HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-10-10, Page 11;ISE IIMOX EVOOTTOR, !AMP° SELL AND PROFIT ... BUY AND SAVE ... GET A BETTER JOB ... HIRE GOOD HELP ! USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS YO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 8. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy • 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales • 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals The cost is low. Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and • 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. 'All other classifications, mini- mum 65 cents per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), Ten- ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on applica- • tion. For cash payment or if paid by 10 days following last inser- tion, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business Firms, Trades- men, etc.): Minimum, 50 cents per insertion. Billing charge, 15 cents per advertisement. 1. Coming Events EGMONDVILLE U.C.W. hold their annual Tea and • „Bazaar, on Wednesday, Nov. 13. 1-90-1 ANNIVERSARY Services in Montcreif United Church, Sun - .day, October 13, with services at 11 'are. and 8'p.m. Rev. E. 'McLagan Blyth United Church, guest minister. 1-904 DUFF'S United Church, Wal- ton, will hold their annual T urkey Supper, Wednesday evening, Nov. 6, in the 'church basement. Keep this date in mind. 1-90-1 DUBLIN Altar Society Bazaar and Bingo to be held in St. Patrick's `Pert& Hall, Dublin, on Wednesday. Nov. 13, 1963. 1-90-1 • • KINETIE Club of Herman are sponsoring a Rummage Sale, at the Arena, HensalleSaturdaY, October 19th, at 2 p.m.. For pick-up, delivery, tall 158-M, Henson. 1i-89-3 4. Help Wanted CAPABLIE lady to look after twossmall,ehiledreta, 'eram 9 to' 5, five dayva week Maruy home. Apply Box 1278, -Huron Exposie tor. 4-904 PARTallerre female hare' for ,general office work bookkeep- ing, ordering, etc. Apply to Canadian Tire Store, Seafarer, foal application form. 4-90-1 HERE IS YOUR . OPPORTUNITY. Good Rawleigh business now available in Huron County. Write: RAWLEIGH'S Dept. 3-364-922, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal: 4-90-1 ATTENTION WOMEN • WITHOUT any experience you can cern money for Your Christ- mas shopping by selling Avon Cosmetics end toiletries in your vicinity. Write Mrs. M. lafillson, 17 Hawkesbury Cr., London, or call collect 432-9019, between 7- 8 p.m. • • 111 , 4-84-87-90-93-96-99 APPLICATIONS are invited for the 'position .of organist 'for Egmoredville Unit- ed Chure_h. Persons interested please write Mr. Arthur Wal- lace. Clerk of Session, RR 4, Seaforth, before*November 5th, etating experience and ,tettere •eropected. 44044 HOUSEKEEPER REQUIRED Lady required for housekeep- ing duties. must be reliable, clean' and be able to cook. Salary', $175-$200,00 per enonib Separate apartment endlmeals provided. Age Group preberred 45-55. Please state fur &stags and referencee in your reply, to Box 1281, Huron Expositor. 4-90-2 ASSOCIATE wanted, national organization requires mature main or women, experiencedin meeting public, to train for lo- cal interviewing; minimum of three hours daily, nothing to do with insurance or real estate, but similar. and suitable for semiettined mesons Confiden- tial work, needs discrete person with excellent character refer - emcee. peasant 'Personality and reliable car. This is a perman- ent position- with earatinge at the executive level:. Everlyt care will be granted a ennfid- tiltial interview. Ae011ei 'PeO, Peet e06, Watford. 490-1 4. Help Wanted WANTED Young man or ;woman to train as X -Ray technieian. APPLY eUPERINTENDENT SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, SEAFORTH 4-90-1 7. Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED stenographer desires full or .partetime posi- tion. Phone 569-R, Seafarers 7-90-1 WORK WANTED Experienced Carpentry Work of all kinds; also any other jobs including kitchen; cup- boards, painting, etc. Phone 697-W, or 863 W 1, P. Malcolm, or Ed Andrews Seatforth. 7-894f 8. Farm Stock For Sale JERSEY cow, fresh one week. Phone 757 J 3, Seaforth. 8-90-1 'MINTY good pigs, 7 weeks old. Vincent Murray, phone 102 R 16, Dublin. 8-90-1 SEVENTEEN pigs, 7 weeks old. Doug Hugel, RR 2, Seafortb, phone HU 2-7548. 8-90x1 NINE Durham steers, between 800 and 900 lbs. James C. Kerr, phone 839 R 5, RR 1, Seaforth. TWENTY -three good pigs far' sale. Apply Carl Vanderzon, North Main St., Seaforth, phone 469. 8-90x1 H'OIS'PEIN heifers, vaccinated, bred Hereford, due soon. John Berendsen, on, 83 Highway, phone 21 R 4, Kirkton. 8-88.6 9. Poultry For:Sitle READY -TO -LAY pullets, 16 weeks old, and ;20eveek-old Honegger layers. See them at Elzar Mouuseatfs. Phone Hen- sall 278 W 4, or contact Norval Reid, 49-M, Hensall. Honegger layers lay longer. 9-894f 10. Used Cars For Sale 1958 Dodge, 6 standard, radio, new- paint, reupbolstered, best offer. PhOne JA 4-8825. 10-89-2 1960 VOLKSWAGEN Looks like new inside and out- tompletely new paint job radio, whitewalls. Sold for first reasonable offer. PHONE 333, SEAFORTH. 10-90-2 11. Articles For Sale USED .smell 'Coleman, oil hum- er. Phone 648 J 1,,,Sedeotth`,90x1 USUD Clare 'Jewell ',coat end wood range*, :in goad condi- tion. Phone 849 R :15. 11-904 ENAMEL kitchen sink; new adjustable dress form. Phone Seaforth, 972 W 1. 11:90-1 COMPLETE Scout uniform, for boy, 13 or 14 years; old. Phone 663 J 1, Seafortb. 11-90-1 TWELVE gauge sexless barrel shotgun, pump action, brand new. Phone 1115, Seaforth 11-904 Deleh,D dry wood, 51/2 cord, delivered Lewis P. Coyne, phone 109 It 16, Dublin. 11-88x3 FOR SALE—Trade in your old shaver now, low prices at Savauge's, opposite Post Office. 11-89-tf LARGE extension table and 6 chairs, perfect, like new. Ap- ply Lot 21, Con. 10, Logan Town- ship. 11-90x1 COAL and wood heater, med- ium size, finished in Ibrown enamel. Phone 343 J 1, Hen- n II. 11-99x1 ENGLISH saddles army type, girth and stirrups' and irons, $35.00. Mrs. Jim Hopper, phone 602 W 3, Seaforth. 11'-90x1 CEDAR.,posts, all sbes;eanchier posts; 12" braces; steel posts, 6' and 7'; barb wire; Paige vvire. Kinbtte6 Stare, phone 841 R 20 Borden Brown, 11-89-tf rtereD stone windows. various sizes, ll in good condition, $3 each or 4.for $10; atleo screens. A. Y. McLean, Goderieb St. Nest. 11-90x2 FRESH picked green earn, good winter cabbage, carrots and turnips. Ambrose AddlerSe first place South oe Kilburn store. Come evenings and week- ends. 11-90x1 AUTOMATIC Singer Zig Zag, in modern console, with dial con- trols for automatic buttonholes, blind hem, nuonagreens, etc. Resume new payments, $6.00 month; or pay ,castii price, $59.20. Dealer, Write Box 1275, Huron Expeusitan 11-90x1 Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Ex- positor Classified Ad. Phone 141. Boxholder8' Names Not Given Out It is not possible for us to divulge the name or ad- drete of any , advertiser Using a Huron Expositor box nunther. Please do not ask for .this information. 044‘.4.404404•444.4* -10.404•4• 11. Articles For Sale CHESTERFIELD; electric washer, in, new eondition; coal er wood range; small Quebec heater; chairs and other house - bold articics„ including sortie antiques. Mrs. C. Dolmage, phione 855 R 11, Seafortb. 11-90-1 Missee' blue suit; tan jersey dress; car coat; blouses; skirts and slacks, size 12; youth's charcoal sett, car coat; trouss ers; shirts, size 16; bey's 'blazer and trousers, size 8. All in excenent condition, Box 1280, Huron Expositor. 11-90-1 ONE Thor electric washer, nearly new; 1 Wier lamp; one easy chair; 1 brown steel bed, with springs and coil spring mattress; 1 'mattrese; 1 med- ium size galvanized wash tub; 1 large aluminum preserving kettle, with cover. Apply Box 1282, Huron Expositor. 11-90-3 CLARE Jewell 4 -burner, large size, 30" x 24" electric stove, in show room condition, clock and timer. window oven door, etc. This is a good one reason- able. cash or terms; also a few storm windows and used doors, very 'cheap; about 250 new yel- low brick, 51/2c each. Gerald Holland, Dublin, phone 3. 11-90-1 12. Wanted To Buy BALED hay. Phone Ingersoll, 485-2270, or Dublin, 5. 12-88-3 SCRAP cars for wrecking. Can Clinton, HU 2-3211, Clear -Vu Auto Wreckers. 12-90x4 FEATHERS. new used, duck feathers„ goose feathers, old feather ticks. Will pay highest cash prices. Write to Box 559, Seeforth. 12-83-6 13. Wanted BOARDER wanted. Phone 195- R, Seaforth. 13-90x1 BOARDERS wanted. P h o ne 563-J, Seeforths 13-90x1 SCHOOL teacher driving to and from work wishes place to stay overnight in Seafarer, during unfavourable driving conditions iu winter. Apply Box 1379, The Huron Expositor. 13-90x1 14. Property For Sale RESIDENCE, in; Winthrop. M'rs. C. Dolmage, phone 855 R 11, Seaforth. 14-90-1 MODERN 4 -bedroom home, oil heated, -hardwood floors and bath. Terms arranged. W. A. Hodgert, phone 498. 14-89-2 FARM for sale: B -acre farm, new barn, 2 miles from Sea - forth, house 'with -all- modern eonveince&, new oil furnace. Phone 864 W 4, Seafarer. 14-90x2 TWO apartment dwelling,on Welsh St., 2 bedrooms and bath up, '3 bedrooms and bath lower. Cash wanted, but will take terms. C. J. Dennis, 8463 Carole Dr., Brighton, Michigan. 14-88-tf. SIXTY acre farm in Tucker" - smith, large 'barn, 5000 square feet, fully equipped with press sure system, -water bowls, tit up for .16 eewS, 12 sow pens, 6 pigpens, milking machine, silo, lots olewater.-4-bedroom house, well insulated, hot, cold running water. '33 acres pasture, includ- ing 13eacres sowed 'this year, good light clay soil. Apply Lot 23, Cans 4, LRS, Tuekers'mith, phone 6511 R 5, Seaforth. 1490x2 FOR sale in Seaford', beauti- ful home with Beauty Salon in house, together with equipment and supplies for Beauty Salon Red brick house, with asphalt roofing, 7 rooms, (3 bedrooms and 2 'bathrooms), full basement with finished recreation morn, detached one car garage, house mee/ 13 -ears old, in beautiful condition, centrality toe a t ed, large lot, well landscaped. For inspection .and terms apply to Mr, Melvin Glanville, RR 1. Hensall, Ontario, Executor of the' Estate of Letha 'Eulleen Mil- ler, telephone 337 W 2. 14-80-1 FARMS FOR SALE 300 acres, Hullett Township, 1 'mile from No. 4 Highway. 100 acres, Fullerton Township, 2V2 miles' from Mitdrell, on No. 23 legthway. 150 acres, Elm; Townahip, 11/2 mile froneelo. 23 Highway, .200 acres, Hay Township, close to Village of Zurich. All these properties have good buildings and, will be sold en reasonable terms with ins, - mediate possession. 'For 'further details on sthese and other bluenoses .and farm listings; get in touch. with: Joseph McConnell Realtor 19 Victoria Street Phone 266 — Seaforth 14-90-1 15. Property For Rent TWO -bedroom apartment, heat- ed, private entrance and bath. Phone 336-W. - ,15'-90-1 UPPER and lower apartments, heated, available Oct. 1st, on Welsh St. Apply Mrs. Huard, phone 216, or 8 Seaforth 15-88-tf BAYFIELD APARTMENTS AND COTTAGES Furnished and heated. Ideal for commuting and for RCAF personal. Apply: L. R. BANNISTER, Phone Stratford, 211(1641 or 27'12308, or Hayfield 803 or 54 et 16-874 15. Property For Rent HALF house, in Egenondville, 2-be:imams, s e If contained. Phone 3, Seaforth. 15-904 SIX -room house, on 'North Main Street. Apply C, Lemon, Braeebridge, or phone 675, Seaforth. 15404 FOUR -bedroom house, w it h recreation room, 'ale modern eonvelinces. Phone 138, after 6 p.m. 15-90-1 ONE large laediroom, ground floor apartnient, available Oct. 15th. Private entranceand bath. Orville Dale, North Mem St., Seaforth. 15-90x1 19. Notices PROMPT watch repair service at Savauge's, (opposite Post Office) 2 certified watchmak- ers. Automatics a specialty. 19-8941 NOTICE Tuckersmith Municipal Dump Will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Satur- day afternoons, from 1 to 5:30 p.m. No wire fencing, old concrete, OT car bodies permitted. J, I. McINTOSH, Clerk 19-89-tf ANSTETT • JEWELLERS Ltd. Offers you Easy Credit Terms with NO Carrying Charges Phone 77, Seaforth 19-89-ff SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 For all kinds of upholstering. 19-8941 FAST SERVICE WATCH REPAIRS All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd. Phone 17, Seaforth 19-894f SEPTIC TANK -:.SERVICE Cleaned and repaired with modern equipment. IRVIN COXON, Phone 254, Milvertion. 19489-tf 20. Auction Sales J-AYBEE HEREFORD FARMS 7th PRODUCTION SALE OF FfERETORDS REGISTERED HEREFORDS At the farm 5 miles South of Seaforth, 3 miles Est of Kip, pen, on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16. commencing at 1.00 o'clock, D.S.T. featuring 31 Head 21 bred females, sired by Real Silver Prince, which we pur- chased at Calgary in 1959, He was top selling Bull of Salle and season. 10 serviceable -age bulls, 8 of which , are advanced registry tested, with rate if gain up to 3.50, pounds per day while on , t e s t. Carrying Government Grant of 20% of purchase price Write for catalogues S'IANLEY JACKSON, Propie ler Kippen, 'Ontario. Telephone Seaforth, 672 R Auctioneers,: W. S. O'NEIL, ED ELLIOT"' ALVIN WALP'ER 20-90-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Household Effects, blithe Town of Seaforth, John Street, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER. 19th, at 1 p.m. •Upholstered livingroom chair; chesterfield suite; 2 uphol- stered rockers to match; three rocking chairs; davenport- day bed; rollaway bed; dinner wagon; small tables': utility table; pedestal; combination china cabinet and buffet; 2 bed- room suites; small dresser; Singer sewing machine, (tread- le); 2 card tables; hall tree; hall mirror; nearly new, Eure- ka vacuum cleaner; 2 White wicker chairs; settee; 3 floor lamps; G.E. 4 -burner stove; Frigidaire refrigerator; Cots field washing machine; kitchen table and 4 chairs; Ititathen stool; set Bridal Rose china; Okl Colony silverware; two clacese large quantity of good bedding; lawn chairs; 2 step- ladders; wheel barrow; chains; garden tool's; power lawn mow- er' hand lawn mower; dishes; cutlery; pots; pans; sealers: other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—Caeh, 'R013ERT SMITH, Pricierietor, HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk. '2040-2 20. Auction Sales SIXTH LACOMBE BREEDERS' SALE At Stratford Fair Grounds, OCTOBER .23rd, at 1.30 p.m. Catalogue's from auctioneers. ROBSON and FILSON, Denfield. ar W. M. COCKBURN, Secretary, 26( Kathryn Cres., Newmarket, Ontario. 20-90-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction, elate Farm Stock, Machinery and House- hold Effects, at Lot 24, Con. 3, Stanley Township, VA miles west and 2 miles north of Bruce field, on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16'th, at 1 p.m. CATI'LE-10 Holstein cows, fresh in spring, rebred to flesh - en in Dec., Janand Marche 1 fat cow; 3 Holstein heifers, bred; 1 steer, 2 years old; four Holstein heifer spring calves. POULTRY -200 pullets, RIR xCR, laying; poultry face; 3 shelters; „poultry equipment. HAY -500 bales of hay; 25 tons. loose hay. MACHINERY—W-4 Interna- tional tractor, heat houser, cheese; 3 -furrow plow; A Inter- national tractor, equipped with ecuffler land bean puller; Inter- national spring tooth power cultivator; ,4ssection diamond harrows; 3 -section sprhig tooth harrows; 13 -disc International fertilizer drill; steel roller; Mt. mower; aCockshutt side rake; steel bottom push bar hay load- er: maruure spreader; 2euirtit milking machine; Massey -Har- ris separaeor; 8 milk cans; milk pails,: 2 -wheel trailer; 4 - inch tile; farm scales; fanning mill; barrels; piping; 'scrap iron; electric fencer; grain crusher; double blocks; PTO pump hose and orchard gun.; antique goose neck cutter; one, grease; tools; quantity lumber; ,plank; Gehl hammer mill; 50 - ft. endless belt; 5 -ton rubber tired wagon; 16 -ft. hay and grain rack; Telo post jack; barb wire; pig troughe; 3645t. extension ladder, (new); forks; shovels; chain's; ropes; hay car; erass ,,seeder; alumininn wheel barrow; 5 square of al- uminum roofing; boy's bicyele; Stewart cattle dippers; exten- sion cord; electric brooder; gas stove: garden) planter. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— Kitchen cabinet; Quebec heat- :- Coleman space heiater; wee .nut china cabinet; buffet; table; chairs; dressers; stands; chairs. Other articles too num- erous to mention. Teems, cash, no reserve as farm sold. FRANK IteCOWAN, Proprietor HAROLDJACKSON. Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk, 20-89-2 NAPOLEON I Atliteleele 140W VDU MOULD LOOK WITH SOME OF THAT 140T F1 CUPPED OFF ) 20. Auction Sales . AUCTIONALE Auction Sae of Seatorth Residence and Cointentse, the property of the late Mrs. Therese Ray, on ,OCTOBER 19, 1063, at 1:30 p.m. Contents consist of complete household furnishings. ' Howe and Property, one storey frame 'house, oni Goderich Street East, gas furnace, mod- ern kitchen, full bathroom, hardwood floors, large lot and garage. Terme, on chattels, cash, on property, 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. The Estate of the late MRS. THERESA RAY, Prop. JOSEPH L. RYAN, Auctioneer. JAS. McQUAID, Clerk. 20-90-2 21. Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED Construction of Myth Area Fire Hall For building a 32' x 64' pole type insulated structure, includ- ing whine heating 'and plumb- inv. Tender to include prices an both plain and colored wall steel. Structure to be erected under Winter Works Program, and to be completed by Decem- ber 31, 1963. Blue prints may be seen in the office of the secretary. Ten- ders to be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10 percent of the tender price. ,All tenders to be in the hands of the secre- ery net later than 6 p.m., on Thursday, October 17, 1963. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. TOM LEIFER. Chairman. R. J. ELLIOTT, Secretary, Blyth, Ont. 21-89-2 22. Legal Notices - N OTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JONATHAN ,HUGILL All persons having claims against the Estate of Jonathan Hugel, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, ie the County of Huron, Fa'r'mer, deceased, who died on the 274h day of eeptem- ber, 1963, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to thie undersigned on or before the' 24th day of Octeber, 1963, after which date the ;assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 7th day of October, 1963. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. 22-90-3 By McBride 22. ,Legaj Notes TOWNSIIIP 'OF HULLETT Court .of Revision The comma «taw Tp: of Ifuliett will hold. Creet of .ReViStien on the 10k4 Aseesee ment Role The .fiest sitting of the Court of ReVision held on October 28, at 8:30 o'clock p.m., ini he cornmullite Hall at Londesboro. Any person wishing Ito appeal their . assessment must notify ;the Clerk of the 'Municipality in writing at least ten days prior to the first siting of the Court. HARRY F. TEBB11JTT, • Clerk, RR 1, Londesboro, Ont. 224)0-2 TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Clerk's Notice of the First Posting of Voters' List NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I haVe posted 'up at my office at Tuckersmith, on the lLth day of October; 1963, the list of all persons entitled to vote in said •Municiptality, at. 'Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for in- spection. • And I hereby call upon all paters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any errors or oramisions 'corrected according to ktmr, the last day for appeal being the 25th day of October, 1963. ." Dated this 10th day of Octo- ber, 1963. J. I. lecINTOSH, Clerk -Treasurer Township of Tuckersmith 22-90,2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of THOMAS JEFFERY ADAMS Mb persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas Jeffery Adams, late of the Vil- lage of Egmoredville, in the County of Huron, Retired Farm- er, deceased, who died on the beth day of -September, 1963, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 18th day of October, 1963, after which date the assets will be distributed, having re- gard only to claims then receiv- ed. DATED at Seaforth, this 24th v of Septernber, 1963. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors. 22-88-3 22 'Legal Notices NOTICE -TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE ,01'-ainP" Robert MunlOch,,a4O of the Township 01 ,Stanley, in the• cotioty 01 MVO, exceitskeeln deceased. Al Versate; saving Meter? ; against the Estate oftexonheve named, who died on the and day of August, A.D., 1963, ace required to tile tail pa-rticulars thereof with the undersigned, on or before the leth; day eel Ode - bee, A.D., 1963, after •which, date the assets "will be distrib- uted, having regard only to the claims of villa' the under- signed shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 9th day of September, A.D., 1963. E. B. IVIENZIES,. Clinton, •Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate. 22-88-3 TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Town of Seaforth County of Huron. TO WIT; 'By virtue of 5, warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under his hand and seal of the said Corporation, bearing date the 8th day of jay,, sale of lands in arrears of taxes- inNotice is hereby given that the of August, 1963, and that copies the Town of Seaforth will be November, 1963, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. list of lands for sale for arrears Ontario Gazette, on the 3rd day held in the Council Chambers': at the hoer of 3 o'clock in the of taxes was published in the of the said list may be had at myafternaon on the 6th day Of office. Treasurer's Office, this ath day of August, 1963. C. L. HAMMOND, Treasurer 22-81-13 For Additional Classified See Page 12 OUR TOWN By McClelland PAD! TIAANK5GtviNG. COME AND CARVE lele. 'TURKEY. LIT PEDRO —.By de la Torre cZfe&ezi erituaViii 'EXCELLENT FOOD 5ERWCEi • OH, HEARD TWAT "IF YOU GEE GNOW e --FORE '(OU CARVE THE TURKEY, 'THE REST OF THE YEAR WILL E FINANCIALLY MURKY! ' MOCO By Barley .41