HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-07-11, Page 11a J M0 9 M 0 fl 10 A auRom, ExPoqn?.R, szArm JULY all, an -1f • USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS YORKSHIRE kFSale15Prope�y�For Rent 20. AuctionSales 2.Tsanted 23. BusineSp Directory 30. TATO YOUR ADVANTAGE boar, 2 years old. APARTMEMnt, in Eg- AUCTION SALE Trade In 1956, 10W Clievroaet, SEAFORF mom - 1. Coming Events Ross McGregor, RR 2, Sea, I�on vi e 'avallablle 4mrnedlatA-, Auction wilh dump box, V pliough and -Awnti ay? Sale of present Fire._§�,ftcuel pdylq al I& 09-Y'Wits Voroiit� *41 Phone Seaf0vth. U-784 hall wil be held in, Village of wiTneg;ider '�or D 2. Lost, Strayed forth, Vhone NS R� 2. 8-7&d n 3, VETERINARY Mrs 40k No one, knows 3. Found ins, spoclAcations CLINIC 00ir'br%fie.r, 11%47. TWO registered Herefard bulls. TW044edroom apartment. Ap. Brucefield, on THURS., JULY Aches, E. )D � j6gel' Ali" 'X' Ogeli 41.4, 4. Help Wanted Joe Hastings, lot 25, con. 7, Ply Joseph Ruell, RR 2, Sea. 16, 1M, at 8:30 p..m. presMA. and envelopes may be obtained J. 0. Turnbull, D.V, V.S. 5. Business Opportunities H1,bbert. 8-7-8-1 forth, phone 3N -J. 15-78-1 building must be torn down and 4, from the Road $k*nntenUent, W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S, Only tbose who h4ve loved con other 6. Teachers Wanted North removed by August .8, 1M. Varna, Out, D. E. Galt, D.V.M., V.S. teal - - a few, 44,yf4 7. Situations Wanted ONE purebred, Hereford bull, TWO apartmewsi, one The lowest or any tender not T416 grief we bear M1, s"WA0, a No Reserve, Terms Cash,. Phone 105 sealgrth, is etre .d 13 months old. Jack Lane, RR 5, Main, heated with oil; one RAIL, . necessarily accepted. For the 9ne five Paved iso Well,' GleAdA 8. Farm Stock For Sale Harold Jackson, Auctioneer Always; remembered by 901e, log sum Seaforth, phone 107 R 1q, Dub- way St., heated with gas. Carl JOHN E. LONGSTAFF ��,Ia and Oil *I&A pd miss ie�a M k Poultry For Sale -in. 20 -TS -2 WELJJAU TAYLOR 4044 10. Used Cars For Sale 1 8-78-1 Dalton, Seafomth, phone So. 7,7x2 0 Optometrist, optical services, oto it CLEARING Road, Superintendent ung Summer school in 1, ,.,T . W 11. Articles For Sale TWO bedroom apartment, awfiL Varna, Ont. Goderich St. West. Tuesday to While Clare'Fiepqh. Is, I- telgcl 12. Wanted To Buy 10. Used Cars For Sale able Aug, 1st, heat and hydro AUCTION SALE 21,78�1 Saturday, 9-5:30, except Wed - Ing summer school ,ino. 13. Wanted 1954 Chev. coach, in good con- supplied, J. C. Crich, Seaforth. Clear Auction, Sale of Farm n6sday-Thursday evening by ap. ]MiKLE—At Stratford Geller- They are all t;lgtOg spO 14. Property For Sale 1&7w Stock tng Machinery, at Lot 15, pointment, Phone 791 Sea. al Hospital, on July dition. Phone 468-M, Seafarth. -1 TENDERS WANTED 91 to Mr. courses. j 15. Property For Rent Con. 6, Morris Township, 1YA forth. Monday, Clinton Medi- and Mrs. Ron Bink] SPA 16. For Sale or Rent 1958 Oldsmobile Super 88, forth, a som Mr. Fred- Herbert ;atfdoded_ Phone 18. Property Wanted milesf South. and 4 miles West Sealed Tenders WM be re,_ cal Centre. the marriage of hip 17. Wanted To Rent door, excellent condi — of Brussels, on WEDNESDAY, , 534. ceived by Stanley Township GOFF—At Sarnia General Hos- 18. Property Wanted 10-79-1 THREE or fouIr bedroom house JULY 24th, at 12 p.m. Dr. M. R. BuljubaS!C pital, on, June Z6, to Glenn Martin' He*,Wrt, to, Jane Clar)r, eaforth. In, reply indicate CATTLE -10 registered young School Area Board, for decor- and Jean Goff, (nee McAlhs�. at Toronto, I a I and also acppM­0,04� 19. -Notices 1955 Chev. truck, 2V2 -tons in S attaig the interior of SS No. 14, Dentist P location and price. Box Mi, Jersey cows, fresh in March ter), a son, a brother Oc& ied Mr. =4, JO,hiA. Herm rt 20. Auction Sales d running shape, good rub- Stanley. Tenders to be in the Graduate of the Faculty of 21. Tenders Wanted toe,. Also steel box, 12 ft. long, Huron Expositor. 1&7&d and April, rebred; 5 registered hands of the Secretary-Treagur- Dentistry., University of Toronto Brenda. of Ingersoll 4o Montreal for. a 22. Legal Notices with 3 -ft. sides, Ed Andrews Jersey heifers, 1 year Old; 3 er by July 20th, AM. successor to Dr, J. A. Munn, HUYBEN—At Scott Memorial holiday and visited Mrs. Albert. 23. Business Directory phone 863 w 1, Seaforth. io_78.1 19. Notices Jersey heifer calves; 5 Jersey For further information con- office John St., Seaforth Hospita4, on July 7, to Mr. and Herbert.' 24. Cards of Thanks sheer cales; 7 Durham and tact Mr. Hugh. Hendrick,' Kip- Phone 151. Mrs. Peter Huyben, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs, M. Messer - 24. I wanted. Custom Hereford cows with calves 3 to en Ont 110 a daughter. sclunidt of Sebringville visited 25. In Memoriam 11. Articles ForSalecorfibiluing, 12 -ft. combine, Ad- 400 tbs.; 7 Durham and Here- P a McCONNELL KEIRSLAIff—At 26. Personals Lowest or any Tender not nec- St. JOMPh's with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ben- PIANO, upright, in good condi- equipped A. R., Davidson, ford steers, 800 lbs. essarily accepted, Hospital, London, on June 26, newies recently. The cost is low. Classifications tion. Any reasonable, offer ow� Seaforth. phone 667 W 3.-19-78-2 MkCHlNERY­*.D. 9 Me- & STEWART ck tractor with, chains, Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kers- Miss 'Rose Eva Buupk has 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and sidered. Phone 534. 11-78.1 PROMPT watch, repair service Corni4 A. J. MUSTARD, lake, London, a, son, Michael at Savauge's, (opposite post good condition.; 'H McCormick Secretary-Trealsurer, P. D McCONNELL, Q.C. 17, 'minimum 40c an insertion. M 0 F F A T 4,burner rn;a1l; , 10 -ft. M-cCor- D. I. STEWART William, a grandson for MT. been holidaying at Cornwall. Classification 25, minimum 65c 'electric Office) 2 certified watblimak- tractor, Far Varna, Ontario. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake. Miss Joan Muegge attended range, in good condition. Phone 9 tooth. cultiveW, 21-77 - M plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. Seaforth, 855 R 12. ens. Automatics a specialty. mick sprin _2 Seaforth, Ont. Phone 550 acMILLAN—At Scott Mem, the Luther League convention All other classifications, mini- 19 77 new); 15 disc power fer- 11-78-1 A. W. SILLkRY orial Hospital, on July 4, to at Ainprior. mum 65 cents per insertion, HOSPITAL bed, white- high. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED tilizer drill; manure loader; TENDERS Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Mr,. and Mrs. Bruce MacMU,- Misses' Wendy and Terri Mogk_ except Auction. Sales -(20), Ten- back, drain board kitchen sink. comlllet6 circular saw, on rub- Ian, Seaforth, twins; a, son of St. Thomas have been boli- Phone Modern, equipment used. All I 'one 25,. 11-78-1 ber;_ post hole digger;'Mccor- Township of McKillop Phones: Office 173, Res. 781 ders Wanted (21), and Legal SIEVEN-foot Massey-HaTris work guaranteed. rick land packer, (new); Me- Seaforth Ontario and -daughter, Janice Anett& daying with their grandparents, Notices (22), rates on applica- binder, like, now condition. W. A. Write or phone Cormick power manure spread- Sealed Tenders will be re- and William Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. George Mogk. tion. Haney, phone 603 J 1, Seeforth. LOUIS BLAKE W er; Richardson heavy-duty snow ceived by the undersigned, un, D. H. McINNES STE. MARIE—At Scott Memor- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice For cash payment or if paid I RR 2, Brussels, phone 442 iak Hospital, on July 9 to'Mr. and Beverley accompanied Mr. 11-77-2 blower- McCormick hay baler, til 6 p.m., July, 13th, 1963, to Chiropractic 19-62x2O I and Mrs. Robert Ste. Marie, by 10 days following last inser. FOR SALE­LTrade in your old with motor; McCormick trailer; supply and deliver 3,000 yards, Commercial Hotel daughter. tion, 15 CENTS deducted from LE for custom com- 7 -ft. mower; MeCormi& side more or io�g� of pit -run gravel, Monday, Thursday -1 to 8 p.m RR 3, Seaforth, a and Mrs. Edgar Elligsexi, Ji4_ shaver now, low prices at btning, grain, beaus or com, rake; McCormick 4_ju1.T0,w plow, backfill for the Scott and Horan, STEPHENSON — At St. Louis eine, Margaret and John to, above rates. Savauge's, opposite Post Office- Recently purchased a new on rubber; McCormick 2 and 3 cidverts, under the direction of BOX Marie de Montfort Hospital, Elmwood on Sunday and visited:. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED 11-77tf Gleaner combine, Alex Mae- furrow plow, on, rubber; Me. Road Superintendent. rNv Ottawa, on June 27, to tl)on�- Rev. and Airs. Edgar Fischer. RATES BORDER Collie pups, 2months Beth phone 347 J 2, Hensalli, Cormick disc harrow, on, rubber Certified' cheque of $50.00 .to FUNERAL SERVICE ald and Ingrid Stephenson, a Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens,. (For Business Firms, Trades- old. Gordon, BlalichaTd, RR 4, 1 19-78-2 (new).; - 2 -unit Surge milking accompany tender. All tenders R. S. BOX daughter. Kenneth, Robert and Miss San 9 LICENSED EMBALMER men, etc.): Minimum, 50 cents Walton, phone 7,59 W 2, Sea- WEATHER permitting, rasp- machine,' (8, old); grain subject to the approval of the p dra with Mr. and Mrs. Don Ab - forth prompt and careful attention 1,1-78xl Engagements rens at their summer home at ,.per insertion. - 'Billing charge, 15 berries will be available daily thrower; weed sprayer, with Department of Highways. Hospital Bed cents per advertisement. NASSEY Clipper combine, with fmim our refrigerated.. mom, 200 gal. tank, with motor; 1951 Tender forms available at FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS Mr. and Mrs. Moody Holland, pick-up. Joseph B. Martin, RR (blue building), starting approx. Chevrolet truck, with, stock Road Superintendent's Office, Phones: Blyth, Ontario, wish to announce Mr. and W8. Douglas Aitche- 1. Coming Events 3, Brussels, Phone 355 W 13. - imatel�y July 20. Moore7s, Poultry rack; r rubber fired wagons, WILSON LITTLE Res. 595-W — Store 43 the engagement of their elder son, Rock and Ann of Niagara - 11-78X2 Farm., phone 600 J 3, Seaforth. with 16 -ft. hay rack; 2441ich daughter, Barbara Joan, to Mr. Falls with her parents, Mr. and CRICK Reunion to be held at DINING roam suite, )—pi—eces-, 19-77-3 chain, slaw; 5 section diamond Road Superintendent J. A. BURKE Larry Benjamin Waish, son, of Mrs. Edwin Rock. Godevileo Harbour Park, Wed., wa-lnut, made by MeLagan. In harrows; 7 -ft. Massey McKillop Township Funeral Director Mr. and Mrs. Benjanim, Walsh Mrs..John Ihnz, Sr., of Seb. July W., 1-78xi excellent condition,, reasonlble: CUSTOM COMBINING binder; 40 -ft, extension ladder; RR 1, Seaforth 21-77-2 and Ambulance Service Blyth, Ontario, the meddlng't; ringville, with her daughter, SEAFOR,TH W.I. bus trip, Phone 24, 11-78-1 2000 1b. scales; grain, auger, DUBLIN ONTARIO take place an July 20, at 2.00, Mrs. Lavern Wolfe, and Mr. Thursday, Jully 18ffi. Anyone DINETIVE suite, four chairs and Two self propelled machines with motor; 34 -ft., hay elevator; CORPORATION OF THE Night or Day Calls: j in the Blyth United Church. -1 Wolfe. 1'8 -inch , grain roller; banning Phone 43 R 10 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer wanting to go contact Mrs R table, in very good condition, to serve you; also cartage ar. nilill- Wmber- planks; ceder TOWN of SEAFORTH -Social and Karl entertained Mr. and Doig, or Mrs. Jas. Keys, before buff6t excellent. Phone Varna, ranged for. posts; iron, "'s; .barb wire; G. A. WHITNEY Mrs. Fred Wessman and Mrs. July 13th. HU, 2-91611. 11r78xl emery, with motor; cattle de- TENDERS FOR Mrs. Moody Rolland, Blyth Ont TIMEX watches for ,boys and FUNERAL HOME is having, a trousseau tea, irj� Marie Wassman -of Toronto this girls, $7.95 up. La LYLE MONTGOMERY, horner; hydraulic jacks; I H.P, I ROAD CONSTRUCTION weekend and were accompanied 4. Help Wanted Lar selection. RR 3, Clinton. motor; -- machine tools of all Goderich St., W. Seaforth honor of her daughter, Barbara _ Anstett Jewellers Ltd., Seaforth. Phone HU 9-i:il. kinds; ebtains.; forks; shovels; SEALED TENDERS, plainly AMBULANCE SERVICE Jean, on Saturday, July 13 by them to visit Mrs. Marie RASPBERRY Pickers required, 11-78-2 19-78x3 fence strecher; bag truck, and marked as to contents, will be Adjustable hospital beds from 2 to 4 in the afternoon Pfeifer in Avon Crest Hospital, 'must be at least 15. Female pre- QUANT * 4—nul-m—ed grain and other articles too numerous to received by the Clerk of the for rent. and 7 to 9 in the evening. Every- Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Al- ferred.1 Moore's Poultry Farm, bard maple tops James Amt- FLOWERS FOR EVERY one is invited to attend. .1 fred Francis in Monkton. Mr. phone ri(0 J 3. 11-78-1 NOTICE mention,. CorpoTa-tion of the Town of mann, Walton, RR 2, phone Sea- TERMS—qpsh. Seaforth, until 12-00 o'clock OCCASION and Mrs. Clarence Pfeifer, RR. WINDOW—DOOR­11)1_ N-G forth, 8655 J 2. 11-78. Tuckersmith MRS. EVRIEDE ALCOCK, noon, D.S.T., ont: Phone 119 Seafortu 2, Monkton, visited at the same INSTALLERS NEEDED Perferably with own truck CEDAR posts, all sines; anchor Municipal Dump- 'Proprietor JULY 29, im, W. J. CLEA4Y ZION home on Sunday. posts; 12' braces; steel, posts, 6- Will be open uno further HAROLD JACKSON. Auctioneer for'the reconstruction of High- Flowers were in the chancel Apply Seaforth, Ontario of St. Peters Lutheran Church and V- barb wire; Paige wire, notice on Wednesday and Satur- GEORGE POWELL, Qerk way No. . 8, approximately Miss Alvira' Pepper, Agin - WINTER SEAL WINDOW Ltd., Ki.nbui6 Store, phone 841 R 2, day afternoons, from I to 5:30 20-78-2,.4;700 feet, betwedn, the east- LICENSED EMBALMER court, visited her cousins, Mrs. on Sunday from the funeral of Main St., Seaforth. 4-78-1 Borden Brown. 3-1-77-tf p.m. ern and western limits of the and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Mary Malcolm and Mr. and Mts. Douglas Rohrer, grandson of 21. Tenders Wanted Town of Seaforth. Night or Day Calls — 335 Mr. and Mrs. Orland Rohrer. TRANSISTOR radios, $19.95 and No wire fencing, old concreteGeorge Pepper,, on Thursday. ARE you 11ooking? Fora good- up. Prices inxiIude batteries, or car bodies permitted. The, work includes clearing; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Annis Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy paying part-time job? Avon, of- earphones, leather carrying TENDERSWANTED grubbing: grading; construe- 24. Cards of Thanks and Audry, Joan, Kenneth, and and family attended the Hoegy fers a, marvelous Opportunity- cases, Anstett Jewellers Ltd., J. 1. M.cINTOSH, tion of i6rinsewers:; applying Mr. and Mrs. Ron Williams Kelvin visited her mother, Mrs. reunion at Breslau on Sunday. Write Mrs. M. Millson, 960 Well- Seaforth. 11-78-2 Clerk Sealed Tenders will be re- granular base materials; con- wish- to thank their neighbors, Mary Templeman in Staffs on On Friday evening a ladies' iagton.Rd., S., London, or call 19-77-tf struction. of concrete curb and collect 43MM, between 7 and COSTUME jewellery, necklace&, ceived for suppRying friends and relatives for honor- Sunday. Mrs. Templeman re- shower was held for Miss Bren- and aP' gutter; - construction of con- ing them with a reception, turned with them to spend a da Gollnitz at the Community 8 P.m. 4-7"14WW-W broaches, earlings, bracelets, plying a new aisphalt roof at trete sidewalks; hot -mix pav- Friday, night. It was, deeply -few days. Hall. values t6 -$2.00, to clear only ANSTETT Ss No. 10, Stanley, Tenders to ing; and a-11, other work nedes- appreciated. Ron and Maxine Mrs. Len O'Rourke, Vicky and On Saturday evening the wed - OPENBUSINESS NOW 99c. Anst6tt Jewellers Ltd., be in. the hands of the Secretary - OPEN Seaforth. U-78-2 JEWELLERS Treasurer,-. by July 20th, 1963. sary for a complete job. Williams. 24-78xl Patti visited her parents, Mr. ding reception was held at the in Townships Tuckersmith, Mc- -- Ltd. Plans, Specificationg and My Sincere thanks - ankS 10 all7tlj�S and Killop and Hulett. Trade well. 1960 self propelled 104t. Massey. For further in&rmation, con- Form of Tender may be 'ob- e and Mrs. Herb Britton, on Community Hall for Mr. tact Don Brodie, Brumfield, established. ExcellLeent oppWtunL Ferguson swather for hay or mined at office of the Clerk who sent cards, treats and visit- Thursday. Mrs. Ralph Siemon • (Carol Rob - grain, with starter, lights, hy� Offers you Ontario. f the Town of Soaforth, or at ed me in Clinton Public Hos- Miss' Mary Lannin, daughter ertson)., ity. Full time. Write, Easy Credit Terms Lowest or any Tender not 0 A ladies' shower was held for RAWLEIGIFS draulic ]lifts. J. L. O'Rielly, RR the offices of the Consulting pital. Special thanks to those of Mr. and Mrs. Fergus, Lannin Dept. G -363,M, 4W5 Richelieu, 2, Dublin, -phone 41 R 13, Dub- with necessarily accepted. Engineers in Port Credit for who helped with, the farm left for Bimini Camp on Fri' Mis's Darlene French at the lin. U-78xi NO A. J. MUSTARD, the sum of Twenty Dohars chores and haying. it was, very day, where she'will act as coun- Community Hall on Monday ev- Montreal;. Secretary -Treasurer, ($20.00) -which will, not be re-' much appreciated. Ian Wilbee- senor for the next two weeks. 4m-1 DIONNE threshing machine. Carrying Charges, Verna, Ontario. 24-784 ening. Fully equipped, including drive Phone 77, Seafiith -2 funded. AV. and Mrs. Earl Roney and Over 100 are attending Bible ,FOREMAN belt, like new condition,. Wm. 19-77-ff 21-77 Each tender must be accom- WE wish to express. Our. mncerO, family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert vacation church school at St. Potheringhaim, RR. 3, Seaforth, A NEW KITCHEN , panied by a marked cheque thanks and deep appreciation to Roney and family of Zion vis- Peter's Lutheran Church this To take charge of pressure phone I1U. "196. -11-7W May cost less, than you thinirl TENDERS for an amount equal to 50/c of friends, neighbors and relatives ited their parents, Mr. and Mrs, week. vessel manufacturing shop. CHERRIES — MontmoTencyse For afterations, new kitchen FOR FIREHALL the •total( tender, and the suc- 2,1%h' many, acts of kindness, James Lealess, Munro, on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grove of ,Y,,ust have previous metal- work, ready Ju1,Y 12th. Bring contiaD_ cupboards, msful bidder must -provide a Mass offerings, messages Of day, Detroit spent the weekend with reg room9, exten- Township of Stanley contract bond for 100% of the sympathy a� beautiful floral mg and welding experience. erns and pick your own at Mur- sions and repairs, caK-: total tender. tributes received during our Mrs. Reg Cudmore, Clinton her mother, Mrs. Loitie G. Rock. —Permanent •poscition ray BrGs. Orchard, four milles, JOHN LANSINK & SONS, Sealed tenders will be re- The lowest or any tender not recent. sad bereavement in the with her sister, Mrs. Charles ' The Morenz reunion w as —Excellent salary south west of Thiedford, on, the General Contracting ceived by the undersigned, to necessarily accepted. loss of a dear husband, loving Roney, and Mr. Roney on Fri. held at the Community Park —Full fringe benefits. Ridge Road, Baeanquet. 11-78x,2 Phone 79, Seaforth. erect a cement block, double- father and grandfather, Patrick day. here on Sunday. Competent Workmanship bay firehall, 28 wide by 35' McCORMICK & RANKIN Ltd., Ryan. Your kindness will be Misses Eleanor and Carol Lan- The annual Sundav School APPLY Consulting Engineers, nin, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. picnic will be held at St. Peter's. WARNER LEWIS DIVISION, 12. Wanted To Buy 19-77-tf long, in the Village of Bruce- forever remembered by the FRAM CANADA s and specifications 8 Stavebank Road, family. 24-78-1 Fergus Lanais, are holidaying Lutheran Church on Sunday, LTD .1 TEN to 12 acres of hay. Phone field. Plans be obtained � from, Harold Port Credit, Ontario. 261 Downie Street, 603 J 4. 1:*_78-1 FAST SERVICE WE wish to take this opportun- with their grandparents, Mr, July 21, beginning after the Stratford, Ontario Lobb firecheff, in the Village MR. L. HAMMOND, ity to express and Mrs. James Broughton, At- church service, with .the noon EIGHT or, ten . acres, of good 014 Bruc�held. B�d�g to be com, thanks to r�ela.tiv,,,(ur sincere wood, for the, past week. meal served at about I O'clock. 4-78-1 hay. Roy Swartz, phone 22 R WATCH REPAIRS ploted by Nov.. 1, 1963. Clerk of WA,�.=D 5 Dubli 12-78-1 The Town, of Seaforth, neighbors fox beaul floral Mr. Wayne Peppel, Shel- Mrs. John L. Bennewies, who Reliableman a� Dealer in Town- n. All work guaranteed Tenders are to be clearly Seaforth, Ontario. tbeanacts kindness bourne, spent the holiday wedk. spent the winter with her fam- I marked as such and in the shown in, any way during •-our end with his parents, Mr. and it in Detroit, - Windsor and 6hipq TuckersmitV McKillop &. 14. Property For Sale ANSTETT hands of the Clerk by 6 o'clock 21-78-2 -recent sad bereavement, in th Hulleft. Experience not nece.5- e, Mrs. Glen Pepper, also their Ruthven, is at her home here. nary. Fine porbunitY to step LOT, corner of James and JEWELLERS p. m., July A, 1963. not 22- Legal Notices loss of a loving son and cousin, daughter, Gloria Ann, from K -W Miss Irene' Clark of Windsor Lowest Or any -tender late Stanley NichoNs, Spec- Hospital, Kitchener, was home. has been holidaying. with her, into olu able business West William Streets, block Ltd. necessarily accepted. the - wher,0 , wleigh products, have from Main corner: Harvey Dale, ial thanks to Rev. D. O. Fry, This has been wonderful hay aunt and uncle,' Mr. and Mrs. been, years. Big proWs. phone 847 R 21, Seaforth. 14-76X3 Phone 17, Seaforth 19-77-d MEL GRAHAM, Clerk Township of Tuckersmith I the Box Funeral Home, the weather and most of the farm. Gary' Sholdice. products furnished on credit. THRUE-bedroom white fr=e Brucefieldi Ontario, TREASURER'S SALE bearers and to all who called ers will finish this week. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Benne- Write: house, with -kitchen, living room 21-78-1 to extend their sympathy; .also Mr. and Mrs. Morley Lannin wies attended the 50th wedding RAWLEIGWS and bath,, situated our one acre SEPTIC TANK OF LAND FOR t(, a,11 who helped at home- Mrs. spent Friday night at their anniversary of her sister and Dept. G -M -M 4005 Richelieu, of land, in village of Dublin. SERVICE TOWNSHIP TAXES Gertic Nicholls, Ona, Lindy cottage in Bayfield. 71 brother-in-law, Mr. and' Mrs. M;;;WeA Phone 72 R 12, Dublin. 14-77-3 1 and Rick. 24-78x:1 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Nairn and Ezra Beebach, Fullerton, re - 4 -78-1 ONE and one-half Storey, 7- Cleaned and repaired with OF TU)CKERSMITH Township of Tuckersmith THE_jCam!fy­oCtfi�_ 1,Ze­A1txeue Scott, Kitchener, spent the cently. room home, on, a VY x IM, modem equipment. County 'of Huron. Williamson wish to express weekend with her parents, Mr. Alvin Hicks has been holi- NOTICE TO I their deep appreciation and sin- and Mrs. R. S. Aikens. daying in Toronto. l6t, Modem, conveniences, hard IRVIN COXON, PROPERTY OWNERS To Wit: cere thanks to relatives, nelgb� Miss Gayle Lannin, Oaughter Lutheran Church W o m e n wood floors, new oft furnae Phone 254, Milverton, DESTROY WEEDS By virtue of a warrant issued bor, and friends for the many of Mr. and Mrs. Morley' Lannin, held their monthly meeting and bath. Immediate posses. M7 4 by the Reeve of the Township of acts of kindness and messages is spending some holidays at with Mrs. Oscar Young, sion. Phone 369-J, Seaforth, W. NOTICE is hereby even to Tuckersmith under his hand and Mrs. of sympathy; also the beauti- Lions Head with Mr, and Mr George Mogk and Mrs. Minnie A. Hodgert. 1x1 -78x1 SEAFORTH all persons in, posses*n of land, the- seal of the said corporation S. fill floral tributes received dor- m' Charles Friends and daughters Vock UPHOLSTERY in accordance the WEED bearing date'the 10th day of ing their sudden,• recent sad in charge of devotions 15. Property For Re Centre St et CONTROL ACT, IM, See. 3, Aprfl sale of lands in arrears bereavement, in the passing of at their cottage, and topic. Their topic was "Tl;e 'r Of U. APARTMENT for Tent in Bay6 re 13 and 10, that unless nknious of taxes in the- Township their daughter and sister. Spec- Mr. and Mrs.'John Moore and Christian and Tension." Pastor M0 field, all conveniences paid. Telephone 446 welds growing on their lands Tucker.9mith will he head at Of Connie and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brill added a few words of ex - the iart thanks. to Rev. Higgirtboth- Phone Stratford, 271 -6,4A. -M., For all kinds of upholstering. within the Municipality Of the Town Hall, Seaforth, at the hour am, Drs. Walden of Clinton and Pinder and family visited Mr, planation to this topic, as it 19-77-tf Township of Tuckersmith are of 9:00 o'clock in the Evening, Street of Blyth, special, nurses and Mrs, Bill Woods in Mossley related to the course he had TURNKEY TWO apartments in the Royal destroyed by, July 15, 1963, and on the 3rd day of September, and staff at Clinton Hospital on Sunday. Apts, Apply -to Joseph McConnell 20. Auction Sales throughout the season, the Mun- 1963 unless the taxes and costs I just taken. A short busfni'ess For Huron County Jail Seaforth, or Dr. E. A. McMao- pa,libearers, flower bearers ane Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney, -period -followed, and birthdays 15-77-tf TWILIGHT — icipality may enter the are 'sooner paid, Notice is here- those who wsMsted in any way, Carl, Alan and Jim attended the were reported by Mrs. Lena -ter, Grand Bend. said lands and have �='s by given that the list of lands The Wi,1fiansoln Pa-mflY. '24-78xl Baker reunion at the home of Bennewies and Mrs. Fred Young Applications for the Position DOWNSTAIR apartment for AUCTION SALE destroyed, charging the cost for sale for arrears of taxes Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tubb, Logan, and ahv of Turnkey most be submitted rent in, the Town of Seaforth, Auction Sale of SS No. 12, against the kaWs in- taxes, IM; was published in The Ontario mn'sung in their honor " 'o 25. In Memoriam on Sunday. closed the meeting. on forms provided and MIRY be available August 1st. Apply to Grey Tbr�ho School, (Richie set out in the Act. Gazette on the 4th day of May, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Malcolm secured from the Governor Of Nuold Jackson-, Seaforhh, phone School), building and property, 1963, and that copies of the GRUMMETT-4n loving Ineln- the Jadl or the undersigned. 474. ' CHARLES EYRE, and Mrs. Alexia Malcolm attend - 15 -78-2 contents, on. WEDNESDAY, Weed Inspector said list may, be had at my cry of a dear son, end brother, ed the Hodge reunion in Exeter THE BEAUTIFUL, RIVER OF Applications to close at 5.00 FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TOO JULY 17th. at 7 p.,m,, 2% nldks , Township of Tuckergmith. of -flee. Daniel F. Grumimett, who was on Sunday, SOUTH AMERICA P m., D.S.T., Wedne9d&Y,,jdj LATE TO CLASSIFY, SEE vast of wa,6n. taken suddenly 2 yeatrs ago, . PAGE 6 Oi.] furnace land duct work, 19-78-1 Treasurer's Office, this 30th July 8th,, 1961. Miss Bonnie Barker, daughter The Orinoco River of Vene- 24, 1963. (nearly new); seams; teacher's day a May, 1963. Our family circle has been of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bar- zuela is noted for its magnifl. desk; chairs; bench6s), books* Township of Stanley -broken, ker, is helping out in the T. cent scenery. Winding over per annum. S. Ford store, Mitchell, during over 1500 miles, the Orinoco Salary range, $2,6W to $3,400 Boxholder8' Names school bell; other articles too JAMES I. McINTOSH, A link gone form our chlain�, Trea'surer Lowest or any application not Not Given Out I numerous to mention. TENDERS FOR 22-73-13 But though we're, parted for the holidays. sometimes floods the country - Lowest awhile, side for 100 miles across. For - TRUCK necessarily accepted. It is not possible for us HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer We. know we'll. meet again. I -E NEW IF AU 23. Business Directory ests of c trees spread JOHN G. B1EV.RY to divulge the name -or ad- 90-78-1 Sealed tenders wM be receiv- - —L o v I n g I y remembered by The Canso, Causeway, linking along Its banks. . Birds of beatt• dress of any advertiser Remember, it takes &R—a ed 1) the unde-Mgned until 6 A. M. HARPER & COMPANY Aloth(T, Bill, Brothers and Cape Breton Island and the tiful plumage are everywhekei P.m�.,yiNy" 16 1909 for. Chartered AccountantsFlimilies. , . 24-78x1 mainland of Nova Scotia, is while hoards of monkeys twfilg using a Huron Expositor n e on Expq tor'l Sell that unnecessary piece of nearly a mile and a half long through the 16fty braneho s,)96. box number. Please do not lice th St. Telephone of ask for this information. money S r I 31d One IM 5 -too tmck, equipped 55-57 S 7EO I with dumpbo:kh&J,,'V �l;igh JA 4-7562 furniture through ti Htiroh,LIx. and carries both rail and road gond the to i�gts, t1eh •gr Countye 16m nt 0 1 Want Ad an � be in eXot 'r, Ve •j8ar,4 pocket. ad Ust photle GOLM 44" - �' � � � � �..q - - 1. *eo t 0010. 0: 0. Seaforth 14 and wing, Ue Munletpal Auditor posit6r Clatsified Ad. Phonk 141. traffic, plains stretch t6 iuc-holiolk ... ... .. ..