HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-09-19, Page 12'I 1111 VURON I?Q$U.'QR SXAk'Ai i a OM, S .1S,1i MF MASTERPIECE The exciting "fully automated" MF 65 Dieselmatic! Shifts on -the -go at the flip of a switch. Averages 15 less fuel. (Direct Injection engine averaged an exceptional 13.5 hp-hrs.' per U.S. gay. or 16.22 hp-hrs. per Imp. gal. in official tests.) Comes with Ferguson System, power steering, differential lock, live PTO, Float -O -Matic seat, and more. These's no other 4 -plow tractor in the Diesel- matic's class ... and we can prove it! Stop in today! SEE US FRIDAY at the SEAFORTH FAIR BOYES FARM- SUPPLY Phone 612 - Seaforth YOUR MASSEY-FERGUSON .D STAFFA Mrs. Cecil Bowman is enjoy- ing njoying a trip to the west coast. Mr. Johnny Miller is a Pa- tient in. Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, Seaforth. Those attending the OAC at Guelph this year from this com- munity are Ramona Worden, first year; Robin Daynard, first year; Terry Daynard, third year, and Eric Norris, fourth year. Wilfrid Elliott is attending Wells' Academy in London, and Ron Agar. is enrolled at West- ern University. . Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Miller and Karen, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Miller and Ken, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller and family at- tended a turkey dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan's, Kirkton, on Thursday evening. The oc- casion was the tenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lyall and Nancy of Agincourt visited ov- er the weekend with Mrs. Ly - all's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Norris, Mrs. Mary Templeman is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- frid Annis and family, Zion. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mr. Lloyd Elliott and family in the passing of Mrs. Elliott on Sun- day at her residence in the vil- lage. WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS — Phone 141 Read the Advertisements It's a Profitable Pastime! Unless they eat the white man's food, Canada's Eskimos never have teeth trouble. Den- tists think the explanation is the Eskimo diet of raw meat, plus the chewing of animal hides to soften them for fa- shioning into clothes. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 OR SALE Canada No. 1 GENESEE WHEAT Registered GENESEE WHEAT Tetra Petkus RYE R. N. Alexander Londesboro Phones: HU 2-7475 CLINTON 26- R 33 BLYTH uT11111111111111111111Iuu111111I11nn111 USBORNE A ND HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. Directors: • Timothy B. Toohey - RR 3, Lucan President Robert G. Gardiner - RR 1, Vice -President Cromarty Win. H. Chaffe - RR 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun - RR 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney - RR 2, Dublin Milton McCurdy - RR 1, Kirkton Agents: Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates - RR 1; Centralia Clayton Harris - Mitchell Solicitors: Mackenzie & Raymond - Exeter Secretary -Treasurer: Arthur Fraser - - Exeter WHY NOT .TAKE THIRTY? Ann Cameron and Paul Soles, co -hosts of CBC -TV's afternoon show, invite you to "Take Thirty." Designed specifically to brighten the day of the homemaker, Take Thirty presents a variety of program- ming, This fall there will be a series on marriage counsel- ling, on dance instruction and on antique collecting, as well as regular reports on current affairs, consumer news and interviews with celebrities. , DISTRICT TWP. COUNCILS MEET GREY COUNCIL, Grey township council at its September meeting included: Moved by Archie Mann, sec- onded by Lawson Ward: That we accept the tender of Armco Drainage & Metal Products of Canada Ltd., for two pipes: (a) 70• linear feet of Multi -Plate Co. at $1,107.00; (b) 5.6 linear feet of Multi -Plate Pipe Arch at $1,180.00, subject to the approv- al of the Department of High- ways. Glenn Huether and Kenneth Bray: That we accept the ten- der of G. A. Gibson & Sons Ltd. to repair abutments on bridge at lot 6, concession 2, for. the sum of $2,150.00, sub- ject to the approval of the De- partment of Highways. Glenn Huether and Lawson Ward: That we authorize the road superintendent, reeve and. treasurer to make application to the Department of Highways for interim subsidy on road ex- penditures. • Kenneth Bray 'and Archie Mann: That we set the date of court .of revision on the assess- ment roll to be held on Oct. 7, at 2 o'clock. WEL60ME TO THE FAIR 9 We Congratulate the SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY on its 118th Annual Fair THURSDAY and FRIDAY Here at BALL- MAC AULY LTD. you will find every- thing you need in Lumber, Hardware and Builders' Supplies. CALL USWHEN YOU ARE IN THE FAIR � OR WHENEVER YOU'RE BUILDING OR REPAIRING. Lawson Ward and Kenneth Bray: That we advertise for ten- ders for snowplowing for the 1963-64 season, tenders to be in by0"l:00 o'clock, Oct. 7. ten- ders to state size and make of equipment and price per hour. . Glenn Huether and Lawson Ward; That we accept an ap- pheation for a loan of $500 un- der the Tile Drainage Act. Lawson Ward and Kenneth Bray: That all approved ac- , Robert Gibson, two hospital counts be paid. ' board meetings. $10; I. Haskins, Glenn Huether and Archie ; `welfare administrator, $9.80; I. Mann: That we do now adjourn :Haskins, mileage, $10.70; trans - to meet, again on October 7, or fifer to Road Account, $3,905.63; at Huron County Plowmen's As- at UCW GROUP V The montlily meeting of Unit Five UCW was held Monday in the church parlor in the form of a- pot -luck supper. Twelve members and guests were pres- ent. Following a delicious supper, a short business period was held. A reminder was made of the Presbyterial Regional meet- ing' to be held Oct. 8, The group agreed on motion of Wil- ma Oke and Heidi Savauge, that Unit Five be responsible for the sale of 100 church cal- endars this year. Carol Baker offered to convene the Tod- dlers' Group for the two months Unit Five is responsible for, and also offered her home for the October meeting. Fund- raising projects were discussed and tentative plans suggested. A social hour closed the meet- ing. and on the bridge on sideroads 10 and 11, concession 9. Other motions included: Moved by McMichael and King: That we instruct the road superintendent to advertise for tenders for snow plowing for the winter of 1963-64. Gibson and King: That we give the Huron County Plow- men's Association a grant of $25.00. Strong and King: That we ac- cept the tender of -Shantz and Hicks Construction Ltd., of Wa- terloo, Ont., for the construc- tion of a township ,,public works garage at $20,913.00, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways. Gibson and King: That the road accounts be paid. McMichael and. King: That' the following accounts be paid: Howick Twp. School Area Board, proceeds of debentures sold, $99,592.51; Morley John- ston, refund on warble fly spraying, '$1.08; The Provincial Treasurer, application fee, re school debentures, $60.00; H. Hamilton, postage•,.$57.19; Stan Hays. repairing light, $11.25; welfare accounts, $236.19; Lis- towel and District Fire Area, account, $209.91; H. G. Harris, part salary, $75; W. E. Whit- field, part salary, $215; Depart- ment of National Revenue, in- come tax, $35; Tile Drainage Loan Debenture No. 10, $800.00; Bob Campbell, bulldozing Ford- wich and Wroxeter ' dumps, $47.25; H. Hohnstein, bulldoz- ing township dump, $14; Clark Renwick, sheep killed, $18.00; the call of the reeve. Accounts paid included: Tile ?sociation. grant, $25.00. Total, Drainage Loan, $3,544.50; Mel- S5' 86, 67. vin Carnochan, inspector, $19.50; E. M. Cardiff, clerk's fees, tile drainage, $28.80; Provincial Treasurer, insulin, $2.33; Twp. of Arthur, relief, $13.54; Hiem- 1 stra Nursing Home, August ac- count, $68.75: Donnelly, Don- nelly & Murphy, legal fees. $25: drainage debentures, $134.04; Robert Baillie, fox bounty, $4; roads and bridges, $4,814.88. Total. $8,655.34. Howick township council at its September meeting approv- edaction to limit the weight of vehicles passing over the Mc- Kercher bridge at lot 70, con- cession C: the Cullen bridge at lot 19. concessions 10 and 11, Traffic Cop: "Have you got a driver's license?" Speeder: "Sure—got it right here in my pocketbook." Cop: "That's all right. If oyu've got it, I don't need to look at it. If you didn't have one I'd have to see it." THEY WENT TO THE DEVIL One of the most famous Eng- lish taverns of Elizabethan days .was The Devil, located near Temple Bar on Fleet Street in London. This tavern was . the regular meeting place of the Apollo Club, which numbered among its members Shakespeare and Ben Johnson. The site sub- sequently became part of Child's Bank, one of England's oldest banks. WIND • TORNADO •CYCLONE Insurance R. F. McKERCHER ?hone 849 R 4 - Seaford Representing the Western Farm- ers' Weather Insurance Mutual • Co., Woodstock, Ont. Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. BALL - MAcAlLAY Ltd. Lumber Builders' Sup ►lies Phone '7874 SEAVORTU Phone CLINTON HU 2-9514 /tars to -FERTILIZE Coal and Fuel Oil Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 Seaforth BE SURE ATTEND THE ZURICH FALL FAIR Saturday. & Monday, Sept. 21 & 23 Saturday .Night CASH BINGO in the Zurich Arena 8:30 p.m. Monday Afternoon 1:00 p.m.—Monster Parade 1:30 p.m. --Official Opening 2:30 p.m.—Pet Show 3:00 p.m.—Baby Show 4-H Club Exhibits Cattle Show School Display MIDWAY WILL BE IN OPERATION MONDAY NIGHT, AT 6:00 P.M. Western Ontario's Largest HORSE SHOW OVER $1,000 IN CASH PRIZES M. L. "TORY" GREGG, Master of Ceremonies "BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER " MRS. MARGE SCHILBE' Secretary -Treasurer V. L.-BECKER President' -FOR FALL MOTORING Check and Repack Front Wheels $1.55 WHEEL BALANCE $1.25 per Wheel Check and Repack Universal Joints 2 -piece Shaft $3.50 3 -piece Shaft 5.95 Seaforth Motors YOUR GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE SERVICE CENTRE Phone 541 — Seaforth - For increased farm income, ask your CO-OP about a Fall Fertilizer Program. FREE SOIL SAMPLING. Act now! Tells you the most economical use of Fer- tilizers for your crops. For your Fall Fertilizer needs and FREE Soil Sampling, contact now: SEAFORTH FARM ERS MILTON J. DIETZ TIPS ON HOW TO FRESHEN CALVES AT 20 TO 24 MONTHS! The sooner your calves are bred, calve, freshen and start to pay their own way, the sooner you'll start to make a profit on them. Over 2,000 average calves, born and raised on Purina's Dairy Research Farm have helped us develop a Purina Calf Starting Program that has given us hundreds of calves that have freshened before they were two years old. The most important step is to feed them properly when they're young; a properly balanced ration that capi- talizes on their early urge -to -grow. Purina Nursing Chow and Purina Calf Startena do supply this proper feeding program. Canadians who want bigger profits tomorrow feed PURINA CHOWS today! We can't guarantee that your calves will start right in freshening at 2 years, but we'd like to tell you how dozens of your neighbours have had strong, healthy calves that freshen early and start producing young on Purina's Calf Feeding Program. Why not stop in sometime and let's talk it over? - For fast, efficient feed service call MILTON J. DIETZ PHONE 600 J 2, SEAPORTH, R.R. 3 Purina Chows — Sanitation Products Ventilation Equipment (Wholesale, Retail) VastaMaWaVANAWANWAWi rWirWWiMt • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •