HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-10-03, Page 6NEW S ! O F T H E WEEK Injures Fbtai * 9'11Tu
Recepti�� , Dance
=` llln, atbd Mia. Pa rigs Beim Hospital. Miss Patricia Cartitt, Hold LONGTIME SILO BUILDER,
"+ R�°T +�4RZt ' ; c
C`lnar4es, 'lblu4itt with bIr Streatsville. formerly of Aublatn, !■�1 Un r for Mr. and Mrs. 1Afaytit► Reid
CHURCH ' and Mrs. rE`ratik'at1S, will also be a student nurse �ONAT�AN ���■ PASSES (nee Linda $u#t).
4 Mr. and Martin Brick, there, ( L P IN ZURICfX AFJWA
REV. DOUGLAS �. aux L For E. Matthews
Kathleen FRIDAY, OCT. 11th
Minister i►ir. acid Mrs. Edward Ha Mrs.
Dancing with Kenny Mittivholta
Mr. Bits. Feeti�y left Sat- an. Detroit, with Air. and Mlrs. Funeral services were held JONATHAN tiUG1.1.!\ and Airs. Gordon Horner, both
► 11R'Cli#y, October nth r , ; urday for Toroaatn where she , Jack O'Rourke. Monday morning for Edmund Jonathan Elbert Hugill, 73, a of Kitchener, and Miss Iona, at and the Tte(ytitss
Wt3RSNtP -- it -till AX uill vesicle in the futatre. Air.,, Mr, and AMts- George Holland Francis Matthews of Seafofth. well-known TuckersMith Town- home; 25 ,grandchildren and
Martin Feeney Maas purchased, Atr. ldattheiss, who was 45, died ship farmer and silo contractor, four Dancing 9:30 - 1:30
$:#.g' a.m.-Minister's Class
m Toronto with Mr. and Mrs, great-grandchildren.
iC! 0l1 a.m.-The Senior Sunday. . '~.• her home. � in St, Joseph's Hospital, Lon- died suddenly+ at his home Fri- EVERYBODY WELCOME
School w 'Mr. and firs, Joe Lipuithy ° Edward Holland. � don, late Friday afternoon as a 1 day. The funeral took place Sun
11:00 a.ttz:-•'!'he Junior Sund y f iuo►ect Saturda< to Clitiuni to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Freid• result of iatjuries received earl- i;Ir, Nugill had lined on the day, September 24, at 2:30 from
School �.. take over the CNR depot there, i man, Kitchener, with Mr. and ier that day. lite Bal! and Murch funeral
11:00 am. -The \ursery a 'Mr. said Mrs- George Durk• Mrs. James Morrison, home, Clinton. Rev. J. C. Brit- DRESSED PARK
arnae in Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dantzer a A long-time employee of the, ton of Northside U n i t e d
at their home here. Robert Bell Industries Ltd-, Mr. Church, Seaforth, conducted the
-- - -' Miss Judith Friend has en Matthews was working on a ,
Mrs. Doris 'Monaghan, Ii itch• 1 service. Mr. Sam Scott of North
rolled in the nurses' training boiler at the plant, when a 50ti
slag` at Kitrch%er - Waterloo9eller, with Mrs. Lloyd McCar- p � side United Church, Seaforth,
i�f i thy, pound steel door being fitted to ` sang "Beyond the Sunset
Captain and Mrs. Edward Toz- the boiler fell against him, Orange Halt, SeafOrth
�+ The pallbearers were Bert
W� C �.7 A er and children, Davison, Mich., Following his death, surgeons Gibbings, Joe Hugill, Frank y p
United Church �,, with Mrs. Patrick Ryan. at St. Joseph's Hospital obtain. ' Fowler, Bert Irwin, Sam Scott Tuesday, ► Oct. a
Mrs Wilbert Glanville of Mr and Mrs, Alartin Feeney t*,Ai consent to remove a kidney and Irwin Trewartha, The flow -
and transplant erbearers were six grandchil• Supper served 5 to 8 p.m.
lsc'1'. ,1. H. ardy ROBIN DALE DAYNARD, Staffa visited uii Tzaesdsy with : at Vanessa with 'Mr. and Airs, p alit it in iii oil -
Hill. named patient, victim of a kid dren: Ronald Hugill, Baden; ADMISSION $1.00
Atititste4 �tatia, Ont. . st�aa of Rev'. A Mr and Antes 1Villiam Walters I u' Children under 12 - 50 Canh
Mr. and 'tors. Michael Nagle Heti• disease. The recipient a•as
l�. 1.\`le' l�'illlllltalk'� ltac Otani of Stas?g t'nite�•ci .and DauiQ,n aU � Donald Hugill, London; Wayne
�'ltutrlt is (lie winner of a and Mr and Mrs. Bill O'Rourke a 31 -year-old tobacco farmer Hugill, Seaforth, Gerald Horner
Orgau.st Atid Cho,r Uexder Mrs. Gannet Miners visited Oil and family in Stratford for a suffering from nephritis, For and Reith Rothwell, Kitchener Sell that unnecessary piece of
1i?00 s.m.-Church School $1kVki �cholatsliap awarde(i it'ednecrlav vriHi iL'r, atzd 1tMrc, too d '
fame y dinner on the 20th an- days prior to the kidney Rome• Cummings, furniture through a Huron Ex -
11M a.m --•Morning Worship at the O ntano Agrivuliural Houard Johns of Elintville niiersary of the marriage transplant. he had been in data- Burial followed n Clinton otocem- p
i ,,, srge h\ the OAC Alumni North a, of positor Classified Ad. Phone 141.
Co'rIegc or, He Mr. and MMrs. Leonard Nagle. ver of death, said doctors. Dae -1. elegy.
plains to .4 Mr and ltq�. Harold Clarke Mr ' slid AMrs. Jerry Morris tars said there was a good : 111111111tp1111111111p1g1itttillllltltpl
itx ? b:ItLlt:eertng at the t col•
and sons and 'Mr. hard Alm, Nea• chalice the o � N 0 DANCE
:ege Tl'ie ate ani is made to toot Clarke attended Zurich Fair and family, Walkerton, with Mr, operation, believed ROBERT Mt ELR4Y
RECEPTION •'Uislandniz slude tits a h o 'Mor da et,etai and Hits. Tom Alorris. to be the Hist to be performed Word has reached flits. John
ltac c a n,,-ord of more than n' A'A . and Nh,., Robert Dev. in Ontario, wil! be sircceceful, d Gurdon here of the death Sun- This FRIDAY Night
The paipils of Ai in(•helses Breaux and family, London, with AIt , AMatthevs is survived by Hugill homestead all his life,' day of her brother, Robert Mc g
for Mr, and Mrs. les Campbell "� Moen cent in their trade School tank part in the parcel@ Air. and AMrs. John O'Reilly. his 'ifr, the former Iielen ;and also operated a silo bust may, Otxawa in hospital in r at
. \ill e�xm;nations st I�irlctran Fair on Fridv sf• Attending ne�c for the past SO years re- mai BLUEWATER
��rii ng the Deanery meet Farqul4atsc+ia; one daa��tnter, city.
Oct. 4th tent kin and were lucky in re- i tiriaig ane year ago, He also
tris at Seaforth on Saturday tPega Loin Mrs. Stewart Hen- Besides hits. Gordon, Air. Me.
aniviatr. first prize for banzefari owned and operated large DANCELAND
trfre: Airs. Harold Meagher, deme n, Mitchell; and three Elroy leaves his wife, the for-
and dt,ess and third prise fur farm on Highway 8 between
SEAL=QRTN LEGION HALL f Airs, Earl Hes1i, Airs. Thomas sons: Jack of SeafYvrth, aiasi Dan mer Amelia Winson a Baugh
nisirhirio. Seaforth and Clinton retiring s
f �' n �1 E N f Butters, Aft -s. Fergus Horan, and P&W at home, aiad file ter, AMts. Ashley (Doreen)
Musie by tori Wilt�ra / t Air. ami Airs. ltane� Smith year ago #Y+atn farming- He was
HOSPITAL f Airs. i outs Bruxer, AMts. Joe cr•andchildren. Also sur""'ng Clarke, Falconbridge, and an- Desjardine Orchestra will be
and Fen v ca# C`(Ydiron tit-itae<i b(tt7t on the fawn a son of the
EVERYON' tA'RIAIN) ME a ► Shea- )airs- John Murray and is hi; another, Mrs. Joseph Mat• other sister, IaMr& Alfred Brown playing at the Harvest Jam -
1 4te< 1'irase Tirirt, t.itnch AUXILIARY s on -Sunda,\ vOih Atr and '.firs. Mrs. Ambrose Girlin. the' c. s"aforth, and five sig late ?sir. orad hits Abraham Htl � � ���� bore@ in Exeter.
- } c o?ir, GilftTian and iatnity The Se(ond meeting of the Ler (Marr) Mrs. W, M. Ham ;ll A service was held at the Dances will resume the fol-
_____ ?fMr. and Airs Phil Herr, and Dublin Colleens No. 2 was held Beni-) Mrs, Lester Loonharr of He -was a member and ori Bu�Q g p � Funeral Cha lowing
Thr tkgular mor,th�� meeting #anzils visarc�l an Friday nici;tEat the bonze of Mrs. Charles;veafortlt, (Francesl ?slag JrsPph @;der of Nortti�icle Criceti Pel Ottawa Wednesday Friday, October 11,
1 with ?fir and Airs. Jac?: ilertt 'Friend.,� � C`hnrcli, SPaf <at till Ail • IIu�J s @eBay' at it and every Friday night after
ilte Riuritx: Auxi:Iar� '•a„ Mandy event a. The , O'Reilly, Dublin; (Gertrude) . a- a., with burial following in until the end of October.
ar,d family of Sunshine Line, wife the former Martha Crich,
GRAND i he l:el+d T'ue� daa eier;rig, Oct leader. M s Friend. ta*ed to; Mas. Harts)d Lasis, Galt and Copilot Memorial Gardens
th Please note A Nasiresc ``elehratni Johnnies birthday ; the girls about claoo,uag line; tFaulinel Mrs Don Barber l:it• predeceased him in December, tllllllltl11i1111111111111111111111itllillll
44 4M'
f meet ;r` is Io held at the
i CWNi - lay t is rd rn
" Ltitmior. �Ti'edresdry afternu(an.
al -td texture to suit personali0 i cher,er. and one brother. A)on•. IJfil.
urges' rest..`r.�-e at 5 sharp
A1rs and O'irs Colin Giifillan
are blouse dosigns and x.,. Clinton, Sun- vin are six sons: Clar-1
F.Z:lon Ina: this mteeting. the
a ' Rarbara Ar.r, t istred Thur-,-
solar ir, relation, to the test of ' R&,quiem High 'Mass acs ; ence and Elmer, both of Clin
%-ss Pattline�'s
au\t;:ar> has teen ;r,, it(-<' ho
Bat r.irht with Air' arca Mr
the wardrobe. The club ,iris .ung at St. Jame_" Chu eh. 1&-a,- ' torr,: Harold, fi neker,naith AM
he ,uesis of the \women's Ir.•
Han•e� hmath at Oredi%ln
were git•en a short ui2 on hov', ;c+id and Clifford, both of Gode
R fat~h. lac Rey. C.. E. ��llazaa.
' st:tI:Te at ih: ;r taeel:r g Ir. the
fo dres's 'with. certain ttfies of or Monday morning. •The G A : rich, and lfbb'eslgv, Zurich: and
4aforih Distmct High SrTa�uti
ores, anter which the meet Ttltttnec fvareral laoane was four daughters Mrs. ''rank
HtaUS@ 0 Hair
TT is hojw. thst tnenibers and
trLs adjaiarnc�d 4t'earla Comma' rigs, C3imton
charge of fnnexal arran,:
8nvone ''ho is Inlere,tvd in
, Mr`. Arnold (Verne) Rothwell
! spitsl work ,a :;; Aite nd this
Airs C,!Am?field and Mr's Jean
eprR�Tazatires and emp?ray-'
Tht lI: il,e to T o;i,c manaT+er
lt.�At 1�t 8:?BiPto,?� Visite
t tt k ti .tT ?s4 s F Forrest
ePs of Robert Bell 1ntlrta-tr`ii'S !
T-, omonor. Sunday of 'tine . I d., and representatrs*tss of Set New i
�`�° Y
s hip cat: ass as ,ti,mrae sect
1'lea,c ttct ,7e the ladies cher
arni'Mrs Rrt*ert Allan. Sr
Suz day Sciit�n: ' as held &a Rt h sh3ando formed a ward
Peter's Laltherar Church M
they call ane T+c.cl8la= ar, active
Mir, A Pate sor, Mrs. R. Ilal
Car honor at the church. ''agmina$ted fr= Page- 1) �
Oct, 9$.lt
or xr, ssacla Ale ore rnT>er
r�tlaple Aim A: t :l�cor and V,-;-
4sy m{uning IMI• Hauser, Wa-'. Pallbearer' were Floyd Turn- mens in fintarata. Idr. 'Vein.
Ala, ire remmi: you ' her, t•ou
: ohr, Rroadfnoi are 'hobdk me
terloo was in chErge of the `'7,Vartlaz Kenneth Stephenson, ?-way hack bP.fzme mann people '
�a1El St. Walton
Are doing ;,i.r Ya,�user,esr.<rs
far a f�tt its In Xo:,horn clT •
�I"Vve. .intern: X,"t eph Keta•Cr• Jasmb-eali7.c�d that maTj-xw should bel
Warier. Brapley Eit•cisen. in- De GrO01 and I:yRnk ?iMDtrts
i '
to ple»-sr kc c r arm, .oto(? uSc�c:
- �'.
- l of gather. and in the depression
ciclthing and articles for the
Rci. an'i Mr, AMain%- of t=car.•
art son a, 34r. and Air,. Ken-1,7-eaforrh, and Eduard. meladr, sears When nothing 'Of th kind
R111 Wlas li$UtI2ed �•(i.113n
1,' 1 F Ilia
ti>r. Cal iii. l"w :� �1'. \Tact'
i;�; -sen. d�DI"\i S8ri. •pk v ¢'` i c^
ao3TAg on, $•'Ealh*d tliP
sale 26
house or: Aro--,:a}
Ir,-- the Ser k•ice '-itis Mr. and s AT -vending from a distance •for sand has made a wonder-
rllmrna e k\"
#--VTf' meenn, of Bruch
'yrs Garr Sholdice. tare spoir I -ere friends fratn '4iagara ful o Mecdon, I do ntit l na' i
Brnrci o;tr: urn Orta mai he
fieh3 Vn;idea Church 'as helms
or, Thuar4dgw Mrs Glen :�z-ar.
'11r, alon_ with The paremul . Fila,. Toro'ntD. iiia- , a*ber place it 'Ontario
Ru•`el' Shoklare Sired Mr. and I'dor, Delhi. Kitchener. halt, Lim- where so much has, been gath-
causcvi h, mar, ihixzss-- b\ hac-
nTerae tlec Iriec g ,x:Lh '•o.•
M^ hart Sholdicc attended towel. Clinton. MMittbeP and sur. erect In other words, the uu-
tents. b> a .trio,. Tai fitr,,,i, bt
,hip arc', huFneZ,s teas dMIUS,
Inti lunera: D, his brntl}er Earl-ytiundin, district nor. If?u�mn is uai ne in
ttrextt tris in r olsono4rs fumes,
ASr, �`aIsar }n.rFti thr •sir•
1`} oldtce, tS2. ani Thornhill on j of the thin._= it has saved. Peck
�Ps�l '
R ���
Tal a p1•,1• xa: t ian. or ht 8r .
4a�I� for a dls<-ri„ior' ;1r.
nem p hll, Mgt. Roug"har, told
:Pie all civet Ontano Speak of
The s?-mpaitll,C of the comm -un HENSALL �� the Gt?derich tniaSPUIIi
Ma: a, A,ite, T,� item@ Qn'c a
p r ,'
fen of IT2e po�iTlle Caal,e,
the sumo T of the purpose of
jt�- is exteneled 'Tr lin�P) Sbol- ' Mlfls. if�li't.Calfe. '•hn S'Lilieil
the OGT7 Game, ''ere direm
dies it the death of hr b mber. Hensali Fire3laPn rPspDndQei
A ti isss to 3t%£T3d 2
i�c c Ttea?t3 Tix2,Its inn Pare
ed bt Barbara S'"r,- and the
AMr El. Rapier. and Mrs Ra ,Tr a tractor #ice at the farm Of Historical SocieiT workshop,
resistor(@ to all res{srratar? ill-
meetit g ckxSOd '-it3t TEP$1
nit's•.. who has beer recuperat-' Don Nnnsseau, wer-t of tient, 'a impressed glen with alae
e••(s aa.: prnriaate areetit rr
int at rise borne nr her tl attgb-;�>eadzy. Mr. lfiousSeau 'gc) work of Mr ?fTeiii. '}tri iia, now
ThT'EDIkh (}COhE'T
,zl1er< frorr. colds 8nt' re-spzra•DUBLIN
ter. Mrs `Gormar. llnfflneier. plowing it his field when the i~collected for yogi an
sPe.ml f+lmd c aith
tor' infections if the) do �Ncrtm
a t n
a taactar catt,b fire Consider, @background of your past. He
their son, C"lareno- Rapien, and able damage was done. tbres, has dune for this. county what
F:pteiltl)eT '�'(t11
4ppiic'srt "1`s,, madam. I
�j• �"'
Nigh school News
V s Rapien. McKillop e1ectrica2 iwiring and batZEry °C T. Cu t
rrell . did for the Roc-
Mr arc M1tls. `Vortnan Rode •
mill: to securt bt+ard. but 3must
o a
,,� beiri hurnt !al Ortarin Musemn. The only
tj Ile -Oil with hes Mr
,inform yoi that i ata s reg-
R; Eileen MMa,one3
}arms. Mme. Stanle3 G. Rum and Other collection I have seen ,.on
and MMrs. Ed Proeter. Christine. ToronTo a136 Mr and a was in Dearborn. Mirlai-
m-ian madam
Mrs S?imdiet xlh that R'Il:
�t�,'•titln5 fCtr the CiDdPmt .
�T. �. SZ'faliil reTLrmed home-lvlr�. Wilham dupdOch. Dundas, gan. the Ford Museum, done '
Dl " Re ys
T+e all vagi t. u will int Zil
t r urc ;, werf hi'td di ir.£ the '
f 'M t 'S"o I M£innria: H(rSDitz! petiz tete weekend with Mrs, with a Teat staff -"-
mgwlr<; IP Pat the meat 'yore
paw' u Pek The nffr(ers a� � :
Seafnrtli: @iso MIs Ru�I: SlitL 3oiir i; Murdoch -I atm very much Sitponding.
,'tf the nt.TtPrs Pt"t't d11 "
f,o1.'eou--, Presider.L Marc Lou
_ -3d
l ntTe vice t�:rdenL k
"d),:* Rev, RObert Lilo of AMain fit I4�r. TVC1I7 ID rP.a"pDIIdIDa .
Mr and Allis Fare Dlcr"soL
a P c
FlaraiEr sPCNtai'c R.^ lie .oras
gmP.. minister &I HEM' ':;a.TT Unh- `1 havee been at it for 27 years,
Cxlerrd£ S'2Titi"'dr his mDLlieI• .ed7 C.hurck Sunday morning. biz-
f ..
Dtacharmt %nessur er Patsr ]Ltel- :
and I am very thank:W to you 4
MMr, m1:ec1 Dlc-kicon at Tee` inn his thought_ from ibe text: I� e ,
far hDnoriii` m_ ill
For Your Entertainment
r ;
atter Aiir�tor rew::�Prta vP t: �
c:- Pde` p 1 D io1(e �c at r'la� '
water or. SIInda1 - "i sae the door o. the sheep." .� q'hPre have beer tuna fhin5�
o rags
Mr and MS*; Jour MueI1Pr I?niiQe
�'hurch. Deter wows ! down the pears. difficulty and!
rPpleser,Taln••e, Grade fi. ATlne
and riuth Anr. M Batttilt.Dt ''Tth 17be ChDIr 58nt aT 8Zlthem 831f)' uieaswe. and I know thnirsands
Shea: cr-a(3e :d A Ryan.
her mOtber. Mr: Aag•us, Hil- a duet was surly b3 Sam Rannie t of people are gives greaz plea -
ir',^ad•'� aTT£i lam. I�H7iti')~ Mia^
leTtrPcT7t. and Ha^ Rartor. FIO-erS 4 iuu:re m gi3in_ through the
1^e� M`tc:ior, rep evartatrzt
Mr oral I�-- Gare Shnidi(P were Ir, metncrn of the late i museum
f all This. Week- -
art- ( wade p. 4harcm Burke .
attended the w•eddine• or her Archie Rowcxlffe plaa;4c' there,
tic Karer
<;rads Firt�eil Grade:
co Loi; Saunders to LFnr. in• the famSh
f =n U
0 `
, E d 12 T,2tnrlE B,-nniFwP.t
iiilhPK at S ratiort i1T. Jr"
our : �The &aaL` and reacbe— Members n' thf lowlin, Club WEDDINGS BROWN ES
ZZ. el: �� n� t�8�h'�t� ranrd She_ ICHOL
+ r•r Mother Mlaraf Lckrerzo W� - Bra :trig Chit. Zaor. Lutherar • fit Andrev:'s Unhee Clurch. � R � � E
f 1,,,wpc she wall erytag teaelting sr. Chir -ch nr M3niadat rever,In_ ;'Kipper. way e se r
t rVuh:ar MIr arc AL*, LIOt-c i'I'aPtPS tki, ttin� of Sal- at the
Irl dal SeTnember .tis at 2.39 -
Queen's, Hotel i x s to '•err lin:L� t(- thf Alaas^.•)Ac l•(�ii-;Clinton• �
r r c '•her Ruth Ant MrNicbal Clinton iiLegion Hall —' Clinton Ont
A S,ztrderst Counci, mee.-M, ple= Group meet.in, last Tu, : - iKjpper, . t,.came, th, bride rat
` a a t, f o of Sept 25 a; rrltach da} ever -in, ' ith AIT enc ALr,. a - -� - - - - - -
Dnnalc GPDr,f Sui21e cif REM- - - 4 �°�` �` •
lrt ,'evens v�x5u.c..r: the c(vtn- Fera Iatrli:tOr enc A3 and;sill abet Tinware Flan. £cz t3frstx. Opens S prra- ISATURDAY
�E +ER�/'1��, �i,T 5��
rag taeld alga Ii ' :;: be nr Airs i lOrc P'rtPtP� it ' ra;araP { 2ltsnry Starts At B+.DD �,/
A �"` iact.�t+e; 1Qn of (3t lI Ili. and lunc3 I'Pr.-' the e3v charnel oTh - - - - - - - - - •
!"i - Jt aced a: ihf cereannut fine 1:30 P.M. SHARP
`$it) Ir ttr' 'iO M��T and NL•;s Kernetl, Manz C bride z the daughti n Mr. FitiDAY aaarl SAT LJI2DAY
n` S; t�atTaaraTrP- at i h her par- j d 1 I�os� AlcTti:hnl RR 3. j 'A?-tabi r 45 LEO BIRD WILL SELL WITHOUT RESERVE A LARGE
POR tCALE-Fi:�PdaiM drFM. ert-c. Mlir and Mrs Daltnr, Hunt 1Kjppnn ane the groom is the - DOrBIE B.A.T URE - EELemow OF FINANCE COMPANY REPOSSESSIONS,
2uArF In 7a>i and ticir- + s -EVER LC. BAILIFF Oct. S _ B:30 pm• rasa,7,RtS ranArs9ilimmtiT4--�SEIZURES AND PERSONAL CON-
nc mar. nr Mcinktm and TBT arid' fimale. T3Pn, SiGNMENTS, CONSISTING OF MODERN HOUSEHOLD FURNI-
Mirs Dana)d Bode of Knchemer e „� SLEEPS ~ TURE, TELEVISION SETS AND APPLIANCE'S, -
L��yy�� i �'0� u i The bride char,:, a fionr-lel g-fil WILLIAM HOLDEN
iiTIO HALL, S Ai i/�Ti [ 2� l�ii araC 11�r� 3.8rfI iaf ! $a,tiT. of pr nch rnaf pt}ZAt Ian t
Over hnda. taffeta Wy prAw
LI1=3'S3N iM1r3E czt ft chest freezer that holds over SOD lbs, of frozen food: auto
slet=vP� u ith findtef fashioned
e IS Rl~J(ii�.:�R �v?��1IF` FOR �+ (l,ti► i Aein7: 3✓rtR 2aiiiaser.'. mora veasher and dn•er m nevt� condition: 2 electric ranges; 2
Town Changes 4rtfh a saficrttaa trP ,she. trhit- l Color rc�ingerators. 2 washers with pumps; 2 chesterfield suitcas with
Q; ;4}l At THE A i.TH fa rl` I tiP "�+ = L BROD'H / GEN Imtdd 'with sPguln, a b=ffi= � PLUS - foam cushions. 2 davenport Suites that make into a bed: 3 bed -
A KP`OT �,`f1,t111 - FuB homze vitt .'9a ' asst] i2Ysssr'mt Communs H.II fC-asnt� nei3 Trow Pare 11 1s'kirl writh hustle back and can-; rotlm staates cow lute with spring, and mattresses 439 inch con -
1 q d 4 ` IT SPI" ' L IED I?� P•
tier. afeT near; a c•entun mlpmssPd pleats at waistline She :tmerta: beds. complete with oeadboards. 4 21" tele+,icion Sets
6t188I11if'1� called._ the rrryurd. the logs n. ssRttP 1 en ied a Shite £iible ane bou--'���.� and 1 17" set. all reconditinned and in A•1 world condition: I s
' 4Frld , October '4;rates ue*�• SereT2: feet halrawtquiet of garde -nim and pink rm,. JAYNE MANSFIELD eiectlae chard organ, atria orals bank: certibinat�h radio and
Children under ; DOS permitted __ plazrer: 4 -piece coppertone dinette shite and 2 i- rt\ce and
�D ' I S1tl4 u�. To rigs trust: of fire Sr'Iwer Bar L'te prPsern ur,Ie of art rDad... } its st be,,j,� i Lralnr - - - - fir*- 'a � 5 -piece men suites, step and coffee tables, living roam
a 4�urlic acrd gutt.rs bare hPen I fitarltara I:iixabe%It I��wiclio ; P p �,
C,�itt'<a l~e3T i s .,� or h fiOl 1, i Rars+ttt Gang tnttallf•( st the eac ane' tceiz was hPr sifiter'S maid of hobo., , Com •amps• hnf;tes-c chaos, step SttiDl: hieh chair. gncsip betich.
Atmpices St-afarth Srw-wli ISS, Cana tar LaViz l ends of the proiem and, w il, ➢wearing a sea ago Salk chiffot ' FRBDAl, and 5A 7iA£LLt�tY
chrome rocker. uniting desk: radio: 2 full cizp mattrp,,z es: X
mer arc rollOw-ing ir, wwirds =' The bridesTnattls. Susat Dztnber 11 T2 ' rug. and maat5 Other at:Piras ton numerous in mention
FRa►t`FFIlS i~tOfi ice! 1 r.4RF tTtOR R M A E Mair: Street Sidewalk con- I Lag ell 'and a sister Jami Ira - fyril gTL- - WE WILL �p OAR A LARCF. ;SFA,FCTitON OF CHES-
SYrniction £nll(rec: late* ?y'1r.I4`irbol ware spur. ;old, idea`rER�D SUITES: CI3OME SETS AND BF.DROtOAM SPITES -
__._.__�. �Khilr the work has i- • tics) ti' the maid (d' bnniiT• and I.�l�i'ID:UfUD HEAD-
tags e- 7%e modern sr"O a of a Ewei, FACr-3 SRS PURCHASED Iq l LONI) Tail i'ARIOt.� M(A)Ct'.
S'A its z3k. traffic hgc beer, tae Pink tYclrtr. lace €aver to ; fr:a I''f�Ci't � AT fir'IE 19&4 LONIi(1N 1�t'14]�lll M*F snow,
'toured r3tartrig titer Bit: l'>iTr Erin SrnFtle. Zurich. was *VEM :fPs1T+F�iilZtiBX ETEl9 Ii:E�vTLY AT Ti3F. 'tTJ'E,STI:RN FAIR GRnttN'U,4.
: Safairth PITC crews haae Otis brotlim's heA Imar =a iAISt3 Tsi' �FI1.L 131E S L.tNv'fi A GOOD S?✓LFCTIt1N OF
�'` ar +�c y►o 0 nth °beer, w asking averfime rettev, guP,sts were ushered Iir Jack 3AltitE�B �A1 N
SEA OR i R ittg rater SEn ices ac the. are IeaRii. Seaforth, oracle of rim BBAI+�i3 NEW COTEN(; FOR Mme, OVC1T%W-N, CHILDREN AND
tit. i closred itt tier exnat;ataiatr. wort. tride, mfr' Marr vii S'tepbm Ate; BSS T� FOLLO•t MC, ARE Jt,ST A Y, l W OF TITp MANT
' i In cer'eral ewze-t old se+rir s no Imdo n, cousin of the grin TIEMS• Slims, slacks, blouses, s'klrtl, podfil•patshem, 2 �tnd 3-
l.'I�II�ECIB$r Pal Ia B 'lorcyer in rice bad of 'high Miss Jean lricart •pled the �O r#SICRETS 'IID iRlem Outfits for children: RAM-T"C,NOtOt, elothic,, fol, chit• -
tlivn? tray no record, -were digs-lvtc lt�g music, and Air. Robert PARIS"1dlet of all ones, teen see dre&ge.5 a to 16 (nice nssortmpyltl,
Cali.' I�I'OIt��I'` I N'trpred. The $"LTi: bmA crestvA 1' OrrIS, of Stats, Imcle ld the l JOEY DEE - CAR' tS'13?Y 9 nnderceear. Socks. ladies'TEE�c 7ntis, li�ayys' t�ma•} eop suit. batty,
g iclothes of 0 kinds. lmd 100 outer Odds tittd eaidc.
tempornrr Stet ligbtt alting '3lride, is sulit?sL slang «O Par• casrlumm a
WMI, P. P'E - se,&orm cmpftr a ws, 1110 4:r a. t awe•' :,nr� pie I mo$ _ .. _. _ _ This WE Be An intem%ti11;g Archon .1e
vr3tfl t►l►1d a S;mi;4r tr'tivitr is Under @ray Prayer, ' SPECIXI 11CM MZ'fAY SUNDAY ." IiI>,n't �'r:S,� It
on 1Vaartb h ata ;Street, vbtre A TemPtiim was bold an 'Ole •1iEI1'i rre Si�M A -C 12,.M
Z;Iurti,°itr Caw=tit• ea+ecas tT I*- c"burdh Barr oM. For 'traveTitg r 14.2 brala�t� the rtttatl and sizle � lv"� � the �r3e -- 1) 3TC r, -Vi�� at tba p
r s 19163 00F E ! ' wire PLIC tis. wax SW of h n rsais tit .
�, f�cfi, fititrr ptr3tttsr Uzi aerie etaeni, tllwf='T7$D!'� I�"I�E►'NN, ER .dill
�.� ._ _. tri,. tr,>srp
tIlrre ?, ,�f,et+Ft,y�,1y1131,eia arrri..rtitld,, Bt�ttd\, d . 'titii7id, '�ttllNi1F, '' 1 ail p
U* ttt�ivtly--yy�ity,�yywwas, wslevem fy,'I�:+a,i,, �.]��tyt�eySu yyxvere �> 't �fvr �s RiL, y ��,j ��(i
, ic •K AMU"*
` � � 'V Yfil •YAtt SaneU�rV '"tJ S"Ail .�i,�.na , "(Yt 1 Y13 , 16i1 tiS"! '•y,..wh 4 ' i +6'�Ei:i •�`�� 1,'90 \
1"r as - PAS C _- C ACGEiai"fc tbN 1FURNI I tlltt3
�.t I t&, b atkker
l stltt
Vo rr .5e Vit r
tiktW 60
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