HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-05-23, Page 3• • • • • 0 • • • 4 WIND TORNADO •CYCLONE Insurance R. F. McKERCHER Phone 849 R 4 - Seaforth Representing the Western Farm- ers' Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. Local Bowlers At Walkerton Seaforth Lanes was represent- ed this year at the seventh an- nual five -pin bowling invitation team tournament for the Car - Celebrate the 24th with WITH THESE BARGAIN PRICES at EVE -MAR STORE GIRLS' SHORT DECK PANTS, POP-TOPS—Two and 3 -Piece Sets and SLIMS — Priced to fit Every Purse! SPECIAL –.- Ladies' Spring Coats, full length, three-quarter length; Car Coats — Large Dis- count To Clear. Ladies' Stretchy Sligrs, Regular Slims, Deck Pants, Jamaica Shorts, Shorts, Poptops, Blouses, Etc. — Priced to Fit Every Purse. Boys' Dress Pants, Corded Jeans, Shirts, Jer- sey T -Shirts, Socks, Underwear, Pyjamas, Etc. MEN'S MATCHING SET—Shirts, Pants, Jacket PANTS, $4.25; SHIRT, $2.98; JACKET, $5.25 Canadian -Made — 3 -PIECE SET, Special $11.95 Men's Dress Pants, Casual Pants, Sport Shirts, Jersey T -Shirts, Socks, Dress Shirts, Sport Coats, Three -Piece Suits. Get a FREE Ticket for Friday Night Draw on $10.00 Merchandise Certificate with Every Dollar Spent at EVE -MAR STORE SEAFORTH PHONE 405 ,C�l�6RAiE MAY • IN SEAFORTH And Save Money! 1O% off ALL APPLIANCES during the Seaforth May 24th Money -Saving Celebration Frank Kling Ltd. Phone 19 Seaforth ling trophy and $1,75.0 in priz- es. The teams were in Walker- ton recently, where the tourna- ment was held at Midtown Bowl, when approximately 104 men teams participated. In the men's class "B" group, the Seaforth team stood 17th, with a total of 3,620. The win- ners were from Palmerston, with a score of 4,144. Arthur Finlayson rolled a 328 single for the Seaforth team, and D. Lackey, Ripley, tied Finlayson for the high single in the "B'' group. The runner-up was from Preston, with a 311 single. In class "C" for men, the Sea - forth team came through with a total score of 3,650, to cop second place in the event. The top team was from Wingham, with an 88 -point lead over Sea - forth with a total of 3,738. Priz- es amounting to $90 were dis- tributed'to the runner-up team, each member getting a beauti- ful wicker chair. The team was composed of Lloyd McKenzie, Gordon Muir, Ben Bridge, Mel Merriam, Jack Bedard and captained by Leo Hagan. Following are the individual scores and totals: Lloyd Mc- Kenzie, 113, 133, 278-524; Gor- don Muir, 171, 225, 218-614; Ben Bridge, 126, 161, 169-450; Mel Merriam, 268, 251, 2.18- 737; Jack Bedard, 186, 269, 256 —711; Leo Hagan, 158, 241, 209 —608; grand total, 3,650. -Last Friday night the same "C" team was in Waterloo tak- ing part in the 14th annual five - pin bowling tournament for the Molson's "Canadian" trophies and awards which was being held at Waterloo Bowling Lanes. The five -man team, which was new to the locals, was not as successful there as at Walker- ton. Following the team roll- off, Mel Merriam and Leo Hag- an entered the doubles event. Although not prize winners, the twosome did come up with good scores: Mel Merriam, 236, 197, 179-592; Leo Hagan, 242, 186, 200-628; grand total, 1,240. STAFFA Mr. and Mrs. Sam Norris and granddaughter, Susan, returned home Saturday after visiting for a week with Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Brait and Richard, Beaconsfield,, Quebec. Misses Linda and Carol Ev- ans visited with Edna and Janet Miller. Visiting over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Norris were Eric Norris, OAC, Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Norris and family, Brampton. Mrs. Pearl Francis and Jane, Scarborough, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kemp and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Temple- man and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred- An- nis and family, Zion. Annie Evans visited for a few days with Kathy Taylor. Mr. and Mrs: Walter O'Brien spent the weekend in Cleveland with Mrs. O'Brien's brother, Mr. Russell Lawson and Mrs. Lawson. Every week more people dis- • cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Adis. /frit_ if1fBRfl :.: WIJY / with on e- money- y saving savin g buys y e at ANSTETT'S Repair Large Selection ' Get Depot TIMEX WATCHES Yours For TO CHOOSE FROM To -day ! 44 -pc. Sets SILVERWARE by 1881. ROGERS • FLIRTATION • LILAC TIME • SKYWARD $79.95 with Drawer Chest FREE: 8 Coffee Spoons 8 Butter Spreaders 50 -pc. Sets ENGLISH DINNERWARE by . JOHNSON BROS.. - Only $29.95 COFFEE MUGS - - 69c LATEST FASHIONS in COSTUME JEWELLERY Only $1.89 Set FREE DRAW — Silver Cream and Sugar Get your ticket with every purchase of $1.00 during this 24th of May Celebration at ANSTETT'S Anstett Jeveliers Ltd. . EXPERT WATCH and JEWELLERY REPAIRS i BEUTTENMILLER—MUEGGE Northside United Church, Sea - forth, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, May 4, at 2 p.m., when the Rev. J. C. Brit- ton united in marriage Eliza- beth Ann Muegge and Robert Klopp Beutenmiller. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Gordon Muegge, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Beuttenmiller. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a waltz - length dress of white appliqued peau de soie., It featured a matching scalloped lace jacket with three - quarter length sleeves. Her shoes were white satin. A tiara of sequins held her shoulder -length veil of ny- lon tulle. She wore a necklace of "pearls with earrings to match, a ;gift from the groom. She carried a white Bible, crest- ed with orange -ice roses. The maid of honor, Miss Hel- en Boyes, was gowned in a mauve peau de soie which fea- tured a bell-shaped skirt. Her headdress was rosettes nestled in matching netting. A corsage of yellow roses on a muff com- pleted her ensemble. The bridesmaid, Miss Judy Muegge, wore a similar gown and headdress to that of the maid of honor, in a gold shade with matching accessories, and carried a corsage of orange -ice roses on a muff. Miss Linda Muegge was also a bridesmaid for her sister, and was dressed in an identical gown to that of the maid of honor, and carried similar flowers. The groom was attended. by Douglas Rowcliffe, Seaforth, and the guests were ushered by Richard Muegge and Robert Muegge, both brothers of the bride. Traditional wedding music RCAF Sergeant Joins Area Firm George Cutler, recently re- tired from the RCAF Clinton, where " he was Sergeant in charge of Motor Transport Re- pairs, has joined the sales staff of Goderich Motors Ltd. Huron Awards Road Contracts Contracts for gravel on Coun- ty Road 6, south of Exeter, have been let by council's roads committee. Harold Kerr Con. struction, Wingham, will supply 35;000 tons of crushed, and Seigmiller Construction, Kit- chener, 95,000 tons of pit -run. Tenders were opened for er- ection of 3,000 rods of wire fence on County Road 12, Brus- sels to Highway 86. This cor- tract was awarded to Thomas Beattie, Londesboro. An industrial -type four-wheel ttiactor, for which tenders were called at the same time, will be supplied by Hodgins, of Wing - ham. • Schell Industries, Woodstock, will supply the pre -pressed con- crete beams for Bridge B-69 on the Maitland concession. This is a one -span bridge, south of the one over the .Maitland, and therefore in Goderich Town- ship. It was listed in the con- struction program presented by Chairman Dan Beuerman, reeve of McKillop, at the March ses- sion. , ALL KINDS INSURANCE W. E. • SOUTHGATE MA111 ST. - SEAFORTH Phone 334 -- Res. 540 was played by the church or. ganist, Mrs. James A. Stewart, who also accompanied the solo- ist, Colin Currie, of Paris, Ont., when he sang "The Lord's Pray- er" and "Wedding Prayer." A reception was held follow- ing the ceremony in the Sea - forth Community Centre, with 250 attending. For a wedding trip to Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec and points east, the bride travelled in a brown light wool suit with fig- ured jacket and beige accessor- ies. On their return they will reside in Seaforth. Guests were present from Kitchener, Galt, Stratford, Exe- ter, London and Brodhagen. McKILLOP WMS The May meeting of the Mc- Killop WMS of First Church was held at the home of Mrs. Harold Agar. Mrs. Elgin Nott opened the meeting with a poem and wel- comed the 21 members and five guests.; C�ollection for the allo- cation KNas `taken, amounting to $20.40. The meeting decided to make up the balance from the Expense Fund. Mrs. James Aicheson offered her home for the June meeting, The regular collection was received, follow- ed by a short prayer. Mrs. Annie Harrison took ov- er the program and read a poem, "Do You.. Ever?" Mrs. Hank Van Rooijen read the Scripture, Matthew, chapter 25, verses 31 to 40, followed with prayer. Mrs. N. R., Dorrance spoke on Hong Kong, assisted by Miss Jean Scott and Mrs. Harrison. The meeting close with a short prayer. Mrs. Nott thank- ed all who had helped. ' USBORNE . A N D HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. Directors: Timothy B. Toohey - RR 3, Lucan President Robert 'G. Gardiner - RR 1, Vice -President, Cromarty Wm. H. Chaffe RR 4i M tchell E. Clayton Colquhoun - RR 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney RR 2, Dublin Milton McCurdy - RR 1, Kirkton Agents: Hugh Benninger Dbblin Harry Coates - RR 1, Centralia Clayton Harris - Mitchell Solis tors: Mackenzie & Raymond - Exeter Se retary-Treasurer: Arthur laser - Exeter WINTHROP The Winthrop Messengers had their May meeting 4n Sat- urday, with their mothers as guests. Leona Glanville open-' ed the meeting, the theme be- ing "Families." "When Moth- ers of Salem" was sung, follow- ed by the scripture, Mark 10: 13-16, read by Ricky Blundell. Grant Little led in prayer, fol- lowed by a reading by Donald Dalton, and a chorus by Janice and Marie McClure, Glenda Lit- tle and Brenda Pryce. The roll call was answered by 30 mem- bers. Donna Horne gave a read- ing and an instrumental by Barbara McClure followed. A filmstrip about a little Kor- ean girl, "Time For School," pointed out that many chil- dren in Korea cannot go to school for lack of schools and teachers. "Can a Little Child Like Me" was sung and the children served lunch to their mothers. Bo Warmly Contented With Texaco Stove Oil or TEXACQ,. FURNACE FUEL OIL CaII Us To -day I WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 W Seaforth Tag 1 Vito and let BOX FURNITURE re -finish your floors D Let us quote you on . ' . NEIN FLOOR COVERINGS in all popular styles BOX FURNITURE Phone 43 : •Seaforth Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime CfIfBRATEar Ja And SAVE Money at CROWN HARDWARE ENTIRE STOCK OF PITTSBURGH PAINT Interior and Exterior 20% Discount FOR THREE DAYS ONLY CHOOSE A BLACK & DECKER POWER TOOL From Our Large Stock 10% Discount GOOD TILL SATURDAY ONLY f $10.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE One FREE chance for every $1.00 spent in. our store till 9:30 p.m., Friday Evening ! 60 -Watt G -E SHADOW BAN Light Bulbs Reg. 2 for 59c SPECIAL 2 for 49¢ Ever -Ready HOTSHOTS only $4.45 ea. FISHERMEN'S VALUES Spincast Rod and Reel Set at....... 6.85 Compare at 9.95 Spincast Rod only, at Compare at 6.25 4.25 BAMBOO FISH POLES— To clear at 39¢ ea. CROWN Hardware PRE -SUMMER SERVICE SPECIALS WHEELS ALIGNED and BRAKE .SPECIAL • Front end align. • Complete brake adjustment. • Repack front wheel bearings. • Front wheel balance. Reg. 17.00 Value SPECIAL 9.9 5 MOTOR TUNE -UP Complete Major Motor Tuned') Including Carburetor Chevrolet 9.95 Chevrolet 16.95. 6 cylinder 8 cylinder Olds and Cadillac Above prices are plus parts 18'95 SEAFORTH CHEVROLET 4'LDSMOBILE M O T O rt S. SERVICE DEPARTMENT Phone 541