HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-05-02, Page 4iIURAN EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., MAY 2, 1963 Phone 393 • 6131 Across front, Sebringville School No. 8 Highway 1 For the Utmos'toin Service For the Finest in Plants , E VISIT i SEBRINGVILLE 1 GARDEN CENTRE I 1 NICK BIRKENGREN i Horticultural Graduate t We have a complete line of highest grade Nursery Stock, ! Evergreens, Shadetrees, Roses, Flowering Shrubs, ' Ornamentals, and Lawn Specimens, Etc. I i Peat Moss, Garden Hose Sprayers and ' Chemicals , 1 Come and see our Modern Greenhouse filled with Spring , Plants - all grown from hybrid seeds. 1 Member of Canadian Association of Nurserymen Government Inspected - Government Licenced ,, I I t I N PUBUC S, 1 Cyo 4a� h f 1 I sConA ,._�, children who Kindergarten School in send their to the as convient. TALBOT, Principal. _ 4Qee7Er - ;ice i ,i Would parents of will be starting at Seaforth Public September, please names and birthdate Principal as soon . -_ '1i.11'i'@I J. W. ...,:.; • into ,; , ring with ': SAVINGS .:.,.::::.;:.. Thursday, Friday, Saturday - May 2 - 3 - 4 16%2 -Gallon Capacity GARBAGE PAILS CO-OP SALE 2.97 •SALE GARDEN HOSE 9,90to $1.77 6' Aluminum LADDERS Co -Op Sale 12.7 7 91/2" Hardwood Handles GARDEN SHEARS CO-OP 2.19 Co-op "Thriftee" 5 -Ib. Bag GRASS SEED COSALE . 2.49 • . ,Y Save Time and Effort A Real Work Horse TILLSMITH "RANGER" TILLER 109.00 Reg. Value $129.95 - CO-OP SALE ............. 4 -Cycle Co -Op Clipper 18" ROTARY POWER MOWER 49.97 Mt1LKEY HAY - 0 - VATOR SALEP . 79.90 UNICO . STOCK TANK SALEP. ..... 29.97 CO-OP FENCEand BATTERYIZ 13.97 COOP OUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE PAINT SA EP...... GAL. 4.97 PAINT ROLLER KIT cSA EP 99¢ CO-OP SALE3" PAINT 1.59 V Co -Op Viscount 17 -Cubic Foot CHEST FREEZER ' Co -Op Viscount Combination 2 -Door FREEZER REFRIGERATOR Ideal for compact kitchens Any of the above items maybe Co -Op or any shown in mailed last week SEAFQRTH FARMERS 229.95 .. 259.95 , . ordered from. your our Spring Sale Sheet, -- Just Phone: 1CO1op PHONE. SEAPORT onsolidation Of Welfare Services Consolidation of welfare ser - ices on a "broader basis", in affect a county welfare unit, is avored by provincial authori- ies. Hon. Louis P. Cecile, min- ster of public welfare, in his speech recently on departmen- al estimates, gave notice that 'we would encourage the con- inued development of this orm of administration." "Continued" here is an allu- ion to adoption Feb. 1 last, of he county welfare unit plan by Nentworth. Many counties, the ninister states, "are giving ser- ous thought to a consolidation f welfare services." Huron county council had the natter before it not long ago, iecause of the department's evi- tent desire to develop the plan, ut took no action. This county Ind others would prefer to wait Ind see how Wentworth gets (long. The Provincial authori- ies report that transfer of cas- s from local municipalities to he county "presented no diffi. ulties" there. In brief, counties would un- iertake administration of the seneral Welfare Assistance Act �n behalf of the local munici- �alities. A county welfare offi- er to be appointed would take Iver much welfare work done y township and town. officials. hildren's Aid work would not ie involved, though it was or- ginally proposed by the depart- ment that it be within the con- >olidation. Clerk -treasurer J. G. Berry pointed out that there is con- siderable variation among the local municipalities in admini- stration of welfare, according to local officials' appraisal of particular cases. Probably in a consolidation such as the de- partment proposes there would be a scale laid down, which on the whole would likely be high- er than followed in some of the townships and towns. In any case, there would be a county welfare officer's salary, probab-, ly additional clerical help, and certainly much more travel than under local administra- tion. Tile proposal is not likely to come up, at next session of Huron council, Mr. Berry said. Along with other councils, Hur- on would like first to examine the results of Wentworth's ex- periment. Hon. Mr. Cecile is of the opinion that county councils "are ideally suited to the ad- ministration of material aid and services to residents, in place of the small local munici- palities!" "There is a growing feeling," he said in the Legislature, "that a county administration is best able to provide the personnel on a full-time basis, and thus to assure more uniform. servic- es. In addition, the county is in a better position to, provide the necessary funds. It has be- come evident that a broader administration base is more ef- fective in serving eases rapid- ly, with proper considerations to the needs and the steps that may be taken, where possible, toward re-establishing persons into gainful employment, or to a self-supporting status. - "The strength of county coun- cils lies in the elected members, who are representative of all the local municipalities within the county. Certainly the' serv- ices of prevention and rehabili- tation can be greatly advanced if the county, as a unit, under- takes administration of the Gen- eral Welfare Assistance Act on behalf of its local municipali- ties." This Act contains a provision, in Section 5(3), that any local municipality with a population of more than 5,000, according to its last revised ..assessment roll, may by agreement with the county and with approval of the minister, appoint a municipal welfare administration to ad- minister independent of the county. TIMELY TIPS Food experts at Macdonald Institute, Guelph, say that can- ned mushrooms are as good a buy as fresh if the price •of a 4 -ounce can is one-third that of a pound of fresh mushrooms; one pound of fresh whole mush- rooms gives six servings, where- as a 4 -ounce can serves two. If you wrap cut ham or cheese in a cloth that has been dampened with vinegar, you will find that it will keep the product from molding, report Home Economists at Macdonald Institute, Guelph. SPRING SONG With daffodils gold, and the patterof rain, Spring has come to the world again. The cherry trees blossomed in fragrant white, In the magic hours of a soft spring night. The frogs in a chorus their tongues employ, To pipe to the world their springtime joy. And the willows beading above the stream Are clothed again in a misty green. Under the arching skies of blue, The long road runs with no end in view. And a wild plum drops its sweetness o'er The bend in the road, as it did of yore. For Spring is tripping her dimpled way Over the borderland of May. Into the land of apple bloom, A scented spot in the world's big room. For green is the carpet now unrolled, And the orchard aisles are starred with gold. And the heaped up fragrance of vanished Springs Drifts around, while a robin sings. -ELIZABETH H. TAYLOR, Seaforth. NEWS OF ST. COLUMBAN CWL SUBDIVISION REVIEWS ACTIVITIES; ELECTS NEW OFFICERS The annual meeting of the St. Columban subdivision of the Catholic Women's League was held in the parish hall Thurs- day evening. A letter was read regarding the Diocesan conven- tion, to be held May 14th and ly5th at Assumption Univers. ity, Windsor. Reports for the year were given by the executive and con- veners, showing a successful year, financially and socially. The following slate of officers was brought in by the nominat- ing committee: Director, Rev. L. J. Coughlin; past president, Mrs: Albert Cronin; president, . Mrs. Maurice Melady.; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. John Shea; second vice - president, Mrs. J'a m e s O'Connor; third vice-president, Mrs. Vincent Murray; recording secretary, Mrs. Frank Ryan; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Louis O'Reilly; treasurer, Mrs. John Murphy. Mrs. Albert Cronin extended thanks to Father Coughlin, the executive, conveners and mem- bers for their excellent co-op- eration during her two years as president. Mrs. Melady took the chair and conveners were appointed. Mrs. Nora Maloney was named a delegate to accompany Mrs. Melady to the convention at Windsor. A prize, donated by Mrs. James O'Connor, was won by Mrs. Thomas Kale. Rev. John McIver, South Bend, Indiana, with Mrs. Wm. McIver. Miss Rita Kennedy, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Ken- nedy. - Miss Marie Parkinson and Pat Sloan, Collingwood, with Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan. Miss Luella Moylan and Miss Jean Maloney, Kitchener; Leon - Budget Buy! FRIGIDAIRE Chest Freezer! Model CFE -15C 15cu. ft. net capacity •525 -Ib. big -family capacity! • Zero zone cold and Hot Weather Safe! • Slide -aside Basket, fast - freeze shelf. • Famed Frigidaire Depend- ability! $13 Only Ai easy terms FRIGIDALRE FURNITURE Phone 43 -- Seaforth Crown Trust Trust Investment Certificates e '5'/4% TERM 4 TO 5 YEARS 200 Queens Avenue LONDON and Maloney, London, and Jack Malone, Guelph, at their homes Mr. and Mrs.. Tom Morris moved to their farm on Satur- day. - Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Morris, Walkerton, and Greg Morris, Port Credit, with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morris. Lou Murray, Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray. l/r' l//Gjr WINTHROP The April meeting of the Messengers was held in the Sun- day school with Leona Glan- ville, the president, in charge. The theme was "Christian Giv- ing" iving" with scripture by Grant Little; after which Donna Horne led in prayer. The roll call was answered by 24 members. Mrs. P. Dalton told the story on Toy Giving Day in Korea. The art- icles for the chick -pas were brought in and the children were asked to save their used stamps, which will be sent to Dr. Allen. After the 11/lessen- gers' motto and prayer, a short recreation period, in charge of RIcky Blundell, was enjoyed. OES EUCHRE WINNERS Successful euchre winners at the OES euchre .last Thursday were: ladies' high, Mrs. John MacGregor; ladies' lone hands, Mrs. Edith Daley; ladies' low, Miss Annie Gordon; men's' high, Robert 'Smith; men's lone hands, Albert O'Reilly; men's low, Harvey Moore; door prize, Warren Whitmore. BACKACHE When kidneys fail to remove excess acids and wastes, backache -tired feeling - disturbed rest often may follow. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate kidneys to normal duty., You feel better, sleep batter, work boner. 80 Arnold Stinnissen Life Insurance is My Business Representing Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada TELEPHONE 852 R 12 R.R. 5 - SEAFORTH LOANS $50 to $5,000 at ATLANTIC FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED Phone HU 2-3486 7 Rattenbury St., CLINTON Michael Eland, Branch Manager Fridays to 8 p.m. - Other Evenings by Appointment WEDDING INVITATIONS PHONE 141 SEAFORTH i /riri via///, /A/W "./.27//'/' //,%. :0/ "Sports -Car" Styling - Safety Engineered! BOYS' and GIRLS' Ages 8 to 12, only ADULT MODELS- 39,95 Men's and Youths' 22/20, Ladies' 20" 37.95 JUNIOR SIZES Boys' and Girls' Ages 6 to 10 BUDGET I Here's the bike that any boy or girl would be proud to own . as a reward for good term marks; to speed up runner errands - or Super - Cycle as a Super birthday present. Sturdy seamless steel tube frame with baked -on enamel colouts that won't lose their luster, stay newer. looking longer. Safety -approved rear re- flectors; non -rattle, gleaming white enamel mud- guards. Double rubber block pedals; heavy- duty tires; deluxe 2 -tone saddle; British -built coaster brake and 2 to 1 gear ratio for speedy cycling, Sparkling Chrome -plated handlebars, wheel -rims, sprocket, fork crown and cranks. Colours: red for men; bright blue for ladies' models. SAVE SAFELY on BIKE ACCESSORIES ADD THESE FLASHY BIKE EXTRAS . • • 1. -BIKE GENERATOR SET - For safe night riding Smart torpedo -type headlight to spark- ling chrome. with silvered reflector for power. ful beam Clearly visible tail -light. 6 -volt powerful generator. Complete with 3.59 wire and fittings. J 2. -MILEAGE CYCLOMETER Registers miles travelled, up to 1,000 miles - then repeats. Keep track of your trips. Gleaming ri chrome finish. Extra value 9 3. & 4. -JEWELLED FENDER FLAPS 6" with dazzling jewel mounted In chrome medallion Durable rubber. Black .35 White 49 5. -JUMBO FENDER FLAP with 3 ruby-like jewels on chrome ornaments. . - Sturdy rubber .95 6. -SCHOOLBOOK CARRIER Roomy' 18" s 9" x 71" deep. Sturdy galvanized wire construction 9 7.TWO-TONE HORN -Flared bell; clear resonant tone commands action. Rubber squeeze bulb, rust -proof bright ,n metal horn ..,. 1. e.-"TANITA" ELECTRIC HORN - Battery (Battery extras remote control. • 0 9. -ROCKET HEADLAMP -Streamlined in sparkling chrome, with automo- 19 tive type reflector less batteries) I SAVE! BIKE TIRES - INNER TUBES Standard Service SUPER -CYCLE 26" "or 28" x 11/2" 1•69 EACH SUPER -CYCLE WHITEWALLS - Deep non-skid tread. 26" x 1%" HEAVY DUTY BLACKWALLS - Real tough 28'• x 11" 2.39 2.29 SUPER DUTY BLACKWALLS - e I 26" or 28" x 144" 2.6 INNER TUBES HEAVY DUTY Standard Service - 79 26" or 28" x 144" 1 ■ 28" x 14" ■ W. V. SMITH Phone 792 Deluxe Mattress Saddles Red and White, Green and White, Blue and White .. 2.r49 Molded Rubber Saddles 2r155 CASH and CARRY BONUS COUPONS • 4 4 f • • r e