HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-10-24, Page 6'; i uRON. 0$$a RR S O T ,, ()NTR, OCT, 74, R.PTN for Mr.. and: Mrs. RusaelL TAytdV (nee; Pat Maelht 10} Friday, Novi -1St STAFFA HALL . Ladies Please 'Briny Lunch EVERYONE WELCOME! aliaTaamall....ramaaaairmaamaaataammollalaar a STEP DANCING CLASSES Monday, Oct. 28 7 to 8 p.m. Orange Hall, Seaforth Anyone interested, contact MRS. ORVILLE STOREY RECEPTION Honoring the 45th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burns Saturday, Oct. 26 ' BRODHAGEN COMMUNITY HALL -- Everyone Welcome — NO GIFTS, PLEASE DANCING BAYFIELD PAVILION EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Through October to Del - Reys Firemen Fight (Continued from Page 1) out to the .field when they saw the fire out of control. The car was caught in the Are and the two jumped from it. Firemen were called and ex- tinguished the fire in the car. One door was damaged, The dryer had to be pulled away from the barn when flames spread around it, but no dam- age was done to it. Firemen ptit out the burning stalks be- fore they reached the barn. Golden Bears Show Ability Seaforth's "01' Golden Bears" showed they still have spark, by winning an exhibition game 13-0 over the current Bears. All scoring was confined to the first half, Bill Flanagan scored a con- verted touchdown in the first quarter, and Bill Roberton scor- ed one unconverted in the sec- ond. Good stiff blocking and smooth plays highlighted the game. There were no injuries. About 100 spectators gather- ed on the high school campus to watch the game. Those in charge of events said that ap- proximately $13.00 was realiz- ed out of a silver collection taken during half-time. Another exhibition game is planned for November 2. 1111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111i Attention ! HUNTERS Chicken and Turkey Shoot. Saturday, Oct. 26 1:00 p.m. ON FARM OF JAMES EAST 21/2 miles northeast of Clinton Lot 21, Con. 3, Hullett BRING YOUR FRIENDS ! 11111111IIi1I1111111111111f11111I1111i1i1111 For Your Entertainment All This Week FLOYD SILLITO and His Western Trio In ,the Huron Room Coming Next Week — The Parisiennes Queen's Hotel TAXES PAID? Find date for. payment of Town of Seaforth Taxes for 1963 is Oct. 31,.1%3 The Public is invited to attend the Annual Commencement of the Seaforth District High School in SDHS AUDITORIUM FRIDAY, NOVEMBER ist at 8 o'clock Guest Speaker: James R. Scott Assistant to the President, University of Waterloo, and a graduate of Seaforth Collegiate Institute --- ADIVITSSION FREE — Dance Following Commencement from x:30 to 12:30 BOBBY" Dowfit,' LONDON Adthi8aidn -- 50e and 75c WACT4N NEWS OF THE WEEK' Mr. and M. ra. Robert Picker ing, Sandra, Kiln, Bobbie and David of Oakville were Sunday visitors at the bonne of Mr. and Mrs. George Dµndas. Mr. and Mrs, ' Bob Machan and •daughter Karen and Mr. and Mrs, William Griffin, all of Sarnia, visited over Thanksgiv- ing weekend with Mr. and Mr.s Nelson Reid. , • n Mr. and Mra, Wally 'Weppler and Mrs. W. ,i. Wilkey, all of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan�Call. Mr. and, Mrs- Rae Nelson of Vancouver, B.C„ and Mrs. John' Watt and sons of Toronto vis- ited Tuesday and Wednesday of last week with Mrs. Nelson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson. , Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lawless and Dianne of Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. George Habkirk and family, Ingersoll; Dr. and Mrs. Turnbull and family, Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turn bull and family spent Thanks- giving Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Ennis were: Mr. and Mrs. James Mowat of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ron En- nis and Steven of Hamilton, and Miss Ruth Ennis, Toronto. Mrs. Kenneth Ritchie of Sea - forth spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Fred Ennis. Walton Women's Institute will hold ladies' night in the Community Hall Wednesday ev- Egmondville (Continued from Page 1) Senior Girls—Dash, Patty Ol- iver, Gail Brown, Jane Shan- non;. high jump, Gail Brown 3' 9", Jane Shannon, Betty Brown; standing broad jump, Patty Oli- ver 6' 51/2", Jane Shannon, Gail Brown; running broad jump, Patty Oliver 11' 7", Gail Brown, Jane Shannon; hop, step, jump, Patty Oliver 24' 4", Jane Shan. non, Betty Brown ; softball throw, Patty Oliver 97', Gail Brown, Betty Brown. Intermediate Girls - Dash, Jeannett# Finnigan, Dianne Nott, Louise Nicholson; high jump, Dianne Nott 3' 314", Mar- ilyn Durst, Jeannette Finnigan; standing broad jump, Jeannette Finnigan 5'"6"., Jeannette Fin- nigan, Louise Nicholson; hop, step, jump, Dianne Nott 21' 11", Jeannette ''Finnigan, Louise Nicholson; softball throw, Di- anne Nott 65', Jeannette Finni- gan, Judy Praiser. Junior Girls — Dash, Lynn Nicholson, Brenda Dietz, Mary Estrabrook; high jump, Lynn Nicholson 3' 2", Sheila Butt, Brenda Dietz; standing broad jump, Lynn Nicholson 5' 7", Sheila Butt, Brenda Dietz; run- ning broad jump, Lynn Mac- Lean 9' 4", Mary Estrabrook, Brenda Dietz; ball throw, Bren- da Dietz 64', Mary Estabrook, Sheila Butt. Primary Girls — Dash, Kim Amirault, Karen MacLean, Bar- bie Smith; sack race, Kim Ami- rault, Karen MacLean, Jacque- line Niles; softball throw, Deb- bie Doig 22', Karen MacLean, Dianne Butt; standing broad jump, Karen,MacLean 4' 5", Debbie Doig, Kim Amirault. RECEPTION Mr. & Mrs. Bob (Pete) Caldwell (nee Joan Sharp) ZURICH Community Centre Saturday, Oct. 26 Desjardine's Orchestra — EVERYONE WELCOME — ' BAKE SALE NOVELTY TABLE Friday OCTOBER 25th at 3:00 o'clock IN VACANT KLING STORE Auspices: Seaforth Chapter 233, O.E.S. eriipg, Oct. 39, with thefol- lowing ladies as lunch hostess- es: Mrs, William Turnbull, Mrs. Harvey Craig, Mrs. Andrew Coutts, Mrs. Ed Miller and Mrs. Roy Bennett. Sandwiches and cake will be served. The short course of the Wo- men's Institute, "Desserts," will be held at the horse of Mrs. Gerald Watson next Monday ev- ening, Oet. 28, at 8 p.m. The leaders for this course are Mrs. Allan McCall and Mrs. Gerald Watson. Service at Duff's United Church will commence at 11:00 a.m. next Sunday morning, with Sunday School at 9:45 a.m., Standard Time. Lloyd Ackert of Hollyrood will show slides at Duff's Unit- ed Church Sunday, Nov. 3, at 8 p.m. sharp. Mr. Ackert had the opportunity to go to Greece for the World Jamboree this past sununer. A reception, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Uhler of Bur- lington was held in the Com- munity Hall Friday evening. During the lunch hour the new- lyweds were presented with a purse of money by Allen John- ston and an address was read by John Baan. Music was sup- plied by Ian Wilbee's orchestra. Mrs. Norval Stimore has re- turned home after undergoing surgery in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Leeming and family of St. Marys and Miss Norma Leeming of Lon- don spent the Thanksgiving weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Leeming. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Deichert and Miss Betty Stickl and friend, all of London, spent the weekend visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McLachlan. Mr. Edgar Schnell of Cam - rose, Alberta, who has been visiting relatives and was in- jured in a car accident at Kip - pen last week, is reported to be improving quite well and at present is with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson visited Sunday with her father, Mr. Samuel Storey, who is hos- pitalized in Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. David Johnston of Pilot Mound, Man., who have spent the summer visiting with relatives and friends in this area, left for their home this week. Robert Turner and Jim Consitt accompanied them home for a short holiday in Mani- toba. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Riley and daughters spent Saturday in London. Recent newlyweds from Kip pen in the persons of Mr. and' Mrs. Wayne Littleton, were chivareed at their home in Exe- ter on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lavery and Gregory visited friends in London on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Barnett and Mrs. F. Ducker of Toronto were Saturday overnight guests with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. Mr. W. L. Mellis received word during the week that his niece's husband, George Ed- wardson, of Vancouver, had died suddenly of a heart attack. His wife was the former Edna Cud - more, daughter of the late Ed- win Cudmore and Mrs. Cud - more. DUBLIN COLLEENS The fourth meeting of the Dublin Colleens was held at the home of Mrs. C. Friend on Monday. The secretary read the minutes and the vice-president took the roll call and handed the meeting over to the leader. Mrs. Friend talked to the group about choosing material for their blouses, how to shrink material and to alter patterns. The girls are to make a cos- tume chart for 4-H Achieve- ment Day. Some forms of heart disease can be prevented—many can be cured. GIGANTIC RUMMAGE SALE Under auspices of Women's, Hospital Auxiliary at SEAFORTH PUBLIC LIBRARY at 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. Men's Wear,.,Ladies' Wear, Hats, Shoes, •and ` >lt'ses t 'Children's Clothing, irhiture and Bric.a-frac. NEWS OF .HENSALL STUDENTS PRESENT CONCERT, AS SCHOOL 'FAIR FEATURE An evening concert in con- junction with Hensall Com- munity Agricultural School Fair was held in the Town Hall Friday evening. Chairman for the evening was J. G. Bur. rolls,, school inspector for flu- ron 3, who was introduced by P. L. McNaughton, chairman of the school fair board. Judges were H. L. Sturgis and Mir. and Mrs. Ron Heimrich. Results: Class 127, recita- tions, Grades 1 and 2—Barbara Kerslake, No. 7, Hibbert; Kathie Cook, Hensall P.S.; Jill, Drys- dale, Hensall P.S. Class 128: Recitations, Grades 3 and 4—Bill Hoy, Pauline Al- lan, Hensall P.S.; Shirky Brint- nell, 7 Hibbert. Class 129; Public Speaking, Grades 6 and under—Carolyn Cook, Ken Jones, Debra Ander- son, all of Hensall P.S. Class 130: Public Speaking, Grades 7 and 8—Bonnie Kers- lake, 7 Hibbert; Brenda Noakes, Hensall P.S.; Karen Sararas, 7 Hibbert. Class 131, Vocal Solo, girls under 10—Dorothy Skea, Hen- sall P.S.; Barbara Kerslake, 7 Holy Name Holds Breakfast Approximately 65 attended the father and son communion breakfast Sunday, sponsored by St. James' Holy Name Society. Daniel J. Murphy, Goderich, the guest speaker, discussed "Wills," outlining some of the difficu- ties families face when there is no will. He mentioned that 50 per cent of Canadians are with- out a will. It is a moral obli- gation to draw up a will, he said. John O'Brien, program chairman, introduced the guest speaker, and Rev. C. E. Sulli- van expressed the group's ap- preciation. Rev. C. E. Sullivan explained to the members that a family in the parish, following a recent and sudden death, needed as- sistance immediately. The group agreed that a canvass of the parish and the immediate neigh- bors would be conducted short- ly, under the assistance of the Holy Name Society. Members willing to help in the canvass are to contact Harry Arts, Bill De Jong or Arnold Stinnissen, president. ZION Anniversary services were held at Zion Church on Sunday by the 'Rev. F. Merrill Fergu- son, Parkview United Church, Stratford. Soloist at both serv- ices was Leslie Harbach, Strat- ford. A very large congregation attended, it being a perfect day for an annrsary. Visitors for the day with Mrs. Mary Malcolm were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon, Donna and Barry; with Mr. and Mrs. Dal- ton Malcolm, Mrs, Ed. Hocking, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Har- bach and Leslie, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Burchill, Mit- chell; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keyes, Grand Bend; with Mr and Mrs. Charles Roney: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Park and Mur- ray, Mr. and Mrs. Aldon Wil- liams and family, Munro; with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bushfield: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gray, Mi1I- bank; Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hannon; with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hannon: Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Jeffery and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker and family; with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Roney, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mahaffy, Mr. and Mrs. John -Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roney and family; with Mr. and Mrs. Ear1 Roney, her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Lee - less, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kramer and family; with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Aikens: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Durst, Seaforth; with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Aikens: Rev. Ferguson and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. La Vern Hamil- ton, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper, Mr. Dalton Bal- four; with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper; with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker, her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shelley, Mit- chell, and family, Mrs. Myrtle Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wil- liams and daughters, Burford, and Mr. Eric Norris with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence,, Barker; Mr. and Mrs, Earl Kemp and fam- ily, Mr. Wayne Pepper, OAC, Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper. Mr. and Mrs. Errol Rogers, Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Rogers, Windsor, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Aikens Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton, Ken and Joan spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Charles Hunter and Mr. Hunter, at their cottage at Grand Bend. Mrs. Elsie Young, Toronto, visited recently with her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Roney. 11Mr. Ken Britton in London Friday and Saturday, attending the young people's convention. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reuther and son, of Walton, with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton attended the funeral of her aunty Mrs. Dawson, Itensall, on 1Vtondayw Hibbert; Shirley Brintnell, 7 Hibbert. Class 132: Vocal Solo, girls 10 and under—Ruth Coleman, 7 Hibbert; Ann Keys, Hensall P. S.; Denise Kerslake. 7 Hibbert. Class 133: Vocal Solo, boys under 10 --Tim Mock (only en- try), Hensall P.S. Class 134: Vocal Solo, boys 10 and over—Doug Mock, Ken Jones, Hensall P.S. Class 135: Vocal Duets— Brenda Noakes and Kathie Hen- derson, Hensall P.S.; Denise and Bonnie Kerslake, 7 Hibbert; Mary Mock and Debbie Ander- son, Hensall P.S. Class 135a: Unison Chorus - 7, Hibbert; Grades 7 and 8, Hensall P.S.; Grades 5 and 6, Hensall P.S. Class 135b: Chorus, two parts -7 Hibbert (only entry). Class 136: Piano Solo, under 10—Julie Heal, Pam Mickle, Kay Davis, all of Hensall P.S. Class 137: Piano solo, 10 and over — Ken Jones, Susan Broad- ley, Jane Pyette, all of Hensall P.S. Class 138—No entries. Class 139: Piano .duet—Caro- lyn Cook and Linda Keys, Pa- tricia Parke and Joan Simmons, Hensall P.S. Class 140—No entries. Class 141: Spelling match— Jane Pyette, Hensall P.S. Al- lan Sararas, 7 Hibbert; Bonnie Kerslake, 7 Hibbert. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Johnston of Trenton, formerly of Hensall, visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Keys. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mac- Lean visited recently with rela- tives in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Talbot at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Tal- bot's father, the late Reuben J. Sallows, 75, of Goderich, held Saturday from the Lodge Serv- ice Home, Goderich, with bur- ial in Maitland Cemetery, Gode- rich. Mr. Sallows passed away in Westminster Hospital Tues- day. Surviving are his wife, seven sons, five daughters and one sister. Mrs. Bert Riley purchased the. home of Ross Jaques on King Street at their auction sale on Saturday. Mrs. William T. Kyle, Miss Bonnie Kyle and Miss Pat Jones enjoyed Thanksgiving with rel. atives in Detroit and Dearborn, Michigan. Hensall Kinettes report a most successful rummage sale at the local arena on Saturday, with a large attendance, and many fine articles offered for sale. Articles not sold will be packed in the United Church women's bale being packed this month. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. DOUGLAS 0. FRY Minister Sunday, Oct. 27th WORSHIP — 11:00 A.M. 9:45 a.m.—Minister's Class 10:00 a.m.—The Senior Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—The Junior Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—The Nursery Anniversary SERVICES BRUCE FIE LD United Church Sunday, Oct. 27 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. (E.S.T.) Speaker: Rev. Howard K. Plant Special Music by the Choir and Guest Soloists MRS. G. MOFFATT, Organist Thrifty Kippenettks The seventh meeting of the Thrifty Kippenettes was held at the home of Dianne and Don- na Stoll. The meeting was op- ened with the 4-H Pledge. The notes were about "cooking with milk." The skit to be given on Achievement Day, Nev. 9, was discussed. Dianne and Donna Stoll demonitrated ' How to make pancakes. Donna Stoll served rice crispie cookies. EGMONDVILLE United Church Rev. J. H. Vardy Minister C. Lyle Hammond Organist and Choir Leader 10:00 a.m.--Church School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship ' D A C E RLUEI WATER DANCELAND Friday, Oct. ,25th 10 to 1:30 i • Desjardine's i Orchestra Watch for next week's edition for details of our ' Annual Hallowe'en Masquerade Dance to be held FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1st Town of SEAFORTH DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS in the Town of Seaforth at 12:01 a.m. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1963 Sunday will be on STANDARD TIME NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH 86th Anniversary Sunday, Oct. 27 Guest Speaker: REV. BRUCE W. HALL, B.A., B.D., S.T.M. Boys' Work Secretary of Canadian Council of Churches + 11:00 a.m, Topic— "Where To?" CHOIR—"OPEN OUR EYES" MacFarlane JUNIOR CHOIR—"THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD" Solo — Carol Bell DUET—"HOW SWEET THE NAME OF JESUS SOUNDS Brown Mrs. Neil Bell, Miss Ruth ,Cluff + 7:00 p.m. Topic -- "Living is Loving 11 ANTHEM—"I WILL MAGNIFY THEE" Thomas Solo -- Mrs. Don Woods MALE CHORUS—"O WHAT A FRIEND IS JESUS" ANTHEM—"0 YE THAT LOVE THE LORD". Taylor + Services will be on Standard Time ORGANIST—Mrs. James A. Stewart CHOIRMASTER—Mr. James A. Stewart MINISTER --Rev. J. Cliff Britton, B.A. THE SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB is holding its annual Peanut Drive House -to House Canvass will be carried out on MONDAY EVENING OCTOBER 28th Christmas Pack ow mil Party Pack and. PEANUT BUTTER Net Receipts from this Planter's ,Peanut Sales Drive assist in the Lions Club Community Welfare Program Be Generous . / THIS TS A WORTHWHILE PROJECT