HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-09-26, Page 5• • • • • • a • • 4 4 • 1 • • • r • • 0 u • • 4 a USBORNE'. RA ND DIDDERT MUTUAL FIRE' INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE • EXETER, Ont. Directors: Timothy°B. Toohey • RR 3, Lucan President Robert G. Gardiner - RR 1, Vice -President Cromarty Wm. H. Chaffe - RR 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun - RR 1 Science, Hill Martin. Feeney - RR 2, Dublin Milton McCurdy - RR 1, Kirk -ton Agents: Hugh Benninger - Dublin Barry Coates - RR 1, Centralia Clayton Harris - Mitchell Solicitors: Mackenzie & Raymond - Exeter Secretary -Treasurer: Arthur Fraser - - Exeter Remember, it takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Phone Seaforth 141. Bread .Loaf white bread, en- tire crust, Marguerite Scott, RR 1, Seaforth, Mrs. Jim Carter, Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse; loaf brown bread, entire crust, Mrs. W. Colclough, Mrs. L. Stone- house, Ethel Dennis; loaf fruit bread, Ethel Dennis, Mrs. Jim Carter. Buns—Six buns, plain, yeast, Ethel Dennis, Mars. L. Stone- house, ' Mrs. W. Corelough. Cakes—Angel cake, Mrs. K. Moore, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. A. Jamieson, RR 4, Clinton; choco- late layer cake, Mrs. Howatt, Belgrave, Mrs. Wm. Hodgert, Seaforth, Mrs. W. Colclough; white ' layer cake, Mrs. Keith MacLean, Egmondville, Mar- guerite Scott, RR 1, Seaforth, Mrs. J. Carter; banana layer cake, Mrs. E. Howatt, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. J. Carter; chiffon cake, united, M. Scott, Mrs. J. Carter, No Name; dark COAL- FUEL- OIL WILLIAM M. HART Phone 784 • Seaforth SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday Salada Orange Pekoe TEA BAGS—Pkg. of 60's Quick or Instant 754 QUAKER OATS—Large Box • • .. 430 Shirriff's Good Morning MARMALADE—Large 24 -oz. Jar ... 4,g Libby's PUMPKIN -28 oz. for 2 Tin Banded Deal 370 Facel.le BATHROOM TISSUE--2-Roll Pkg. Assorted Colours Challenger Fancy Red Cohoe SALMON-1/2-tb. Tin Sunkist ORANGES --Size 180 3 Doz. for Sii 00 Fresh Crisp CELERY HEARTS PEPPER SQUASH 390 Bunch 190 tb• 40 SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS Open 'til 10 p.m. Friday — 6 p.m. Saturday Smith's SUPERIOR PJC i MARI<rr Phone 12 FREE DELIVERY Town of Seaforth Sewer Connections Residences abutting the new sewer installation, with the exception of those on Side St., may now be connected to the sewer. All donne tions must be made in compliance with the regula- tions of the County of Huron, and applications for sewer permits may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office. JOHN F. FLANNERY Chairman, Sanitation Committee ' 0owi of Seaforth fruit cake, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. C. Johnston, Mrs. B. Coleman; light fruit cake, Mrs. L. Sten- house, M. Scott, Mrs. C. John- ston; date and nut loaf, M. Scott; Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. J. Carter. Candy—Maple Cream, Mrs. E. Howatt, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. A. Jamieson; chocolate fudge, Mrs. K. MacLean, Mrs. E. Yeo, Mrs. C. Johnston; home- made dipped chocolates, Mar- guerite Scott. Cookies — Seven cookies, white, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs.- W. Heimpel, M. Scott; variety of uncooked cookies, M. Scott, Mrs, Ab; Siemon, Mrs. J. Car- ter; variety of cooked cookies, Mrs. J. Carter, M. Scott, Mrs. W. Dolmage; seven cocoanut macaroons, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. E. Howatt, Marguerite Scott. Pies --Pumpkin pie, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. E. Howatt; cherry pie, lattice top, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. E. Howatt; lemon pie, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. L. Stonehouse; raisin pie, Mrs. E. Howatt, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. J. Carter; apple pie, Mrs, A. Jamieson, Mrs. M. Nott, M. Scott. Tarts — Seven butter tarts, Mrs. E. Howatt, Mrs. L. Stone- house, Mrs. K. MacLean; jam tarts, Mrs. A. Jamieson, Mrs. K. MacLean, Mrs, L. Stone- house. Miscellaneous — Tea biscuits, M. Scott, Reta Orr, Mrs. L. Stonehouse; bran muffins, plain, Mrs. E. Howatt, M. Scott, Mrs. K. MacLean; shortbread, seven pieces, M. Scott, Mrs. C. John- ston, Mrs. J. Carter; special box of treats for shutins, Mrs. Eldon Yeo, Mrs. K. MacLean, Mrs. J. Carter. Specials—Collection of plain baking, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, M. Scott, Mrs. J. Carter; six ways to serve apples, Mrs. E. Yeo, Mrs. J. Carter, Marguerite Scott; six ways to serve potatoes, Mrs, J. Carter, M. Scott; five things with white cake mix, No Name, Marguerite Scott; Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Ltd. Special: loaf white bread, Five Roses flour, E. Dennis, Mrs, W. Col- clough; Iayer cake, M. Scott, Mrs. W. Colclough; pie, M., Scott, Mrs, L. Stonehouse. Domestic Pie and Cake Com- petition—Pie, Domestic short- ening, Mrs. E. Howatt, Marguer- ite Scott, Mrs. L. Stonehouse; cake, Domestic shortening, Mrs. Bruce Coleman, M. Scott, Mrs. J. Carter. McCormick's Limited Special —Graham wafer pie, Mrs. L, tonehouse, Mrs. M. Nott. ARTS AND CRAFTS Group water color and oil ainting display: E.. C. Boswell Seaforth group); Mrs. Thomas' Group, Mrs. Ross Savauge. Water color and oil painting isplay: Mrs. William Dolmage, ondesbbro. Display of antique articles: Mrs. Mae Dorrance, Seaforth; Mrs. M. Batkin, Clinton; Mrs. Wellington Good, Blyth; Mrs. Iva Ellis, Seaforth; Mrs. Nel- on Cardno, Seaforth; Mrs. Wes eimpel, Wroxeter. Specimen of aluminum craft, Mrs. C. Johnston, Mrs. Col - lough; specimen of copper raft, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Mrs. C. ohnston; specimen of leather raft, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Tom eek, Mrs. W. Heimpel; cor- age, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Mrs. C. ohnston, Mrs. Glen Staffen; able centre for Easter, Mrs. el Skinner, Mrs. C. Groves, Mrs. G. Staffen; four place -cards r favors, Mrs. W. Dolmage, rs. E, Yeo, Mrs, C. Groves; icture by numbers, 12" x 9" ide, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Tom eek, Mrs. W. Dolmage; picture y numbers, 13" x 10" or over, Mrs. W. Mowat, Mrs. M. Staf- en, Mrs. C. Johnston; drift- ood arrangement, Mrs. Clay - on Groves, Mrs. M. Staffen, Mrs. G. Staffen; fall hat, Mrs. . MacLean, Mrs. Douglas Fry, rs. M. Batkin; stuffed toy, Mrs. . Mowat, Mrs. E. Yeo, Mrs. . Skinner; parcel gift wrap - ed, Easter, Mrs. K. Moore, Mrs. . Yeo, Mrs. G. Staffen; house ippers, Mrs. G. Campbell, Mrs. . Skinner; Mrs. M. McGrath; pecimen of Mosaic craft, Mrs. . Staffen; novelty shopping ag, Mrs. G. Campbell, Mrs. . Heimpel, Mrs. Del Sktnper. Winter bouquet, Mrs. W. Dol - age, Mrs. G. Staffen, Mrs. W. eimpel; miniature flower ar- ngement, Mrs. Frank Cantel - n, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. W. odgert; wall hangings, Mrs. N. ardno, Mrs. Del Skinner, Mrs. . Staffen; any craft not listed ove, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Bes- e Putman, Mrs. Del Skinner; ost points, Doris Beauty salon ers $3.00, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, points. CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Preserved strawberries, Mrs. m Carter, RR 2, Seaforth, Mrs. ssell Oesch, Varna; canned erries, red, pitted, Mrs. L. onehouse, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. m. Dolmage; canned peaches, rs. C. Johnston, Mrs. W. Dol. age, Mrs. R. Oesch; canned ars, Mrs. W. Dolmage, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. C. Johnston; nned plums, Reta Orr, Mrs. Dolmage, Mrs. C. ,Tohnston; nned red raspberries, Mrs. . Dolmage, Reta Orr, Mrs. J. rter; fruit cocktail, Mrs. W. Image, Mrs. L. Stonehouse; ar marmalade, Mrs. W. Dol- ge, Mrs, J. Carter; grape ce, Mrs. J. Carter; tomato ce, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs, L. nehouse, Mrs. Mervyn Nott, ntondville; chill sauce, Mrs. .1. Carter, We. Is. Putman, Mrs, Ab. Siemon; pickled cherries, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs, W. Dot* mage; canted pineaPpie, Mrs. W. Dolmage, Mrs. J. Carter; canned whole tomatoes, Mrs. C, Johnston, Mrs. L. Stonehouse, Mrs. J. Carter; sweet cucumber pickles, Margie Whyte, Mrs. J, Carter, Mrs. L. Stonehouse; pfe ded beets; Mrs. B. Puxngail, Beta Orr, Mra. 1,. Stoatehouse; relish, Reta Orr, Mrs.. F, Cantel. on, Mr's. E. Yeo; new variety of pickles, Mrs, Ab. Siemon, Mrs, R. Oesch, Mrs. J. Carter; 4111 Pickles, Mrs. C. Johnston, Mrs, Stonehouse, Mrs. W. Dol - mage; tomato catsup, Mrs, 4b.. Siemon, 'Mrs. J. Carter;. black HOME ECONOMICS DISPLAY PROVIDES INTERESTING FEATURE Home Economics Grade XI—Weskit and skirt, or jacket and skirt, June Mac- donald, Grace Riley, Dianne Roe. Crafts—Crocheted doilie, Di- anne Beuerman, Grace Riley, Doris Riley; crocheted handker- chief, edging, Doris Riley, Grace Riley, Dianne Beuerman; em- broidered article, Grade IX, Doris Riley, Grace Riley, Bar- bara Nott. Foods—Six tea biscuits, El- aine Oke, Mary Buchanan; six plain muffins, not bran, Dianne Roe, Mary Buchanan; caramel pudding, Grace Riley, Mary Buchanan; six assorted fancy cookies, Mary Buchanan, Di- anne Roe; bread, Dianne Roe; chocolate layer cake, Andy Plunkett, Dianne Aoe, Grace Riley; chiffon cake, Grace Riley; apple pie, Mary Buchanan, Elaine Oke; lemon meringue pie, Elaine Oke, Dianne Roe; choco- late fudge, Dianne Roe, Mary Buchanan, Grace Riley; six clover leaf rolls, Dianne Roe. Most points, Dianne Roe. Industrial Arts and Crafts Grade IX—Class project in woodwork, Michael Stinnissen; extra project in woodwork, Michael Stinnissen, Grade XII—Class project in woodwork, Alex McEwing, RR 1, Blyth; Gerald Williamson, R R 3, Walton; three sheets draft- ing, Gerald Williamson, Alex HcEwing, Paul Buchanan, Lon- desboro; most points, Michael Stinnissen. Agriculture Five onions from sets, NeiI Gemmell, Alex McEwing, Diane Finlayson; six carrots, topped, Jim Finlayson, Dianne Beuer- man, Diane Finlayson; six car- rots, bunched, Neil Gemmell, Jim Finlayson, Diane Finlayson; five table parsnips, Neil Gem- mell, Andy Plunkett; five beets, topped, Dianne Beuerman, Mary Buchanan, Jim Finlayson; slic- ing type cucumbers, Neil Gem - rife'', Andy Plunkett, Jim Fin- layson; pickling cucumbers; An- dy Plunkett, Diane Finlayson, Neil Gemmell; table turnips, Neil Gemmell; ripe tomatoes, Neil Gemmell, Mary Buchanan, Dianne Beuerman; pie pump- kins, Alex McEwing, Diane Fin- layson; Hubbard squash, Jim Finlayson; squash, Table Queen, Diane Finlayson, Jim Finlayson; potatoes, Katandin, Alex Mc - Ewing, Dianne Beuerman, Jim Finlayson; potatoes, Irish Cob- blers, Alex McEwing, Neil Gem- mell; potatoes, any variety, Jim Finlayson, Dianne Beuerman, Diane Finlayson; sweet table corn, 8 -row, Diane Finlayson; ; collection of weeds, Alex Mc - Ewing; most points, Neil Gem- mell. Flowers Asters, blooms, any variety, Andy Plunkett, Tom Papple, Di- ane Finlayson; Cosmos, display, Andy Plunkett, Diane Finlay- son, Leonard Jamieson; Dahlias, three blooms same, Mary Jean Boshart, Diane Finlayson, Neil Gemmell; Marigolds, French, Elaine • Oke, Dianne Beuerman, No Name or No.; Marigolds, Af- rican, Diane Finlayson; Petun- ias, 8 blooms, single, Dianne Beuerman, Elaine Oke, Diane Finlayson; Pansy, display, No Name or Number; Snapdragon, display, Toni Papple, Dianne Beuermann; Gladiolus, three spikes same, Diane Finlayson, Mary Jean Boshart; gladiolus, three spikes, different, Mary Jean Boshart, Diane Finlayson; gladiolus display, Tom Papple; collection of annuals, Diane Beuermann, Tom Papple, Elaine Oke; African • Violet in bloom, Grace Riley, Hank Scott, Doris Riley; Chrysanthemum, display, No Name or Number, Dianne Beuerman; floral arrangernent, Mary Jean Boshart, Elaine Oke, No Name or Number; most points, Dianne Finlayson. Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. .I Puma jam ¥rs, L, RAW'�p house, Mrs, M. Batkin, Mrs. Y.., Putman; strawberry jarp, Wad, W. Coleloggia, Mrs, L. Stone' house, Mrs. R, Qesch; raspber- ry jam, Mrs: J. Carter, Mrs. C. Johnston, Mrs. B. Putman; ap- ple jelly, Mrs. E. Yeo, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. K. Moore; red cur- rant jelly, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs, A, Jamieson, Mrs. R. Desch; any other variety of jam, Mrs. B. Putman, Mrs. W. Dolmage, Mrs, J. Carter; collection of canned fruits, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. W. Dolmage; collection of jams and jellies, Mrs. W. Dolmage, Mrs. J. Carter; special for most points, McGonigle's Lucky Dol- lar Store, offers $3.00 grocer- ies, Mrs, Jim Carter. DAIRY PRODUCTS Maple syrup, Fred McCly- mont, Reta Orr, Mrs. W. Heim- pel; homemade soap, K. Cole- man, Mrs. Bruce Coleman, Mar- guerite Scott; homemade lard, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Mrs. J. Car- ter, Mrs. Ab. Siemon; mince- meat and recipe, Mrs. Wes. Heimpel. .MON BXl'OS1 QRS "`VAPDATII, Off,: SEI ;4,,10046-4 NEWS OF . � IN ZION' Mr- and: `Mrs, leo WOO*, Denfipldr and Wire, Andrew Park,. Mrg.Pelt. ill =and *Mrs, Albert RQneyy went 7G'hu'r..sllay with• ' Mr, and 'Mrs, ha>"1ea Bovey and family, Mlss 'Nary Lannin and 'Mi s, Gayle Lama .attended the Fes* tival m ,Stratford oal; Saturday afternoon, • Mrs, Jack Burchill and Patri- cia, Mrs. Dalton Malcolm, Mrs.; Charles Roney, Mrs, George Srnale, Mrs. Fred Fawcett and" Mrs. Eisler attended the trous- seau tea for Miss Dorothy Nie, Cheapside, on Saturday. Mrs. Mary Malcolm received word on Tuesday that her cou- sin, Mrs. John Leeming, Wal- ton, had passed away in Scott Memorial Hospital on Monday night, and was buried from the Box Funeral Home, Sea - forth, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith and Glanice, and Mrs. Will Murdie called on Mrs. Mary Malcolm Sunday afternoon, leav- ing Mrs. Murdie for the after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Canning and family, London, spent the weekend with' Mc, and .C.harles liener and. visited mrs. Albert Roney at Hillside l Houle on Sunday, Mr, and 'Mrs,.Daltanl and. Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Bar. key and Wendy, called„ ,ou, F and Mrs. Robert Gibb, Glencoe, on Sunday. TO THE EDITOR; Te;rnnto, Wt. 20,494a. , .. The Editor: Sir It is out pleasure - ttl express the -thanks and appreci; ation of Salvation Army, lead.. ers for the excellent support which your newspaper gave to the Red Shield Appeal, and should also like to ,have the opportunity through the cour- tesy ourtesy of your columns to say to all donors and helpers how grateful we are for your gen- erosity and for seruices ren- dered. With every good wish. Cordially yours, T. L. CARSWELL Lieut. -Colonel National Campaign Director FALL FERTILIZER SPECIAL Buy 9 Tons of C -I -L Super -Flow Fertilizer at Bagged Prices and we will ship you 10 Tons Bulk Use of Lely ''fertilizer Spreader FREE! ORDER NOW! OPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED , SEAFORTH PHONE 775 "THE MOST VALUE FOR THE FARMER'S DOLLAR" T1 TiTjTjT1 T�T1�1TITITITI,T� ake Your PICK Are you in peed of a . . . first car, second car, bigger car or a smaller car? Stop in and see our selection today! 1961 FIAT Economy driving. 8499 1959 METEOR Two -door, radio; list $1295 8799 Full Price Now 1956 CHRYSLER Hardtop $129 1957 LINCOLN Premier, hardtop; fully equipped List $1595 $1299 Now Full Price 1956 FORD Fresh paint; excellent car $389 1957 MERCURY Automatic, P68 3A $499 Full Price 1958 METEOR Two -door; list $1295 $799 Full Price Now 1961 Thunderbird CONVERTIBLE Original over $7,500 Our list $4,995 $1,000 off for this Sale $3995 1961 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL For prestige driving; fully equipped; original list $9,000 Our list $4,995 $1,000 off for this Sale $3995 1958 MORRIS Economy car Full Price $499 1955 FORD FAIRLANE Fresh paint, radio, -V 8, in A-1 shape $479 1961 SIMCA Hardtop; grande large model Our list $1,295 Full Price $899 1953 BUICK Automatic transmission; Real choice second car $189 1959 METEOR CONVERTIBLE List $1,695 Now Only $1399 See one of our Sales Representatives: Don Horton Murray McLaughlin Ken Ross Jim Kennedy Ken Morrison Stan Clarke Doug Quaite Lloyd Acheson Wayne Beuermann Bill Cook Tom Treehuda Middlesex Motors COMPANY LIMITED TALBOT AT QUEENS USED CAR LOT — FULLARTON St. Phone GE 2-8381 YOUR MERCURY • LINCOLN • METEOR • COMET DEALER Ford Quality Service For 40 Years "THE HOME OF SERVICE" FOR ALL FORD OWNERS