HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-05-16, Page 7moi 4 • • • • • 4 • • • • USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted .7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sade 11. Articles. For Same 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals The cost is low. Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion;. Classification 25,' minimum 65c plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. AID other classifications mini- mum 65 cents per insertion except Auction Sales, (20), Ten- ders Wanted, (21), and Legal Notice's, (22), rates on applical- tion. For cash payment or if paid by 10 days following last inser- ton, i C c deducted from �7 above rates. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business Firms, Trades- men; etc.) : Minimum 50 cents per insertion. Billing charge, 15 cents per advertisement. 1. Coming Events SEAFORTH Figure S k a• t ing Club general meeting will be held Thursday, May 23, at 8 o'clock, in Crieh's Store: All in- terested parents please attend. PLAN to treat your family to a delicious chicken barbeque sup- ,per, Wednesday, June 12th, 5 to 8 p.m., at COF Hall, Con- star, e. 1-70-2 SMORGASBORD, Hensall Unit- ed Church, Wednesday, June 26, to 7:30 p.m. Everybody wel- come. Further details will fol- low. 1-70-1 PAGEANT of Bridal Gowns, 1863-1963, Wed., June 5th, 8 p.m. Musical program. Admis- sion 75c. Unit 2, Northside Unit- ed Church Women. • 1-70-1 RUMMAGE Sale, Saturday, May 25th. The Annual Rummage Sale sponsored by the Hensall Kin- ette Club will be held in the Hen - sail Community Arena, Anyone wishing to donate particles, call 252. Sale starts at 2 p.m. 1-69-3 2. Lost, Strayed TWO male Beige pups, 4 months old, black with tan and white markings, strayed away about 3 weeks ago. Leslie Pepper, phone 854 R 22, Seaforth. 2-70-1 4. Help Wanted MEN WANTED Steady Employment Ap Iy HIGHLAND SHOES, Seaforth 4-70-2 PREPARING and painting two colors, exterior woodwork, e chiding front verandah of ger property, corner Lausi. and Goderich St. Paint supplied. Ap- ply Box 1213, Huron Expositor, 4-69-2 START YOUR OWN BUSINESS ON CREDIT Your own boss, 1199 Dealers sold $5,000 to $25,000 in 1962. We supply stock, equipment on cred- it. Over 250 home necessities. Sales experience. unnecessary. Pleasant, profitable business backed by worldwide Industry. " Write: RAWLEIGH'S, Dept EE -363-U, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 4-70-1 'HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Housekeeper wombed for God- erich home, good salary, prorate apartment supplied, all modern equipment. Reply stating age, experience and references to: Box 1211 The Huron Expositor 469-2 CLERK - TYPIST for the Principal's Office at Central Huron Secondary School Clinton, Ontario 8 hour day — 5 day week , Duties to commence July 2, 1963 Send applications in own hand- writing, stating age, marital status experience, salary ex- pected and two references, by May 25, 1963, 1»: 4. Help Wanted EXPERIENCED Commercial sign painter in Southwestern Ontario. Year round work. State qualifications in own handwrit- ing. Apply Box 1217, Huron Ex- positor. 4.70-1 DOES an Avon representative call on you? We may need someone in your neighborhood. No obligation. Write Mrs, M. 1\4illson, 960 Wellington Rd., S., London, or call collect 432-9019 between 7 and 8 p,m, 4-64-67-70-73-76-tf Q. Teachers Wanted TEACHER WANTED Applications will' be received for the position of teacher at SS No. 7, Hu llett. Duties to com- mence in September. Approxi- mately 15 pupils. Applications to be in writing, stating qualifi- cations and name of last inspec- tor andto be in the hands of Secretary by May 31. MRS. LEONARD SHOBROOK, Secretary, RR 1, Blyth. 6-69-3 L. R. MALONEY, Business Administrator, CDCI Board P.O. Box 190; Mitten. •4=70<1• 8. Farm Stock For Sale TWO Hereford bulls, 1 year old. Jack Lane, RR 5, Seaforth, phone Dublin, 107 R 17. 8-70-1 NINE pigs, 8 weeks old. Ted Van Dyk, RR 3, Seaforth, phone 610 W 4. 8-70-1 NINE good pigs. Jas. Nolan, St Columban, phone 84 R 16, Dublin. 8-701/41 QUANTITY of used old-style Chinchilla. pen* in good con- dition. Suitable for raising rab- bits or other pets. Gerald Hol- land, Dublin. 8-70x1 9. Poultry For Sale THREE hundred Sussex and Red pullets, 7 weeks old. Les Pryce, RR 1, Dublin, phone 850 R 14, Seaforth. 9-70x1 11. Articles .For Sale BARN for sale, steel roof, tim- ber frame. Phone Henson, 268 W 1. 11-69-2 WALNUT bed and buffet, Phone 325-J.. 11-70-1 ONE wine studio couch, in good condition. Mrs. Howard Allen, Brucefield, phone 609 W 12. 70x1 QUANTITY cedar posts, braces, end posts. James O'Connor, phone 17 R 14, Dublin. 1.1-70-2 FORD tractor, plow and culti- vator, Roy Lawson, Goderich St West. 11-70x1 MIXED gladiolus bulbs, quan- tities of 50 only. We have only a few hundred left, Murray Tyndall, Brucefield. 11-70-1 FOR SALE—Trade in your old shaver now, low prices at Savavge's, opposite Post Office. 11-68-tf 15. Property For Rent FURNISHED 4 -room apartment in Hayfield, heated. Bert Eckert, Bayfield, phone 54 R 2. 15-70x3 TWO -bedroom apartment, on North Main St., all conveniences Available June 1st. Carl Dalton, Seaforth, phone 30. 15-68-3 FOUR -room apartment, heat and hydro supplied. Available immediately. Six -room aparb- nuent, heat and water supplied. Available immediately. Apply J. C. Crich. 15-69x2 'ONE -bedroom apartment, in McMaster Apts., heated avail- able May 1st; 2 apts. in Royal Apts. Apply to Joseph McConnell Seaforth, or Dr. E. A. McMas- ter, Grand Bend, , 15-68-tf CEDAR posts, all sizes; anchor posts; 12' braces; steel posts, 6' and 7'; barb wire; paige wire. Kinburn store, phone 841 R 2. Borden Brown. 11-68-tf CAMPING trailers, bents, boats, motors arid., supplies. We rent and sell. Ca4nrp-Out, Huron St, West, Stratford,. 1 mile from Stratford. 11-69-2 ONE 14 -ft. plywood boat, with windshield, steering wheel and accessories; 25 HP motor and trailer, in good condition, Apply Bell Electric, Hens•all. - 11.70-1 NEW Inglis washer„ marked pular $179., for $100,; New gidare dryer, reg. $214., for $1 0. Will accept any reasonable off , Phone 108, Seaforth. 70x1 WINDOW awnings, 1 for 6 -ft: window; ' 2 for 3 -ft. windows; also wine rug, 21/4 yds. by 23/4 yds., good condition. Phone Seaforth, 349. 11-70x1 PAY only $8.00 per month for 8 months on this repossessed Singer Aute -Matic Zig-Za.g sew- ing machine. Does all fancy de- signs or pay $64.00. Guaranteed balance. Dealer, Write Box 1218, Huron Expositor. 11-70x2 12. Wanted To Buy ITALIAN marble or mohogany fireplace, mantle and aeces- sories for private home. Write Mrs. J. Grlmshaw, 10 Larkfield Drive, Don Mills, Ont. 12-69-2 ROCKING chair, wooden arms, legs and rockers, upholstered seat and upper back.,, Common style 1930 to 1950, Mrs, John Thompson, Seaforth, phone 861 R 23. 12-70-1 13. Wanted WANTED — Flecks to supply large hatchery with all breeds of hatching eggs, eggs from some breeds taken every week in the year. Large pfemium paid. Apply Box 1.192, Huron Expositor. 13-70-1 17. Wanted To Rent PASTURE for 12 head of year- lings. G. Hamilton, Hensall, phone 339 J 3. 17-69-2 PASTURE for a saddle horse, close to town. Phone 93, Sea - forth, 17-70-2 PASTURE for 10 head of cattle. Robert Regele, RR 1, Dublin, phone 840 R 3, Seaforth. 17-70x1 HOUSE, flat, or apartment, centrally located in Seaforth, must have 3 bedrooms. Wanted for end of June. Long term lease, No young children.. Get in touch with J. Robert Huard, Apt. G 4, RCAF Station Clinton, phone HU 2-9834. 17-70-tf 14. Property For Sale THREE -bedroom house, living - room, modern, kitchen and 3 - piece bath. Close to school and 1/2 block from down town. Phone, 390-M. Possession June 15,, 69x2 15. Property For Rent MODERN apartment, with kit- chen, living room, bath and 2 bedrooms, Available ' 1st of May, Lee Learn.• phone 101. 70-tf 3 -bedroom apartment, heated stove, frig. optional, Available June 1, 1963. Contact tower ten- ants, (Mrs, Frost), Dennis Apa'rtmn, Weis* St 15.704f 19. Notices GARDENS plowed and worked with tractor, M, Stiffen, phone 49. • 19-66-7 PROMPT watch repair service at Savauge's, (opposite Post Office) 2 certified watchmak- ers. Automatics a specialty. 19-68-tf ALL kinds of carpentry work, kitchens remodelled, rec.roorns. Work guaranteed. Prices rea. sonable, Peter Malcolm, phone 697-W, Seaforth. 19-66-tf TUTORING in Grade 9 and 10 French by experienced, quali- fied teacher, at your conven- ience; in your own home if de- sired. Phone Seaforth, 869. . 19-69-2 NOW is the time to repair or shingle that roof or -other car- penter work that is needed; also garden work with roto - tiller. Ed Andrews, phone 863 W 1, Seaforth. 19-67-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE RR 2, Brussels, phone 442 W 6. 19-62x20 AUTHORIZED dealer for Vik- ing Milkers and cream separa- tors for Dublin, Seaforth and Clinton, Basil O'Rourke, Black- smith and Welding Shop, Bruce - field, Ontario, 19-69-tf SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Gleaned and repaired with modern equipment. IRVIN COXON, Phone 254, Milverton, 19-70-tf SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 For all kinds 'of upholstering. 19-68-tf NOTICE Any person or persons inter- ested in purchasing all or part of $9,000, 6% debentures pro- posed to be issued by the Township of Tuckersmith, to finance Egmondville W a t e r - works, please contact: J. I. McINTOSH, Clerk-Treas., RR 3, Seaforth, 19-70-2 SANITATION SERVICE Septic tanks pumped and gen- eral repairs to tanks and drain- age. For Immediate Service BILL FINCH, Phone -238-2291, Grand Bend or STAFFEN'S PLUMBING Phone 49, Seaforth. 19-67x10 ANSTETT JEWELLERS Offers you Easy Credit Terlils with , NO Carrying Charges Phone 77, Seaforth 19-684f A NEW KIT(, aih;N May cost less than you think! For alterations, new kitchen cupboards, rec rooms, exten- sione and repairs, call: JOHN LANSINIC & SONS, General Contracting Phone 79, Seaforth. Competent Workmanship 19-684f FAST SERVICE WATCH °REPAIRS All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Phone 17, Seaferth 19=68t1f Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Duron Ex- pot3itor•C1tlasifled Ad. Phone141, 19. Notices NOTICE Tuckersmith Municipal Dump Will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Satur- day afternoons, from 1 to 5:30 No wire fencing, old concrete, or car bodies permitted. J. I. McINTOSH, Clerk 19-68-+tf 20. Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Machinery, at Lot 22, Cdn. 17, Goderich Township, 2 miles north of Clinton, on Base Line Road, on SATURDAY, MAY 18th, at 1 p.m. CATTLE -3 year old Diliha,m and Charolais cow, with calf at foot, rebred; 5 year old Here- ford-Carola•is cow, with calf at foot, rebred; 2 Hereford cows, with calves at foot; Durham cow, with calf at foot, rebred; Holstein and Hereford cow, due in May; 2 2 -year-old Hereford heifers, bred; 2 Charolais and Hereford heifers, 1 year old; 1 3/4 Charolais heifer, 1 year old; Hereford heifer, 1 year old; 3/4 Charplais bull, year and half old; 1 -year-old Holstein seer. • PIGS—English Black Land - race sow, bred 6 weeks; six chunks. Bred pony mares. POULTRY -60 2 -year-old hens Quantity of baled hay, MACHINERY -1950 Ferguson tractor; Ferguson disc, 3 -point hitch; 2 -furrow 3 -point hitch plow; Ferguson manure loader; manure spreader, on rubber; 2 - wheel steel body trailer, with rack; hay ear, cable and pul- leys; lumber; snow fence; steel wheel barrow; pig crate two electric fencers; other articles too numerous to mention. No Reserve—Farm Sold. TERMS—Cash, ROSS and WES HOGGART, Proprietors, HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 20-69-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE C1ei ring Auction Sale of Farm Stock', Machinery and House- hold Effects, at Lot 4 and 5, Con. 14, Hullett Township, 33/4 miles west and 1/2 mile south of Walton, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 22nd, et 1 p.m. sharp. CATTLE.—Holstein cow, fresh; Holstein cow, due time of sale; 2 Holstein cows, milking, due July and August: 4 Holstein open heifers; 3 Poll Angus year olds; 16 Hereford steers, 750 lbs. POULTRY -100 Sussex hens,. 1 yrtar old; poultry equipment. MACHINERY— 1953 1/2 -ton Ford truck, in perfect condition; M a s s e y -Harris 44 Universal tractor, in good condition; heat houzer; Fordson Major trac- tor; 60 Massey -Harris combine, 8 -ft. pick-up and motor, (like new); McCormick , tractor, No, 45; McCormick 7 -ft. mower; trailer; Massey -Harris 3 -furrow plow; International 3 -furrow plow; 15 -run John Deere fertil- izer drill, (like new), and tarp; Cockshutt No. 5 side rake, (4 - bar), Dike new; 6 -ft. one way disc; 3 -section spring tooth har- rows; 4 -section diamond har- rows; George 'White manure spreader, 85 bus., (like new); 10 -ft. binder, power for swath- er; 32 -ft. May-rath hay eleva- ter; 3/1 HP electric motor; ex- tension cord; 16 -ft. grain aug- er; 3 '/2 HP motors; DeLaval electric cream separator; rub- ber tired wagon, (like new) : rubbertired ,farm wagon, with grain box; 1 -ft. hay rack; 36 -ft. extension ladder; 24 -inch Titan chain saw; Welland set of pipe dies, from '/2 to 2 inches; pipe vise and putter; number of other. tools; piping; two lawn mowers; 25 cord hardwood, FEED — 500 bales of oat straw; 500 bus. of mixed grain; forks; shovels. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—one small upright --^ano and bench; 3 -piece chesterfield suite, (like new); radio; Arme cook stove; 3 furnished bedrooms; including beds, dressers, springs, mat- tresses; 2 wardrobes, Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms caisli, no reserve, farm sold. WILLIAM RAKEWICH, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 20-70-1 Remember, it takes but a moment to plate an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Phone Seaforth 141. FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY, SEE PAGE 4 Boxholders' Names Not Given Out ! It is not possible for us to divulge the name or ad- dress of any advertiser using a Huron Expositor box number. Please do not Ask for this information. 20. Auction Sales 22. Legal Notices CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Real Estate, consisting of Living Quarters and` Work Shop, House- hold Effects, Tools, Service Station Supplies Plum b i n g Equipment and loss. Items, on Part of Lot 1. Con. 11, McKillop Township. 21/2 miles northwest of Brodhageti, for the Estate of the late Daniel Edwin Scorns, SATURDAY, MAY 18th, at 1 p.m. sharp. The following: 1948 Hillman car; stable•brooms; bolts; nuts; - washers; pails; tur- pentine; tubs; funnels; forks; ehains; large quantity of motor oil and grease; nails• hardware supplies; counter scales; oil cans and drums; quantity' of lumber and plank: quantity of wood; extension cords; lath; small emery; large emery for sharpening mower knives;, table saw; 3 HP motor; 1/4 HP motor; quantity of ,brace, and black wire; anvilx large vise; electric drill; hammers; chisels; clamps, files; w-fenches; bars; and host of other tools; scrap iron; cook stove; heater stove; garden hose; shovels; coal; 2 chester- fields: tables; beds; chairs; Admiral 21-ineh table model television.; quantity of gas; boring machine; set of dies; new electric drill; six shot 12 guage shot gun and ammuni- tion; fishing equipment; trans- istor radio; electric clippers and shaver; knives; telescope; hot plate, and a host of other items too numerous to mention. PROPERTY—Consisting of a large frame building, with llv- quarters. work shop and ',grage, situated on about a quarter acre of land. This property is suitable for place of business and is in good state of repair with hydro throughout. This property will be sold with No Reserve, terms 10% down and balance in 30 days, Terms• cash day of sale, 3% sales tax in effect. No Reserve, everything must be sold to wind up estate, DANIEL EDWIN SCOINS Estate FRANKLIN BUUCK, rq Auctioneer Dial Stratford 271-3049 or Sebringville, 393-5501, • 20-70-1 21. Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be receiv- ed until June 1st, to paint the exterior of St. Peter's Luther- an Church and shed, at Brod- hagen. For further informatiorn con- tact: HAROLD MOCK, RR 1, Bornholm, Ontario. 21-70-3 TENDERS WANTED The undersigned is inviting tenders .until 12 noon, Tuesday, June 4th., 1963, on a. brick house and lot, as is, in village of Eg- mondville. commonly known as tho home of Mrs. Nelson Keyes, Centre St. Lot area in excess of a half acre of land. Four bed- rooms, bath upstairs, kitchen, living room, dining room down stains: Municipal water, good well, new Delco oil furnace, re- ceety painted and roofed, buff brick and a sunporeh. Excep- tionally good evergreen base planting, peonies, tulips, shrubs and large expanse of lawn. House will ,be open from Fri- day 17, at 8:30 p.m., till Mon- day, May 20th, at 3:30 p.m. for inspection to interested parties. Highest or any other tender not necessarily accepted, STUART N. KEYES 34 Nottawas•aga St., Orillia. 21-70-1 22. Les; a1 Notices signed on or before the 31st day of May, 1963, after which date the assets will be distribut- ed, having regard only- to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 8th day of May, 1063. McCONNELL Seaforth, Solicitors for & STEWART. Ontario the Executor 22-69-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of THOMAS WILLIAM ALDINGTON All persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas William Aldington, late of the Village; of Varna, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- ceased, who died on the 19tn day of April, 1963, are hereby notified to send in full parti- culars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of May, 1063, after which date the assets Will be distributed, having regard only to claims the received. DATED at Seaforth, this 8th day of May, 1963. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 22-69-3 NOTICE TO, CREDITORS In the Estate of ANNIE CAROLINE HOEGY All persons having claims against the Estate of Annie Caroline Hoegy, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of ,Huron, widow, deceased, who died on the 28th day of April 1963, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of •their claims. to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of June, 1063, after which AMA. the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 14th day of May, 1963, McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executer 22-70-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of hREDERICK CHARLES GOOK All pe'rsrm•s having claims against the Estate of Frederick Charles Cook, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County Huron, R;otired Farmer, deceaksL ed, who died on the 3rd day of February, 1063, are hereby not- ified ib send in full particulars of their chinas) to the under - n 23. Business Directory JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist, optical services, Goderich St. West. Tuesday to Saturday, 9-5:30, except Wed- nesday -Thursday evening by ap- pointment. Phone 791, Sea - forth. Monday, Clinton Medi- cal Centre. McCONNELL & STEWART, Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, P. D McCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. : Phone 550 D. H. McINNES Chiropractic Commercial Hotel Monday, Thursday -1 to 8 p.m BOX FUNERAL SERVICE' R. S. BOX LICENSED EMBALMER Prompt and careful attention Hospital Bed FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS Phones: Res, 595-W — Store 43 J. A. BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN ONTARIO Night or Day Calls: Phone 43 R 10 W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Da Calls — 335 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St., W. Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 119 - Seaforth A. M. HARPER Sr COMPANY Chartered Accountants 55 South St. Telephone Goderich JA 4-7562 Licensed Municipal Auditor _ SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. D. E. Galt; D.V.M,, V,S, Phone 105 Seaforl.t A. W. SILLERY - ._ Barrister,, Solicitor, etc. Phones: Office 173, Res. 781 Seaforth Ontario 24. Cards of Thanks I would like to gratefully thank my neighbors and friends for the wonderful help received in preparing for the auction sale last Saturday, Leslie Dolmage. 25. In Memoriam EYRE—In loving memory of ,'a dear niece, Katherine Pauline Eyre, who passed away one year ago, May 15, 1962. Quickly and suddenly came the ca11, Her sudden, death shocked us all, Dearer to memo y than words can tell, The loss of one e loved so well. —Sadly misse. by Aunt Marlyn. Uncle Ray ani Cousin Brian,. 25-70x1 EYRE—Ch: ished memories of our dear grandaughter, Kath- erine Po ine Eyre, who left us n e yea' ago, May 16, 1962. We've a cluster of beautiful 4 Spra,yd with love and tears, To s who will always remem- ber her, T rough the coming years. ur fa wily circle has• been broken, A link gone from our chain, But though we're parted fir a while, We know we'll meet again, '—Always remembered and sad lly •misaed by Grandpa and "Grandma Eye. 25-70x1 25. In Memoriam EYRIE—In n1em '' of our dear- ly beloved giandaughter and niece, Kathy, who died May 15, 1962. I cannot hold her little hand, Or hear her little voice, Still her memory lingers on. —Ever remembered by Mr and Mrs. John Adams and 'Russell. 25-70-1 EYREt—in loving memory of our darling little daughter, Kather- ine Pauline, who died May 16, 1962. Sweet gas a tender fragrance that survives, When martyred flowers breathe out their little laves, Sweet as a song that once con- soled our pain, But never shall be suing again, In thy remembrance, now the hours of rest, Come to thee, sleep loved one, it is best. —Deeply missed by Douglas and Pauline Eyre. 25-70-1 Births BUTSON — In Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Butson, Mit- chell, a•daughter. CAMPAIGNE-1n Scott Memor- ial Hospital, on may 14, to Mr. and Mrs, William Cam- paign, RR 1, Seaforth, a son. DRAGER — In Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Drager, RR 2, Dublin, a son. FLANNIGAN—At Ottawa Gen- eral Hospital, on April 26, to Mr. and Mrs. James Flanni- gan. a daughter, Kara Michele RENNE — In Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Benne, RR 1, Staffa, a daughter. VODDEN—Mr. and Mrs, H. B. Vodden wish to announce the arrival of their chosen daugh- ter, Mary Ellen, Engagements Mr, and Mrs. William•• Mac Gillivray, of Long Sault, Ont„ announce the . 'engagement of their youngest daughter, Heath- er Jean, to Mr. Thomas Allan Butters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butters, of Dublin, the wedding to take place at Long Sault, on July 6, xl STAFFA A receptib>ri was 'held" 'in Staffa Tows hfLt 13stI1, .olt VW' day evening or mr. and lb's. ,Gordon Mlkler. Jove's ora res-, tra provided the music for•. dancing. An address was read by Johnny Miller and the GQu- ple were prevented With a gift: of money by Ernie Iarbttrn. Rev. A. H. Daynard baptized two children on Mother's Day, Sunday, in Staffa Unite d Church: Jill Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris, and Nancy Dianne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lyall, Agin- court. Visiting over Mother's Day weekend at the Norris residence were: Mrs, Anthony Brait, Bea- consfield, Quebec; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lyall and Nancy, Agincourt, and Mr. Eric Norris, O,A.C., Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. John Temple- man attended the T -A family banquet in James St. United Church, Exeter, Saturday eve- ning. Visiting on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, James Scott, Jerry and Ronnie were: Mr, and Mrs. Dun- can Scptt, Jimmy and Bobby, and Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Meikle and Barbara, Cromarty. Mr, and Mrs. Reg Elliott at- tended a wedding in Toronto over the weekend. Mrs. Mary Templemanis vis- iting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Annis and family, Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Norris and granddaughter, Susan, accom- panied their daughter, Mrs. An- thony Brait, to her home in Beaconsfield, Quebec, on Sun- day and are remaining for a week's visit. Mr, and Mrs. John Temple- man visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shap - ton and family, near Exeter. Carol Ann Vivian visited over the weekend with Margaret Worden. Mr, and Mrs. Will Miller, of Cromarty, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and familx.r GIGANTIC CLEARANCE SALE Auspices of Women's Hospital Auxiliary PUBLIC LIBRARY Friday' Night, May 17th Door opens at 7 pail. Articles of Used Clothing, etc., will be sold at HALF PRICE to clear. Thursday, Friday and Saturday KAM LUNCHEON MEAT Tial ROSE SWEET MIXED PICKLES 16 -oz. Jar •CLOVER LEAF FANCY SOLID TUNA.. .7 -oz. Tin 390 ELLMAR PEANUT' BUTTER 16 -oz. Jar 29 DELSE BATHROOM TISSUE 2 -Roll Packages — Assorted 5 -LB. BAGS CHARCOAL CLARK'S FANCY TOMATO .JUICE, 48 -oz. Tin 29 LARGE KING SIZE CUCUMBERS NO. 1 HOTHOUSE TOMATOES 39 29 Pkg. 270 Bag 39 2for2 lb. 39 HOME-GROWN "Rosebud Bunch" RADISHES 2 Bunches for , 7 SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS Watch for Seaforth's Big Night Friday, May 24th FIREWORKS - PARA TIE SHOPPING MALL - FREE PRIZES Open 'til 10 p.m. Friday,— 6 p.m. Saturday smith's 'SUPERIOR Phone' -12 FREE DELIVERY