HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-04-25, Page 1104th Year Whole No. 4967 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1963 Towners Tied In Search For Provincial Honors The Uxbridge-Seaforth series in the provincial finals of the OHA Intermediate "B" stands at Seaforth 2, Uxbridge 2, as a - result of the teams meeting in the fourth game Wednesday night in Seaforth. Uxbridge de- feated Seaforth 5-3 in the. Wed- nesday night game. Fifth game in the series is slated for Seaforth arena Sat- urday night. The sixth game in the series will probably be played in Uxbridge Monday night, with the seventh possibly Wednesday in Seaforth. Last Friday Seaforth topped the Uxbridge squad 4-3 on Sea - forth ice, Bob Beuttenmiller started the attack at 21 seconds of the first period, clicking on a pass from James Dick and Tom Dick. At 9:56 Bill.. McLaughlin District Masons Hear Ontario Treasurer Representatives of 17 Mason- ic lodges were in Seaforth Wed- nesday evening for the 26th annual banquet and ladies' night of the Past Masters' As- sociation of the South Huron Masonic District, in SDHS audi- torium. More than 300 attend- ed, including representatives from six other districts and grand lodge. The event was sponsored by Britannia Lodge" No. 170. Hon. James N. Allan, Ontario Provincial Treasurer, was guest speaker, basing his remarks on "Making. Masonry Live." Rt. Wor. Bro. Allan is a member of the board of general pur- pose of Grand Lodge. The program was in charge of 'Wor. Bro. Gordon Shortreed, president of the Past Masters' Association_ . Others who took part were Rev. Bro. J. Clifford Britton, district chaplain; Bro. William Campbell, Master bf Britannia Lodge; Wor, Bro. Gor- don Wright, second vice-presi- dent of the association; Very Wor. Bro. Ross Scott, Mrs. Earl Tapp, Wor, Bro, Clark Hodgins, Bro. Cyril Kirk and Rt. Wor. 'Bro. Clare Reith, who is Dis- trict Deputy Grand . Master for South Huron. - Catering for the banquet was arranged by a committee of ladies of First Presbyterian Church, headed by Miss Jean Scott. At the conclusion of the pro- gram, dancing was enjoyed, with music by the Standard Five. A district divine Masonic ser - Gatherings Honor. Couple Mr. and Mrs. R. James Wal- lace were honored Saturday night by friends and neighbors' prior to their departure for Beaverton. .Seven couples gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Mowat and presented the couple "with gifts. Mr. Mowat addressed the couple and Mrs. Glenn Staffen made the presen- tation. During the evening progres- sive euchre was enjoyed. Win- ners were: ladies' high, Mrs. Norman Scoins; consolation, Mrs. Ivan Carter; men's high, Clarence Malone; ccfnsQlation, Ivan Carter. Thursday evening Mr. Wal- lace was feted by the directors of Seaforth Agricultural Socie- tty following a meeting of the board. President Gordan Papp 1 e spoke a few words of apprecia- tion to Mr. Wallace for his five years as secretary -treasurer of the society. Harold Pryce, first vice-president, presented the retiring secretary with a desk set, suitably engraved. Prior to his departure, the staff of The Huron Expositor presented Mr. Wallace with an electric mantel clock, the pres- entation being made by John 'Maloney. The Wallace family leave Fri- day of this week for Beaverton, where they have purchased a weekly newspaper and job prj4nting plant, vice is planned for May 12 in First Presbyterian Church. Re- presentatives of lodges through- out the district are expected to take part in the service, which will commence at 7:30 p.m. Friends Honor Dublin Couple, Wed 45 Years - Mr. and Mrs.. Michael J. Nagle were entertained at a family dinner at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Nagle, Stratford, it being the occasion of their 45th wedding annivers- ary. Mr. and Mrs. Bill O'Rourke also entertained at cards and luncheon on Tuesday evening in honorof the same couple. Colleens Have Meeting The fifth meeting of the Dub- lin Colleens was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Friend on Monday. The meetting began with the 4-H Pledge and then the reports of the secretary and treasurer were given. The girls brought custards to the meet- ing and- evaluated them. Judy Friend demonstrated the mak- ittg pf thick white sauce, and Betty Lou Pethick made thin' white sauce. The meeting dos- ed with lunch. The 4-H girls visited the dairy in Mitchell and the creamery in Blyth dur- ing the Easter holidays. Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Maloney visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin. Hinz, Monkton, and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bannon, Gadshill. Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny re- turned to Detroit after vacation- ing at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kistner. A meeting of the Catholic Parent-Teacher Association will be held on Thursday evening in the Separate School. All par- ents are expected to attend. Neil Stapleton, Guelph, at his home. Miss Joanne Stapleton has re- turned to Mt. St. Joseph Acad- emy at London. Mrs. Douglas McGilverey, of London, "with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eckert and children, Owen Sound, with Mrs. Louise Eckert. Mrs. Leo Kroonen, has receiv- ed word of the death of her mother in Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Len Steinbach and Rita, London ,with Mrs. Kathleen Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Byers at the home of' Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. John Nagle and Bernadette in Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dantzer. Mrs. Kathleen Monaghan, of Kitchener, with Mrs'. Lloyd Mc- Carthy. (Continued on Page 6) counted from Ken Doig and Murray Butcher, to end the per- iod at 2-0 for the locals. Seaforth continued their at- tack in the second, with Ken Doig flashing the red light on Ray Anstett's pass at 3:40. Bill McLaughlin counted his second of the game at 5:10 on a pass from Jack McLlwain and Neil McNaught. As the middle frame was pro- gressing, Uxbridge jumped in- to the scoring parade with a goal at eight minutes. At 7:59 and 12:30 of the third frame they counted again, unanswer- ed by the locals. Monday night in Uxbridge the Eastern Ontario team prov- ed too powerful for Seaforth, counting a 9-3 win. Lose To Exeter After working all the way through to the finals, Seaforth lost out to Exeter for the 'C' series crown in the 14th an- nual Young Canada Week hock- ey tournament at Goderich an Saturday. Exeter, which officials said was one of the strongest squads to compete in the tournament this year, defeated Seaforth 6-2, to take the_ title. In earlier encounters during the week the Seaforth entry de- feated Kincardine, New Ham- burg, Forest and Mitchell. Resist. Trend With- Tax Cut Discussing the trend in muni- cipal taxes in a recent issue of the London Free Press, Gerald G. Newton refers to the sub- stantial reduction in Seaforth taxes during the past two years. In the face of a trend that saw municipal taxes increase in many Western Ontario centres, Seaforth during the past two years was able to effect a re- duction of- nearly 10 mills. This is what he says: "Then there is the surprising example of Seaforth, which re- duced its rate for both property classifications by almost—'file" mills, and this for the second time in two years. This approxi- mate 10 -mill - reduction in the two years, 1962 and 1963, re- sulted from some very careful budgeting and some far -from - expert bookkeeping.. - "This year Seaforth's council was able to cut the rate because its officials discovered surround- ing townships had been sup- plied with fire protection •by the town fire brigade for 10 years and had never been bill- ed for the service. An account- ing was sent out according to the original agreement and without question the bills were paid in full. "This overdue account plus a considerable increase in assess- ment, reflecting growth of the town, permitted the Seaforth rate to be cut from 85.5 to 80.5 mills. "The previous year Seaforth council was able to cut Corners on its budget and end with a $17,000 surplus. This windfall added to an increased assess- ment in that year permitted a 4.7 per cent reduction in the required tax." Smile of the Week Junior Partner (to pretty stenographer): "Are you doing anything on Sunday evening?" Stenographer (hopefully): "No, not a thing," Junior Partner: "Then try to be at the office earlier on Mon- day morning, will you?" REACH 73 PER CENT il Fund Budin Nears ablective With cash and pledges total- ling $143,516.65 already receiv- ed, the Seaforth Community Hospital building fund is with- in sight of its objective of $195,- 000.00, the campaign committee meeting Tuesday evening was told. Campaign committee chair- man K. Bruce MacMillan said receipts represented 73.6 per cent of the objective. The meeting reviewed returns in various divisions as plans were considered for the final phases of the campaign. Returns from key gifts were coming in and showed the 're- sult of approaches made to former residents. To date, $20,401.00 had been • received in this division. The hospital division had pro-, duced $41,796, or 104 per cent of its objective, and some addi- tional returns were expected. The commerce and industry di- vision would receive attention during the next two weeks when solicitation should be completed, R. S. Box, division chairman, said, In the areas division, McI(il- lop gifts total $11,615.00, with Tuckersmith next with $7,- 049.00. While solicitation is al- most completed in McKillop. about half of Tuckersmith re mains to be covered, J. M. Scott and John Modeland, area chair- men, said. Committees are active in Hib- bert and Dublin, where can- vassing is just 'under way, and in Logan, Walton, Grey and Morris. Returns in these areas are: Hibbert $1,208.00; Logan $465.00, and Walton, Grey and Morris, $1,182.00. Hullett with $2,;871.00 is almost complete. While the individual women's division is almost complete with $3,989.00 subscribed, the indi- vidual men's division with $7,- 867.00, is just getting under way., Discussion at the meeting centred about steps to 'bring di- visions along to the concluding phase in solicitation. Meanwhile a number of area organizations have indicated in- terest in participating in mem- orial gifts, either alone or in co-operation with other organ- izations. The meeting discuss- ed arrangements to accommo- date such organizations, and these will be completed short- ly, D.S.T. Comes On Sunday Daylight Saving Time comes into effect in Sea - forth at 12:01 a.m. Sunday morning. This means that fast time will be in effect throughout Sunday. Best way, of course, to remember the change in time is to advance your clocks and watches one hour before you go to bed Saturday night. Otherwise it may happen that you will forget all about it until you find you are too late for church. Seaforth will revert to Standard Time at 12:01 a.m. Sunday, October 27. 12 PAGES $Z5Q a Year .in Advanta Seigle Copiea,; 1.0 Cents Stress leadership Ne: If Community tQ Prcgre.s.s- "We must never lose sight of the necessity of upgrading the community in which we live and earn our living," members of the Seaforth Chamber of Com- merce were told Monday eve- ning on the occasion of the organization's annual meeting and dinner. Describing himself as the newest member of the business community, J. J. Wilkinson, who recently purchased Cleary IGA here, paid tribute to the people who give their time to advance community organizations, such as the Chamber of Commerce. The people who make a con• munity are people who make decisions. Words alone cannot create progress—there must be action,he said. President L. F. Ford was in charge of the program. In elec- tions which followed, William M. Hart was named to head the community organization, suc- ceeding Mr. Ford. Referring to Seaforth as a business community, the speak- er emphasized that the com- munity was bigger than any "single one of us". There must be ,a unity of purpose. "As merchants, we must give the buying public in our area continuing and definite reasons why it is an advantage to do business in Seaforth, In busi- ness where every commodity is worth less tomorrow' than to- day, we must take advantage of our assets, and minimize our liabilities," Mr. Wilkinson said. Suggesting assets of which advantage could be taken in publicizing the town; the speak- er included snow. Were there possibilities of winter carnivals Area Couples Celebrate olden Anniversaries Mr. and Mrs. George Leitch Mr. and Mrs. George Leitch, well-known Hullett residents, marked their golden wedding anniversary on Tuesday on the farm they settled on following their wedding 50 years ago. Friends and neighbors called on them to extend congratula- tions. On Saturday the couple were honored guests at a din- ner at the home of their daugh- ter, Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt, and Mr. Jewitt, when members of the immediate family were present. Mr. Leitch is the son of the late Alexander Leitch and Jane Lawson, of Hullett, while Mrs. Leitch, who was born in Tuck- ersmith, is the former Annie Jarman, daughter of the late Edward Jarman and Catherine Owens. Mr. and Mrs. Leitch were married in the Seaforth Metho- dist Church by Rev. Barker. The witnesses on that occasion, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jamieson, were among the guests at the reception on Tuesday. Following the ceremony the couple returned to the home of the bride's parents on the Hur- on Road, and that evening were guests of honor at a large re ception. From the reception they went to the Leitch home- stead, lot 15, con. 6, Hullett, where Mr. Leitch had been born and where the newly -mar- ried couple began their married life. Both have been active in the community and are members of Constance United Church. Mrs. Leitch is a life member of the Women's Missionary So- ciety, and her husband is a member of Londesboro Masonic bridesmaid of 50 years ago, Lodge. He has been a member was present with Mr. and Mrs. of 4the Canadian Order of For- Downey. esters for more than 50 years. - A family dinner was held at Mr. and Mrs. Leitch have one the Commercial Hotel at 1:0J daughter, Elma, Mrs. Wilbur o'clock.' In the afternoon many Jewitt; four grandsons, Ronald, friends and neighbors visited Garry, Beverly and Brian, and Mr. and Mrs. Downey at their one granddaughter, Glenyce. - home on West William St, to extend congratulations. In the evening, friends and The Papal Blessing has been neighbors gathered at the home received by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Downey Downey, West William 'Street, to celebrate the occasion. The Seaforth, who celebrated their evening was spent playing pro - fiftieth wedding anniversary on gressive euchre. Later, Mr. and Saturday. Mrs. Downey were presented A Mass of Thanksgiving was with lovely gifts. celebrated at 9:00 o'clock by A delicious lunch was served Rev. C. E. Sullivan at St. James' by the hostess and her neigh - Roman Catholic Church, Sea- bors and friends. Relatives and forth. Mrs. Frank Jordan, the friends attended from Rich- mond Hill, Pickering, Dundalk, Detroit, St. Columban and Dub- lin. " The following address was read by Clarence Maloney: "We've all come here this eve- ning, a very pleasant date; there's a golden wedding roll- ed around, and we'd like to celebrate. We have with • us our neighbors of a few short years ago, and how we've miss- ed ,their pleasant charms, you really all do know. We never can forget our friends, e\ en though they've moved away, and they have always loved to come, if it's only for a day. You shared with us our joys and tears, you've always been the" best; may God in all His goodness, grant to you a well- earned rest. We ask you to a,cept this token, to show our love for you, and may we all be here again when diamosid wedding days come too. - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Downey Fire loss Here $36,298 in 1962 Seaforth fire loss in 1963 was $36,298.00 in six fires, accord- ing to the annual report of the Ontario Fire Marshal. During the past five years the town has averaged 12 fires each year. with an average year- ly loss of $11,151.00. . Losses in other area munici- palities, with number of fires in brackets, were: Blyth (3), $19.00; Brussels, •(1) $5,500.00; Clinton, (15) $4,884.00; Exeter, (10) $2,187,00; . Goderich, (38) $11,077.00; Hay, (3) $824.00; Hensall, (7) $20,305.00; Mitchel1 (10) $5,963.00; Stanley, (3)'$669; Stephen; (8) $18,033.00; T ck- ersmith, (2) $76.00; Wingham, (11) $382,910.00. being ignored, he asked. Do We Take Advantage? Do we take advantage of the complete. shopping centre that Main Street offers? Do we, as retail merchants, do enough to remind the public of the ser- vices available? WILLIAM M. HART, who has been elected President of the Chamber of Com merce, Daffodil Tea AttractsGuests Daffodils and other floral ar- rangements lent a delightful spring atmosphere to a very successful: daffodil tea, sponsor- ed by the ladies of the Sea - forth and District Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society last Saturday afternoon in the Town Hall. Meeting the guests were Mrs. Norman Scoins, president, and Mrs. Joseph McConnell. Pour- ing tea were Mrs. Earl Dins- more, Mrs. William M. Ball, Mrs. Elgin Thompson and Mrs. Daniel Beuerman. Others as- sisting were Mrs. Margaret Platt, Miss Bessie Grieve, Mrs. H. Donaldson, Mrs. J. M. Scott, Mrs. J. R, Spittal, Mrs. C. Ma- lone, Mrs J. Kellar and Mrs. H. M. Mason. The society expressed grati- tude to Box Furniture for sup- plying a hi-fi, and to Mrs. Har- ryMcLeod and Mrs. M. Staffen for floral arrangements. Hold Communion At Constance Holy Communion was observ- ed on Sunday when the follow- ing were received into the United Church: Mrs. Earle Nott and Lynda, Misses Margie Whyte, Elaine Brawn, Billy Hog- gart, Messrs. Harvey Hoggart, Ross Jewitt, Beverley Jewitt. Paul Buchanan, David Medd. David •and Jim Preszcator. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pfaff and daughters, of Crediton. spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator. Miss Glenda is vis- iting with Lynda. Visitors over the weekend with Mrs. James Medd were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Medd and family, of Downsview; Mrs. Joe Williams, of Whitby; Mrs. Lloyd Medd and Mrs. George Layton. of Exeter, and Mr. Bruce Medd. of Napanee. Mr, and Mrs, Bob Jamieson. Grand Bend, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator. (Continued on Page 6) SDHS STUDENTS are hard at work completing details for the 1963 issue of Chatterbox, the school annual year book. Responsibility for publication of the annual rests on the shoulders of the Chatterbox editorial board shown here: Back row, left to right: Mary Euchanan, Gwen Storey, Heather McLeod, Joyce Storey, Gisela Dorrance, Torban Haarbye, Margaret Elgie, Rita McMichael, Robert Brady; frent row: Julie Hoover, Bonnie Uhler, .Miss Laurel Cocks (staff adviser), Joyce Brown (editor), Dianne Kirk, Ann Sharp. (Absent, Linda MacDonald). Chatterbox, which will be issued in June, will record activities of the school year, Pointing out the cost of a. co-operative effort was relative- ly little and, in any events was self-liquidating, t h e speaker suggested community days of various kinds at regular inter- vals could produce results: Every community needs lead- ers and special efforts are need-• ed to develop youth' to a de- gree where •there is no hesita- tion in making decisions that have to be made. A town or a community cannot be develop- ed, cannot grow, ; if there is among all its people a fear of making decisions. It cannot prosper if there are in it only people who are satisfied to be followers only. Suggest Scholarships A series of scholarships for young people anxious to stay' in the community and who showed Ieadership ability was suggest- ed as a worthwhile project. There is not enough recognition of talent at our own backdoor, the speaker said. Urging, a co-operative ap- proach in gettings things. done, Mr. Wilkinson concluded by re- minding the gathering that "the way to do things is to do them together." In this way we can go ahead as a community. In introducing the speaker,. Lee Learn told of the cross-- countr• experience he had' had in the retail industry before coming to Seaforth. Ross Sav- auge expressed appreciation on behalf of the organization. Extending greetings from the town, Mayor Earl Dinsmore said only through trying new ideas—ideas that some may think are crazy—can . we get ahead. He suggested merchants consider a main street mall as a merchandizing idea. He as- sured the Chamber of COm- meree of municipal support 'in its work. Possibility of a program 'on the Victoria Day holiday was seen, as Mayor Dinsmore said Fire Chief Scott was interested in action being taken to reduce the hazard created by firecrack- ers. If there was co-operation, a community exhibition could be planned, he said,,,--,., Name d> cks The meeting adopted a re- port of a nominating committee presented by W. R. Smith. Of- ficers for the new year ,are: past president, L. F. Ford; pres- ident, W. M. Hart; first -vice, George McIlwain; second -vice, William Henderson; secretary, R. J. Boussey; treasurer, D. Sills; industrial committee, Gar- net Stockwell, Brad Smith, L. Boshart, Dean Fry and Angus MacLean; merchants' commit- tee, M. Nott, Mrs. Jean Hilde- brand, Ray Anstette and Lorne Salzman; publicity, Leo Hag- an; rural relations, Cliff Broad- s foot; membership, James A. Stewart and R. J. Boussey; civic improvement, F. C. J. Sills. Following the meeting, Presi- dent-elect Hart indicated'the C of C would co-operate in plans for a Victoria Day program, and named D. Sills, Mrs. Jean Hildebrand and Lee Learn as C of C representatives on a general committee being form- ed by Fire Chief Scott. . Huron Road Superintendents Name Officers William G. Mundell, Turn - berry Township, was returned to office for 1963 as president of the Huron County Road Sup- erintendents' Association. The annual meeting of the associa- tion was held in the Stanley Township Hall at Varna on Wednesday, April 17, with the president in the chair. The complete 1962 slate of officers was returned to office for 1963. including William J. Taylor, Township of Stanley, as vice-president; William J. Rout- ly, Township of Usborne, as secretary -treasurer, a n d Mel Good, of the Township of Col- borne, as county representative to the Provincial Association. Lawrence Hill, Township of Stephen ; Andrew Houston, Township of Tuckersmith, an Lenard Caldwell, Township of Hullett, were also appointed as program committee. Various items of business were disposed of and a good discussion took place on mat- ters pertaining to municipal work. In reviewing the results of the first year it was felt by all that it had been a worthwhile venture, and plans were laid for further meetings and activi- ties by which the various mun- icipalities and the" County of Huron would benefit. The president, Mr. Mundell, in closing thanked all who hast' helped in any way in 1962 and hoped for even greater success in. 1992,