HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-08-22, Page 7B i luimns 1,o Second RouOd' With Palmerston Seaforth Bantams. went down two straight to Palmerston to lose out in the second. round of the WOAA Bantam `C' baseball playdowns Friday night at Palmerston. Although Seaforth outhit Palmerston six to five, they committed four errors and gave up seven walks to give the hometeam the edge. Palmerston opened up a short-lived one -run lead in the second, •but Seaforth moved ahead in the third, when Billy McGrath and Brian Broome scored after clicking with sin- gles. Seaforth made the score 3-1 in the fourth when Brian Broome's single brought in Billy McGrath, but the lead didn't last as Palmerston came back with all the runs needed for the win in their half of the fourth, The Palmerston insurance run came in the fifth inning. Palm- erston did not bobble the ball once and.let only five Seaforth players on base with walks. In the first game of the series, also at Palmerston, the home- town squeezed out an 8-7 vic- tory over Seaforth. Four Seaforth errors contri- buted to three Palmerston runs as the locals again lost on fumbles. Seaforth took the Iead in the second inning, as Bill Wood knocked a single bringing in Keith Finnigan. In the fourth the score was upped to 5-0 for Seaforth, when Gary Nicholson,. Chris Coombes, Bill Wood and John Rau crossed the plate. Palmerston moved back into contention with three runs in their half of the fourth and pulled ahead in the fifth with four runs for a 7-5 lead. Two runs by Chris Coombes and Bill Wood knotted the score in the seventh, but Palmerston scored the winning run in their half of the inning for the win. In the previous round Sea- forth took a best -of -three series - from Mitchell in two straight games by 9 to 7 and 11 to 8 scores. • Just take a Case tractor demo istration — any time you want, doing any kind of job you'd want it for. (You'll learn how Case power, performance, economy and han- • dling ease can speed and improve your work. And you'll get a handsome, de- pendable Timex wrist -watch with- out any further obligation on your part. Any bona fide tractor prospect qualifies. Phone, write or drop in. The Case tractor you need — at the • time you say -•.,• will be brought over. Set up a date today! • • • • • • ROWCLIFFE MOTORS SEAFORTH Seaforth Blasts CIiflt�.n, Lead Series 3 Gamesto 2 Seaforth Intermediates have come alive in dramatic style and pounded out two wins aver Clinton since Thursday, while only losing one in WOAA play- downs, Seaforth now leads the best -of -seven series three games to two, with next tilt slated for Thursday evening at Lions Park. In Seaforth Thursday night the locals nearly blasted Clin- ton into orbit by exploding for a 21-2 victory on grand slam home -runs by John Patterson and Bob Whitelaw. The first two innings went scoreless until the third, when Seaforth,erupted for eight` runs. From there it was a cakewalk as they scored three in the fifth, four in the sixth, and add- ed six more in the eighth. Carmen Vint hurled the route for Seaforth giving up only five scattered hits and no free pass- es to first base. The eight -run burst in the third came on a series of four Clinton errors and Patterson's WE KNOW OUR ALWAYS BRIGHTER CLOTHES With Our DRY CLEANING SERVICE Bring in your clothing so that it will be neat and tidy for school opening!' FLANNERY CLEANERS Phone 87 Seaforth CLEAN Summer Clothes * * BEFORE STORING SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED ! 60 Cars, Trucks and Tractors TO CHOOSE FROM — SAVE $ $ $ $ $ License # A-5795 1960 METEOR RIDEAU TUDOR— Economical 6 -cylinder. NOW ONLY License # A-2990 1958 PLYMOUTH SAVOY SEDAN—Radio. $675 A snap at only License # 77907-X 1959 STUDEBAKER RANCH WAGON. @ p �5 A dandy holiday model $8 License # A;4619 1959 OPEL SEDAN—G.M. Import, late model, $350 transportation for only License # J-82241 1957 VOLKS DELUXE TUDOR—You can't miss $d 95 on this one at only .�`r License # J-80235 1956 PONTIAC TUDOR—Six-cylinder. ' To clear at $1095 License # A-2413 1956 FORD CUSTOM FORDOR—A willing V-8, ONLY License # J-81970 1956 DODGE D 61 SEDAN—Radio. • Cheap transportation License # A-4226 1955 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR -- A bodyman's special at License # A-1552 1961 FORD FAIRLANE FORDOR—In lovely condition, at License # A-3493 1961 SIMCA ARIANE FORDOR-4 cylinder, • economy at License # A-3114 . 1961 RENAULT DAUPHINE SEDAN—Under- priced to clear at $250 $295 $295 $250 $1750 $050 $895 • License # 999.617 1959 METEOR RIDEAUJ TUDOR -8 cylinder. @ Automatic, at only eD1295 License # .A-1774 1958 RAMBLER CLASSIC FORDOR— A popular 6 -cylinder, at only License # J-81414 1958 CHEV. BISCAYNE FORDOR—A good clean car at a price TRUCKS 1960 VOLKS VAN 1958 FORD % TON BELL TEL. BODY 1959 BEDFORD VAN .... .. _ ... 1946 MERCURY 3 -TON STAKE 1946 FARGO %/a -TON EXPRESS ... TRACTORS 1959 FORDSON MAJOR DIESEL ._ 2—JOHN DVERE $975. $1175 $795 $750 $75 350 $100 $2295 SEVERAL FORD 8N and 9N and IMPLEMENTS TO CLEAR 17 New 1963 Cars and Trucks in stock to choose from. CLINTON REPRESENTATIVES: George Cutler -- HU 2-9782 Orland Johnson, HU 2-9697 SEAFORTH REPRESENTATIVE: Cleave Coombes, Phone 592 Goderich Motors Ltd. • Your Ford - Falcon : Ford Truck Dealer Phone JA 4-7308 • Goderich, Ont. 35 SOUTH STREET We era open evenings Monday through Friday until 9 p.m. well -walloped four -bagger. Bob Beuttenmiller's three -rum hom- er in the fifth brought the Sea - forth total to 11-2, Clinton's two runs having been scored in the fourth. Whitelaw's grand - slammer came from the cleanup position in the eighth after Bob Beutten- miller and Andy Smith had sin- gled and Cliff Petrie had moved to first when hit by a wild pitch. Whitelaw led Seaforth's 18 - hit onslaught with a grand - slam, a triple and a single. Pat- terson added his grandslam and a triple. Beuttenmiller chipped in with a roundtripper and two singles. Clinton committed nine er- rors, including five Seaforth bat- ters hit by pitches off the arm of Doug McDougall. Seaforth again blasted Clin- ton the next night by a 16-8 score up at Goderich. A stiff wind whipped across the field, but did not hamper Gord Slaght's fine mound ef- fort. He relieved Carm Vint in the third frame and struck out nine Clinton batters. The game seesawed back and forth until the seventh inning, when Bob Beuttenmiiler's long triple scored three runs to break an 8-8 tie. Beuttenmiller also scored putting the score at 11-8 and sending Seaforth into a permanent lead. Seaforth big bats sang a sweet song as they clouted a single, two doubles and three triples in the ninth for five more runs. John Patterson led the club - hers with three singles, a dou- ble and a triple, batting in six runs. He was five for six at the plate, but his only out, a long fly ball, still brought in a run Clinton drew blood first with a run in the first inning. Sea - forth tied that when Patterson doubled in Gord Slaght, but a two -run roundtripper by Ron McKay put Clinton into a 3-1 Iead at the end of the second. Brussels Tops Against Wingers Brussels girls • downed the W & W Wingers 19-6 on Thursday night in Winthrop. Brussels got a five -run jump in the first in- ning and kept slamming in runs the rest of the game. Beach for Brussels was the lone star of the game, gaining°three homers for- the winners. Brussels—Steftier and Coul- tes; Wingers — Buchanan and Storey. Brussels 520 243 3-19 Wingers 200 400 0— 6 The W & W Wingers came through with a win over Brus- sels on Tuesday night in Brus- sels after two losses. Brussels started off the first inning with three runs, only to have Mary Helen Buchanan come through with a home -run °for the Wing- ers with the bases loaded, to put a new outlook on the game. The Wingers gained four more in the fourth to Brussels three, and one in the seventh to wrap up the game. Wingers — Buchanan, Little; Brussels—Stefller and Coultes. Wingers 040 400 1-9 Brussels 300 300 0-6 Seaforth moved into a slim one -run lead in the next inning when Cliff Petrie moved acrost3 the plate on Bob Whitelaw's triple and John Patterson knock- ed in Wititelaw and Slaght who had singled. Clinton knotted the score in the third and moved into a 6-4 lead in the fourth frame as Bob McDonald doubled in Bob Livermore and Mait Edgar. Patterson banged in White- law in the fifth to cut Clinton's lead to one run, but Clinton again scored in the fifth for a two -run margin. Doug Rowcliffe lead off a three -run sixth inning with a double; Bob Beuttenmiller mov- ed to first on an error, and Cliff Petrie cracked a single, bring- ing the two men on base home. Petrie scored when Whitelaw grounded out. The next inning Seaforth moved ahead to stay. Beautten- miller added a triple and a double and Doug. Rowcliffe checked in with a triple, a double and a single. Seaforth's loss came Tuesday night as they dropped a 14-4 decision to Clinton again up at Goderich. The Goderich site was chosen the last two games because the Clinton diamond lacks lights for night playing, and Seaforth has the right to demand the games be played under the lights, Winthrop Rolls Shutout With `\ St. Columban Winthrop rolled to a 3-0 shut- out over St. Columban in a Hu- ron Soccer League game play- ed in Winthrop on Saturday night. Winthrop led 1-0 at half-time on a goal by Ken McClure. John Boven scored early in the sec- ond half and Tom Love added the final goal to make Winthrop line-up: Goal, Carl Boven; fullbacks, Mervin Pep- per, Bill Kerr; halves, Wilson Adroa, Albert Boven, Ron Mc- Clure; forwards, George Love, Dave Mclnally, Tom Love, Ken McClure, John Boven; alter- nates., Bert Dennis, Murray Klaas, Wayne Dolmage, Glen McClure. In other games played last week, Centralia RCAF blanked Goderich Building Centre 1-0, and in a replay of a previous game which Brussels had won, St. Columban defeated Brussels 5-1. As a result of the replay, St. Columban gains two points that were originally credited to Brussels. Standings, including games of August 17, are as follows: Centralia RCAF Winthrop St. Columban Clinton RCAF Build'g. Centre Brussels Conklin Lumber TIII UMW RXPOR 'Qi . AAFQMH, 110— 22, iI ? OBITUARIES MRS. I AI• V BENNEWIES Mrs. Ivan Bennewies, of lot 34, con. 8, Logan Township, passed away August 13 in Strat- ford General Hospital, where she had been a patient since Thursday. Formerly Hazel Joan Jutzi, she was a daughter of Samuel and ,Sarah Schultz Jutzi and was born July 11, 1929, at lot 1, con. 13, Ellice Township. On June 6, 1953, she married Ivan Bennewies' and had since resided on her husband's farm. She was a member of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen. Surviving are her parents, her husband, two sons, Dale GP W L T pts. and Robert, at home; four brothers, David Jutzi, Tavistock; 11 10 1 0 20 Stanley and John, Ellice Town - 10 7 1 2 16 ship, and Nelson, Flint, Mich., 10 5 .5 0 10 and three sisters, Helen, Mrs. 10 4 6 0 8 Allister Cook, North Easthope; 11 3 6 2 8 Grace, Mrs. Kerry Brimble- 10 2 5 3 7 combe, Stratford, and Marjorie, Mrs. Rodney Brimblecombe, of 10 1 8 1 3 London. A largely attended funeral BACK -TO -SCHOOL FOR JUNSORATHLETES Here at MacDONALD'S we have a com- plete line of Canadian -made and Imported Tennis, Gym and Basketball Shoes. All are specially priced for school opening, including the famous P.F. line with Posture Foundation. service was held at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, Thursday afternoon. Rev. H. W. Luetkehoelter of Moserville of- ficiated, and Mrs. Audrey Vor- stenbosch presided at the or- gan. The choir red in the sing- ing of three favorite hymns. The pallbearers were neigh- bors, Mervin Hodgert, Earl Ben- newies, Willard Bennewies, Ronald Beuermann, Alfred Querengesser and August Scher- barth. Burial was in St. Peter's Lutheran cemetery. The fun- eral was in charge of the Heath - Leslie funeral home of Mitchell. Friends and relatives - attend- ed from Kitchener, Wellesley, Milverton, Kingwood, Millbank, Tavistock, Flint, Mich., London, Seaforth, Mitchell and surround- ing district. v CLOTHES FOR BAYS ..c New LONG SLEEVE KNIT SHIRTS New stripe or plain shade long sleeved knitted shirts I ; for school wear. Bi choice of colors. Sizes 8 18. Boys' SWEATERS Popular bulky knit cardi- gans, fine cardigans 'or pull- overs, in a wide choice of shades and patterns. SIZE 8 to 18 3.95 to . 6.50 1.95 and .95 Clearance ! Reg. 3.95 to 9.95 WINDBREAKERS Rayon lined, cords, chinos or nylon laminated cloths in a wide range of shades. Sizes 8 to 18. To Clear 3.15 to 7.95 Boys' Long Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS Neat patterns, taper fit long sleeve sport shirts for boys; wash and wear cottons that look real 2195 sharp r' �7 New Patterns ! WASHABLE SLIMS G.W.G. and Haugh's quality cotton slim slacks for school wear. The best that's made for extra..wear. 4.95 to 5.95 Popular doeskin plaid shirts for boys. Just the thing for school wear. Assorted colors. SIZES 6 TO 14 1.95 Clearance ! Reg. 1.79 and 1.95 SHORT SLEEVE "T" SHIRTS Striped, short sleeve "T" shirts, in round neck, base- ball neck or Gaucho style, with three-quarter sleeves. Sizes 8 to 16 only. TO CLEAR ...,.... 29 Stanfield's Stanfield's TOPS and BRIEFS Double front and double seat, the best you can buy for fit and long wear. Sizes 4 to 16 Tops and Briefs. . 75c ea. Stewart Bro. SDHS Cadets Win Honors Six Seaforth cadets were among those cited - for high honors at the Lieutenant Gov- ernor's Day at Camp Ipperwash held Saturday. Michael Newnham, David Britton, -Barry Nolan, Rick Fortune, Jim Stephenson and Paul Beattie were all members of 'C' Company which was awarded the R.C.R. Trophy for Ceremonial Drill and the R. D. Hall Trophy for inter -company sports. The Seaforth cadets, attend- ing the Cadet Leaders' Course, all received their Cadet Lead- er's Certificate, and all, except David Britton, completed the Hunter Safety Training Pro- gram. David had completed the course previously. Inspecting officer was J. P. F. Bernatchez, CBE, DSD, CD, vice -chief of General Staff in charge of Cadet Training HALF4!MT 1'EEII REMEMBER WHEN YOU STARTED YESTERDAY YOU SA/0 IF 1" DON'T L/KE YOUR WORK I KNEW WHAT r COULD 00 ' Come in and see our large selection of shoes for all the family ! —Girls' and Young Men's SHAGGY Pups— MacDonald Shoes (In the former Willis Store) Maikt Street , Seaforth Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime! WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS — Phone 141 04v<.Af alS: DOUBLE -DUTY` DORMER FOR AS LITTLE AS I Do -It -Yourself — or skilled designers and build- :iy PER MONTH 4, ing craftsmen can create ad- ,,}},�,h�,�,�. �_,,`,S� ditional living space in your '"'w(1 i#1111111 eexl 1" home. CALL US NOW! Now's the Time to We'll Do It For You ! A snug dormer -bedroom is just one of many ways our MODERNIZE For Extra Living Space! Don't move — improve your preseht home( Our home improvement experts can show you how to remodel, a single room, or enlarge your entire home --- quickly and efficiently. Every job is quoted in advance --- you know exactly how much it will cost, and the amount of your monthly payments! . SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 Seaforth