HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-05-23, Page 7in SEAFORTH and • n • • ti • • r • 1 4 • Wagstaffe Assorted JAM and JELLY -12 oz. ROSE MARY KLEENEX -200's Heinz TOMATO JUICE -20 oz. 3/89* 5/$1.00 7$1.00 • .7/$1.00 3/$1.00 60 for 770 230 DRAW ON BASKET OF GROCERIES With Every $1.00Purchase Alien's APPLE JUICE -48 oz. Salada TEA BAGS JUMBO CELERY McGONIGLE'S Phone 166 Seaforth LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD STS ZION Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Han- non and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bushfield spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl. Misses Nancy and Cindy Gibb, daughters of 1VIr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Gibb, spent the weekend with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Maleolth, while their parents visited in Detroit on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper, Wayne and Grant were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kemp on Sunday and attended anniversary service in Munro Church. Mrs. Mary Malcolm, Miss Mary E Graham, Dresden; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hardill, Mil- ton and Bruce Malcolm were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon and family, Sea - forth, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roney and family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roney and family attended an- niversary at Munro and visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leeless on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney, Carl, Alan and Jin were din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al - don Williams and also attend- ed Munro anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Smale and family visited on Sunday in Owen Sound with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Par- sons. Vr BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilcox visited with the aunt, Mrs. R. Dawson, on Monday. "John, didn't I hear the clock strike three when you came in last night?" "That you did, my dear. It was just starting to strike elev- en and I stopped it so as not to disturb your sleep." _. ... ?`.ups<. save NEW EIfDflhII.I IIffRIDEHAIDII• OA fRffZfB 111a1/1/1 xaimonvin Fnic: A Complete Travelling Beauty Salon 4 4 Dries Nail Polish • Perfumes Hair Contains Large Unbreakable Make-up Mirror Smart, Lightwlight Oystor-white Travel Case 4 NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY A TWO -TEMPERATURE REFRIGERATOR WITH TRUE ZERO -ZONE FREEZER SECTION and get plenty of capacity to store or fast -freeze fresh foods and to keep frozen foods safely frozen, longer. OR BUY A MODERN HOME FREEZER... chest -type or upright ...with "king size" capacity and enjoy your money -saving frozen food "specials" in the "king size"! AND GET THIS GLAMOROUS MEDALLION HAIRDRYER... COMPLETE WITH TRAVEL CASE (A $29.95 VALUE) ABSOLUTELY FREE! THIS OFFER GOOD ON ANY OF THESE FAMOUS BRANDS Beatty • Selwood • Co-op Viscount • Coronado • Eaton's Viking • Firestone • Frigidaire • General Electric • General Freezer • Gibson • Gilson • Kelvinator • Leonard • McClary- Easy • Moffat • Onward • Philco • RCA Whirlpool • Roy Simpson's Coldspot • Simpsons -Sears • Westinghouse Wood's • And other fine makes. *ONLY TWO -TEMPERATURE REFRIGERATORS WITH TRUE ZERO -ZONE FREEZER SECTIONS QUALIFY. AT STORES DISPLAYING THIS SYMBOL May 18 to June 29 SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION 1 FRANK KLING LTD. General -Electric Appliances Phone 19 , Seaforth WHITNEY FURNITURE Philco Appliances Phone 119 : Seaforth BOX FURNITURE Frigidaire - Westinghouse Appliances Phone 43 : Seaforth GINGERICH'S SALES & SERVICE LTD. Kelvinator Appliances Phone 585 : Seaforth �n 4yer. BRODHAGEN NUPTIALS -Mr. and Mrs. G. F. P. Schutt were married in a ceremony at St,Peter's Luther- an Church, Brodhagen. Rev. Harold Brill officiated. The bride isthe former Dorothy Edith Hinz, daughter of Mr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schutt, RR 3, Mitchell. (B-H photo) - and Mrs. W. E. Hinz, Mitchell, and the bridegroom is the DUBLIN NEWS OF THE WEEK Mr. and Mrs. A. McDougall and family, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jordan. Mr. Carl Stapleton and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stapleton, Lon- don, spent the weekend in Smith Falls with Mr. and Mrs. Len Gaffney. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Grosech and family, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene' Giroux, Thor- old, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cos- tello. Mrs." Elsie Jordison is a pa- tient in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stapleton attended the graduation exer- cises at Ontario Agricultural College Friday, when their son, Neil Stapleton, was one of the graduates. Flt./Sgt. and Mrs. Jim New- combe, Trenton, and Mrs. Jas. Newcombe, Port Credit, with Mr. and Mrs. William Staple- ton. Mr. John Molyneaux and chil- dreri,.Thorold, with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Curran, Montreal, with Mrs. A. M. Looby. Mr. Tom Holland and Mr. Leslie Gasper and two sons, of Windsor, with Mr. Matt Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend spent the weekend at their cot- tage at Lions Head. Mrs. Beulah McGovern, Mon- treal, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stapleton. Mrs. James Ackroyd and Mary Ruth, Toronto, with Frank O'Rourke. Mr. Billie Holland, Windsor, with Pat and Joe Maloney. Mrs. Mary Schulman returned home from Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Flanagan, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. George Coyne. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stapleton, Pauline and Mrs. Beulah Mc- Govern, Montreal, attended the wedding of their niece, Miss MacDonald, in Detroit Satur- day. Mr, and Mrs. Steve Maloney, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Maloney. Mr. Tom Feeney, London, with Elme'F and Louis Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. John Morris and children, London, with Mr. and Mrs, Tom Morris. Miss Elizabeth Weber, Lon- don, with Miss Mary O'Connell. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dantzer of London, at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Don MacRae at- BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mus- tard, London; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mustard, Tillsonburg, and Mr. Gordon Mustard, To- ronto, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mustard, Mrs. G. Adair and children, Kitchener, are vsiiting with Mrs. Adair's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Broadfoot. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mustard spent Saturday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hunt and family, London, spent the holi- day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Aikertead. Mr. and 1VIrs. Lorne Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Knox, of Sarnia, spent the weekend up north on a flshing trip. Mr. Bud Hunt and Mr. Wm. Burdge and sons were on a fish- ing trip over the weekend. Mr. Stewart Broadfoot, lead- er of the Boy Scouts and the Scout members camped for a few days at their favorite camping ground. Mr. and Mrs. Max Tulley, of Peterboro, attended the fun- eral of the late Wilfred Aiken - head and visited with her sis- ters, Mrs. Gregor McGregor, Mrs. Charles Lane and Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGregor. tended the Knights of Colum- bus convention in Ottawa over the holiday weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Malone, Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. Jer- ry Morris, Walkerton, with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morris. Mr. Louis O'Reilly in London with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Walsh. Miss Noreen McMillan, Lon- don, with Mr. and Mrs. William McMillan. Mrs. Joe Dill in Flint, Mich., with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bur- gess. Mrs. A. M. Looby is a pa- tient in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, Seaforth. Miss Nancy Kelly, Reg.N., of Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs. Fer- gus Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Murphy and sons, of Port Colborne, with Mr. and -Mrs. Frank Kistner. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bannon, of Gadshlll; Mr. and Mrs. Don Moser and David, Kitchener; Miss Beatrice Maloney, Oak- ville; Miss Valerie McKenna, Elora; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kist- ner, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Murphy and sons, of Part Colborne. Miss Theresa Ducharme, Reg. N., London, with Mr. and Mrs. George Ducharme. h ' EXPoSrr03., SEAroRTI4' o.N',r., MAX *. 200:4 i E _. 0 .11 .:_.- - ..IA +ers For THURS. FRI•, SAT. Only - Moly 23 'It always pays to shop in Seaforth, but especially this big weekend Of Town -wide Bargains -- and STEWART'S offer you "the greatest!" Bring all the family to the Mammoth Fireworks Display, staged by the Seaforth Fire Brigade Friday Night at 10:30: ", NO TRAFFIC ON MAIN STREET - Just One Big Shopping Mali , ' , 20 Only - Men's NYLON - LAMINATE Spring Jackets This year's styles in blue, black, olive and brown. _, Sizes 38 to 46 REGULAR TO 15.95 Sale- 9.95 Special Buy, of Famous "Tony Day" ANTRON Knitted ShirtsSpring Big range of colors and sizes at a real bargain! Reg. 9.95 5" SHORT SLEEVES 5.95 Reg. 0SLEEVES 6,95 ALL. LADIES' 29.95 and: 39.95 coots / t Good color and size ;range. THIS SEASON'S STOCK To Clear $19.00 • Boys' 8 to 18 SPRING Windbreakers Twills, Corduroys, Nylons, laminated. All colors. Regular 4.95 to 9.95 VICTORIA WEEK SPECIAL 20% Off Great Sale of Our Famous Brands of First Quality NYLON HOSE NEW SPRING SHADES All Sizes. FOR THREE DAYS ONLY Special 69c Pr. Just Arrived 1 SUMMER • DRESSES Regular 10.95 Quality Sleeveless and short sleeve styles in Sanforized cotton Nfabricsew D.resses• Save $2.00 on Brand Special - 8.95 - 10% DISCOUNT On Our Complete Stock of Men's SPRING SUITS ' Save Up To $7.50 THIS WEEK ONLY Reg. 8.95 and 9.95 Womens and Misses' ' BULKY KNIT CARDIGANS Whites and pastel shades ; newest styles. All sizes. Special - 7.95 FOR 3 DAYS Special Rack REG. TO 19:95 Summer Dresses These are carryovers from last season, but clearing at quarter of original value. To Clear at 5.00 CLEARANCE! Men's Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS Mostly broken lines, 'in values to $4.00. WHILE THEY LAST $1 . % 9 Men's Lennards Shirts & Briefs .. 79c SWorkSox 79c Boys' Poncho Style Three-quarter Sleeve T -Shirts 1.49 Men's Nylon Dress Sox • • 79c HALF PRICE CLEARANCE of HANDBAGS Odd ;lots of quality purses that sell at $5,00. ," . While they last '. $ 2.5 O FREE Draw Tickets Get your FREE Draw Tick- ets with every dollar pur- chase, from Tuesday to Fri- day Night. at 9:45. THE PRIZE - $10.00 IN MERCHANDISE Shop and Save in Seaforth's Biggest and Best Family Clothing Store. NEW SUMMER BLOUSES Reg. 2.95 and up. Special - 2.69 ALL SPRING and SUMMER MILLINERY Every Hat this season's. To Clear - 1/3 Off STEWART BROS1 FUN IN THE DESERT -Peter Appldyard, Toronto must cian, `ides hump high on a bedouin's camel in the Sinai desert. He is in the Middle East as part of a CBC concert party enter- taining troops of many nations who are stationed in the UNEF bases. Included in the concert party are Shirley Harmer, Tom- my Common, comedian Alec Head, singer Claudette, dancer Agota Gabor, violinist Al Cherney, magician Robert Downey and a musical group under the directions of Bert Niosi. TS IT ALL RIGHT 1F = INVITE THREE BOYS OVER TONIGHT, MOTHER? by Tom Dorr THREE! 'ARENT YOU BEING A BIT GREEDY? DEFINITELY NOT ='M LUCKY IP Z GAIN THE ATTENTION OF EVEN ' ONE__. YIT TELEVISION WILL SNAG AT LEAST TWO OF THEM. ..."-- THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 141 SEAFORTH ulk Unloading For your convenience we are now equipped to handle BULK UNLOADING 0 TRUCK LOAD LOTS OF WESTERN GRAIN DELIVERED Blown into your granary 0 COMPLETE FEEDS DELIVERED TO HOS AND POULTRY FEEDERS ° ❑ Custom Grinding At Your Farm Two Units To Serve You DOLMAGE MILLINGCOII Phone 855 R 2 - Seaforth R.R. 1, SEAFORTH -- WINTHROP GRINDING, ROLLING and MIXING Quality Concentrates and Complete Feeds ED. DOLMAGE - Proprietor