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The Huron Expositor, 1963-05-30, Page 9
0 h�. • • • • • Huron Co-operative NLedical Services Prepaid Health Plans at Cost the way BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, Goderich; Vice -Pres., Gordon Kirkland, RR 3, Lucknow; Mrs. O. G. Anderson, RR 5, Wing - ham; Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Exeter; Hugh B. Smith, RR 2, Listowel; Lorne Rodgers, RR 1, Goderich; Roy Strong, Gorrie; Russell T. Bolton, RR 1, Seaforth; Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth; Bert Klopp, Zurich; Gordon Richard- son, RR 1, Brucefield;, Kenneth Johns, RR 1, Woodham. C. H. Magee Secretary -Manager Miss C. E. Plumtree Assistant Secretary For information, call your nearest director or our office in the Credit Union Bldg., 70 On- tario Street, Clinton, Telephone HUnter 2-9751, or see your Co- op representative: MRS. ANDREW CROZIER R.R. 2, Seaforth, Ont. Training Beagles Is Sport To Seaforth Oictimer. (The Burlington Gazette) The following item, which was recently published in the Burlington Gazette, refers to the son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Dale, North Main Street, and brother of Mrs. Kenneth Stew- art, McKillop.• What in the world is beag- ling? Ask Keith Dale that question and he'll tell you it's the most relaxing pastime ever invented. Beagles are hunting dogs, or perhaps are more widely known as 'rabbit dogs', as rabbit hunt- ing is their specialty. Beagling is the art of training these dogs, perfecting them for com- petition in the various trials throughout the province. Mr. Dale has indulged in this sport for manly years and he loves to get out in the wilds with his dog, away from his everyday cares. He is also very successful in this field, having trained the 1961 Ontario Beagle Derby Champion, after raising it from a pup. He is training another for this year's Derby BEAN SEED We have available Seed Beans for Your Needs,: ® ONTARIO REGISTERED SANILAC, and SEAWAY © MICHIGAN CERTIFIED SANILAC 0 ❑ THIS SEED IS EXCELLENT QUALITY Carefully Machined with High Germination 0 0 Bean Contracts Available HARRISTON FERTILIZER E. L. 1CKLE&SON LTD. Hensall : Phone 103 and he is also currently a di- rector of the Wentworth Beagle Club. Mr. Dale has been a mem- ber of the Burlington Chamber of Commerce since he first ar- rived here 164 years ago. He has been a director for ten of those years and is currently one of Chamber's directors. Born and educated in Sea - forth, Ontario, Mr. Dale came to Burlington in 1947 and open- ed a paint and wallpaper store at the corner of Brant and Pine Streets. In 1951, he expanded his business to include hard- ware and it still operates in the same location as Dale's Hardware. In his years here, Mr. Dale has seen the town grow -enorm- ously, especially the activity on lower Brant Street. He has lent his support to this growth and activity by acting as a mem- bers on the Town's Business Development Committee, re- presenting the retail merchants. He is currently president of the Brant Street Businessmen's Association. But Mr. Dale doesn't agree with groups or individuals who are always 'beefing' about how the town is run. He feels that all the town councillors are level-headed, intelligent busi- nessmen, who aren't going to do anything hastily, without looking at a situation from all its aspects. They have been given this authority by the electorate, he feels, let them get on with the job without har- rassment. He feels that groups such as the Chamber of Com- merce or various businessmen's associations should be prepar- ed to advise and assist the Town Council if called upon. He is very pleased with the way the local Chamber is 'be- ginning to show signs of great- er activity and he feels that this is due to some incredibly fine and persistent work by WANT•Ei LIVE- FOWL Picked up at the farm Top Prices — Locker Service Available — Phone 751 J 12 — Seaforth or 393 J 15 — Brussels Ronald Bennett WALTON - some of the executive. He hopes it can continue. During the war years, Mr. Dale was a flying instructor with the RCAF. He spent most of the time at Centralia Air Force Base, just a little north of London, Ontario, one of the few old bases that is stili in use today. Despite this back- ground, he has no desire to do any pleasure flying nowadays. As well as beagling, Mr. Dale also enjoysbowling and is a member of the Forresters Bowl- ing League, who bowl at the Brant Bowling Lanes each week. Mr. Dale has his home on Shadeland Avenue here, where he lives with his wife, Mamie, and their four children: Linda, 16; Rodney, 14; Ricky, 11, and Nancy, 10. BRUCEFIELD Unit No. One of the Bruce - field UCW,he1d their May meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Elgin Thompson, with an attendance of 27. Mrs. W. Broadfoot, lead- er, presided, and opened the meeting with a hymn. Mrs. James McNaughton was at the Mrs. M. Wilson and Mrs. D. Triebner had charge of the de- votions. Mrs. John Henderson read the secretary's report; Mrs. E. Sillery gave the treas- urer's report and received the offering. Mrs, Sillery reported that $42; had been raised by the unit at Mr. Alex Mustard's sale. The rummage sale was dis- cussed, which will take place in the Town Hall, Clinton in June. Different committees were named, and anything you have to spare . and need no longer will be ancepted. They may be left with Mrs. T. A. Dutton or Mrs. Paterson. It was also de- cided on account of other ac- tivities the June meeting will be withdrawn. Mrs. Mac Wilson gave several humorous' readings. A dainty lunch was served by the com- mittee: Mrs. Ross Chapman, Mrs. James McNaughton, Mrs. Triebner and Mrs. E. Thomp- son. Store Collector: "Are you, go- ing to pay us that past due ac- count?" ' Old Account: "Not just yet." Cpllector: "If you don't, I'll tell all your other creditors that you did." THe BST Time TO THe LOW-PRICe, TOP-QUHLiTY • Why now,?, What's the rush? Well, we just .> wantyoU_ to' have your,Chevy If for the summer -for doing all -the picnicking, swimming, and: travelling you've. been looking forward toall winter..Sure, you say, a new car would be nice, but .'.. Well, .there are no "buts" about Chevy II. The ride and room are strictly big league. The handling is sure and easy. And when you're on the open road, you'll wonder where all those horses came from. (There's 90 horsepower in The Super -Thrift Four; 120 in ' The Hi -Thrift Six.) Thinking about the money? • So is Chevy II. That's why you get self-adjusting brakes, long -life exhaust system, extensive rust -proofing, water -flushed and air-dried rocker panels and a battery -saving Delcotron generator as standard equipment at Chevy II's remarkably low price. And don't forget, you can also take your pick from a dozen different models—from the snappy Nova 400 Super Sport, Convertible to the oh -so -practical 100 Series sedans and station wagon. As we said "Now's the best timeto buy the low -price, - top-quality Chevy 11"... and your local Chevrolet dealer's the one to convince you! WJNCF.ftSEA N OF?HE`yI1EE ►tended for last wok). ' Mr. and Mrs.. Ivan Brock .en- tertained a nlunher of Ming people on 'Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Coward spent the weekend with ,their granddaughter, Pamela, of Sunshine Line, while her par- ents were on holidays. Mrs. Nelson Clarke and Mrs. James Simpson of Farquhar spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. William Walters, celebrat- ing Mrs. Clarke's birthday. Mrs. Elson . Lynn and Mrs. Phil Hern attended the bpwl- ing banquet in Exeter Legion Hall on Wednesday evening. Miss Kay Horne, of London, spent the holiday weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Free- man. Horne. WEDDINGS J ESSOME—L ITCH F I ELD Baskets of daffodils and white mums decorated the altar of St. James' Chapel, Kingston, for a pretty wedding on Saturday, May 18, at 10:30 a:m., when Father William Downey united in marriage Susan Gail, daugh- ter of Mr. - and Mrs. James Litchfield of Kingston, and Harry Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jessome of Sea - forth. Given in marriage by her uncle, Arthur Litchfield, the bride chose a full-length gown of white satin with bouffant skirt. The fitted lace bodice featured long lilypoint sleeves. Her veil fell from a cluster of white roses, and she carried a bouquet of red carnations. The maid of honor was Miss Barbara Brittman of Kingston, and Miss Toni Fowler, as bridesmaid, were dressed in identical gowns of aqua or- ganza over silk with handker- chief skirts. Their accessories were white and small flowered headdress completed their en- sembles, They carried bouquets of white mums, The groom was attended by William Bouyers, brother-in-law of the bride, and the ushers were Bernard Jessome, brother of the groom, and Robert Litch- field, brother of the bride. The organist was Peter Nourry, of Kingston. Following the ceremony a reception was held in the Bruan's Cafeteria. Mrs. Litch- field received the guests wear- ing a deep purple printed sheath dress with white hat and accessories. A corsage of pink carnations completed her en- semble, She was assisted by Mrs. Joseph Jessome, mother, of the groom, wearing a blue sheath dress with matching jacket of rayon linen with white hat and accessories. She also chose„ a corsage of pink carnations. For a wedding trip to the United. States, the bride travel- led in a three-piece green suit with white accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. On their return they will reside in, Kingston. Guests were present from North August, Trenton, Colling- wood, Seaforth, Toronto, Clin- ton and Kingston. YOU CAN'T BEAT H E`AT with the all new FUEL SAVING, FLOOR HEATING PATENTED' IFORCED-AIR, :, .P'GAS;::: FULL HOME HEATER Nova 400 4 -Door Sedan A General Motors Value The thriftiest family car going! Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC net work. Check your local listing for channel, and ti roe, See your local authorized C dealer. H -963C SEAFORTH MOTORS. RHONE 54 3 FUEL BILLS ryato50%! See It now—it's YOUR VERY BEST BUY! SILLS HARDWARE PHONE.56.-- SEAFORTH Mr. Ronald Gunning, Grand Bend, xislted on 4'41day with; Mr °:and Mrs Newten-Clarke: • Mrs. Garnet 4 Miners spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johns. and family, of Elimville North. Mr. and;. Mrs. Harvey Smith and Penny, of Crhditon, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan. Miss Carol Johns spent the holiday with her grandmother, Mrs. Garnet Miners. Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Bar- bara Ann spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith at Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Art Ball, of Clinton, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake. The Elimville Messengers en- joyed a wiener roast and picnic at Cann's gravel pit on Monday with their leaders, Mrs. Nelson Lynn and Mrs. Philip Johns. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock and family were: Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Brock and sons, of Crediton; Mr. Lloyd Dobbs and Dianne and Mr. Wil- liam Dobbs, Larry and Wilma from Langton. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan' Brock and fam- ily were: Mr. and Mrs. Cline Dobbs and family, from Glen - cairn; Mrs. William 'Dobbs and Mrs. Lloyd Dobbs and Darlene and Mrs. Evelyne Stephens and sons, of Langton. WIND • TORNADO •CYCLONE Insurance R. F. McKERCHER Phone 849 R 4 - Seaforth Representing the Western Farm- ers' Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. Pig MWO ;111!iGwl WE MIX TO ORDER AND DELIVER Save Time, Labor and Money! We mix concrete to your specifica- tions and. deliver right to your door. If your job calls for ready -mix con- crete, call us! FREE ESTIMATES ! Huron Concrete Supply Limited SEAFORTH — 868 W 2 GODERICH — JA 4-7361 ilAn advertisement abput money] yes, -box If you can check IP any six of these yes -boxes, chances are we can make you a Personal Loan 11 Have you been steadily employed for at least two years? Is your wife employed? Do you have a permanent address? Do you have a satisfactory borrowing record? I I Do you have a bank account? Do you own a car? Do you own any real estate? Do you have any other savings such as bonds or life insurance? (cash eurreaddr value) CLIP HERE Yes. -Boxes are The Toronto -Dominion Bank's latest contribution to the art of making banking easier. They help to list some of the informa- tion we need to know about you. And they help us to process your loan more quickly and conveniently. Here's what to do if you'd like a loan for some worthwhile purpose. Go through the Yes -Boxes you see above. If you can check at least six, then clip the coupon and take it along to one of our, branchesq Have a friendly chat 5 Y .;ti: with the people there. (Since ,. you'll have a lot of the necessary details, there'll =t thatYes- be a minimum of 1 formalities.) You'll find ' Boxes make life 1 easier in so many ways. If your present TV is acting up, get another the Yes -Box .Way. Example: you can borrow the _, price of a new set, $250 and repay just $11.55 monthly for 2 years: Need a new stove or refriger- ator? The $400 you'll probably want for a new one can be yours �.� ...,;r•`�"'�' for just$18.47 monthly over 2years. And if your car sense tells you it's time to trade, borrow what you need from The Bank. (Any amount to fit your requirements, any repayment schedule up to 3 years.) Talk your needs over with the friendly people at The Toronto -Dominion. In fact, call in right now, they'll be expecting you. TORONTO -DOMINION Where people make the difference W. D. STEPHE,NSON, Manager - Seaforth AINIC