HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-07-04, Page 9IF -.. I . ) I i � I , 11 j� - I i I f i ' ., .11 *—A A 0, f _` "i � , , '' T 'i—� �; F "; . �i' 1 ., i_.,_ W, ; TO ;, " t, - I 1" , . • Cl . . •, .: 1. I I jL Ili :; . - ° +. '' t - 4 I . , i 11X='1- I.. - 11 , I ...... I., I I., 1 4" aw .. tlSte THESE CLASSIFICATIONS 8. Farm Stag For Sale 15. PI qPe For Rent 21. ToWerp Wang 23. Business Direr ory Engagelmen ,r " "�[ TO YgUR ADVANTAGE SIX Holstein cows, 3 fresh•, 3 TWO apalntinieapOs, oarC Ntrtfih W. J. CLE�RY 1VIr.-band Menu ?N'�d M�dbuWI WA�� . ' E S �" `-�_i� �#slM�+t?t TENDERS WANT D i tin, wi t roe .atm n Mrs.. -Wiilaain mitt , >. s '< . .. G d 1. Coming Events due , J Taylor, Bruce- ]]lair, heated vVwtiu oiu; oboe Rad] Seafgrth, 01t4do, muncer the etvga�G off' h And S *s M;�m ros.e.. Wr erAT 2. Lost, Strayed field, phone CUuton, HU 2-7M way St., ir"ted wilt gasp Carl' LICHI1SBD EMBALMER 3. Found _ ; Dalton, Seafobth, .phpt>�e 30. WX2 : and FIJNE.RAI. ti1RBCTOR - THIR1rYftve 7 weeks old.roolSealed Tends will be danrghbeT, Beaten-- l4laaie, Na aw cannily ;of .Atwngil and Dressel olid � :felly,rtrn-. Ings celved ki Staaul�y rT•owris$aiit l4lr. Carroty J�rhar Fadden, Top. az>d M:as• y Bauermian :and to ,Mx. anal a rs.,.l eit><letia,IliG 4. Help Wanted C1aa^emce lalouey4 , RSR 5, Sea- TWOm apaaln t, aadl� School' Night or Day Calls -- 23S forth, horcie 4Q . 20 Dublin. xsSaturday, Jul at t e e' .ndoi� yisitec) ..ov .clue 41 alrry,. g±itondtdil . 5. Business Opportunities able Aug.Au'g1. lin beet gild' h . a Berard, f r decode- onto, the wedding oto tak+e plane Michelle tAf `Lo P p R � sting the interior of SS No. 14, at N, 20th, G3, er he tv eh nd with 1 axed' '7�ic. acid xs Ross: 0$mni064.0 . F1__ . - 1E 6. Tegehers Wanted t _ s'wgpl�ed. J. C. Grdcllrr, Sea Staff Tenders be in the . Cards of Thaxlks 2:30 eelock, St. Jo ' i TWENTY chunks. Elwin Wil-. 031• RPh• s Roman Mrs, Aitn Sbprtreed and Ken.- Karen a1Yd ulckoy -of i tbel , 7. Situations Wanted 15-77at2 ,baudq op tJfre Sega1'rerasur- Catholic �cu7noh Straard, Otut... and yrs, Jin ShUI"tl�eed Mr son, at Harptlrhey, R'R 2, Sea- - -- _ T�' i wish to thank a]Qi those who end" Nfr, I1:plaldron~ 8. Farm Stnek For Sale forth. 8-77.1 17. Wanted To Rent er by July With, IM. ,knit flowers, cards and treats; and Ren and :Mr. o:ncl Mrs. Ray ala of lYf0404al were weokohd 9. Poultry For Sale -- - For further infaramald-ou, tarn also Uhase who visited me, Spec- r ^ �v Beuerman: and baby attended guests, at tkt4 'ho�nt p#' l►?r, anti 10. Used Cars For Sale T`�ENR'�' pigs, 7 weeks old, TWO or 3 bediwarri bons- or tact Mr. Hugh H'e�nddIek, Kip- sial bhaanks to - Clhndc Doctors CROMAR 1 >w the Higgins .clan reunion m Bel- Mrs, J,awr_ance , ". 11. Articles For Sale &A Vanderzon, Seaforth, phone apartment, unfitirni�shed, by 469. _ 8-77x1 businessman, with one school pan' Ontario' and Scott Meliitonal Hosital - more on Sunday.' Missnl'Sorma Lee�ung of Lou, %12. Wanted• To Buy Lowest or any Tender not nee- daughter, b staff, Mrs. Forrest McKay. 77-1 The annual picnic of F No. don spent Ilio weekend with 13. Wanted FIFTEEN good wean:er pigs, 8 ge y September 1. es,saTilly acc fled. Womens Institute Bax .1240, Huron E saber. 77-1 • 5 Hibbert was held on Friday parents, Mr. and 'Mrs• - eonard 14. Property For Sale weeks old. William Mlllson, 1"wish bo thank alt those who Mrs. Ren McDo . Id presided P with over 75 in attendance. Af a Leeming. 15. Property For Rent phare 833 R 2, Seaforth. 8 77-1 t9• NO�YCQg eA.c J. MUSTARD, sent me cards, gists and ttarvvems for the Walton omen's Insti- P Secretary-Tnea>mer, and who visited me in the Iyos ter a sumptuous supper the Mrs. E. lUlcCreath lefty 1V[on- 16. For Sale or Rent PU�RIE Holstein heifer, bred YOUNG re istered Y ks'htrre crowd inspected the display of tut- Wednesday evening In the day for Toronto, where site will 17. Wanted To Rent Hereford, due Jolly 9th. Torrance g Varma, Unroaa+ia. pitad ,and since coning home. hall. Mrs. J. Bryans was at the 18. Property Wanted DunKlas, Walton, phone Brussels, boar for service, $3, at time of 21-77--2 Thanks also to t'hos!e Who he work which the pupils had ar- attend summer school for' the help- piano for the opening exereis- p 'service. Jamey Sloan, Lot 14, ed Billl and Sheila im any way ranged in the school. Later they next five weeks, 19. Notices 390 W 5. 8-77-1 TENDERS es. Mrs. G. 'Ribbert read the - Care. 7, McKillop. 19-76x_¢ while I was away. Juneve Flood. were entertained by guest Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bergey of 20. Auction Sales THIRTY 7 to 8 week old pigs secretary -treasurer's report and 21. Tenders Wanted for sal'-. Henry Kllanrem, High PROMPT watch repair service 77x1 speaker Wallace Caslick, from Aylmer were recent visitors at Township of McKillop correspondence. Mrs. Scriber, at 5avauge s, (opposite Post 1� p the St. Johns Ambulance branch the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, 22. Legal Notices u way No. 8, phone Clinton, HU Office) 2 certified watchrnak- I would like ba thank all my in Stratford. of Kitchener,, is to put on a Boyd. 23. Business irectory 2-9156. . 8-77-1 Sealed Tenders will be re- 'neighbors, friends and school one-night, cooking school . April M ern. Automatics a specialty. ,mates who sent- cards and Graduation diplomas were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid 24. Cards of Thanks EIGHT pigs, 9 'weep, old. Ap 19-77-tf ceived by the undersigned, un 1�,, . !,964. 25. In Memoriam poly Hubert Van Niekerk, RR 3, til 6 P. m., July loth, 1963, to treats and who visited me while awarded five Grade VIII pupils: - It was decided to have the spent the weekend with friends SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED I was a patient Scott Mem- Henryn Sarnia. 26. Personals K�ippen, phone 651 R 5, Sea- supply and deliver 3 &6 yards, y Newel, Margaret Ker- IIn�ustitute picnic July 24 in the Modern equipment used. All more or less of orial Hospital. g Walton park, with Seaforth Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turnbull forth. 8-77x1 pint -ruin gravel, sP Special, thanks to nick, Agnes Scott, Helen Chris- The cost is low. Classifications l work guaranteed. ba-eldilll' far the Scott and Horan' Dr. Brady and the staff of the tie and Dennis Hackney. The ' left last Saturday for Brandon, TWELVE gigs, 8 weeks old Staffs and Londesboro Intee 2, 3> 8> .9, 10, 11, 12, I3, 15 and Write or phone culverts, under the direction of hospital. Jahn Klein Haar. 77x1 senior pupils on June 21 had where they will attend the Can - 17, minimum 40c an insertion, also some chunks. Louis Coyne, totes to be invited. Committee adiari Swine convention. The RR 5, Seafaa•bh hone 109 R 16, LOUIS BLAKE Road Superintendent, MY sincere thanks 1p all those enjoyed a bus trip to Niagara, for apass-around lunch are Mrs. Y • Classification 25, minimum 65c, , P RR 2, Brussels phone 442 W 6. Certified cheque of $50.00 to who sant me cards gifts, treats while the juniors journe .ed by will also spend a few days at Dublin, 8-77x1 Y Roy Williamson Mrs. J. Nolan, the Calgary plus 25c for each 4-11ne verse. 19-62x20 accompany tender. Alit tenders and also those who visited me train this year, with Goderich Mrs. Bill Thomas, Mrs. H. g Y Stampede. All other classifications, mini- NOW is •the time to repair or subject to the approvall of the wile I was a patient in Strat, as their destination, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kirkby of mum 65 cents 10. Used Cars For Sale Smalldon and Mrs. M. Hum per insertion, shingle that roof or other car- Department of Highways. ford Gener ll. Hospital. It was Woodstock spent the wand Md p pe penter work that is needed, Mr, and Mrs. John Jefferson phries; conveners for sports, except Auction Sales (20), Ten- i958 Oldsmobile Su r 88 ,- ,' Tender forms available at all gratefully appreciated. Mr. with Mr. Frank Kirkby and Dir. were guests at the silver wed- Mrs.. G. Love, Mrs. E. Stevens, • dein Wanted (21), and Legal door excellent condition;_ also garden work with oto- Read Superintendent's Office: Andrew Coutts, 24-77-} and Mrs. Douglas Kirkby. e , P THE family of the Late Don+old ding anniversary .of Mr. Jeffer• Mrs. H. Traviss and Mrs. N. Notices (22), rates on applica Phone 534, Seadort ., 1 , x4 tiller. ea Andrews hone 863 Miss June Higginbotham left tion. 1951, Deluxe Chev., in ea'feet W 1; Seaforth. Lq_7:7_� WILSON' LITTLE, son's brother "Mr. Hilliard Jef• Marks. p j Crosier wish to express their last week for Londifn, where For cash payment or if paid ununmung condit6ion. 75' 14-itt. WEATHER Road Superintendent, ferrety and Mrs. Jefferson, of Mrs. H. Craig reported on a $ permitting, rasp deep appreciation and sincere she will attend Wells Academy. McKillop Township Brussels, Aafcel of bedding and clothes 11 . by 10 days following lasf inner- moulded plywood boat, $50, N. berries will. be availsble daily RR 1 Seaforth thanks to friends, neighbors' and that had been delivered to Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smitb, tion, 15 CENTS deducted from SCains. 10-77x1 from our refrigerated rooim�, 21-77-2 relatives for the many acus of Mr. Barry McKinnon end and Sandra spent the holiday - above rates. (blue' building), starting approx- kindness messages of sym- friend of Ottawa spent the holi- W Tonge, London. Mrs. J: No] -weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W:. il. Articles For Sale imately July 20. Moore's Poultry pathy and beautiful floral tri- day weekend with his parents. an read the report from the dis- +C Backwell. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED Farm, ane 600 J 3 Seafortth. 22. Legal Notices butes received duringtheir re- Mr, and Mrs. Donald MdKinnon. trict annual at Gorrie. A vote Miss Jean Mills of Toronto,, 11 RATES FIF EEIN acres of hay. Harold 19-77-3 cent sad bereavement. Special Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allison -was taken in favor of keeping and Mr. and Mrs. Murrayills„ i Treffry, Cram+arby, phone Hem Townshipof Tuckersmith tharilcs to Rev, Britton the the 50 cent fee and making up Y 0 (For Business Firms, Trades- salt 890 R 11 11-76x2 of Exeter and Mr. and bars. Scott and Catharine of Brant; bearers Box ,Funeral Home the remainder in another way. men, etc.): Minimum, 5o cents — NOTICE TREA URE S -SAL ' ' Milton Allison of .Roland 1VIani- tori• spent the weekend with USED re dge'ra�tor, in "excel the Women's Institute and, the Mrs. N. Reid had' charge of per insertion. Billing charge, 15 lit condition. $69.00. Crown Tuckersmith tela, visited on Wednesday eve- Mr. Earl Mills. OF LAND FOR Order of the Eastern Star. The the meeting • on Home Econom cents per advertisement. Hardware, Seaforth. 1i-76-2 tying with Mr. and Mrs. Will Mr. Andrew Coutts has re - Municipal Dump TAXES Crozier Family. 24-77x1 Hamilton. its. Mrs. H. Traviss and Mrs. turned home after being con - USED 17" and 21" TV's, at Will be open, until further WE wish to express owzr sdnceae N. Reid sang a duet. Miss Isa fined to Stratford General Hos- 1. Coming �''V@nt9 _ reduced lutes. Crawtu Hard- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Turner belle Gilchrist, at P notice on Wednesday and SatuT- Township of Tuckersmith thanks for the many acts of Present Home LIONS Club Bingo, TeeswateT day afternoons, from 1 to 5.30 County of Huron, kindness, ansssages of sym� and son, Michael, of Detroit, p til for a few weeks. vrare,- Seaforth. 11 -?6-2 Economist, spoke on , ` Adver- * arena, Friday, July e (nate were, SIV acres luny, Timothy spent the holiday weekend with tisement Selling Us Down the 'and Mrs. Horace Rutledge . p.m. pathy�, beautiful floral tributes g change of date), 12 regular and AIiFalfa, Les Pz+yce; phone No wire fencing, old concrete, To Wit: received from relatives, friends, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dodds and ae River." She told of the good and family of London visited B virtue o8 a warrant issued incl' comp'anied Mr. and Mrs: Dodds with relatives over the holiday games, $40.00; 1 special, $500.; 850 R 14, Seaforth. 1177x1 ar car bodies permitted. Y neighbors and business asset- and bad of advertising drawing weekend. • b the Reeve of the TowansQld and Mrs. `l`i. Harburn to the Mrs. Margaret Hum - 2 specials, $10t1. Admission $L.00, PIANO, in good cr;idi ion, Tea- Y p of lobes during our recent sad bei- Dolmage Reunion at Bayfield attention to eye -appealing art- phries returned home after , time 9 p.m. Special and extra sonebke price. phone 534, Sea.. J. I. McINTOSH, Tuckersmith under his hand and eavement in the loss, of a- loving icles and fast salesmanship. She cards; 25c or 5 for $LA0. 1-77-1 . Clerk the seal o£ the said corporation &after, sora • and grandfather, on' Sunday. is retiringFriday to teach spending the past two weeks . forth. 11-77x1 19-77-tf bearing date the 10th da of Scott Habkirk, y with her daughter, OIIN Deere mower, in Y Special Uhamlis Mrs. J. Cowie and son Jim, school in Orillia at the fall Mrs., H. Rut :i. Found ponve April, saHe of lands in arrear to" Rev. Fry, the sisters of the and Mr. George Paterson, To. terms. She is succeeded by Miss ledge. good conditiom Mervin Dietz, ANSTETT of taxes in, the Township of L.O,B.A. and the Rebecca Lad ionto, were bollix Mr. and Mrs. Steve Johnston BLACK rte Dnblirv, phone 81 R_ 13. L1-77xL Tuckersmith'wvill be held at ,tau- Y weekend P.at Denude, of Waterdown. ea?, wirokr white face, -- JEWELLERS gen, Box's Funeral Chapel, the visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Ger- Miss Denude is a 1963. radiate and family, of Lohdon spent the no horns, weighs about 600 llbs. BELL threesheT, 32 by 50, wvitlr .• Town Hall Seaforth, at the haver alt bearers and the flower g weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ltd P ald Carey ,and Mrs. Taylor, of the four-year course at Mac - Strayed onto farm of Henry cutter, on rubber. Thomas of 9:00 o'clock in the Evening, bearers for their kind services Ryan. Armstrong, Lot 15, Con. 18, of Kale, RR 5, Seaforth. 11r77xl Offers you on the 3rd. day of September, rendered and to ,-those who assis- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner donald Institute, Guelph. Dur- Mr. Ken Ryan of Kirkland . Grey Township. 3-77x2 NUMBER of Borcleor Collie pups, Easy Credit Terms 1963, unless the taxes and costs ted in any way. The H•abkirk visited on Sunday with Mr. and ing the past two summers she Lake and Don Ryan of Thorn- - mal'es $5.00, females, $2.50. are soonetr- paid. Notice is here- pam�ily. 24-77-1 Mrs. Earl Eggert of Rostock. has been dietary assistant at dale spent the ,holiday week- Hamilton General ,Hospital. ital. Fred Buchanan phone 860 R 4, NO by given that the Ist of lands Mr. Henry Eggert returned. P end with their parents, Mr. and 4. Help Wanted + Mrs. Reid gave highlights of P Seafoidh. 11.77x1 Carrying Charges for sale for arrears of taxes 25. Ili Memoriam Nome with them after visiting Mrs. Joe Ryan. W SINGE 1889 SIEVE'N-foot Massey -Harris Phone 77, Seaforth , was published in The Ontario his daughter, Mrs. Gardiner and Guelph convention taken from RAWLEYGH'S HAVE BEEN binder, like menu condition. W. A. 19-77•tf Gazette on the 4th day+ of May, MELADY-.-Tru loving ,memory Alex. the Londori Free Press. Lunch FAMOUS FOR QUALITY 1963, and that copies of the ,of a beloved husband, Joseph was served b Mrs. Rae Heuth. Haney, phone 603'J 1, 5eadanbh. A NEW KITCHENMrs, Gordon S y WINCHELSEA 11-77-2 said list may be had at my Francis Mel�ady, who passed pear- -and er, Mrs. F. Walters, Mrs. Allan RAWLEIGH D'EALE'RS May cost less than you think! office, away July 4th, 1955. daughter, Susan, and Mrs, „McCall and Mrs. J. Clarke, DION' threshing m�achane, 22 x For alterations, new kitchen 'Tis about eight years a -go to- Eleanor Taylor of South Caro- Miss Anne Achilles has re- The children of Grades. 1, 2, Own their businessess, set their 38, good as, new; • 7 -ft. Massey- cupboards, ret rooms, exiten- Treasurer's Office, this 30th day, lina, Mr. R. G. Speare, Mrs, Ad- turned home after spending 3 and 4 of Winchelsea School, working 'hours, no feta of lay- Harris binder. T. Appleby, sion9 and repairs, caul: day of May, 1963. Since God called you'away, die Speare and son, Barry, of several months at Fort William along with their teacher, Mrs. offs, 'steady work, steady in" phone 279-R, Seaforth. 11-77x1 JOHN LANSINK & BONS, And we who laved you most of Toronto, spent the holiday where she was employed by the Florence Hendrick, enjoyed a i came, build .security for futures TWELVE acres of standing hay JAMES I. McINTOSH, all, weekend with Miss Olive Spear- bus tri to the Museum at General Contracting Treasurer Bell Telephone Co. She has now P ExP for sale. Alfalfa gaud 'Timathly. Phone 79, $ea£orth. 22-73-13Miss you mare each day. and attended the Speare reun- accepted p Grand Bend on Friday after- ending �popula6 . createspted a position for the Bell Joseph A. Lame, phone 107 R 16, Competent Workmanship -Ever remembered and sadly ion at the home of Miss S ear- noon. When they returned to geed for more Dealers in Huron �P P P Telephone at Clinton. Dublin. 11•-77-1 Lg_77�� missed by his wife, Marie._77-1 on Sunday. the school the parents and chil- Crite: Far full information 2 . I uSiness .Directory Mr. and Mrs. Gordon re holt FOR SALE -Trade in, Your old r3' CALDWELL-•In loving mem�ary dren held" a presentation for write: Mr. Wayne Davies of London and family, of Barrie, were boli- 11111E W. T. RAWLEIGH shaver now, lawn' Prices at FAST SERVICE A. M. HARPED & COMPANY of a: dear husband, father and is holidaying with his aunt and day visitors, at the home of Mr. Mrs. Hendrick, who is retiring COMPANY, Lam:, Savauge's, a Post Office. grandfather, Wifibam J. Cald- from teaching after five Years ,• Fpm Chartered Accountants uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Calder Mc- and Mrs. Clifford Ritchie. g Dept. F-363 SFA, 4005 Rieheroieu, 11-77 °m 55-57 South St. Telephone w. I Jwuho passed away ane year Kaig. Mrs. H. Casemore, Hamilton, here at Winchelsea School. In MontreaL NEW Tomen 6V2 room wagons, WATCH REPAIRS' Goderich JA 4 7562 ag , Y 7th, 1962• Mr. and Mrs: Bruce Balfour visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Me' 'September Mrs. Gowan of Pro. A 4.77-1 with 160 bushel gravity grain All work guaranteed Licensed Municipal Auditor We little kurew when we awoke and daughters, Jayne and Jan- Donald. spect Hill will teach the jun- tanks. Mervin Dietz . Dublin., ANSTETT that morn' for room, and Miss Marilyn • SEAFORTH The sorrow the dray would bring, ice, of Sault Ste. Marie, are Mr, and Mrs. Roy Bennett phone 81 R ]LI, u-75 2 JEWELLERS The call was sudden, the shack holidaying with her parents, spent the weekend with Mr. MaTshill will be staving on as HONEY for sale, Clover, g lb. Ltd VETERINARY • severe, 'Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamilton.. and Mrs. Thomas Watson and teacher for the seniors. MALE pal -119, $2.00; 4 Lb. pails, $1,00 Phone 17, Seaforth CLINIC To part with one we loved so and ,other relatives. 'other relatives in London. The children of Grades 5, 6, and 50c for 2 1b. pails. Apply 19-77-�tf J. O. Turnbull D.V.M. V.S. dear. Mr. Floyd Dow of Whitby, Guests of the home of Mrs. 7 and 8 of Winchelsea School Wallace Ross,. 11.75-3 Sometimes it's hard to under- Miss Margaret Russell, Miss Fred Ennis. on Sunda were: enjoyed a bus trap to Toronto • CEDAR ants W R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. y HELP WANTED. p , Oilsizes,; anchor SEPTIC TANK D. E. Galt, D.V.M., V.S. stand, Alice Walker, Miss Margaret on Thursday, along with their ,,I, 1.,I IT pasts; 12' brace's; steel posts, 6' Phare 105 Seaforth Why' some things have to be, Wallace, Miss Dorothy Scott, KIPP.EN teacher Miss Marilyn Marshall, and T; ,barb wire; Paige wire. , SERVICE But in his, wisdom, 'God has Miss Carol Howe and 'Mr. Ken- and Mrs. Elson Lynn, Mrs. Ross Kinburn Store, phone 841 R 2, JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Planned, neth Walker, all of London, Mr. Robert Thomson and Mr. Skinner and Mr. Lorne Elford, . Men for Borden BrcTp. 11-77-tf Cleansed and repaired wMh Optometrist, optical services, Beyond our power to see. spent the holiday weekend at and Mrs. Bert Thomson attend-,Thev visited the Parliament Presswork H, 1 . Turner 'gravity g¢'ain modern equipment. Goderich St. West. Tuesday to God gave us strength to fight it, their respective homes here. ed the farmer's granddaugh-I Buildings. Museum and Old And courage to bea7•.the blow, Fort York. and enjo; ed lunchr boxes, $174.00, heavy guage IRVIN COXON Saturday, 95:30, except Wed- Mr. and Mrs, W. N. Binning ter's wedding in the. United. And what it cost to lose him, Required now. steel; 4 -toil RoadmasteT O'Taco nesday-Thursday evening by ap- end Mrs. Howard Querengesser Church, Mitchell, at 3 m., on . at the Museum. , Phone 254 Milverton, ointment. Phone 791, Sea- Mr. and Mrs. John Hern and steel' wagons., $L50.00. Basil O' 19 77 f ' N'o ani em ever know. of Mitchell and Mrs. Glen Die Saturday, when Misfip Joyce -Ever remembered b� his wife Y, o Rourke, Bxrrcefiel'd. 1L76 2 forth. Monday, Clinton Medi-' gel of Stratford visited Wed Priests was united in marria e ; family of Sunshine and Mr. and. : y' Edna and Famil�� 25-77r1 lw d Steady, work with 1,963 set£ propelled 10, t. Massey, SEAFORTH cal Centre, � - ---- - day evening with Mr. and Mrs. to Mr. Theodore Foster. � Mrs. Phil Hern and family spent Pro Pe - ! WESTCOTI'-In loving memory 5� an expanding Company Ferguson swabber dor hay or UPHOLSTERY K. McKellar. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Littleton � the holiday weekend at Cheslcy , Dr. M. R. Bul 'abasic of Arnold Westcott, who passed Lake. grain, with starter, lights, by Centre Street Mr. and Mrs. Alex Walker and familp and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Colin Gitfitlan and gar- , on Ju.ly'3, 1961. and Kimberley visited Sundh2 George G'v an and familyof • draulic lifts. J. L. O'Rielly, RR Dentistbora Ann and Mrs. Harvey 2, Dublin, phone 41 R 13, Dub Telephone 446 Graduate of the Faculty od,Within my heart I always keep, with Mrs. Isaac Statham of Hamilton s ent the weekend ate y UiYr. _ 11-77x•1 For all kinds of upholstering A special phee for you, p Smith and Pentt FEDERAL _ g• Dentistry, University of Toronto Parkhill. Arran Lake. y of Crediton I. L9_77 And try to da my bust to' live, sent the weekend in Landon MOGUL -POWER CHERRIES, both wlrute and T _ successor to Dr. J. A Munn, As you would want me to. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rhode Rev. Harold Johnston preach 4 (Canada), LTD., ' black sweet eheamie's will be SAA.TATION SERVICE office John St., Seaforth As I loved you, so I miss you, and children of Stratford were ed his farewell sermon Sunday with Mrs. Jack Mahar, Danny Sunda visitors with Mr. and at St. Andrew's Unitel Church and Darlene. ready by the da of later. Mont- Septic tanks tanks a add gen- Phone 151. In my memory You are neaT, y good congregation. Mrs. Garnet Miners spent eras repairs to tanks land dradnr MCCONNELL Mrs, Roy McGhee. to a g gation. 112 Mechanical' Rubber Division moremcy, lfd days latex. Bring Laved, remembered longed for y Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. vour baskets, and pick your own. age. always, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker chose for his sermon, "ThroUgh Arthur St., Mitchell. Ellmer Wella' Fruit Farm, cox- For Immediate Service & STEWART and Mr. and M s. + Treasured with a love sincere. f H. R. Currie the years. Howard Johns and family of 4-77.1 nem of Ift, and Ridge Road BILL FINCH, • Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. You are where I cannot see you, visited on Sunday with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W, L.-bl+';li: Flimville North. Boss., 3 miles south. of Camp Phone 238-2291, Grand Bend P. D McCONNELL, Q.C. Your voice I cannot hear, Herb Walker of Markdale. spent Saturday in London. I Mrs. Wilbert Glanville of . Ippemwash. 11r7W or D. I. STEWART Yet I know you walk beside me, Quite a number of people Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wahl of Staffs visited on Monday with __ STAFFENS PLUMBING Seaforth, Ont. Phone 556 Ever absent, alwa s near. from this area attended the Listowel visited over th,e week - 0 - Phone 49, Sftforth y � Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watters. 14. Property For Sale 19.67x10 It's sad to walk the road alone, Caledonian games at Embro on end with Mr, and Mrs. Norman,) Mrs, Roy Macdonald of Staf- MAJOR A. W. SILLERY Instead of side by side, Monde ' fa visited on Tuesday with Mr. LOT, corner of James and Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Y• Dickert. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan. OIL COMPANY West wilka.m Streetsr, black But to all, there tamest a mo- Jackie and Judy McGhee of Mr, and Mrs. David Moir and 5� from Madan corner. Harvey Dale. 21. Tenders' Wanted Phones: Office 173 Res 981 p MIA Pamela Coward of Srin- rent, London spent a few days with Adelle of Parry Sound spent Seaforth : Ontario When the ways of Life divide. shine Line visited Saturday Has established Farm Pet- phoar�e 847 R 21, Seaforth. 14 -?6x3 Y• their grandparents,, Mr, and the holiday weekend with the Y raleum Distnibuhomshdp aY241- THRFIE bedroom, white frame TENDERS WANTED You gave, me years of happiness Mrs, Otto Walker. litters father, ,Mr. Root. Thom- with Mr. and Mrs. John Cow- ^ .•_� D. H.. McINNES Then came sorrow and tears,, able. house, with kitchen, living room Teaixle¢� will be received by C2liropraebic But you ]eft me beautiful mem- The sympathy of the com- son, and attended the Foster• ard. a ' Excepfiomail' opportunity for and lratlu, situated on one acre munity. . is extended to the fam- Priests wedding in Mitchell, M.r. and Mrs. Lorne Sholdice the undersigned, on or before Commercial Hotel pries t P g person wishing to enter his own of $ands' in. village of Dublhv. ily of ,the late Mr. Scott Har- Mr. Charlie Taylor of Stoney of London and Mr. and Mrs. July l0ifh, for the nstall!artian of Monday, Thursday -1 to 8 p.m I will treasure through the years Charles Fisher °f Exeter vis - 1. Qual�ifiedper4onshould phone 72 R 12, Dublin, U-77-3 flush toilets, sink and cupboards -Ever remembered • by his burn, whose death occurred in Creek visited on the holiday Cha es Sunday -venin with ,- be native of Seaforth or ,area.. at SS Na. 6, MciO:llop, situated BOK wife, Alva B. Westcott. 25-77-1 a car accident on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. g Minimum capital required, 15• Property For nt FUNERAL SERVICE night. Mr, Nelson Hood is expected Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke, P Y � 2r/a miles eat a£ W�tba'oA• --- P $2000. Above avem9e return on APARTMENT for rent in Bayo Work to be''comtpleteed by Aug. • R. S. BOX Births home Saturday from Victoria Elimville United Church Wo - investment. field, all conveniences paid. 23rd. Plans may be seen by LI'CE'NSED EMBALMER • Hospital, London, where he has men held their June meeting BOX : 'Phone Watford, cantac'tin , Prom CARTWRIGHT-In Olin -ton Pub- NOW ORGANS BEGAN been a t last Wednesday evening at the 271.6641, 15 76xCi g: pt and careful atjtentIon me Hospital, on June 18, to patient seven weeks. y Huron sitar. LESLIiE�- J': PRYCE, Sec.-Treas. Hospital Bed •• -The pipe organ goes back Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bourke re- church with Mrs. Phi] Hern 4 75.3 TWO apartments u>L iffre Royal RR 1, Dubhnm Ontario. FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS Mr. and Mrs. Hovwnrd Cart- and Mrs., Tam Campbell- i I * Apts. Applyto Joseph McComnelll wright, (nee Marjorie Me- more than 20 centuries. A turned tame from visiting a >7 - Seaforth as Dr. E. A. MclVias� 21'76-2 Phones: crude Egyptian terra-cotta fig- month in Nova Scotia. Mr. charge of the worship part; Ewan), RR 1, Londesboro, a Mrs. Freeman Horne la 6. Teachers Wanted. tem Grand tend. 15-77-tE Res. 595-w — Store 43 urine depicts, a minstrel who Bourke's niece accompanied played an - dnoe ter, Carol Ann: sins while he instrumental, and Mrs. Oam 1 APA'RT107NT, kitchen living TENDERS WANTED J• A° BURKE ECK'ERT-At Scott Memoriafl g Plays a mouth them and will visit two months. P Hospital) on June 29, to Mr. organ or. pan -pipe. The pipes Mrs. Chris Haist of Zurich bell read the study book. Mrs. TEACHER WANTED room. 3 pp�ieCe batltr, 2 bedrooms, Sealed Tenders ,wail, be re- Funeral Director are connected to a hose and it visited during the week with Lloyd Johns and Mrs. Lorne El- t-mnp leitely m�odemrn. Phone 1X111, and Ambulance Service and Mrs. Fred 'Elckert, RR 4, g ford were the hostesses. A IO- ceived for srppQydng and arp- leads to a small bellows oper- Mr. and Mrs. Long. Applications for Music Teach- Senforth, 235-1510, 1. Exeter. 77-1 DUBLIN ONTARIO Mitchell, a, son. , cent tea was served. Group A plying a new asphalt root at HLTi'H-In Walkerbcrn Hospital, ated by the minstrels foot. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Drum er will be received' until July SS No. 10 Stanley,Tenders Lo Night or Day Calls: p were in charge of the lunch. About 200 B.C. a famous en• mond of Edinburgh, i 1.�' 1�5, for SS No. 7, 1V[cKilibp. ,Phone 43 R '10 percw� Huhn, RR 2m Ctiffordra g P g gli, Scotland, g Dutie4 to commerce September Boxharlder.o Nd*es ' be in' the'lramds� SecTCTetary� ineer of Alexandria is said to are s endin some time with Treasurer, by July 20th, 1963. G. A. WHITNEY daughter. have built a complex organ the former's brother and wife, 1, M• Not Given Out 1 For further iinform don, Coni FUNERAL HOME VIVIAN - At 6rott Memorial whose wind pressure derived Mr. and Mrs. James Drummond HURON FARM NEWS tact Dom• Brodie, Brumfield, AT�EX DENNX9. It is not -possible for us Hospital, an June 30. to Mr. from two water pumps, Detail- and family of Kippen. Farmers have had a hot d 9acreitamy-Treatsumer, Ontario. Goderich St. W, Seaforth r9 to divulge the name• or ad- Lo m• any, Tender not AMBULANCE SERVICE a-nd Mrs. Gordon• Vivian, RR ed descriptions and diagrams Mr. and Mrs. Jack Consitt and weeks for haying, Winter bar - ,•RR 2, Walltonu. dress of any advertiserCes tccepbed Adjustable hospital beds 1• Staffs, a daughter. still exist. The Romans used or- family enjoyed the weekend at ley is beginning to ripen. Corn• I., l'. • r -'� ^? using a Huron Expositbr A J IMUS'x'A'1�-'D, for rent. Every week morn people dis .gans to supply a musical ac- Ipperwash Beach, the guests of is making excellent growth, box number. Please d`d.not FLOWERS FOR EVERY cover what mighty jobs are companiment to the btu' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sheppard. Beans require a rain, as do All "' ` 1=012 ADVERTISEMENTS TOO' ask for this inform4tion, Secrotamy+? raatshrmer, t LATS TO CLUMPY, $90 Veamra Ontario. !OCCASION accomplished 'by low cost Ex- martyrdom of. Christians fh Hilly dremalned for two weeks' crops, Spring grain is heading . hAGI ' 6 ,. ,V,114 phone lis Seaforth positar W>liit d§. llollda s, atilt, , , eta . . .'