HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-09-19, Page 13a WAD LIVE FOWL Picked up at the farm Top Prices —, Locker Service Available — Phone 751 J 12 — Seaforth or 393 J 15 -- Brussels Ronald Bennett WALTON •$1,6+0 $C1.1C1cFShl By Brampton Scholar Frank Jordan, native of Eng- land and educated in Kenya, was announced Winner of the $1,600 British Mortgage & Trust scholarship by W. H. Gregory, President of the Company. Mr. Jordan successfully completed V, • WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS — Phone 141 • Read the Advertisements -- It's a Profitable Pastime! • u 4 IS • • • DID YOU KNOW ...that Sun Life- of Canada is one of the world's leading life insurance companies, with 150 branch offices throughout North America? As the Sun Life represent. silos in your community. asap I be o3 service? JOHN J. WALSH Phone 40 R 20 - DUBLIN, ONT. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Are you makingthe most of all these Banking Services? Your local branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce offers a complete range of banking serv- ices. Here are a few examples: AUTOMATIC SAVINGS PLAN ...the easy way to save. All you do is authorize us to transfer an agreed -amount to a special Savings Account at regularintervals. Your savings and interest grow automatically) TRAVEL FUNDS ... the safest way to carry funds. For all trips, at home or abroad, always carry Travellers' Cheques purchased at any Bank of Commerce branch. BANKING BY MAIL... makes any Commerce branch as close as the nearest mail box. A service for cus- tomers who find it difficult to get to the bank. These are just some of the many services offered by the Bank, of Commerce. For full details, visit your nearest branch. Let the Bank that Builds simplify the business of banking for youl CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE Over 1260 branches to serve you MR. L. F. FORD, Manager Seaforth, Ont. his Grade 13 at the Brampton High School. He . received an average of 80.8 per cent in nine papers, highest of the appli- cants for the British Mortgage award. The British Mortgage scholar- ship is open to students in secondary schools in Perth, Hu- ron, Grey, Bruce and. Peel coun- ties who have completed Grade 13 with over 70 per cent in nine papers, and who are ac- cepted in a four year honor course at the Universities of Toronto, Queens, Western On- tario or McMaster. The winner was chosen by a selection com- mittee comprised of Mr. Gre- gory of British Mortgage, Judge Harold D. Lang, Judge of the County of Perth, and L. C. Web- ster, President of the Stratford Shakespearean Festival Founda- tion of Canada. "Winning this scholarship means that I can definitely go on with my studies here in Can- ada," Mr. Jordan said. "I be- lieve that Canada offers by far the greatest opportunities for young men entering the field of business." His- parents and their two other children emi- grated to Canada a year ago, but they returned to Kenya last July. Mr. Jordan has had a remark- able school record, both schol- astically and in the field of sports. At Brampton High School he played senior foot ball and was also a house pre- fect and officer in the cadet corps. At the Duke of York School in Nairobi he was cap- tain of the field hockey team. Keenly interested in current events and world problems, Frank Jordan was the spark for the Brampton High School Cur- rent Affairs Club and the Unit- ed Nations Club. As captain of the I.Q. team he led his school to a first place standing in Can- ada on CEL radio. After school hours he studied three years of Greek on his own. During the past summer, Mr. Jordan worked as a reporter for the local newspaper in Brampton. FIis future plans ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton Office in Masonic Store Main Street Phone 75 : Seaforth BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE FROM AND LONGER BADGER SALES - SERVICE . INSTALLATION take him to the Faculty of .Sic- tial Sciences at McMaster Unir. versity this fall where he will pursue a degree, in Honours Economics. He then hopes to go into business, specializing in sales and marketing. "School in Kenya was very different from rqy experiences here in Canada," Mr Jordan said. He explained that the school, system was patterned on the English boarding school, and that the Duke of York School where he attended, had about 500 students, all white. Mr. Jordan is optimistic about improving economic conditions in Kenya, and he also feels strongly about an integrated so- ciety. "I believe in complete integration," he commented, "though it will take a long time for this to happen in Kenya." He feels that the negro in the Southern States is much more advanced than the Kenyan. In announcing Frank Jordan as winner of the British Mort- gage 1963 scholarship, Mr. Gre- gory also commented on the outstanding calibre of all other applicants for' the scholarship. "It is a pity," Mr. Gregory said, "that there is not a scholarship for each of these promising students." JOHN BEANE, Jr. BRUCEFIELD SALES — SERVICE HU 2-9250, Clinton Phone Collect: -- NOTICE -- For Co -Op Insurance Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 193 J — John St. SEAFORTH Complete Coverages For: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services • Wind Insurance AT HURON COUNTY'S FINEST USED CAR MARKET 1963 Chev. II Sedan—AT., Radio 1963 Stratochief -Sedan—A.T., Radio 1963 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan, • new—A.T. 1963 Chevrolet Biscayne—Fully equipped 1963 Bel Air—Automatic, fully equipped 1962 Chev, Bel Air—A.T. 1961 Chev. Impala Sedan—A.T. 1961 Pontiac Laurentian—A.T., fully equip- ped 1960 Ford Two -Door 1959 Chevrolet Impala Four -Door Hard- top—V-8 motor, automatic 1959 Ford Coach 1959 Pontiac V -8 ---Automatic 1959 Volkswagen 1959 Meteor 6 -Cylinder Four -Door Sedan 1958 Pontiac—A.T. 1958 Dodge—Six Cylinder, Standard 1958 Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan—A.T. 1957 Pontiac Sedan—Standard 1957 Pontiac—AN. 1957 Chev. Station Wagon MANY OLDER MODELS USED TRUCKS 1959 Ford %-Ton Pickup A Written Guarantee for 60 Days on all Late Model Cars—Many other Models to choose from BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS — ONTARIO PHONE 173 ---'The Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING ,�Seaforthite; -�; Blain Dunlop Dies in West A recent issue of the Kinis- tino (Sask.) Post refers to the passing of a Seaforth native, Blain Dunlop: "The community was sadden- ed on Sunday morning, August 25, with the sudden passing of 'a widely known and much re- spected pioneer resident of Crescent Hill district and Kin- istino, James Blain Dunlop. Mr. Dunlop who had been keeping active and looking will, started feeling poorly late last week and his condition got progres- sively worse until death occur- red early Sunday morning. "Besides his wife he leaves two sons, David of Kelowna, B.C., and Wilson of. Kinistino. Also five grandchildren and one great-grandson. The deepest sympathy of the community goes out to them. "The late Blain Dunlop was born in Seaforth, Ont., in 1890. He came west with his parents in 1904 and homesteaded in the Crescent Hill district. In 1910 he married Maude Dinsmore, raising two sons. Eighteen years ago he retired and moved into town. A quiet, kindly man, he was' truly a friend to all and always a real booster for Kin- istino. He was a trustee of St. Andrew's United Church, an honorary member of the Kin- isitno Branch of the Royal Can- adian Legion, a member of the Masonic Lodge and member at large of the Board of the Sen- ior Citizens' Housing Corpora- tion and worked very hard in interviewing the older people so that his project might be- come a reality. He will be miss- ed. "Funeral service was held from St. Andrew's United Church, Kinistino, on Tuesday afternoon with Rev. J. W. Heth- erington officiating. The church and lower church hall were fill- ed to capacity with those gath- ered in final tribute to one of our most respected pioneers. "Unto the Hills" and "Peace, Perfect Peace" were sung. The choir, under the direction of Mrs. N. Bernston, sang "How Great Thou Art." Mrs. Roy Mc- Donald was at the organ. "Honorary pallbearers were Alex F. Mn of Prince Albert, Tom Huddleston, Lee (Shorty) Poo, Stuart Lowrie, W. C. Woods and C. Liddle. Pallbear- ers were Arsene Soulier, Bill McCloy, George Freeman, Ray Huron Co-operative Medical Services Prepaid Health Plans at Cost the way BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, Goderich; Vice -Pres., Gordon Kirkland, RR 3, Lucknow; Mrs. 0. G. Anderson, RR 5, Wing - ham; Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Exeter; Hugh B. Smith, RR 2, Listowel; Lorne Rodgers, RR 1, Goderich; Roy Strong, Gorrie; Russell T. Bolton, RR 1, Seaforth; Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth; Bert Klapp, Zurich; Gordon Richard- son, RR 1, Brucefeld; Kenneth Johns, RR 1, Woodham. C. H. Magee Secretary -Manager Miss C. E. Plumtree Assistant Secretary For information, call your nearest director or our office in the Credit Union Bldg., 70 On- tarlo Street, Clinton, Telephone HUnter 2-9751, or see your Co- op representative: JAMES MCQUAID RR 5, Seaforth 9 CROWD J' 13cbogl pelt Word ox sorrow 1150-+CRrd gams (p1eta.) 14 l bolt 15 0bPs ame 116 4 kings( n ,ludab (Bib,) 17 Sports 18 Look-alike 19 French Christinamepalacean 20 Famed tum -maker 22 Appendices 24 Balderdash 26 Held toger 27 Hobgoblithen 30 Social trisect 31 Goddess of discord 32 Politician 37 Lamprey 38 A diplomat 40 Nigerian 41 Otrt ( w) 43 Roman3ords date 44 Ship's prow 45 Forever 4; "YlOtotia. TT ..SRI►, +s1 FOrmer Thd Cleveland *snits 52 Eackpets 54 Yegetable5 58 Choose; by suffrage 59 Pipe 61 Fragrance 62 English watercress 63 Level 64 Second showing. 65 Smaller 66 A .fruit 67 Adorn DOWN 1 Crustacean 2 Italian coin 3 "With" in French. 4 Upper houses 5 Sparkling 6 Appetizer 7 Not high 8 Solo part 9 Laboratory vessel U'ZZLE` Antiwar *0 TOON 74 LAPS„APA: A L AltIIM'.:*AU �10 SIfTEA A LE wA Y4 • t T P t�[ aril *a I� M] Fararar.eg C 3 OM 1 MLA CLI4LIIId E-Iit4! 0 lr II 0 H E A T RC E AL OHIO KS S LA V t 10 Father and mother 11 Free from fault 12 Tout le 13 Pro golfer 21 Not bright 23 Recipient 25 Domesti- cated. 27 Existed 28 Mountain (comb. form) 29 Covered with gold 33 Illuminating gas 34 Southern France TR 35 Aid 36 Prying 38 Make reparation 39 Frustrated 42 Dwellers 43 Guarantor 46 To piece out 47 Esteem 48 Noisy feast 49 Call forth 50 Entrances 53 Fiji Island seaport 55 Additional 56 Australian birds 57 --- Sorrel 60 Wager 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 27 18 19 31 37 41 28 29 24 21 !. r M':.•.h. 32 25 33 23 34 35 36 42 44 39 45 40 46 47 48 .52 58 62 65 49 50 53 54 55 56 57 59 60 61 63 64 66 PUZZLE Doctor: "Now, madam, place this thermometer between your teeth and keep your lips closed for five minutes.” Husband (aside to doctor): "What will you take for that gadget, doctor?" Whelen, Donald Graham and Jack Porter. Interment was in the Kinistino cemetery with Kyle's Funeral Home of Melfort in charge of arrangements. There were only family flowers by request but the large num- ber of memorial gifts attested to the esteem with which he was held." NO, 775 67 ODORLESS CLEAN BURNING FURNACE OIL STOVE OIL D. Brightrall FINA SERVICE' Phone 354 MICKEY MOUSE CLUB Weekdays at 5 p.m. SUNDAYS—Walt Disney Presents 6:00 Arrest And Trial 8:30 The Hour Glass 10:00 MONDAYS -26 Men 5:30 McHale's Navy 8:30 Dr. Kildare .10:00 TUESDAYS—The Lawman Harry's Girls 5:30 8:30 Wednesdays N,H.L, HOCKEY First Game Wed., Oct. 16 at 8:30 p.m. whoa games are not sched- uled "The Greatest Show On earth" wni he aeon at 0:80. THURSDAYS—To Tell The Truth 8:30 Jack Pear ... 9:30 FRIDAYS—The Farmer's Daughter Jaimie McPheeters 6:30 7:00 SATURDAYS—Mr. Ed .. 6:30 First Niter Movie 8:00 Jerry Lester . 10:00 QN EXPOSiT0Zt, WArORTIL ONT? SE t 13 PHONE ELECi1pN CENTRAL. For Voting Day Information ❑ Is your name on the voters' list? to Where do you vote? o When are. the polls. open? Or for transportation to the polls, call GET OUT AND VOTE —LET'S MAKE IT A BIG MAJORITY' FOR CHARLIE 515 Sept. 'j 25 Published by Huron Progressive Conservative Association WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS — Phone 141 AVOID WASHDAY WORRIES On Those Wet Fall Days! Frigidaire Flowing Heat Dryers Provide the Answer ! AS LOW AS 169.00 For Completely Carefree Washdays— Go Automatic ! With a sturdy Frigidaire Flowing Heat Dryer. Beats all outdoors for getting clothes dry. And with famous Frigidaire dependability, you'll surely enjoy wash- days that are truly carefree year after year! WE'LL SEE YOU AT THE FAIR ! BOX FURNITURE Phone 43 : Seaforth