HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-05-02, Page 6►, SRAWOAT>I QUIT #; ;MAY For Your Entertainment All This Week In the HurOn Room n's Hl Held over by popular request . . . LORNE ALLAN and His Western Band 2, 190a 'oa Lzi e. To CIASSITY_ FOR Seek and drake, duck baying, $3,OO F ene 670 J 2, Sear. 68-1 Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Ex- positor Classified Ad. Phone 141. Seaforth W.I. BAKE SALE Frank Kling's Vacant Store Saturday, May 4 STARTING . YOUR SPRING HOUSECLEANING? Please save good, clean, used Spring and Summer clothing — children's clothing — Shoes, Hats, Dresses — Men's Coats, Shirts, Suits — and articles such as children's toys, books, dishes, jewellery, dress patterns (modern styles), etc., for the WHITE ELEPHANT TABLE , . • Postponed Hospital Auxiliary Rummage Sale Saturday, May llth in Public Library at 2:00 p.m. LEAVE YOUR PARCELS OUT AT YOUR FRONT DOOR PICK UP IN SEAFORTH AND DUBLIN WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 8th • For further information call: MRS. JOHN PATTERSON OR MRS. JOHN A. GORWILL Phone 475-J Phone 5-J DUBLIN PTA DEBATES VALUE OF ORGANIZATION The Catholic Parent -Teachers' Association was held at St. Pat- rick's School, Dublin, Thursday. The president, Lou Rowland, opened the meeting and Mrs. Ed. Stapleton read the official prayer. Mrs. Jim Delaney, the secretary, read the minutes, and Cullen Russell gave the finan- cial report. The main event was a de- bate entitled, "Is the PTA worth FIRST . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. DOUGLAS 0. FRY Minister Sunday, May 5th WORSHIP — 11:00 A.M. 9:45 a.m.—Minister's' Class 10:00 a.m.—The Senior Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—The Junior Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—The Nursery the Time It 'fakes?" Cullen Russell, Mrs. Lou Rowland with Lou Rowland and Mrs. Martin Klinkhamer as oppon- ents, took part. Mrs. Ed. Stap leton won a cake donated by Mrs. Fergus Kelly. Coffee and cookies were servey by volun teered ladies. Neil Stapleton, Guelph, at his home. Mrs. James Newcombe, Port Credit, with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Stapleton. Mrs. Nicholas Krauskopf in London. Dr. James McCabe and Mrs. McCabe, Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dill, Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. John Frost, Dun- das, with Mrs. Joe Dill. Mr, Frank Burns is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. Mrs. James Morrison attend- ed the funeral of Mr. Morrison's sister, Mrs. Hughes, in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dantzer of London at their home here. CASH -- BIN G -O --CASH Saturday, May 4th — 8:30 p.m. LEGION HALL, SEAFORTH • 15 REGULAR GAMES FOR $10.00 3 SHARE THE WEALTH with SPECIAL JACKPOT $65.00 — Full house with 56 numbers called. — Children under 16 not permitted -- ADMISSION $1.00 " Extra Cards 25c, or 6 for $1.00 Auspices Seaforth Branch 156, Canadian Legion PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK fir` jimmoispoiwordollik iuwoo� • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • A distinctive line of WEDDING INVITATIONS is available from 'I?11''0 11) \;41!111,11:!-.11111i0 i. fktBkict ASK FOR a INVITATIONS ED ANNOUNCEMENTS INFORMALS ACCESSORIES , 0144 International LET US ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR WEDDING PLANS COME IN AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL. GIFT REGISTER See our complete selection of "Forever Yours" and "Bouquet" Invitations and receive FREE a copy of answers to most queries regarding wedding ,details. PHONE 141 rr SEAFORTH Hurondale W.I. Names Officers For Corning Year The annual meeting of Hur- ondale Women's Institute was held in Trivitt Parish Hall, Exe- ter, with 46 members partaking of a smorgasbord supper, serv- ed by Mb. Ben Case, Mrs. Bruce Tuckey, Mrs. Oscar Tuckey, 'Mrs. Mac Hodgert, Mrs. Lee Webber, Nlrs. Robert Maver and Mrs. Les Gibson. The meeting was opened with the president, Mrs. Harry Dou- gall, in the chair. Five new members joined. The district annual is to be held May 16 in Northside United Church, Sea - forth, when Mrs. George Wil- son will speak. Mrs. Warren Brock and Mrs. Alvin Moir were put in charge of the "In Mem- oriam" for the district annual. Reports were given by the sec- retary -treasurer, Mrs. Mervin Dunn; Emergency report, Mrs. Wm. Etherington; auditors, Mrs. Alvin Moir; Citizenship and Ed- ucation, Mrs. Bev Morgan; Ag- riculture and Canadian Indus- tries, Mrs. R. Keller; Home Eco- nomics and Health, Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne; Resolutions, Mrs. Roy Westcott; Historical Re- search and Current Events Mrs. William Sillery; Tweeds- muir History, Mrs. A. Rundle; Public Relations, Mrs. Roy West- cott; Directors, Mrs. Warren Brock. Mrs. Harry Strang conducted the election of officers: past president, Mrs. Harry Dougall; president, Mrs. Gerald McFalls; first vice-president, Mrs. Lee Webber; second vice-president, Mrs. Edwin Miller; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Mervin Dunn; assistant, Mrs. Mae Hodgert; district director, Mrs. Harry Dougall; alternate, Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne; directors: Mrs. Wm. Dougall, Mrs. Wm. Lamport, Mrs. Elmer Passmore and Mrs, John Pym; pianists, Mrs. Wm. Rhode and Mrs. Wm. Kernick; Emergency, Mrs. Wm. Ethering- ton, Mrs. Carmen Cann, . Mrs. Wm. Rowcliffe, Mrs. Ross Oke, Mrs. Edna Passmore, Mrs. Mac Hodgert and Mrs. Garnet Hicks; representatives to .district an- nual, Mrs. Gerald McFalls, Mrs. Harry Dougall, Mrs. Lloyd Bal- lantyne, Mrs. Warren Brock and Mrs. Alvin Moir; press reporter and public relations, Mrs. Roy Westcott; auditors, Mrs. Robert Jeffery, Mrs. Wm. Elford. Standing committees: Citizen- ship and Education, Mrs. Gladys Sims; Agriculture and Cana- dian Industries, Mrs. Alvin Moir; Home Economics and Health, Mrs. James Kirkland; Historical Research and Current Events, Mrs. William Kernick, Tweedsmuir History ' Curator, Mrs. A. Rundle; Resolutions, Mrs. Harry Dougall. Mrs. Roy- lance Westcott conducted the installation ceremony. Mrs. Gerald McFalls took the chair and dealt with new busi- ness. Mrs. Lee Webber spoke a few words and presented tha retiring president, Mrs. Dougall, with a gift. The May meeting will be held in Thames Road United Church. TO .THE EDITOR: Toronto, April 25, 1963. Editor, The Huron Expositor: Dear Sir: Our great thanks to you and your newspaper for the generous contribution you have given to our Easter Seal Campaign. The success of our annual fund raising program for crip- pled children depends greatly on your assistance<. has and your publicity support has been given without fail whenever requested. On behalf of our several thou- sand campaign volunteers . and especially for crippled chil- dren, I have true pleasure . in sanying "thank You". Sincerely, J. C. PRESTON, Chairman, Provincial Easter Seal Committee Remember, it takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Phone Seaforth 141. Your chance of drawing four of a kind in poker is about 1 in 4,165 deals. Let us show you how our ABC membership helps to take the chance out of your advertising. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. SEAFORTH OBITUARIES JANE ANN WALKER The death occurred at the General Hospital, Hamilton, Sunday, April 28, of Jane Ann Walker, aged 19 years. She was the daughter of Mrs. Pearl Walker, 295 Glennie Avenue, Hamilton ,and the late John Ross Walker, formerly of Sea - forth. She is survived by her mother and three brothers, John, Michael and Paul, all at home. Jane Ann was a student at Delta Secondary School. Funeral services were held at the "Wentworth Chapel" of Swackhamer & Hilts funeral home, 55 Wentworth St. South, Hamilton, on Wednesday. In- terment followed in Eastlawn cemetery. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Feeney of Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ryan. Every Week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. ANTIQUES .. . Lecture & Display Early Canadiana BEESWAX CANDLES FOR SALE Mrs. Marjorie Larmon London St. Thomas' Church Seaforth Wed., May 8th at 8:15 p.m. • Lunch • Door Prize AUSPICES LADIES' GUILD Everyone Welcome Wl Admission 50 Cents DANCE BRODHAGEN and District Community Hall Friday, May 3rd Music by the SILVER BAR. RANCH GANG BROWNIE'S DRIVE - IN Clinton THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 2.3 —DOUBLE BILL— "HEY LET'S TWIST" Joey Dee - Joanne Campbell "TOO LATE BLUES" Bobby Darin - Stella Stevens Adult Entertainment CARTOON SATURDAY and MONDAY May 4.6 •—DOUBLE BILL— "THE BEST OF ENEMIES" David Niven -- Sordi (Colour - Scope) "TWELVE TO THE MOON" Ken Clark CARTOON TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 7.8 "HOODLUM PRIEST" Don Murray - Larry Yates Adult Entertainment CARTOON First Show at Dusk TWO COMPLETE SHOWS EACH NIGHT Children Under 12 in Cars Free OPENING DANCE at BLUEWATER DANCELAND Opening for Sixth Summer Season Friday, May 3rd DANCING EVERY FRIDAY During Summer 10 to 1:30 Music by Desjardine Orchestra S. D. H. S. Annual AT-HOME FRIDAY, MAY 3rd § § Music by LIONEL THORNTON and His Casa Royal Orchestra § § ADMISSION — $2.50 PER COUPLE By Invitation Only § § Persons wishing Invitations: Please call 198 — The School 1 PENNY LE AUSPICES WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY DRAW TAKES PLACE FRIDAY, MAY 3 commencing at 8 o'clock at WHITNEY FURNITURE WIN THESE VALUABLE PRIZES: ELECTRIC BLANKET RUG SHAMPOOER ... SET TV TRAYS... TWO 50• POUND BAGS SUGAR ... TRICYCLE ... FISHING ROD . . . CHAIRS . SEAT BELT.. AND NUMEROUS OTHER INTERESTING ARTICLES Tickets may be obtained from Members of the Auxiliary or at Whitney Furniture Store PROCEEDS FOR NEW HOSPITAL