HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-07-11, Page 12„�.,
HURQIY F.�i'QSrTQII; SFArAR, QNT., a Y tx, 1963
A miscellaneous shower in
honor of Miss Beatrice Maloney,
whose marriage to Carman John
Fadden is an event of July 20,
was held at the home. of Mrs.
Wilfred Maloney recently, spon-
sQred by Miss Ducharme and
111iss McKinnon. About fifty
friends and relatives assembled
to extend felicitations to the
prospective bride.
An address was read and the
guest of honor was assisted in
opening numerous and useful
gifts of china and linen. A so-
cial hour was spent in playing
games, and a delicious lunch
was served by the sponsors and
their assistants.
Mr. and Mrs. Len Steinbach
and Rita, •London, with Mrs.
Kathleen Feeney.
Rev. Arthur Looby, C.S.B., of
Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cur-
ran, Montreal, and Mrs. Clar-
ence Trott, Clinton, with Mrs.
A. M. Looby.
Mr. Peter Eckert, Timmins ;
Bill Eckert, Toronto, and Mrs.
Ron Firmi, Rhonda and Karen,
of Hagersville, with Mr. and
Mrs.'George Coville. Mrs. Geo.
Coville returned to Timmins
with• Mr. Peter Eckert.
Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher,
Seaforth, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maloney
spent the weekend in Kitchen-
Miss Marie Krauskopf, Hamil-
ton, with her mother, Mrs. Cath-
erine Krauskopf.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butters,
Betty Ann, Gordon and Billie,
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald flutters,
St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. John
Morris, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Butters, London, attended the
Butters-McGilvery wedding at
Long Sault, Ont., Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Morri-
son, Kitchener, with Mr. and
Mrs. James Morrison.
Mrs. Frank Haines, Clinton,
with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kelly.
Mrs. Kahue, of Chatham, with
Mrs. Alice Coyne.
• Mrs. William Lane of London
with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Klink-
Miss Joanne Stapleton is
spending July and 'August at
Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Close' and
Miss Constance Rudolph of Wa-
terloo were weekend guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Norman MacLean,,
and attended on Sunday the un-
veiling of the plaque honoring
Col. Anthony Van Egmond, er-
ected by Historic Sites Board,
Ontario Department of Travel
and Publicity.
Mrs. Thomas Barton of Lis-
towel visited with her daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Strong.
Mr. and Mrs. William Brad-
shaw of London visited last
Thursday with Mrs. R. Dal-
Mrs. David McLean is at pres-
ent in Scott Memorial Hospital.
Mr. R. Stevens, who has been
visiting at Waterloo for the
past two weeks, has returned
News of Staffa
Institute Holds
Annual Picnic
For School Kids
Property Changes
Joseph McConnell, realtor, re-
ports the sale of the former
F. Wigg property on Goderich
Street, to G. S. Moggash, Ridge -
town, by Mr. and Mrs. A. W1 -
cox, Don Mills.
The” Staffa Women's Institute
held <; a picnic for the children
on the church lawns on Wednes-
day afternoon with 32 present.
A, short business meeting was
held at which time invitations
were accepted to attend a pic-
nic in Walton July 24, and at
Bornholm on August 28. • The
bus trip to Sharon and the trip
to the Shakespearian Festival
were discussed.
Mrs. Russell. Worden gave a -
report on the district annual,
and Mrs. Cecil Bowman and
Miss Vera Hambley - gave their
impressions of their afternoon
at the ACWW conference in
Mrs. John Miller and Mrs.
Gerald Agar -were in charge , of
recreation and had several re-
lays for all. Sind races and can-
dy scramble for' the children.
A bountiful picnic lunch was
enjoyed at the close.
Results of races: Girls six
and under, Elizabeth Temple-
man; boys, six and under, Dav-
id Templeman; girls, six to
nine, Geraldine Templeman;,
boys, six to nine, Richard.. Brait;
girls, nine to 12, Fay Temple-
man; girls, 12 and over, Mar-
garet Worden.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Balfour,
Jayne and Janice, from Sault
'Ste. Marie, have been visiting
relatives in the community.
Misses Bonnie Miller and Jo-
anne Templeman enjoyed a 4-
H bus trip to the OAC, Guelph,
on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs: Robert Duncan,
Exeter, visited on Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman
and family.
Mrs. Ross Smale is a patient
in Scott Memorial Hospital,
Recent visitors with Miss Mar-
garet and James Miller were
Mrs. Lizzie Campbell and Bella,
Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. El-
. drid McNicol and Bob and Mr.
George Miller, London.
Mrs, Jim Lyall and Nancy, of
Agincourt, are visiting with
Mrs. Lyall's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Norris.
Mr. and Mrs Oscar Gutmann
and son, of Burlington, visited
recently with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Miller and family.
Mr. and Mrs. John Temple-
man and family visited Sunday
with Mr. James Bell, Shake-
Visiting over the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Norris
were Mr. James Norris and
' Judith, Frampton, and Eric
Norris, OAC, Guelph.
A family gathering was held
Saturday evening at the home
of Mr` and. Mrs. Norman now
10 honer Mr, and Mrs. Tom.
CelquIiotti4 011 their 55th wed
ding anttive>iarY
Mr. and Mrs. John Lunn„ of
Buffalo, N.Y., and Mr. Lloyd
Colquhoun, Mitchell, visited on
Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Scott.
Mrs. Filmer Chappel spent
the weekend at -Brantford at
the homes of Mrs. Jack Roy -
craft and Mrs. Clarence McCaw.
Mrs. Alex Gardiner attended
the Doerr reunion at Breslau
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dow and
family, Mr and Mrs. Gordon
Scott, and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Reg Finlayson and baby, Mr.
and Mrs. Carlyle Meikle and
Barbara, Mrs. Sadie Scott and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pridham
and family were guests at the
silver wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Colquhoun,
which was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dow on
Saturday night.
Mrs. Addie Speare and son,
Barry, and Mr. and Mrs. Ger-
sham Speare of Toronto, who
were guests at the Taylor -Mc-
Donald wedding in Mitchell on
Saturday, spent the weekend
with Miss Olive Speare. Miss
Speare was also a guest at the
Guests at a McPhail family
reunion, held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross McPhail on
Sunday,, included: Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Taylor.. and family from
Realto, California; Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Dow and family, Staf-
fa; Mr. and Mrs. Don !locking
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hec-
tor McPhail, Mitchell, and Mr.
Darwin McPhail, from Newmar-
Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilds and
family of Dash*ood visited on
Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Nelson Howe.
Miss Sharon, Cadick, London,
is holidaying ' with her uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John
Wallace, and other relatives.
Miss Linda Currie,, Dorches-
ter, is holidaying with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ot-
to Walker. "
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing,
Lorraine and David and Peter,
visited Sunday with Mrs. Laing's
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
James Leddy of Auburn.
Mr. and Mrs. William Chessell
and family, Stratford, and Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfred Chessell, Mit-
chell, -visited on Saturday eve-
ning with Mr. and Mrs. John
The annual vacation Bible
school opened in Cromarty
Church on Monday with an at-
tendance°of 105.
THE CEREMONIES in connection with the unveiling of a plaque honoring Col. Van
Egmond on Sunday were arranged by the Seaforth Women's Institute. Shown here
with the plaque as a background are a number of the Institute members who were ac-
tive in the project. They are: (left to right), Mrs. R. J. Doig, Mrs. George Wilson of
Kirkton, Mrs. L. Strong, Mrs. John E. McLean, Mrs. W. Coleman, Mrs. J. R. Futcher,
St. Thomas; Mrs. John Hillebrecht, Mrs. Rita Orr, Mrs. John McGregor, Mrs. Gordon
McKenzie. Kathy Coleman holds the bouquet of flowers.
News of Kippen
Trousseau Tea
For Bride -Elect
A trousseau tea was held at
the home of Mrs. Clarence
Priestap, daughter orMr. Robt.
Thomson of this village, for her
daughter, Joyce, whose mar-
riage took place June 29. The
house. was decorated in yellow,
lilac and pink to match the bri-
dal attendants' costumes.
In the afternoon pouring tea
were Mrs. Joe French, Mrs.
Reavers Baxter and Miss Myrna
Stoneman. Serving sandwiches,
cookies and other dainties were
Kathy Eidt, Joyce Mielke, Mrs.
John Schneider, Mrs. Ivan Nor-
ris, Helen Anne Heckman, Liz
Simpson and Fanny Murray. In
the evening were the bride's
aunts, Mrs. Robert Stokes, Lon-
don, and Mrs. Bert Thomson,
Kippen, also Mrs. George Schutt
of Mitchell. Serving sandwiches
and dainties were Rosemary
Steinbach, Patricia Reaney, Mrs.
Gordon Clarke, Mrs. Arnold
Roney and Mrs. Anne Simpson.
Mrs. Priestap and Joyce re-
ceived the guests at the door.
They were escorted to the wed-
ding gjft room which was in
charge of Beryl Priestap, -by
Eleanor Marshall and Yvon-
ne Barnstaple (roommates of
Joyce). From the gift room they
went into the room containing
kitchen and bathroom equip-
ment. This was in charge 'of
the bridesmaid, Gloria Pries -
tap. From here they were es-
corted to the room containing
bedroom accessories, silver and
wedding clothes. This was in
charge of Audrey Elaine Vors-
tenbosch, maid of honor and
sister of the bride. Following
this they went to the room con-
taining Joyce's bedroom suite
and gifts received that day,
which was in charge of Eliza-
beth Simpson, another room-
mate of, Joyce's, and Dorothy
A lunch of sandwiches and
dainties was served from a'• lace -
covered tablecloth, centered by
pink and yellow roses.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cooper
and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mc-
Bride visited .over the holiday
with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love
of Caro, Mich.
Sympathy is extended- to -Mr.i
and Mrs. Orville Workman in
the passing of her mother, the
late Mrs. Clarissa Thompson, of
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Storey, Sea -
forth, visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Thomson and
WMS Meets'
The. July meeting of the Wo-
men's Missionary Society was
held at the home of Mrs. M.
Lamond with Mrs. Grace Scott
presiding, and opening with a
poem. 'Hymn 645 was sung, fol-
lowed with scripture reading
and prayer by Mrs. Scott. A
period of Bible study -was led
by Rev. J. C. Boyne. Mrs.' Wm.
Harper reviewed a portion of
the study book on Taiwan.
"Courage" was the roll call top-
ic, which was answered by eight
Reports Were given by the
secretary and the treasurer, and
the president, Mrs. C. McKaig,
conducted the business period.
The offering was received and
Mrs. Sadie Scott led in the Glad
Tidings Prayer. A topic pre-
pared by Mrs. E. Moore was
read by Mrs. T. L. Scott; Mrs.
Lamond read highlights from
the Glad Tidings.
The meeting closed with
Hymn 649 and the Lord's Pray-
er in unison Lunch was serv-
ed by the hostess, assisted by
Mrs. McKaig and Mrs. Harper.
don't have dimensions written
on them, suggest food experts
at Macdonald Institute, Guelph.
14y marking the sizes on the bot-
toms of tbe pans with red nett
polish, guesswork will be elim'
Chester Crich:
"The community was sadden-
ed. Thursday morning to learn
of the passing of ,Charles Ches-
ter Crich, aged 76 years, who
passed away the previous eve-
ning in Winnipeg General Hos-
pital June 26, where he had
been a patient for only two
days, although Mr. Crich had
been in failing health for the
last number of years.
There passed away suddenly
in Victoria Hospital, London,
Sunday afternoon, June 23, at
3 o'clock, Aletcene. Evelyn Wil-
liamson, at the age of 15 years.
Born in Seaforth, she attend-
ed SS No. 12, Grey, and , Sea -
forth District High Schgol. She
was a member. of Duff's United
Church, Walton, and also be-
longing to the CGIT and Young
People's Groups. She took an
active part in baseball and oth-
er sports which she enjoyed im-
She is survived by her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wil-
liamson, RR No. 3, Walton, 2nd
three brothers, Ronald of Mc-
Killop, Kenneth ' and Gerald at
home; her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Watson, reside
at Moose Jaw, Sask.
A largely attended funeral
was held Thursday, June 27, at
2 o'clock from the D. A. Rann
Funeral Home, . Brussels, and
burial followed in Brussels cem-
etery. Rev. Higginbotham of
Duff's United Church, Walton,
officiated. Pallbearers were Al-
lan and Larry Johnston, Alexan-
der Gulutzen, a Bob Humphries
and Donald and Barry Nolan.
Flowerbearers were Irene John-
stone, Barbara Nott, Elizabeth
Carter and Audrey McMichael.
a spare -moment, take a
and measure those stray
pans and pie plates that
the ',Mt :time yoit' bake,
"„•r'"''w�"•'�"��`'="*.,�rfifl"rti'�{i'i�'�1""i1�f`>i�.;noir..ar:tr:-:r"�frr�E'v;"'1�i(ln'!`n�tX W,�F
"Chester Crich, son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. John Crich,
was born in Seaforth, Ont., on
July 30, 1886, the second young-
est child in a family of nine.
He was the last surviving mem-
ber of five brothers.
"Learning the baking busi-
ness fro man older brother, Wil-
liam, in Seaforth, Mr. Crich
came west in 1916, and opened
up his own bakery: in Macklin,
Sask. That same year he mar-
ried Margaret Brunsdon of
"The following year, 1917, the
bakery and four other places
of business were destroyed by
fire. In October, 1917, Mr. and
Mrs. Crich came to Carberry,
where they purchased the bak-
ery from a Mr. Morrison.
"Mr." Crich's wife, Margaret,
passed away in February, 1920.
His sister, Miss- Beryl, who had
come west for a visit, while her
brother was in business at
Macklin, resided .with Chester.
and his wife, and was employed
in the bakery, later com-
ing to Carberry. Following Mrs.
Crich's death, a brother, John,
who had been with the Inter-
national Harvester Company in
Saskatchewan, joined his broth-
er and sister in Carberry.
"Crich's Bakery and coffee
shop operated by Chester, John
and Beryl, became a familiar
meeting place for `folks for 45
years • until their retirement in
May, 1961.
"Mr, Crich was a member of
the, Oddfellows, Masonic and
LOL Lodges. Besides his wife,
he was predeceased by three
members of his family, as well
as brother John on March 11,
1962, and a sister, Mrs. C. Glew,
Seaforth, Ont., on March 9,
"Surviving are three sisters,
Miss Beryl, Carberry, Mrs. H.
The Carberry News -Express,
Manitoba,, in a recent issue re-
fers to the death of Charles
Miss Margaret Jean Broadfoot
is a patient in Clinton Public
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McBride
entertained Sunday in honor of
Bradley, who was -one year old,
and for the latter's mother, Mrs.
Orrin Dowson, of Varna.
Mr. W. R. Cooper visited Sun-
day with his daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gorden
Harkness of Parkhill.
A reunion picnic was held
Sunday by the Cooper families
at Riverview Park, Exeter.
The UCW of St. Andrew's
United Church held a most suc-
cessful ham and strawberry
supper on Wednesday, July 3,
realizing the sum of $235. So-
cial convener was Mrs. Bert
Faber; ham committee, Mrs.
Bell, Mrs. Hugh Hendrick, Mrs.
Harold Jones; assisted by unit
leaders, Mrs. Ralph Turner,
Mrs. Ross Broadfoot and Mrs.
Alex McMurtrie.
The UCW and congregational
picnic of St. Andrew's Church,
Kippen, will be held at Lions
Park, Seaforth, on -Tuesday, July
16'. Supper will be served at
5:45 and sports will 'follow im-
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones
and sons visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mit. Roy McBride, of
near Blake.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, of
Caro, Mich,, were weekend visi.
tors With lvit, and Mrs,E. Mc-
Bride and other relatives,
Mrs. Alex Wight, Mr. and
Mrs: W. H. El iett and Mrs.
Alex Lamont light,
spending a
week in Owen Sound.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCon-
nell were in Ottawa last week,
where Mrs. McConnell was a
delegate to the annual confer -
env' of the Catholic Women's
Mr. and Mrs. August Kraus-
kopf and son, Francis, and Mrs.
Bertha Krauskopf, from Morin•
ville, Alta., and Mrs. James Mc-
Laughlin, from Vermilion, Al-
berta, are visiting Mrs. M.
Beige, Seaforth, and Mrs. Eliza-
beth Nolan, RR 1, Dublin. It
is Mrs. McLaughlin's first visit
in 27 years. Miss Clara Kraus-
kopf of Detroit is also visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Van Eg-
mond and Mr. and Mrs. John
Van . Egmond of Clinton, and
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Goven-
lock and Neil Govenlock at-
tended the Col. Anthony Van
Egmond unveiling ceremony.
Mr. W. Van Egmond and Mr.
Thomas Govenlock are great-
grandsons of the colonel.
Hibbert Refers
Drain Report
At the regular meeting of
Hibbert Council held July 1,
the Statton Municipal Drain re-
port was referred back to the
Engineer, S. W. Archibald, 0.
L.S., with the recommendation
that the lower end of the drain
be located along Nelson Street,
rather than half way between
Nelson and Ann Streets in the
Police Village of Dublin, and
the new report to be read on
Monday, July 15, at 9 p.m., D.
S.T., at the Township Hall, Staf-
A bylaw was passed adopting
the 1962 assessments of $2,552,-
632.00, on which the 1963 tax
rates will be levied.
Thetreasurer was instructed
to notify all ratepayers on the
Marsales Municipal Drain that
payments will be accepted on
or before the 31st day of July,
The next regular meeting of
council will be held at Staffa
on Tuesday, August 6th, at 8
Phone 855 R 2 — Seaforth
Made from Western Grain
Reasonable Prices on Truck Load Lots of
Western grain
Hog Feeders and Poultry Feeders
Full line of Whitmoyer Medications
FUL-TON FEEDS -•--Manufactured by High
Energy Mills, Newmarket
Two Mobile Units To Serve You
ED. DOLAIA,tlyroprietor
Fowler, Lucknow, Ont., and
Mrs. J. A. Callander, Hartney,
and a number of nephews and
nieces in Ontario and Manitoba.
"The funeral service was held
Saturday, 'June 29, at 2 p.m.,
in the United Church. Rev. W.
C. Waddell officiated and Mrs.
W. N. Balfour presided at the
organ, with a full choir in at-
tendance. Burial was made in
the Carberry cemetery.'i
Mrs. D. J. Heard, immediate.
past president of St. John
Chrysostom Council, has been
named regional chairman of
' ork County Region of the
Catholic Women's League, To-
ronto Archdiocese. Mrs. Heard
is a daughter of Mrs. John J.
Holland of Seaforth.
Misses Dolores Behnke and
Mary O'Reilly have returned to
Chicago after spending two
weeks' vacation with Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Devereaux.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grieve,
Susan and Bobbie Grieve and
Kenneth Waterman of Windsor
are visiting at the home of
Mr. Thomas Grieve.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Caldwell,
Bonnie and Jime, Moose Jaw,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Sproat last week.
Mr. and Mrs. James' Eckert
and family of Niagara Fall's and
Mr. and Mrs. Al Eckert and
family of Fort Wayne visited
last week with -their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert.
Miss Angela Devereaux is
holidaying this week in Detroit
with Miss Pam Tabor.,
Mr. Gordon Rennie of Sund-
ridge, who is taking a summer
course at U.W.O., London, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
M. R. Rennie. -
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hart
spent the weekend in Cornwall
and attended 'the McGillvery-
Butters wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Galligan
and family -have returned to
Chicago after visiting Messrs.
Ken and Joe Murray of McKil-
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stew-
art motored to Montreal last
week, where their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. And Mrs.
J. Douglas Stewart, sailed for
England, where he will study
for his master's degree at the
University of London, England.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hod $rt
and Margaret, Tommie and
Mary of Milwaukee, Wis., ere
visiting relatives here.
Unveil Plaque
(Continued from Page 1)
man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Coleman, presented a
bouquet to Miss Rudolph fol-
lowing the unveiling.
Nelson Canino represented
Seaforth Council in place of
Mayor Earl Dinsmore.
A. Y. McLean chaired the un-
veiling ceremonies, which were
attended by many of Col. Van
Egmond's descendants through-
out the district.
The inscription on the plaque
reads: "Colonel Anthony Van
Egmond, 1778-1838: A native of
Holland and veteran of the Na-
poleonic Wars, Van Egmond set-
tled in this region in 1828. Un-
der the general supervision of
Dr. William "Tiger" Dunlop, he
constructed the newly -surveyed
Huron Road for the Canada
Company. A large landowner
in the Huron Tract, Van ',Eg-
mond became strongly dissatis-
fied with the Company's policies
and in 1835 stood, unsuccessful-
ly, as a Reform candidate for
election to the provincial legis-
lature. A supporter of William
Lyon Mackenzie, he command-
ed the rebel force during the
skirmish at Montgomery's Tav-
ern, December 7, 1837, and was
imprisoned in Toronto follow-
ing its defeat. The following
month he 'died while awaiting
trial, and is buried in Egmond-
Recount Alters
Hensall Vote
A recount of the votes which
on June 26 turned down sale of
beer to men only in Hensall,
has reversed the decision as an-
nounced on voting day.
The recount,; conducted by
Huron Judge Frank Fingland on
Wednesday, resulted in 61.1%.
of the ballots being found to
favor men's beverage rooms,
There was no change in the re -
results for women'sbeverage
rooms, according to clerk.,,,Earl
Injured, Haying
Alvin McDonald, Grey Town-
ship, is in satisfactory condition
in Wingham Hospital after fall-
ing off a load of hay on his farm
and injuring his back last
Mrs. I. Morrey, hospital su-
perintendent, said X-rays have
been taken of his spine and pel'
vis and a small compression
fracture is suspected. Mrs. Mc-
Donald is the former Vera Mole
of Seaforth.
Round Bone
Red Brand—Lean Well Trimmed
Table -Rite Rindless
SIDE BACON Ib. 69c •
Table -Rite Sliced
Sunkist — 6 oz. -Tins
8 for $1.00
Lak Pac-12-oz. pkg.
Sno Crop -9 -oz. pkgs
2 for 37c
Save By the Case!
Cases of 24 Pkgs.
Ib. 39c
No. 1 California Choice
3 Dozen, size 163's 99c
2 Doien, size 138's 99c
"No. 1 Ontario
No. 1 Yellow Ripe
BANANAS 2 lbs. 29c
No. 1 Ontario Grown
Snowhite Heads — Size
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Weston's Frost
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Golden Pound
CAKE ea. 39c
For More Fun
Under the Sun—
Wherever You
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ORANGE DRINK ..64 -oz. Jug 49c
Del Monte Pineapple -Grapefruit
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Libby's — 15 -oz. Tins
FRUIT COCKTAILS .. 2 for 49c
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PEACHES ... Quart 25c
An Exclusive Offer from IGA jo
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St. Lawrence
Red Rose
25 -oz. Tin 59c
Pkg. of 60 79c
Libby's — 15 -oz. Tin
2 for 33c
Mcl,aren's — 12 -oz. Jars
Corn - Hot Dog - Hamburg - Sweet
RELISHES 4 for 99c
15c Off
OMO Giant Size Pkg. 69c
SUGAR CRISPS 8!/2 -oz. Pkg. 29c
Post — 10 -oz. Pkgs.
CRITTERS 2 for 69c
Weston's Summertime Trio
Assorted — 1 -Ib. Pkgs.
BISCUITS _ 3 for 95c