The Huron Expositor, 1963-06-06, Page 9a to e 0 0 • USE TAESE CLASSIFICATIONS '10 YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Recut 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals The cost is low,'Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, '12,, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c plus 25c for each 4-14n!e verse. Alli other classifications mini- mum inimum 65 cents per Insertion except Auction Sales, (20), Ten- ders Wanted, (21), and Legal Notices, (22), robes on applica- tion. . For cash payment or if paid by 10 •days following last Loser - ton, of Sc deducted from, above rates. I COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business Firms, Trades- men, etc.) : Minimum 5o cents, per insertion. Billing charge, 15 cents per advertisement, 1. Coming, Events O'E.S. will; hold Bake Safe and j Garden Tea, Wednesday after- noon., June 19th, at the home of Mrs, Dollena McCuaig and Miss Janette Wilson. 1-72-2 SPRING Supper, Jaime Nth, sponsored by Barbara Kirk- man, of First Church, at 6:30 p.m., limited number of tickets from members of the group. . 1-72-2 BRUSSELS Fall Fair Chicken Baarbeque Supper, at Fair Grounds, Wednesday, June 19, 5 to 8 p.m., only '600 tickets available at loan Dance to fol- low. 1-72-3 STRAWBERRY and Ham Sup- per, Northside. United Church, Tuesday, June'25th, 5 to 7 pm. Adults, $1.25, children under 12, 60 cents. 1-72.2 LADIES of St. Thomae WA will hold a Bake Sale, in the Parish. Hall, Sat„ June 15, at 3 o'clock. Everybody welcome. 1-73-1 A meeting of all Seafortli mer- chants wu'lif be held ifi, the Towne Hall, Monday, Juane "i0, at 8:15 p.m., to discus's plans for Main Street promotion and other mutters ,affecting merchants. All merchants or their representaL tives are urged to attend. Mer- c4jantsi Com'mit'tee, M% Nott, airman. 1-73-1 SMORGASBORD, Turkey, Ham, Salads and Desserts. Hensiall United Church, Wed., June 26, 5 to 7:30 p.m. Adults $1.50, children 6 to 1.2, 75c, five and under, free. Local orders del6v. ered. Phone 173, Hensall. Every body welcome. Sponsored by Units 1 and 4 of UCW, 1-73-2 2. Lost, Strayed' _ BROWN and gold bi-focail gLass�- es, May 28, on Main St. Phone 465-W. 2-73-1 MALE hound, black and white, with a Ouch of brown, anyone knowing it's whereabouts, call R. M. Scott, phone 839 'R 6. 73-1 4. Help Wanted DOES an Avon, representative call on you? We'may need someone in, your neighborhood. No obligation. Write Mrs. M. Millson, 960 Wellington Rd., S., Landon, or call collect 432-9019 between 7 and 8 P.m. 4-64-67-70-73-76-tf DOG CATCHER Town of Seaforth Written applications for the above noted position, will, be re- ceived by the undersigned, un- til 5 p.m., June 10, 11". Envelbpes must be cMarlly marked "Aptil FatioW. C. Lyle Hhmmond, Clerk •` , , IN 4. Help Wanted 11. Articles For Sale 119. Notices 120. Auction Sales WOULD YOU LIKE TO TURN NO. 6, White steel threshing known farm the chew, 1, hog, service. 840 forth. to Skokie, phone available portundty Seaforth. of Scott V6' 1949 ply phone 11. Townsend, SECTIONAL tions, 6imdsQn, Jahn Borth. Ta Jewelnlers, LADIES' 20.00. reg. Anstett HONEY P and FOR shaver Savauge's, BLUE nut said 4 ta•ge. Crown -Hardware, Sea- #trill`. 11-732 ^`CLEARING YOUR SPARE TIME INTO machdne. Gordon Rayndds, RR .NOTICE AUCTION SALE CASH 2, Seaforth. 11-73.1 sell RR 3 Waion. 19`Lml '�� Seaforth, tario, Telephone: Seaforth 474. Opporbundty for man ar wo- man to supply demand far well! ABOUT 300 White Rock oapons, Tuckersmith Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, at Lost 11, Con. 16, Rawleigh Products In ready for delivery about June Municipal Dump Grey Township, 11/4 miles north furore County. 18. Al B;euerrnan, RR 1 Dublhi, 1 D'ASHWOOD, KIPPEN and 21/2 miles east of Walloon, Full' details without obligation, phone 23 R 15 Dublldn 11.73-1 Will be open until further on TUESDAY, JUNE 1'Lhh, ah Write: NUF'FIELD'Universal 'tracbor, notice on Wednesday and Satur- 1 p.m. RAWLElGH'S 3 -point hitch, one poi year old. 600 day afternoons, 'from 1 to 5:30 John Deere A.R. tractor; Dept, F-363-921, 4005, Rdeheldeu, hoursr. Can be seen, at Human P•m'• 50 Clipper combine, pick - Montreal. Canadian Fabricartiors ar phonic g, old concrete, d i up in go,od c v n d i t i o n; 4-73-1 835 R 5, at night. Bill Kerr Jr, ar car bodies permitted. John Deere 3 -furrow plough; GERMAN Shepherd, feFin•ade dog 7. Situations Wanted J, I. McINTOSH, John Deere 10 -ft. cultivator; 5- section diamond harrows; Jahn _ good rt, child- 11/ years George SEVENTEEN year old Iili�g{tu nen, George J:Iibbert, phone Clerk 19-73-tf Deere 8-£t, binder; John Deere School -student, experienced in I Seaforth, 872 J 3. _ 11-7'3-1 — - ANSTETT __-re spreader; 13 -run Cock - sliutt fertilizer drill; Cockshutt work, des -axes work for I DOUBLE bed, $5.00. Mrs.. Lyle summer. Phonic 475-,i. T -73x1 Hanumgnd, phone 674 W 1. 73x1 JEWELLERS side rake; Massey�Harris 7£t. (t FIFTEEN year old High School, ONE hundred gal. ail tank, $12. Offers you mower; John Deere rubber tired wagon; 16 -ft. hay rack; exten- boy wants steady work for sum- Phone 670 J 1, Seaforth. 11-73x1 Easy Credit Terms sign ladder; set Massey -Harris mer. Donald Oasler, RR 3, Mit- CABBAGE plants, 20 cents per 1963, and that coples of the sill list may be had sleighs; fanning ni i, with phone 35 R N, Dublin. doz.; Petunia, Marigold, Asters, No motor; car top carrier; 2 iron FeT 7 7x1 Ferbena, Spider plant, Phlox, Carrying Charges kettles; "'white enamel' range, dna I Snapdragon, Pansies, Lobeta, phone 77 Seaforth coal or wood; land rafter; set 8. Farm Stdck For Sale Balsam, Seabiosa, Sweet Pep- 19-73-tf of scales; few household artle- per& and tomatoes. Baker's MILKING goats. Apply to Lot Greenhouse, your garden sen- etre, les; other articles too numer- ,pus to mention. A NEW KITCHEN Con, 10, Hibbert Township. xi Seaforth. I1 -73x1 May cost less than you think( Terms, cash, no reserve, farm ELE'V'EN 8 weeks old. I SEEI use for very competetive pile, For alterations, new kitchen cupboards, rec rooms, ex�Cen- sold, � Carl Vanderzo�n, rfhone 469. 73-11 prices on .gravity flaw steel scans and repairs, call: LESLIE OLIVER, Proprietor. g Y GOOD strongly reliable, York grain boxes Wa ons, ha con- I dntnoneTs, conveyors, elevators, JOHN LANSINK & SONS, HAROLD JACKSON, AuGt7oneer 20-72-2 a, guaranteed worker. A. R. Dodds, phoye 861 R lib. 8-73-1 ' manume spreaders . and loaders. General Contracting Phone Seaforth. P%fte IM 2.7408 21. Tenders Wanted )laugh Bros. Brucefield, phone 79, YORKSHIRE boar, 'ready for 609 W 1, Seaforth, 11,-73x1 Competent Workmanship using a Huron Expositor P box number. Please do not ask for this information. TENDERS WANTED Russell' T. Balton, phone INTORNATIONAL m'anu•r e� R 33, Seafiorth, 8-73-1, spreader, 120 bu. capacity; 7 -ft. 73`� Sall that unnecessary piece of ELEVEN chunks and 6 pigs, 8 New Idea power mower; forage FAST SERVICE Tenders will be received by weeks) olid. Francis MckneS, wagon Ux. Howard Allan, Dublin, phone 109 R Ulf, 8-731x1 Brucefield, phone 641 W 12, Sea, on WATCH REPAIRS the undersigned for the install CHOICE' Holstein cows and forth. 11-73-2 19-62x2D lation of a complete heating system do the Egmondville heifers, fresh and due soon. Gordon Reynolds, RR 2, Sea- 12. Wanted To Buy All work guaranteed United Church Manse. Tenders should include for both 8-73-1 BALED ha and straw, highest y sliest ANSTETT prices ori and ' gas, systemns and must TEN half. Lacombe sows, bred primo paid. Phone 5, Dublin or JEWELLERS be,, received by S•atwrdaiy, June o a government approved York 100, Dublin,. 12-72x2 Phone 17, Seaforth 15, 1963. hog; ,one due in about 2 weeks. HALTERi with blinders, for a Lavern Godkin, Lot 20, Con. 14, 19-73-tf .SMITH, KENNETHBox ' SEPTIC TANK bulli. J. L. O'Realldy, RR 2, Daub VIrXM'op, phone 843 R 10. 8.73-1 lin Pie 41 R 13, Dubldax. 12 731 382, Seaforth, Ontario; TEN half Lacombe saws, bred a government approved York ANTIQUE china, glass,, silver, SERVICE 21.73-2 only daughter, Shirley Anne, to hog. Due, in about two weeksi. lamps, old gold coins rand fur - Mr, Robert Earl Dinsimore, son Lavern Godkin„ phorne 843 R 13, nature. Box IM, Huron Exposli- Cleaned and repaired with VILLAGE OF HENSALL Lot 20, Con. 14, South McKillop. tor, 12-73x~1 modern. equipment, place in Knox Presbyterian 8-731• TWO chdldrenrs rocking chairs " IRVITenders COXON, Wanted SIX registered Holstein he6ers, and medium sized tricycle, in due to freshen early in July good condition. Philia 468-M. x1 Phone 254, Milverton, Sealed Tenders will, be receuv- and August. Bred to Maplellee 19-73 tf ed by the undersigned up to and SEAF0RTH (Wate'ribo Unit). Win. J. 13. Wanted until 6 o'clock p.m., Friday, May 31st, 1963. To excavate and Boyd, Lot 13, Com. 11, McKillop, GOOD home for bound and Ger 869 J 3, S�eafor h. 8-73-1 man Shepherd George Hib- UPHOLSTERY remove 24 feet wide', ie 'mashes pup. beet, hone Seaforfln• 872 J 3, -1 9. PoultryFor Sale P Centre Street :Telephone 446 deep, earth and gravel', and re. fila Willi 8 inches, pit run' gra d 4 inches HEAVY breed Cockrel chicks 14. Property Sale For all, kinds of upholstering., ea and s of crushed. gravel. _For next two weeks, op- DOUBLE house, half occupied,q to grow these Out for hard, soft water, central laca- lbeker 19-73tf Approximately 800 fed# on Brock Street, 400 feet an Mill SANITATION SEIRVICE your or freezer. Scott tion, Box 1219, Hunan Expositor. Poultry Farms, phone 853 W 1, 14-73y1 Septic tanks pumped and gen- eral repairs to tanks and drainr. Street, 700 feet on Queen Street, 300 feet Elizabeth Street, 9-73-1 - FOUR bedroom modernized 11/2 age, on 700 feet on Lorne Ave, 300 feet on RED X Sussex pullets now storey home, with hardwood For Immediate Service Queen Street east of No. 4 available, Day old to four weeks floors and new four -piece, bath, P BILL FINCH, Phone 300 feet on North age. These make excellent r situated on 8 /z acres of land in 238-2291, Grand Bend Richmond Richmond east of No. 4, High- payers of ]arae• brawn eggs, Mitchelll; also barn, garage, Poultry Farms, hone 853 P large garden with small fruits'. or . STAFFEN'S PLUMBING way. 1, Seaforth. 9-73-1 Apply Mrs. J. Kreis, or phone Phone 49, Seaforth. Prices to be submitted by the Mitchell, 348-9943. 14-73-3 10. Used Cars For Sale I9 -67x10 cubic yard, work to be com- plieted by September 14th, 1963. Listings Wanted 20. Auction Sales son and daughter, Karen, of Walton, were Saturday evening Dodge, ,ran: �uaad condition. g On houses in Seaforth We have Lowest or any Tender not neighbors, friends and relatives Mrs. E. Mills, ,phone 563-J. -1 immediate buyers. '054 for the surprise party, gifts and necessarily a/ecepted, For fur, Chevrolet, 1 ton truck. Ap-' Apply stock, visited recently with Mr ther information apply at the Harold Allan, Brucefield, AMOS CORBY Mary and Jim O'Connor. 24773x1 Clerk's Office. 641 W 12, Seaforth-10-73-2 an accident while practising for who sent cards, treat's and visit- Phone 598-M, Seaforth ed me, while I was .a patient in EARL CAMPBELL, Clerk, Articles For Sale AGENT for WILFRED McIN- 'o-� f Village of Hensall. TEE—Braker John Kerr.24-73-i 21-71.2 GIRL'S smnall bicycle. Mrs, Reay 14-73-1 DEPARTMENT of HIGHWAYS, 22. Lezal�Notices Oolernarcn St. 11-73-1 ONTARIO for Mrs. R. G. McKay, which NOTICE book case, 5 sec- 15. Property For Rent - 24 -73-1 plus stop and base, walinut - MODERN apartment. Apply to AUCTION SALE OF Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Turner Phone 515. H. G. Meir, xi Scott Memorial Hospital, phone BUILDINGS FOR TO CREDITORS, DOG, part GermiZn Shepherd. 317, Seaforth. 15-73-2 McCowan, RR 3, Sear BRICK house, 81/2 miles from REMOVAL OR In the Estate of 1173x1 Clinton, 51/2 from Seaforth, hy- DEMOLI'T'ION JAMES UPSHALL MEN'S rings, values up to $25. deo and water pressure system. thenar only $9.95. Anstett Applly to E. S. MrBrien, phone PROPERTY SALE NO. L-0877 All "persons having claims, Ltd. 11-73-2 575-W, Seaforth. 15-73-1 A 11/2 storey frame house and Dame against the Estate of James of shall, late of the Township of ' rings, values up to HEATED apartment, kitchen, P garage, situated at Lot in the County of To clear a only, $9.95• An'- livingroom, 2 bedrooms, bath, tett Jenlreller•s, Ltd, 11,73.2 available now. Phone Seaforth, 64, R. P. Donkins Survey, Tawny- ship of Hibbert, County of Perth, Huron, Fath, Huron, Farmer, deceased, who GENTS' .automatic watches, 666 J 2. 15.73-1 located in, the Village of Dublin died on the 7th da of Aril 1963, are hereby notified to send $29.95, to clear only $19.95. MODERN apartment, with kit or. the south side' of Highway No. 3. in full particulars of their'claims Jewellers, Ltd, 1173-2 c�hen, living room, bath sand 2 will bake place on the to the undersigned on orbeforeSale for scale, Clover, 8 lb. bedrooms. Available 1st of premises at: the 14th day of June, 1963, aftar $2.00; 4 1b. pails, $1.00 May. Lee' Learn, phone 101. 73,tf 11:00 A.M., LOCAL TIME which date the assets will be $.50 for 2 lib, pools.. Apply ONE -bedroom apartment, in MONDAY, JUNE loth, 1963. distributed, haviirg regard only Wal'laee Rags, 72-3 McMaster Apts., heated avail- NOTICV: A permit is required to claims then feceived. SALE—Trade in. your old able May 1st; 2 apts. in Royal to move' a, building along, across, DATED at Seaforth, this 22nd now, low prices at Apts. Apply -to Joseph McConnell o• over a provinda:1 Highway day of May, 1963• opposite Past Office. Seaforth•, or Dr. E. A. McMas- and or over a Municipal Road or McCONN'ELL & STEWART 11-734f ter, Grand Bend. 15-734f Street, Persions who may be in- Seaforth, Ontario. spring coat, size 38; wal- bed- buffett; brown sport 16. For Sale or Rent terested in, purchasing this I bualdiRng for the of' Solicitors, for the, Ebrecutor. hoes, 71/2-A. Nopina; Jeffery, ONE car garage. Phone 86 purpose moving it intact or in sections, 22-71-3 Township of Tuekersmith P hone 325-J. 11-73x2 Seaforth. 16-731 'RANSISQ"OR radio with cam to another lrtcation must obtain Information ne •arch ermits � �; P tta-chment, was 44.95, to clear 18. Property Wanted from the District Office noted 'bellow TREASURER'S SALE nay $34.95. Ansbebt Jewellers,, ,td, 1]-73.2 CHRISTIAN falnuly gteks per- PRIOR TO THE SALE. TERMS: "Cash" at time of OF LAND FOR ,EDAR s far kindling mianent home in SeaforAlh. Have g' sale together with $10a.0o Per- TAXES one et what sub`ttalfflal edtsh do' h1'frog 3 oa flirrinlamrce Bond (Payable to the i�cki'rng them up. Wmv. T. Liv- 4 bedroom home and warn ar- Treasurer of Ontario) to guar- Township of Tuckersmith ngstbn, RR 2, Seaforrbh, phone range all cash if offer is stiiCBic- ientlly attractive. Will deal with aintee. that work wOl be conn• pleted aecordirng to D.H.O, County of Huron. 47 R 31. 11,734 prinncipadls only. Box 1221, Huron Re4i iT'n•�s. To, Wit: 15ED TV's, 17 and 21 inch, in Ekposdtor. Is;. -t>f cod operating condition. A P'tIrther lfiformiation may be By virtue of a winTant issued 'the ecornd, set for home or ecofiiofn-obtfiibed 19• NOticeS frd1h: by Re"o of the Township of Tuckehsrnith under his hand and :al enbertaimnnemt at your cot- toe seal, ai` lire .,N- ,70-2 ta•ge. Crown -Hardware, Sea- #trill`. 11-732 CUSTOM sohyingfor'A crops. Call Jbhru Bairn 382 W 17, Brnrs M��aAuctioneer,bearing &cam ' date the 10tC1x day of April, an), a daughter, Catherine RESIDENTS OF sell RR 3 Waion. 19`Lml '�� Seaforth, tario, Telephone: Seaforth 474. sable of lands in armTs of taxies in the Township of ONE Univer!stal portable mgll BAYFIELD ZURICH ing machine, 2 units, in good PROMPT watch repair service OR Tuckersm�ith will be held at the 1 D'ASHWOOD, KIPPEN working condition. Joseph L. Eckert, Lot 5, Con. 9, McKilllop, at Savange s, (opposite Past Office) 2 certified %titchnrak- Depa Dm�co � Highways, Town Hall, Seaforth, at the hour of 9:00 o'clock in -,the Evening, AND HENSALL phone Dublin, 81, R t. 11-73-1 ens. Automatics a specialty. 581 Huron Street on the 3rd day of September, will be distributed, having re- CEDAR posts, all sizes; anchor 19-7 Stratford, Ontario. 1963, unless" the Y,axes and costs I NEED HELP posts; 12^ braces; steel posts, 6' NOW is the time to repaiir ii Te71ephone: 2713550. are soarer paid. Notice is here - MISENIER, and 7'; barb wire; Paige wire. shingle that roof or other car- OR by given that the 111st of lands O.A.A. representation, Tom Kinburn Store, phone 8411, R 2; Borden Brawn. 11,734f penter wont that is needed; also garden work with roto- Department of Highways, 335 Saskatoon Street, for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Baird needs one or two full(M help P' m m�e anen to he him FOR A DV'ERTISEMEN'TS TOO tiller. Ed Andrews, phone 863 London Ontario. Gazette an .the 4th day of May, recti the demand far Ontario LATE TO CLASfiYFY SEE W 1, Seaforth. 19-734f Telephone: 451.3450, 1963, and that coples of the sill list may be had AUTHORIZED dealer for Vik- Ing Milkers and cream sh Automobile Association mem- PAGE 6 , DEPARTMENT of HIGHWAYS, ,, at my , office. , Boxholders Names berships. Pleasant, dignified, Blood paying work. No expem tors for Dublin' Seale, and and Clinton, Basil' O'Rourke, Black- ONTARIO 20-72.2 Treasurer's Oi1'ier, this 30th ience necesnsery, but at car is. For full ind'oarmabion wrAe Not Given Out 1 smith and Welding Shop, Bruce. Remember, it takes but a day of May, 1963. of Anne Smith, (LobsnageT), Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. field, Ontario. 19.7a-tf moment to -place an Expositor JAMES I. MCINTOSH, TOM BAIRD, It is not possible for us Want Ad and be money in Treasurer SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Brucefield, Ontario, to divulge the name or ad- Modern equipment used. All Pocket. To advertise, just Phone 22-73-13 P%fte IM 2.7408 Ores of any advertiser work grtarvhmteed. Seaforth 141. - —a Remember, it takes but a 4.7,2.2 using a Huron Expositor P box number. Please do not ask for this information. Write or phone LOUTS BLAKE moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in Every week more people dis- cover. what mighty jobs aro Sall that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Ex= RR 2; Brussels, phone 442 W.6, accomplished by low cost Ex- pbcki?t. To advertise, just Phone . positor ClaaaifiecTAd. Picone 141. their slaughter, Caval Ann, tc 19-62x2D positor Want Ads. SdfiffdYth• 141. l vill'e, son of Mr. and Mals. Wal - 22. Legal NoticesBliths NOTICE CLAIRMON Ia s'ocat Gen cal Hospital, Germany, on May TO CREDITORS 27, to, Private and Mrs, J. F. Clairmont, (me Shirley Hoa - IN THE 'ESTATE of ANNIE an), a daughter, Catherine BRIDGET FLANAGAN, late of M'a'y Anne, the Township of Logan, in the DARK—At Victoria Hospital, County of Perth, Spinster de- London, an May, 28, to Mr, ceased. Creditors and others and Mrs. Arthur F, Dark, having claims against the above (nee Patricia Monroe) a estate are required to send full. daughter, Melaney Gail. garticubars of such claims to undersigned on or before MANN— At Clinton Public Has. the 21st day of ,lune, 1963, after pital, on May 24, to Mr. ,and which date the estate's assets Mrs. Douglas . Mann, (nee will be distributed, having re- Anderson) Hensall, a daugh gard only to claims that have ter, Vicki Lyn, a sister for then been received. Bradley. ANDERSON, NEILSON, McCLURE—At Scoot Memorial EHGOETZ, BELL, DILKS and Hospital, on June 1, to Mr. MISENIER, and Mrs. Walter McClure, RR 1, Ontario Street, 2, Seaforth, a son, Stratford, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. RILEY—In St. Joseph's Hose 22-72-3 pital, London:, on June 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Ron Riley, (nee 23.. Business Directory Glloria Carter) a daughter, Glenda Lynn, JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist, optical services, Deaths Goderich St. West. Tuesday to LOVE—At Aris4s, Ont.. on May Saturday, 9-5:30, except Wed -Ellen, Elizabeth Love, in nesday-Thursday evening by ap- her 85th year. pointment. Phone 791, Sea - forth. Monday, Clinton Medi- .SMITH— Dr. Delbert Gordon, cal Centre. (Bud), suddenly in Cleveland, McCO1VNELL Ohio, on Tuesday, June 4, 11962 age 34 years. Beloved husband & STEWART of Anne Smith, (LobsnageT), Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. and dear brother of Mrs. P. D McCONNELL, Q.C. Kerbing at the Blaehfiord and Restingorothy teen, chBurlington(an D. I. STEWART Wray Chapel, Made St. and Seaforth, Ont. Phone 550 West Ave., Hamilton, from A. W. SILLERY Thursday, Juni 6, at la a.m ., Barrister, Solicitor, etc. for service an Friday atter• noon, at 1:30 p, mi. Intierrnentad Phones: Office 173, Res. 781 Woodland Cemetery, Piiease Seaforth Ontario- omit flowers. Donations ,be D. H. McINNES Canadian Cancer Socleby Chiropractic would be appreciated, Commercial Hotel Engagements Monday, Thursday --1 to 8 p.m. BOX Mr. and Mrs. Clayton J. Dent nos, Brighton, Michigan, wd•d FUNERAL SERVICE to announce the engagement od R.-$. BOX their slaughter, Caval Ann, tc LICENSED EMBALMER Mr. Thomas Willem Sorrier. Prompt and careful attention vill'e, son of Mr. and Mals. Wal - Hospital Bed ter Somerville, RR 4, Walton, FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS Ontario, the marriage will take Phones: pila-c i on Saturday June 29, Res. 595-W — Store 43 1963, at 3:00 p,mr„ in First Presbyterian O�iurch, Seaforth, J. A. BURKE Ont, x1 Funeral Director Mr. and Mrs. James) A, Wnlla'n, and Ambulance Service son, Goderich, Ontario, amt DUBLIN ONTARIO niounce the engagement of theft Night•or Day Calls: only daughter, Shirley Anne, to Phone 43 R 10 Mr, Robert Earl Dinsimore, son W. J. CLEARY of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dinsmore, Seaforth, the marriage to take Seaforth, Ontario place in Knox Presbyterian LICENSED EMBAL9ER Churtah, Godlerdeh, on June 29, and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1963. • . -1 Night or Day Calls — 335- The engagement is amrounced G. A. WHITNEY of Mary Elfizabeth, daughter od FUNERAL HOME Mrs' Snyder and the late Mr. Goderich St., W., Seaforth Stuart Alfred Snwder, Collings wood; to Mn. James Douglas AMBULANCE SERVICE Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs, Adjustable hospital beds James Arnold Stewart:. of Sea - for rent. forth, Ontario, the m•arriaage will FLOWERS FOR EVERY take place on Saturday June 29, OCCASION in Ail Saints' Church, Colling. Phone 119 - Seaforth wood, Ontario. -1 A. M. HARPER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants 55-57 South St. Telephone CROMARTY Goderich JA 4-7562 Licensed Municipal Auditor Many ladies from Cromarty SEAFORTH area attended the antique and VETERINARY hobby show, sponsored by the CLINIC UCW of Staffa United Church. in the .Family Centre on Wed. J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. nesday evening: W. R. Bryans, D.V.M.,' V.S. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Cran. D. E. Galt, D.V.M,, V.S. dall, of Falconer, New York Phone 10.5 Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs, Gary Finlay 24. Cards of Thanks— son and daughter, Karen, of Walton, were Saturday evening WE would bike t- thlank our visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gor• neighbors, friends and relatives don Scott and family, for the surprise party, gifts and Mrs. James Howe, of Wood cards- sent us on the occasion of stock, visited recently with Mr our 25th Wedding Anniversary. and Mrs. John Hoggarth, Mary and Jim O'Connor. 24773x1 Miss Frances Scott met with I woulld like to thank everyone an accident while practising for who sent cards, treat's and visit- the school field day 'sports, ed me, while I was .a patient in breaking a bone in her arm. the hospital; also Drs, Gortivill and the nursing staff. Mrs, Mr. and Mrs, T. L. Scott, Mrs, John Kerr.24-73-i E. Moore, Mrs. Grace Scott, _ _ I wish to. thank a41 who sent Mrs. T. Laing and Mrs. Sadie cards, and treats while I was Scott attended a pre -nuptial tea a • patient in St. Posrelnh's Htrs- for Mrs. R. G. McKay, which pita7, London, Christine Souter. was held in Ewart College, To - 24 -73-1 ronto, on Saturday. I woulkl like to thank Miss Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Turner Drope' and the, staff of Scott and son., Michael, of Detroit, Mem Tial -Hospital, -Drs. Brady, spent the weekend with - Mr. Nfaikus and Allan; also Father and Mrs. Robert Dodds. They Sullivan and Father Caruana accompanied Mr, and Mrs. a,nd t>he..Box Fuanemall Home for Dodds and attended the silver dndnese shown during our re-' wedding anniversary of Mr. and ^ent 'bereavement. Mr, and Mrs: Stewart Dolmage at Kin - Mrs. L. B. MlelamsM. 24-73-1 burn hall on Saturday night. ME Annual Campaign Dirive Miss Ina Jefferson, of Lon- Vr funds of the Sealoittih Branch don, is convalescing at the of the Canadian Red Cross So- home of her parents following Aety, to date iaimounts -to a tonsil operation. 61,406.96., Tlfe local, executive Sunday visitors with Mr. and wish to thank the campadgn :hairmen, Mr. John Patterson Mrs. Calder 'McKaig were Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Graham, rnd Mr. Harvey Tnaviss, the Mnors, the ca•nvasmrs in Town Avon- ton, and Mr. Lorne Speare, of ind surrounding country and Harriston. ;hunch members. at Constance, Some of the local men attend- Ninthrop and Walton who con- ed the spring show at Clinton rrihuted to make this drive a on Saturday. ucces 24-73-1 Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning and family, Mitchell, visited on 15. In Memoriam Saturday evening with Mr. and [OIINSON—In lovingmem memory of Mrs. K. McKellar. Many people from Cromarty i dear wife and mother, Mrs., Andys C. Johnson, who pasis+ed congregation attended annivers- may one year ago, June 7, 1962. ary services at Roy's United Church on Sunday and visited Me year has passed since t'ha4 sad day, with friends. Rev. J. C. Boyne, Chone we loved was called of Exeter and Cromarty,e the guest speaker at both was ser - away, Y xod rook herr home, it was His vices. Rev. A. H. Da Yard, of n will, Staffa, conducted services at 3ut in our hearts she liveth Exeter and Cromarty churches. still. Communion service will be -Always remembered and sad- observed at the morning service y missed by the 6wri yt 25-73xt1 in Cromarty church on Sunday. I PON -. Mr. and Xrs, Harry'van'Vier ren spent Sunday, with �ft..and Mrs. Bert Rokkem of +,01inton. Miss Dgrothy -J.A*soli gr4du- ated from l itcheiier-—4terlg4 Hospital on .Saturday after.iioen. There was a class of 32 nurses. who graduated. A reception followed and supper was ser`, ed on the spacious lawn, Her mother entertained in the eve ping to friends and neighbors of the family., Miss Dorothy Reinke, of Hams ilton, attended the graduation and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cooper and family, of Toronto, visited late- ly with the former's father, Mr. W. R. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Harald Jones and sons visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Huxtdbie and Bill, of Centralia. Kippen Church service and Sunday school -will be with- drawn on June 9 owing to Young People's anniversary service at Brucefield church. Mrs. Robert J. Elgie present- ed a hymnary .to this church in memory of her late husband, Robert J. Elgie. Mrs. Tony Verboom and Mrs. Hank Smit and children, Hen- sall, visited during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Wierren, Joan Van Wierren celebrated: her seventh birthday on Tues- day. A few little friends at. - tended, -also AIr's. Dieba Postmat of Brucefield, and a cousnn,' Patsy Van Wierren, of Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Bourke and chil- dren left Sunday morning en - route for Nova Scotia, owing to the illness of Mr. Bourke'S father. Mrs. Keene, of Stratford, vis- ited Saturday with Mrs. Row- son. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson, visited Wednesday with the for- mer's mother, Mrs. Reg Robin- son, of Thamesville. Mrs. Elston Kerr, of Winthrop, entertained . neighbors a n d friends of her mother, Mrs. E. Dowson, on Sunday at her home, the occasion being her 83rd birthday. Those attending from a distance included a nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sheffer, of Dryden, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mc- Clure, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. James, Riley, Seaforth; Mrs. C. Richardson, Hensall, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stanlake, Exe- ter. Mr. Sid Thomson, of Strat- ford, visited Sunday with his uncle, Mr. Robert Thomson, and a brother, Lloyd, of Zurich. . Mr. Charles Taylor, of Prince Edward Island, visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. Mrs. Bert Faber and Mrs. Tom Penhale attended church service at Turner's Church Sun- day and the christening of Dav- id Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Townsend, The UCW of Kippen have planned on having a ham -and strawberry supper on July 3, Mr. Allan Johnston and sons attended Turner's Church ser- vice Sunday and the christen- ing of David Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Townsend.' WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne were guests at the Lee and Frayne wedding and reception. on Saturday afternoon at Elim- ville United Church, Master Randy Gilfillan, of Ex- eter, spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Barbara Ann. Miss Marion Carscaden, of Exeter, visited on Saturday with her grandmother, Mrs. Garnet Miners, Mrs. Colin Gilfillan spent Tuesday with her aunt, Mrs. Lucinda Hay., of Egmondville. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunter, of Exeter, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern and family. Messrs.. Newton and Harold Clarke attended the horse show in Clinton on Saturday, OBITUARIES MRS. JOHN KAISER Public funeral services for the late Mrs. John Kaiser, who passed away in Detroit ori Sun- day, ,June 2, were held from the Bonthron Funeral Chapel, Hen- sall, on Wednesday, conducted by Rev. Harold Currie, minister of the United. Churclr. Burial was in Baird's cemetery. Mrs. Kaiser was the former Elizabeth Payne, a native of Brucefield, where her husband, the late John Kaiser, was in business for many years. Surviving are three son's: Benjamin, Detroit; Earl, Chica. go; John, Indonesia. Her hus. band• predeceased her in 1944, and two grandchildren. The late Mrs. Kaiser was a resident of Hensall for some years before going to reside in Detroit with her son. . w ,