The Huron Expositor, 1963-06-27, Page 11o .1
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l7sE OTHESEYOU CLASSIFICATIONS 8. Farm Stock Fox Sale 14. ]Property For Sale 19. Notices a 22. Legal Notices` BiltIts /"
,. NUMBER pigs, 8 wee �l FA,R'M au 'I'uckems4n6rt�,, ow on or about the 3xd. day a# BR'QWN At Scott Mo +tai � ` }
Coming �,iBJ J LY pigs, $ weeks UWl1. AM OW ., � �.
2. Lost Strayed � A'ppl'y Ted Van Dyk, phone Sear County, Road, lfa'rge balm, and HAIL INSURANCE' January, 1963, aFe hereby noti- Hos�bal, Qtr Ju46 22, lea M.
forth 610 W 4. 8-76x� „brick house, lobs, of wnbeun atr foci to send in, to the under, ` and Mrs'. Angus Biawe>r, RR 3, A �r r y�
41 3. Foundba,.1963 Ratet3' Sera$or-tbi, a sora. 81h'� ,ANNIVER Rll`'
S. He Wanted GOOD strong reliable York hog. up Goad also hour$, l signed on or before the 29th
1� g se1TIh'g, in health. Apptiy 13ct� Allll grairrx, corn, 0=. -psi, and day- of June, X963, full, parthw- McM'AMR 'Int: Chatham Geau-
5. RusByass Oppombumdes Alvin Dodds, phone 861 R I14, enol Hbspita0, an J� ,, Ut, to Targe cungreations,..attend ,, «.. Oki ro
6. Tea srs Wanted Sea,Eomth, 8-761 1236, Huron Ewposgttu. 14765x? tars of, their claims,: after whueh Mm. and Mrs. Paint McMaster,
cc�� sugar techs $3.50 1 $]. - the 98th anniversaryelevices o#: `#arn!� Q Crich ,lhCeA.
7. 8atua4ian�s Waubed LOT; corner of Jamnes: Ind Beaau4. anc� flax, $5.00 per $7100• date the assets of .the said es-
FIFT�EEN pigs, 7 weeks old. W'e'st W-Aliam StawAs, block ;Exam le-4usu'ne. 30 �aycres of tate Will be distributed amongst (nee Marjorie, Hoggart), of' Cromarty Church, An :$unday: Grace Bo0t*t'fid& 14�� � 14�CsW.
$. Farm Shock For Sate Rien Van Loon hone 65? R from Machu coro4ar. Harvey Dolle, maxed amain valuer 1500 for the Radgebowrr a daug4em. Rev. Alan Ross of- 1Jort Prean Johtls WOloi M''be-
S. Poultry For Sale y P $ parties entitled thereto, IfRYCEI - + �. Scatt Memortal
10. Used Cars For Sate . Seafoa+th. 8-76-1 phone 847 R 21, Seaforth. 14-76x3 only 37.50. having regard only to claims byterian Church, Mitchell; con- fell S?F. ,. �ro�B>31- ` Ylrtth :, "M
11. A.rtitles For Sale EIGHt' ood of which the undersigned shall , . art June 22, to. Mr. ducted the morning service, and 1}E�,s, tlI 114Uex. n 64, 1* - , ,
g P1 8 weeks aId. roti Mrs. Harold. Pa'yce, RR 1, Jsitea A#eikle,,
r 22. Wanted Tio Buy Leon Maloney, RR 5, FOR SALE See then have notice. and Rev. J. C, Boyne had charge ill, P and( s�
i, Seafortdr, a daughtep. of the evening service, with Kirktozl, 1Kltil+A4r and hlrs, Car11
13. Wanted phone 10'2 R 22, Dublin. 8-76-1 John A. Carina Dated at Seaforth, this tOth Ma, Ross as guest speaker. The' lyltr Ueikls;. Me ana' Mrs; J'ack
14. Property For Safe Ideal family home, 2 blbclm Insurance Agency day of June 1963.
16. Property For Rent TWO Red Shonthorm bulls, 14 fromr public school, 3 bedrooms, Engagements choir from Knox Church, Mit- McGhee and family and Mrs,
Phone 214fo ALVIN W. SILLERY chell under the leadership of Srnuk London, with Mr; And
16. Far Sale or Rent 1T1'o''i'�' cold. Laurence Fa�lcamer broadlb�am in luvang loom and P . ,
on Hl 19-75.2 + Mai and Mrs. Gardoru Hill, Via+ +
lq. Wanted To Remit b'li'vray Na. 4, Banvicefie0.d. dining roam, new aSl furmace. Seaforth, Ontario. eve, wish bo announce the coir Mrs. Gilck, led the singing and Mrs. Roy. Motxl7ee,
18. Property Wanted
8-75x2 $6500:00, down paryanswt $1600, 2L Tenders Wanted Solicitor for the Estate gagement of Uhedr daaughber, sang two special numbers at the M� �� �r�o and ehlltdren.
10. Notices Sacrifice, for quack salte, 3 bed- 22-74-3 Carol Ann, to Mr. Francis, Ed- evening service. Cromarty choir of Aorehested .Mr, Ren Walker
a 20. Auction Sales 10. Used Cars For Sale room home, new bathn000m, win Blurt, son of 'Mr. and Mrs, had charge of music at the of London, and . Mr.. and Mrs.
21. Tenders Wanted large lot, 1 block ficom main TENDERS WANTED 23. BUS1neSs Directal'y Fnamk Hunt, Seafoaoth, the ram morning service and coiiiribut Robert Hulley, Jr., and faintly,
1949 Intemnataontal stake truck; intersection. price
22. Legal Notices 1947 Intemnationral $35 00' raige to bake place in Varma ed suitable anthems. Winthrop, with. Mr. and, Mrs.
23. Business Directory also snow gravel, truck To build cement block wall, A, M. HARPER• & COMPANY 'Unaked Church Jury 20, at 2:30 Among those who attendeci Otto Walker,
plough equipment, JOSEPH McCONNII.L Realtor 10 inches thick 80 feet Tong and Chartered Accountants Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Duncan and
24. Cards of Thanks hydraulic. Robert Dalian RR 19 Victoria $t„ Seafiorth p.m, 76x4 and visited with friends were:
25. In Memoriam 1 Laiixieslyoro' pie 266 X fleet 55 57 South St. Telephone :. , AUP family, Kirkton, with Mr, and
phone 758 J 1, •'Goderich JA 4-7562 Mr. aeixl Mrs. Thomas hoansnis Mr. and Mrs. W. Lamport, South
26..Pemsonals Seaforth, 10-76x1 14-76-1 HURON CANADIAN FABRICA- Licensed Municipal Auditor Lawless, announce the engage Boundary, with Mr. and Mxs. �• Wesley Russell and Mar -
The cast is low. Classifications ntent oi6 their daughter, Ann T. Laing; ,Mr. and Mrs. Russell garet.
TORS,, SeaEartlr.
2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 21-7�5-z SEAFORTH Bernice, to Mr. Gerald Bene- Miller and family of Roys with Mrs. Thomas Scott, Mrs. Geo:
11, Articles For Sale
4 17, minimum 40c an insertion. 15. Property .For Rent dict 51b�am, son of Mr. and.Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing and, Wallace, Mrs. Thos: Laing and "
Classification 25, minimum 65c BABY carriage, like new. Phone VETERINARY James E. Sloap, St. Calu�mbam, family; Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Mrs. T. L. Scott attended the APARTMENT for rent on Main TENDERS WANTED the marriage ba take place an Con -
plus 25c for each 4 -line verde. 470 R, Seiaiarbh, 11-76w1 CLINIC Sorsdahl and daughters, 75th anniversary of Avonton
AN other classifications mini- Street, availaible July. 1. Frank Saturday, July 13th, 1963, at nie and Mrs. Sord of Mitchell
mum 65 cents per insertion FORAGE wagon and rack. Rob I{ixn ,Ltd. _ 15 75-2 Tenders will be. received by J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. � � M�y,� y Women g Missionary Society on
g 10:30 oPclock with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dow
exceptAuction Sales 20), Dalton RR 1 Londesboro, - the undersigned, in or before D. E.
alt, D, D.V.M. V.S. Wednesday.
( Ten- � � APARTMENT far recut an Bays 'Cathodic Church, Grafton, Om- and family;Mr. and Mrs. Mer-
ders Wanted, (21), and Legal phone 758 J-ly Seafartity. 11-76x1 field, all canveences aid, July, lOrtffv, far the installation of D. E. Galt, D.V.M., V.S. • tario. 76x1 Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Weitzman,
g �- - P flush toilets, sink and cupboards Phone 105 Seaforth vin Nairn of Roys with Mr• and Niagara Falls, U.S.A., and Mr.
Notices, (22), rates on 'applicar PUREBRED male Beagle pups; (Phone SbrahEord, 271.6641. 1576x3at SS No. 6, McKillop, situated Sell that unnecessary piece of Mrs. Robert Gardiner and fam- .and Mrs. Will Miller were the
tion, 1 female, 1'✓2 years, good hung TWO apartments in a Royal 2V2 mires east of Winthrop. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF furniture through a Huron Ex- ily; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick, guests of Mrs. Grace Scott on
e ' For cash payment -or if paid ter. Paul Beattie, phone 450, x1 �Apts. Apply to Joseph McConnell Work to be completed by Aug. Optometrist, optical services, positor Classified Ad. Phone 141, Sharon and Donald, London, and
Seaforth, or Dr. E. A. McMas� Wednesday.
by' 10 days following last inser- FEW tan' fed barley. Whns. 23rd. Piaeis may be seen by Goderich St. West. Tuesday to . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dodds
tion, 15 CENT'S deducted from P'othering+ha:m, RR 3, Seaforth, �ter• Grand Bend. 15-73fif contacting: Saturday, 9-5:30, except Wed- and family of Walton were Sun-
above rates, phone HU 2-9196, 11-76x1 LESLIE' J. PRYCE, Sec. Trees. nesday-Thursday evening by ap- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs,.
FIFTEEN acres of h -ay, Hamald 19• • Notices pointment. Phone 791, Sea- %� Robert Dodds. -
RATES Trediry, Cro'mamty, ,phone Hen- YOUNG registered York RWe 21-76-2 forth. Monday, Clinton Medi Mr. Roy McCormick of Bail- I
. salt, 890 R 11. 11-76x2 boar for service, $3, at time of cal, Centre. cr 9ft visited on Sunday with11
(For Business Firfiis, Trades- .KITCHEN calbinet, light oak service. James Sloan, Lot 10, TENDERS Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGhee.
* meat, etc,): Minimum 50 cents finish. New condition, Mrs,. Coro. 7, McKillop. 19-76x2 � • g and Mrs. Johm�
ger insertion. Billing charge, 15 Frank Crich, phone 669 J 1. -1 PROMPT watch repair service FOR PAINTING Dentist _ Jefferson went on a bus trip
cents per advertisement. TWO-whe-e4 oar trailer new at Savauge's, (opposite Post ' Graduate of the Faculty of li
tires in Office 2 certified watch,mak- Tenders will .be received by- Dentistry, University of Toronto The farm home of Mr. and South Huron Agricultural T'wi- sponsored by the Kirkton Horti-
gaod condition. Mrs. ) cultural • Society, to St. Thomas
I. Coming Events Frank Crich phone 669 J 1. 76-1 ers• Automatics a specialty. the undersigned by June• 30, successor to Dr. J. A. Munn, Mrs. Robert Elgie, Kippen, light Stock Show Wednesday
1963, fair 'painting the interior , office John St., Seaforth ro ed an ideal setting for the. evening were: First prize, 65, and London on Monday.
BINGO Come to the first COCKSHUTT .side delivery rake 73 H P y g g P Barbara Meikle little daugh•
•of SS ,Na, 4, McKillop, inalud- Phone 151, annual meeting of Hensall Wo- Mr. Henderson, Sebringville,
Lions Club Bingo, in Teeswater good working olden. W, D. SEPTIC TANKS 'CLEANED ter of Mr.. and Mrs. Carlyle
Modern equipment used. AB ing classrooms, walls and ,em mens Institute Monday ,eve- Reeve of Ellice Township; tick-
Aren�a, on Friday evening June Wilson, phone 658 J 1, Seaforth, trance, and waslviam and MCCONNELL Meikle, is a patient in Scott
4 � oink. Fifty sat down to a de- et sold by Earl Dick, President P •
28th, cornmeiucing at 9 o'clock, USED refrigerator, in, excel- work guaranteed. varnishing ceiling. Work to be Memorial Hospital, Seaforth.
& STEWART licious picnic supper served on of the Society; second'prize,
and ,continuing ,every second lent condition.. . $69.00. crown Write or phone completed by July 31 1963. Mr. Anthony Allen, Bruce and
Friday night. 12 $40 games,; 2 Hardware, SeafQrth. 11-76-2 LOUIS BLAKE Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. the lawn, the tea tables at- $25, Lorne Passmore, Exeter;
$100 specials; 1 $500 special. -1 USED 17" and 21" TV's, at RR 2, Brussels; phone 442 W 6. MRS. GORDON M�cKENZIE, P. D McCONNELL, Q.C. tractive with summer flowers. third prize, $10, Maurice Tudor; Gary Stratford, visited on Sun
_ i9 -62x20 Secretary -Treasurer, D. -I: STEWART At a brief business meeting, two $5.00 draws, Danny Smith day with Mr. and Dors. Eldon
re'duc'ed prices, Crown Hard= -- and Christine Cameron, Hen- Allen and, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
2. Lost, Strayed urate, Seaforth. 11-76-2 RR 1, Seaforth. Sea.ortlr, Ont.' Phone 550 chaired by president Mrs. B. Sall; five 200 draws, Gar
Remember, it . takes but a Allen.
SLVI'ALL sleeping trailer foo 2 moment to place an Expositor 21-76-1 • Beaton, the group accepted an $ Mrs. Violet
Want Ad and be money in A. W SILLERY Gass, Joan Simmons, Eddie El- Quince and Mrs.
BLUE, suede, jacket, fell from + invitation to Huroparty to pre Colin McDougall, Bracebrid
r truck on Egmondville Street. veasorvably parcel. Apply P.O. Barrister, Solicitor, etc. sent a birthday party August tiott. g ge>
Sax 706, Seaforth. 11-76x1 pocket. To advertise, just Phone FOR UEL OIL Phones: SeafortMice 173��tarios. 8 and Miss Greta Lammie are to called
durinand Mrs, g theTaylor,
wee . Fra k
Johnnie Blue, phone 768. 2-76-1 -- - -. Seaforth 141. _ . 21. Mrs. El ie, Mrs. Carl Payne lied on Mr. and Mrs. Frank
ONE Universal milking mach- NOW is the time rp repair WEDDING S ea
G E R M'AN Shepherd, female, ine, 2-•unibs, ' in good workinglook after arrangements. Mrs. g
wearing collar and chain; also condition. Joseph J. Rickert, shingle that roof or, other car- The Tuckersmith School, Area D. H. MCINNES Mr. Roy McCulloch, who has
R. M. Peck read a letter from
pure Scotch Collie, male. Phone lot 5, Con. 9, McKillilbp, phone penter work that is needed; Board invitses tenders for the Chiropractic HEISER-MONTGOMERY been a patient in Scott Mem-
2-76-1 also garden work with, roto- supplying of No. 1 Furq:ace, Oil theit � adopted child in Austria.
655 R 2. Dublin; 81 R 2, 11-76x1 g PP g Commercial Hotel. Wedding vows of Joy Mont- oriel Hospital far seven weeks; -
t>iller. Ed Andrews hone 863 for Schools 1, 2, 4,. 5 7, •9 and Monde Thursday -1 to 8 p.m Members answered the roll call
ONE ha loader in , P y, gomery and Gordon Heiser ,returned home on Saturday.
y good can W 1 Seaforth, 19-73-tf 10 in file School Area, starting with "Why we like to go to a
4. help Wanted ditian, Everett Storey, RR 1" were heard June 15 at the Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferson
y, i -n Se -tuber, 1963, to June, 1964 BOX picnic." Mrs. Fred Beer gave
4 'Pte p Grand Bend Church of Gad. rare spending a week at the
TYPIST bookkeeper, pait�t,to ea' Dublin, phone Seaforth, 849 R courtesy remarks.
mornings' or afternoons. Sea- 15. _ 11-76x1 NOTICE leaders to be in the hands of FUNERAL SERVICE The bride is the daughter of home of their daughter and
forth office. Bax 1239, Huron Ex- FOR SALE -Trade in your old Sec:-Treas.,• Ivan Forsyth, ' by R. S. BOX A full program of si�rts un- Mr, and Mrs. William Clarence son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ron 1.
4 76-1 Tuckersmith July 9, 1963. Lowest or iany ten LICENSED EMBALMER der the direction of Mrs. A. Montgomery of Seaforth. The Riehl, Sebringville.
pas2tar, shaver now, lbw prices at den not necesgamlly accepted. prompt and careful attention R.' Orr, Mrs. John Skea and groom of Anderson, Indiana, is Miss Sandra Parkhill of
DUES an Avon representative Savauge's, opposite Post office. Municipal Dump Tenders to state, price per. gal. Hospital Bed Mrs. Grace Harpole, were run the' son of Mrs. Winnifred Heis- Princeton spent the weekend
call on you? We may need 11-734f delivered. FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS off, and the winners were: er and the late Mr. Heiser of with Miss Margaret Jean Rus -
someone in. your neighborhood.. OIL ciLobh rug; water pipe.; Will be open. until further g
No obligation. Write Mrs. M. windows; set of coil bed notice on Wednesday and Satur- IVAN FORSYTH, Sec.-Treas. Phones: Children, eight and over, Lyn- Taylor, Pennsylvania. sell.
g. Res. 595-W - Store 43 da Koehler;., under eight, Linda The bride was given away by The senior pupils of SS No.
� - Mil1son, 960 Wellington Rd., S., springs; lumber; gallon lugs; day afternoons,. from l to 5:30 ' • RR 2, Ki�ppen, Ontario. _.
London, or call collect 43'2-9019 house doors; quart wailers. P. .. 21-75-2 J. A, BURKE Beer; three-legged race, Lynda her father, Rev..Pere Davis of 6, with their teacher, Miss Ches
between 7 and 8 P.M. used times. Clarence Reeves, No wire fencing, old concrete Koehler and Dorothy Skea; hal• Neodesha, Kansas officiated. ney, enjoyed a bus trip to Nia
4 64 6770 73 ?6-tf Seaforth. 11-76-1 ar car bodies permitted. 22, j,Qggl Notices Funeral Director loon contest, Allan Reid; person The bride wore a floor -length gara Falls on- Friday. On Thurs-
. _ and Ambulance Service coming furthest distance Mrs gown of French eau de faille day the junior u ifs were
Required for local: Food
Market. Apply in writing, with
e particvlams, rnc1u'ding a'ge,
. . schooling, experience, if any �:.
- .. - BOX lMS,
With cart for excellent Rana-
.. l�eI& District in Hugon County,
Write today for free boaklbt
,that will tell you how to start.
We supply the -capital you need.
,Dept, F-363120, 4005 Richelieu,
4 76-1
Has established Farm Pet-
raleurn Distributorship avael-o
E'wcerptti'on'a�l opportunity •g
. wishing to enter his own
business. Qualifiiedpemsoarshould
be ruative- of Seafar`th or 'sa'e's'•
MWInu , capital required,
$M0, Alleve average return on
I �
Huron Expositor.
s 475-3
s. TeacHers Wanted
Applications for Music Teach,
pp '
er wd1W be received until July
t 15, fila• a No.received
7, McKillop.
Duties to com ne ce September
1 1968.
Secretary -Treasurer•,
RR 2,, Walton'.
6 7. Situations Wanted
HIGH School boy wmrld; like
emro. Phone
summer einployari 7-76-1
. 663 J v
TEiENAG0+7 $artan boyo wotild 'like
TEE Nark for the setrnmer, Calf
SeadomtJh, 756 W 3. 7-76-1
BABY sdUrbing jab for sonnet.
U Prefer ages of 10 months to 5
1years63-8 olds Eycperiemeed, Phone
163 R, Seafartln, 7-76x1
S. Farnl Stock For Sale
TWENTY four good pigs'. Apppply
Jbs�e, Nolan, Sob. igs' raer,vulge
phofto 9" R 16, DORM 00 8'7
PURI] ' Ho. 1.i l I ,helico'
vim; J'cily 9th. ,�,
ftnft Duct s , W -A pinon8.11..packotoT6,sidv....:,
360':�VS', ..., ...8w7dw1_
NEW Tomen 6'1h tom wagons,
with 160 bushel gravityairy
tanks. Mervini Dietz, Dublin,
phone 81 R 13. , 11-754
Notice is hereby graven' to all
persons in possession of land,
in accordance with the Weed
Control. _-Act, 190, _Sec_- _3,- 13
and 19 that unless
weeds growing an their lands
within the Municipality of Hib
bert, including Village of Dub-
lin, are des b date of
wed y
July eth, , t and b Municipality
the season, robe Msaid palits
may enter upon the sand lands
and have the weeds destroyed,
ch-arging the casts against the
land lav taxes, as sero out in the
The co-operation of at citizens
`is earnestly solicited.
Weed Inspector,
Municipality of Hibbert.
Night or •Day Calls:
I Phone 43 R iQ
James McAllister; shortest din-
trice, Mrs. Elgie; contest of
passing the orange under the
chin was enjoyed by all the
ladies; clothes pin contest, Mrs.
Edna Caldwell; bean guessing
contest, Mrs. L. Willert; paper
doll contest, Miss Greta Lam
_ - �__
mie; passing lire parcel, bits:-
W, billing; peanut scramble for
the children.
Hostesses were Mrs. Clarence
Reid, Mrs. J. Ferguson and Mrs,
Fred Beer.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clark and
family, London, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart Bell and fam-
ill on Sunday.
Mrs. Kay Bedard, London,
spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Bell, Pauline and Ann.
Union services begin Sunday
in Carmel Presbyterian Church.
Rev, Ross MacDonald will be
in charge of the services and
will be responsible for pastoral
care of both congregations 1111-
til August 1, when Rev. H. C•ar-
rie will return.
Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Forrest Sunday were, fir.
and Mrs. Cecil Johnston, Kit-
chener; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Dignan and Laurie, Dorchester;
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Scott,
Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. William
Scott and son, James Robert
Scott, Ottawa, great grandchild
of Mr, and MrForrst, whom
they saw for the first time.
Successful Music Pupils
At the recent examinations
of Che 'Royal Conservatory of
Music of Toronto, the following
pupils of Miss Greta Lammie
ivere successful in passing:
Grade H, Theory, Lois Sim.
mons; Grade V, Piano, Gwen-
nett Hendrick; Grade 1. I
Piano, Jim Tra uair, honors;
Grade VIII, Piano, Ann Mickle,
Goderich Defeats Hensall
On Saturdaythe local Peewee
team held the powerful Gode•
rich team to seven, runs'for six
innings before Goderich explod•
ed for seven runs in the last
the locals
inning,4 and , pitching
14 to 8. Hay, pitching for Hen
sail turned in another credit.
able performance but was ham-
pered by some poor fielding on
the art of his teammate's. The
local nine are improving with
each game, impressing the few
faithful fans with their desire
to win. Your support would be
Draw Winner% At Show'
C inners ,.:ilii: ;rho . 4'k"W .. at .the
with lflypoint sleeves. The shat-
low scoop neckline was accent-
ed with an applique of re -em-
broidered alencon lace. The
bouffant skirt had a straight
panel in front and formed a•,
short chapel train in the back.
The fingertip veil was held in
g P
place by a peau, -de --faille head-_
piece of roses. The bride's
flowers were white orchids,
white roses and stephanotis.
The maid of honor, Miss Mar-
cia Black, of Chicago, Illinois,
Fore a turquoise sheath dress
of nylon chiffon over-crystalette
with matching overskirt,- and a
rose headpiece of chiffon with
a veil. The bridesmaids, Miss
Carole McGregor of Detroit,
Mich., and Mrs. Harold Parsons
of Seaforth, wore identical cos-
tum s•. The maid o£ honor's and
the "ridesmaids' -flowers were
cascades of ivy with pale pink
Miss Darla Davis, the flower-
girl, had a nosegay of ink lad-
Y P glad-
William Hunter of Fethed,
Penn., was the best man, and
ushers were Glenn Fogal and
Glenn Montgomery. The ring-
bearer was .John Heise:.
Mrs. Ernest Heiser of Taylor,
Pennsylvania, sang "Because"
said "The Wedding Prayer."
She was accoJnpanied by organ-
ist William Hunter of Zurich.
The reception took place at the
Green Forest Motel,
The couple will honeymoon
in Northern Michigan and re-
side in Indiana polis, Indiana.
The bride wore a coral dress
with white accessories for trav-
Guests were present from
Pennsy,l vania, Kansas, Indiana,
Ch•icaA Detroit, Corbetton,
Georgetown, London, Blyth,
Seaforth, Clinton and local
It was a difficult day for
mother. There had been doz-
ens of interruptions caused by
the frontdaor bell and the tele-
phone. Finally, she turned to
her five-year-old son and said:
"The next time the telephone
rings, Bobby, you answer and
say that I'm not here."
Good little boy that Bobby
was, he obediently took the
£next phone call. The caller
wanted to know where his moth-
er�was, ��
Just a minute, delayed Bob,
by, whitb; he yelled to his moth.
or, Mom, Where are yUu sup-
s , to b t"'
o ped a .:. , ..
n P
treated to a train trip from
Goderich to Seaforth.
Evening Auxiliary Meets
The Marion Ritchie 'Eve
Auxiliary met in the church `
basement with Mrs. Frank
Hamilton presiding and open-
ing with a reading, followed
with prayer. Mrs. Clarence Tay;
for reals the scripture lesson--- -,q?
and the roll call was answered
with ideas for the fall bazaar.
Mrs. Norman, Harburn read the
treasurer's report. The study
book on Okinawa and Ryukyus
was reviewed by Mrs. Robert
Laing. Mrs. Lloyd Miller con -
ducted the business. Mrs. Nor-
man Harburn gave a reading.
The topic on Missions was giv-
en by Mrs. Lorne Elliott. The
ladies quilted during the eve -
i rain A delicious lunch was
served by Mrs. Frank Hamil-
ton, Mrs. C. Taylor, Mrs. N.
Harburn, Mrs. G. Scott and Mrs, 7
L. Elliott.
Mr. Larry Lynn, Danny Wal -
ters and Fred Delbridge attend -
ed the 4-H Club meeting -Wed- ..
nesday night at a London fer-
tilizer plant.
Mrs. John Coward, Mrs. Tom
Campbell, Mrs. Newton Clarke,
Mrs. Colin Gilfillan, Mrs, El- -
son Lynn and Mrs. Horace Del-.
bridge attended the bus trip to
Gue1p to attend the tea at
the OAC. They also stopped at '
Stratford and at the box fac-
tory in St, Marys. .
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher
of Exeter attended Elimville an-
niversary on Sunday and spent
the day with Mr. and Mrs.
Newton Clarke.
Miss ern spent Thurs-
KathyY P
day at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Beverley Parsons and fam-
,ill, near Exeter.
Mr, and Mrs. William Wal-
tern and Danny and Mr. and
Mrs, Howard Dayman and fam-
ily of Kippen were at a picnic
on Sunday at Bayfield.
Miss KaX Horne of London
and Mrs. Harry Ford of Wood -
ham sent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs, Freeman Horne.
Mr. and. Mrs. Colin Gilfillan
and Barbara visited on Sunda y
with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith
and Penny cif Crediton.
Mrs. Elson Lynn, Mrs, Phil
Hern, Mrs. John Ct,ward, lit% , •
Horao6 • Delbridge and' .Mrs.
Newton Qlar�Ce atte`rit�ed tiii3
1'lotticulitiftil, bus trip rill MO..
�d ,rrttslS
__ __-,_ _ ---Offers-you
Easy Credit Terms
Carrying Charges
Phone 77, Seaforth
Seaforth, Ontario
Night or Day -.Ga -11s —335 -
ENGLISH dinnerware, 50 -piece
seas, only $29.95; large selection
of patterns, to choose froom:. An-
td.,. -Ltd.,.
TRANSISTOR radios', priced
from $19.95 up, batteries, oar-
phones, leather carrying cases
included. A stebt Jewellers Ltd.,
Se+aforbh, 1176-1
HONEY for sale, Clover, 8 1b.
pail, $2.00; 4 'Lb. pails, $1.00
and 50c for 2 lb. pails. Apply
Wallace Ross. 11-75-3
Goderich St., W., Seaforth
Adjustable hospital beds
for rent.
Phone 119 SeafortL
May cost less than you think!
For alterations, new kitchen
cupboards, ree rooms, exlen-
sons and reparirs, cal0:
General Con�tr
Phone 79,, Seaforth.
Competent 'Workmanship 3-73
TRADE your old chesterfield,
piano, etc., on a new suite of
furniture, new promo, at
Schuett's Mildmay Furniture
Showrooms. Free delivery. 75-2
CEDAR pants, all sizes; anchor
posts; 12' braces; steel posts, 6'
and T; barb ware; Paige wire.
Kinburn Store, phone R 2
Borden Brower. 1173rof
JOHN Deere forage blower, 45'
of 6" pipe; tractor buzz saw;
fancy drey� wagon; ceerr�
water trough, 10' x 2'; 6 cement
file, 36" x 36"; 1 sept of Hen-
derson baig pipes; 'Bell' piano;
6 dining roam chains. Carl J.
Wa-lker, RR 1, Croanamty, phone
Dublin, 12 R 10. 11-75-2
2�.. Cards of-'Th�nkS
Mrs, H. Berry would ]tike to
thank her men - friends and
relatives for their kind thoughts,
cards and gift while a patient
m Clinton Hospital. 24-76-1
MY sanxele (hanks to Doctors
of the Clinic and all who remit+
flowers, cards. ,and treats and
visited me while I ways a aro-
iemt in Scott. Memorial Hospital.
Louisa Beattie,_ 2476x7
WE wish to express our appaec
nation for the many messages of
sympathy extended to us on the
occasion of our recent sad ber-
eav�enrenros. Mr, and Mrs. John
C, Stevens. , _ _ 24-76x1
I wish to express -my .a.'pprecia-
tion to Dr. Gorwilll and the
nursing staff of Scott Memorial
Haspiltal; a'llso to those who
,visited me, sent cards,, gifts
and filowers and made inquiries
while I was a patient there,
Mrs. Elmer Hutchinisam 24-76x1
h-.._ �-
I .wish bo•• thank all those who
sent m16 card's, gifts, treats and
those rho visited me while I
was a patient in Victoria Hos
taI Landon. Special thanks to
Pi P
the nurses find staff of the loos-
pital. Everything was deeply
appreciated. Kenneth William-
ron, 24-76-1
- -
I desire to express my sincere
thanks and appreciation to my
neighbors, friends and relatives
who sent me flowers, cards,
whiles and gifts, and visited Scott
while I was a patient in Scabi
Memoriat Hospital. Special
thanksi to Dr. Malleus, Box Am-
buIlance, Mrn4. Harold Conruell,
the hospital nuriSes wiin were sb
kind to me, a,Tso the Narthsfide
United Church vermeil, Mrs.
Erlves+b Adonis. 24-76xa
Sell that unnecessary piece of
furniture through a Huron Ex-
PositorClassifiedAd. Phone 141.
Township of Tuckersmith
Township of Tuckersmith
County of Huron,
To Wit:
By virtue o8 a wraaor•ant issued
by the Reeve of the Township of
Tuckersmith under has hand arid
the seal of the said 'corporation
bearing date the loth day of
April, salie of lands in, arrears
of taxes in the Township of
Tuckersmith will; be held at the
Town Hall, Seaforth, at„ the hour
of 9:00 o'clock in the Evening,
on the 3rd days of September,
1963, unless robe taxes and costs
are sooner pard, Notice is here-
by given that the list of lands
for sale for arrears of taxes
was published in The Ontario
Gazette on the 4th day of May,
1963, and that copies of the
said list may be bad at my
Treasurer's Office, this 30th
day of May, 1963,
22 -73_13
All. work guaranteed
Phone 17, Seaforth
H, L. Turner gratuity grafin..
boxes, $174,00, heavy gunge
steel; 4 -ton Roadm'aster O'Taco
steel' wagons., $150.00. Basil O'-
Rourke,- Brucefi�eld. 1111-76-2
Cleaned and repaired with
phone 254, Milverton,
ig_g3 t{
CHERR S, both white and
black snveet chesvni'es will be
ready by the 1st of July. Mont-
m�,n,cy, 12 days later, Bavng
your baskets and pick your own.
Elmer Welles' Fruit Faamn, evr-
neo• of loth, and -Ridge Road
Bos., 3 mile's south of Camp
Ippercwav5ln. ]�76xfL
13. Warite _
' Centre Street
Telephone 446
For all kinds of upholstering:
WANTED -Flocks do supple,
large hatchery with a1h breeds
of hatoban, eggs, eggs Bram
some bre s taken every wok
in the year.. Large premium
paid. Apply Box 1>23<4, Huron
Exposibar. Sd-75-2
Septic tables pu SM sari gear-
eke repairs to tanks and drain+
For Immediate Service
Phone 23s -x291, Grand Bend
Phone 49, SeaBsorttYh:.
xholders Names
Not Given Out 1
is not possible for us
rtothe name or act•
dress of any advertiser
using a Huron 'Expositor
box number, Please do not
ask for this information.
In the Estate of
All persons having claims
against th# Esf>ite of Daniel
F.dwia �cilifts, life of the Town,
ship -,o . dImlo. ' in the. County
oi~ fatly �ix tel used vGhif died:.
►. ,... ,.
Remember, it takes but a
moment to place an Expositor
Want Ail acrd • be money •in'
ertise, ort !hone.
.; _�..,,,
1411. : ,,,.. . , .....
Every week more people
cover what mighty jobs are
accomplished by low cost Ex
Oiiitb Gftalit. Adams