HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-10-17, Page 124 -, 4 -,TRE IA.1RQN XVOSITOR, SEAFORTH, QNT., QCT, 11i, 4 .... r ax J. E, KEATING, who this month marked his 40th anni- versary in business in Seaforth, is shown with his daughter, Mrs. M. E. Hoover. Mrs. Hoover has been associated with her father in the business since 1957. Mr. Keating graduated from Ontario College of Pharmacy in 1920; his daughter, in 1944. (Expositor photo by Phillips). Keating'i Phc.rthacy Celebrates Forty Years on SeaforthMain Scree Celebrating the forthieth an- niversary of commencing busi- ness in Seaforth, .1. E. Keating agrees he wouldn't have missed a minute of it. "I've never regretted coming to , Seaforth. They have been 40 wonderful years," he said, as he recalled outstanding inci- dents during his business career here, It was in October, 1923, that Mr. Keating established Keat- ing's Pharmacy. Not long re- turned from overseas, where he was wounded, and a recent graduate of the Ontario Col- lege of Pharmacy, he had never heard of Seaforth until a for- mer area resident, the late W. A. Hargraves, of Drug Trading Co., told him a drug business was for sale here, and of the opportunities that existed in the area. "I got on the train one morn ing and came up and saw for myself. Before I left that after- noon I had an, option;" he said. Long Established The business he bought had been formed about 60 years earlier, and through the years had established a name for fair dealing and quality merchan- dise, and Mr. Keating continued to follow the same principles. The business today . is among the largest of its kind in the area. Included among the store rec- ords are early prescription books, dating from the late six- ties and seventies, when Lumd- sen & Wilson were the drug- gists, and later when Col. Alex Wilson carried on the business. Mr. Keating purchased the busi- ness from E. Umbach. A native of Madoc, Hastings County, he attended school there and early in the First War enlisted and served three years overseas. It was when he returned to Canada he decided to become a druggist, graduat- ing in 1920. Following gradua- tion he worked in Toronto until he came to Seaforth. A sou- venir he cherishes; and which THE INTERIOR OF KEATING'S PHARMACY was completely remodelled following a disastrous fire in June, 1953. The attractive and modern arrangement permits display of a large stock, in a way that makes shopping easy. The building has housed a drug store .for more than 90 years. (Expositor photo by Phillips). reminds him of his first days here, is the first nickle he took in on the sale he made after his name was on the door. "I often wish I knew who that kid was, who bought that chocolate bar that day," he said. His daughter, Merle, Mrs. M. E. Hoover, followed in her father's footsteps and graduat- ed in pharmacy in 1944. She has been associated with her father in the business since 1957. A son, Kenneth, practises law in New York. Active in Community Mr. Keating early in his Sea - forth days assumed an active role in the community. Inter- ested in sports, he was associ- ated with the bowling, curling and golf clubs. He found time to take part in municipal af- fairs, and after several years years in council was Mayor in 1949-5A. He was the first chairman of the Seaforth Arena Commis- sion. A charter member of the Sea - forth Lions. Club, he is a past president and former zone chair- man and district deputy gover- nor. He is a Past Master of Britannia Lodge, and for 31 years has been treasurer. He is also a member of the ,Scot- tish rites and of Mocha Shrine. He is a past president and past superintendent of Royal Arch Chapter. He is a past presi- dent of Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion. "I can take things a bit eas- ier now. Merle is here and I can get away mote," he said. He and Mrs. Keating enjoy travelling and spend several weeks away each year. PROMINENT IN THE ACTIVITIES of Keating's Pharm- acy are staff members, (left) Miss Abbie Seip, Miss Mary Ellen Gorwill and Mrs. Ann Henderson. Mrs. Henderson first was associated with the store in the twenties, and after an absence of 23 years returned again to the staff in 1951. (Expositor photo by Phillips). 24. Cards. of Thanks WE wish to thank all our friends and neighbors, Dr. Goddard, Father Sullivan, Father Oar - ante., Bax Funeral Home and pallbearers for their kindness and help shown us in our recent sad bereavement. Mrs. Theo. Hauwert and Family. 24-91x1 Births Read the Advertisements - It's a Profitable Pastime! WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS - PhOne 141 GLEW-At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Oct. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. James Gllew, Seaforth, ra dailghser, Mary Lynn. JORDAN -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Oct. 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jordan, RR 2, Dublin, a daughter. LLOYD -- At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Oct. Th, to Mr. anxl Mrs. Donald Llbyd, Sea - forth, a daughter. VINCENT -At Scott Memorial Hospital], on Oct. 13, to Mr., and Mrs. Kenneth Vincent, of Seaforth, a sorb. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Simone Honey Harbour, wish to an- nounce the enga gerruent of their daughter, Nettie May, to Durl Vanno'men Hopper, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hopper, Sea - forth, wedding to be early( in November. -1 Social_ Mrs. William Dale will enter- tain at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Wilma, on Saturday evening, Oct. 19th. Friends please iaccept this in- vitation. 91-1 Too Late To Classify FOR SALE -- New gas space heater, high chair, organ stool, dining room table and chairs. Phone 324-M, Seaforth. 11-91-1 FOR SALE -20 pigs, 8 weeks old. Vincent Murray, RR 5, Sea- forth. Phone 102 R 16, Dublin. -1 DEAD MOVED�S For Dead or Disable" Animals CALLCOLLECT Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 License No. 262-C-63 19-91-tf Teert-Age Girl: "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I became engaged to Hick last night." Boys; "Well, how about next week?" Production of natural gas in Can la totalled 936.6 bmTh cubic feet lit 1962 nearly three times the Production of 337.8 tb'iliio t +Faric feet only five rots eitlrlle r .. 10, BIG I v s: STARTS THURSDAY OCT.17 THRU SATURDAY OCT. 26 GET TWICE AS MIJOH FOR A PENNY MOREI REXALL Mi 31 SOLUTION Antiseptic mouth wash and gargle. 16 oz. Regular 984.2/99¢ 8 oz. Regular 690.2/700 ADRIENNE SPRAY HAIR NET (With Lanolin) Keeps your hair In soft per- fect order. Even on damp or windy days. Never sticky or brittle. 5 oz. Reg. $1.49 2/$1.50 11 oz. Reg. $1.992/52.00 REXILLANA COUGH SYRUP (Eff ectltre.PleasantTa sti ng) 4 oz. Reg. 894 2 for 900 8 oz. Reg. $1.25 2 for$1.26 FOR INFANTS AND CHILDREN 4 oz. Reg. 894 • . 2 for 900 REXALL AIR FRESHNER Floral, Apple Blos- som or Pine. 5 oz. Reg. $1.25 2 for $1.26 Li SURGICAL GAUZE Resat'. 1 yard square. Reg. 594 2 for 60¢ ❑GAUZE BANDAGE 1' x 10 yyadrds, regularlY9 x 10 yds. 2/4002 for 30¢ C� FOAM INSOLES Rexatl. Ventilated, washable, women's or men's sizes 4 to 11, regular 594 pr 2 for 60¢ BABY PANTS Rexatl "Tiny Tot". Pink, white or- bate. Swirl design, Improved bndieg. Med., Lge., X -Large. Reg. 504 pr. 2 pr.for 51¢ E BLUE LINED ENVELOPES Rexall. 21's Regular 154 package 2 for 16¢ [1 MILADY NOTES 2assorted 4 stylishwtours. Rnotes andegular 75 24 egelopes, white or 2 for C7 REX BALL POINT PEN tor home and school. Reg. 504 2 for 51¢ E BOBBY PINS Helen Cornell. 24's black or brown. Regular 104 card ..2for11¢ E POWDER PUFFS Adrienne. Assorted shapes and styles. Reg. 2902for 30¢ NEWI CARA NOME GO1DEN FLARE NAIL POLISH. Six beautiful new shades. Stgug��bbornly reegs�ists chipping REXALL peeling. ADHESIVE TAP5E. (Waterproof) h' x 5 yds. Reg. 39! 2 for 400 TOOTHPASTE;Rexall. Trlo•Pak. (5•xlOyds.Reg. 594 2for 600 Fluoridated, 3 tubes. $1.89 1' x 5 yds. Reg. 59 . 2 for 6W Value Bonus Buy $1.09 14",1/2', lc5yds.l egular95 2 96( gPUNTEX NON -RUN NYLONS. REXALHOT WATER BOTTLE. 2 qt. Guaranteed non -run Micro -Mesh size In various coloours. Guaranteed seamfree. 8'/u to 11. $1.59 pair. one full year. gg$2.66 REXALL. KLENZO TOOTHBRUSHES. Value Bonus Buy 890 pr. 3 and 4 row Nylon Bristle brushes. "Seamless Mesh" 8/2 to 11. $1.19 Choice of 3 styles. Tufted end; Pr. Value... . .. 2 pr. for $1.39 Convex or Multituft filling. In acetate RUBBER GLOVES. K'lenzo. Curved tube. Adult. Rog 50t 2 for 510 fingers, non -slip gripping surfaces. REXALL SEAMLESS NYLON Small, medium, large. $1.65 pair. SUPPORT STOCKING Sheer Value Bonus Buy 890 pr. stretch "seamless" or "fu l -fashion• SPECIAL OFFERI REXALL SUPER ed" with seams. Rose Beige. In small, PLENAMINS! Now and for a limited medium, large and extra targe. Rei time only, you can get 25% more $4.95 pair 2palr5foryg99 tablets with REXALL SUPER REXALL MILK OF MAGNESIA. PLENAMINS! For example 36 extra Excellent qual(ty, neutralizes acid ,tablets with the 144 day supply for upset stomach. Liquid, plain 20 oz. only $7.98. You save $2.89. New Regular 750.. .,.., 2 for 760 low price on liquid tool Tablets, minted 85'S. Reg. 540.2/550 Tablets, minted 250'n. Regular $1.10 2 fol $L11 Right reserved (o (I25 Quantilif • Prkee sublett to change at no&e- KEATING'S PHARMACY J. E. Keating, Phttt.B, M. E. Hoover, Phm.B. BONUS BUYS (Not 1¢ Sale items, but Special Values during this Sale) !THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF TUE MANY FALL 10 SALE SAVINGS It's Our 40th It is forty years since that October day i n 1923 when KEATING'S PHARMACY began servicing the people of Seaforth and district. . Our pledge at that time was that we should carry on the tradition of Service. and Quality that had featured the business since it first had been established more than 50 years earlier. In carrying out that pledge during the past 40 years we have formed many fine associa- tions that have stood the test of time. They have been good years and we appreciate in a manner words cannot describe... the co-opera- tion and support which have been given us by the community. ON THURSDAY OF THIS WEEK WE BEGIN OUR 40th FALL SALE 1 Once more, as we have in the past 39 years, we invite the public ' to visit us and take advantage of the savings being offered. KEATING'S PHARMACY THE REXALL DRUG STORE J. E. KEATING, PhmB. M. E. HOOVER, Phm.B. SEAFORTH ONTARIO 43 il i • r M 4 t L,