HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-04-04, Page 111WJ 10 i= I a • USE THESE C USIFICATION TO YOUR ADVANTAGE I. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale U. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 10. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19, Notices 20, Auction Sales 21, Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals The cost is low. Classification 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; 13, 16 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65 plus 25c for each 4 -line verse AN other classifications mini- mum 65 cents per insertion except Auction Sales, (20), Ten- ders Wanted, (21), and Legal Notices, (22), rates on applic tion. , For cash payment or if pal by 10 days following last Inser- ton, 15c c deducted from �7 above rates. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business Firms, Trades- men, etc.)- Minimum 50 cents per, insertion. Billing charge, 15 cents per advertisement, 1. Coming Events THE O.E.S. will hold a. Euchre on April 25 in the IOOF Hall. -2 SEA.FORTH Boy Scout bottle' -drive, April 20th. Proceeds for Boy Scout Camp. 1-64-2 THE LOBA will, hold a Dessert Euchre in the Orange Hall, on, Wed„ May 1st, afternoon and evening. Admission 50c.. Every- one welcome, 1-64-1 FIGHT cancer --Join the Cancer Crusade in Huron by giving ge n- erously •to the house-to-house campaign in Seaforth starting April 15th. Farm canvasses are being done by the Federation of Agriculture. Give generously. - 1 -63-3 Z. Lost, - St'rayed LOST One set of false, beech tippers, Reward: $5.00. Leave at BOX 11189, The Huron Expositor. 2-64x1 i4. Help 'Wanted •RELIABLE lion, for fuN-Um�e employment. Moore's Poulltry Farm. • Apply in person. 4-64-1 DOES an; Avon representative call on you? We may need someone in your neighborhood. No obligation. Writ Mrs. M. Mdldson, 960 Wellington Rd., S., London., or call collect 432.901.9 between 7 and 8 p.m,. 464.67-70-73-76-tf HELP WANTED Alert young woman required for work in general duties in Seafarth office. Typing and some bookkeeping experience preferred. BOX 1196, The Huron Expositor 4-64.1 MEN WANTED For excellent district- in -,Hur- on County. Sales experience not ,necessary. Best job of it's kind. Write: .. RAWLEIGH S •Deft. D -363-T7, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, "4-1 6. Teachers Wanted ' TEACHER WANTED Experienced teacher for S.S. No. 3, Hibbert (Staffs) all grades. Duties' to commence in Sept.. 63. Attractive salary. For particulars apply: ED. DEARING . St'ai'fa, Ont. Telephone Dublin 86 R 10 6.63•tf S. FarmStock For Sale TEN chunks. Jim Sloan, RR 5, Seaforth. 864x1 NUMBERof pigs, 7 to 8 weeks old. Scott Oluff, Seaforth. 8-64-1 TWENTY pigs, 7-8 weeks Old. Tom Kale, phone loll R 91 Dub. lin. 8.64-1 FIFTEV,N pigs, 8 weeks old. Don Carter, RR 2, Seaforth, phone 667 J 3. 8-641 THIRTY -three) pigs, 8 weelas old. Apply Roy Dolmage, phone 259 W 4, Seaforth. 8-64-1 9. Poultry For ale B A B Y chick9, Sussex Cross - Reds, Red-Cross-•S'uamm, Red- Cross-Sussex-Crossed-lleds, Leg- horat,s, started pultets. ha�tehes w�WQ_ Pinder Chiek HataheorY. 1 :f A s 9. Poultry For Sale 11. Articles For Sale SEVEN hundred H & N pullets, QUANTITY ofmaxed grami- ready-to-lay. C. De Court, RR Wm. James Storey, RR 2, Sea - 2, Seaferth, phone 836 R o-22. -1 fiort:hh, .�(oiie 857 R 12. U-64-1 CASE cultivator I'A-ft., wide 10. Used Cars For Sale and narrow teengood trailer 1957 Chev, 4door-hardiop 6- with stock racks, good 4 -sec - cylinder, standard. See Louis tion harrolp+.9 amu bar. Phone McNichol at Seaforth Machine 392 W 5, Brussels, Lyle Leake, Shop, between 8 and 6. 10x2 RR 1, Walton. 11-64x3 VOLKSWAGEN -c'ar, 1'958, de. SUGAR prices are advancing Luxe model, one ovvner, a bar- every day, now is the, time to gain for quick sale, Phone 870 "`ock up on some homey. Clover J 2, Seaforth. 10-64-1 8 Rx palls, $2.00; 4 lb. pails, 1905 Chew., $125.00; 1853 ord, $1.10; 2 lb pails, .50c, Wallace $50.00. Best offers. Take trade, Ross Apiaries, 11-64-2 also 14" wheel discs and wind- mill frame. Bill Clark, Kippen, U. W anted'TO Bu phone 275 W 1, Hensall. 10-64x1 3' RUG, 9`x1,2', or bigger. Phone 11. Articles For Sale 601 W 3. 1. 64x1 1962 Timothy seed, clean. Norm GOOD used play pen. Mrs. Wan, Alexander,_Londesboro, 11.64-4 Henderson. ' _ 12-64-1 NUMBER of-youung rabbits•,. GOOD boy's bicycle•. Phmie, nice pets. Phone 833 R 13, Sea 37f, -J, Seaforth, 12.64.1 forth, Ont. 11-64:x1 HAY a'nd straw, calIl, Dublin., 5, Classifications GIRL'S spring coat, light blue, Tuesday to Friday, Mr. Miner, size 7-8. Mrs, Gordon Johnston, or Box 1180, Huron Expositor. -2 phone 349 W 1, Hensalik. 11-64x1 GIRL'S or boy's 24" or 26" c FORD tractor, good condition, bicycle. Sam. McClure, RR 2, Secord McBrien, phone 575-W. Seaforth, phone 844 R 13._1264-1 11-64-1 HAY, any quantity, price, 35c RED Clover seed. John Thom- for 40 to 45 lb. bales; 40c for 45 son, RR 2, Seaforth, phone 861 ; to 50 lb, bales; straw, 40 lb. R 23• 11-64-3 bale, 20c. Call Dublin, 5, Tues. HAY,? 500 bales, 600 bus, oats, 1 t•1 Fri.. Mr. Minez, or Box 1180, 5 ton of mixed gratin. Ken Hul- . Huron Expositor, 12-63-2 d ley, phone 757 J 3, Seaforth 64-3 LARGt quantity+ mixed hay, ] 3, Wanted square bales, James Landsbor' MALE) boarde Apply Box ough,_ph_one 665 W L, 11-64-1 l' FP Y RUSSELL seed' oats. -Mervyn 1202' Huron Expositor. 13-64-1 Falconer, phone Clinton HU 2- COMPANION for elderly per - 9858, _ _11-6x2 son, for 2 or 3 months, Apply QUANTITY red clover seed•, Box 1198, Huron Expositor. 64x1 baled hay. John Henderson, R 5, GRASS for 16 or 17 head of Seaforth, phone 858 R 4. 63x2 cattle, small, Phone 83 R 2, GARRY ants, 15 tons, Urban Du- Mic4eail McLaughlan, Dublin, charm'e, RR 2, Brussels, phone O_nh. -._. __ 13-64x2 343 ZV 7, 11.62-3 GOOD home far part German RUSSELL oats, grown from rag. Shepherd, cattle dog. Clarence seed, $1.25 bu.. Lewis Coyne, Regele, RR 5, Seafoi th, phone phone 1.49 R 16, Dublin. 62x3 64 R 9, Dublin. 13-64x1 RUSSELL and Garry seed oats. TWENTY thousand dollars on Fred Herbert, Lot 30 Con. 7 7rh interest mortgage, good security, Logan, phone Dublin., '76 R 1.1.' efar 10 ,Rears. Apply _ 11-64x3 Box 1201, Huron Expositor. 64x}, BOY'S coat and hat set beige WANTED Flocks to' supply check, with brown trim,'size 3, large hatchery with all, breeds of hatching eggs, eggs from in good condition. Mrs. Arthur Heildemson, phone 858 R 3. 64x1 in many breeds. taken every week QUANTITY of Empire Birds-. the year. Large premium l Haid. Apply Bax 1192, Huron foot Trefoi grass seed.' Apply Expositor, 13-64-1 Frank Fowler, RR 2, Seaforth, 11-x n 14. Property For Sale RED Clover -seed, home grown, cleaned; 2 girls' bicycles, full size. Orvillte Workman, Kippen, FARM FOR SALE phone Hensall, 2.64 W 3. 11.64.3 USED Natiornal Cash Register, �� 11, Con. 6, Hibbert, two good condition and 1 only 5' 's,,orey brick house, brick kit - showcase, Phone Clinton, HU. then, woodshed, furnace, all 2••9.525. _ 11-64-1 modern eanvendences; all McCORMICT{-De_ering No. 400, barn, pig pen, keen fraise and PTO manure spreader, $175.00. garage.. Apply: ° Apply Wes McBride. Varna, DAN BURNS, phone Hensall, 687 R 21. 11-641 Phone 33. R 10, Dublin. FOR SALE -•Trade an- your old 14-64x2 shaver now, low prices at Savauge's, opposite Post Office. FOR SALE 11-60-tf WHITE Muscovy ducks: ducks, 200 acre farm, 3 millers from $3; drakes, - $4. Dennis Du- Seaforth, brick house and two charme, 'RR 2, Brussela,'..phone bank barns. 343 W 7. " 11-62-3 Contact CEDAR posits, ali sizes; anchor HAROLD JACKSON posts; 14' braces; steel pasts, 6' Real Estate Broker and 7% barb wire; paige wire. Phone 474, Seaforth Kinburrn store, phone 841 R 2. or Borden Brown. 11-63-tf JOHN A, CARDNO COLONY house, on skids, ap- Agent prox. 10' x 14', asphalt shingled, Phone 214, Seaforth sides brown and roof green. 14-64-1 Good condition. Joseph Riley, Kinburn, Ont., ..phone Seaforth, 15. Property For Rent 841 R 3. r1y'*_ NOW is tf FOUR -room apartment, u the time to order your p oxtails gladioli bulbs; red and black Doug Dalton, phone 261-W,644 raspberry, strawberry plants. THREE -bedroom house, ava'ilL For information and prices, able first of May. Phone 610 write Irvine Campbell, RR 3, W 4• 15-64-1 Mitchell, phone 348-8038, Mit, MAIN St, apartment. Frank chef. _ ID -63-3 Kling Ltd., phone 19, Seaforth. CERTIFIED Russell seed oats, 15-64-tf $1.50; Cert. Garry oats, $1.40; TWO -bedroom self contained mixture oats, barley, peas or apartment. Heat land hydro sup. wheat. Spencer Jeffery, ,staffa, plied. Available now. J. C. phone. Dublin, 116 R_10. 11-64x3 Crich, 15.64-1 FREE- Send for your free Hist TWO -bedroom apartment, on of Hardy Gardena Chrysanthe- &ort'h Main; avia4lable immed- mums, to Clintons Greenhouse fatly. , Clarence Montgomery, and Garden Centre, Box 212, North Main St. 16-641 182 Church Street, Clinton, Ont. THREE -bedroom farm house, _ f t 11-64-2 furnace, bathroom, -hot and cold SEED. grain, reg. Garry and water, Ken Beattie, RR 4, Wal Commercial Garry oats; reg. ton, phone 834 R 6, Seaforth. xl Russ lfl and Commercial Rus- THREE or four nam: apart - sell oats, oats; York barley, Arthur me t, ,private bathroom, •pri- Bolton, phone 850'R 41, or Rus- va entrance, Box 1197, Huron sell T. Bolton, phone 840 R 33, Expositor. 1, 5-63-tf Seafrn+bh. 1164-2 O TWbedroom apartmeivt, 1n'E'g- SEVE.NTEEN foot vacation mondvill'e. -Private bath, gas 0ailer, used sparingly- two sena- heat. Available now. Apply to sons, very good condition. Write 'Mrs. Normian MacLean, phote Box 1200, The Huron Expositor. 3, Seaforth. 15-64-1 _ 11-64-1 HOUSE near Kippen, 3 or �4 COMMERCIAL No. 1 Herta bedrooms, pressure system, seed barley, $2.00 per bushel; near school, available now. Or - Commercial No. 1 Russell oats, ville Workman, Kippen, phone grown from reg. seed, $115 per Hensabl, 264 W 3. 15-64-3 bus. Above grain power cleaned and treated. Lorne Feld', Staffa, SEVENTY -five acres of grass phone 116 R 11, Dublin. 11-64-1 land for rent, in McKillop Town - RUSSELL Dabs, grown from ship. Apply to Joseph Johnson, be - reg, seers; Timothy seed; cedar Listowel, phone 214J, call end'posts, 9' long, Arnold Jam— ison, phone HU 2.9828, Clinton. FIVE -ROOM house in Seaforth, _ 11-64x1 •gas furnace, 3-piecd bath, loeat- MIXED slabs, dry,$8.00 Per ed on Welsh St. Apply on Sat. toad, approx, 2 card; also, green to C. Detsjardins at location on hardwood slabs, $10,00 per load. Welsh St. iii -63x2 Apply Fred J. Hudie, Phone HU ONE -bedroom apartment on 2-6655, Clinton. 1,1-64x8 second floor, in Simpson, block; -�- 2 apartments in Royal Apts; Aliply to Joseph McConnell, Boxholders' Names -Seaforth, or Dr. E. A. MoMav, Not (riven Out 1 ter, Grand Bend, 15.64-tf t It is not possible ,for us: IS, Property Wanted to divulge the name yr ad-' FA_ RM wanted in Seaforth area, dress of any advertiser St. Columban or Dublin, using a Huron Expositor box, number. Please do not scree gaol buildings. *home igts. Willi trade ask for this, Information. modein; itn 9e'a as d0vwn •ppaytmenv6. Box 14th RUx+om - _ tE�sd'�ltar. If1�61bt5 19. Notices _ 20. Auction Sales CARPH7N`PRY work of�a3�s --- Prices reasonable. Phone Peter CLEARING Malcolm, 697kW, 1$eaforth. 04-2 AUCTION SALE CUSTOM Plowing, disdn , caul- Clearing Auction Sale of Farm tivati'ng and ,sawing; also back Stock and Implements for Letnn- filliang and light bulldoAng and Lamont, Lot 5, Con. 10-11, work, Lyle Montgomery, phone Grey Township, 11/4 miles east HU 2-7231, Clinton. 19.6¢x3 and ,,c1 mile south of Brussels, PROMPT watch ,repaWr service MONDAY, APRIL 8, at 1 p.m. at Savauge'9, (,apposite Post -sharp. Office) •2 eertrlOed watchm0k- MACHINERY -d0 Cockshutt ens. Automatics a specialty. tractor; Farmall International 19-64-a tractor; Fluery-Bissel ,plough; SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED 50 Clipper combine; Interna.tion- Modern equipment used. All al hay baler, 45; Smoker hay work guaranteed, elevator; Masts'dy+•Harris seed Write or phone drill; Internationaal cultivator; LOUIS BLAKE Coekshutt side rake; Internation- RR 2, Brussels, phone 442 W 6, al poweV mower; rubber tired 19-62x20 wagon, with rack; grain bdx; AUTHORIZED .dealer far Vik- set of harrows; Ma-ssep-Harris one way disc, Mas ing Milkers and cream sepa�ra- double disc; International nal m man n tors for Dublin, Seaforth' and. - Clinton Basil O'Rourke Black- ire spreader; stone boat; ham - smith and Welding -Shop, Bruce- mer mill; grain thrower; end - field, Ontario. 19-60x8 less belt; fanning mall; scuffler; turnip plough; colony house; SEAFORTH Universal 2 -unit milking mach- ine; milk cans, forks,; shovers; UPHOLSTERY- etc. Quantity of oats, approxi. Centre Street mately 750 bus, Tele hone 446 STOCK -8 cows, fresh, .with 1) calves; .L heifer, rising 2 years; For all kinds of upholstering. 9 steers, rising 2 years old; 6 19-64-tf yearling heifers. Hardwood and cedar] a few CARPENTRY WORK household articles. TERMS -Cash. Now is th4p time to talk about No reserve as farm• is, sold. new custom homes, kitchen cab- LEONARD LAMONT, Prop mets, rec. 'moms, repairs, Free HAROLD JAG'KSON, Auctioneer estimates. 20-64.1 GRANT FINNIGAN CLEARING - seeforth 19-60-5 AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm ANSTETT Stock and Machinery, at Lot 3, Con. 7, Grey Township, l/4 miles, JEWELLERS r.:.rth, 1/, mile east of Brussels, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10th, Offers you at 1 p.m, Easy Credit Terms CATTLE -1 Poll) Angus bull, With 3. years old in April, with papl NO ers; 11 Poll, Angus cows,. carry Carrying Charges 3rd calf,' bred. Angus, due grass Phone 77, Charges time; 5 Hereford cows, carry 19 64 tf ing 3rd coif, bred Angus; 1n steers and 11 heifers, last year A NEW KITCHEN calves; 4 steers, approx. 800 May cost less .than you think! lbs. .For alterations, new kitchen , PIGS -2 sows, with pigs; 4 cupboards, rec rooms, exten- sows, bred; 3 sow's bred; 1 hog; sions and repairs, calk: 50 chunks. JOAN LANSINK & SONS, 48 hems. General Contracting MACHINERY -1960 Undvers,- Phone 79, Seaforth. al four Nuffield tractor, A71; Competent Workmanship 1950 Ford tractor, with super 19-644f six loader and hydraulic bucket, tractor . recently overhauled; FAST SERVICE McKee harvester and self un- loading wagon with pipes, on (new); NasseyHarris 140 bus. WATCH REPAIRS spreader, (new; 10 -ft, John Deere cultivator; 13 -run Cock - All work guaranteed shutt fertilizer and grain drill, ANSTETT , with power lift; No. 45' Intter- rrational power take off baler, JEWEL LERS set of chain harrows; Massey - Phone J7, Seaforth Ferguson 3 -furrow wide bottom 19-64-tf plow; circular saw, on rubber, with motor; Stilly chain saw, NOTICE (*good); rack• rubber cream wagain ator, (like new); colony house, Tuckersmith 12 x 12; Cockshutt 4 -bar side Municipal Dump rake; International: 3 -paint hitch Power mower. Will: be open until further' Mixed grain; pure oats. notice on Wednesday and Satur- Other articles too numerous day afternoons, from •1 to 5:30 to mention. p.m. GORDON STILES, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer No wire fencing, old concrete, GEORGE POWELL, Clerk or car bodies permitted. 20-64-1 J. I, McINTOSH, CLEARING Clerk 19-64-tf AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm NOTICE Stock, Machinery and House- hold Effects, at Lot10, Con. 3, Townshi of McKillo Colborne Township, 1 male p p north and 2 males cast of Ben - All car owners in the Town. miller, on. TUESDAY, APRIL ship of McKillop arb, requested 9th, at i sharp. not to park their cars on the CATTLE -25 steers, approx. roads of the Township during 900 to 1000 lbs. the winter. Cars that are left) MACHINERY, (gas), 800 65 Massey on the roads are contrary tot Ferguson tractor, the Highway Traffic Act and, hours; • (Pike new); set tractor are a detriment to operation of tiro ch•airns, (new); 3 -furrow 3f snowplows. j point hitch Massey -Ferguson i plough, (new); New Holland Please note that Provincial' baler, (new in 1862), baled Police will take necessary ac• ' approx, 5000 bales; New Hol - tion to see that can a;e not land rolaba•r rake, (new), 3 - left on, roads, and prosecution point hitch; George White h'ay ma fallow. elevator, 20"; New Idea- mower, JWILSON LITTLE trainer type; International 90- bus. manure spreader, (like Road Superintendent new); Bradley wagon and 16'1 19-60-tf rack; 32 -plate Cockshutt double - disc; 1 steel; 3 -drum roller; Me - 20. Auction -,Sales Cormick -Deering Llrdise seed drill; McCullough chain saw, 'AUCTION SALE D-45,, (dew), 24" bar, 16.16k. Auction , SaIe of Farm Stock grain auger; onlc-third HP and, Machinery, at.,Lot 14, Con. heavy-duty motor, (new); 1/2 HP 9, HUIR-At ToWnShdp, 1% miles e.!edtric motor; 2 new barpatil- south and 3 males east of Lon- ins, (12 x16) (1,2 x 18); 32 -ft. i d e s bo r o, on WEDNESDAY, extension badder: 1951 Ford APRIL 17th, at 1 p.m. truck, (25,000 miles); Maxwell CATTLEi-•L2- Holsttein cones, rotary lawn mower, ( newly number fresh, others due in over'hauled); steel lawn rolller; April' and May; L Guernsey shovels; tools; 100' steel chain t cow, fresh; 1 Jersey cow, milk. and block; quantity. o� wood; ing; 1 Ayrshdre eowt due in 32 cedar 2 x 4s, 14 -ft.; grain; June; 12 1 -year-old heifers; 2 baled hay; electric fences• :t -year -cold steers; 3 young HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -K1,1 - calves, viniator refrigerator, (like new): . PICAS --10 young York sows', Kelvinator electric Move, (like with litters at foot; 8 young oew); Phillips 21" TV and an York sows, bred; 10 young temnae; 8 -piece solid . walnut York sows, open; 80 York and (tinning room suite; blond bed - Lacombe pigs, 8 weeks old, room sante, (bookcase bead); a% MACHINERY 2 -unfit Surge Opel bed, springs and mattress: t milking machine; 9 -can milk Findlay Condor A wood and t cooler; 16 milk cants; electric coal range; kitchen table and Viking cream separator, (good); 4 cheim; che:sterfieid; Axmim 1050 Chevrolet 1/2 -ton truck; Bier rug, 9 x 12; 2 Purina chic- f Massey -Harris binder; rubber- heat ramp; sealers; dishes, t tired wagon and. hay rack; In- ken feeders; electric brooder: ternationab .manure W. rea�d'er; - Other artici cs, too numerous t 3-s+ection slxtpg, tooth drag hart+- to miention, rows; 3 -point hiteb cultivator; TERMS -Cash, no reserve, t tractor- Bistsel disc. farm sold. TEik -Cash, FRANKLIN MITCHELL, Prop. JOHN SHEPHERD Proprietor. RR 4, Goderich. HAROLD JACKSOI4 Auctioneer HAROU) 3iACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWEtiL, C . GF;ORGE POWELL, Clerk 64-1' 20.64-1 �.. 20. Auction Sales CLF,AtR,ING AUCTION SALE Cleearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock Zuk Machl4ery, at Lpt 39, Con. 14, Hullett Twp., 1% roles east of Auburn, on the County Road, Tiibii DAY, APRIL 11, at 1 p. tit. HORSES -Roan mare, 1,690 Ibs; black gelding, 1,700 lbs.; set of ,double harness and col - tars; set of sin'gln harness. CATTLD-Black cow, f"sh and rebred; 2 black cows, due in May; Hereford cow .due in May; farrow cow; Hereford heifer due in June; Durham steer, 900 lbs.; 4 heifers ready for market; 3 heifers 1 ym. old; Hereford calf, MACB! NERY-Massey�Harris manure spreader; Massey -Har- ris side rake; Massey -Harris binder; McCormick 1L -run Jer- tilizer drill; drop head hay load- er; McCormdek 6 -ft. mower- cul- tivator; disc;• steel roller; 2000 lb. scales; cutting box; fanning mall-, wagon box; Massey -Har- ris truck wagon; hay rack; set of sleighs and flat rack; dump rake- wheel barrow; bag truck; 2 walking Plows.; diamond bar- rows; turnip drill;' cutter;, lad- ders; stone boat; cream separ- ator; snow fence; . milk ,pans; work bench; vice; woven wire trecher; forkes, shovels; 10.0 ft. snow fence;• chains; toolsi; hay rope; sling ropes ,and hays fork; many other articles,. TERMS --Cash PERCY WALDEN, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL,' Clerk 20-64-1 ESTATE AUCTION.,SALE Estate Auction .Sale of Farm and Farm Machinery, at Lot 11, Con. 6, Morris Township, 5 mile's west of Brussels, on MONDAY, APRIL 15th at 1 p,m. MACHINERY -1.460 Massey. Harris •44 tractor, heat houser, (1 yr. Old) ; McKee harvester wagon, with hay box; Interna tional side rake••, New Idea pow. er mower; sprung tooth Massey' cultivator; 13rrun Massey fertil- izer drill; International one-way disc; Massey -Ferguson manure .spreader, (1959); Massey 3 -fur- row , plow; land rollier; electric oat roller, motor, (Iwo), grain grinder, ( tractor) ; 1952 Dodge. pick-up truck; 1 truck tarpaul- m; 1 tarpaulin; walking plow; F,cufflem; harrows; extension badder; 2 McKee water bowls, (1, double, 1 single); 2wheel trailer,., and rack; approx. 200 ft. of plastic hose; scales; fanning mill; 2 pig feeders; 2 pig troughs; wheel barrow;.. stone boat; 3 electric fencers; colony house; Stackless, oil brooder, 3 yrs. old; chicken, shelters; poultry fence; steel posts; barb w re: quantity mbOed grain; sm-alh, amount of furniture. Other articles too numerous be me'nti'on. TERMS. -Chattels, cash. 'FARM -150 acres dray loam land, well drained, 1.1/2 storey 7 -room brick house, a -t modern. errveriences, large L shaped bank barn, good cement stabl- ing; steel implernent shed, hen house and car garage; drilled well, Immediate possession. 'Terms on property, lOM dc,wn, balance in 30 days. Sold qubject to reserve bid, Estate' of the late GEORGE C. MARTIN, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 20.64.2 ESTATE AUCTION SALE Estate Auction Sale of Farm, Stock, Miachinery and House- hold •Efftets, un SATURDAY, APRIL 6th, at 12 p.m, sharp, Vt, miles cast of Dublin, on No. 8 Highway, CATTLE --15 Hereford cows, some registered, with calves at foot and due to freshen shortly; 1 regestered Hereford bull; six ' Ifereford steers and heifers, ap- prox. 800 lbs.;. 10 $rear old Here- t ford steers and heifers. HAY and GRAIN -1,000 bales mixed hay; 1,000 bus. mowed 1 grain. MACHINERY - W-6 McCor- � l mock-Decring tractor; C Mc- t Cormick -Doering Furmall tray - for and manure loader; Oliver manure spreader; IHC thresh - ng machine and drive belt; Gehl hammer mill and belt; John Deere binder, 8 ft.; scales; fanning mill; rubber tired wag- on and rack, (like new); eler- ic grain grinder; electric cream separator; three -furrow pl•.w•; Mas•.�y-Harris mower; McCormick -Deering hay baler, 1 No. 46, power take -off, (like of w); 32 -ft. hat- cl-ova-tor land motor; 8 -ft, tractor disc, like ncw•; 3 -section drag harrows,; ,1nsscy-Harris side rake; cc• nerit mixer; 15 -disk fertilizer drill, (like new); one way disc; pals; s+hoveLs; chains; 2 -w'he'el 1 railer. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -ani i Kelvinator frig.; 11 -ft. deep- _ retn,e; table top 4 -burner elec- rih stove, (like new); quantity of furniture. including some An• lque�g. Other arthclex too numerous i o mVntien. TER MS• -Cash. Estate of the late 311INER KLEINFELDT, Prop, HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer ,GEORGE POWELL, CleTk zo-64-1 WNWOM 'OX ISR 'p,RTA-I wilff 0411 5'ARGA141Wb 'area 20. Auction Stiles 23, Iiushwo Flii)?TiII � „�., iWiTNEY', . LACO BE FUNERAL HOIU E BREEDERS' CaAd1IrC, 1St,.., .SafQlltk SALE Ad s Adjust I. iF11'0l4 beds at STRATFORD PAIR GROUNDS MOS Olt y"VRAY tCCASIorr APRIL 1 th, at 11:30 p.m. ' Phone 119 Sea orth' Catalogues foram "etioneers: A. M. HARPP R & -COMPANY Robson & Filson, Denfield, ar Chartered AccouAtants 55 South St. Telephone W. M. COCKBURN, MW, ken. Goderich • JA 4.7562 ,Secretary Ontaado Lacombe Licensed „lftopigal Auditor Association sociation SEAFOR'I'H , 1 20-63-2 CLEARING VETERINARY AUCTION SALE CLINIC - J. 0. Turnbull, D.V4,M., V,S. Clearing Auction Sale of Farm W. R. Brypns, D.V,M., V.S. Rock and Farm Impleanents, D. E. Galt, D.V.M., V.S. )n Lot 7, Con, 8, HES, Tinker- Phone 105 Seaforth ;math Township, 5 males south )f Seaforth, 5 miles. west of A, W.' SILLERY kaffa, on County Road, on Barrister, Solicitdr, etc. TUESDAY, APRIL 16th, at 1 Phones: Office 173, Res. 781 ).m, Seaforth Ontario CATTLE -•25 head, consisting A 9 cows, heifers, steers and 24. Cards of Thanks salves; a quantity of baled hay, WE would like to :take this oP , ractor and fain implements. po,rtunn,ty to say thank -you to all A full list will appear newt our friends and neighbors for veek. the cards and gifts we received 9ORLEY STOREY, Proprietor on our 25th Wedding A=ver - W. E, NAIRN & SON, sary. It was greatly appreciated. Auctioneems Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kerr, xI 29-641 I wish to express my to friends and neighbors. -Bards, CLEARING treats received. While I was a AUCTION SALE patient in Scott M.emoxual Hog - Clearing Auction Sale of Farm pital; also to Dr. Gor^will ,and ;tock -and Machinery, at Lot 3, this, nursing staff. Mrs, Florence .on. 12, Grey Township, 11/1 Doig. 24_64x1 nilts south and V2 mile east of I wish to express my sincere 3russels, on TUESDAY, APRIL thanks to iall my friends, and 6th, at 1 p.m, relatives for :their visits, 'treats, COWS -16 Holstein cows and flowers aad cards; while I was Leiters, number k,%h, remain a patient at Clinton Public Hos- ler to freshen in April' and May; pital. Special thaw to Dr 1 -yr. -old heifers'; 3 2 -yr. -old Brady., Dr. Markusi and all the eifers; 3 heifers and 2 steers, nurses for, their kindness,. Mrs. earling; 4 calves. Brian Flanrigain. 24-641 PIGS -52 pigs, approx. 105 I wish bo thank all my friends bs. each, and relatives who so kindly re•- MACHINEAY-Nuffield deisel membered me with caiids, Int• ractor; (4 years old); 3 -furrow ters, treats, flowers and visits ohii Deere plow, hydraulic; Suet. while I was a patient in the Pring tooth John, Deere, culti- hospital. Also special, thanks to 'ator, hydraulic; 7 -ft. hydraulic the nursing staff of Scott Mem- ohn Deere power mower; John arial Hospital and to Dr. S•taplie- ?eere mranure spreader; 13 -run ton and Dr..Gorwill, Mrs. Ken 2assey seed drill; 1124 John neth McKellar, 24-64-1 )eere combine; 7 -section drag I would jke. to express my .sun - arrows; John Deere side ,de- core thinks for the kilndness .very rake; walling plow; wag- shown me during my recent Ber- n and ne'w rack; _Massey 10" eavement, . by my friends' rinder; grain' auger; -7-fit. neigfbors, re(a(dve's; those who wather; Surge 2 -unit milking helped at the house, Rev. Mr. iachme, (2 yrs. old); 10 can Britton, Dr..,NeWland, the staff rift cooler; 1 pig crate; 3 pig of Clinton Hospital., Box Fumer- elf feeders; 1 ,steed wat)W al Home, Seaforth. It is all rough. mdeeply appreciated. Mrs. Ethel Sparks. GRAIN -20 •ton mixed grain; DO bus, Russell oats, suitable Yr sued, I'H1 mity the Mabel Rose' wish to express Other articles too numerous their appreciation to their many mention' friends and neighbors for -theSash. kindness and sympathy shown ' WIWILLIAMLLIAM SP'EIR, Proprietor. to them during the time of rAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer their bereavement. Also for the GEORGE POWELL, 0120 gifts, earls, flowers and •thought fulness to Mrs. Rose during -her 2. Legal,Notices time in hospital, 24-64x1 Ida Close, Jinn and Dianne NOTICE Tamandesire to depress their heartfelt thanks to all. their TO CREDITORS friends, neighbors and relatives for the beautiful floral tributes, In the Estate of. the donations to the • Cancer .USSELL SPROAT DOLMAGE Society, the many cards of s5nm- pathy and the numerous acts of AN persons ' having claims kiudnecs that have been shown gainst the Estate of Russell to E. H. (Al,) Close these past proat Dolmage, late of the sears, as now in our recent sad ownship of McKa1110T in the b-reave•ment in his passing. ounty of Huron, Farmer, de- Special thanks to Rev, J. C. rased, who died on the 14th Britton, Dr. E• Malkus, Dr. P. ay of December, 1962, are here- L. Brady, Dr, L. McAninch and y notified to send in full par- Dr, J. Wyatt, to the nurses 3rd cul'ars of their claims to the floor east, Victoria Hospital, to ndersigned on or before the the hearers and C(1 the Box Fun - h day of April, 1963, after eral Home and all 'who helped Web. date the iassets will b ;n the arrarngem-ents• 24-64-1 stributed, having regard onl� _ __ _ claims then received. L5, jri Memoriam DATED at Seaforth this 18th GELf- o J. L. Bell, who pass ay of March, 1963, lea away nine years ago. McCONTNELL & STEWARD' The dearest dad this world Seaforth, Ontario could hold, Solicitors for the Executors With cheery smile and heart of 22-62.3gold ' To those who knew him, all will know, 3. Business Directory How much we lost 9 years ago. C)HN E. LONGSTAFF —11,er remembered bt• Wife and Some. 25-64x1 ptometrist, optical services, _ _ „•� xderich St. West. Tuesday to Births iturday, 9.5:30, except Wed- a`CThANN-At Scott Memorial tsday Thursday evening by ap H �pital, on Mar. 27, to Mr. tintment. Phone 791, Sea and Mrs. James„ Axtm.ann, of rth, Monday, Clinton Medi- Tavistock, a snn. 1 Centre: _ BARRY ---At St. Jcscph's Hos- McCONNELL pital, London, on April 3, to epi STEWART Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barry, Dublin, a son, Barristcrs, Syilicitors, Etc. ,JOHNS --At C'l;ntrn Publ'c Hoss- P. D McCONNELL, Q.C. pial, on April 2, to Mr, and D, 1. STEWART Mrs St'an'.ey Johns. RR 3, °a:nrth, Ont Phone 550 Seaforth, a son, Richard How - D, H. McINNES ard, brother for Steverr. . Chiropractic NIOIR-In Clinton Public Hos Commpreial Hotel pital, on -April 3, to Mr. and onday,.Thursday-1 to 8 p.m NTrs. Rina• Moir. Hen�sall, a -- = n i b-• 1h,^r for C irrv. BOX 01,Jt-FR--At Victr"i+n Hospital. 'UNERAL SERVICE t`11 Mar. 26,to Dr. nmI Mrs. R. S. BOR rlrn 0"ver. 'a ern, Rhir Lest. LICENSED EMBALMER a br�OR f r J,eeann. 'rompt and careful attention PR ial Hos OR -At Sc r M, to orial Hospital. on April 2, M Hospital Bed 'lir. and Mrs. Rnnold Preszen. .OWERS for ALL OCCASIONS 4- 9. frrih..a dm,whter. Phones: M ATSO'v - in (" inton Publi,e �c 595-W - Store 4.1 Hrsq)itnl, nn Mar• 21. to Mr. J. A. BURKE ""I 1a, Ja-m,mq, Watson Jr„ Funeral Director ^'f Si firth, a s^n. and Ambulance Service iMLTN ONTARIO Every week more people dis- Night or Day Oatls: cover what mighty jobs are Phone 43 R 10 - _ accomplished by low cost Ex - W. J. CLEARY positor Want Ads,' Seafofth ((}}tt}}torjo LICEh1SEl7` 1J iBAtaMElt ADDI"ONAL C1,A&SO,"D And ViJNT;IR+AL DIR13CTOR Night ar A Calls - $85 CONTINUM ON PAGE 12 Its► Ic IV' 19. Notices _ 20. Auction Sales CARPH7N`PRY work of�a3�s --- Prices reasonable. Phone Peter CLEARING Malcolm, 697kW, 1$eaforth. 04-2 AUCTION SALE CUSTOM Plowing, disdn , caul- Clearing Auction Sale of Farm tivati'ng and ,sawing; also back Stock and Implements for Letnn- filliang and light bulldoAng and Lamont, Lot 5, Con. 10-11, work, Lyle Montgomery, phone Grey Township, 11/4 miles east HU 2-7231, Clinton. 19.6¢x3 and ,,c1 mile south of Brussels, PROMPT watch ,repaWr service MONDAY, APRIL 8, at 1 p.m. at Savauge'9, (,apposite Post -sharp. Office) •2 eertrlOed watchm0k- MACHINERY -d0 Cockshutt ens. Automatics a specialty. tractor; Farmall International 19-64-a tractor; Fluery-Bissel ,plough; SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED 50 Clipper combine; Interna.tion- Modern equipment used. All al hay baler, 45; Smoker hay work guaranteed, elevator; Masts'dy+•Harris seed Write or phone drill; Internationaal cultivator; LOUIS BLAKE Coekshutt side rake; Internation- RR 2, Brussels, phone 442 W 6, al poweV mower; rubber tired 19-62x20 wagon, with rack; grain bdx; AUTHORIZED .dealer far Vik- set of harrows; Ma-ssep-Harris one way disc, Mas ing Milkers and cream sepa�ra- double disc; International nal m man n tors for Dublin, Seaforth' and. - Clinton Basil O'Rourke Black- ire spreader; stone boat; ham - smith and Welding -Shop, Bruce- mer mill; grain thrower; end - field, Ontario. 19-60x8 less belt; fanning mall; scuffler; turnip plough; colony house; SEAFORTH Universal 2 -unit milking mach- ine; milk cans, forks,; shovers; UPHOLSTERY- etc. Quantity of oats, approxi. Centre Street mately 750 bus, Tele hone 446 STOCK -8 cows, fresh, .with 1) calves; .L heifer, rising 2 years; For all kinds of upholstering. 9 steers, rising 2 years old; 6 19-64-tf yearling heifers. Hardwood and cedar] a few CARPENTRY WORK household articles. TERMS -Cash. Now is th4p time to talk about No reserve as farm• is, sold. new custom homes, kitchen cab- LEONARD LAMONT, Prop mets, rec. 'moms, repairs, Free HAROLD JAG'KSON, Auctioneer estimates. 20-64.1 GRANT FINNIGAN CLEARING - seeforth 19-60-5 AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm ANSTETT Stock and Machinery, at Lot 3, Con. 7, Grey Township, l/4 miles, JEWELLERS r.:.rth, 1/, mile east of Brussels, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10th, Offers you at 1 p.m, Easy Credit Terms CATTLE -1 Poll) Angus bull, With 3. years old in April, with papl NO ers; 11 Poll, Angus cows,. carry Carrying Charges 3rd calf,' bred. Angus, due grass Phone 77, Charges time; 5 Hereford cows, carry 19 64 tf ing 3rd coif, bred Angus; 1n steers and 11 heifers, last year A NEW KITCHEN calves; 4 steers, approx. 800 May cost less .than you think! lbs. .For alterations, new kitchen , PIGS -2 sows, with pigs; 4 cupboards, rec rooms, exten- sows, bred; 3 sow's bred; 1 hog; sions and repairs, calk: 50 chunks. JOAN LANSINK & SONS, 48 hems. General Contracting MACHINERY -1960 Undvers,- Phone 79, Seaforth. al four Nuffield tractor, A71; Competent Workmanship 1950 Ford tractor, with super 19-644f six loader and hydraulic bucket, tractor . recently overhauled; FAST SERVICE McKee harvester and self un- loading wagon with pipes, on (new); NasseyHarris 140 bus. WATCH REPAIRS spreader, (new; 10 -ft, John Deere cultivator; 13 -run Cock - All work guaranteed shutt fertilizer and grain drill, ANSTETT , with power lift; No. 45' Intter- rrational power take off baler, JEWEL LERS set of chain harrows; Massey - Phone J7, Seaforth Ferguson 3 -furrow wide bottom 19-64-tf plow; circular saw, on rubber, with motor; Stilly chain saw, NOTICE (*good); rack• rubber cream wagain ator, (like new); colony house, Tuckersmith 12 x 12; Cockshutt 4 -bar side Municipal Dump rake; International: 3 -paint hitch Power mower. Will: be open until further' Mixed grain; pure oats. notice on Wednesday and Satur- Other articles too numerous day afternoons, from •1 to 5:30 to mention. p.m. GORDON STILES, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer No wire fencing, old concrete, GEORGE POWELL, Clerk or car bodies permitted. 20-64-1 J. I, McINTOSH, CLEARING Clerk 19-64-tf AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm NOTICE Stock, Machinery and House- hold Effects, at Lot10, Con. 3, Townshi of McKillo Colborne Township, 1 male p p north and 2 males cast of Ben - All car owners in the Town. miller, on. TUESDAY, APRIL ship of McKillop arb, requested 9th, at i sharp. not to park their cars on the CATTLE -25 steers, approx. roads of the Township during 900 to 1000 lbs. the winter. Cars that are left) MACHINERY, (gas), 800 65 Massey on the roads are contrary tot Ferguson tractor, the Highway Traffic Act and, hours; • (Pike new); set tractor are a detriment to operation of tiro ch•airns, (new); 3 -furrow 3f snowplows. j point hitch Massey -Ferguson i plough, (new); New Holland Please note that Provincial' baler, (new in 1862), baled Police will take necessary ac• ' approx, 5000 bales; New Hol - tion to see that can a;e not land rolaba•r rake, (new), 3 - left on, roads, and prosecution point hitch; George White h'ay ma fallow. elevator, 20"; New Idea- mower, JWILSON LITTLE trainer type; International 90- bus. manure spreader, (like Road Superintendent new); Bradley wagon and 16'1 19-60-tf rack; 32 -plate Cockshutt double - disc; 1 steel; 3 -drum roller; Me - 20. Auction -,Sales Cormick -Deering Llrdise seed drill; McCullough chain saw, 'AUCTION SALE D-45,, (dew), 24" bar, 16.16k. Auction , SaIe of Farm Stock grain auger; onlc-third HP and, Machinery, at.,Lot 14, Con. heavy-duty motor, (new); 1/2 HP 9, HUIR-At ToWnShdp, 1% miles e.!edtric motor; 2 new barpatil- south and 3 males east of Lon- ins, (12 x16) (1,2 x 18); 32 -ft. i d e s bo r o, on WEDNESDAY, extension badder: 1951 Ford APRIL 17th, at 1 p.m. truck, (25,000 miles); Maxwell CATTLEi-•L2- Holsttein cones, rotary lawn mower, ( newly number fresh, others due in over'hauled); steel lawn rolller; April' and May; L Guernsey shovels; tools; 100' steel chain t cow, fresh; 1 Jersey cow, milk. and block; quantity. o� wood; ing; 1 Ayrshdre eowt due in 32 cedar 2 x 4s, 14 -ft.; grain; June; 12 1 -year-old heifers; 2 baled hay; electric fences• :t -year -cold steers; 3 young HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -K1,1 - calves, viniator refrigerator, (like new): . PICAS --10 young York sows', Kelvinator electric Move, (like with litters at foot; 8 young oew); Phillips 21" TV and an York sows, bred; 10 young temnae; 8 -piece solid . walnut York sows, open; 80 York and (tinning room suite; blond bed - Lacombe pigs, 8 weeks old, room sante, (bookcase bead); a% MACHINERY 2 -unfit Surge Opel bed, springs and mattress: t milking machine; 9 -can milk Findlay Condor A wood and t cooler; 16 milk cants; electric coal range; kitchen table and Viking cream separator, (good); 4 cheim; che:sterfieid; Axmim 1050 Chevrolet 1/2 -ton truck; Bier rug, 9 x 12; 2 Purina chic- f Massey -Harris binder; rubber- heat ramp; sealers; dishes, t tired wagon and. hay rack; In- ken feeders; electric brooder: ternationab .manure W. rea�d'er; - Other artici cs, too numerous t 3-s+ection slxtpg, tooth drag hart+- to miention, rows; 3 -point hiteb cultivator; TERMS -Cash, no reserve, t tractor- Bistsel disc. farm sold. TEik -Cash, FRANKLIN MITCHELL, Prop. JOHN SHEPHERD Proprietor. RR 4, Goderich. HAROLD JACKSOI4 Auctioneer HAROU) 3iACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWEtiL, C . GF;ORGE POWELL, Clerk 64-1' 20.64-1 �.. 20. Auction Sales CLF,AtR,ING AUCTION SALE Cleearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock Zuk Machl4ery, at Lpt 39, Con. 14, Hullett Twp., 1% roles east of Auburn, on the County Road, Tiibii DAY, APRIL 11, at 1 p. tit. HORSES -Roan mare, 1,690 Ibs; black gelding, 1,700 lbs.; set of ,double harness and col - tars; set of sin'gln harness. CATTLD-Black cow, f"sh and rebred; 2 black cows, due in May; Hereford cow .due in May; farrow cow; Hereford heifer due in June; Durham steer, 900 lbs.; 4 heifers ready for market; 3 heifers 1 ym. old; Hereford calf, MACB! NERY-Massey�Harris manure spreader; Massey -Har- ris side rake; Massey -Harris binder; McCormick 1L -run Jer- tilizer drill; drop head hay load- er; McCormdek 6 -ft. mower- cul- tivator; disc;• steel roller; 2000 lb. scales; cutting box; fanning mall-, wagon box; Massey -Har- ris truck wagon; hay rack; set of sleighs and flat rack; dump rake- wheel barrow; bag truck; 2 walking Plows.; diamond bar- rows; turnip drill;' cutter;, lad- ders; stone boat; cream separ- ator; snow fence; . milk ,pans; work bench; vice; woven wire trecher; forkes, shovels; 10.0 ft. snow fence;• chains; toolsi; hay rope; sling ropes ,and hays fork; many other articles,. TERMS --Cash PERCY WALDEN, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL,' Clerk 20-64-1 ESTATE AUCTION.,SALE Estate Auction .Sale of Farm and Farm Machinery, at Lot 11, Con. 6, Morris Township, 5 mile's west of Brussels, on MONDAY, APRIL 15th at 1 p,m. MACHINERY -1.460 Massey. Harris •44 tractor, heat houser, (1 yr. Old) ; McKee harvester wagon, with hay box; Interna tional side rake••, New Idea pow. er mower; sprung tooth Massey' cultivator; 13rrun Massey fertil- izer drill; International one-way disc; Massey -Ferguson manure .spreader, (1959); Massey 3 -fur- row , plow; land rollier; electric oat roller, motor, (Iwo), grain grinder, ( tractor) ; 1952 Dodge. pick-up truck; 1 truck tarpaul- m; 1 tarpaulin; walking plow; F,cufflem; harrows; extension badder; 2 McKee water bowls, (1, double, 1 single); 2wheel trailer,., and rack; approx. 200 ft. of plastic hose; scales; fanning mill; 2 pig feeders; 2 pig troughs; wheel barrow;.. stone boat; 3 electric fencers; colony house; Stackless, oil brooder, 3 yrs. old; chicken, shelters; poultry fence; steel posts; barb w re: quantity mbOed grain; sm-alh, amount of furniture. Other articles too numerous be me'nti'on. TERMS. -Chattels, cash. 'FARM -150 acres dray loam land, well drained, 1.1/2 storey 7 -room brick house, a -t modern. errveriences, large L shaped bank barn, good cement stabl- ing; steel implernent shed, hen house and car garage; drilled well, Immediate possession. 'Terms on property, lOM dc,wn, balance in 30 days. Sold qubject to reserve bid, Estate' of the late GEORGE C. MARTIN, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 20.64.2 ESTATE AUCTION SALE Estate Auction Sale of Farm, Stock, Miachinery and House- hold •Efftets, un SATURDAY, APRIL 6th, at 12 p.m, sharp, Vt, miles cast of Dublin, on No. 8 Highway, CATTLE --15 Hereford cows, some registered, with calves at foot and due to freshen shortly; 1 regestered Hereford bull; six ' Ifereford steers and heifers, ap- prox. 800 lbs.;. 10 $rear old Here- t ford steers and heifers. HAY and GRAIN -1,000 bales mixed hay; 1,000 bus. mowed 1 grain. MACHINERY - W-6 McCor- � l mock-Decring tractor; C Mc- t Cormick -Doering Furmall tray - for and manure loader; Oliver manure spreader; IHC thresh - ng machine and drive belt; Gehl hammer mill and belt; John Deere binder, 8 ft.; scales; fanning mill; rubber tired wag- on and rack, (like new); eler- ic grain grinder; electric cream separator; three -furrow pl•.w•; Mas•.�y-Harris mower; McCormick -Deering hay baler, 1 No. 46, power take -off, (like of w); 32 -ft. hat- cl-ova-tor land motor; 8 -ft, tractor disc, like ncw•; 3 -section drag harrows,; ,1nsscy-Harris side rake; cc• nerit mixer; 15 -disk fertilizer drill, (like new); one way disc; pals; s+hoveLs; chains; 2 -w'he'el 1 railer. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -ani i Kelvinator frig.; 11 -ft. deep- _ retn,e; table top 4 -burner elec- rih stove, (like new); quantity of furniture. including some An• lque�g. Other arthclex too numerous i o mVntien. TER MS• -Cash. Estate of the late 311INER KLEINFELDT, Prop, HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer ,GEORGE POWELL, CleTk zo-64-1 WNWOM 'OX ISR 'p,RTA-I wilff 0411 5'ARGA141Wb 'area 20. Auction Stiles 23, Iiushwo Flii)?TiII � „�., iWiTNEY', . LACO BE FUNERAL HOIU E BREEDERS' CaAd1IrC, 1St,.., .SafQlltk SALE Ad s Adjust I. iF11'0l4 beds at STRATFORD PAIR GROUNDS MOS Olt y"VRAY tCCASIorr APRIL 1 th, at 11:30 p.m. ' Phone 119 Sea orth' Catalogues foram "etioneers: A. M. HARPP R & -COMPANY Robson & Filson, Denfield, ar Chartered AccouAtants 55 South St. Telephone W. M. COCKBURN, MW, ken. Goderich • JA 4.7562 ,Secretary Ontaado Lacombe Licensed „lftopigal Auditor Association sociation SEAFOR'I'H , 1 20-63-2 CLEARING VETERINARY AUCTION SALE CLINIC - J. 0. Turnbull, D.V4,M., V,S. Clearing Auction Sale of Farm W. R. Brypns, D.V,M., V.S. Rock and Farm Impleanents, D. E. Galt, D.V.M., V.S. )n Lot 7, Con, 8, HES, Tinker- Phone 105 Seaforth ;math Township, 5 males south )f Seaforth, 5 miles. west of A, W.' SILLERY kaffa, on County Road, on Barrister, Solicitdr, etc. TUESDAY, APRIL 16th, at 1 Phones: Office 173, Res. 781 ).m, Seaforth Ontario CATTLE -•25 head, consisting A 9 cows, heifers, steers and 24. Cards of Thanks salves; a quantity of baled hay, WE would like to :take this oP , ractor and fain implements. po,rtunn,ty to say thank -you to all A full list will appear newt our friends and neighbors for veek. the cards and gifts we received 9ORLEY STOREY, Proprietor on our 25th Wedding A=ver - W. E, NAIRN & SON, sary. It was greatly appreciated. Auctioneems Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kerr, xI 29-641 I wish to express my to friends and neighbors. -Bards, CLEARING treats received. While I was a AUCTION SALE patient in Scott M.emoxual Hog - Clearing Auction Sale of Farm pital; also to Dr. Gor^will ,and ;tock -and Machinery, at Lot 3, this, nursing staff. Mrs, Florence .on. 12, Grey Township, 11/1 Doig. 24_64x1 nilts south and V2 mile east of I wish to express my sincere 3russels, on TUESDAY, APRIL thanks to iall my friends, and 6th, at 1 p.m, relatives for :their visits, 'treats, COWS -16 Holstein cows and flowers aad cards; while I was Leiters, number k,%h, remain a patient at Clinton Public Hos- ler to freshen in April' and May; pital. Special thaw to Dr 1 -yr. -old heifers'; 3 2 -yr. -old Brady., Dr. Markusi and all the eifers; 3 heifers and 2 steers, nurses for, their kindness,. Mrs. earling; 4 calves. Brian Flanrigain. 24-641 PIGS -52 pigs, approx. 105 I wish bo thank all my friends bs. each, and relatives who so kindly re•- MACHINEAY-Nuffield deisel membered me with caiids, Int• ractor; (4 years old); 3 -furrow ters, treats, flowers and visits ohii Deere plow, hydraulic; Suet. while I was a patient in the Pring tooth John, Deere, culti- hospital. Also special, thanks to 'ator, hydraulic; 7 -ft. hydraulic the nursing staff of Scott Mem- ohn Deere power mower; John arial Hospital and to Dr. S•taplie- ?eere mranure spreader; 13 -run ton and Dr..Gorwill, Mrs. Ken 2assey seed drill; 1124 John neth McKellar, 24-64-1 )eere combine; 7 -section drag I would jke. to express my .sun - arrows; John Deere side ,de- core thinks for the kilndness .very rake; walling plow; wag- shown me during my recent Ber- n and ne'w rack; _Massey 10" eavement, . by my friends' rinder; grain' auger; -7-fit. neigfbors, re(a(dve's; those who wather; Surge 2 -unit milking helped at the house, Rev. Mr. iachme, (2 yrs. old); 10 can Britton, Dr..,NeWland, the staff rift cooler; 1 pig crate; 3 pig of Clinton Hospital., Box Fumer- elf feeders; 1 ,steed wat)W al Home, Seaforth. It is all rough. mdeeply appreciated. Mrs. Ethel Sparks. GRAIN -20 •ton mixed grain; DO bus, Russell oats, suitable Yr sued, I'H1 mity the Mabel Rose' wish to express Other articles too numerous their appreciation to their many mention' friends and neighbors for -theSash. kindness and sympathy shown ' WIWILLIAMLLIAM SP'EIR, Proprietor. to them during the time of rAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer their bereavement. Also for the GEORGE POWELL, 0120 gifts, earls, flowers and •thought fulness to Mrs. Rose during -her 2. Legal,Notices time in hospital, 24-64x1 Ida Close, Jinn and Dianne NOTICE Tamandesire to depress their heartfelt thanks to all. their TO CREDITORS friends, neighbors and relatives for the beautiful floral tributes, In the Estate of. the donations to the • Cancer .USSELL SPROAT DOLMAGE Society, the many cards of s5nm- pathy and the numerous acts of AN persons ' having claims kiudnecs that have been shown gainst the Estate of Russell to E. H. (Al,) Close these past proat Dolmage, late of the sears, as now in our recent sad ownship of McKa1110T in the b-reave•ment in his passing. ounty of Huron, Farmer, de- Special thanks to Rev, J. C. rased, who died on the 14th Britton, Dr. E• Malkus, Dr. P. ay of December, 1962, are here- L. Brady, Dr, L. McAninch and y notified to send in full par- Dr, J. Wyatt, to the nurses 3rd cul'ars of their claims to the floor east, Victoria Hospital, to ndersigned on or before the the hearers and C(1 the Box Fun - h day of April, 1963, after eral Home and all 'who helped Web. date the iassets will b ;n the arrarngem-ents• 24-64-1 stributed, having regard onl� _ __ _ claims then received. L5, jri Memoriam DATED at Seaforth this 18th GELf- o J. L. Bell, who pass ay of March, 1963, lea away nine years ago. McCONTNELL & STEWARD' The dearest dad this world Seaforth, Ontario could hold, Solicitors for the Executors With cheery smile and heart of 22-62.3gold ' To those who knew him, all will know, 3. Business Directory How much we lost 9 years ago. C)HN E. LONGSTAFF —11,er remembered bt• Wife and Some. 25-64x1 ptometrist, optical services, _ _ „•� xderich St. West. Tuesday to Births iturday, 9.5:30, except Wed- a`CThANN-At Scott Memorial tsday Thursday evening by ap H �pital, on Mar. 27, to Mr. tintment. Phone 791, Sea and Mrs. James„ Axtm.ann, of rth, Monday, Clinton Medi- Tavistock, a snn. 1 Centre: _ BARRY ---At St. Jcscph's Hos- McCONNELL pital, London, on April 3, to epi STEWART Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barry, Dublin, a son, Barristcrs, Syilicitors, Etc. ,JOHNS --At C'l;ntrn Publ'c Hoss- P. D McCONNELL, Q.C. pial, on April 2, to Mr, and D, 1. STEWART Mrs St'an'.ey Johns. RR 3, °a:nrth, Ont Phone 550 Seaforth, a son, Richard How - D, H. McINNES ard, brother for Steverr. . Chiropractic NIOIR-In Clinton Public Hos Commpreial Hotel pital, on -April 3, to Mr. and onday,.Thursday-1 to 8 p.m NTrs. Rina• Moir. Hen�sall, a -- = n i b-• 1h,^r for C irrv. BOX 01,Jt-FR--At Victr"i+n Hospital. 'UNERAL SERVICE t`11 Mar. 26,to Dr. nmI Mrs. R. S. BOR rlrn 0"ver. 'a ern, Rhir Lest. LICENSED EMBALMER a br�OR f r J,eeann. 'rompt and careful attention PR ial Hos OR -At Sc r M, to orial Hospital. on April 2, M Hospital Bed 'lir. and Mrs. Rnnold Preszen. .OWERS for ALL OCCASIONS 4- 9. frrih..a dm,whter. Phones: M ATSO'v - in (" inton Publi,e �c 595-W - Store 4.1 Hrsq)itnl, nn Mar• 21. to Mr. J. A. BURKE ""I 1a, Ja-m,mq, Watson Jr„ Funeral Director ^'f Si firth, a s^n. and Ambulance Service iMLTN ONTARIO Every week more people dis- Night or Day Oatls: cover what mighty jobs are Phone 43 R 10 - _ accomplished by low cost Ex - W. J. CLEARY positor Want Ads,' Seafofth ((}}tt}}torjo LICEh1SEl7` 1J iBAtaMElt ADDI"ONAL C1,A&SO,"D And ViJNT;IR+AL DIR13CTOR Night ar A Calls - $85 CONTINUM ON PAGE 12