeding about 70 pounds of SOMETHING FISHY HERE If you aiked a lady to hang a fish around her neck, you'd probably get slapped with it. Nevertheless. the greatest boom in post-war jewellery manufac- ture is founded substantially on fish scales. In the past twenty years, the production of imita- tion pearls in North 'America has run into billions of pearls annually. One of the two main ntethods of making these is to dip glass beads In pearl et - sauce. Basis of pearl essence is the scales of certain fish. Seal your home and make it more com- fortable . . . and you may cut your heating bill as much as half with fine -qual- ity, properly -installed Storm Windows. Perfect -fitting, self -storing, lifetime alum- inum storm windows are easy and perman- ently installed on any home. Combination windows provide you with complete pro- tection and proved savings. - Pav Vetweed•- i'4u o? whaseate (OM fIND 0 R. COMBINAATT ION When Thinking of Remodelling Your Home, r {• ��� or if you're building a new house, look to . SEAFORTH FULVUE SLIDER WINDOWS The Fulvue Slider on a Track with Built -ire Drainage System (Dry windows all the time) Your new home deserves the best! _ INSIST ON SEAFORTH FULVUE SLIDER WINDOWS • • • • • • • • 1 • 4 • Jackson Aluminum Limited WINTER SEAL WINDOWS AND DOORS ?BONE 74 — SEAFORTI'I