HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-07-18, Page 70 9 I 0 I '• 10 I I * 2 4 ft 0 . f . I 1q; It .1 , , ,-,4 I I I . UTTDIAW 11 - ., 1. .1 . I I . � I I . � I I � . . I � I '11"�Wq+,W4�1) 94*9�RVA440 VJ3Jk,*,AV40;K �� 49WA4 ! - — , - I I � I , I ­ --- , I . , , , I 411.mp ; I 11 , , •I I V I , J1111 :` " I , I � A --g �', : , 4 -1 : � I �.� W1 : , I . - . I I W I A 14 Lp #!- 1-ip, i"', I I .�JR , 11 I R, , , f I . . I I 9M 1. flki 'a I . I I , : , I I... ! - . I I � I - 1. I � -1 I - � . I � . .1 . j�ii­ . 71"? ...... ��� ������ 1-11- I r I 9W 1 I I 11 I Aggmftd•wwfiiv�� . quommor I", I I I I I � , -110 . .1monmr"-"A 11 mmmmmomft6.-, ­ 111111� IA. , , � 4 �-. I , 1, ly. ) " I it, I , .. 1 4C . ­ I& b A11111111011111111111i, "r jffil�= ��� " AF I . .. . . . . iI I .1. -1 ­­­­ -1 11-1 11- I I -­ ­­'. " USE Tl­!Et� CLASSIFICATIONS 8. Farm Stock For Sale IL Articles For Sale 19. Notices 20. Auction Balis , �1� ­ ""', . .1 .11 I , , � . TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 9* WeiWers Walili � I . I . 11 _ 23. auofte$4 1.) . - .1 FIFTEEN pigs, 7 weeks Old. SPATqW guiter, like. ' � ­ ­­ I 1-4",L - 0.1000 * ­14.1*11111044 *11 11 1. . 1. ­ I 11 . L AM - , " ­ - I " �--- - I 'I 1. Coming Events CUMM w9rk4anted. Castol-4-, '10 , �14 16, ; Louis McIver, Stoffa, phoqo Phone, 506. nam,791XI 'mm'Vnigs, 32,ft 'Combine, ful- CORPOAAM'', ,N - OF.'MM, A, � BMX 9 , ­ V.90 I AMM ,'L I .1 l. " L. AUCTION SALF, I IF �' 4 '' . �, , . " ' - 11 . 0 -- 40* . . - 2. Lost, Strayed Dublin, 43 R 25. . 8-794 ly equipbW 941, P " M, , 9 E , *,* W-7 i Aw 45 "-, � i 1 - '.. L , , 1 3. Found . WASBWG' ma� , A, R. Davidson, TOWN of SIRAFORTH an '. to; UP "�" , , ­ .1 . V41 #, I . I Beg#,V- � I Au-0ton. Sale p& press dire- . d Am ul ej ,.. . , , � .. . 1 . 3. 1"-z hag . . I � 11 I . , , , , � 4. Help Wanted TEN Pigs, 9 weeks old. Martin frig. in rommingt&I"; j4U`ei;&� Seafoi-th, phone 667 W . . 11409, .. , . ' 1. mgq 11 � � 10 � � ,!� , I " I I , chlaar, Phone 654 R 2. 70.1 -heater. Call 847 R 21, Seaforth, � '-- - I .. . 1. .11. Vea�s ,�*� , . , � ", , - — Bp�i*iejd, on MUM., JULY - ' . , . .0. . 1. 10 I ; 5. Business Opportunities Gul W, M, 14e hold in VE-a-ge of ' TENMRS FOR P 11 I "Aa ieo 40 , . . Night - %ft.,- %.%:,,, 6. Teachers Wanted TWE - pigs, .seven weeIjj—,D1d. Harvey Dale. 11-79-9 A per *P� 1*0W , , , ,,, 4 . " , , I , ANSTETIT at 8:39 V ONjSTA1fi0n0r4 -1 ;;;;4,Q -.$6 . ", . � i , . " I li - . I I . �4p. pMpent . ROAD C I I . . . . It � . 4()f- al I' 7. Situations Wanted, e I I Kelly, 22, Con. 4, Vb- RiR iw.,AEOR" w6. PTO b i &'g'musrt -be lor�i,.Oowa and "----- ' — - ", �0)" -, , . ' ' # vi►". . I I ­ � - Feng . . . SfAftT, 44 9.004 044* I - JEWELLERS G.W.'WHITNEY .'ftk :1"JI11;'M;(k . bert , . . 8-70A mmov.ed 761NALM) Ti��Iag,,, plaw-7 . r- 1. � I 1 ,8. Farm Stock For Sale by AVMA fi, ­ W" ' '. 4, '.' '. ' ' - , p - *on, ,A - . * � . _ . . p PP I 1 9. Poultry For Sale V Ltd. marW as to c9pt,Mt6, WIN, be. g 'R - , 0 EIGHT pigs, 10 weeks old; R2 h�.Ilae Al - No Reserve, WgirmpC4011. . � i -PUNBRAL H -QX IM00'.4; - t W, W1. I ,or I 'appf-i4'weeks old. Apply Jose* - * ' VeC,V�Ved by ,the 0 Si:. - -- - , , w4uso Iiie, m;w"! an o Af . . . ... , ., th _ ,�-Vlk of ,the Gode - 10. Used Cars For Sale � 65�11 14 70-1 Harold Jackson, Auctioneer .t I � * ��n&$,.', W,, S; I � , St. �� an, phone w. 1, Ati-m 0 th� ITOWA Of , ,�dortjA "-,,EVvr lmn"*00401 12. Wanted To Buy R 16, Dublin, - AMBUI ' C � ,F ' 11. Articles For Sale % 0409 you W -M2 ;V1,V.f B-79-1 W49 Ford tractor, withi Fergu Easy Credit Terms — -- Seaforth, �gntil 10:00 o'clock . Son, D&UMMM-100w and 0!1704d I SOT' 24urmw Plow, winter eab, - Adjustable #osg%gl bed's 13, Wanted ONE Holstein cow, 5 years Old, heavy 01,41na, receptly'ovocrWul, With CLF. noon, D -S -T-,, orm: for ren , CLEARING ;. children. 264,94 � I .1 Sale ' , I JTJLY M, 1003, —­ -- , p . ed . FLOWSRS,FOR VZxl� x . . 14. Property For fresh about 3 months. Verne NO AUCTION SALE for the reconstwouga of 1110- 1 ]p 1 ,, Keith M4q1:,arep, jCrom,art 1 15. Property, For Rent Alderdige, phone Seaforth, 657 y,, Carrying Charges OCCAS ON I R 14. Phone Dublln,'m R, ao. u-7fti way 140. 0 ' ' OW'Y Phone 119 - Seaforth AU11IN-At Scod Memmild Hos� " 16. For Sale or Rent 8-79-1 Phone 77, Seaforth I . g Auction We of Ian- 4.700 feet, il��e I 17. Wanted To Rent CfYDt­m­,aTeCude-F­around GEORGE WETIM No. 6 sepap- _ o' east- I machinery. George Fra,yne, RSR too, with, straw shredder, in 19-7741 N aind H0*ehQ10, Ok ern and westem Aings Of the pitot.,04,401y 13, to Mr. and 18. Property Wanted good condition. Li4d,q Coyue, A NEWKITCHEN— .. I 41 Lot 0, Con. 13 H uftett, on Town of Sealbrtb 24. Cards of Thajjj�$' Mrs ,A**'e Au South, .�. DAY,JULY '-'� , 19. Notices 1, Woodham, phone 84 R 20 ' a d�ughker'. ' , , I . - —11-79x1were 00 I . .11 1-1 , RR 5, Seaforth, phone Dublin I PLEMENTS-Ford tractor: grubbing; grading; constnic- 14ndL and remem�%� Me With DA ,In' SummerseiO, E�g L May cost less than you think! 2F ' The work includes clearing; I wish to thenk all who 20. Auction Sales Kirkton. 8-794 NO R 16. - ' For alterations new kitchen . I RABB,TrS,, registered and pedl- cupboards, roe ,rooms, exten- , I 1 21. Tenders Wanted RIE flowers, treats and eards w,b* IaVIT-, I with, Plow; International binder tion of storm sewers; applying , , 22. Legal Notices greed, proven meat foundation CHZR 6, Montmorency, also Sion a repairs S, c : 7 ft. cut; 6 -ft. New Idea, mower. granu,AT base matm-also; con_ In . on "� 15, to Mr. and . 9 110 ir all o - 1 23. Business Directory stock, alliso number of gvade Sweet cherries. Bring your mg steel frame hey loader; I was, a patient in, Clinton, HG�� Rlrs.7 :Robert Davis of Taunton .. : JOHN LANSIN'K & SONS, Cockshutit fer �. 13'run struction of concrete curb and pital. Margeret Jean Broad- a day Ger, Nickola, a'grand I-. 24. Cards of Thanks rabbits; fei�ders; waterers, etc containers, and pick your own. General Contraeftg I drft I.q- gutter; construction of con_ foot. . ... 25. In Memoriam All information given -with stack. Winter Wells, Fruit Farm three tooth cultivator; 3 -section. dia- creta sidewalks; botqnix pav- daughter lor Aft. Wi;d -Mr.g. W 24-794 .,; - , 26. Personals Bunny Hub Rabbittry, phone miles south of Ipperwa,;�: Arany Phone 79, Seaforth. mend harrows; 4 -TOW turnip ing; and all other work reces-. I Would like to thank the sbaff R. Daviv Hensall. . 424 J 7. Brussels. Meat rabbits, eamp. Competent Workmanship Classifications UUK W. , The' cost is low. Classif 11-79xl 3 -point bitch; tractor sary for a complete job. and nurses of Scott Memorial MALONE-At SVQU Me . 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 4 to 6 lbs. wanted every Tues MASSEY,HARRIS No. 4, 12 -ft. . - - 19-77-tf =; dump rake; rubber Plans, Specifica-tiong a n d Hospital, Drs. Gorwill acid Hospitglj im JW 16, -to W . �i 17, minimum 40c an insertion. dw.v only. 8-79-1 PTO swa,ther; 2 -now mounted , tire wagon; ha,y rack; bench Form of. Tender may be ob- Stapleton and. friends for,their and Mrs. . Alfred J.- Malone, I I • office of the Clerl Pat- Mitchell a son. , . '] in 65c, gas brooder; 2 cord furnace ient at the hospital. M . � Classification 25, minimum Oliver corn pickier, mounted FAST SERVICE , saw; turnip pulper; WO chick ta,ined at k kindness while I was a 'Plus 25C for each 4 -line verse. 6.- —Poultry For Sale ?n- Oliver 70, row crop tractor, ,on'. wood. of the Town of Seaforth or' won McPHERSON-At Scott MemKor- I in good. condatioi�- new grain the offices of the Consulting Hemberger. 24-79-1 " .: .claisificatlons,� mini- breed Cockerel' chicks au ' to thank all sent .... All 'other.. I WATCH REPAIRS FURNITURE- dining Engineers in Port Credit, for i-N�Ts-h lall, HoSJp0A11,'-QV Jdy 11, to Mr. ' � " ,iier s, manure spreaders!' All work guaranteed room, suite 6 chairs, china cab- the . sum of and Mrs. Hugh McPherson, of except Auction Sales (20), Ten-' 10c each. Past Cockerels av'all, Ironer wa ' Twenty D431lars, cards, flowers & lisited me I mum from the batch, of July 26 lat . , 65 cents per insertion, gra tY flow 150 bu. grain boveg- inet, dining room table,, buffett; ($20.00) which, Willi not be j,�: either while I was in, hospital, Seaforth, a son. . I , .j., and Farms Ltd., phone 953 W 1. 79 efield, 97,;��'c,Ha 609 i- ANSTETT: studio couch; chesterfield- hall funded or since returning ,home, also ;1) ders Wanted - (21), Legal oble, this, season. Scott Poultry Bru, e eaW � Notices. (22), rates on applica- . -1 W 1. , rack; hall, tree; 3 Teathey'rock RED --Ail Scott Memama& Hos- "I tion. . 11-79xl JEWELLERS mg - Ea,��, tender Must be accom- anyone who helped in any other pital, on. July 15, to Mr. and .1 . i Ltd. cliairs,; TV stand: end ponied by e marked cheque way. Olive Britton, 24-7M Mrs. Robert Reid, RR 4, Wal - For cash r payment or If paid 10. Used Cars �o—r —Sale Phone 17, Seaforth, tables'; 2 bridge lamps: 2 table for an amount equal to 5% of WE wish, ; Wanted To Buy . i�;­t�-anl� ­aRwh-o—re- ,Wn, a, son. I I by 10 days following last Inser. 1955 Ford Fa.14nllane V-8, stand- L9-77-9 lamps'; f0otslto0l; Singer se'WID9 the total tender, and the me- membered us and helped in any tion, 15 CENTS deducted from ard. Phone 773, S,e-a, 10-79xl PIANOS, any make Or size. -- -Machine; radio; 3 bedroom &essful bidder must provide a way at the time of our sudden VAN BERGEN -At Scott Mem- tion, I � 16id- -V,�40jT­ ----- Will pay cash. State make and SEPTIC TANK es; felt mattress; board; total tender. bereavement, in the loss Of a I above rates. Dodge truck with . suites; 2 spring filled mattress- contract bond for 100% of the orial Hospital, on My 17, to racks, tarp land loading 'chute, orice. Apply Box =, Huron child's crib; dear brother. Elva P Mir. and Mrs. Frank 'Vi4n . good tires. Phone go Dublin. -1 I 12-79V41 SERVICE 19s,dir dishes,; The lowest or any tender not Lenora Huddleston. and Ust"em, Bergen., RR 1, Dublin, .a COMMERCIAL ,CLASSIFIED Expositor. b 1952 Pon afe sedan, -- - - Habkirk. RATES - i;w -- --. kitchen stove; garbage cans; necessarily accepted, 24-7.9-1 daughter, Porti in Wanted I i Cleaned and repaired with McClary 4 -burner gas range; reason- 13. 'Wanted (For Business Firms, Trades- able condition. To wind up esu — . white enamel annex; 4 lawn McCORMICK & RANKIN Ltd., I wish to thank all my friends,- I chairs,; truck chains and other Consulting Engineers neighbors, and for men, etc.): Minimum, 50 cents tate. Apply McConnell and ABOUT 6 head of cattle, pr modern equipment. relatives Engagements per insertion. Billing ch e- . I arge, 15 Stewav�, Seaforth, Ont. 10-79-1 ferabIly over 600 lbs,. to grass, IRVIN COXON, RTtlCle-S, too rAimerousi to men- 8 Stavebank Road ' ca ds, letters and treats; also Mr. and Mrs.W. A. Smith wish . cent per advertisement. 1954 Cliev. (car) auf&m­a,tiF for the remaindet� of season, Phone 254, Milverton tion. . Port Credit, Ontario. Drs. StaPleton and, I . ,§ 0. Gorwdl and tb announce the engagem, TERMS -Casio all the hospital staff for their ent 61 .. new body job, .mechanieall� C all V. Lane, 107 R 1,21 Dublin, i�-774f their daughter, Susan Lee., to 1. Coming Events perfect. Ph No reserve, fah Tr is sold. MR. L. HAMMOND, kindness to me while at p r, Ch - forth. one 671 W 1 4, See, RR 5, Seaforth. 13-794 SEAFORTH 3% sales tex� In effect. . Clerk, there. Mrs. T. W. MicMi-Man. x1 M Charles Ferguson Mae- i RINGO, Teelswater Lions Club 1049-1 The Town, of Seaforth, Gregor, son, of Mx. and Mrs). 1i .'W5i;-� Ford faun door, radio re -- UPHOLSTI,qRY ARTHUR MeCLURE, Prop. WE Would like to thank present Ross MacGregor, SeafiwM. T. I ­ , - I � or, Friday,`July 19th, commene- d- 14. Property For Sale Centre Street GEORGE NESBITT, Auctioneer and former members of Sea-. marriage will take place Jul)r . I Cash Bingo in Teeswater Arena, built engine, new clutch. boo Seaforth, .Ontario. The • � I in,g at 9 p.m. 12 regular games, running order. Louls, •-McNichol,, TWO 125 ft. ,fronta.ge Mot , t Telephone 446 JOE CORY, Oberk. , 21-78-2 forth, Tee'll-Twenty for the On- 27 1963, at 3 p.m. in Lambeth , ! S ,east 2049-1 joyable banquet and the much. United bhuirch. -1 $40.00; 1 Special for $500-00; 3 Seaforth Machine Shop. 1046x,2 end of Seaforth. Box 124�, ,the For all kinds of upholstering. , 22. Legal Notices ,apprecia-ted gift, a Hi-Fi set, . . 1 .. M11 -- -- Spedals for $10&•W each, Ad- i 2V24011'truck, in good Hurron, Expositor, 14-79-4 .. 1 19-77-d CLEARING presented us during the Teen, Mr. and Mr- LouisWilson... L I mission $1.00 -Special and extra condition, with stake rack and FOUR bed—room house on John AUCTION SALE Township of- Tuckersmith Twenty dance Friday night,' Mr. Hoegy announce " engage,- 26c or 5 for 1j,00. 1-79-1 hoist. Rossi Riley Cromafty� Stre . i cards' 20. AuctioW—Sales And Mr.q. E. Hutchinson. 24-79xl .1 . et, in excellent condition,. I ment of their eklest daughter, I I phone Hense-11, 341'W 1. 10-79-1 Box 1-248, Huron Expositor. . Clearing Auction, Sale of Farm TREASURERS SALE i —,.,ht,o th,rf-a,ll-ili�-nel- - Gloria, Ann, to Mir.. Paul WM,on- 2. Lost, Strayed 1959 Che%P. (truck). ;/2 -ton' —Fleet- � 911- McCreath, elder son of Mr. and, I — i . 14-79-4 Clea'ri'ng Stock and Machinery, at Lot 15, -, OF LAND FOR burs, friends, relatives and the Mrs. I.,., Wilson McCreath, of d , side, 8' box, 35,000 anginal; miles. IDEAL —Tetired farmer's, two AUCTION SALE Cqn. 6, Morris Township, 1,y, 11 Womews. WA for the kind Goderach. The wedding wig take - � ONE wallet, driver's licence BuiR on, walk-in -removable TAXES . miles South and 4 miles West . thoughts while I was a patient ; . - box, Very place Satilrday, August 31, at I and'other papers,. Reward. Ap apartment home low down . i _good condition, phone payment. Apply iox IM, The Clearing Auction Sale of 55 of Brussels, on WEDNESDAY, Township of Tuckersmith in Seaforth and, Str ' I ply Jack Holland, phone 500. x1 671 W 4, Seaforth. 10-79-1 11,uron Expositor. . pitals; aff'"d H09- 2-30 p.m., orward Baptist 1 14-79-4 Head Of Cattle, Hogs,, Grain, JULY 2M,, at, 12 p.m. County of Huron. also the doctors' and CKurch, Ga -ft. GMa iia grand- . BORROWED, then, strayed one ECONOMICAL trans—portatio-n. THREE -bedroom v—bft Poultry a full. line of Farm Im. CATTLE -10 registered young nurses. , 'Everything was all ., , e frame- d, uvrhter of Mr, and Mrs. Wil- � stepladder about 8 feet ,long. 1959 Vauxiliall sedan excellent house, with kitchen, plemenis, and Miscellaneous Jersey cows, fresh, in March To Wit: gratefully appreciated. Mr. Roy a 'i Please return to Huron Exposi- candition, includes 2 'snow tires. and bath, situated' living room Items, for Irvin Mebrecht on and April rebred; 5 registered By virtue of a warrant issued Lawson, 24-79xi !dam Hoegy, Centre St., Sea- � � on, one acre .forth-. tor. 2-79x1 Bargain for cash,. Phone 765, of - land in villa, of Dublin. 18,,, (Ln Logen, Town;1up _ Lot Jersey heifers, 1 year old- 3 by the Reeve of the Township of AW —sincere thanks, ,to all those Sea6oTth. 1079-1 ,phone - Jersey sen i, . 72 R 12, Dublin. 14-77-3 In north mitchen and i Jersey heifer calves; 5 Je ' Tuckersmith under hand and who , t 'cards, treats and 3. Found miles west Of No. 23 Highway, steer cal,*9; 7 Durham and the seal of the said corporation visited me in- 'Scott Memorial , STRAYED onto lot 11, con. 3 11. Articles For Sale- 15. Property For Rent op TUESDAY, JULY 23rd, at Hereford cows with calves 3 to hearing date the 10th day of Hospital. Special thafik,s to Dr. ST. COLUMBAN , TEXT books,, 'grade 9, excel- -- 12 o'clock sharp. 400 lbs.; 7 Durhani and Here- April, sale of ]lands in arrears Gorwill, Dr. Stapleton and the . McKillop, abodt July 10, Here lent condition. Phone 4. 11-79xl TWO apartments in, the Royal' CATTLE -5 Holstein, cows milk- ford steers, 8100 lbs, I of taxes in the Township of nursing staff. Everything was Joseph Connolly is on a trip . I ford bull, about 800 dbsi. Wil- - -C-- ­ - Pts. Apply to Joseph McConnell i -nig and rebred; 2 black cows, MACMNERY-W.D. 9 Mc- Tuckersmith, will be held at the gre'a'tly appreciated. M". Alex to the Maritime Provinces. I fred McQuaid, RR 5, Seaforth. TISiBER riame -building, 161 x Seaforth, or Dr. E. A. McM�s. milking and rebred; 1 Shorthor.ii Cormick tractor, with- chains, Town Hall, Seaforth, at the hour Smith. 24-79xl I I I 3-79xl 26'. Apply Box INS, Huron Ex- ter, Grand Bend. 16-77-tf cow,, indiking and rebred; two good condition; H McCormick of 9:00 o'clock - --­.- Miss Mary Malone, Windsor, positor. I I I .- in the Evening, I wish, to express my thanks to — . . - 11-79-1 DOWNSTAIR apartment for oPeII HDIstel" cows; I' Jersey tractor, Farmall; 10 -ft, McCor- on the 3rd day, of September,. all those who sent flowers cards with Joseph Malone and fam- I a,n,d,apPrOIx- ten Ved .1, ily. 1 4. Help Wanted •r USED litter carrier t in, the ,Town of Seaforth, cow milking and rebred; one nick spring tooth cultivator, 1963, unless tMa taxes and costs and ca on me during my irately 110 ft. of track. Alex available August 1st. Apply to Herefoird, cow, with calf at side; (like new); 15 disc power fez are sooner paid. Notice is here- stay in Seaforth' Hospital. Spee- Mr. and Mrs. Jaipes Sloarr, I - CLERK required. Young man Smith', RR 5 Seaforth- 11-79x1 Harold Jackson, Sea�orth, phone l Hereford heifer due to fresh- tilizer drill, manure loader; by given that the list of lands dal thanks to K of C for their Sr., James Sloan, Jr., Mr. and fiar c in ADE 10 SDHS text books. 474, 1 1.5_78_2 en'in fall; I Hereford cow, open,; compUete circular saw, on rub- for sale for arrears of taxes visits and Mass card, Dr. Got- Mrs. T. J. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. - I open Hereford heifer; i essential. Apply Box =, The Verllyn, Miller, RR 1, Hense,111 ---- — fer; I'An,gu s her; post hole digger; McCor- was published in The will and Dr. St4apletorn and nurs- John Moylan, Donald Moy i Huron Ebapositor. , THREE 6ed5;;i� house, gas cow, .open; I Angu,, ,Jan, 1 4-79-1 phone 337 W 3, Hensall'. 11-79X1 heated 3 -piece bath . ; cow, bred; nick land packer, (new); Me- Gazette on the 4th da,y of May, ing staff. Alil was greatly appre� Mr. and Mrs. Theo Melady were ed � LADIES have you ever thou GLEAN usable ,six quart baskets 2 dow' UP airs', 2 46n, Holstein heifers; I Hol'- Cormick power manure spread- 1963, and ftft, copies of the ciiat . V. J. Lane. 24-79-1 in Grafton on Saturday attend- .i about selling Avon.? It costs 5 cents each. Wilkinson's. TGA,. Mitchell', Avaflablle, Aug. Ist. - er; Richardson heavy-duty snow said list may be ,had at my in the Sloan -Lawless wedding. ! nistairs,, on Montreal St., stein cow with 2 calves at side _ nothing to find out the details, 16 yearling Hereford steers, and blower; McCormick hay baler, office. f--w-'l-sk ­toe�press­my-sdiacere ; . Write Mrs. M. Millson 960 — 12-79-1 Write box 636, Sea . 15-79x1 heifers, 2 Hereford ,steers ap- with motor; McCormick traileT. thanks to all who sent cards, Thomas McIver, Toronto, with , ' d to work. Call em 7 -ft. mower; McCormick side Treasurer's Office, flowers and gifts and th�� Mrs. William McIver. •. I STOOK loader, in good yepair, — - prox. 800 lbs. each; 14 i0sita � this 30th fl . Wellington Rd., S., London, or guarantee 847 R 18. Property Wanted and Hereford yotm,g calves. rake; McCormick 4 -furrow. Plow, day of May, 1963. who visdted me in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Hicknell , Call, collect 4&2-9019, between 7 21, Seeforth, Stewart Dale, . Special thanks- to officers and have returned home after a . (and 8 p.m. 4-79-82,85-884f . 11-79-2 TREE —orfo,u, 6�dTo;-m---66j�e Note -These cows have been on rubber; McCormick 2 and 3 JAMES L MeINTOSH, members of LOI�A, 712, th'e two months' visit with their FOR SALE -Trade in, I in Seaforth. In, reply indicate unit bred, furrow plow, on rubber; Me- Tf�&spter Ladies' Legion Auxiliary, . WANTED . location and price. Box 1241, HOGS -42 feeder hogs. Cormick disc harrow. on rubber St. son-in-law and daughter, Mr. in , 9 22-73-13 Thoma,s' Church, Drs GOM-1,111 and Mrs. C. J. O'Neill, in Kirk - shaver now, low prices Huron Expositor, 18-79xl POULTRY- Approximately Boo (new); 2 -unit Sur"' ilkin' * . " Savauge's, opposite Post Office.. - I . land Stapleton, *�nd nurses of .1 . Male bookkeeper capable Of n-77-tf — Ham and Rock heavy breed machine, (8 months ); grain 23. Business Directo Scott Memorial Hospital. Mrs. land Lake. lookini after Mi set of books. MAS. 19. Notices hens, laying 80%, thrower, weed sprayer, with ry Lizzie Brown. 719 Lou, Murray, Guelph, with � Rural background preferred Y Clipper combine, with GRAIN -About 7 -tons, of oats. 200 gad. tank, with motor; 1951 A. M. HARPER 4 COMPANY — 24 'I Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray. � - Indicate age, experience 'and pick-up, Joseph B.. Martin, RR PROMPT watch --repaiT servi-e-e IMPLIONENTS--Yergus . Cbevrollet truck, with stock I wish to thank aif-4ili,e who ! e 13. , . on. No. Chartered Accountants I I Dies in Michigan . sent me cards, flowers Evnd those Word has been received here I ,salary ekpected to Box 1244 3, Brussels, phone 355 W at Savaugels, (opposite post 20-85 tractor, in A-1 condition rock; 2 rubber tired wa`9011S, 55�57 South St. Telephone who visited me whdle a was a of ; � 8X2 I Office) 2 certified watchmak- tractor pulley; Case S -C tra,�j,;� with 16 -ft. hay rack; 24 -in -ch Goderich JA 4-7562 patient in Scott Memorial Has Mrs. Allan Keller. The former The Huron Expositor. 4-79-1 11-7 the death in Michigan of I TIMEX watches far ba -and ers. Autometics,a speciaky. equipped with. Farmhand man- chain saw; 5 section diamond Licensed Municipal Auditor : HELP WANTED girls, $7.95 up. Large selection. 19-77-tf ure loader; 2 sets of tractor harrows,; 7 -ft., Massey -Harris - pital and Victoria Hospital. Mary Krauskopf,' she was born � Anstett Jewellers Ltd., Seaforth. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED chains; New Holland, No. 68, binder; 40 -ft. extension.ladder; ., SEAFORTH Thanks to those who also helped in McKillop Township, t h e i in any other way. Special thianks daughter of the late Mr. and 1 11-78-2 Modern, equipment used. All hayfiner baler, motor mounted, auger, � Office clerk, .assistant to our - ?000 1b. scales; grain a VETERINARY to the nurses and staff of 'the : office manager, male, or female. CEDAR posts,, ail sizes; anchor work guaranteed. in A-1 condition complete with with motor; 344t. hay elevator: Malleus Mrs. Joseph Krauskopf. $he was . J � Typ�ng essential and general positsi; 121 braces; steel I posts 61 Write or phone baler kit; Smoker 36 -ft. bale els 19 -inch grain roller; fanning CLINIC hospital-,, and also Dr. a sister to Mrs. Margaret Ballge " clerical, experience helW,' but a V; ba i I LOUIS BLAKE evator and I H.P. motor; Mc- mill: ,lumber; planks-, cedar J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. .end Dr. Hudson. Everything and Mrs. Elizabeth Nolan. The ; . rb wi -, Paige WIT' e' RR 2, B S ; barb wire; recent commerce or high sdbrol .� t Sa R 2, russels, phone 442 W 6. Cormick tractor manure spread- posts; iron, Posts W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S, I was deeply appreciated, Mr I . . . graduate considered. ... ft B , . . . 19_ 20 er, i Case 3- em M., V.S. I funeral tak� place in Michigan. . 4-77-tf -- — . n good condition- ery, with motor; cattle de- ' D. E. Galt, D.V.' Bernard West,erveld, 24-79x' Permanent employment in. a TRANSISTOR radios, $19.95 and VARA13LE fop custom com- section, drag cultiva6; culti- horner; hydraulic jack's; I H.P. Phone 105 : Seaforth—, I . Seaforth Industry. WWte to: atteries, biri ' paker; 5,sectionsf of harrows, and motor; machine tool&- of all - '125. ln,Memoriam . UP. Prices indude b Recen I grain, beans or com. harrow pole; International two- kinds; chains; forks; shovels; JOHN E. LONGSTAF1 , -- - ' - BOX I=, earphones, ,leather c a r r y I n g 93n purchased a now furrow tractor plow- 3,pt. hitch fence strecher; bag truck, and Optometrist, optical services, GLANVILLE-In loving--iWe-m- DUBLIN - I The Huron Fbapositor. cases. Ansteft Jewellers Gleaner combine. Also Mee- corn cool, tivetor; John Deere 3- other articles too numerous to Goderich St, West. Tuesday to I or of a dear husband, father 4-70-1 Seaforth. 1 j4� '.' Beth, phone 347 J 2, Hensall. pt hitch 2 -furrow -tractor plow; mention. - Saturday, 9-5:30, except Wed- land grandfather, Wilbert El. Rev. John, St4pleton, Q.S.B., . COSTUME I necklaces, 19-78-2 ' I Glanville, who passed away Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs, 1? International 8 -ft. power UR TERMS--Calsh, nesday-Thursday evening by ap- suddenly 2 years, ego, July 19, William Stapleton. . d - cultivator, on rubber; Ferguson � broaches, earl bracelets WEATHER permitting, r NIRS. ELFRIEDE ALCOCK, pointment. Phone 791, Sea- 1961. Mr. and Mrs. Len Nagle of ; value,5 to $2.00, - 'clew :: berries will be available rZal 2 -furrow, tractor Mow; Interna,- Proprietor forth. Monday, Clinton Medi- A d,e-arly bellov,ed from us is Stratford with Mt. and Mrs. 1 99c. -Anstett J I rs � I from our reftigerated room', tional 1&run power lift seed HAROLDJACKSON. Auctioneer cal Centre. � MALE . '. U- - (blue build), starting APP`r0z- drill; John Deere &ft. binder; GEORGE POWELL; Clerk - - gore, Michael Nagle. I . . I I Chine. ...... -X July 20, Moore's Poultry 20-78-2 Dr. M. R. . Buljubasic The voice we loved is, still, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Bur- I ... ION equipped, shing mac ine. New Idea 4 -bar side rake, near A place, is vacant in our home Flint, Mich., with Mrs, HELP WANTED � I 1ding rl I Farm, phone 6007 3, Seaforth. ly now; McCurdy 125 bu. grain - - Dentist Which never can be filled. I gess, I . 1 1.9-77-3 box, new; John, Dee Graduate of the Faculty of belt, like new condition. Wim. ' — .Xe No. 9 7- 21. Tenders Wanted _Sadly missed by Wife, Fa,ml*- Joe Dill. . . Potherip9ham, RR 3, Seaforth, ft. rower mower, nearlm new: / I Dentistry, University of Toronto 1y. and Grandchildren. 25-79-1 r. and Mrs. Charles Friend : For better than, average posi. phone HU 2-9M. 11-7W CUSTOM COMBINING rubber tired successor to Dr. J. A, Munn, -- and family are spending a � wagon, with flat DRAINAGE TENDER sucoffice John St, seatorth WiLLIAMSON-In loving ri � tion. . CHERRM - Montmoroaneys, rack; Chamvion Sno Blower; month At their cottage at Lion's � ready Jul�* IM. Bring cortian, Two self propeUed machines forks; shovels; chains. end ' . Phone 15f"',,- ory of our Mother, Mrs, Th... Head. � " found around Township of McKillop - Willliamson4 who passed away The Union Gas Company is om and pick your own at Muli- t' serve you; also cartage ar- host of other A Wins fou nd McCONNELL three years ago, July 19, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hobbs, To- : Mrs. I . IM. I . looking for a man -who has, a ray Bros. Orchard four miles ranged for. a well elauiproed farm. For the -construction and re- & STEWOT and our Father, who passed ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Mich- 11' better' -south west. of ii;�, on the I MISCELLANEOUS - Thiterna, pair of Carron Drains, accord- away April 9, 1960. ael Nagle. I . grade irl educatibn or belt , dg, Raeanquet. 11-7W LYLE MONTGOMERY, t ing to Engineer's Barristrrs. Solicitorg, Etc. Long days, Mrs. Thomas Kelly, Blyth, and I ig able to pass a ,mechanical R! - Road, cream separator; Papee ha -m- report, plan, P. D McCONNELL, Q,C. long nights they , aptitude test and is lboking for FREE $69.05 Vacuum (leaner . RR 3, Clinton, p, and specifications, wffl, D. 1. STEWART bore their cin, Mrs. John Devereaux, Seaforth, I - with each, Phone HU 2-7231, mill belt; fanning mi.3; 20 ft h received by the undersigned, eafbrth, Ont. : Phone sm To wait for cure, but allil in, vain with Miss Monica Byrne. � . Q better than average position, meT milf; 30 -ft. endless haimimer 8 I Singer Slant -O -Matic Sewing 19-78X3 until August 3rd, 1963. Till God Himself knew what Mr, and Mrs. John Cleary , Present duties, wild he meter chine 4 inch gtain auge-r- some lum- 8435 kneAl feet of open work, A. W. SILLERY wa q best, and children, London, with Mr. Me WARNING, anyone contemplat- her. extension ladder: pouqtry He called them hon?e and gave and Mrs. Frank Evans. � reading and maintenance work sold before July Wth. ing conspiring -to fraudkmt deal- &dersl- arating and leveling mater- Barrister, Solicitor,"' etc. I , wafer frouphsi- rubber exc tilhem rest. Robert Stapleton is attending Future possibilities are unlhm� Also Brand Nor Feadierweight ings, treachemsi stunts, con, tired wheelba , I dal, . Phones: Office 173, Res 781 reg. $M.90 -- Special' $99.95 rrow co, ony house a'3413 lineal feet of closed drain Seaforth : Ontario —Ev-,r remembered by the summer school at Western Uni- ed starting salary is $1.82 for � cerndng old Duncanson 14) )C 12: 2 electric 'brood — Family. 25-79xi versify. r a 40 bout week. Fringe benefits contact Farm 17th Grev, before 611 bare quantity of scrap ireo"w: of 16' 12' 8 and 6 inch tile am � D. —K.—M �11 R N E S --n loving, memory Miss Mary Gilmurry, Roches- WILL WHIDDEN debts, claims be satisfied In ryuxnp jai* quantitv Of Pla:,Qfc 2 catch basins; I' jimetidli Chiropractic of a dear hu sband ilhd father. ter, N.Y., with Mrs. Kathleen include group irisuiranco and .1c: pipe and backfillitig same. TAYLOT�—1 - medical and pension plan. Phone Godetigh JA 4-8431 full place themselves lia,ble to hose: quantity Commercial Hotel I Residence, Clinton, HU 2-9103 penalties, John, L. tv Of tile: Onan'titv box. Harvey M, Taylor, who passed Feeney. ., � I Cattermn. of cedar and steel' posts, bog Township to supply tile a Monday, Thursday -1 to 8 P.M . 11-78-2 RR a W911toni. , and -y-py one year ago, July 19, Mr. and Mrs. John Morris and I Appy in, writing to- FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TOO . 1 19-7M frouoh9f., water trouiRlIsi: ouantf- ,pipe. . I . I BOX 1062. children, London, with Mr. and E tv of thRvP '"Art" 'reh Pl' Contrdictor to have Workmen' .Tf, ' � bane' no one a bast farewell, Mrs. Tom Butters, PAGI9 4 -t Of sciil�e-q- "EeOl tftil­ Compensation Ins ance. E b � NOTICE in a: sO ur s FUNERAL SERVICE He said goodbye to none, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Feeney' � UNION ,GAS COMPANY I - er and stock racks; a, n n P x A marked theque for ten per Tuckersmith R. S. BOX Tht, Heavenly ffflte,'; Were GPM. and children, Kitchener, with 1� .1 BOX I= stove. etc. etc. cent to acdompanvi tender LICENSED EMBALMER Our Heavenly Father said come, Mr, and Mrs. Martin Feeney, Sr. I ­ Goderich, Ontario. Municipal Dump N(yrF—Thict scale must start Lowestoran5ntendlernotziee- 4-79-1 . Boxholders' Name8 Will be open untU further share at 12 oletock noon, du Prompt and careful attention The blow was great. the, shock Misses Joanne and Colleen � Nd Given Out I— ' e to essiarity accepted. Hospital Bed severe, - — -- — notice an Wedneo&y and Saitur- tlik, 1,ArV offorrour. There vnIT he Work Evans have returned to Chip. I 411111111111in!""111111111111, I 11� ... I I I , or, b I 10 Phoiiio 19 P11parin v0pellIt's feet II , - I 1A - � i 11'ery, n 9 I to only ewelle Ltd., 1 792 t , - I to be completed by FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS God pve uq,the strength, to take paws. 1). 8. Farm Stock F6r Sale . It is not possible for us o 14mch, counter on. the gymind' , September 27, 1963, Plan, pro- Phones: it, ULEIV� , EN * ;, 8 weeks ,61d. To divulge the name or Ad. p.m. .. TRRYS.—Cash on dAv of sAilic, file, etc., may be seen at my Res. 595-W — Store 43 And the courage. 6 bear the Mr. and Mrs. Ilichard Tate l Doug Hugj,�,`g' 2, See&rth . dress of any Advertiser NO WIre fell(*1111, old concrete, Nao reservo, ac farm,fq,mM. office. — and Mr. Joe McMann, Detroit, I , Bit # .1 � 11h Hu 2 7M. 8- using a Huron Expositor or car booi peirmaked. , T111" -T M,,T.r,'R;'RV,CWr, pro,i), � W. J. -CLEARY B blow . with Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Not. , _!N* "XI . ' 'It *hAt ft me -ant to -lose you , ELEVEN' p4gs: , — ,11 , box number. Please do not MANICLTV DUUOX. Auctioneer J. M. ECKERT Clerk, Seaforth Ontario dad, land. ELF, 6 -to T yefts; @M. i. 1. MeDMM, bia,T StrootforA. ;ft -W.4 or Seb- Township of A601 LICrEwsmi im . I =Hoothaert, UR 2, s6a� Ask for *16 111formotion. � - Clerk bp ALMEIR, No one will ever know. Miss Marilyn Donnelly, Gode. I i pitons = 2-7=1 84W �Ip.wj''-�'o.;­ 11 I �'. Wk- � . 19.7m I tingv011e, 392-$%r RA 1, Seaforth, Ont. and FUNERAL DUMICTOR --Sadly nidsved by I& WM rich, with Mr. and Mm Joseph - �� . 90-"-1 2i,.79.i Night or' Day Calls — 335 end Family. . 25�78xl Donnelly, ,­ .11 . o . . . ly I I • . I I q i ,