HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-08-29, Page 9•
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TO YOUR ADVANTAGE arm qC or Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 21. Tenders Wanted 23. Business Directory
THIRTY -nave weaner pigs. Ap- USER) stroller, in power graders A, M. HARPER & COMPANY
1. Coming Events - - , �g'aQd cgndi- 1063-64: 'five
y ply George Dowson Varna, tion, Phone 138 after @ equipped with Chartered Accountants
2. Lost Strayed � p•�m. -1 which ane to be
3. Found
phone 349 W 2, Hemnsai9. 884x1 FE;�ER�S. new used, duck V -type hydraulically operated 55-57 South St. Telephone
4. Help Wanted TWENT'Y•lE W pig$, 7 weeks feathers, goose m feathers, old plows of 8' minimum, width and Gpderich JA 4-7562
5. Busnnest Opportunities °dU• A'pp'ly to Carl Vanderzon, feather ticks. WIN pay; highest a wMg• Tenderer to state Equip- Licensed Municipal Auditor
6. Teachers Wanted Seaforth. $_84xI cash prices. Write to Box 559, meat Specifications, All. equip -
7. Situations Wanted ONE Seaforth, 12.83.6 merit and tender prices are su!b- SEAFORTH
good Hasteprn cony, due to jest to the approval of the Dept,VETERINARY
8. Farm Stock For Sale freshen end of August. Unit 13. Wanted of High • Tenderers are to
9. Poultry For Salo bred, Jahn Sincllair, RR 3, Kip- supply all; requirements, curry CLINIC
10. Used Cars For Sale pen, phone 657 R 41, Seaforth, -1 BOARDERS. Apply Boa 1261., public liability insurance and J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S.
11. Articles For Sale The Hutrnt Exposatxm. 13-84-2 WorkmaWs Compensation The W R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S.
12. Wanted To Buy 9. Poultry For Sale tender must state the flat rate D. E. Galt, D.V.M., V.S.
l 19, Wanted EIGHT hundred Sex - A -Link 14. Property For Sale per hour (no stand -.b time). All
14. Property For Sale p y y Phone 105 : Seaforth
puldtets, starting NEWLY decorated, 4 -bedroom work is ba be dome under the
15. Property For Rent b �' lay. W. E. supervision, of the Road Su JOHN E. LONGSTAFF
Haney, RR 4, Seaforth. 9-84-1 home, modern- bathroom and Dept. of Hx�- O tpmetrlst
16. For Sale or Rent kitchen, hardwood flows, new intendent and the High- P optical services,
17. Wanted To Rent SEVEN hundred Amber Acre-, oil furnace. W. A. Hodgemt, ways' Goderich St. West. Tuesday to
y 18. Property Wanted Queen pullets, on range, laying phone' 498, Seaforth. 14.83-2 Tenders to be considered on Saturday, 9 5:30, except Wed -
19. Notices , over 20%. Peter Steckle, Hen- nesday-Thursday evening by ap-
20. Auction Sales s+ak phone 698 R 33. S_84ace SlXardam . Idnaimie house, wW11h Sept, 3, 1963, at 8:00 p:m, pmntment. 'hone 791, Sea-
t 2l. Tenders Wanted hydro and warts in Varna, Alp- The or .an tender not forth. Monda Clinton Medi. PIy Wilfred Chuter, VaRma y y,
22. Legal Notices 10. Used Cars Far .Sale phone HU 2-700 evenings only. necessarily accepted. cal Centre.
23. Business Directory 1 , Pontiac, whale hard 14 Sly.
24. Cards of Thanks top, J. I. McINTOSH, Dr. Ml R. Buljubasic
+: -alae, $350. J. Meanheere phone HOUSE in Constance. 3 -pierce Clerk-Trealsurer cup -
25. In Memoriam
26. Personals 649 W 12, Egmondvmlle.. 10-84x1 bath:, 3 bedrooms, built• -in Township of Tuckersmith Graduate of the Faculty of
The cost is low. Classifications
PRIVATEi owned 1957 Pontiac boards, hydra, hat and calks 21-83-2
water. Avid!able immediately. Dentistry, University of Toronto
2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and sedan. May the seen at Moller successor to Dr, J. A- Munn,
Motors, Saa�orth, Howard Preso&ator, .phone Sea-
t 17, minimum 40c an insertion. 10-83x"2' forth, 841 R 13. 14-84-1 Township of Hibbert Offi`e John �t, Sea
Classification 25, minimum 65c, Phont1. Articles For Sale
„'. plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. 15. Property For Rent DRAINAGE TENDER WcCONNELL
All other classifications, mini- TWENTY acres ot? second cut FIVE -room apartment, separate &STEWART
mum 65 cents per insertion, hay. Phone filo W 4. 11-84-1 bath, heated, available immed- Tenders with be received hY
except Auction Sales (20), Ten- SET of grade: 12 books. Phone-i,tel'y�. Phone 43b -W. 15-84x1 the undersigned until' 8 p,m•, •ar Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
dens Wanted (21), and Legal 658 J 2, Seaforth. 1q_84 i I at the regular Council meeting P. D MCCONNELL, Q.C.
Notices (�2), rates on a hca_ U P P E R apartment, heated, at the Township' Hall:', Staffa, to D. I, STEWART
pp GRADE 13 Latin books. Mary available Sept. 1, Dennis Seaforth, Out. : Phone 550
tion. F E1�ec- g;30 P.m., Monday Seipbember 2
Scott, phone 853 W 2. 11.84x1 trio, Webb St., Apply Mrs). 1963 for the construction of
For cash payment or if paid AI<O� 400 {t, of used angle ;Huard, Seaforth. 15 83-2 593g' ]lineal feet of closed dmai2n A. W. SILLERY
-by 10 days fotto`nring last laser- iron, 2 x 2 x 81, 1/x pries. W, L. UPSTAIRS 2`bedraam, heated and 4 catch basins, on the Stas Barrister, . Solicitor, etc.
;[ tion, 15 CENTS deducted from Mell7s, Kippen. 11.84x2 apartment, on N. Main St. ton Municipal Drain. -Contract- Phones: Office 173, Res, 781
above rates. PHTLLIP'S tape recorder aid Private bath. Phone 164. after for to supply all ttnat;earials. Seaforth Ontario
COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED an Underwood typewriter, P.O:.6 p.m, 15-82-tf Plan and profile may be seen
Box 83, Seaforth, 1L1 -84x1 TWO a at the Clerk's Office. D. H. McINNES
RATES —apartments: and one fur A certified cine Chiropractic
GIRL'S bicycle in veu y good nisdaed apartmetvt in Rayed Apis. cheque �% Commercial Hotel
(Far Business Firms, ,Trades- condition, Ctaru be seen at One` bedroom apartmewt itu of bid to accompany each ten-
men, etc.): Minimutt}, 50 cents Charles Pinder's. 11-84-1 the Simpson Block. Apply to der.. Lowest or any tender notMonda Y, Thursday -1 to 8 p.m.
per on. Billing
cents per tadvert advertisement. charge, 15 STET of grader L] SD S text Joseph McConnell,as Seaforth necessarily accepted. BOX
rf books; also a ring bander. Joan MRS. ANNE BURCHILL, Clerk, '.FUNERAL SERVICE
aV il7ihltin t 19`. No�1C@S -- - _ Dublin, Ontario. R. S. BOX
s FiVenfi GRADE 12 text books. Bruce — -_ --21.83.2- -LICENSED Ei12SAI11VlEA--
1 Coming
SEAFORTH Lawn Bowling Club Whitmore, phone HU 2-3395, Prompt and careful attention
will hold a Bake Sale, August Clinton. 11-841 PROMPT watch repair service TOWNSHIP OF Hospital Bed
30, at 3 p.m.., in Mr. Kling's GRADFI 10 and grade 12 and 18 at Savauge's, (opposW PostTUCKERSMI'FH FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS
renovated building, (beside banks. Bonnie Uhler, RR 3, Wal'- �Ce') 2 certified watchm�ak- Phones :
Staffen's) on Main Street. 1433-2 ton, or phone Brussels, 337 W errs. Automatics a speciality. Res. 595-W — 'Store 43
BU4GO--Play Bingo at Tess -19' 11-84xl 19-80-tf Tender For the J. A. BURKE
water Arena, on Friday, Aug. FRESH ,corn none ready, good Constructionof the Funeral Director
30th, commencingat 9 p.m., fre'e'ing variety. Murray Tyn NOTICE EXteriSI'On t0 the and Ambulance Service
Sponsored by the,. Lions Cliub. dalll, Brucefaead., Ont„ phone
12 games for $40 each; 3 Spee- Seefomth, 640 R 2. 11-84.1 Tuckersmith Egmondville DUBLIN ONTARIO
Municipal DumpNight; or Day Calls:
ials for $]Ao each; 1 super spec- FOR SALE—Trade in your old p Water System Phone 43 R 10
sal for $500. 1-84-1 shaver now, low Will be open until further
Savauge's, apposite Post Office notice on Wednesday and Satur- Contractor to supply all m,at• W. J. CLEARY
day afternoons from 1 to 5;30 Seaforth, 2. Lost, Strayed 11-So-tf , tezd�a�ls� and gory the tmaitnS and Ontario
FRESH picked corn; and vege- P'm' make alit house connectiol LICENSED EMBALMER
GOLD wristwatch, Saturday, be- No ware fencing, old concrete, Tender, forms to be obtained and FUNERAL DIRECTOR
tables. Ambrose Addley, flash permitted, from the Clark. Night or Da
bw+een Laman,e's, and Keats -mg's. or car bodies
Rem"house South of store in Kinbur tn. y Calls — 335
offered. Phone 52 R -1 11-83x3 Tenders •to be in the Clerk's
Dublin,. 2-s4-1 ._ J. I. Mc11VTosH, G. A. WHITNEY
FRESH picked corn; sand vege,• Clerk hands by 12 o'clock noon, Tues -
4. Help.'Wanted tables. Ambrose Addley, first 19-Wtf day. Sept. 3, 1963- FUNERAL HOME
house South of store in, Kitnburn. ANSTETT Tend'er's to be considered at Goderich St., W., Seaforth
II)OUSEKEEPFR for two nnale Call evenings and weekends. 10:00 p.m., on Sept, 3, 1963. AMBULANCE SERVICE
adudtst, in mural home in Seaforth U-83.3 JEWELLERS The lowest or any tender not Adjustable hospital beds
Area. AN modern conveniences. ADMIRAL t+edn i necessarily for rent.
Most: weekends free. Box IM,. 'a ', in new Ltd. d6C� FLOWERS FOR EVERY ,
condition, 9 cu, ft. Phone 138,
Huron Expositor. 4-84-1 after .5 p.m. 11-84-1 Oz's you J, I. McIN"SH, OCCASION
HELP WANTED GRADE 1Q books. Phrona 23 ,R Easy Credit Terms Clerk -Treasurer Phone 119 - Seaforth
RR, 3, Seaforth.
Construction Workers 20, Dublin. 11-84-1 with21x83 2' 24. Cards of Thanks
Apply Two case mtent windows, �appmx NO
JOHN GAFFNEY 35" x 64" complete with hard- Carrying. Charges I would like to thank everyone
CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ware, storms -and 22. � sereew, Phone 7T, Seatomth gal Notices who visited •me while I was. in
Limited Phone! 769, Seaforth, after 5 19.80-tf Seaforth Hospital; also those
Ilaghway, 19, North of Stratford, p:nn. 11,832 A NEW 1tITCII EN Township of Tuckersmith who sent flowers and cards.
Phone Strafford, 271-8800., Mrs. Hiram Shannon. 24-84-1
CEDAR pasts, all st'ves• anchor May Dost lass than you ihinlal TREASURER'S SALE
4-840.2 poks• 12' braces; steel, posts, 6' For alterations, new kitchenWE extend our sincere thanks
M MIR.. D, J. COCHRANE, Prin- and 7'; barb wire; Paige wire, cupboards, rec rooms, eaten- OF LAND FOR to all our frdends and neighbors
cipat C.H.S.S., Clinton, �vnll re- lrimburn Stowe, phone 84 R 2, sions and repairs, cadfi: TAXES far their gifts and for the enjoy,
dive applications fmomv teaelners Borden Brown,. 11-80 Lf JOHNLANSiNK &SONS, able evening which they ar-
interested in registering as re- HONEY for sale, now pouring General Contra�g Township of Tuckersmith rrrrged on our 25th Wedding
lief Supply Teachers at C.H.S,S. Can of Huron,. Anniversary. May and Tom
clover honey, 25c per lb. in Phare 79 Seatarrh."
in els vocational' and academic your own container. No advance Competent Wwlananshi OURGovesine 24-84x1
P To Wit: thanks
re to friends,
subjects during the academic in prices for the season. Wallace �g¢t¢ OUR sincere
year 196364. '�-2 Ross, Seaforth. 11-83-3 - By virtue of a warrant issued nedglnbanv and relativest for
tR.AWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW by the Reeve of the Township of their help during the Pass of a
a Spec -
OPEN LARGE size olio; high ohair; FAST SERVICE Tuckersmith under his hand and dear husband and father. Spec-
ba.by buggy; chdld's snow suite, on the seal of the said corporation iai thanks to -the men who com-
In Townships Tuckersmith, '
McKa�ldop and Hullett. Trade well wicker
3; dresses, siva 14; two WATCH REPAIRS Apribearing date the 10th day of biped, the ladies who helped at
established. Excellent opportun- wicker chaarS; kitchen steal; All work s April, safe o lands in arrears home, Mr. alit Mrs. Whitney,
aty. Fadi' fume. Write: wash tub; aluminum suave pipes guaranteed of taxes in the Township of Dr. Stapleton, Rev. Carson and,
RAWLEIGIH'5 used 2 months; 2 piende coolers; Tuckersmith will be held at the Rev. J. C. Britton. Many thanks
record player stand; kitchen ANSTETT Town Hall, Seaforth, at the hour far lovely floral tributes and
Dept. H-363-189, 4005 Richelieu, talbdle, Phone 468-M. 11-84-1 JEELLERS ' of 9:00 o'clock in ft Evening, contributions to the Heart Fund
Montreal. Won tine 3rd da
n 4-841 ARTICLES fol+ Private Sale; Ltd. 3" September, and Church. These kindnesses
one good used refrigerator; Phone 17, Seaforth 1963, unless the taxes and costs with aUwQY9 be remembered.
ATTENTION WOMEN 1 roll away cot; 1 large leather L9-go-tf are sooner' paid. Notice is here- The Jewitt Family. 24-84x1
chair; 1 bed with mattress and by given that the List of lands I w•oudd like,to thank the many
WITHOUT any experience you sprmgis, srmafl dresser and SEAFORTH for sale for arrears of taxes kind friends, neighbors and
money for your Christ- stand-.- 2 wall pictures; 1 mir- was published in The Ontario
can eamn m rdat v6s who remembered me
ror. Mrs. Kathleen Feeney, UPHOLSTERY Gazette on the 4th day of May, with visits y flowers,
l meas shopping by selling Avon Dublin, pbow Dubbin, 57 R 2. -1 Centre Street 1963, and that copies of thegifts, treats
i Cosmetics and toiletries in your said list may be had at my and beautiful cards and letters
6 vicinity. Write Mrs. M. 'Milson, COMBINE Telephone 446 office• y of good wishes while a patient
17 Hawkesbury Cr., London, or CABS For all kinds of upholstering. in St. Josephs Hospital, Lon -
call colaect 432-9019, between 7 iry80-t{ Treasurer's Office, this 3Mb don and since returning home. To fit old maker. da Spccial than[ns to Rev. Harold
8 P. m., y of May, 1968. Currie, Frietdshi and Visiting
HAUGH )CROS. 20. Auction Sales JAMES I. MeiNTOSH, Committee of Hensallu United
4-84-87-90-93-96-99 Farm Equipment Treasurer Church and timber Rebekah
' 1 image east of Bruc•efieid, Ont, AUCTION SALE 22-78-13 Lodge, AD this kindness was
HELP WANTED CORN DRYERS 11 Auction, Sale of Church Build- eatD
g� y appreciated and will
Five women bo .bone chickens. ing and Furnishings of former TREASURERS SALE lone; be remembered. Mrs. Ken
No experience necessary. New and used Duff's Church, McKilTop, sit- OF LAND FOR TAXES McLean. 24-$4-1
uated 2% -miles north and IY4 THE family of the late James
Apply in person to: HAUGH BROS. mires east of Seaforth, on W. McLean wish to express
DUBLIN CREAMERY and F'ar'm Equipment TUESDAY, S°EsPTEXB'ER 10, at Town of Seaforth their sincere thanks to all those
1 mile east of Brucefield, Ont. 2 p.m. County of Huron. who may have helped in any- f
POULTRY PACKERS LTD., ll -83 3 Building of frame construe -
Dublin, Ontario. tion, approximately 40 ft. x 50 TO WIT; bereavement. For the cards,
4-83-2 12. Wanted To Bu ft• Contents' will be sold sepal visit_q and treaafis at Scoot Mem-
Y By virtue of a warrant issued 1
ately. List to follow in next curial Hospital, to the staff and
SECOND table approxi- by the Mayor of the Town of
%. Situations Wanted week's sante. specialtnurses, Dr, EI, Malkus
matelyh 16x36, or ssnalli desk. HAROLD JIACKSON, Auctioneer Seaforth under his hand and ^nd also PART-TIME work. AppUly John Call Seaforth, 672 R 2, mornings. seal of the said, Corporation, specaad thanks to Mrs.
Adams, Co Op. AtpartmenCs. 84-1 1 R. S. McKenchem, Secretary of hearing date the 8th day, of July' T. Kay. To the Bonthran Funer-
Board of Trusbeew. al Home, the bearen9 and for
WORK WANTED CASH ON FARM' sale of own in Seaforth
of taxes
For good heavy fowl'. Price 20-84 i in awn of Seaforth wiBl' be the l�rvely, floral tributes and a
held in the Council; Chambers crpretssdoncsi of sympathy. Spec -
Experienced Ca Ube per, 16.; Legdrptms, lie per sal thanks, to Rev. E. Rolston
reentry Mork, 21. at Wanted at the hour of 3 dclock in the far his consoling message; also
at all kinds; also anhan other L. HOOb afternoon on the 6th day of to those who so generously l
Jobs, including Paper Hanging, Monkton November, 1063, urnliss the
Painting, etc, Phone 347,-2974, .SNOWPLOWING taxes land costs are sooner paid. `'f lit baking and helped at the
Notice is hereby ix,use, Ali' was. deeply appree-
Phone 697-W, or 863 W 1, 12-84 4 y given that the rated. Matst. Margramt McLean, 1
TENDER list of lands for sale for arrears
P. Malcalmrn, or Ed Andrews FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TOO 11cicmt sand Edison. 24-84-1
LATE TO CLASSIFY, SEE TOWNSHIP of taxes ww published in: the
Seaforth. Ontario Gazette, on the 3rd day Births
7-84-tf RAGE' 6 OF TUCKERS'MITH of August, 1963, .and that copies _ a
of the sadd list may be had at (;RLJMM'Eq-I;C At Victoria Hoer G
8. Farm Stock For $ale Boxholders' Names Sealed tenders addressed to my ice- nit.al, London, on Aug. 24, to
NINE pigs, 8 weeks old. Vltn- Mr. Andrew Houston Road Su Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grum '
cent Murray, Not rri?lett Out 1 ' Treasurer's IN3.this 8th a
RR 5, Seaforth, �'�'�, (RR 3, Se ) da of August, S+t 1063. Office, nett, a sang, a brother for M
phone 102 R 16, Duhlfit. S -tom It is not possible for us and designated "Showplowing y Elizabeth.
EUEVF,N pigs, 7 veeka o0Y1, to divulge the name or ad- Tender" will be received unlit C. L. HAMMOND HART—At Scott Memorial Hos- n
Vaneenh MuiTay, RR 5 Sea ortlr dress of any advertiser 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, Sept. Treasurer nitad, on Aug, 23, to Mr, and ti
phrYrte IM R 16, Tlub'lin, $$4 using a Huron Expositor 8,190. Mrs, James Hart, a daughter.
box number. Please do not e M�rXUE -- At Stx&tt Memorial M
SERIAL 3'�g Yomk solar• The Township of Tuckemsmith Sell that unneee`sstr , piece of Hosi ask for this information. q Sn town- -furniture through a )Bron, Ex- an pial' ort Aug.Anrg27, to 14Tr.
I%rin�a-tn V`an Baklel 1 B 2, ]burr requires for d Mn4. Jdhtn McCue, a
rtin plaanet 5i$ 1 11L; 8- ehdlO roads duriri
bb of poiltor classlded Atli ?hone !4!. daughter. w
'N rTU
At-- South Hturan
Exeter, on Aug. 22,
. to Mr. ani- Mm. Ron: Wareing,
Mr. and Mrs, Lloy4 Pfeifer
was heldpt $t., �'o1eJ""� �i�ttherAn
HeTwall, a son, Murray James,
and Karl have moved into the
Church pu $unda with` .Rev,
a brother for Kevin, Paul and
home of his mother, Mrs. Ad.
W. LUe ke400.1ter of St. Paula
Lutheran Clutch, Alice,.
The Brodhagen Band, ,major•
oharge 'in thebsenee. of Rt^v:
ettes and fiagbearers took part
Fold Brill. 'Mrs. John �Ien-
BRIGHTK In Se�afamth, on
an the band tattoos held at St.
Berson, Seaforth,• was the or -
Aug 23, George C. Brightra, i',
Marys and Clinton last week,
ganist in the Absexnce of the,
beloved husband of Gladys
Flowers adorned the altar of
church organist, Mrs. Bert Vor-
Kindree, in his 666h year.
St. Peter's Lutheran Church on
senbosch of Mitchell. The jun-
HAWTHORNE-�In Seaforth, on
Sunday in memory of William
L. Querengesser, who passed
for choir sang several anthems,
Before the service in the.Church
Aug. 20, Robert 'S'cott Haw-
thecae, m has 78th year.
away five years ago, Aug. 22.
They were placed by his wife
a short open-air service was
held on the church lawn; with
RAY—In Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, on, Aug, 26, Mrs. Teresa
and family.
The exterior of the church
the Brodhagen Band playing
for the hymns.
Ray, beloved wife of the late
and church sheds are being
The McNiedl reunion was
Douglas Ray, in her 83rd year.
painted by Albert Norman of
held at . the Community Park
. here on Sunday afternoon, -
Cemetery decoration service
Mrs. Harry Adams and grand -
MT and Mrs. Adirn Forbes, c
Seaforth wash to announce tin
engagement of their daughtet
Marlene Joanne, to Mm. Clan
enoe Edward John Robinson
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rob
inson, of Colldn,gwood, Ontatic
the marriage to take place
September 20th, 11963, in Unite
Church, Eglmond�vil�le.
Mm. and Mrs. Gordon Bedard, o
Goderich, Ont., 'wg'sh to an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Rosalee Mary Anne
to Mr, Kenneth Malcolm Thomp
son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hug]
Thompson, Seaf 1h. Miss Bed
and is a graduate of St. Joseph'
Hospital School of Nursing o
London and • Mr, Thompson i
a graduate ofWaterloo, Universa
tY, where hereceived his, BAS(
in electrical engineering. Thi
wedding will take place en Sat.
Sept. 14, in St. Peter's R(
Church, Goderich. x:
Misses Bonnie, Gwen, Chery
and Daryl Ann Penhale of Ex(
ter visited this past week wit]
Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslak
and family.
Miss Barbara Ann Gilfillan i
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hat
vey Smith and Penny of Credi
Mrs. Filmer Chappel of Crom
arty and Mrs. Lucinda Hay o.
Egmondville visited on Tues
day with Mr. and Mrs. Colic
Gilfillan and "family.
The 4-H Sunshine Club meet
ing was held Tuesday evening
in Winchelsea at the home of
Mr. William Walters, under.th4
direction of Mr. Don Pullen of
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern and
family attended the funeral of
Mr. Herns Mather on Friday
afternoon from Dinny's Funeral
Home in Exeter. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sparling
of London visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs.. Freeman
Horne and family.
Mr. Gary Dayman of Kippen
is spending a few days with
Danny Walters,
Miss Barbara Ann Gilfillan is
visiting this week with Misses
Shirley and Patty Dayman at
Mr. and Mrs, George Gilfillan
and family of Blyth visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Col-
in Gilfillan and family,
Mrs. Mary Schulman in Wind.
sor attending the wedding of
Miss Stephanie Holland, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs, Leo Hol-
Mrs. Jerry Mayman a n d
daughters have returned to
BelIport, Long Island.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dill,
Lansing, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs.
John Frost, Dundas, and Mr,
Charlie MacDonald, Windsor,
with Mrs. Joseph Dill.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans
and Mrs. ,Jose`p`h Melady in
Chippawa with Mr. and Mrs,
Bill Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello
and Mr, and Mrs. Martin Feeney
at Grand Bend with Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Grosech.
Mr. and Mrs. Len Steinbach
and Rita, London, with Mrs.
Kathleen Feeney.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butters
and family have returned home
rom Point Clark.
Mr. and Mrs, Gene Giroux,
Thorold, and Mrs. ,Joseph Ma -
one, Winnipeg, with Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Costello.
Rev. Father Arthur Looby,
Windsor, with his mother, Mrs,
A. M, Looby.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Krauskopf
nd family at Midland.
Mrs. Carman Fadden, Weston,
with Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Ma.
Mr. and Mrs. George Holland
with Mr, and Mrs. Edward Rol-
and at their cottage on Lake
Mrs. Vera McKay, Detroit,
nd Mrs. John E. Murray in i
alt with Mr. and Mrs. Tom
McKay, i
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dillon ]
nd family, St. Thomas, and i
aster Donald and Miss Yvon- ]
e Duffy, Woodstock, with Mrs.
ouis Dillon and Dorothy, 1
Mr. -Tom Matthews, Marlette, i
ichigan, with Mr. and Mrs. ;
iebael Nagle.
Miss Ann MacAleer, Detroit, I
ith Mrs. Patrick Ryan.'-'' C
daughter, Janet Dyer, 'of Lan•
d sing, Mich„ and Miss Lillie
Ie K�PPEN Brodhagen of Vista, California,
called on Mr, and Mrs. R, Shol-
Little JoAnne Sturgeon of dice on Saturday. Mrs. Adams
and Miss Brodhagen are daugh-
Bayfield spent the weekend ters of the late Charles Brdd-
with her grandparents, Mr. and hagen, opwe of the pioneer fain -
Mrs. J. L. Lostell, and family, ilies of this community, after
i returning home Sunday even- which this village derived its
ing. name. Mr. Brodhagen left this
f district over 75 years ago to re.
side in Lansing, Mich. Mrs. Ad -
r WALTON ams and her husband visited
here four years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bergey, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sutter,
Aylmer; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wal- Catharine, Phyllis and Susan
s ton, Barrie; Mr. and Mrs. E, E. of Wakefield, Kansas, with Mr.
f Secord, Meaford, and Miss Alice and Mrs. Frank Eickmeir and
s Knechtel, Kitchener, visited on other relatives. Mr. Louie
- the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Kahle of Detroit at the same:
Charles Boyd. home.
Mrs. Frank Cowling of To-
ronto with Mr. and Mrs. Cary
Hillebrecht and other relatives.
1 Huron FarmNews Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simmons of
Sunny dry weather has al. Toronto with Mr. and Mrs, Wm,
• lowed harvesting to resume in S. Riehl.
all -parts of the county. Sweet Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Woodward,
corn ui117e ready�or"llarves and -'Gay -of Toronto with -
1 in the very near, future. Good Mrs. Albert Querengesser for
quality second -cut hay is being the weekend. Mrs. Donald
t stored this week. White beans Stauch of Kitchener . spent a
are ripening very well. few days with her mother 'last'
Mr. and Mrs. Earl'Bennewies,
CROMARTY Ray. Bennewies
odes and ss Mar-
\r1C jorie Hod ext attended the Can-
adian National Exhibition, To -
Miss Nettie Scott of Paisley ronto, last week.
and Mrs. Jessie Hamilton were Mr. and Mrs. George Wheat-
guests - last week at the home ley of McKillop with her moth.
of Mr. and Mrs. Sam McCurdy, er, Mrs. L. G. Rock.
Miss Scott called on ' several Mr- and Mrs. Russell Sholdiee
friends in the village on Satur- and Beverley visited Mr. and
day. Mrs, Jim Erskine, Atwood.
Mr. and Mrs: Donald Scott Mrs. Eric Lealess, Dwight and
and family of Goderich spent Stuart of Munro, and Mrs. Ai_
the weekend with Mrs. Grace bert Wolfe, Mrs, Alvin Wolfe
Scott. and Donna visited relatives and
Mr. and Mrs, T. Laing left friends here on Monday.
on Tuesday for a motor trip to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beuer-
the West, where they will visit man of London and their niec-
with their daughter and son -in. es, Cynthia Staklke, Jenny Lynn
law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eves, and Peggy Ann Kniesz of RR 2,
and family at Moose Jaw, Sask. Gadhill, with W. and Mrs.
Mr, and Mrs. T. L. Scott and Manuel Beuerman.
Alex and Mrs. E. Moore and Mr- and Mrs. Wilfred Rudolph
Mrs. Jenny Wilson visited dur- and Carol of London with Mr.
ing the weekend with Mr. and and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe.
Mrs. Hugh Moore and family, Mr. William Ahrens and Gus
near Lindsay. and Harry and Mr. and Mrs.
Mr, and Mrs. John McIllraith Albert Wolfe of Mitchell with
of Toronto, called on Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ahrens.
Mrs. Will Hamilton on Sunday Miss Sharon Prueter, who
evening. They had attended graduated as a nurse at Strat-
the Hamilton reunion in Mit- ford General Hospital in May,
chell. has been at the home "of her
Mr, and Mrs. Ted Storey and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
daughters, Marlene and Lorena Prueter, Mr, and Mrs. Keith
of London were weekend visi- Stephen and Kevin of St. Marys
tors with Mr. and Mrs. John with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Wallace. Lloyd Prueter recently.
Mr, and Mrs. John Jefferson Mrs. Klinkman of Elmira vis -
and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Laing ited her sister, Mrs, Dalton
and family visited on Sunday Hinz, and Mr. Hinz recently.
with Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard •Jef- Mr. and Mrs, Lew Hicks spent
ferson at Auburn. last week on a Northern trip.
Misses Norma Parkhouse and Miss Sherry Hicks returned af-
Wanda McLaren of Nippissing ter holidaying in Toronto, and
visited last week with Wanda's Alvin Hicks returned after
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keith spending two weeks at Edge.
McLaren, who returned with wood Camp and attending the
the girls and spent the week. Exhibition at Toronto on Satur-
end. day.
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson -Howe Rev, and Mrs. Walter Becker
and Mr. Lindsay McKellar at. and family of Winnipeg, Man.,
tended the Caledonia games in visited at the home of Mr. and
Fergus on Saturday. Mrs. Milton Rock and other
Mr. and Mrs, Otto Walker friends.
and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Walker Mrs. Louie Beanewies visited
and Kim attended a gathering her daughter. Mrs. Ted Nowack
at the home of :Mr, and Mrs. and Mr. Norwack in Ellice re -
Hugh Currie, Dorchester,' on cently.
Sunday. The family were cele- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kraus,
brating their father's sixtieth Raymond, :Joanne and Johnny
birthday, of Ruthven, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGhee Hartji of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs.
and Connie visited last week Irvin Bennewies of Woodstock,
with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Watcher Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Benne-
of Strathroy. Connie remained wies, Mitchell, and Mr. and
with her sister for some holi- Mrs, Edwin Bennewies, Sea.
days. forth, with Mrs. John L. Benne.
Misses Lois and Patricia Nigh wies.
of Seaforth are holidaying with Mrs. .John Brodhagen has
Mr, and Mrs. Laurie McKellar, been with her ; daughter, Mrs.
Barbara Meikle returned Roy Daer, and Mr. Daer, Au -
home on Sunday after visiting burn. Mrs. Brodhagen and Mr.
ror two weeks with her grand- and Mrs. Daer visited with Mr.
parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. M. and Mrs. Harold Mogk on Sun.
3cott, Staffa. day.
Mrs. Ed, Brooks, Staffa, vis. Mr. and Mrs, Norval Elliott
ted on Sunday with her par- of Staffa with her parents, Mr.
,nts, Mr. and Mrs. George Wal- and Mrs, Hedry E. Diegel.
ace. Mr. and Mrs. Don McLaugh
Sympathy is extended to Mr, lin, Dale and Robin of Kincar•
ind Mrs. John Hoggarth in the dine, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Smith,
oss of a brother, Mr. Percy Mrs, George Young of Stratford
)Zmcan of Usborne, who pass and Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Swint
!d away in South Huron Hospi- of Milverton with William and
al, Exeter, on Saturday. George Diegel on Sunday. Ar -
Mr, and Mrs, Frank Hamil. thur Diegel and Miss Esther
on and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wicke of Kitchener at the sante
iamilton and son, .John, at. home.
ended the Hamilton reunion at Mr. and Mrs, Bud Lockridge
4itchell Lions Park an Sunday. of Watford with Mr, and Mn.
Sunday evening guests with Harvey Ahrens, Kathy, Betty,
Ir. and Mrs, Roy Finlayson Marjorie and Peter returning
vere Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott, hOrhe with thein.
baron Karen, Catharine, Janet The Hoag Producers sponsored
nd Douglas of Goderich, Mr. a pork chop barbecue at ther
'Iurr'ay Finlayson and Miss t"tfnitnunity Park hex& oin Wed.
;arol Howe. M itesdily.