HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-04-04, Page 8TruRpo cxposrroli', S VQ .TII, e, 196 • DISTRICT FUNERALS MRS. FREDERICK ROSE Funeral services for the late Mrs. Frederick Rose, 36, of Mc- Killop Township, were held frcun the Box funeral Home, Seaforthr Monday, March 25th., The Rev. A. M. Amacker; Zur- ich, assisted by Rev. E, N Mohr, of Elmira, officiated, with bur ial in the Evangelical Putted Brethren cemetery u1 McKillop Township. Pallbearers were Don Dennis, John Burch, Elmer Kleber, Ralph Fischer, Elmer Koehler and Lavern Hoegy. Flower - bearers 'were nephews: John ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton Office in Masonic Store Main Street Phone 75 : Seaforth • ONTARIO ADAPTED • HIGH GERMINATION • TRUE VARIETY • PROPERLY CLEANED • REASONABLY PRICED You will'iLnd Co-op Quality packed in .Co-op'Bags Order your Fertilizer Now ! - Seeding will soon be "starting, • Seaforth Farmers PHONE 9 SEAFORTH Mohr, Carl Ruby, Harvey Her- old and Wayne Faulhafer. Mrs. Rose was the former Jean Mohr, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Mehr, of North Easthope. Mrs. Rose was a member of Ziun Evan- gelical United Brethren Church and was president of the Wo- nian''. Association. She came to McKillop in 1955. Surviving are her husband, two daughters, Bernice and El- sie; five sons, Earl. Donald, Gerald. Alvin and Kenneth, all at home; the brothers, Robert Mohr. RR 1, Stratford; North Easthope Reeve Willard Mohr, warders of Perth, and Clifford, of North Easthope; Alfred. of St. Jacobs, and Gerald, of Strat- ford; three sisters, Mrs. Mahlon (Ruby) Ruby: Mrs. 11. E. (Ver- na) Herold, both of Shake- speare, and Mrs. E. (Dorothy) Tiemens, Tavistock. Friends and relatives attend- ed the funeral from Kitchener, Elmira, Acton, Stratford, New Hamburg, Mitchell and Walton. WILLIAM SPARKS The death of William Sparks, 78, of Seaforth, occurred Satur- day in Clinton Public Hospital, following a short illness. Mr. Sparks was born and had farm- ed in Stanley Township, retir- ing to Seaforth in 1956. He was a life member of the session of Northside -Cavan Unit- ed Church: past president of Bayfield Agricultural Society; past president of Huron Hol tein Club, and was secretary - treasurer of No. 4. Stanley, for many years. -in 1909 he mar- ried Ethel E. l‘lahaffy, in Clin- ton, who survives. The body was at the Box fun- eral home. Seaforth, where 'a funeral service was held Mon- day at 2 p.m., with Rev. J. C. Britton officiating, Burial fol- lowed in Bayfield cemetery. RED CROSS TO MEET The regular meeting of the Red Cross Society will be held in the Library rooms on Friday, April 5, at 3 p.m. Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Ex. positor Classified Ad. Phone 141. s DISCOUNT PRICES-! REG. $9.95 ' �A7.95 Tillsonburg Solid Work Shoe REG. $8.95 Boy Scout Official Shoes $6■5O JACK THOMP$ON'S FOOTWEAR SERVICE -- SHOES REPAIRED Seaforth Agricultural Society is co-operating with the Ontario Department of Agriculture on a CR,OP ® COST STUDY in conjunction with our FIELD CROP COMPETITIONS Any of those entering our oats, any variety Late Oats, Reg- istered. or our Keystone Barley Competition, please contact HAROLD PRYCE immediately so that arrangements can be made to have your soil tested. • It is not compulsory for competitors -to take part in this study, but is considered desirable to help the Department in their study of costs. WEEK- END FCO SPECIALS Thursday, Friday and Saturday Clover Leaf PINK SALMON lb. Tin Beehive CORN SYRUP ............1h, Tin „E. D. Smith CHERRY PIE FILL .... 20 -oz. Tin SHREDDED WHEAT-Pkg.. of 12 Chase & Sanborn 'COFFEE -INSTANT .... 6 -oz. Jar Domestic SHORTENIN(. lb. Minette's BEST TOMATOES ...2 20 -oz. Tins 570 310 32 200 850 330 350 New Crop Size 113 VALENCIA ORANGES Doz. 690 Nw .;EXAS CARROTS 3-1b. I3ag 29 CELLO TOMATOES Pkg. 190 SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS Smith's Phone 12 FREE DELIVERY 1 early TO, THE EDITO Effector Seeks. Ansers To Campaiqn Questions Seaforth, 27 Mar., 1962, press, and should be more than Editor, The Huron Expositor: satisfied if you decide to make a public reply to the questions. Dear Sir: As the general If, however, you do not wish to election eanpaign draws to a be heard publicly on some of close, and ' the plass of trivia these subjects, I shall certainly offered by every party as rea- respect that wish and retain in sons why they should be elect- confidence any reply made to ed in preference to their oppon me in private. ents continues to submerge any Please take the time from real issues that might have your very busy schedule to an - been raised, one comes face to swer me. Without your answer, face with the appalling duty of 1 shall be quite unable to vote. making an electoral decision. These are the questions: It seems to me that the one 1. What percentage of the over-riding development of our time that the House is in ses- politics in recent times is the sion would you be prepared to sit in attendance? 2. Would you pay intelligent. attention to all the proceedings during your attention? demonstration of pressing need,, for good men at Ottawa. All parties in this campaign have taken good care to hide the qualities of their candidates be- hind a smudge of accusations and rosy promises. For my part, I do not care to support any party, on the basis of cur- rent collective performance. However, I must vote. There- fore, I should like to find out which of our candidates most closely approaches the sort of person 1 want to represent me, in spite of the blithering of the leaders and spokesmen of his party. To accomplish this, I should like to ask each candidate a number of questions publicly, and so I beg the use of your columns for this purpose: "Dear Mr. Candidate: • 1 am dissatisfied with what I have discovered of the policies and intentions of your party As far as your own inclinations are concerned, 1, like the rest of the voters of Huron, have not been informed. I should like to kriow more about your opinions and principles, espec- ially on those subjects which are ply greatest concern. Would you do me the favor of answering the questions pos- ed below? It is my firm intent to base my decision at the poll, on my regard of the candidates' as individuals, not on their par- ty affiliations, and so your an- swersare quite important to me. As you can see., .I have communicated this letter to the DUBLIN Mr: and Mrs. James Ackroyd and Mr. and Mrs" Lannin, 'To- ronto, and Mr. John O'Rourke, Saskatchewan, with Frank O'Rourke. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grosech and family', London, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hembley have returned home from a month's vacation in Florida. Mr. Tim Regan, Agincourt, with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hol- land. Mr. Robert Byrne, Hamilton, Mrs. Leo Fortune, Mrs. Wilbur Maloney and Mrs. Jack Case, Seaforth, with Miss Monica Byrne. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kelly and family, Kitchener, and Miss Nancy Kelly, Guelph, with Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Feeney and children, Kitchener, with Mrs. Nicholas Krauskopf and relatives. Miss Monica Byrne and Mr. Robert Byrne in Blyth with Mrs. Tom Kelly. Mrs. Nicholas Krauskopf, Ce- celia and Leona, in London with Mr. Nicholas Krauskopf. Mrs. Elsie Jordison in An - caster with Mr. and Mrs. Jordi - son. Miss Marie Krauskopf, Ham ilton,' with Mrs. Catherine Krauskopf. Dublin Colleens The second meeting of the Dublin Coleens 4-11 Club was held at the home of Mrs. C. Friend, Monday. March 25. Mrs. Friend gave a demonstration on "How To Pasteurize Milk." • Betty Lou Pethick made "Dandy Candy"; Mary Helen Ducharme served hot cocoa; Judy Friend made "Maple Milk- shake" and Mrs. Wells served an orange chiffon. 3. Would you bear yoursen courteously in the House, even to the extent of being helpful to your opponents in an earnest effort to get the country's busi- ness done well? 4. Are you prepared to spend long exhausting hours inform- ing yourself thoroughly on all matters • that come before the House, even though they be completely foreign to your ex- perience? 5. Would you accept the ac- curacy of data presented by civil servants without independ- ent confirmation? 6. How confident are you of the accuracy of information provided by the Dominion Bur- eau of Statistics? 7. Would you prepare your- self to vote on any matter out of sure confidence in your own opinion? 8. Would you vote in the House in opposition to your own party, if you disagreed with tjie opinion of the major- ity of your colleagues? 9. Would you oppose your party on.a vote of want of con- fidence, if your conscience so dictated? 10. Do you believe that your opinion would ever be at odds with that of your colleagues? 11. Would you hold the in- terests of your constituency subordinate to those of the country as a whole? Would you do so to the extent of op- posing a public work in the rid- ing, if this involved the imple- mentation of a policy to which you wertr opposed? - ' 12. Much has been said about reforming the Senate. Do you believe that the Commons, too, might be reformed in that more work might be accomplished in less time by conscientious at- tention to the country's busi- ness? 13. Do you believe that the loyal opposition should oppose the government blindly at all times? 14. If faced with another min- ority government, do you be- lieve that the opposition has a primary ' responsibility to seek the defeat of the government? 15. Db you believe that the Commons has relinquished too murih authority to the Civil "Service? 16. What do you believe qualifies a man as an expert in a field of interest? 17. Do you approve of the growing centralization of auth- ority in the Federal Govern- ment? ' 18. Do you know what frac- tion of Canada's labor force works for the Federal Govern- ment? For Crown Corporations and Commissions? For the reg- ular armed -forces? For Provin- cial a n d Municipal govern- ments? 20. Do you believe - that in- creasing the number of persons wqrking for governments is a good method of reducing un- employment? 21, Do you believe that gov- ernmental spending can be in- creased without increasing tax- ation? 22. Do you believe that yotir party can implement its declar- ed policies without increasing taxation? - 23. Do ybu believe that "full employment" is possible? 24. Do you believe that labor TV ANTENNA SERVICE Has your antenna been serviced lately? Guy wires rust . . lead-in wires be- come weathered and break . • • Rotators stop turning We have hired extra skilled help for, this work for a limited time. Don't delay ! Make arrangements immediately for service work by phoning . • Crown Hardware • Phone 797 Seaforth unions should be treated as legal entities in the courts? 25. Do you believe that the drain on the Canadian economy for welfare payments and pen- sions, etc., has seriously reduc- ed the amount of Canadian money available for investment in the development of Canadian industry? 26. Do you believe Canada eould have carried out her pre- sent degree of socialization without the influx of foreign capital? 27. Do you believe that re- duction of taxation would free more Canadian money for in- vestment in industrial develop- ment? 28. Do you regard the Cana- dian economy as of a pioneer- ing or of an established nature? 29. Do you believe that Can- ada can compete in world ex- port markets and maintain her present standard of living? . 30. Do you believe that a worker in Canada is entitled to thesame rate of pay as an American worker doing the same job? 31. How long do you expect the nuclear threat to last? 32. Do you believe that Can- ada should defend herself to the limit of her ability, even if such defense is a forlorn hope? 33. Do you believe Canada should equip her armed forces with defensive nuclear arms at once? 34. Do you believe Canada should equip her armed forces with tactical nuclear wcapnns for both offense and defence? 35. Do you believe that a systgm of civil defence is worth spending government money on, in order to assure its develop- ment to a state of effectiveness commensurate with its original plan? This is a lengthy list of ques- tions, but none should require a lengthy answer. Also, I trust that you have long since form- ed your personal opinions on the subjects, so that your an- swers may need little further consideration. I beg you to accept the im- position which I make herewith, so that I may be enabled to make my decision at the poll. Yours truly, JOHN D. HARVEY" Mr. Editor, may I have your help in publishing this letter? Yours truly, JOHN D. HARVEY CYITA:fli Something new for corn growers is the Cytrol-Aero Urea Atrazine Program. Spray Cytrol at 1 gallon per acre as soon as quackgrass is established in the spring. After 7-10 days when the quackgrass turns white, plow or cultivate. Aero Urea supplies fast -acting and long-last- ing nitrogen in an easy-to-use form. ti Aero Urea -the biggest bag of nitro- gen you can buy, lets you apply nitrogen before planting. Broad- cast 100-300 lbs. per acre and work in. As another step towards the con- trol of most weeds, after planting, let the ground settle until just be- fore or after emergence. Then spray Atrazine at 4 lb. of 50% per acre. Remember the program -Control quackgrass with Cytrol; keep yields up with Aero Urea; control broad-leaved weeds with Atraiius CYANA MZZIP Cyanamid of Canada Limited, Montreal 2, Quebec PROGRAM SERVING THE MAN WHOSE BUSINESS IS AGRICULTURE Your Seaforth Dealer is OPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED "The Most Value For the Farmer's Dollar" PHONE 775 SEAFORTH PORTABLE TYPEWRITER THE HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 141 : Seaforth t•: M� LuxFs iF.f:iv::R' :p•:::::moi:.::.. Chevy II 100 4 -Door Sedan 0 T GUNS! NO WONDER CHEVYTI IS SUCH A SPECTACULAR SALES SUCCESS.. THERES AN EXCITING VALUE -PACKED MODEL TO SUIT EVERYONE'S PLEASURE Sedans, convertibles, coupes and wagons - from as thrifty, as you please to as deluxe as you like! Drive one today - and see for yourself! Chevy II 100 4 -Door Station Wagon `•x 7- ',,;•:•''' ar,:, •+,.tt' 'o-;�f. .......,- A'✓,!Y;.'•i 7':iiYFff :%Y/.•ii'.i':}i:,�::"�:2:;:a:: ::::i'., 5^4ty;•�': h':' ,F �:v {; ;. FFA; .:, hi%, y2:>.::;`::"(.>: r•s.i:.:''t i�fFiF/f.: :: Fr':.///,.'.':.,✓,.'ili:,'✓1:.•iii/:�;'r,.k•�.::.i::.:'.:o'w«"4.? Chevy It Nova 400 Sport Coupe Chevy it Nova 400 Converttble- A General Motors Yalu GOto your Chevroletdealers...see why CHEV/Yfl'IS9 CHEVYtooF Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC -TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and time. H-gyD • $ceyeIIr loess authorized Chevrolet dealer.. EAFORTH MOTORS PHO -NE r • •