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The Huron Expositor, 1963-05-23, Page 5
25 FREE • • • • • • • • CROSSWORD PUZZLE Answer To Puzzle ACROSS 41) (Santo abbr.) 50 VeWeltyy 52 Thing in law ether 56 Saturated 50 Checked 63 Opposed to aweather 64 Winged 68 Ireland 69 Shakespearean king 70 Storms fiercely 71 Rotate 72 Covers with pitch 73 Lends 74 Prepares leather 1Rpuuel$ucgto it ole of food 10 To satisfy 14 Wild buffalo of India 15 Big 16 Wife of, Geraint 17 Early Irish tenant 18. Wrath 19 Withered 20 Timorous 22 Substance 24 Tinker to to Chance 27 High card 28 Class 31 Harvest goddess 33 Short news article(p1.) 37 Atmosphere 38 Pleased 40 Large tub 41 Stroke lightly 42 Scoundrels 43 Form of "to be" 44 French fqr summer 45 Part of church (Pl.) 46 Expire 47 Drawing room DOWN 1 Part of ship 2 Sandarac tree 3 To cut, atter snick 4 Referred to something repeatedly 5 Cutting part of an instrument 6 Operated, 7 Unit of energy 8 Years old x754 f±imLU now OUELiLI UOQU UOLILI UOOUIii OWOO tIUUU 0130110 UMMUMO WHIM MOO C4EIUU UL' UUOUD EOOEaEOElIfUE1 O®i DOM U UEGL4 Roman MUM 00O©© QI1t UMilhJi;lO UMOM l0Of3 E3E1E1FtiE4E3E1 =MU UI OL1OO OEM= MUM MOO 01303 UMUUU© MOMO noOO 9 Sensitive layer of the skin 10 Six line stanza 11 The dill 12 To weary 13 River of Germany 21 1 have (contr.) 23 A sour substance (pl.) 25 Moves briskly 26 Pointed 28 Yawns 29 Lasso 30 Russian trade guild 32 Looks at fixedly 34 To elude 35 Girl's name 36 Spirited horse 38 East Indian tree 39 Raised transportation lines 42 Hindu queen 48 Commands • 50 Observe 51 One of the clergy 53 Tangle 55 Long lock of hair 56 Season 57 Genus of olives 58 Darling 60 Kind of palm 61 Ireland 62 Lairs 65 A dialect of Siamese 66 Turkish title 67 Number I 2 3 4 \\ 5 6 7 8 9 N10 11 12 13 14 :.\ 17 618 \... 19 \\v\�Z\\\\\ 22 iii20 WI .lam\\\Iv \\\\\\ , \\ 24 �■ 25 j 27 i■ \\� \�_- \,, Ns 28 29 30 V 31 U 32 \ 33 35 36 37 am, mil 4, • ,,,, , 43 44 45 „X, \ 46 ■■ 47 ■� 48■\ `� 49 ® 45. in \\ � \ 53 \ \\ 58 ■ N.\ \ 59 68 WIEN 6� 3 ' \ 64 69 NI 70 71 72 73 r. 74 PUZZLE NO. 755 e a A • a Victoria Day SPECIALS At LARONE$ Famous LADY BIRD and KUTE KNIT Children's T-SHIRTS—Reg. 98c Sizes 1- 3 and 2- 6 X New, Smart Children's Style PLAYSUITS Lady Bird Special 79¢ 2.98 and 3.98 BOYS' T-SHIRTS—Sizes 8-14 Tom Sawyer Brand BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS—Sizes 8-142 •98 BOYS' JEANS—Sizes 4-6X 2.98 1.98 Sizes 8-14 3.49, 3.98, 4.98 Visit Our Children's Department for Splendid Line of Children's Items Ladies' - TEEN-AGE SKIRTS— Reg. 3.98 Special 2 .98 Reg. 4.98 Special 3.98 Ladies' SLEEVELESS BLOUSES— Sizes 10-20 ,�.. Ladies' SLACKS—Sizes 10-20 SHORTS—Sizes 10-20 SLIPS—Sizes 32-44 ..i/t7 3.98, 4.98 2.98, 3.98 2.98, 3.98 AT THE GRADE 12 "At Home" in Mitchell, stu- dents of home economics showed their mothers suits they hade made during the year. From the left are: Susann MacDougald, RR 1, Fullarton; Margaret Hog - WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY A committee, consisting of Mrs. E. Larone, Mrs. N. Schnei- der and Mrs. J. Talbot made corsages and presented them to each of the patients in the hos- pital for May 12, which is Na- tional Hospital Day. Mrs. Schneider donated tulips for the bouquets which were plac- ed in the halls of the hospital. The total net proceeds of the spring rummage sale, with Mrs. John E. Patterson as convener, -and Mrs. John A. Gorwill, co - convener, were $360.00, and the auxiliary wishes to thank all who helped to make this pro- ject so successful. The Women's Hospital Auxil- iary to Scott Memorial Hospital have drawn up a constitution, and this was presented by Mrs. Elmer Larone at the May meet- ing. FREE DRAW -3 Prizes: $5, $3, $2 Ticket on each purchase of $1.00 LARONE'S Seaforth 5c To $1,00- Store STATIONERY -- GIFTS FUNERALS MRS. JOSEPH SCOTT The death occurred in Scott Memorial Hospital Thursday of Mrs. Joseph Scott, of Roxboro, in her 90th year. She had been ill about three weeks. The former Isabelle M. Carno- chan, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Carnochan, a pioneer Tucker smith family. She is survived by her hus- band, Joseph Scott, to -whom she was married December 21, 1898, by one --son„ 'Samuel, and two grandchildren, Mrs. Scott lived in Tucker - smith, and following her mar- riage moved to the Scott home- stead at Roxboro. With her hus- band she continued to reside there until in 1943 the farm was taken over by their son, and Mr. and. Mrs. Scott moved across the road to the home they have since occupied. While in excellent health Mrs. Scott in recent years has experienced some difficulty in getting around as a result of a fall six years ago, when she fractured her hip. A member of Northside Unit- ed Church, she was active in the Sunday School and was a life member of the UCW. Largely attended services were held from the G. A. Whit- ney funeral home Saturday af- ternoon, conducted by her min- ister, Rev. J. C. Britton. Inter- ment followed in Maitlandbank cemetery, the pallbearers be - being James F. Scott, James Aicheson, William McDowell, Harold Agar, Peter McCowan and Anderson Scott. Flower - bearers were John Scott, Fran- cis Coleman, Gordon Scott and Zack McSpadden. •garth, Staffa; Patsy Ferris, Carlingford; Betty Lou Pethick, Dublin; Sharon Agar, Staffa, and Carol Mc- Culligh, Mitchell. (B-H photo). CONSTANCE NEWS OF THE WEEK Miss Laura Hoggart, who has attended Beal Technical School in London this year, has secur- ed a positionwith the Huron & Erie Canada Trust branch of- fice on Richmond St., London. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator on Saturday were: Mr. and Mrs. Russell King, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hornick; of Chatham; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Preszcator and Wanda, of Seaforth, and Mr. Basil Hornick. Mr. Charles MacGregor, of Chatham, and Miss Susan Smith of London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mac- Gregor Mary and Margaret. Mr, nd Mrs. William Medd and Karen, of Toronto, and Mrs. Joe Williams and Debbie, of Whitby, spent Saturday with Mrs. James Medd. Master Donnie Jewitt spent the holiday with Master Billy Whyte. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bridges were in Guelph last week at the OAC, attending the gradua- tion and convocation service of their son, Laurence, who finish- ed his fourth year in General Science course. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Gloush. er, Stewart and Barbara spent, Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Glousher of Goderich. Mr. Paul McMaster, of Ridge - town, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Hoggart. Mrs. McMaster returned home after spending a week with her parents. Mr, Charles Johnson, of Clin- ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Leitch. Sunday visitors at the home of' Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jew- itt were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKercher, Watford; Mr. and Mrs. William McRorie, of For- est; Mr. Stan " Hall, of Simcoe; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hall, of Ethel; Mr. and Mrs. Norman .Mans- field, Forest; Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Mansfield, Arkona; Mr. Bill Cousins, Mr. and -Mrs. Gordon Wilkinson, Mr. -Winston Wilk- inson, M. ,and Mrs. Bill Blain and Mr. and: Mrs, Fred Ellekar, all of Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor left Thursday by TCA from London to Victoria and Van- couver, for an extended visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. Nelson McClure, Clay- ton and Brian, Mrs. Wilmer Glousher, Stewart and Barbara, and Mr. Charles Dexter spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ball and family, of Au- burn. Mr, and Mrs, Ken Preszcator and -Mr. and Mrs. Howard Presz- cator spent Monday in Gode- rich. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hart, of Goderich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McRorie, of Warwick, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hill, of Ethel, and Mr. Stan Hall, of Simcoe, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wilk- inson, of Warwick, attended the .funeral of the late William Britton on Monday and called on Mr. 'and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt. The community extends its sympathy to -the family and rel- atives of the late Mr. William Britton. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Riley and Kim, of Scarborough, and Miss Debbie Woods, of Ajax, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Reid and sons, of London, and Mrs. Rus- sell Consitt, John and Nancy, of Kippers, spent one day re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. Luth- er Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. George Mcll- wain, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. George Mcllwain, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Crozier and Brian, of Cedar Springs. Mrs. Pollard is spending a few' days in Hensall with her sister, Mrs. Glaizer, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. George McII- wain and Mary spent Monday in Goderich with Mr. and Mrs When the Garden Slopes Split levels have always been popular in gardening. Whore the ground slopes considerably one should make the larger lawn and grounds generally con- form rather than trying to grade the whole thing artificial- ly to one level. The simplest and perhaps most interesting treatment is to have an upper and a lower lawn, joining the two with a bit of stone wall or a strip of rock garden. Through the wall or rock gar- den of course' there will be a series of steps in stone, brick, or cedar timbers. Another way would be to have shrubbery on the slope joining the two lev- els. Where these slopes are any size it is well to remember that unless anchored with reeks or shrubs or creeping vines, heavy rains will invariably wash out the soil and make a mess of things. Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low coat Eat- positdr Want Ads. Walter Kingswell. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pinning, of Clinton, spent Saturday. with Mr. and Mrs. George Leitch. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riley, of Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mrs. Phoebe Millson spent Wednesday in Hensall visiting Mrs. Glazier. A man misses silent films. It was so good to see a woman op- en her mouth and have no sound come out. The Irishman had a muffler rolled around his neck although the•,day was not very cold. "You seem to take good care of yourself," a friend said. "To be sure I do," replied the Irishman. "What's all t h e world to a man when his wife's a widdy?" SALL NEW: Share the wealth was wol<i by, Mrs. Eldon Jarrott, of Hippella at the Legion bingo on Satur- day. Door prizes were won by Harold Schwarizentruber, of Ex- eter, and Jim Smale, Hensall. Mr. Douglas Martin, of Grand Bend, presided at the organ con- sole at the United Church Sun- day morning last. "Rural Life Sunday" was the theme of the service. Rev. Harold Currie de- livered an appropriate message, and the senior choir sang a selection. Flowers in the church were in memory of the late Mrs. Emily Parker, placed there by members of her family. The First Hensall Boy Scouts, accompanied by their Scoutmas- ter, Wayne Smith, spent the weekend camping at the Pin- ery. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Haslip, Susan and Joey, of Hamilton, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kennedy. The 114th anniversary of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, will be observed Sun- day, May 26, at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Guest speakers will be Rev. Hugh F. Davidson, M.A., D.D., of Toronto, secretary of the Board of Stewardship and Budget of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Harold Taggart, of London, was elected governor of District One of the Association of Kins- men Clubs for 1963-64 at the annual convention in London over the weekend. Other officers include William Mickle, of Hen- sall, who was elected world council chairman, . and Jack Drysdale, also of Hensall, bulle- tin editor. Close to 700 Kins- men from 74 clubs attended. Mrs. Fred Rathwell attended the May Festival at Alma Col- lege on Saturday. Her grand- daughter, Miss Phyllis Pentney, accompanied her home and spent the weekend here. Mrs. Lorne McNaughton, of Cromarty, is a patient in South Huron, $o,9p'ltaii Sofro,. T,,. The regular meeting of Am- her Rebei50 Loge, Was held Wednesday with Nob1,4 Grand, Mrs. Hugh ¥ewen presldingA Plans were finalized ' for the. banquet serf Week Miss Marie Miller, of Mid' sor, spent the weekend holiday with her aunt, Mrs. C. L. Jinks. Mr. John Henderson, wile has been a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, , for the past six weeks, returned home on Thursday afternoon. Cpl. and Mrs. M. Campbell, Debra, Denise and Dianne spent the weekend with the former's . parents in Gravenhurst. Mr. and Mrs. R. Linstra, who have been residents of Hiensell for the past nine years, left Wednesday for Ripley, where they have purchased a 50 -acre farm. Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacKin- non, of Burlington, Wisconsin; Jim MacKinnon, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. MacKinnon and amity, of Alvinston, and Mr. d Mrs. Jack Carmichael, Byro , attended the funeral of the late Donald E. MacKinnon held last Tuesday. A number of local farmers and their wives attended a chemical company dinner and demonstration at the Hotel London last week. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Adkins, of Hen- sall, won the first draw and were presented with an elec- tric frying pan. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Keller, of Dashwood, won the second daw, $100 worth of weed killer. There was a man who had a dream that he was going up in a rocket to orbit the earth. Looking at the vast array of machinery, dials and whatnot, he sighed: "I just wish it wasn't all put together by the lowest bidder!" WILKINSON'S "Where Freshness Is Always Featured" OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 10 :00 ' P.M. Saturdays to 6:00 p.m. CfIfBRflTE,nr IN S'EAFORTH FkdDAY NIGHT TABLERITE - Canada's Finest Red Brand .Steer Beef .1, ROUND OR ROASTS • . Kellogg's CORN FLAKES 4 12 -oz. Pkgs. $1 .Challenger Fancy COUOE SALMON 3 1/.2 -Tb. Tins $1 Kraft Salad Dressing MIRACLE WHIP 32 -oz. Jar 590 37c Off Package KING SIZE SURF King Size Pkg. 990 Magic Cuff Buy 1 Pair, Get 1 Pair Free ! BABY PANTS 2 •Pair 290 Kraft French—Miracle French 8 -oz. DRESSING 2 .Tars 49c Nabob Instant — 6•oz. COFFEE .Jar 99c McCormick's Top Value — 1 -Ib. BISCUITS .. Pkg. 49c Armour — 16 -oz. Beef I)inner 2 Tins 69c Her: by — 10c Bars Chocolate Bars 6 for 49c Saico Mandarin — 11 -oz. ORANGES 2 Tins 45c U.S. No. 1 Jumbo Sweet Eating Fresh, From California Celery Stalks ea. 29c California No. 1 Red, Ripe, Luscious Strawberries 3 Pts. $1 TABLERITE TRIMMED 100 FREE STAMPS with each 10 -Ounce Large Weston's POTATO CHIPS 590 Tablerite Trimmed Red Brand R L iVa3c' iio.OAsT, lb. 6 so Tablerite Pure Pork SAUiA(>;E .. ib. 490 Lots of tender, sweet meat side SPARE RIBS Ib. 49c ' Maple Leaf BOLOGNA Ib. 29c YOUR BONUS BUY FOR THIS WEEK KADANA BRAND TEA BAGS PKG. OF 100 2-CU9P 5,, 3y -the -piece Special No. 1 Grade Fresh from Florida Corn on the Cob5/39c Canada _ No. 1 P.E.I. Terrific For French Fries Potatoes, 10 -Ib. bag 49c It's Salad Time! U.S. No. 1 Large Solid Heads, ea. HEAD LETTUCE 17c Stokely's — 5c Off Corn, ,2 2-1b. Poly Bag 79c Zero -O Peas, 2-1b. Poly Bag 49c Farm House -6c Off -22 -oz. Pkg. Blueberry Pie 49c Lake Pac -•- 12 -oz. Pkg. SMELTS 21c Picnic — 6 -oz. Tins LEMONADE 2/29c Top Valu — 6 -oz. Tins Orange Juice 4/$1.00 IGA-=-OVEN-FRESH BAKERY HOSPITALITY BRAND RAISIN FAMILY C PIE SIZE 3 9 SHIRLEY GAY FROST'N SERVE EA. C, SHORTCAKE' 3 „i• WESTON'S CINNAMON *tiPKC. C BUNS Green Giant Brand 2 -15-oz. Tins PEAS 2/39c Aylmer -- 20 -oz. Tin TOMATOES •21c Libby's -- 28 -oz. Tin SAUERKRAUT 23c !GA — 15 -oz. Tins BEANS in Tomato Sauce 2/33c Top Valu Barley Sugar, Glace Mints, Citrus Fruit, Assorted Caramels, Fruit Drops CANDIES pkg. 39c TA.BbERiTE COOKED MEATS 'MIX OR MATCH' • DUTCH LOAF .YOUR CHOICE, . • PICKLE 6,PIMENTO 6•-0Y. A CHICKEN LOAF yoc-Pae • MACARONI AND CHEESE 49„ • BOLOGNA Pkgs. FREE GIFTS FOR BRIDES Alta" your wedding, send a newspaper clipping of your wedding announcement, or a copy of your wedding invita- t,oq, or a letter from the official who performed the cere- rin1,; ,,,tn IG 4 1963 Bride Gift. c o Shirley Gay, 490 Indus- trial A'.i.. Ottawa Ont. Mention your married name. your :e« adstress and Wilkinson's IGA Store o hen writing, and }our til•: will he forwarded to you. RECIPE FILE — COOK INDEX tr l on t lira th '1'o Cook Surcessfuily; Intelligent 1A -e ;2ht Control; How to Set the Table: Ca'orie Counter; Guide to Expert Carving; Buy Wisely; Honie Canning and Freeing --- t) er•l,n00 Tested Recipes in a handy Ivory and Chrome Cabinet that .will add beauty to your kitchen —The Cook Index will sale you time, work and food dol- lars. This Cook Index is for the beginner and expert alike —will help to plan nutritional meals. Every 1963 Bride Will Also Receive - A Olft Certificate for 100 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS. r to help you on your Way to another,/ Free Gift. Many fine premiums aro available for you by the saving, of Gold Bond Stamps which aro given Swith your food purchase at all ICA tores. • Every 1963 erlde'will receive A Gift of ROBIN HOOD FLOUR Hood Flour you are guar. finest results In all year Le. BAG tt» Robin entecd the baking. Ce ificate for 50 FAEE 25 FREE OOLD BOND STAMPS ONE 6 -OZ. BTL. RESDAN Coupon Expires May 23 GOLD BOND STAMPS .a. c wee. 0.01, ONE 1.8. OR MORE LEAN STEWING BEEF Coupon Expiroa May :16 100 FE 001.0 BOND STAMPS �..1.0. Ab ,.,r.. ONE REG., SUPER, GENTLE TONi HOME PERMANENT Coupon Explroa May 25 25 FREE GOLD BONO STAMPS ...WOW** MO ewq•ee N.w Q 41 1ta. OR MORE l GROUND CHUCK Coupon gopiros May 26 f.O LO BUND STAMPS wen mow .Ye ...Mk Sr:.." TWO 14012. TINS GREEN GIANT NIBLETS Coupon Uxplros May PS 25 FREE FREE 2GOLD RONt) Sl'AMPS 5•eI •f.. 1 oNE 1i -0L, Pits, REEKRAFT JET oairirb '. Marshmallows Cdupatt molt** May 25 GOLD BOND STAMPS ads isvr-,, +e seaT.Me •r,.. 1 ONE LE. OR MORE CUBE STEAKS . Coupon E,cpiraa May 26 GOI.0 BOND STAMPS Ism teen. e.s ,tlatMm N... 3 LL OR 1ltORt ' Newport Roast CoupO fIIPfIMr N $