HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-07-11, Page 4HURON 1 XPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., JULY 11, 1969 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office -- Main Street SEAFORTH Insures: • Town Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available. AGENTS: James Kes, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Sea - forth; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth. WAN?' AIDS BRING QUICK RESULTS— Phoite 141 Xo'relov MAPLE LEAF MBE —If you want to sleep tonight, try sipping a glass of Maple Leaf Milk—cool or warm —before bed time. It gives you light, nourishing refreshment and you'll drop off to sleep in no time. Add flav- oring syrup if you wish. TRY IT! Want Maple Leaf Milk? Call ... MAPLE LEAF DAIRY PHONE 101 • SEAFORTH Sundays, Holidays, Everyday — Maple Leaf Dairy Products are available at VANDERHOEK'S SUPERTEST BELL LINES by W. W. Haysom your telephone manager STILL AT YOUR SERVICE There used to•, be a time .when the word "telephone" al- most always stirred an image,of the operator complete with headset and a broad smile. Somehow over the years this image has been mingled with pictures of telephone lines, digging machines, piles of intricate equipment and the faces of rugged linemen, pretty clerks and service representatives. Of course, each contributes to the overall picture of the telephone company, and the skilled and experienced opera- tor, as always, is at your service. You may not be able to see her at her work,'but she is available whenever you need assistance. Nice to know that she's there, ready to help, isn't it? WATT'S IN A NAME? Although it pays to properly identify yourself when answering t the' telephone, sometimes it just doesn't help. Take the peculiar case or Mr. Watt as an instance. It was important for him to talk with James Brown at his 'office. He called the number. A man's voice ask- ed, "Who's calling?" Watt said: 'Wal." The voice nak- ed "What is your name?" "That's what I told you. Watt's my name.' A long pause followed and then, Mr. Watt said: "Will you please tell me your name?" "Will Knott." Whereulion they both hung am. Entertain Pupils Of Mullett No. 4 As School Ends Late afternoon on June 28, the last day of school at Blyth, Harvey Leatherland, popular bus driver of SS 4, Hullett, and Mrs. Leatherland, gathered the children on his bus route and entertained them as usual at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Finch, Mr. and Mrs. James Howatt end Mr. and Mrs. Glen Parker assisted in looking after the children, conducting races and serving refreshments. A lively ball game was fol- lowed by races and leach. Race results area Girls, six and seven, Terry Flynn, Karen Shepherd, Judy Howatt; boys, six and seven, Brian Jewitt, Lar- ry Carter, Gregory Riley; girls, 8, 9 and 10, Cathy Carter, Joan Howatt, Jannette Riley; boys 8, 9, 10, Jimmy Medd, Lyle Ad- ams, Gotjdon Riley; girls, 11 and 12, Donna Riley, Vicky Lou Finch, Connie Howatt; boys, 11, 12 and 13, Beverly Jewitt, Le- land Adams; Raymond Riley; girls 12 and over, Dianne Shep- herd, Doreen Riley, Linda Ril- ey; wheelbarrow race, girls 11 and over, Barbara Shepherd and Vicky Lou Finch; six and over, Terry Flynn and Jan- nette Riley boys. six and over, Jimmy Medd and Gordon Riley; girls' three-legged race, Cathy Carter and Joan Howatt; boys' three-legged race. Leland Ad- ams and Beverly Jewitt: girls kick the slipper, Barbara Shep- herd, Cathy Carter, Connie How- att; boys kick the slipper, Bev- erley Jewitt, Raymond Riley, Gordon Riley. After these sports, hot dogs, cookies, watermelons and fresh - ie disappeared like magic. The children presented Mr. and Mrs. Letherland with a TV lamp. Mr. and Mrs. Letherland •,pre- sented the helpers with a cup and saucer for each family and Mr. and Mrs. Finch with a blan- ket for their new baby. The children were then returned to their homes, tired but very hap- py, This same group of chil- dren captured one-half of the championships at the Blyth school field day. The winners were: Juniors, Cathy Carter: Intermediates, Vicky Lou Finch: Seniors, Di- anne Shepherd. Diegel Family Holds 26th Annual Reunion The 26th Diegel reunion was held on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eisler, RR 4, Mitchell. with a good crowd attending. The afternoon vas spent in games and races. The race winners were: Gifts and boys under 5 years. Brian Drager .and Martin Quin- cey; girls 6-7. Joyn Lynn Fisch- er. Sherry Leonhardt, Elaine Wicke; boys 6-7. Allan Butson, Dennis Diegel; girls 8-9. Karen. Leonhardt, Sharon Rock, Rose- mary Diegel; boys 8-9. John Getke. Gregg Fischer. Carl Die - gel; girls 10-12, Linda Diegel, Starr Fischer, Donna Leonhardt: boys 10-12, Roger Diegel.' Jim- my Diegel„ Paul Parsons; girls 13.15. Diane Diegel. Ruth Ann Diegel. Gloria Diegel: boys 13- 15, Fred Parsons, Floyd Par- sons, Donald Diegel; throwing the ball. Sherry •Leonhardt. Joy Lynn Fischer, Allan Butson, Dennis Diegel: three - legged race, Heather Rose and Susan Diegel. Karen Leonhardt and Sharon Rocll. Rosemary Diegel and Joy Lynn Fischer: wheel- barrow race, Jimmy Diegel and Earl Leonhardt, Roger Diegel and David Rose, Paul and John Parsons: clothes pins in jar. Mrs: Norman Ahrens; oldest gent: George Diegel, 89: oldest lady, Mrs. George Leonhardt, 79: youngest baby. Roger Par- sons. one -month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Parsons; long- est married. Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Leonhardt, Sr., 57 years; lat- est married. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. French: • largest family present. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Parsons, family of eight; corning the farthest, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Die - gel and family • Lincoln Park, Mich.; youngest grandmother, Mrs. Charles Getke. Mr. Wilfred Drager, the presi- dent, conducted the meeting, assisted by vice-president Mer- vyn Leonhardt and secretary - treasurer Fred W. Kistner. One minute silence was observed for Harry . ;Elliott, whose death oc- curred during the year. Mr. Henry C. Diegel extend- ed a vote of thanks to the ex- ecutive and all committees. Mr. Wilfred Drager thanked Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eisler for the use of their home, The next re- union is to be held at the Com- munity Hall, Brodhagen, rented by Mervyn Leonhardt and Fred W, Kistner, the date to be an- nounced later. The executive for 1964 are: Mervyn Leonhardt, president; Henry C. Diegel, vice-president; Fred W. Kistner, seeretary-treas- urer; bingo committee, Mr. and lltrs.. Martin Diegel, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leonhardt, Jr., Wm. Bennewjea-; sports com_rfittee, iltr, and 'firs, blurt Ilertilersttin, Mir. olid Mrs. Dalton Diegi1,Mt. nml i4lt . +Intdon VW?. 'iaeoth DISTRICT FAMILIES GATHER FOR ANNUAL REUNIONS, PICNICS WILLIAMS REUNION The Williams reunion was held at Seaforth Lions Park over the holiday weekend with 70 attending the event from Sarnia, Port Huron, Kitchener, Waterloo and Bridgeport, • It was voted to make the re- union an annual event at Lions Park. Results o f the activities are: Walk the white line with bin- oculars: teenage girls, Wendy Williams, Waterloo; married men, Fred Allen, Port Huron; married ladies, Mrs. June Dei- trich, Bridegport; guessing beans in jar, Mrs. Jean Allen, Port Huron; egg throwing, Mr, and Mrs, J. Allen, Port Huron; youngest baby, J. R. Allen, Port Huron; oldest member, Carl Dei- trich, Kitchener, BENTLEY REUNION The Bentley reunion was held at Lions Park on bright and sunny Dominion Day with 50 partaking of the activities. Organizers of the event were: president, Alvin Thacker; sec- retary, Mrs. Tpm White, and the sports committee of Mr. and Mrs. Les Vincent, and the table committee of Mr. and Mrs. Ray McSween. Results of the sports were: Pre-school, Wayne Stock, Floyd Harper; girls, 6 9, Wayne Stock, Connie Harper; boys, 6-9, War- ren Harper; boys. 9-12, Gary MacQueen, Wayne Vincent; girls, 12-16, Mary Joan Banner- man; single girls, Sharon Vin- cent: single boys, Harold Swit- zer, Doug Mitchell; married wo- men, Mrs. Tom White, Mrs. Wm. Stock: married nien, T o m White, Jim Laft; relays: clothes pins, Mrs. Stuart Bannerman's team; egg race, Mrs, Alvin Thacker's team; ~pie eating, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vincent; bal- HENSALL Correction In the report of Hensall Pub- lic School promotions of Grade 6 to Grade 7, the name of Allan Reid was inadvertently omitted. Weekend guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R. M. Peck were: Mrs. Lyle Statham. from Kingsville, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howe of Tueson, Arizona. • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elder and family of Hamilton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Geiger. All attended the Smillie reun- ion. Mr. and Mrs. George Beer, Linda and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bell spent the holiday weekend at Lions Head. John G. Elder has retired af- ter 39 years as chassis engineer with General Motors at Regina and Oshawa. Mrs. Russell Diegel. Mr. and Mrs. George Young. r. and Mrs. Robert French, William Diegel. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Parsons, Mrs. Ernest Drager: horseshoe. Edwin Leonhardt: ball game. Richard Leonhardt. loon, Mr. and Mrs. Tom White; guessing game, Jane Laft. BLIND LINE REUNION Bright, sunny skies favored the Blind Line reunion held at Lions Park Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hansen of Stratford looked after the sports activities. Lunch was in the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- frid Eichler of New Hamburg. The sports committee for the '1964 reunion includes Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hohner. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride make up the lunch committee. Results of the afternoon's ac- tivities follow:: Girls, four and under, Carol Rader, RR 3, Zur- ich; girls, six and under, Carol and Karen Rader; boys' race, Brian Schwalm and Kenneth Jones ; girls' race, Susan Schwalm; three - legged race, Margaret and Isabel Rader, Grant and Kenneth Jones; la- dies' race, Margaret Rader; men's race, Floyd Rader; la- dies' contest, Margaret Deich- ert; men's contest, Hugh Mc- Bride; couples contest, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rader; couples throwing balloons filled with grater, Pauline Wegenast and Claire Deichert; Margaret and George Deichert's team won the contest which was having the most articles hanging on the line; clothespin contest, Mrs. Floyd Rader; wiener contest, Floyd and Hilda Rader; young- est child present, Barbara Rad- er; eldest person, Alfred Pfaff. TIMELY TIPS To prevent the edge of a pie from browning too much, place a 1 strip of aluminum foil around the edge of the pastry. * * To prevent a cake sticking to the bottom of the pan, Honie Economists at Macdonald Insti- tute, Guelph, suggest that you line the pan with wax paper: and then brush with unsalted fat. - and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 : Seaforth K of C Mark Anniversary With Breakfast Members of the Father Steph- en Eckert council Knight of Columbus marked the first cor- porat communion last Sunday in the council's activities during the past year. Heading the March from St. James' Separate School were members of the fourth degree from Dublin, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Galt and Preston. Rev, C. E. Sullivan, pastor of St. James' parish, was cele- brant of the low mass, when the knights received commun- ion in a body. John L. Malone, grand knight of the Father Stephen Eckert council, was program chairman and wel- comed the guests and members. Father Sullican introduced the guest speaker, Rev. A. M. Wil- liams, London, secretary of the bishop of London dioceke and formerly chaplain of Kilroy council, Stratford. Frank Rey- nolds thanked the speaker. Al- vin Rau extended the thanks of the members to the St. James' CWL, which' catered for the breakfast. Mrs. James Dever- eaux,. the president of the 'league, replied. PRESBYTERIAN KINTAIL CAMP BUSY AS NEW SEASON UNDERWAY Kintall Camp, the Presbyter- ian Church Camp on Lake Hur- on, got off to a good start this year with a ladies' camp last weekend. There were about 90 ladies in attendance, with Mrs. Victor Raison of Windsor as di- rector. Mrs. W. E. McCutcheon of Hamilton led the Bible stu- dy, and Miss Mary Whole, di- rector of overseas missions of the WMS, was chapel speaker on Sunday morning. On Satur- day night devotions were held around a beach camp fire, and Mrs. S. M. Gordon spoke. The presentation of the Mis- sion study, "Around the World in Eighty Minutes," was give in the form of an imaginary plane trip, with stops in Africa, India, Formosa and Toronto, Ont. At present Kintain is hum- ming with activity as the in. termediate girls' camp is under way with Mrs. J. K. West, St, Thomas, as director. Camping will continue with various age groups until the end of August, SEALED TENDERS, WILL BE RECEIVED BY Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board For Provision of Bunker Fuel 5A or 6C for CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL, CLINTON, commencing 1st Sept., 1963. Storage capacity 10,000 gals. Maximum estimated daily consumption 500-600 gals. Tenders so marked to be in the hands of the Business Administra- tor, Mr. L. R. Maloney, by 31st July, 1963. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime! 0 AT HURON COUNTY'S FINEST USED CAR MARKET 1963 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan, new—A.T. 1963 Pontiac Laurentian 1963 Chevrolet Biscayne—Fully equipped 1963 Bel Air—Automatic, fully equipped 1962 Strato Chief Pontiac—Standard 1962 Chev. Bel Air—A.T. 1961 Pontiac Laurentian—A.T. 1959 Chev. Bel Air Sedan 1959 Chevrolet Impala Four -Door Hard- top—V-8 motor, automatic 1959 Ford Coach 1959 Pontiac V-8—Automatic 1959 Volkswagen 1958 Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan—A.T. 1957. Pontiac Sedan—Standard 1957 Pontiac—A.T. MANY OLDER MODELS USED TRUCKS 1960 Chevrolet 1 -Ton Pickup 1959 Ford 1, -Ton Pickup A Written Guarantee for 60 Days on all Late M BRUSSELS odel Cars—Many other Models to choose from BRUSSELS — PHONE 173—"The Home of Better Used Cars" MOTORS ONTARIO OPEN EVERY EVENING Guaranteed INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 5 -Year Term W. E. Southgate Seaforth Representing: British Mortgage & Trust Co. Guaranty Trust Company Sterling Trusts Corporation Huron & Erie Mortgage Corp. Crown Trust Company ODORLESS CLEAN BURNING FURNACE OIL STOVE OIL D. BrightraO FINA SERVICE Phone 354 USBORNE . A N D HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE = EXETER. Ont. Directors: ' Timothy B. Toohey - RR 3, Lucan President Robert C. Gardiner - RR 1, Vice -President Cromarty Wm. H. Cbaffe - RR 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun - „RR 1 Science Hill Martin ; 'eeney - RR 2, Dublin Milton McCurdy - RR 1, Kirkton Agents: Hugh Benninger Dublin Harry Coate§ - RR 1, Centralia. atiyton skirls - Mitchell tolfettots. "I'll be over -after I do my banking!" Nowadays it's natural for the lady of the house to do much of the family banking, because it's so convenient to look after money matters at one place —the local chartered bank, an all-round banking Service -centre. This busy homemaker is on her way to deposit part of her husband's salary in their savings account, cash, a cheque on their joint chequing itc count, .and pay the monthly instalment on a personal loan. All this taken care of under one roof--quickly,y, simply. Any bank service you use is an introduction to many others. And the chartered banks are always on the lookout for new ways to be helpful to more people. Good reason why the number of deposit accounts has doubled to 14 million in just 10 years, and 3,500 new accounts are being opened every banking day. THE CHARTERED BAS SERVING YOUR COMMUle1ITy thruugJ itatra tge banking responsive to growing,.cliungirig rued: • • r • • • • • i •