HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-04-25, Page 12111111111111 One Spedal ' Richard Hudnut ' Creme Rinse :Coupon lixpiree April 27 .1 P.� • �TIM HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT.x, APR. 20, 1963 LOCAL BRIEFS Mrs. Stanley Grainger and daughter, . of London, were visi- tors in Seaforth last week. Mr. John Weber, of Toronto, Is spending a few days at the home of Mrs. Jean Fortune. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stewart and family, of Toronto, were visitors last week with his mother, Mrs. Harry Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dor- ranee and ' family, of Kenora, were guests last weekend of his mother, Mrs. N. R. Dor- ranee. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling spent the weekend ill Ancas- ter. - Mr. and Mrs. Thonlas J. Wat- son and Mrs. Joseph Davidson, of London; Mx. and Mrs. Bruce OBITUARIES THOMAS W. ALD1NGTON Thomas William Aldington, 89, of Seaforth, died Friday at St. Mary's Hpspital, London. Born in England, Mr. Aldington came to. Canada in 1903. For many years he farmed in Hib- bert Township, retiring to Sea - forth in 1945. His wife, the for - trier Sarah Elizabeth Busby, pre- deceased hint in 1959. He was a member of St. Thomas' Angli- can Church. Surviving are two sons, John, of Varna, and Joseph, of Camp- bell River, B.C. The body was at the G. A. Whitney funeral home, where the funeral service was , held Monday at 2 p.m., with Rev. E. J. B. Harrison, of Bayfield, of- ficiating. Burial was in Staffa cemetery. Pallbearers were Les Miller, Eldin Allen, Raymond Miller, Charles Reeves, Thorpe Rivers and W. E. Southgate. DONALD MARCUS SHAW Just three months after he resigned as councillor, Donald Marcus Shaw; Q.C., passed away quietly at his home on Victoria Avenue, Ridgetown, Friday, March 15, from a heart attack. Minutes before, he had been talking with his wife and then walked over to an easy chair, sat down, and passed away in less than a minute. ' Born in Egmondville, he was a son .of the late Rev. Neil Shaw and the former Annie Marcus. • He received his early education in Seaforth and at the Ridgetown High School. He , graduated from Normal School, attended Osgoode Hall and was called to the bar in 1921. He was appointed Queen's Counsel- lor in 1948. The late Mr. Shaw went to Ridgetown in 1912. In 1924 he married the former Mildred Brewer, who survives. He was a member of Mount Zion Presbyterian C h u r c h, Ridgetown; a member of How- ard Lodge, No. 391, AF and AM, the IOOF Lodge No. 144, and a charter member of the Ridgetown Golf and Country Cub. He had been a councillor„for more than twenty years, dur- ing which time he served as reeve• for five years, and was a member of County Council and Mayor of Ridgetown for three years, 1949 to 1951. In 1955, his son', Gordon, graduated from law school and they formed a partnership known as Shaw and Shaw, a law business at 62 -Main Street East. The late Mr. Shaw open- ed his' first business in Ridge - town after being called to the bar in 1921. Surviving besides his wife are two sons, Neil, a high school teacher at Goderich, and Gor- don, of Ridgetown, and one daughter, Miss Helen Shaw, of Toronto. There are three grand- children. Services were conducted from the McKellar and McDonald funeral home, Ridgetown, Mon- day, at two o'clock by the Rev. Donald Maclnnes, minister of Mount Zion Presbyterian Church. Tribute to the contribution which he made to the Ridge - town community was contained in an editorial reference in the Ridgetown Dominion. Walters and family, of Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ben- nett and family, of Walton, were weekend guests of Mr; and Mrs. W. C. Bennett, Clinton. Mrs. Elliott Walters is a pa- tient in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal. Mrs. John Cairns spent a few days in Detroit last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wright, of London, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Alex Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Deem, of Stratford, were guests of Mrs. R. K. McFarlane on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett, of Clinton, have returned from a trip to California and Utah, where they visited friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eicher, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Rennie, of Sundridge, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie last week. Misses Bessie and Margaret Grieve have returned from To- ronto, where they spent a week with Mrs. Earle Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Hamil- ton visited with Miss Eva and Cecil Chisholm, of Milton, on Sunday. Rev. D. 0. Fry, M. McKellar and Charles MacKay are in Welland this week attending a meeting of the Hamilton Synod of the Presbyterian Church. Miss Hazel Greer was a pa- tient in Clinton Public Hospital, where she underwent surgery for a tonsilectomy. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Watson Reid entertained some of their relatives, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Carter, who were celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary. Mr. Donald Stephenson and sons, Robert and John, of Ot- tawa, visited with his mother, Mrs. Effie Stephenson, during Easter week, Mr. Thomas A. Beattie is a patient in Westminster Hospi- tal, London. Mr. Alex McTaggart and daughter, Janice, of Kitchener, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar. Mrs. Joe Devereaux, Anne .Marie and Teresa spent the Eas- ter holidays in Chicago. Mr. 'and Mrs. Harold Barry, of Toronto, spent the 'weekend with Miss Mabel .Turnbull, They have just returned from a four-month holiday in La Habra, California. Mr. Fred Beattie has return- ed from Ottawa, where he spent the winter. Mrs. Cora Barrows recently returned from a two-week holi- day, visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas. Taylor, in Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. 'Jim Broad£oot and son returned on Saturday from a week's vacation at the home of Mrs. Broadfoot's moth- er in Kentucky. Misses Sharon and Elizabeth Chamney, Goderich, were visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Hamilton last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Carter, Richmond Hill, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Downey,' West Wil- liam Street, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hogg, of Port Credit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Habkirk over the weekend. Mr. Ed. Davidson, who is a patient in Stratford General Hospital, underwent . surgery last Thursday and is improv- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hawley, who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hawley and Mrs. C. Hawley, returned home Sunday. Huron Farm News The seeding of course grains is about 80 per cent completed in the south end of the county and about '60 per cent in the north end of the county. The recent 'rains have brightened wheat prospects, as green is appearing in some of the areas that appeared to• be dead. Grass has made -some growth, But there will have to be a change of weather before the cattle can be turned out. •-.. .. L. a .. L..7.4nm.r...cmscr. by Tom Dorr First Church Senior W.M.S. Holds Meeting The Senior WMS held their regular meeting in First Pres- byterian Church Tuesday. Miss Jessie Fraser opened the meet- ing with prayer. Mrs. J. B. Rus- sell read the minutes of the March meeting, also the cor- respondence. Roll call was an- swered by 18 ladies. Twenty- one shut-in calls were reported. Miss Belle Campbell gave the treasurer's report, • and supply report was given by Mrs. J. McGregor. Scripture reading and medi- tation were given by Mrs. J. Gordon, and a prayer by Mrs. John Bell. Collection was re- ceived by Miss B. Campbell and dedicated by Miss Fraser. Miss Fraser and Mrs. Russell, dele- gates to the Synod, held in Wingham, gave a splendid re- port of the meeting, and Mrs: J. W. Thompson gave a review of the literature table, telling of books that could be purchas- ed for Christian reading. Mrs. Thompson moved a vote of thanks to the ladies for their excellent reports, seconded by Miss B. Campbell. Mrs. Thomp- son was appointed to take greet- ings to the CGIT Group. Miss Jessie Fraser held an interest- ing questionaire on WMS ev- ents. 1‘ t'1'1 Baked Ham Can Provide Variety Of Good Treats Baked ham in the refrigera- tor means varied family meals and delicious party fare. Food experts at Macdonald Institute, Guelph say that a whole baked ham will keep approximately a week in the cold part of the refrigerator without losing its flavor and succulence. It is al- ways on hand to be sliced, ground, chopped, or diced .for appetizers, salads, sandwiches and • main dishes. Ham -cheese Roll Ups are de- licious hors d'oeuvres. Soften 3/4 cup cream cheese and mix in chopped chives' to taste. spread on slices of cold ham and roll up, Chill. Just before serving slice into bite -sized pieces. A zesty dip is made from sour cream and ground ham, 13/4 teaspoons prepared mus- tard, % teaspoon instant minc- ed onion. Serve chilled with little pieces of raw cauliflower. Squares of fried ham sand- wiches make an unusual delic- acy. Cut the crusts off thinly sliced bread and spread with a paste of grated Cheddar cheese and cream. Place a slice of ham on this and top with another slice of bread and cheese. Dip, in beaten egg, fry in b,�itten, cut in bite -sized pieces . and serve hot as appetizers or in larger pieces as hot sandwich- es. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE LEITCH, of Hullett, celebrated - their golden wedding on Tuesday. They were married in Seaforth on April 23, 1913. DUBLIN NEWS OF THE WEEK (Continued from Page 1) Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maloney have moved from McKillop Township to their home•at Dub- lin. Mrs. Kathleen Feeney has re- turned to her home after spend- ing the winter months with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Brick, in De- troit. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Robertson, Guelph, with Mrs. Joe Dill. Funeral of Miss A. Flanagan The funeral 'of the late Miss Ann Flanagan, who passed away at Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, Seaforth, was held from the W. J. Cleary funeral home to St, Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Dublin, Wednesday, April 17, when Solemn Requiem High Mass was chanted by Rev. R. Durand at 10 o'clock. Rev. Dr. J. B. Ffoulkes, Dublin, and Rev. J. Coughlin, St. Columban, assisted, Mrs. John Nagle pre- sided at the organ. The pallbearers were Frank' O'Rourke, William Flanagan, Patrick Givlin, Lorne Flanagan, James Maloney and Michael Eckert. Burial took place in St. Patrick's cemetery. WHEN NOVEMBER GAINED ONE DAY . . Before Julius Caesar reform- ed the Roman calendar in 46 B.C., November had 29 days in- stead of the present 30. The Romans nearly changed its name to that of Tiberius; how- ever, that celebrity declined -the honor. The Anglo-Saxons call- ed November Windmonath (wind month) and Blodmonath (blood month) from the slaugh- ter of cattle in that season. Too .Late To Classify FOR SALE -20 good pigs. Ap- ply Joseph Nolan, St. Columban, 84 R 16, Dublin. 21-67x2 Wilkirison's ' IGA Garden Centre • ROSE BUSHES—Full Variety. • SHRUBS -(Tall or Spreading) • PERENNIALS—Assorted • CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES (PEI) • FLOWER & VEGETABLE SEEDS All From Dependable, Vigorous Nursery Stock. Choose Early For Best Selection. YOU SAVE EVERY DAY AT SEAFORTH IGA ! FRESH GRADE 'A' OVEN-READY RELIABLE RECORDS with MOORE REGISTERS FLATPAKIT FORMS AND ACCESSORIES MOORE REGIS1ERS AND 'FLATPAKIT FORMS ASSURE RELIABLE RECORDS ONE COPY MAY BE FILED AUTOMATICALLY PREVENTING LOST OR TAMPERED RECORDS. MULTIPLE COPIES NUMBERED FOR AUDIT USE ... ALL FROM ONE WRITING LET US DEMONSTRATE OUR FULL LINE OF MOORE REGISTERS AND FLATPAKIT FORMS. PHONE 141 111'& it] SEAFORTII SUNWOR-THy WALLPAPER WASHABLE • PLASTIC COATED 14' d •-- • • MURALS by COME IN! SEE OUR MANY CHOICES IN THIS NEW, EXCITING, DECORATING FASHION. EASY TO APPLY GRAVES' WALLPAPER and PAINT ' STORE Phone 7 -- Seaforth OASTI NG !CKENS le Ideal For Barbeque 3Va-4 lb. Avg. THE WORLD'S FINEST NEW ZEALAND LAMB CHOICE, SHORT CUT 'Mild -Cured — SMOKED PICNICS LAMB LEGS lb. 45{ Shank -off 6 Ib. TWO MEALS IN ONE CHOPS AND STEWS LAMB IN -THE - BASKET, Ib. 25' BURN'S MIX OR MATCH SPECIAL ! SPORK or SPAM l2 -oz. Tins BURN'S—P/7 LB. TINS MIDGET HAMS Burn's Bake Easy SHORTENING Burn's ,Special Delmar Margarine LEAN, WELL TRIMMED LOIN LAMB 69° CHOPS, Ib, c X1.49 1-m.26� Pkg, 2 1 -Ib. Pkg;. 550 TASTY—DELICIOUS RIB & SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS, Ib. 59' BETTY CROCKER PIE CRUST MIX BETTY CROCKER TOTAL CEREAL BETTY CROCKER CHEERIOS KOUNTY KIST PEAS Top -Valu CHEESE SLICES (1/2 I.G.A. Hot Dog or Hamburg Pkg. of 8 19C Royal Gold ICE CREAM Pint Brick _. 1 90 Fisherman—Fancy COHOE SALMON 3/$1 /$1 1/2-1b. Tins 99 99.99 99 , ROLLS WA I SOUP irotloRlal► fJa101 CABBAGE 3"27' .15 -oz. lb.) Z Pkg 69¢ abs. g 370 • 101/2 -oz. 350 Pkg. Tins 4/49c 2/49¢ Dr. Ballard's Champion Beef - Liver - Chicken DOG FOOD /11 / /B 15 -oz. Tins '7” "tam9 TABLE FRESH PRODUCE No. 1 Qualify—From Cuba PINEAPPLES 4/890 Size 15's SUN= JUICY MIN LEMONS 614'35¢ ONTARIO NO. el DRY, PLAVORFUL ONIONS Bag 25 ROSE BRAND SWEET MIXED PICKLES MOTHER PARKER'S TEA BAGS ' 16c OFF SURF DETERGENT CLUB HOUSE MINCED ONION SPICE Rai PURE BLACK PEPPER No.,1 Quality—Golden Yellow Zer-O BANANAS PEAS Pound 2 -Ib. Poly Bag 2 16 -ox. lay Pkg. of 60 Gt. Sire Pkg. 3 %s -es. Tin 4 -os. Pour IGA FREEZER FEATURES Picnic—Frozen Concentrate STEAKETTES 49¢ Holiday Farm—Beef 65¢ 791t 71¢ 57¢ 39° 49¢ LEMONADE 6 -oz. Tins V 6/1790 16 -oz. Pkg. Booth—Cod Zer•O 15 -oz. Pkg. 39�L FISH STICKS STRAWBERRIES.... �7 y� 14 -oz. Pkg. NO. 1 QUALITY WASHED•& TRIMMED SPINACH L, Pkg.� Celloz 5 590 !GA BAKERY FEATURES HOSPITALITY Femlly CHERRY PIE Slze 45 WESTON'S LEMON BUNS Pkg• 3'1° CLIP 'N' SAVE THESE COUPONS FOR BEAUTIFUL FREE GIFTS All Prices end Coupons Effective April 24 - 27th to • FREE. 2GOLDBONO STAMPS One 3-1b. Box Milk -0 Coupon Expires April 27 GOLDBOND 1.TAMp%r J.� FREE.25. _ GOLD"e O,N D,S7AM p,S IA., COMMA ..a.:nou• I fl.... Ono 10ya-ox. Pkg. K feft 'Miniature F. Maraashmallows'' REE . i.Coupon Hxpire� April 27 bee COVE*0 .e0 ..,<•A t..... One Economy Size Shirriff'. Instant Mashed Potatoes Coupon E,,pires A.HI 27 GOLD BONG ,TAMPS + OSc 00 Sta-Fla FREE.JCo.p Starch April27 WILKINSON'S OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT Till 9 p.m. SATURDAY TILL 6 P.M. COLO '8OND•f'AMPf • 9•.. O..• 35 -ox. Tl,, r Sani Flush Coupon Explgoe April 27' • • Two Its. or More 1 Loin Lamb F RE , In•The-Basket Coupon Expires- April 27 ;t1GQLt, F;OND iTAMPf 2 5 F .� .<., .' Ori• Ib. or Mg1a CoaFREE i,or Breasts Pb,tfxPlrge .-pill q7 .. .e...ro. Abe .141xx.t 9999. One Ib, or More TableRIte Rlndlesa Side Bacon Coupon Expire. April 27 .50 c.,,, ,,,,,, 51 TAMP f FR- FREE 25- FNEE .ex <C.r.e .M MOWN/Mc .... . Ono Family Size Bromo 'Seltzer Coupon A Mac. & Cheese Dinner . Couoon Expires April 27 v ..n, <.W.. ...a,..t •,... One 10Y■ -os. Pkg. Kraft Miniature Fruit Marshmallows Cou • n Expires April 27 FREE GO,t,D, BONG., IT/1MPf *Tv ce..o. ..e r*cw.,,0 •.... One Qt. Tin • Aero Wax Coupon Expire. April 77I 25. FREE OOLp BOND jythiPt. GOLD R0,ND STAMPS evn MO. AM wears el._ • One Ib. or More Boston Lamb Chops j Coupon Expir.E April 17 2 SOLD 80ND ITAMPt " Three IDE. or Moro I Chicken. II FREEIIn-The-Basket _ICoppO axptre. AprII L • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Featuring Finest Quality Meats, Fresh Imported Fruit and Produc .KatArin , miz T0Est ,OR IRISH COBBLERS • . 4 ALL P.E,1. STOCK CERTIFIED "A" FOUNDATION •