HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-08-22, Page 110
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USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS 4. Help Wanted 11. Articles For Sale 1�. 1�TotGei3' 21 Tenders Wanted 23, Business Directory g L
D ,. ,
1. Coming Events HELP WANTED ��� PARENTS wishdng� their child- A. M. ifiARP'Eli & COMPANY
Ten, to take piano lessons, please 'Irt�.wnship of Hibbert Chartered Accotfrttants
2. 3. FoundFivecontact Miss Carol, Brown, ax' 55-57 South St. ' .. ( I�, r "
Five women to .bone chickens• To fit all mrakes,. • �w � HIGHLIGHT � ORLD +t, 0
phone Seaforbh 602 W 4, by 25th Goderlch J11 4-75$2
4. Help Wanted No experience necessary. of August 19.82x2 DRAINAGE TENDER Licensed Municipal Auditor '
5. Business Opportunities Apply in ersm to: Fagan Equipment Tenders will] be receive SEAFORTH B nd and formerlyofSeafprth, er Of Grand 0 ni ht .;m n It't� t Atn lightr
pP Y p gat atlttl .day
6. Teachers Wanted 1 mile east of Baucefielkl, Ont.11
7. Situations Wanted DUBLIN CREAMERY and 11-83-3 FAST SERVICE the undersigned until; B p some months ago completed a. Car4iag ;from the.•white tear -
8. Farm Stock For Sale POULTRY PACKERS LTD., at the regular Council .meeting VETERINARY world tour. a his reform he ble tnauspil�um is the Taj �ar-
CORN DRYEIRS" - °p at the Tawmship Hall, Staffa, .tfl CLINIC usQlet are two a gls
9. Poultry For Sale Dublin, Ontario, WATCH REPAIRS 9;30 P;,m Monday September 2, recalled outstanding' features .of dens, ,
10. Used Cars For Sale 4-83-2 Nene and used All• work guaranteed � far ,the cosrsbnictioiv of J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. the trip, including the follow- about 29 feet wide and F100.feet
11. Articles For Sale 5939 lineal feet of closed drain W R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. ing comments: long, with a beautiful ;reservoir
12. Wanted To Buy $• Farm Stock For Sale HAUGII B5' ANSTETT D. E. Galt D.V.M. V.S. of marble in the centre. It is I 11
and •4 catch ba -sans., on the Stat- + It is the most beautiful build -
Farm Equipment Phone 105 5eadortb always full of water and has
13. Wanted — JEWELLERS UPot Municipal Drain,. Contra ing in the world ---but it also re- .
SIXTEEN pig��, 7 weeks ilii. 1 mile east of Bru�cefdeld Ont. lotus flowers with their big 11
14: Property For. Sale Scott Cluff. Seaforth. 8-83-1 U-83-3 Ltd. for to supply' all] materials. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF presents the proud passion of leaves floating on 'the water. f
15. Property For Rent - Plan acrd profile, may be seem an Emperor's loce.
16, For Sale or Rent FOUR year old chestnut riding Phone 17, Seaforth Optometrist, optical services, The reflection of the Ta' in the
at the -Clerk's Office, Shah Johan was a very weal- 7
horse well trained; good saddle 12. Wanted To Bu x-80 A certified 'cheque for to°!° Goderlch St. West. Tuesday to water is very charming, espec-
17. Wanted To Rent 3' thy ruler in Agra, India. At 15
for lady. Phone 93, Seaforth. -1 of bid to accompany each ten Saturday, 9 5:30, except Wed- iaily in full moonlight, Once
18. Property Wanted �LVi BABY crib. Phone Dublin, 34 SEAFORTH nesday-Thursday evening years he became ruler, and was
19. Notices pigs:, 7 'weeks alar• Ap- R 21. 12-83-1 der. Lowest u any tender not y g by ap. married at 15 to the daughter seen it cannot be forgotten.
Ply Carl Vanderzon, North Main necessarfhy acce tied. pointment. Phone 791, Sea. There are wide sidewalks on
20. Auction Sales UPHOLSTERY p forth. Monday Clinton Medi- of the richest and most power -
21. Tenders Wanted phone 469, Seafarbh. 8•&3x1 STRAW. Phone 838 R 3 Sea- either side of the canals lined
St., __ + Centre Street MRS. ANNE BURCHILL, Cleark fol ruler in India. He, in the
22. Legal Notices TEN pigs, 7 weeks olld,TTham,as forth,_ •32-83-1 cal Centre. with beautiful flower beds. C '_
Telephone 446 Dublin' Ontario. same year, married two other
Kcle, RR 5, Seaforbh, phone 1(}7 FEATHERS, rrenM used, duck P press trees outline the entire
23. Business Directory 21-83-2 Dr. M. R. BUljubaSlC wealthy and influential girls.
R 9, Dublin. 8-83x1 feathers geese feathers, old For all kinds of upholstering. Dentist They each bore him one child. garden.
24, Cards of Thanks ' • Many people, poets and writ
25. In Memoriam THIRTY -five pigs, 7 and 8 weeks feather ticks, Will pay highest TOWNSHIP OF Graduate of the Faculty of These later two are no longer
26. Personals did. Phone 61A W 4, Ted Van I cash priers, Write to Box 559, y ars, have written about Taj
Dentistry, Univers; of Toronto mentioned, but the first wife
Dyk, RR 3, Seafarth. 8 83xS Seaforth. 12-83-6 TU CKERSMI'1 H Mahal, but its beauty is beyond
The cost is low. Classifications ASPHALT PAVING successor to Dr. J. A Munn, became to be known as Mumtaz
PIANOS, any make or size will description. No drawing or
2, 3, 8, 9 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and office Jahn St. Seafarth Mahal (crown jewel of the pal -
pay cash. State make and price. Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks, Tender For the gee y51 ace). She bore him 14 children photograph or words can ex- ;;
17, minimum 40e an insertion. 10. Used Cars For .Sale .write Box 12156, Huron Exposa press the real richness ---.of its
Classification 25, --minimum 65c, Parking lots, Barnyards. Construction of the of whom seven survived m
plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. PRIVATE; awned 1957 Pontiac bc�n. 1283x1 MCCONNELL ornamentation, the beauty of
All other classifications, mini- sedlan. May be seen at Miller . FREE ESTIMATES Extension t0 thets - faultless form, or its ex -
mum 65 cents per insertion, Motors; Seafanth. 10-83x2113. Wanted & S'I'hiWART In 1631 A.D.ADwhile on a cam.
Dodge coupe, GORDON HEARD, Egmondv-ille Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, paign to check rebels, and ac- truly a garden setting, It is
truly and devinely jalir.
except Auction Sales (20), Ten- g up , rumble .seat, BOARDER in, quiet private Phone 869, Seafortht, Water System P. D McCONNELL, Q.C. companied by his wife, she. gave Nothing can exceed the beau
ders Wanted (21), and Legal like new, will trade .or sell. Ben ! home. Phone 563-J. 13-83x1 19-83-1 y D. I. STEWART birth to the fourteenth child.
Lansink, hone 79, Seafarth X1,YOU - The bat lived, but the Em- ty of the leaves and flowers in -
Notices ¢22), rates on applica- p _ _ — , i OU can make up ,ba .37c per Contractor to supply all mat- Seaiorth, Ont. Phone 550 y laid in white .marble. The many
tion. 1956 Pontiac sedan, in good cosy � dozen more than Grade A large 20. Auction Sales terials, and la the. main and press Mumtaz Mahal died. Be-
dition. Apply George Smale, lot' y colored precious stones present
pp y gprice far your eggs. Old esta�b- A. W. SILLERY fore death the Emperor asked
For cash payment or if paid 1 make all house comiectionvs. P a fine variety of tints for the
by 10 days followinglast inser- 6, can. 4, Hibbert, 'phone 47 R 3, lished hatchery guarantees to Tender forms to be obtained Barrister, Solicitor, etc. his wife, "How can I show the y
Dubllin. 10-83x1 taken all AUCTION SALE flowers. The leaves are mostly
your 'hatching, eggs from the Clerk. . Phones: Office 173, Res. 781 world that I love you?" She
tion, 15 CENTS deducted from .< every week in the year. Send Seaforth Ontario requested him to take cod care done in bloodstone, So minute
above rates. 1855 Pontiac, $95.00; 1947 61, Sel 'n for Mr. and Mrs. Alex Tenders to be' ut the Clerks _- q g is the anatomy of the
++ for AM, details. Box 1252, The g Y patterns
OHV Hamrey D�avidsan, $175.00; ]rands by 12 o'clock neon, Tues- of the children and not to mar -
COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED 2 -wheel, trailer, made Pram- Chev. Huron Expositor. 13-83-1 McCall, who are leaving Ontario D. H. 1MeINNES that a rose the size of a, shill-. day. Sept.3, 1663. ry again after her death. She
RATES pick-up, $20.00. Phone 275 W 1, _ their furniture and 'household in contains .in its mosaic no.
effects, on SATURDAY AUG. Tenders to be considered at Chiropractic also requested him to commem- g
(For Business Firms, Trades- Hensal3. 10-82x2 14. Property For Sale 24th, at 1:30 10:00 p.m., on Se 3, 11963. Commercial Hotel orate her memory by construct- less than 60 pieces of jewels
p,m. at the farm pt Monday, Thursday -1 t'o 8 p.m. If there were nothing else in
men, etc.): Minimum 50 cents SMALL cotta 8'3"x12'2" x of Mr. James Doi ,Lit 6 Con. The lowest or any tender not ing a unique tomb. The Emper- g • *.-.;
11. Articles For Sale 7'4" hd•' g a or in deep sorrow agreed to India, this building and garden
per insertion. Billing charge, 15 ,high, p'mlt with blue roof, 6, Tuckersmith Township, 3 /a necessarily accepted. BOX alone would be well worth the
cents per advertisement. SET of grade 9 bookst Phone wall' heater. Must be moved. miles south of Seafomth and VA. FUNERAL SERVICE what was requested by his dear trip.
85.9 R 22, Seaforbh. H-83 1 Phone Mitchell, 348-8861. 14-83-1 miles east. J. I. Me-INTOSH,
1. Coming Events. GIRL'S bicycl'e,2W' . wheel, in NEWLY decorated, 4 -bedroom The furniture is ]less than, 5 RRCle3, 5easforth, LICENSED EMBALMER two went into mourning for
SEAFORTH Lamm Bawling Club good condition. Phone 58. 11-83-1 home, modern, bathroom and years old, modern and in excel 4 years .and abstained from
_ kitchen, hardwood floors, new ent condition. 2183 2 Prompt and careful attention all pleasure and amusements. BRODHAGEN
SET pP grade 10 SDHS ;books. Hospital Bed Each Friday he went on foot to
h Bale. Salle Kling'
Phone Hensall, 690 R 4. 11-85-1 oil afurnace.8,W. A. Hodgen, 3h. ma tresswalnut bedroom suite, FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS ' 11
z�estanrated m. in. Mr. Klm�g''s - ph'osne 4.98,_ ;S�fanth. 1483-2 with mattress and springs, 54'+ 22. Legal Notices the Empress grave. Barbara Winter, Marilyn Gra-
30 at 13 p — sp g Phones:
building, (be s i de GRADE 10 books. Darlene Sills, EIGHri' acre farm, new .barn 3- bed double dresser and chest He decided to immortalize her ham and Darrel. Patterson home
Stafferi s) on Main Street,. 1-83-2 phone 152, Seadiorbh. 11-83x1 bedroom house, all modern coin- of drawers; beige chesterfield Township of Tuckersmith Res: 595-W - Store 43 -memory in such a manner to with Wayne Jarmuth rece�itly
GRADE' name' school, b>�- veWenees completely redeeonat- suabe with one chair; bronze J. A. BURKE which the world could present from Coe Hili. and Mr. and Mrs.
2. Last Strayed 'Phone 581-J• 1?r83-1 ,ed, near oil furnace. Hank Van dinette chrome suite, extension TREASURER S SALE no parallel. Thus the Taj Ross Fries of Kitchener with
� y + Funeral Director ,
SET of grade 10 books, Apply Rooijen, RR 1, Seafomth, phone table,. 6 chairo; RCA Victor 21 OF LAND FOR Mahal, the' Princess s tomb, was Mr. and Mrs. George Jarmuth
ONE green air, mattress for •a . + ' and Ambulance Service -
camrping, trips. Return to J. C. Peter Walbee phone 239. 11-83-1 864 J 4. ' 1&83-1 te!lleiisson set; 4-bu'r�n.'er heavy TAXES DUBLIN ONTARIO built. He searched the world recently.
Cric& 2-83x1 SET of grade 9 and 10 text FARMS' FO•R SALE duty Moffat stove; stereo poi Night or Day Calls: over for artists and architects. Mr. and Mrs. William Riehl
OWNNER urgently
in need of books, SDS M Netivn- table Sea -breeze record player; Township of Night
Phone 43 R 10 Thirty-seven were selected from visited his sisters and brothers -
of glasses lost Tue<sdary, ham, phone 369-J. 11-83x1 120 nacre farm in Staniley heavy-duty rangebl:e; - continent- �� of Huron different countries; 20,000 work- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Har•-
, al bed and single men labored continuous)
passmbil'y in Seaforbh:. Reward. ABOUT 400 of used angle ;nom; Township 2 miles Elam Clinton, 'g dresser; two W.'J., CLEARY Y foz' tis and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Red- ,
Box 1r 59, Haan, Expo'Abm'. 80.1 '2 x 2 x 8, ]h price] W. L. Melltis, on Na. 4 Highway, gaol builfd oval tables; 3 table;lamps; To Wit: Seaforth, Ontario Years and precious stones, wood in Detroit recently. ,
Kippen. 11.83-1 ings, reasonable terms.. occasional chair; rocker chair; By virtue of a warrant issued LICENSED EMBALMER marble, gold and silver were "
100 acme farm on No. 29 High- arm chair; card table; 4 TV by the Reeve of the Township of and FUNERAL DIRECTOR imported from all over the Miss Ruth Ann Mueller of
'4. Help 'Wanted ONE only, female Siamese kit- way, 2 -mules from MitcheR 2 tables• desk; 2 foot stools; one Hamilton had been holidaying ,,
tem,. Mm. Howard Allen, Bruce- y + + + Tuckersmith under his laud and Night or Day Calls -395 world. The Emperor had lots .,
IRAN to remove chimney froars silos, large Cairn, all bsnilddngs 8 -piece set of china dishes; seal of Uhe said corporation of money, his treasury was full with her grandmother, Mrs. 1,r
field, phone so9 W 1¢ Seafarth. bearing date Cilie lOt1s day of G. A. WHITNEY and he
houm Phone 754-W. 4483-1 painted and in excellent condi- laege quantity of caber dishes'' August Hillebrecht.
FOUR buimer Sitmishine eIectmic p fryer; paid good wages. He
PART` time office heltp Know- tion. baling pains, etc. dee April, sale of lands in arrears FUNERAL HOME assigned 13% million dollars for Mr. and Mrs. Carr Elligsen
sbove in good condition. Can be 100 and( 200 acre farms in pictures; dic-nacks• few linens, m taxes in the Township of the building.
and Gary of Windsor and Mr.
ledges of typing and bookkeeping , ' iry. Logan Hdbheirt and McKii1 ether articles. Tuckersmith will be heNd at Uhe g and Mrs. Oscar Elligsen of Kit-
desdrable. Appidy Superintendent sin at Henderson's Habche ' . g ,op Goderlch SC W. SERVICE
th The snow white marble maus
Scott Memorial Hospital. 4-82-2 GRADE nine books- A W Paul Townshlps. A@so 2 brand new men's suits, AMBULANCE SERVICE chener with Mrs. Ernest Elli -
Pp' Town Hall, Seafortit, at the 'howl; g .
Beattie, after 8 p.m., or all Jose h McConnell size 42; 3 ladies' dresses, size of 9:00 o'clock in the Everdng, Adjustable hospital beds ,, olenm on the bank of Jumna
SALES clerk and waitress want)- p p sen and other relatives.
day Saturday. 1L•WI 12-14. 1 cocktail dress, size 13. for rent. River in Agra,. India, is set in
� Must be y. on the 3rd day of September,. Mr. and Mrs. D. Collins of
worker and FOR SALE -Trade in your old Realtor A1sa 1 saddle horse, yearling 1963, unlvtss the taxes and costs. FLOWERS FOR EVERY a red sandstone walled garden
neat appearance, of meu steady work 19 Victoria Street filly and one western saddle. are ,so'oner paid. Notice is here- OCCASION of clipped grass, roses, bougain- Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
Staatb end of August. Apply J. shaver now, law prices at bur Hoegy.
+ - Savaw s, a Past Office. Phone 266 - Seaforth TERMS --Cash. by given that the lit of lands Phone 119 Seafortn villea, trumpet flowers and `�
C. Crich, at Crich's Bakery 1 ger PPa auwerin trees. The building is Mrs. Jack Sillick and Mrs.
11�0,t'f 14-83-1 BERT PEPPER, Auctioneer. for sale for arrears of taxes Every week more people die- g g •• Midford Bannerman of Tees -
20 -82-2 was published in The Ontario cover what mighty jobs are mirrored in a large oblong
g water with Mrs. Harold Smyth.
DOEoma your?WeWere d ONE large zippered three ring Gazette on the 4th day of May, accomplished by low cost Ex- Pond, which is filled with fish.
Glen -
someone an your arelghborbood. 'feather binder, in good condi- 15. Property For Rent P Mrs. Ford Dickison and Glen-
1963, and that les of ]tie positor Want Ads. The reflection of this white
lion Gladys Roney, phone Dubs •MODERN 2-beda+oam house. 21. Tenders Wanted Oop marble building in the da. Mrs. Harold Smyth, Mrs. J.
Mi obligatioan Wrlbe Mars. M. tion. said list may be had at my g pool is
]hal, 1112 R 3. 1182x2 Sillick and Mrs, Midford Ban-
1i2d11spn, 960 Well, Rd.; S., Phone 3, Seafortlu. 15 8d 1 dice. 24. .,, Cards Of Thanks really a sight to behold. nerman at the Pinery for the
London, or call collect 432-9019 AIR gun;, 12 7 calibre. Breach U P P E R apartment, heated, VILLAGE OF HENSALL The Mausoleum rises from a weekend with Mrs. Robert Gibb
between 7 and 8 p -m, leading, smooth bare, $6.00- ,available Sept. 1. De+nmds Ellec- Treasurers Office, this 30th OUR sincere thanks to our platform 313 feet square bear• and daughters, Glenda return -
4 80 83-889 tf Cairbaeb Brian McGregor, Eg .Clic, Welsh St., Apply Mrs. TENDERS WANTED day of May, 1969. friends and neighbors for their ing a minaret at each corner.
J. CO HRAN�E, Prim mondviNe. 11-83x:1 Huard, Seafortli. 15-8.3-2' many acts of kindness and s7m- The main building is 186 feet Ing home with them after holi-
Sealled Tenders will' be receiv- JAMES I. McINTOSH, ata
.real C.H.S.S., Clinton, will re- •FRESQ•I packed comm and vegie- MODERN apartment, sell con- �as,�, P' yin the snider passing of square and is 80 feet high. Out- drying there.
ceive applications from tea -Cheats tables. Ambrose Addaey, first •faired, iiuc]Iuding 4 -piece bath, ed by the undersigned up to 6 aur behoved father land grand- side, at the to Mrs. W. Schilbe of Exeter
interested in registering as re, house South of store in Kinburnl. kitchen. Avagable soon Box o'clock p.m., Friday, August -13 father, Betty and Geon Hub t it forms a bulb with her daughter, Mrs. Mervyn
George which tapers to atypical spire
.lief Supply Teachers at C.H.S.S. • - 11-83x3 1257 Huron E 30th 1863 for the digging, lay- Inert and Children. 24-83-1 Hodgert, and Mr. Hodgert last
Expositor. 15 82x2 ing and .backfiifilin of the Brock ' NOTICE topped by a crescent.
in all vocational' and academic `DACHSHUND puppies, pure- g I wish to thank my friends and Inside and out the Ta Mahal week'
UPSTAIRS 2 -bedroom, heated Street Drain, consisting of 325 l Mr., and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe
mbjects during the. academie breed, tan • color, $25.00. Mins. apartment, on N. Main, St. feet of a inch sewer til. with TO CREDITORS neighbosg who remembered me 'is inlaid with semi-precious
year 1963.64. ' 4-83-2 Gordon Workman, phone 571 W, private bath. Phone ]64, after • AND OTHERS with boxes' of treats and cards stones, accompanied by Mr. .and Mrs,
two catch basins. The York- jade, agate, onyx, just
STOP WORRYING ABOUT Brussells, 11-83-1 g p.m. 15 -82 -ti and Chase who visited n while to name a few. These are laid Lorne Wolfe and sons s, Kit -
STOP drain coansisQdng of 300 In the 'Estate of I was a patient in Seafarth and chener with Mr. and Mrs, Don
DEBTS. THREE thousand clean; used TWO apartments and one fuer- feet of 8 inch sewer file 150 feet in a pattern of many flowers,
partm ROBERT SCOTT HABKIRIi Victoria Hospibahs. David Sham- Wolfe, London.
Pay themby giving Rawdlemgh brick, 4�/zc each cash. Mins. W. nished apartment in Royal: Aptls. of 10 inch sewer the 1x100 feet of exactly duplicating the living
Service in established routes. J. Finnigan, Egmondvi'llle, phone Garage and ase ,Operator, nun. 24 83x1 Rosana Miller, Mrs. Louie'
One bedroom apartment in 1•L inch field bike, 165 feet of 14 deceased. garden that surrounds the tomb,
Easy to start.. No money re- 663 J 1. 11•83-1 the Simpson Block Apply to inch field tie, 20 feet of 16 inch I wrish, to thank all who visited The decorations also include Hillebrecht and Edgar, Dianne
quired. Write: OHNE Cooey 22 carlibre bolt Jose In MtcConnell, Seaforth or galvanized and three catch All me, sena cards, treats and quotations from the Koran in � Bannerman and Barbara Hoegy,
R'AWLE11GH'S p P persons having Claims 4
action repeater rifle, like new. flowers whale I was, a patient Mr. and Mrs. George Mogk and
rape Dr.. E. A. McMaster Grand basins. against the estate of the, above graceful Arabic script inlaid
Dept. H-36:3.815, 4005 Richelieu, George Wood, RR. 3, Kippen, B� 15-80-tf Lowest or any, Tender not named deceased, late of Sea- in Scott Memorial Hospital. A with jewels. Massive gold doors Mrs>, Ed Jarmuth attended the
Montreal. phone 67'2 R 33. 11-83-1 BAYFIELD APARTMENTS necessarily accepted. forth, Ontario, County of Huron, speeiah thanks to those who help- used to be at the entrance to Miller reunion in Waterloo
ed out at home. Mrs. Austin
4-83-1 - Park on Sunday.
TWO casement windows, �a.pprox T� apartments avadlanble im- Far further particulars apply who died on or .bout the 28th Mathesosn. 24-83x1 the Mausoleum, but these were
FEMALE Caretaker, fullblme, r," x,61", complete with hard- mediately, all: utilities paid, fur- at the Clerk's Office, Town Ha -ll, day of June, 1963, are hereby - stolen and have been replaced Mrs. Fd Prueter with her
required by Clinton District ware, pnms airdi screens. Rensail. notified to send to the under- WE extend our sincere thanks with massive carved wooden daughter, Mrs. Gordon Bach,
Call' a te� Institute Board, cam -niched or unfurnished. to ally our, friends and, nes hbors
g� Phone 769 SeaforUh after 5 PHONE signed Executer on or before neighbors doors. and Mr. Bach, London; Mr. Ed
imencing 28 August, 1963. Daily EARL CAMPBELL, Clerk. the 30th day of August, 1963, iPoa remembering us on our I Prueter at Mt. Clemens. Mich,
p.m. _1183-2 271-6641, Stratford, g'us , The cenotaph of the Empress
shift only, 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 .p.m. 21-82.2 their names and full particulars Golden Wedding Anniversary. Rev, and Mrs, Robert Rock
five days per week. Salary STRAW, eat straw from baler, or 803, Bayfield. P Special thanks is due to those Mumtaz Mahal occupies the cen-
put right on your truck at the 15-81-3 SNOWPLOWING c& their claims. Immediately tre below the dome. There on and family of Nova Scotia with
schedule, is in effect. Please after the gaid date, the estate responsible for organizing the his parents: • Mr. and Mrs. FA -
apply in writing to Mr. L. R. farm, Wallace and Fri, 29c per event. Your overwhelming tri- t raised platform lies the ceno-
�P'P gill be distributed; having re, g win Rock.
-Maloney,Business Administrat bale. WalNacRoss, ober. 135 J, 19. Notices TENDER bub' warms our hearts and we feel slab, under which lie the
_; ",
gird only to the claims of which I Mrs.. Kenfieth Elligsen and
5eaforth, Id -83-1 are deeply grateful. Mr, and remains of the Empress. Inscrip-
or, C.D.C.I. Board before 2s PROMPT watch repair service TOWNSHIP notice has been received. '� y gar baby son returned home from
Aw st 1963. 4-83-1 CEDAR posts all sizes]; anchor at Sav'au (o site Past Dated Jul 31st 1963. Crown Mrs. Johan M. Eckert. 24-83x1 tion reads: "The tomb of Mum- e
gu , ge s, y Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea -
pasts; >2 braces; steel posts 6 2 watchma3c- OF TUCKERSMITH Trust Cam an 30¢ Ba Suet, I wish to thank everyone who taz Mahal. Died June 1630 A.D.
MEN N and 7'; barb wine; Paige wire. ers. Automatics a specialty. Toronto 1., Ontario, by:y visited me, sent flowers. cards The angels of heaven came forth.
Kinburn Store, phone 84x1 R 2, 19-80-tf Sealed tenders addressed to McCONNELL & STE,WART and treats, while I was a pat- down to greet her. The angels Rev. Harold Brill is confined
WANTED Borden Brown. 11-80-tf to South Waterloo Hospital,
Mr, Andrew Houston Road Supp- S'afoa+hh, Ontario ;Ent in Scott Memorial Hpspitali. on her date of death did say,
Survey Assistants, warted far ONE �rTow Imtea'm�atnonal Ace NOTICE enintendent, (RR 3, Serf,: ) Solicitors for true said Executor. Special thanks to Dr. Stapleton, In the heavens may always be Galt.
bottom plow, on rubber, like and. designated "Sato lawwg asp P Rev. and Mrs. Calvi Diegel
Construction work. Junior Mat- p Tuckersmith ve 22 813 nurser an the -hospital staff, Mumtaz Seat'." The cenotaph S'
fade pr�"able� new Condition. $250.00; 3fvrrrnv Tender" wald� be received until � Rev. Father Sullivan and Father of the Emperor lies beside the and sons of Owen Sound with
Case narrow .bottom .plow,. in Municipal Dump 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, Sept. TREASURERS SALE Caa•auna; also to those who Empress. Around the two ceno- William and George Diegel.
cmdition. $40.00L Gordon assisted in so ma was at to hs on three sides is the most Cemetery decoration service
Apply. BOX 1258, g0 Will, be open until further 3, 190. many Y tap
Huron Expositor Dade, RR 4, Clinton, phone HU OF LAND FOR TAXES my home. I am very grateful. beautiful screen I have ever at St. Peter's Lutheran Church
notice on Wimcsday iiia Satur= is to be held this Sunday, Aug.
4-83-1 11-83-1 day afternoons, from 1 to 5.30 The Township of Tuckeatsmtth Mrs. Russell Pringle. 24 83x1 seen. It is entirely cut out of 25, at 3 o'clock,
HELP WANTED NATURAL Illa'glstones' for patios p.m requires for snowplowing town- Town of 'Seafortll marble slab. It took 10 years
and walks far sale; brickwork Na wire fencing, old concrete, slap reads during Ula winter of County of Huron, , 25. In 1Memoriam to construct at a cost of 50,000 The Married Couples group
Part -Time Operator and •mepaihrtl6n ; stoma barn ar car bodies permitted. 1963'6'4: pm�' graders AUER�NGESSER -Ian laving rupees. It is six feet high and and their families of St. Peter's
for Wallis repaired, Free estimiates,. which, are to ,be equipped with TO WIT; 96 feet ion six
is worth travel.
Lutheran Church enjoyed a pic-
Fred Fowler, phone 34&9036, J. I. McINTOSH,
memory a a dear husband, g
Sewage Pumping v -type hydraulically operated By virtue of a .Warrant issued father, grandfather and great ling that far to see. nic at Seaforth Lions Park on
Mitchell. 11.80.4 Clerk pilde m of 8 minkttau , width and Over the tombs is a beautiful Sunday.
4 Station HONEY for sale, now pouring _ 19-80-tf a win8'• Tenderer to state Equip- by the Mayor of the Town of grandfather, Williaim L. Queig,n- A shower for Mr. and Mrs. •
and clover honey, 25c .per lb., in ANSTETT meat Specifications, All equip- Seaforth under his hand and l el•. of Brodhaigen, who pass- persian-made chandelier, a gift Murray Rock (Brenda Gollnitz)
Diesel Generator your own containetn. No advance meat and tender pmicep are sub- seal of the said 'Corporation, 22 away five yearly age, August
� lgyg• , was held at the Community Hall 1.
JEWELLERS jet to the approval of the Dept, bearing date the 8th day of July, on Friday night.
In prices for the season. Waillace sale of taa>d� in arrears of tares -Remembered with deepest Engagements
re -
Station Ross Seaforbh. 11-83 3 Ltd. of Highways. Tenderers; are to Dove . b the Family. 25 83-1 - g
in the Town of Seaforth will' be y Mr, and Mrs. Roy Butt, of flea- The wedding dinner and re-
m the that unnecessary piece of public
supply all, liability
carry held in the Counetl Chambers caption for Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Town of Seal f�i ore through a Huron Ex- Offers you public ldabi]ity in5utla2lce and Earth, wish to announce the en- Giles (Naomi Ellah) of Science
`` us,
Classified Ad,- Phone 141. Easy Credit Terra Warkmaarls Compensation, The at the hour of 3 dchock in the Births _ gagement of their daughter, Hill was held at the Common -
p tender must state the flat rate afternOOD on the 6th day of Linda Katherine, to Mr. John
Mvs+b be physicrally fit,Lwa�tlt with HENDER'SON-At Scott Mem- it Hall on Saturday.
FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TOO per hour (no stand-by time), All November, 1963, uitdless the oriel Hp ital, on Au Wayne Reid, son of Mr. and y Y'
demtomstrated mechanical abi>d- NO sp g• 15+ tO Mr. and Mrs.
ATE TO CLASSIFY, SEE work i� Ip be dans under the taxes and casts are soarer parr]. Mr. and Mrs. William C. 'Hen- Mrs, John Reid, Htemsall, flat Wilfred Ahrens
el and a Ivasic knowledge of �' Carrying Changes . Notice is hereb
eltecladciby. PAGE 6 Phone � SEaiEoa�tilt supervision of tilt. Road Surer y given that fine demon, Sea -forth, a daughter. murrnia�ge bo tad�e' pl'a�ce on Sat., and Robert and Miss Sandra
r intendent and the D of Ha list of latads for sale• fair a4tt^eart5 Sept., 1963, at 2;00 Rock attended Corp weekend
Alxplioatioru fbrrrrts care avail, 19 80 bf gh` M�cCOWAN--ASC Stott MsennorvaF ' p.m., in
abbe from Seaforth Towns C1emk, , ways. of taxes was published id the HaspW31 on Aug. 17 to Mm. Northside United Clium li, Sera- at Camp Borden, Clayton
Town Hall end mutt be coin Boxholders Names A NEW ICnICHEN Ontario Gazette, on the 3rd day and Mrs, John McCowra,n Sea• forth. xl Ahrens has been attending this
Tenders to b@ cxms4dered on of August 1963 and that .epics � -- — camp this summer,
Not Given Out 1 May cost less U11am you tlilnkl r forth a daughter. Mr, ant] Mioc, Johtr• G. �$ tMlth,
plleted and returned to 1Utm 9 1963 a� 9:00 m. of the sand list may be had at '
fere9 zsr,, Por alterations, new I tden + 11- MCLA,UGHLIN At Scott Mem.- RR 1, Monkton, wish to an -
It is not possible for us cupboards, rec roams+, +etatetl- The lowest or any, ,tender not my office. oria,l Hospital, on Aug. 16, to nounce the engagemtcitlb of thbir
Friday August 23rd to divulge the name or ad- slang and repairs call: accepted. Treasurers Office, this 8th Mr, and Mrs. Joseph McLangh daughter Elnta Gayle. tb ,Des'l'ie Wife (at 4 a.m.): "A fine time
,..4-831 dress of any advertises' JOHN LANSINK & SONS Vr lin
S a••-- A + a so A+IemairiaI fiothfh,s The m�s R,R 1, Sca- to come in. I want an explana-
necessarily ac _
rising a Huron Expositor ' day of August, 1963• rx
E+ver,5► wash more People
die General Coag J. I. lUIclNfi'OS�i•I i�tira �l take tion and I � want the trtftii.
box number. Pleise do not Hospital, on Aug. 17, to Mt. place In Knok I�r�at i Hubby: 'i �u_t snake tiff' yotl'i
cover what mighty Jobs are Pitons 79,.a�oit+tilt. Cieidc-'I'reastures C. L. iIAMMblvD,
ask for this inAbrmation. 'mind, deem Yost Can't h(tVe w
accomplished by low cost Eft• Carrrpetetlb Workutaonsdtip Township oftittkrstrtdth xi+earer' AtUdA 1tlLis; �tlwatxl Glrhlest, httircti Manlctom, oil Satttaidoy,
positor Want Add, Ili; i ,. 21.83.2 gzel"19 ,%titK ,-a ym,[Aug. &6t look 8;t 9':$a ii b9 kl: lio�i't.rr r ,