HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-07-04, Page 3a 4. • • r • 4 • ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton' Office in Masonic Store Main Street 'hone 75 : Seaforth BeWarmly Contented With Texaco Stove Oil or TEXACO FURNACE FUEL OIL Call Us To7deY 1 WALDEN . BROADFOOT Seaforth Phone 686 W Hensaii. Stu4ents Lec.•r.n� Juni Exciminati�n Results Kindergarten To Crede 1 Joan Alexander, Linda Beer, Sandra Bremner, Brenda Gass, Anne Knight, Kareut Kyle, Tony Kyle, Scott Lambie, Bradley Lavender, Gordon McKenzie, Judith Mickle, Gerry Neilancds, Robert Noakes, Cindy Parker, Margaret Rooseboom, Patti Row- ciiffe, Gregoty Sinker, Deborah Smith, Karen Smith, Robert Vanstone. Grade I to Grade 11 Ross Alexander, Joan Allan, Kevin Buchanan, Billy Clement, Kathy Cook, Eddie Elliott, Joan Forrest, Joan Goddard, Jane WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS Phone 141 Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime! DID YOU KNOW ...that Sun Life of Canada is ons of the world's leading life insurapoe companies, with 150 branch 'offices throughout North America? As the Sun Life represent - take to your community, may I he of terrace? JOHN J. WALSH Phone 40 R 20 - DUBLIN, ONT. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada ENNANT- WINNING SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday .and Saturday York FANCY PEAS York Fancy CREAMED CORN York Fancy Whole KERNEL CORN .... einz THOMATO CATSUP'". BALLET TISSUE 15 -oz. Tins 2 33 2 15 -oz. Tins . 2 14 -oz.. Tins ..11 -oz. Bottle 4 -Roll Pkg. White or Coloured GIANT AJAX CLEANSER 2 Tins DUNCAN HINES - CAKE MIXES ...., ....... 2 Pkgs. White, Devil's Food, Cherry Supreme, Lemon Swift's BEEF STEW Large 24 -oz. Tin Luscious, Juicy, Free Stone PEACHES Snow White, Good Size CAULIFLOWER Sunkist ORANGES -138's • 330 330 210 370 47-0 750 390 2 lbs. 29¢ Each 290 Dozen 49 SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS Open 'til 10 p.m. Friday - 6 p.m. Saturday Smith's Phone 12 FREE DELIVERY Heal, Pat Joynt, Janet Lar combo, Paul Lawrence, Paul Reaburn, Billy -Jae Rowel/Ile, Danny Smith, Rhonda Smith, Danny Turvey, Patty Van Wier - en, Billy Webster, Jayne Wil- liams, Wendy Youse. Grade it to Grade 11i Lloyd Allan, Kevin Bisback, Brenda Bremner, Karen Broder- ick, Michael Carter, Deborah Clark, Kay Davis, Jill Drysdale, Ricky Elliott, Lee Ann Hawley, Shelley Kipfer„ Keith Koehler, Douglas Kyle, Wayne Lambie, Randy Larcombe, Brenda Lav- ender, Terry Mattson, 'Pam Mickle, Jeff Reaburn, Eddie Rooseboom, John Rowcliffe, Bonnie Sangster, Scott Smith, Christine Vanstone, Ronald Wil- son. Grade 111 to Grade IV Pauline Allan, Ann Bell, Shel- ley Bonthron, Randy Bremner, Catharine Christie, Beverly Cor- nell, Carmen Currie, - Cathy Fuss, Keith Harburn, Julie Heal, David Jackson, June Maxwell, Ann Mills, Timmie Mock, Don- ald Noakes, Johil. Noakes, Mich- ael Sangster,- Sheila Sangster, Dorothy Skea, Garth Sinker, Shirley Smale, Joe, Vanstone, Malcolm Williams, Colin Gear. Grade IV to Grade V Iris 'Alexander, Allan Bisback, Susan Broadley, Bill Cameron, Garry Clement, Ronald Clem- ent, Kenneth Ferguson, Bill Hastings, Bill Hoy, Anne Keys, Douglas Mock, Richard Parker, Joseph Reaburn, Linda Sang- ster, Suzanne Sinker, Leonard Smale, John Taylor, Wendy Webster, Beverly Whiteman. Grade V to Grade VI Margaret Allan, Debra An- derson, Beverly Clark, Susan Elliott, Donna Forrest, Jo -Anne' Gear, Linda Hay, Dorothy Kip- fer, Lynda Koehler, Bert Koen lag, Robin Lambie, Mary Mock, Linda Reid, Keith Roszel, Pam- ela Sangster, Marjorie Schwalm, Jane Smith, Pamela. Taylor, Peggy Y Vanstone, Murray Wal- ker, Peter Williams. Grade VI to Grade VII Janice Bonthron, Betty Cam- eron, Beth Cook, Carolyn Cook, Bill Corneil, Michael Davis, Muriel Ferguson, Lynda Fuss, Michael Hoy, Susan Jinks, Ken- neth Jones, John Joynt, Linda Keys, Linda Kipfer, Dinie Koes- lag, Sharon Lavery, Linda Low- ery, Sandra Maxwell, Karen Mills, John Moir, Cheryl Mous- seau, Patricia Parke, Robbie Taylor,_ Jerry Tudor, Stephen Weido.., DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For Dead or Disabled Animals CALL ' Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. ' Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 License No. 262-C-63 Seaforth Phone 863 W 1 License No. 240-C-63 and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 . Seaforth BALERTWINE Haying is now in full swing and we - have a good supply of Baler Twine ine stock !- BALER TWINE $7.15 per Bale and up TYMEX,41TOPNOTCH and BRANTFORD BALER IN STOCK 9,000 and 10,000 Ft. Twine BRANTFORD BINDER TWINE TRUCK LOAD LOTS OF GRAIN Delivered to your granary At Special Prices OPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED SEAFORTH PHONE 775 "THE MOST VALUE FOR THE FARMER'S DOLLAR" Tit TLT,TT,TLT T , Grade V11 to firede Y11.1' Pauline Veil, Chrissie Cam- eron, Arleen ChtpGhase, Folin. Goddard, Cathy Henderson, Gary KYJe, Marilyn Maxwell, Brenda oaken, . Jane Pyetite, Charles Schwalm, Joan Suet mons, John Skea, Ken Sma3e, Ruth Smale, Bill Taylor, Gerald Volland. Grade VIII to Grade ix Brian Bonthron, Peter Bis - back,. Ricky Buchanan, Paul Drysdale, Joyce Flynn, Clark Forrest, Stephen Gear, Laverne' Harburn, Joanne Koeslag, Suz- anne Kyles Linda Lenaghan, Cheryl Little, Bob Moir, Wendy Moir, Heather Reid. The staff includes: Prinelpal and Teacher, Grades 7 and 8, Robert G. Reaburn; Grades 5 and 6, Mrs. Mary Haugh; Grades 4 end 5, Mr, Eric Mansfield; Grades 2 and 3, Mrs. Mabel Shirray; Grades 1 and 2, Mrs. Beryl Elgie; Kindergarten, Mrs. Helen Scene. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Rumble and family of Toronto spent the holiday weekend at the Murdoch cottage in Gode- rich and visited with Mrs. Rum- ble's father, Mr. J. R. Murdoch, in Clinton Hospital. They also accofnpanied their son Ted to Ipperwash, where he will at- tends cadet training school for the summer. Following rehearsal on. Fri- day evening last, the Brucefield choir entertained Rev. and Mrs. Johnson prior to their leaving for their new home in Stratford. A short program preceded an ad- dress read by Mrs. Mac' Wilson, expressing regret at the term- ination of a happy relationship between the choir and their minister , and his wife during the past three years, and the presentation was made by Mrs. Murdoch of a living -room lamp to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and a bouquet of roses to Mrs. John- son. Following Mr. Johnson's expression of appreciation on behalf of his wife and himself, lunch and a social hour was enjoyed. NEWS -4P HE l , LL KJNETTs A PRESENTATIQ.S OF AN UAk -SCHOLARSHIPS The regular meeting of the Kinette Club of lfensall was held at the home of Mrs, WM. Clement, with vice - prOsident Mrs. John Deitz in the chair. Each year the Kinettes 'award two scholarships to the top boy and girl student in Grade 8 of Hensel! -Public School, and wars made known to the club at this meeting that the students pe- ceiving the awards this year were Wendy Moir and Richard Buchanan. Complete reports were given by all committees for their year's work. As this was the final meeting until Sep- tember, a social was held after the business. Joint hostesses for the social were Mrs, 'Clem- ent, Mrs. #. Baker and Mrs. R. Caldwell. Mrs. Pearl Shaddick was hos- tess at her home Thursday eve- ning for a farewell party for Mrs. Eva Parker, who bas left for London, where she has ac- cepted a position. The immedi- ate neighbors were present and a giftand a corsage were pre- sented to Mrs. Parker by Mrs. Harry Horton. Mrs. E. Chip - chase was co -hostess. Contests and luncheon rounded out a most delightful evening, Scholarships of $25.00 were awarded to Ricky Buchanan and Wendy Moir, boy and girl stu- dent in Grade 8 at Hensall Pub- lic School, who have attained highest percentage. Presenta- tions were made at the school Friday morning 'by Mrs. John Deitz, incoming president of Hensall Kinette Club, this being an annual project of the club. Names will be added to the plaque at the school. Ricky's brother, David, received the same award in 1958. Mrs. Mary Haugh and (laugh- ter, Suane, of Brucefield left Monday for a conducted tour of Western Canada and the United States, and their itinerary will i n c l u d e Mexico, Hollywood, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Cal- gary Stampede, Jasper and Banff. Thirty-two students of Grades 5 and 6 of Hensall Public School accompanied by their teacher, Mrs. Mary Haugh, and seven mothers, enjoyed a delightful tour Friday afternoon and vis - NEWS OF THE WEEK IN On Monday morning 18 pupils from Grades 1, 2 and 3 of SS No. 3, Hibbert, accoinpanied by their teacher, Mrs. Margaret Kemp, went by train from Dub- lin to Goderich. There they were met by Mrs. Cliff Miller, Mrs. Bob Sadler and Miss Jane Parsons with cars to take them to the park for " lunch. From there they went to the Huron County Museum, after which they , motored home, stopping in Dublin to tour the butcher shop. Miss Vera Hambley and Mrs. Cecil Bowman attended the ACWW convention at the OAC, Guelph, ,on Thursday last, at which the president, Mrs. F. J. Van Bukoff, of the Netherlands, was guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan, Exeter, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman and families. David Kemp spent the week- end at Algonquin' Park. Eric Norris and Terry Day - hard spent the weekend at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oliver from Saskatchewan are spending .a few days at the home of Mr. Ray Baldkwell and visiting friends in the community. Visiting with Mrs. Mary Tem- pleman on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Annis and family, Zion, Miss Margaret and James Miller and Bob Temple- man. Sunday visitors with 'gr. and Mrs, -Carter Kerslake and fam- were Mr. and Mrs. Everette Kerslake and daughters, Crom- arty, and Mr. and Mrs. George Vivian and Andrew. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller and family attended Cromarty anniversary and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Laing and family, Cromarty. Visiting on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Miller and Ken were Mr. and Mrs, Johnny Mil- ler and Karen and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duncan and family, Kirk - ton. The Staffa UCW met for their regular meeting in the Family Life Centre of the church. Mrs. Leslie Miller was in charge of the worship service and used as her theme, "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Mrs. Cecil Bowman - read the scripture lesson from Psalm 139, verses 1 to 12, fol- lowed by meditation and pray- er. Janet Miller favored with a piano solo and a reading was given by Mrs. Walter O'Brien, entitled "Memories." Mrs. Robert McCaughey gave ALL KINDS of INSURANCE W.` E. SOTATE Bum S' • - SEAFORTH Phone 834–.. ger. 540 STAFFA as her topic a paper on "An Excelling Mother." The presi- dent, Mrs. Bert Daynard, con- ducted the business and asked the members to have their ma- terial in for" the bale as soon as possible. Mrs. Harold Pethick read a poem, "Reward." Scott Harburn, 18 -year-old son of Mr. and, Mrs. Fred Harburn, Staffa, was killed Saturday eve- ning when the car which he was driving went out bf control on the county road two miles south of Dublin. He is survived by his parents and two brothers, Ted, Staffa, and Don, Wood- stock; .a sister, Ilia, drowned nine years ago, SS No. 3, Hibbert, held their annual picnic at the school on Thursday evening with supper at 6:30, followed .by a full line of sports and a ball game. Dur- ing the evening Mrs. Margaret Kemp, the teacher, was pre- sented with a matched two-piece set of luggage from the pupils and 'the section. Mrs. Anthony Brait and. Rich- ard, Beaconsfield, Quebec, are visiting- with Mrs. Brait's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Norris. David Kemp is attending sum- mer schoolat the University Of Western Ontario. Mrs. Mary Templeman is vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Annis and family, Zion. ited I[urondale Hairy, alifensall, where they Were -treated to chocolate hulk; Bell Foundry, Seafortb, where they were pre- rented with free cokes; Boshart Furniture Factor; apron lex- positox, where each received a lintoype slug with, name, and the Shoe Factory, Seaforth, af- ter which they went to the home of Airs Baugh where they were served lunch. The pupils presented Mrs. Haugh with a lovely lamp. Mothers who ac- companied. the children were Mrs. Harold ' Bonthron, Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. Doug Cook, ;Mrs, R. Cook, Mrs, H. Keys, Mrs. L. Parke and Mrs. Harold Jones. The smorgasbord dinner, held in the United Church Wednes- day evening, sponsored by Un- its 1 and 4 of the UCW, drew one of the largest crowds to attend such a dinner. The pro- ceeds were most gratifying. Convener was Mrs. Jas. Taylor and her committee. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hedden, Niagara Falls; Mr. Harold Hed- den, Dresden; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shorthouse, Gwen, Virgin- ian, and Earl, St. Catharines, were weekend visitors with Mr. Herb Hedden. They also attend- ed the Hoffmeyer-Carter wed- ding on Saturday at Main St. United Church, Mitchell. Miss Mary Payne has accept- ed a position in Oakridge Acres for the summer months. Mr, and Mrs. William Kerr and Miss Carol Kerr, of Callan- der, spent the weekend holiday with the latter's sister, Mrs. Maude Hedden. Mrs. Clarence Reid won the $85 jackpot at the Legion bingo Saturday night. Bingos will be discontinued until further no- tice, Mrs. Carl Payne left Thurs- day for Winnipeg for a visit. Miss Greta Lammie attended a meeting of the Alumni As- sociation of the Ontario School for the Blind at Brantford. Tuckersmith pupils, accom- panied by their teachers, enjoy- ed a bus trip to Toronto Thurs- day, and during their itinery enjoyed a subway ride, had din- ner at the Park .and visited the Zoo, . Parliament Buildings, where they were greeted by Hon. Chas, MacNaughton, Casa Loma and Malton, with lunch at Brampton. Rev. Harold Currie, Mrs. Cur rie and family are spending the month of July vacationing at Sauble Beach. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Goddard, John and Joan are on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Haslip, Susan and Joey, of Hamilton, spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs., Eric Kennedy and Mr. Ira Geiger. Miss Pauline Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell, left for St. Thomas summer fig- ure skating school Monday, where she will take private lessons under professional Don - old Cumming of Chatham. Mrs. Stewart Bell and Ann were in St. Thomas on Monday. Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Ex- positor Classified Ad. Phone 141. CO - OP INSURANCE • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence & Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance • Retirement Income All Lines of Insurance Written W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 193-J — John St. SEAFORTH DOLMAGE MILLING CO. Phone 855 R 2 — Seaforth R.R. 1, SEAFORTH -- WINTHROP BULK UNLOADING BULK DELIVERY 11M MI MI MN FULL LINE OF PREPARED FEEDS Made from Western Grain Reasonable Prices on Truck Load Lots of Western grain WE ARE AGENTS FOR JAMESWAY EQUIPMENT Hog Feeders and Poultry Feeders McKEE WATERING BOWLS Full line of Whitmoyer Medications ON -THE -FARM GRINDING FUL-TON FEEDS—Manufactured by High Energy Mills, Newmarket Two Mobile Units To Serve You DAMAGE MILLING CO. ED. DOLMAGE, Proprietor "MY 'II, lWI ly (0 3MILLION CANADIANS What with? Your family's holiday luggage, naturally. If you'd like a new car to take you on your vacation ...see the B of M. Matter of fact, you might wish to finance both the car and your vacation under the same low-cost, life -insured plan. That's the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan, of course. Available at every B of M branch. •, ..mn.......>.,.v..::S::S•:.:....t.,..v...,..f.'sw,wi::.. n................+r.� .'N..ist..:i:.. r,....... BANK OF MONTREAL ,".„...".......... .................. mitt1Rnarn ePlan brings all your personal credit needs] under one roof Hensall Branch: VICTOR PYETTE, Mgr. Open Monday, Wednesday & Friday Brucefield (Sub -Agency): '•I'* .NG9u FFP596S fv�,: y Phone 141 Seaforth YOU CAN ENJOY A PATIO THIS SUMMER FOR AS LOW AS , . . It's the modern way to enjoy summer at home. A patio answers your warm weather need for a place to entertain— or a hideaway where you can relax at the end of a busy day. Simplo to build, a patio adds to the value of your home, too! See us soon and get an early start! We have the popular translucent building panels for patio roofs, bar-b-ques, patio stones—everything you need, including Free Plans and helpful suggestions to cut building time! Build It Yourself or We'll Build It For You on our. " ONE RESPONSIBILITY, PLAN " Lets you make home improvements • up to $3,000 and take up to 5 years to pay. We make all arrangements including financing. Ask for details! SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. LDA twins br�ktli, ' AUMftir . Phone 47 Railway St. Seaforth