HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-10-17, Page 114
USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS $. !+'arm Stock For gale x2. Wanted To Buy 19, l�oti�es 2.Q, Atltctiou, $at1ea .... 20: Auction Safest 22, g�� �7gt�ces 2
I. Coming Events TWEtNTY rfttt �g'ood p'i'gs. APP4 ONE thaws! PRO A'M
land,• baps lit b 11�'PT w'atc'h r@Pa'ii'• sel,'vllce' �•
Cam1 V�anderMA,, SIXTH' room saifpsl; Small "dre&SO;
Ptuaue 46$, _ SURAP cars far Wrecking. ) �'ad watahmak, OWR Siaor sewing m(aFli e, (tread: a
3. Found Nom plllntbon 2 g - Of flc,� 2, F3a1t3', L C TOWN
2 Lost, Strayed St, P,e: s>t, (oppa§�t� Posh
w 4. Help Wanted P.+�, C
Phone, 67� 3: 12-x11 at Sa'Yatt
EIGHfI�E!EN n 77r weeks amid ens. Automatics a a B1tEpEl3S 1e). 2 card tables, liad1 iz IULE a;
Tam Kale, Phan'e. 707 R 9 Dub- He 3210., Cfe+ar Vu hell nil r; pearly new, Er±e o'
5: Business Opportunities Auba W'recke�: 72-9Qxr<I �-�'� SALE �a, GQttr'� of �@ViSIi
6, Teachers Wanted lin, RR, 5, Svaiiorth. 8 8L 1 ---- -- — a u le ner;, 2 whine.
Z'WIFa]4T head m�ixied c_atae, FIVE and 10 Ila. ., sYantp 2Q. �1ilC iQi Sales At Stxatfgrd� Fair Grounds, wicker chaiXs; ase" ; 3 flbax The ua�cil o the .Topp
8, situations Wanted. pe sOQ2am1 Seaforth, B pails,
xls5ci . £od off m W C a goes foie ,oak 7x:30' p.rn F g dadne, fx erma ; Col- R vHisu'a a Nb 1t)s.. 0, d,
Farm Stock: For SaleOQTOaFni uctiR
9: Poultry Far Sale , h, 891x1 dace Rossi 12JJ1�1 AUCTION SE ROBSON a'ruiTbers, talrlewashwrg machine, kitchen tnetttr Rai. The, fkreC otE
10. Used Cars For Sale Doug., 0 EEN pigs, 8 weeks' old. Auction Salle of Seaforth and: 4 chains- ' ki,'ti bm the. CoCii;b of Re "$i*' wild Ina
11. Articles For Sale Doug., HugiA RR: 2, seaforth', TWO 16""b snow tires',or W0 Residence and Com, De �e]d. moll; set Bridal; Rose china; 'held oay Ocblyl}er 2$; its, $;34
trade 2 rdoi h, snow. flares for latethry� CtUR 1Ye e r eta t, Old Col ori sdl'vermrare- good
o'clock P;m., '
" 13. Wanted Y EIGHTY old C�Landrace 667 J 4S of th Ids;' lumte. �y R y, on OCTOBER M' K•a Ct3CK rft,l Secretor g ishp o, cormm, Y
12. Wanted To Bu • Phone HU 2-7,548,
` g Pigs, large giiantfity, oE+ Hall at I,andem,
14. Property For Sale J0bar Jansen, RR 5, Seaforth, 78; 1963, at 1.30P.M. Ontario. - bedding. lawn chairs,; 2 step- Ariry person vttiShintg,to,a
15: Property For Rent phone 852 R: 21, 8.911.1 Contents consist of complete 20 90 2 ladders; wheel barrow; ch'aws; 'their assess�ni t mrt&�; optifY
16. For Sale or Rent peal
TWO hu'ndrod 5eic�-Sa'1- ink yleam ,.Wanted household furnishings, garden toolsf; power lawn mew- thy`Clerk of the 11fuAlcipAty�iu'
17. Wanted To Rent old hens. Osear• CubhiR. RR 4, House and Property, one CLF.ARRINQ er• hand lawn mower; di'sb)w; writing at, least ten' dols, prep :
i8, Property. Wanted, Walton, yarx dike to receiva, up, s AUCTION SALE cuttOry',; Pots; pans; ealters;, to the first s2tiingz «fl• tie Cqu'rfi.
P Phone 834. Ti 21,. Seas to, 370 tm eY frame house, on, Gpderi,
19. Notices forth. per, dozen more for your S'tree't Fast, other articles: too numerous to HARRY F. Tl� B;U1T,
8-911x'1 eggs than Grade A Large? We gas furnace mad Clearing Auction Sale Farm menton,, Cie:rk,.RR' 1, I,ottdeslroxo,'< ;.
20. Auction Sales ONE hundred , ern kitchen full battiitoam „tack, Machinery and House-
Pi'gsr bebweean 7 additional hatching eggs hardwood floors, 'lar lata bald Effects, at Lot 24 Hou. 3, TLRIMSl Cast'
21, Tenders Wanted and 9 weeks Old, Herbert van and we take some breeds every 22-00,2,
22. Legal Notices Niekimk, RR .2, Kippen, phone week in the year, For full in- garage' Stanley Township, li/4 mQl 'ROBERT SM`ITff, Proprietor.
23. Business Directory 651 R 5, Seaforth. 8-91-1 formation write Box 1ID71, The Terms, on chattel,, cash, on west and 2 rnil�s north o£ Bruce HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer TO'WNSH'IP OF
24. Cards of Thanks yoRlg iltit E Property, 10% on day of salie, field, on' WEDNESDAY OCT, GEORGE PUWEi`1', Clerk. Tt7CKERSMITH
hog, 1 year old; 4 year xpositor. -13-91m1 balance in 3o days, 16th, at 1 p,iw, 20-90 2
25. In Memoriam ling cattle, John Caldwalll, Bruce -- ---_ The Estate of the bate 'CATTLE -10 Holstein cows Clerk's Notice of the
Th Personals field, phone Clinton, HU 2-3M4. 14. Property For Sale MRS. THERESA RAY, Prop. fresh in spring, rebred to fresh- 21. Tenders. Wanted
The cost is law. Classifications g-gy,l First Posting of Voters'
2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, !2, 13, 15 and II'OTSTEIN heifers• vac ' FARM for sale; 8racre Ea?'m, JOSEPH L. RYAN, Auctioneer. in Dec., Jan. and Manch; 1 L1St
17, minimum 40c an insertion. bred Hereford, due soannJ new barn, 2 miles',, firom Sear J'A9• M+eQUAID, Clerk, fat cow; 3 Holstein heifers, TENDERS WANTED O
forth, house new all modern 20-90.2 bred; L steer, 2 years old'; four
Classification eal minimum 6se. phone ''21 an 83 HAgtwvay, Holsbeiau heifier Tenders are r, uested b the
NOTICE is 'hereby glycan ftuati S
plus 25c for earls 4 -line verse. phone '21 R 4, Kirk'tonr, 8-'88-6 Phone
raenv. fo . 1 nate. spring calves, � Y I have complied with Section 9
All other classifications, mini- P'hoine 864 W 4, Seaforth. 3A -90x2 ESTATE POULTRY -200 pudlie+ts, RIR undersigned for the conAru',c- of the Voters' List Act and n
mum 65 cents FOR sale in Seafo'7t}i, beauti- AUCTION SALE x�CR, laying: poultry fence; 3 tiara of building sewer services that I have P
per insertion, J, Poultry For Sale ftil Clearer, Poultry equipment, posted u at my
shelte' from the street lateralis to a P fo
except Auction 'Sales (20), Ten- Monne with Beauty Salon in g Auctiorn Sale Farm, ILq;y—y00 belles aE hay; 25 distance of 3 feet within Scott office at Tuckersmith, on the, c
dere Warted (21), and Legal
READY -TO -LAY pullets, I6 house, together with, equipment Farm Stock, Mac 11th da
Notices me rates on weeks old, and 20 -week-old ,and end Gra'i a �' Hay ton's !base hay. Memorial Hospital and also to y 0f October, 7863, the
appldca Honegger layers. See trier at supplies for Beauty Salon. n, . t Lot 5, Cow. 9, MACHINERY—W-4 Interwar a distance of 3 feet within the list of all persons entitled to D
tiara. Red brick house, with a halt Tuekersmith Township 5 miles vote in said Municipality, at
" sall' 8 W 4, au's. Phoire Hen-sP florae! tractor, heat house^, nurses' residenec together with
sell' 278 W 4, or contact Norval roofing, 7 rooms, (3 bedrooms South and li/z milesi East of Municipal Elections and that
For cash payment or If paid and 2 bath�roomv), fullt basement Seaiiomth, on SATURDAY, OCT. chains; 3 -furrow plow; A Irnter- such other wnmk a ma'y^ be re- G
Reid, 49-M, Hensall, Honegger nationall tractor, equdpped with quired and of which. deltails may such list remains there for in- D
by 10 days following last insar�. with, finished recreation room, 26th, at 1 p:m, be. obtained from the under- spection.
llayersU,lay longer. CATTLE -18 Holstein caws, seufflex and bean Ptrllem; Tinter- And I hereby lion, 15 CeNTS deducted frnra detached one car garage, house national sprung 'tooth power signed. Tenders close Wednes, Y! inie upon `
above rates. g 89-tt only 13 Years old, in beautiful fresh arae due to fine�shen eight cultivator, 4 -section diamond day, October 23rd at 6 p.m. voters to take rnnmedn'ate pro
coed do n, centrally- lac a t e d, Holstein, heifers, bred; 5 calves; ceedings to have any errors or
Hereford bull, 2 harrows; 3 -section spring tooth Lowest, or any tender not
COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED i�; Used Cars For Sale longe Tbt, well. landscaped. For Yeasts old. ommisions corrected
RATES harrows; 13 disc Inkernatianal necessarily oec ted, according
SEMI=Clic, zed 'S3 Ford, ,54 ins'pe'll anti, terms apply bo PIGS -13. sows, 3 with pigs,` fertiPizex drill; sheep roller; 6 -ft, JAMES M SCOTT, to 14�w, the last day for appeal
(For Business Firms, Trades- Buick '°motor, floor E
, must Mr, Melvin Glanvillie, RR 1, others due soon. mower; Cockshutt snde 'aloe; Chairman Pr being. the 25th day of October,
Hensall', Onha'rio. Executor of MACHINERY—Full, line farm 'operty Committee, IB63:
» men, etc.): Minimum, .50 stouts be sieeaL Best offer. ne' 108steel bottom push bar hay load- Scoot Memorial' Hospital
per insertion. Billing char 15 or as the Estate of Letha Euleen Mi1- maebin"cry, list next week. Dated this 10th day.. of Octl
g ge, PPLY Jarvis St., Eoa~th. er; manure spreader; 2-uhnit 21-91 1
cents per advertisement. 10-91-1 ler, telephone 337 W 2. IA -914F Some 'householld effects. milking machine; Massey -Har- her, 1963.
1950 VOLKSWAGEN FARM -150 acres farm, gaol ris se 22, Lee- NOtiCes J. I. Mc
SIXTY acre farm, in Tucker- separator; 8 milk cans; �.
1. Coaling Events clay loam land lair bank
Looks ]oke new inside and am't ''smith, large barn, 5000 squame lyaro, ' � milk pail's; 2-�wheei' trainer; 4- Clerk-T�+e+a>sumer
side, cam letei new feet, fully P Storey good stabling silo, two- inch tile; farm scales; funning NOTICE Townshi
;.., BINGO on Wednesday, Ott. 30 p paint Y equipped with rss� p of Tudwrsani'th
, job radio, whitewaUs, Sold for'' sure System, water bowls � rse 'brick house immediate mill• barrels; piping; scrap Y 22.90-2
sponsored first reasonable offer. p for 1£ tows, 12 song ens s passesstoru Sold sub iron; e'lect'ric fencer TO CREDITORS.
in 5,t„ GolVinmban Hadi, red u je;Ct:: b0 re-
am In tho Estate o%
Ivy 5b Calumba'' CWL. IW911 PHONE =, SEA�F'ORTH. plg• Pens, milking rna p �b serge bid l0%a dower, balance crusher; double blocks; PTO NOTICE
in, 30 days pump hose and orchard ELIZABETH I>RR N. TO CREDITORS
�RESIIORVE Friday, Now'E.mber 16-� fats oil 'water, 4-(4edrroontu, house, Chahtiels, Cas1k, gang
29, Eor Dublint CWL Annual well insulated; hot, cold running E ,ate, of the lake antique goose neck cutter; oil)- Alla persons having claims In the Eistate� of -
Tiny Bingo. 1F91r1 H. ArtiCJeS, For Sate water. 33 acres pasture, inclhid- T'$EpZypRES HAUe late Prop, grease; tools; quantity l5iinbem; 'a'gainst the Estate of Elizabeth R. SCOTT' HAWTHORNE.
KINETTE Ing 13 acmem. sowed this year, HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer- plank; Gehl belt-
em mill; 50- Dinner,, late of the Town of Huron,
A1'D persons 'having claims M
Club of 'Hewsall are QUEBEC h®abe1, 1®"' fiaeport; good light clay- soi9,- Apply Lot ft. endless bet; 5 tan rulyber forth, ern the county of Hu'ran, a met the Estate of R. Scare
sponsoring a Rcirtirna+ Sate ay' PP Y GE'ORG.E .POWl7I:T , Clerk moi'
ge , good condition, Phone 238-31. -1 23, Con. 4, LRS, Tuck�ersmdtth tired wagon; 16 ftt, hay and Widow, deceased, Moho died on Hawtthorne, late of the Town F
at the Arena, Henson, Saturday, WALNUT buffo 20-91-2 the 6th da
October 19th at 2 t $15; Berl -phone 651 R 5, Seaforth: 1490x2 grain rack; Telo post jack; Y of October, 196:1,•, of Seaforth, in the County of
p.m. For chestberfiel `CLEARING barb wire; pig troughs; 36 -ft. are hereby notified to send in Huron, deceased, who died on
pick-up detiive� 'ca61 IM -M, d' Phone '233• extension ladder, (new); forks.; full, particulars' of their claims or about the 19th daty of August,
item 6 P:r►ti. 11 Ji Y 15. Pro rt For Rent AUCTION SALE P
Sen�sall. 189 3 shovels; choline; hay to bhro undersigned an or before 1963, are 'hereby wabified to send
$40, May b annex, 4 ox TS old. Cleaning Auction Sale of car; mss' the 8th da. of November . THE O.R.G. -,w ML lix>0'd� a ]3�aloe $�. May, � ,rem in, ?3'ax ��- APARTMENT, on Ii�ailtvaq St., Farms, Stack, and Im grass seeder; aluminum Y bei•, 1963, i�n to the undersigned' an, or be-
Sade and Novelty Taible Friday, snare, or phone 479-R. 1R-91-1 gas heated, immediate passes pleanents wheel barrow: 5 square of al- 'after which date •bhe assets will' fore the 7th day of November,
Oct. 25, in Frank Klieg's vacant sion, Carl Dalton. 15 9111 wi14 ba held at Lot 20, Con. 12, uminum, roofing; ;boy's bicycle; he distributed, having regard 1963, full pamticulram9 of their
store at 3 p.m. O.E.S•. Euchre BEATTY li'ttea carrier, in good Hibbert Township, 7 miles east Stewart cattle cdi'ppers: eaten- only to claims therm received, claims, iffier which date, tlue Re
dates in IOOF Hall, Dec. 5th, oandiltivn• J'• Heyin'k, RSR. 1, THREE bedroom• house, South of., Henseli, or 8 mulles south sion cord; electric brooder; Dated at Seaforth, this 16th rasisets of the said estate will'' be
l Jain. 3rd, Feb. , 6th, Mar. 5th B11 th, phone Blyth, 23 R. '5, x1 blain Street- Gass heated. Chas.. west of Dublin on TUESDAY,
Reeves. gas stove'; garden planter. day of October, 1963. distributed amongst the parties
April 2nd. 1-911 PR'OPA'NE 'gas' range 4 burner. 15-911-1: OCTOBER 29th, at 10:00 p,m. HOUSEHOLD E, F F E C T S-- McCONNELL & STEWART, entit'l'ed thereto 'having regard
CAVAN United Chummh, Win Leonard' Learning, phone 870 APARTMENT for rent in +tine PROPERTY—Consists of 100 Kitchen cabinet; Quebec heap- Seaforth, Ontario. only to claiiri�si of which blue
J-2. ateres 'ab 'Lot 20, Cana 12, Hb_ er; Coleman space heater; wal- D
tt �4 throe, will hold 'their An'niver-; - 11-91ri Town of Seaforth,, Apply Harald p SoU!ici,tars from the Estate. undersigned 'shad,! their h ve
,rY Service, on bunchy, Oct WHITE en'a�me'Y Cllare Jewel Jackson, phone 474. 15 91 � be:nt Township, of which 95 nut china cabinet; buffet; 22-91-3 notice, a
20tH stove 13 -burner and reservoir, e a' large 9 -room frame table; chairs; dressers; stands; DATED at Seaforth, this 9th
at 111:00 a.m. The Rev. TWO berlmam apartmerit, he'att house; with; running water, 3 -pc. chairs, Other articles too num- NOTICE elaY Of October, 1963.
;g Grant M� B.A. B.. -D., Ontario with shelf. Phone 655 R 21. 91-1 ed, private' entranre amd bath, bath and new furnace, a,bank emus to mention. ALVIN W. SILLERy,
} Street IInited Church, Clinton VGI3IIE 'enamel oil, burner, Phone 336-W.
15-91-0 barn, '40' x 70' and straw shed, Terms, cash, no reserve as TO CREDITORS Sclicitor for the Executors,
it wmll be the guest aminister. � with c'arborator and taii9t. Phone HAZF house, in E '
gautandvdJlte, 34' x '50 ,with litter carrier and farm sold. In the Estate of Seaforth, Ontario.
Special musical numbers by 454, Seafdn'6h. 11r9L-2 water bawls, 'i'nilemewt shed 28' JONAFTIHAN HUGTLL a
"s{ the ehow. Please nate that there - 2 bedraamr, self 'contained. FRANK McCOWAN, Proprietor 22-91-3
El r YOUNG well bred saddle horse, Ftnarie 3, Seafarth., 15-"'91x1' x 52', hen 'house; 2 garages,. 50 P Adl persons having claims
r is onNy the one service in ttnf nicely, HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer t Estate of Janathhan ,
Y ' marked Jae Malone, acres on the west halff of Lot against TREASURERS SALE
morning. 197 1 phone 109 R 8, Drnebinn. 11 9Pxi1 THREE-bedroomri modern apaat- 2L, Corn. 13, Hibbert Tawnsii2 GEORGE POWEZL, Clerk. Iiu 14, late of the Township of
menu, dawns6aimsI
available, nm- P, 20.86-2 gi' P OF LAND FOR TAXES
4. Help Wanted FRIGIDAIRE dryer, n`everu'9ed, mediately. Durr Hopper, phare with acres workablie and 'bhe Tuckersmibh, i4' the County of Town Of Seaforth
p *eg,. $
ilo. Best offer: Phone 602 W L: rest in' good hardwood l bush. Huron, Farmer, deceased, who
LADY bookk 15 9111 Ther, CLEARING Count
eeper aril clerk, to �, Seafbmt2i, 11-91-1 property will . be sold at died ow the 27th day of Septem'- Y of Huron.
work' in, Sealorlh, business. In- RBE lar ROOMY residence iGodeiteh 3:00 p,m,., sUbjecb to reserve AUCTION SALE ber, 1963, are hereby nottified TO WIT;
die -ate cava me g6 a►nT' `space. Beat St et East. Lloyd Hag-garth, 'bid if not salary required and ex- ems^ 1150 gaIloru bank. Carl` secretary,Stott Mr previousb, sold• to send in full' Particulars of BY virtue of a warrant issued
petriencle to Bax 12 83, Huron DaRion, 11-91-1 eamomial• Hos- 'CATTLE—The caws are all Clearing Auction Sale of their claims to the undersigned by the Mayor of the Town of
pita -l. 15 911 due to calve before Aril. 17 Household Effects, in the Town ora or before the 24th day of Seaforth under his band and
b Expositor. 4 91}1 ITvINGSTON sGaker and Vik- FOUR bedrooarn haft e 1oc'ated• Holtsdtdein cows-, 4 Jersey cows; of Seaforth, Johne Street, on October, 1963, after which date seal of tate said Corporation, Pho
.AVAILABLE AT ONCE' .. ing 700' boiler, both in, goad in Sea%rtlt, nncellfq decorated 2 cross :bred cahvs 16 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19tH, beam ay of July,
Yearling the assets will be distributed ng date. the 8th d
Good Rawl�h business. Sell- condition:. Charles Reeves, Sea- spacious lrivingrob:in., modern cross breds; 9 heifer calves; 'at 1 p:in• having regard only to claims sale o£ land's in arrears of taxes
ing experience helpful but not forth. 11911
ptometrist, optical sgpvites,
Goderich St. West. Tuesday to
aturday, 9.5:3Q, a'xceilt� W,
osday Thursday, evening, by, ap.
ointment; Phone 791; Sea
rth. Monday, Clinton- Medi.
al Centre.
r. M. R. Buli'ubasic
Dentist Fad, of
%tisdmy, University, o£•Tanon!bp
successor tax. Dr. J. & Munn,
office, Johw. St., Seaforth
Phaa;e 151.
Barristers, Solicitors, Ete-
P. D McCONNELL, Q;ti:' i
Seaforth, Ont: Pbone, 550
Barrister; Solicitor, etc:
Phones: Office., 178; Res; 751:
Seaforth. Ontario.
Commercial Hotel
onday, Thursday --1 to 8 p,m.
rompt and careful attention
Hospital Bed
s. %5-W — Stare 43
Funeral Director
and Ambulance Service
Night or Day Calls:
Phone 43 R 10
Seaforth, Ontario
Niaht or Day Calls — 335
Goderich St., W., Seaforth
Adjustable hospital beds
for rent.
ne 119 - Seafortb
required. - lertchein; bathroom, ga&furnace, 6 steer calves, UPllmstered livingroom ch -aim; then received. in the Town of Seaforth will be Additional
tonCar necessary. Write HITCEiFN range 'in excelCeti�t garage. Available Nov, 1st. HORSE -1' saddlo horse, geld_ chesterfield suite; 2 uphol- DATED at Seaforth, this' 7th held in the Council Chambers
a4 once for particulars, c mditian. $10 cash, moved at Phone 34'8-8641 Mitchell. 15 91-2 ing, 3 ste'red rockers to match: three
RAWLEZGH'5 ll• P years odd, day of October, 1963. at. the hour of 3 o'clock in the
Deft• J -164 -TT, 4005 Richelieu, °nee Mrs. John CCnntrnirngs, POULTRY -75 Leghorn .ptil- rocking chairs; davenport; day-fternoan on, the 6th day of C!a$Sified
phone 289, Seaforth, 11-914 17, wanted To Rent lets, stCarting to lay; lbo'Hy-Line bed: rollaway bed; dinner MCCONNELL & STEWART November, 1963, Curless ilio
Montreal.< FOR SALE --Trade in your old Ivens; hen nests and poultry w'ag'on; smadl 'babies: utility Seaforth, Ontario. Oxe:s and costs are soon& paid. _
4-91-1 HOUSE iru Seaforth, with room
equipmnt table; Pedestal: combination Soddeitors for the Executors. Notice is hereby given. that the See Page 12
shaver now, low prices e. and d'fnis, large A living roam HAY, STRAW, GRA and china cabinet and buffet; 2 bed-
APPLICATYONS 5avau�ge's, opposite Past: Office. 22-90-3 List of lands fors 1 f
a ey, usanes0 man'-
istrabor, Box 180, Clinton. Must
be postmarked by 21 Octobetr
witth written references! encllas
With 4-91x1
are invited for the Position of
CEDAR.. pasts. all sizes; anchor
ng mom. pply to r,v.
Box 599, Seaforth, 1791-2
SILAGE.—A large quantity of
forage !nay; a 11l quanta
y of
loose• strove;
a e or arrears
NAPOLEON -- By McBride
springs, house doors; white
brick, windows, wat'e'r
organist for Egmondville, Unit-
ed Cfiiu'+cdn. Persons interested
Posts; 12' braces; steer pasts, 6'
and T; 'barb wire; Fadge wire.
i9. Notices
a barge quantity
of oats and mLted gra'i'n• 20 ft.
Please write Mr. Arthur Wal-
Ki'nbtarn Stare, Phone 841 R 2,
Borden Brower,.
Of good corn silo
IMPLEMENTS — Allis• Chal-
Lady required for housekecp
ing duties mush be reliable,
lace, th, b of Session, r 4,
Setaforbh, before Navem(bem 5th,
1 LSED storm windows.
WITH f N� r
Telephone 446
atdnrg experience and salary
sizes, all in gaud condition, $3
Municipal Dump
Chalmers scuffler'• Alks
Antis ChaI
« Age Group 45-55.
expected. 4-90�}
each or 4 for $10; also screensy.
Will be. o pew until further
PVD tractor; 3 furrow
Oliver plough; 2 -furrow O1Gvem
WOMEN - Christmas , sehhn'g
A. Y. MtLean, Goderich St„
notice on Wednesday and Sa'tur-
Plough' 3 -harrow M -H Plough;
starts early with Avon' Cosme-
tics-+pamt or fuel' ti'me-valttable,
_� 11
HAND• knuibted k6hha'ir svreatber,
day' afternoons, from 1 to 5;30
2 rubber- timed wagons; 2 hay
racks; 16
sales territory now available.
size 18, Cantaloupe color, nerve'
No wirerfencing, old conc'r'ete,
-ft. forage boxy 15 -run
I H power lift seed drill 7
Write Mrs. M. Mf]flsyui, 19
wariu: Will sell! for the price of
or car bodies peTmfitted.
-ft .
Power mower; John, Deere PTO
Hawkesbury Cr.., London, or the wool. Phone 222-J, even-
calls collect 43&9019, between iings, 11.91KI
corn; binder and loader,• Goodi-
7-8 p,Qm. 485'•88-91-9497
SPRAYED apples, Spys, Kings,
son 28-50 th;reshierr, mdtb cutter
and thrower; .180 -ft. dive belt;
CLE.RdC TYPIST—du�l�li time re
, -
Sweets, Snows, Delicious, RnisF
7-ft. stiff boobti I -H tuJUtivattar;
quired in principalPs, office at
sets, Greenings sand Cider ap-
I -H 3 -bar slide deli r , •
CHb.S, Clinton. Duties' 16a carm�
rales. Feed MtClymont &Sams,
see of double disc -,v5 sections
as soon as ossibler
Varna, 91acQ
I -H spring tooth ha.
harrows- five
Bellamy sbhedCtle $2,0 0-$2,800,
ONE Teal blue ali weal wanteZ
sections dnamond tuaamows; M H OUR
TOWN ----- By McClelland
L R MPlOase
me applications
� Mr•
coat, size 14, iru glood' condition.
Offers you
-ft. !tinder; 2 manure spread-
a ey, usanes0 man'-
istrabor, Box 180, Clinton. Must
be postmarked by 21 Octobetr
witth written references! encllas
With 4-91x1
All purpose coati, bl'uct cord,
size 14. Phone 232 R, after -.5:30
p. M. 11191x1
Easy Credit Terms
Carrying Charges.
ere, W'lsbn' 6-cavimwlk cooler;
2 -unit Universal 'milking mach -
ire; cretane, for 3t! caws; air-
til er elm separator- Fair -
banlc,Morris hammer rrilk, 12
SCANTLING, 1umb bed
springs, house doors; white
brick, windows, wat'e'r
Phone 71, Seaforth
Cackshutt swather; root pulper;
stoker, angle inn, extension,
hay loader; Jack all; 2 trailers;
2 sets of tractor chains; 4s
cart; cedar posts; quantity of
"ew 'bolts and nuts'; and otihe'r
articles boo numerous, to men -
men -
tablbyd. Clarence 'Reeves. 11-91x1
ONL Thor �1
cans; 2 `milk strainers; sa
Lady required for housekecp
ing duties mush be reliable,
chic tivashe^;
nearly new1 floor lamp; one
Centre Street
pane and heater; 200 sap buck
ets and spiles; oily drums; bot't
clean (and' be able to, cook.
easy chair; 1 brown steel bed,
Telephone 446
clippers; "cattle clippers; cattle
Salary, $175-$200.00 per month
Separate apartment and' meals
with springs and coil spring
mattress; 1 'm'attre'ss. 1` med-
For all kinds of ti0oisterin
250 and strand; gas tank
and pump; anvil; forge; vine;
« Age Group 45-55.
ium size galvanized wash bub;
1 large aluminum Preserving
19 89�i
32 -ft. extension ladder; 3 -drum
land roller;
Fl -4, to full
kettle, with cover Apil Box
quantity of lum-
her 4 to
ease a. debau's andon wa r trouglhs - rangge
/� --
references in your reply, to 1282, Huron' E•xposdtor. 11-90-3 WATCH REPAIRS s'h'elters; snow fence-', milk MOM --- By Barley
Box 1MI, Huron Expositor. Every Week more people dis- All .. , 1, ... ___.._� cart; electric fencer: Bc,tt.v
saver wnat mlgnty lobs are
accomplished by low cost Ex-
PU'mp TacK; 2 chop boxes!; tock
scalleg; pig scales; pig crate;
7. Situations Wanted
Fositor Want Ads.
ba:g b4uck; cutting box; straw
- - —
Phone J7 Seaforth
cart; cedar posts; quantity of
"ew 'bolts and nuts'; and otihe'r
articles boo numerous, to men -
men -
Boxholders Names
Experienced kinds; also Carpentry Work
of all larixds; also ariy other
Not Givfn Out 1
19 -SM
jobs including kitchen cup-
it is not possible for us
to divulge the name or ad-
cu, fro. Woods deep freeze and
numerous other articles,
boards, painting, 'etc,
Phone 697-W or 863 W 1
dress of any advertiser
using a Huron Expositor
Cle'anW and repaired with
TERMS•-Cha.tteIs, ca's'h, on
Propane,, 10% day of saile, bal,
P. Malcolm.. 0Ed Atadrews
box number. Please do not
ask for this information.
modern equipment,
ance in, 30 days,
Phone 254Milverton.
BERT PEPPER' Auctioneer.