HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-05-02, Page 11A
USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS 6. Teachers Wanted 11. Articles For Sale 19, Notices 00. Auction Sales
1. Coming Events 1962 Timothy seed, cleaned at A NEW KITCHEN Eb'TATE
2. Lost, Strayed MUSIC SUPERVISOR Londesb6ro, Lou Bolton, 'phone May cost less than you •.thinkd AUCTION "SALE
3. Found WANTED 850 R 22, Seaforth. n-65-4 For alterations, new ,kitelien
cupboards, Tec raarrrs, 'exteal-
4. Help Wanted Clearing Auction Sale of Tamm
5. Business Opporrtundhie4 The board of S.S. No. 7, Hu- 12. Wanted, To Buy sions and repairs, call: Farm Stock, Machb` -% l and
6. Teachers Wanted lett, requires a music super vii• ONE baby bour►carrg cipair� in JOHN LANSINK & SONS, Household Effects, an Lot $2,
7. Situations Wanted or, duties, to commence in Sep. General Contracting and part 33, Con. - 8, WON Wby
8. Farm Stock For Sale tember. good condition. Phone 288, Sea- Phone 79, S,692nrth, Township, 5 miles north and 1%
e. Poultry For Sale forth.2-� Competent Workmanship miles west of Seaforth, on
Applications in writing to
10. Used Cars For Sate be hands of the Secretary by 184w4f SATURDAY;'MAY Nth, at 12
13. Wanted
11. Articles For Sale p.m, sharp.
May 4th. Please state sallary FAST SERVICE
12. Worsted To Buy - good Durham
expected. WANTED Flocks to supply CATTLE -16
13. Warned large hatchery, with all breeds on crows, with calves at fact; one
14. Property For sale MRS.. LEONARD SHOBBROOK, of hatching eggs, eggs frarn WATCH REPAIRS Holsnean cow, mesh; Durham
15. Property For Remit Seereta Treasurer farrow caw; good pure-bred
TY� many breeds taken every week
16. For Salle or Rent All work guarabtecd Durham >� 3 y+pars old; aline
RR 1, Blyth, Omitario, in the year. Large premium
17. Wanted To Rena 6.�g D'urharm, Sana He0dord steers,
paid. Apply -Box 11192, Huron
18. Property Warmed ANSTETT 1;100 lbs., ready for market; 11
' Expositor. 13-68-1
19. Notices TEACHER WANTED JEWELLERS year-old Durham steers 'and
zo, Auction Sales 14. PrO er For Sale Phone 17, Seaforth heifers.
21. Tenders Wanted 1a iY 19-684nf FIGS -6 York saws, due time
F'o�n attractive Pronesnenh rur-
22. Legal Notices of sale; 3 York sows, retired;
al school, 1r/4 miles east of Kip -
23. Business Directory FOR SALE Landrace boar; :1A pigs, eight'
24, Cards of Thanks.. pen and 1/a mule Present
Grades NOTIC
one to eight. Present �enral2- weeks old; llfi heavy chunks; '
25. In Memoriam Completely remodelled 3 -bed- pig feeders.
m�errh, 26. Duties to commence
26. Personals roam home, in Seaforth, 3 -piece Tuekersmith POULTRY — 75 ]laying hems
September, 1963. bank, new oil' furnace, 2 blocks and poultry The cash is law, ClassificationsMunicipalp y equipment.
Write statin Duln
2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16 and g experience, anal- from public school,. $1,500°001J _HAY and GRAIN --600 bushels
17, minimum 40c an insertion. ificanioms and name of present down, bEd'ance monthly. Will be open until further mixed grain; quantity mixed
Classification 25, 1nninimum 65c inspector to: hay.
plus 25c far each 4,line verse. JOSEPH McCONNELL, Realtor notice on Wednesday and Sahux- MACHINERY — Massey-Fer-
All ather,xclassifleartions mini- J'UCKERSMITH SCHOOLAREA 19 Victoria St., Seaforth dpay afternoons, from i to 5:30 gus�orn 35 diesel tractor; Massey -
mum 65 cents per insertion • No. i, • Harris 7 -ft, binder; Massey-
exceptIVAN FORSYTH Sec.-Treras�, 14-68-1 Harms 16 -run seed drill; Dear -
Auction Sales (20), Tem- � No wire fencing, pfd concrete,
ders Wanted, (21), s and Legal RR 1, Kippen. or car bot 'es permitted. -born 3 -point bitch cultivator;
Notices, (22), rates on appli.cal- 6-68-1 15. Property For RErit Dearborn 7 -ft. power mower;
tion- FOUR -roam apartmentupstairs. J. I. MCINTO8H, George White Na. 6 threshing
7. Situations Wanted Doug Dalton Clerk machine; buck rake; 2 -furrow
For cash payment or H paid , phone 261-W 68-2 19-68-d tractor plow; one way disc;
by 10 days following last inser- WILL do baby sitting, after
i THREE -bedroom apart:,, living trailer and rack; wagon and
-tan, Ce deducted from school; and on, w•eekendsS ercper=,room kitchen, bathroom. Frank NOTICE rack; colgn7 house; Papex ham-
s above rates. ienced. Moira Malcolm, phone Nigh, phone 670 W 2, 15-68'-1 Sewage disposal problems mer mill' and belt; aluminum
78x1 HEATED apartment, 3 or 4 solved. Septic tanks pumped wheel barrow; farming mill;
rooms1107, Huron Expositor. 1, private entrance. Box and repaired; outhouses clean, cream separator; heavy-duty„
RATES S. Farm Stock For Saleed; well's and cisterns cleaned, elleletric pall.
(For Business Firms, Trades SEVENTEEN pigs, 8 weeks old. MAIN St. a aritment. ank IRVIN CQXON,
men, etc.): Minimum 50 cents p , Milverton chesterfield and chair; dining
Unbar Blockeel, RR 1, Sea%i th. Kling Ltd,, phone 19, Seaforth. Phone. 254
g room. suite; nelevisaoqu; small
per insertion, Billing ch�aTge, 15 or contact
cents per advertisement. TWENTY pigs, 8 weeksi old. 15-67-2 babl�esl; flow lamp; bedroom
Doug Hu�gall�, RR 2, Seaforth, TWObedroom, newly decanaibed pie 483-11 at noon or after furniture; washing ,
1. Coming 'FiPentS phone HU 2-7548, Clinton. 8-68xi apartment. Available immed- 5 ,m, upright 'deep-freeze; days bed;
lane'ly. Durl. Hopper, phone 602 19-6&tf table, chairsq Gibson. frig.; 4.
ANTIQUE lecture and display, NINE Durham and Hereford W 1, Seaforth. 15.68-1 � burner electric stove. Numer-
yeaarlringsl. Jas, Cronus, RR, 1, ous other articles.
Thomas' omas' -AnglicanChurch, Dublin, phone 102 R 4, 8 68w1 Modern apartment, with kit 20w0 acre farm
Wednesday, May 8, at 8:15 p.m. chem:, living room, bath and 2
1-67-2 NUMB(EIR of yotrnrg, Holstein bedraams. Available 1st of good clay loam land, all work -
cow's, good quality and quiet, May. Lee Learrn, plhone, 101. 68-1 AUCTION SALE able, (5o acres in spring.•graun)
A Bridal Pageant under the ams- 'disease free, fresh xeceiiit�y well drained, good water supply,
paces of Unit. 2, will be held in TWO -b apartmemh, an
the Northside United Church, on Ervin Si l'exy, Brucedielld. 8 68rc1 Naritln liI'ai n St., all conv�eniehees A Clearing Auction Salle of large bark bairn, - sola, garage,
TWO gralss steers 600 to 700 Avail!ablle June Iso. Cali Dal'bon, Hamm Stock. and Machinery, good coyeied with
ins frame
Wed., Juane 5, at 8:00 p.,m. ' Hay and Carson, at Lot 8, Con. ,house covered wi>bh imsu�l brick,
lbs. Robert Regele RR 1 Dub- Seaforth, phone 30. 15-68-3
Wedding. gowrus dating back 1, ?�2 mile east of St. Co1'umban, furnace, bath, all ,modern Con-
lin, chane 840 R 3, Seaforth. x1 on Highway 8, on FRIDAY, veniences. Immediate poslsesF
100 years will be �modo111ed. 68-1 HOUR�rornn a�parbmemt, ireah �
NINETEEN pigsy 8 weeks old. and hydro supplied. Available MAY loth, at 1 P.m. sioan. 20% down, balance In 60
•Z. I.OSt, Strayed Theo Melady, ' phone 34 R 22, immediately. Six -room apart- CATTLE -7 Hereford and Dur- days. Sold subject to reserve
Dublin, 8-68x1 meat, beat and water slupplied• ham. cows, with calves. at side; -bid.
STRAYED to .Premises, bight TWENTY pigs, 8 weeks old, Ap- Availatble immediately,. Apply 1 Durham cow, 'with calf at Chattels—Cash.
tan part Boxer, 'female pup. W. ply Doug Raoho, on Highway J. C. Crich. 15-67x2 side; 1 Ilereford and Durharm Estate of the late
J. F. Bell, RR 2, Kippern. 2-68x2 8, east of St. Cal�mbain: ,8-68x1 ONE bedroom' apartment, in cCw, due June 20th; 8 steers, RUSSELL DOLMAGF,', Prop,
4. Help Wanted DURHAM calf; also bunch of McMaster Apts., heated avail- risirng 2 years old; 4 heifers, HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer
p pigs, 8 weeks old. Ted Van able May let; 2 opts. in Royal rising 2 years old-,' 6 heifers, GEORGE POWELL, Clerk
• WOMAN for general cleaning, Dyke, RR 3, Seafortb, phone Apts. Apply to Joseph McConnell rising 1 year old; 2 sneers, ris- 20-68-2
in Dublin,. in small. apartment 610 W 4. 8.6&x1 Seaforth, or Dr. E. A. McMa,- ing 1 year old; all Durham and
ter, Grand Bend. 15-68-�t'f Hereford; 1 work mare; 8 pigs,
One day every � weelas. Box TWO pure -,bred LaCom'be first- 23. Business Directory
1210, Huron Expositor. 468-2 letter sows. Bred York, due 13o lbs.; 9 pigs, 8 weeks old,.
soon. Apply to Norris silvery, 17. Wanted To Rent HAY and GRAIN— 1,300 bus. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF
ARE you looking? For a good- RR 3 Seaforbtn, .phone Clairton, grain; 8 ton 'hay. Optometrist, optical services
paying parttime job? Avon of- PASTURE for horses, near Sea- MACH7ERY--Model D Case
fern a marvelous opportunity. Hu 23368. 8-68x1 o Goderich St. west. Tuesday tc
forth. Phone Bill Benment, ah tractor, ' recently overhauled, Saturday, 9-5:30, except Wed
Write Mrs. M. Mullson, No Weal- 11. Articles For Sale 17-6g-1 brand new tires; Case 8V2 -ft. nesday-Thursday evening by ap
ington Rd., S., London, or call SEMI -formal, salmon pink, size PASTURE Tor 10 head of year- culltivatDr, on rubber; Case 3- pointment. Phone 791, Sea
collect ' 432-9019, between 7 and ling cattle. William T. Living- furrow plough,; good steel land Clinton Medi
10 to 11, worn once. Phone ]ki8. forth. Monday,
8 p. m. 4 -65 -68 -71114 -if stone, RR 2, Seaforth. 17-68x1 rosier; M�eCormick-Dec�rizng man -
BABY carriage, english style, ure spreader; Deering mower; cal Centre.
STOP WORRYING nearly new. Phone 470-11, 11.68x1 19. Notices McCormick -Deering 7 -fit. binder' Me-CONNELL
ABOUT DEBTS BABY buggy, in good condition. ; dun
Pay them by giving Raw CAMP trailer for rent, by week. Case 4 bar side sake p & STEWART
leigh Service in Huron County, Phone 510, Seaforth. 11`68-L Bill Wilbee_phone 315-M. L9-65-4 rake; walking plough; Cock -
FOURTEEN foot trailer frame, - — - - Shutt rubber tired wagon-, •16 -ft. Barristcrs, Solicitors, Etc.
Easy' to start. Write: GARDENS plrnved acrd worked P, D McCONNELL, Q.C.
RAWLEIGH'S with wheels and tires. Phone with tractor. M. S,taffem phone hay rack; Fleury Bisset disc;
De E -363-M15, 4005 Richelieu, 334, Seaforth. 11-68x1 double gang plough,; riding D. I'. STEWART
Dept, 49. 19-66-7 Seaforth, Ont, Phone 55t
WEED sprayer, 19 node boom, plough; arrow; .rubber tired
PROMPT watch repair service wheel barrow; cream separa-
4-ss-1 Meyer's pump, 2 years old, W. D. H. MCINNES
at Savauge s, (apposite Post tor; fanning mull; set of single J. F. Beta, RR 2, Kippers. ii -68x2 Office) 2 cer-Med watchmak- ha mi ess; horse collars; electric Chiropractic
DA.HL.IA bulbs for sale. MTs. ers,•-Automatics a specialty. motor, '(2 HP; set of cattle clip- Commercial Hotel
MEN HaraldSt&rey,, phone 75Pers 0 W 1, 19-68-tf Monday, Thursday -1 to 8 p.m
Seaforth. 11-6&1 BOX
• WANTED sFaoC Tri- ALL kinds o£ carpentry work, TERMS—Cash, days of sale.
QUANTITY of Bird'kitchens remodelled, rec.rooms. D. J. CRONIN, Proprietor. FUNERAL SERVICE
foil, Frank Fowler, 3,3/4 miles Work guaranteed. Prices rea- JOSEPH L. RYAN, Auctioneer.
FOR west of Seaforth, 11-67x2 sonable. Peter Malcolm, phone JAS, McQUAID, Clerk. R. S. BOX
KATADiN potaboe19. Apply tom'-. 697-W, Seaforth. 19-664 20-68-2 LICENSED EMBALMER
CONSTRUCTION phomse Cronin,, Dublin, phone NOW is the time to repair or Prompt and careful attention
84 •R 23. 11-67x2 CLEARING Hospital Bed
shingles that roof or other,car-
WORK QUANTITY Marine Flax seed. penher work that is needed; AUCTION. SALE ,FLOWERS for ALL OCCASION;
'ex Kahcbuck, phone 834 R 24, also garden work with ma- Res. 595-W — Store 4:
Sealorbh.; 11-67.2 biller. Ed Andrews, phone 863 Clgaxing Auction Sale of Farm
APPLY I'LiIE$RED Siamese kittens, W 1, Seaforth, 19-67-tf Stock and Machinery, some J. A. BURKE
m'rale a4d fematle.. Mrs. Howard SEPTIC TANKS CLVANED Household Effects, at Lot, 6, Funeral Director
Allan,13. phone 609 W Modern equipment used. All Corr. 10, Hulllett Township, 5 and Ambulance Service
12 r U -68x1 work guaranteed. mile's east of Londesboro, or 2'/2 DUBLIN ONTARI(
CONSTRUCTION- miles north of MAY
DAI]I,IA and gladiolus bulbs Write or phone Night_. or Day Calls,
stili -ted Begonias, rose bushes. LOUIS BLAKE WEDNESDAY, MAY 8th, at phone 43 R 10
Sta�ffern Flowers and Gift, phone RR 2, Brussels, phone 442 W 6, 12 p, m'. W J. CLEARY
LIMITED 49• _, 11-66-3 19.62x20 CATTLE --3 Holstein cows,
due time of sale; i Holstein Seaforth, Ontario
FOR SALE -Trade in your old AUTHORIZED dealer for • Vik- cow, fresh and rebred; 2 Short- LICENSED EMBALMER
low prices at ing Milkers and cream separa- hmrt cows due tame of sale; 1. and FUNERAL DIRECTOR
Savauge's, opposite Post Office. tors for Dublin, Seaforth and Hereford cow due time of sale• I Night or Day Calls — 335
11-68-tf Clinton, Basal' O'Rourke, Black- I black cow, freshened and G. A. WHITNEY
HONEY for sale—Clover, 8-1b. smith -and Welding Shop, Bruce- r•ebred; 1 blue cow, freshened
pawls, $1.79; 44b. pedis, 95c; 24b. field, Ontario, 19-60x8 and re'bred; 2 Shorthorn cows. FUNERAL HOME
pails, 50c. Wallace RossApiaxies, , freshened and retired; 2 bllack Goderich St:, W., Seaforth
se'!aforith, 1fl-66 3 SEAFORTH cows, freshened; 2 Shorthorn AMBULANCE SERVICE
CEDAR pants, all sib; att�choa UPHOLSTERY cows, freshened; 10 fall and Adjustable hospital' beds
r Centre Street winter eallves; 9 2 -9r. -old steers;
posts 12' braces; steel sbs 6' for rent,
and 7' barb 'wine; paage wore, 2 Hereford heifers, bred; 3s & FLOWERS FOR EVERY
Kinburrilstore,phone Telephone 446 yr, -old fieifers; ill yearl�img OCCASION
'e' GROh Borden, Brown. � X11~ 8-tf . For all kinds of upholstering.sneers; 3 yearling lneffiers. -
Phone 119 Seafort
MIXED slabs, -dry, $8.00 pbr 19-68 tf IMPLEMENTS — Ferguson A M. HARPER & COMPANY
Applications will: be received load, a'ppt6x.. 2 cid; alto green SANITATION• SERVICEbr'actor and plow; New Idea Chartered Accountants
pity the undersigned for the pdsd- hardwood slabs $10.00 per load. Septic taafk's pumped acrd ,gens- power mower; crr!rtivator; set 55 South St. Telephon
neral repairs to tansies ward drain- 'harrows; rubber tired wagon;
lion of
Apply Fred J. Hudie, phone -1W p Goderich JA 4-756
McCormick -Deering cream sep•
2 6865, Clinton. 1t=84x18 age. Licensed Municipal Auditor
Far Im�m�edjaneService orator; 5 rolls barb ware; rub -
Stenographer POTATOES FOR E --Table ber tired wheel barrow; elec- SEAFORTH
to the ato'bs No. 2 and �d a- BILL FINCH,
' � Phone 238-2�1, Gram;d Bend fisc brooder; eontensian ladder; VETERINARY
EMERGENCY toes, mixed, very reasonable dMetric water heater, 5 chicken
MEASURES priced if you bring yang o�var STAFFEN'S PLUMBING feeders; b'a'led h'a'y; arson; CLINIC
containers. T. H. Soudant and Phone 49, Seal rbh. hou`Whold dffeets, other arti6es J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S.
CO-ORDINATOR Sons, RR 1, Varna, phone Hen- 19-67x16 tdo riu'inhrous to mention. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S.
salt, 350 W 1, or Hens'rllf, 352 W TBRMS—Cash. D. E. Galt, D.V.M., V.S.
for the 1. 1165x4 No reserve, farm. sold, Phone 105 _Seafort
County of Huron plebe with 30 gal. tank. Never Now is the time to balk about HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer
used in service, can be seen At � Barrister, Solicitor, etc.
Salary In accordance with ea- Canadian Tire Store, Seaforth, hev" custom harries, kitchen cab= GEORGE POWELL, Clerk phones: Office 173, Res. 781
perm and 0ountY Schedule. reason for sale, former pipe in- �ma�s. rooms, repairs. Free 20w,67-2 Seaforth Ontario
stallanion proved to be under FORA VERTISEMENTS TOO
Applications Mush be sarbmitiG- sized for above pump, For fur- GRANT FINNIGAN LATE TO CLASSIFY, SEE , 24. CtirdS of hanks
ed on forms provided and ,may bluer information please) contact Senforrthh PAGE 4 - s
be secured from Ole unders4gln- Canadian Tire or W. J. Clark, 19,65-4 THE family n, hire o e res
ed, Appllicatiions to cbbse at 5:00 Brucemield, phone Clinton, HU Annie Flanagan, wish to expres
p.m., D.S.T., May 9th, 3063. .2.9924, 11-_68x1 ANSTETT Boxholder� Names their sincere appreciation, to th
THRFaE flarage racks avieh JEWELLERS Not Given Out 1 neighbors and friends, D,
Lowest or any applicahYon not Stapleton, the staff of Scor
necessarily afte+pt'vd. wagons; New Holland bliowe!r, Offers you It is not possible for us Memorial Hospital, Father Cal
4, Cards of Thanks
,E wish to tbank our many
tends and nbors who so
mdl'y remnembesed us' with a
vely, graft on our, fordeth Arrui-
wsery; also to eveMule who
mt cards and -gifts. It was
arch appreciated. Mr. and FMrs.
tc Cooper.
wish to thank all who: snout
ridsflowers and treats to me
rrinj my recent il7hness. Many
wanks, to .the nurses at Scott
emorial Hospital and to the
hnic Doctors; also all those
hohelped ,my family in any
ay. Bessie Broome. 24 68-1
UCHANAN—At Scott Memer-
iai Hospital, oxo April 25, to
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan,
RR 1, Clinton, adaurgbter.
ONS'IW—Ab South Huron Hlos-
pital, on April' 30, to Mr. and
.Mrs. Wm. R. Consitt, RR 1,
Zurich, a son, a little brother
for Dia -me.
3SLE'.R, — At Scott Memorial
Hospital, on April 28, to Mr,
and Mrs. Lloyd 'Eisler, Sea -
forth, a son.
'ELL—Ab Scott Memorial Has-
pital'on April 30, no MT. and
Mrs, Richard Fell; Seaforth,
a daughter,.
'LYNN—At South Huron Hos,
pital, on April 25; to Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald L. Flynn, Hen,
sail, a daughter, Lori Ann,
iEDDFN--At St. Catharine:
General Hospital, on April 23,
to Mr. and Mrs. Robert 14,ee6
den, St. Catharines, a son
John Robert, a brother for
Miehael, Catharine and Robin
IEDDEN—At., St. Catharine:
General Hospital, on April' 3
to Mr. and Mrs. George Hed
den, St. Catharines, a son
Douglas Arthur,
VILLERT — In South Huror
Hospital, Exeter, on April 24
to Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Will
(nee Ruth Turner), Zur
ich,, a corn.
TIn�+I,e •
Phone 141 — pec forth •
omplete 3 -pc. e�ath - $129.00,
:ompiete 3,,pc. Bath - $1149:00
Dour Dishes will sparkle when waisted in DURO
soft water. -
April 26, Thomas 'Edwin Dav-�■
idson, in his 75th year. .
TDEGY—In Seaforth, on April
28th, Annie Koehler, widow of
Henry Hoegy, in her 771th, year,
guarantees lots :of water for you . . .
for your live§tdck
Ar. and Mrs. Fred Glanville
Nish to announce the eagargie-
daughter, Bernice
ruent oft their
MAY 6 -10
saibel, to Mr. Doniyn Carl
leimingway, Born of Mr.. and Mrs.
Darl Hemingway, Brussels, the
,vedding to take place Jutle 1, at
3:00 p.m., in. Cavaco, United
Chiurch, Winthrop. x1
Remember, it takes but a .
moment to place an Expositor
Want Ad and be money in
SALES and .
pocket. To'advertise; just•Phone
Seaforth 141.
V V-
Cawadws NAokt Warted Washer !
Beatty Superfine Beatty Chromatic
• Finger -Tip Pressure Release • Stainless Steel Double Wall Tub
• Lifetime Lubrieaibd Melhrinism • Six -minute Washing Action
• Full Year's Guarantee • Automatic Drain Pump
• Deep Clean Water Action Agitator • Six -Year Guarantee
REGULAR $179.50 • Giant Balloon Rollilrt
This Week's Special Up To $1,010
$119.50 and Trade TRADE ALLOvi1ANCE ON
wlth double ,rachet uaraaader Easy Credit 'terms to divulge the name or ad- unna and Father Durand, in
JOHN G. 119"Y, arhd pipets• Massey Harcras 6-ft.�' dress of any advertiser their recent bereavement. 6&1 CA I CC a n d SER d/ 1 C E L Irn
Clerk-Treh,60i'ler bne-way diose; Interntifittnal' 4- with rising a H"'on Expositor
County ofi Huron furrow aee�b0tWm' lough. NO box number. Pleasedo not p
boort Hotrme,
Above macbinet°y fire tae taew. Caar g 'Charges ask for -this •information. p
Godet+loh, Un�bario condition. brderc� i J d� Pte' 77, ��f.
�� Ulu 3; iSOa11� b,
more people, dis- •
mighty lobs are Visit Our Store, May 6th to May 10th, and Win Valuable Prizes
by low coat Ex -
Ads. �, .