HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-04-04, Page 2Since 1860, Serving the Community First
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Stable Government is Main Issue
Canadians will vote on Monday in
what is probably the most important
election in many years.
By their ballots they will decide
whether Canada is to have a govern-
ment with a majority, a government
of decision, capable of governing, or a
continuation of the confusion that has
'been part and parcel of parliament
since last June.
For many the answer is not easy:-
asy:_.Political associations and loyalties are
not lightly cast aside. Yet in the long
run, political parties mean little if
Canada, as a natioh is harmed.
It- all comes down -to a simple ques-
tion : Who or what party is best fitted
to govern Canada? What party has a
reasonable hope of forming a major-
ity government?
To a great extent, the possibility of
forming a, government reflects the dif-
ferences in the two leaders.
Mr. Diefenbaker is an orator, a
spell -binder, who lets nothing stand in
the way of his pursuit of a head-
line, or of a political advantage. He
has an unique ability to stir crowds as
he plays on the emotions of his audi-
ence frequently, setting one area
against another, one class against an-
other. Much of the difficulty today
arises because Mr. Diefenbaker has
placed himself above party and gov-
Events of recent months indicate
that Canada cannot be governed effec-
tively by one man—no matter how en-
tertaining the show may be on tele-'
, vision.
In his years' in office he proved be-
yond doubt that he was unable to work
with others as a team. Of the ministers
who formed his Cabinet a year ago,
eleven are no longer with him, or are
about to retire.
On the other hand, Mr. Pearson in'
a life -time of service has learned the
art of diplomacy—of government. He
has. learned to work with people of
capacity, and to persuade them to work
constructively together.
He is a man of action, when action -
is a requirement. He acted to such
good effect in world affairs that he has
been awarded the Nobel Peace prize.
That his knowledge of Canadian affairs
is equally great is recognized by the
representatives of the Canadian press,
who watch parliament operate day by
day from the press gallery. It is equal-
ly evident to all with whom he works.
Mr. Pearson, of course, is no orator.
He will have no part in dramatics, nor
will he play the demagogue. He is
sound, sincere and intelligent, and what
he says reflects a considered opinion
that is not tailored to suit the pres-
sure of the moment. + ,,I
What Canada needs today is a lead-
er of action, not of words; a leader in
every sense of the word, wh can bring
together as a productive team those
associated with him, not a one-man op-
eration, at odds with his ministers and
with Canada's friends.
Stable government can only come
about with the election of the Liberal
In Huron, Mr. Cardiff, who has serv-
ed his constituents sincerely for long
years, 'again for the eighth time is a
He has gained much experience dur-
ing the 23 years he has been in Ottawa,
but unfortunately this experience can-
not help produce a majority govern-
On the other hand, Gordon McGavin,
the Liberal candidate, has broad experi-
ence, too, as a farmer and in business.
His election in Huron could be a major
factor in providing the seats necessary
to elect a majority government.
Thus for those concerned with the
provision of stable, effective govern-
ment, there can be only one choice.
• Huron voters concerned with Can-
ada's needs will vote •McGavin—Lib-
OTTAWA — Canada's second
Federal election within a year
is heading into the home
stretch, and it is still unclear
whether any party can squeeze
out a clear win.
It would be the miracle of
the age if Prime Minister John
Diefenbaker managed to come
back with a majority govern-
ment- As Liberal Leader Les-
ter Pearson .has often contend-
ed, his Party is the only one
with a reasonable chance of
doing so. As the campaign
pounded down to the wire, the
odds were not too high in favor
of it doing so, but they appear-
ed to be improving.
large' percentage of those peo-
ple had still not been able to.
bring themselves around to vot-
ing Liberal.
Going into the election with
his Party in a state of disarray,
six of his ministers having
handed in their resignations,
three of them in outright pro-
test against his policies, Prime
Minister Diefenbaker obviously
had to start from a long way
back. But from the moment his
campaign began, the , Prime
Minister has been running hard
in a desperate effort to win the
greatest battle of his political
Throughout most of their his-
tory, Canadians have shown a
strong preference for Govern-
ments with sufficiently large
majorities to provide strong
and stable administration. That
preference has probably been
reinforced by the recent sad
experience with a minority
Government in the House of
Commons last session.
But whether Canadians can
come any closer to agreeing
which party should be given a
majority support than they did
last June is another question.
Over a 10 -year period from 1921
to 1930 they failed to reach that
kind of agreement and the bal-
ance of power rested with
small opposition parties such as
the Progressives.
In the last Parliament, the
balance rested with a fractious
group of 26 Social Credit mem-
bers from Quebec and it could
be that an increased Social Cre-
dit representation from Quebec
will assume an even more pow
erful position than before
through an alliance with a fur-
ther weakened Conservative
That the interest and con-
cern of Canadians in the pres-
ent political situation has been
aroused is mo}•e than evident
from the large turnouts for the
meetings of both Mr. Diefen-
baker and Mr. Pearson. What
has also been evident is that
an unusually large proportion
of people who are not rabid
partisans of either side are
turning out to see and hear be-
fore they make up their minds.
While it is undoubtedly true
that a good many voters have
bed0il1e ,4isenehalite,& With the
tif>itterva'rilfes, it was also. true
early it tike ' eanittaigtn 'that ' ,
With a skill for which he has
no equal. he has worked adroit-
ly to turn every knock to his
own advantage. He pictures
himself as the underdog fight-
ing in the interests of the "lit-
tle man" against powerful, sini-
ster but Unnamed interests that
are against him. He portrays
himself as the Harry Truman
of 1948, who won an upset vic-
tory in the United States
against Thomas Dewey when he
stumped across the country
proclaiming: "Everybody is
against me but the people.
Charges that the Liberal par-
ty was the author of a sharply
critical cover story recently in
the U.S. Newsweek magazine is
only one of several plots he us
es to suggest there is some
kind of unholy alliance between
the Liberals and powerful U.S.
business and government inter-
est. He continues to sit on the
self - constructed nuclear wea-
pons fence while savagely de-
riding Pearson for contending
that Canada should live up to
its defense commitments.
paign, is most circumstances has
much effect on the outcome of
the final vote. In the case of
the present election, with such
a large proportion of floating
voters who are perplexed and
undecided, it could be vital.
The Liberals have been re-
lying heavily on the Canadian
preference for a strong and
stable administration to return
them with a majority govern-
In the Prairie provinces this
preference is likely to be only
a minor force. Quebec is the
key to the outcome, but it' re-
mains an enigma. Traditional-
ly it has always shown a strong
desire to be on the winning
side. But the past is riot a re-
liable guide to the future in a
province that is undergoing a
quiet but powerful internal
revolution, as the upsurge of
Social Credit last June clearly,
demonstrated. '
In the early days of the cam-
paign, Liberal strategists were
filled with black despair over
the way in which things were
going. Apart from the Social
Credit mystery in Quebec and
the strong impact being made
by Mr. Diefenbaker, they were
also alarmed about an early
swing toward the New Demo-
cratic Party.
As the campaign pounded
down the home stretch, howev-
er, they regarded the situation
with more optimism. They were
convinced the NDP surge had
fallen off; while Social Credit
had been at least contained as
tens of thousands of previously
undecided voters began swing-
ing over to the Liberal camp to
ensure a Liberal government
with a bare majority. •
There is no end to the pos-
sible alternatives if they are
wrong. Conceivably a minority
Liberal government might be
formed with NDP support. But
if Social Credit moves ahead
strongly in Quebec and the
Conservatives can check their
losses, it is possible that Mr.
Diefenbaker m i g h t continue
clinging to power even though
he had less seats than the Lib-
erals, counting on Social Credit
to again provide him with a
majority in the new Parlia-
Rarely in a country's history
has there been more truth to
the old ,adage that the people
get the kind of government
they deserve.
During the last election it
was Mr. Diefenbaker who had
trouble getting his campaign off
the ground. This time it was
Mr. Pearson, Always a soft -sell
politician, his speeches lacked
the punch of even the last cam-
paign. The now -defunct "Truth
Squad" and the political color-
ing book poking fun at the Con-
servatives touched off a monu-
mental political backfire. What
was to have been a massive ral-
ly in Quebec City aimed at
launching a counter - attack,
against Social Credit turned in-
to a fiasco, botched from begin-
ning to end by local party or-
It is a good, question 'Whe-
ther. er not i 11 election earn-
ar -
"1 don't have to do this for a living, but I'm
too nervous to panhandle"
Interesting items gleaned from
The Expositor of 25, 50
and 75 years ago.
From The Huron Expositor
April 1, 1938
The Stratford Branch of the
Red Cross is planning a home
nursing course, which will con-
sist of 12 lessons. Mrs. E. A.
McMaster is the local convener.
A 30 -year-old pony, owned by
Dr. J. G. Grieve, well-known
Seaforth veterinary surgeon,
died this week. For many years
the pony, which was raised by
Dr. Grieve, was a familiar sight
on Seaforth and district roads.
A net operating surplus of
$92.11 was shown in the bal-
ance sheet for 1937 of the elec-
trical department of the Public
Utility Commission, before the
commission at its meeting on
Friday. Lowered rates, which
were reduced during the year,
accounted for the small sur•
There is some maple syrup
that has made its appearance
upon the local market, but the
quantity is not large. It ldoks
now as if this will not be a
good season for syrup. Some of
the farmers think they have
missed the flow of sap, it hav-
ing gone up into the trees.
From The Huron Expositor
April 4, 1913
The choir of First Presbyter-
ian Church appeared in their
The Candidates Speak
The following statements
by Huron candidates indi-
cate the issues facing the
Liberal Candidate
The overriding issue facing
Canadians is of a stable gov-
ernment with a sufficient ma-
jority to face the many serious
economic problems which beset
Canada. Until such a govern-
ment,. possessed with a resolute
purpose and with the necessary
leadership, is elected with a
clear majority, few, if any, of
the other problems can be
The only party that holds a
reasonable hope of achieving
such a majority is the Liberal
The Liberal party in -the cam-
paign has spelled out the steps
it would take on being given
the responsibility of govern-
Mr. Pearson has pledged that
if he is called upon to form a
Liberal government after April
8th, Parliament will ,be called
to meet at the earliest possible
date. This means calling Par-
liament to meet in Ottawa on
Thursday, May 16th.
As soon as parliament meets,
a Liberal government will act
to bring the muddle and con-
fusion on defence to an end.
Canada's committments to her
allies will be fulfilled. Then,
so that the critical issues of
defence may be removed from
partisan politics, a new Liberal
government will establish an
all -party defence committee of
the House of Commons. No
longer will the vital matter of
defence policy be made a tool
of political expediency.
A • new Liberal government
will take immediate steps to
associate Canada directly and
constructively with the new
patterns of 'trade developing all
over the world.
Mr. Pearson has pledged that
as the head of the new Liberal
government he would_ discuss
immediately with Prime Minis-
ter MacMillan and his -col-
leagues, ways and means of
deepening -.-and- strengthening
our political and economic re-
lations as members of the Com-
monwealth of Nations. He will
put forward ideas to the United
Kingdom government for joint
action to promote freer trade
and for association with new
trade patterns developing in
Europe and other parts of • the
free world.
Immediately following his
meeting with Prime Minister
MacMillan, Mr. Pearson has
pledged that he would then in-
vite President Kennedy to dis-
cuss with him our joint re-
sponsibility as partners in the
defence of this continent, as
members of the Atlantic Coali-
tion .
These are firm pledges of the
Liberal party and they indicate
positive action which is planned
immediately the election is de-
cided. Compare these firm
pledges with the emotional ap-
peal being made by the Con-
servative Leader. Mr. Diefen-
baker refuses to discuss pol-
icy, gives no suggestions as to
steps to be taken in the future,
no indication as to those who
might be associated with him
in the event he is returned to
The difference between the
two leaders is emphasized by
the Toronto Telegram, when it
says: "It is the duty of Cana-
dian political leaders to recon-
cile the diverse interests within
a party and within the country,
not develop and emphasize
them. It is the duty of Cana-
dian political leaders to redon-
cile differences with our allies
and friends. On both of these
counts Mr. Pearson has met his
responsibilities; Mr. Diefenbak-
er has not."
The Globe and Mail puts it
this way. Referring to Prime
Minister Diefenbaker, it says
this: "We have had a man of
words who was not a man of
action. He has brought Canada
into one of the most troubled
and dangerous periods of her
history; left us awash in a sea
of indecision. It is time for a
change. Canadians, we think,
are ready for the change; it
would be in their general char-
acter. We have flirted at times
with men of words; but most
of the political leaders who
have commanded our support
for long periods of time have
been solid men who have talk-
ed little and sometimes badly,
but who had the power of de-
cision and therefore the will to
act. Mr. Pearson qualifies."
A Liberal government recog-
nizes that it is impossible to
carry out all that needs to be
done immediately, and for this
reason has established ,certain
The first priority, of course,
must be -to" restore The confi-
dence of Canadians in them-
selves, and the confidence of
the world in Canada. The gov-
ernment would have to make
hard and unpleasant decisions
at times, and this is recognized.
A second priority would be to
bring forward measures to ex-
pand the economy, whereby
municipalities could be assisted
in starting their particular pro-
jects and steps. taken to en-
courage industry, particularly
in the smaller communities.
This is particularly important
to Huron, where lack of indus-
trial expansion in -Huron towns
has denied to graduating pupils
from Huron schools the oppor
tunity of a career at home. '
Improved educational train-
ing is high in the Liberal list
of priorities. A Liberal gov-
ernment will invest in Canada's
future through scholarships and
loans to university students,
and an extension of the family
allowance for high school stu-
At this time, too, steps would
be taken to correct the many
problems facing the Ontario
farmer. Creation of a second
Minister of Agriculture, charg-
ed with protecting the interests
of the • eastern farmer, will be
a factor in insuring that farm-
ers across Canada share equally
in the national income. No
longer should Ontario farmers
suffer a loss of $16,000,000.00
as they did in 1962, as compar-
ed to the preceding year.
A new Liberal government
would ^give high priority to a
program and go on to pick up
the last section.
(Last three paragraphs of
story by Gamet Hicks)
This is the Liberal program.
It is a program of stark reality,
a program of decision, a pro-
gram designed to get Canada
moving. But it can not come
into being unless the voters of
Canada make certain that they
vote for stable, responsible
As the Globe and Mail said
in its issue of March 23rd, and
I quote: "We have been with-
out government. We must have
government. This is the over-
riding issue which faces us on
April 8th. We can resolve it
only by electing the Liberal
party with a working major-
new cassocks on Sunday last
and presented a very fine ap-
pearance. The. pastor, Rev. F.
H. Larkin, also appeared in his
pulpit gown, presented by the
ladies of the congregation.
The horse and cattle show,
under the auspices of the Sea -
forth Agricultural Society on
Tuesday last, was a success. All
afternoon the street was pack-
ed with spectators.
Mr. R. E. Coates has leased
the residence he recently pur-
chased to Mr. F. McIntosh and
has removed to the residence
he purchased from Mrs. I. V.
Fear, at the head of John St.
Dr. John Grieve's hens sought
to givehim an April surprise.
He found in the nest of one
of his hens a monster egg,
which weighed 10 ounces, and
measured 11x8% inches.
From The Huron Expositor
April 6, 1888
Mr. John Huffman, of Wing -
ham, has taken possession of
the Royal Hotel.
Mr. John Kyle has disposed of
his storeproperty on Main St.
to Mr. ichard Clark, for the
sum of $1,200.
Mr. D. Campbell, of Walton,
has received the agency for the
Townships of McKillop, Grey
and Morris, for the "Dandy"
patent bagholder.
The 33rd Battalion Band went
to Mitchell on Tuesday after-
noon and they looked very fine
all togged out in military uni-
Mr. William Logan has pan-
sies of this year's growth in his
Mr. William Copp has been
engaged as county agent for the
North American Insurance Com-
pany and will give his building
and contracting business to his
son, John.
Mr. Allan Spring, of the Base
Line, Hullett, has a ewe which
gave. birth to five lambs one day
last week.
He: "You're the only girl I've
ever loved."
She: "Beginners! Beginners!
All I ever get are beginners!"
Something unprecented,' un-
called for, and unmistakable is
happening, to our good, gray
Canadian people. Their feel-
ings are showing. One of the
things I've .always admired
about us Canadians has been
our dour lack of response to
any of the usual standard emo-
tional stimulants: Queen, coun
try, flag, anthem, politics, reli-
Latin races are expected to
be excitable, emotional, voluble
and revolutionary. Nobody .is
surprised when a Teuton wants
to beat you up one minute and
sob over a song the next. Scan-
dinavians are noted for their
moodiness. Slays.are explosive.
Asians form shouting mobs.
Africans are unpredictable.
* *
Not us. At least, we never
were before. Compared to us,
the Yanks have always been
a wildly emotional nation. Ev-
en the British, who pride them-
selves on their reserve, are
sloppy and sentimental compar-
ed to us. Or at least they used
to be.
We have always been thorny,
owly, surly, ornery, independ-
ent and deeply unenthusiastic
people. We have been unim-
pressive, perhaps, but also un-
PC Candidate
There has been so much said -
during this election campaign,
about the way Canada has been
let down since we have had a
Conservative Government in the
past five years.
I intend to°give you the com-
parison between Canada and
the United States.
I . am going to give you the
exact comparison between 1956
and 1962.
Canada matched or bettered
the United States record with
regard to every major indicator,
even unemployment that you
have heard so much about has
been consistently higher in the
United States than it has been
in Canada.
In 1962 Canada's growth rate
was higher than any Atlantic
Community Country.
Canada's sales to other coun-
tries were better than those of
the United States by nine per
Trade increases — .1956-1962:
Canada, 31.3 per cent and Unit-
ed States, 22.9 per cent.
Canada's sales abroad in 1962
were up 7.6 per cent over the
previous year, while the United
States recorded only 4 per cent
Canada's record Sof personal
income between 1956 and 1962
was better than the United
States by 7 per cent—Canada,
39 per cent; United States, ,32
per cent.
Corporation profits before
taxes: Here again Canada was
ahead of the United States by
12 per cent increase in corpora-
tion profits — Canada, 32 per
cent; United States, 20 per cent.
Industrial production, 1956.
1962: Canada, 19 per cent; Unit-
ed States, 18.3 per cent.
Increase in manufacturing
employment, 1956-1962: Canada,
15.7 per cent:, United States,
5.5 per cent.
Consumer prices rose from
1956-1962, Canada 11.1 per
cent; United States, 11.2 per
Canada pays less taxes as a
percentage of total National
Production than do residents of
the United States, Belgium,
Italy, France, United Kingdom,
Germany and the Netherlands.
After reading, this 1 am -sure
yott Will agree we `shetild keep
Canada' far` °Lfiff'tidiatils..
* * *
Other nations have had pro-
cessions and parades. The peo-
ple turn out in hundreds of
thousands to cheer at the tops
of their voices, wave flags,
surge against the police lines.
We have had our parades,
too. If it's not a nice enough
day to go for a picnic, or play
golf, or go fishing, or work in
the garden, Canadians will turn
out in their handfuls for a par-
They will stand in their
scanty ranks, stonily watching
anything -from a prime minister
to a Santa Claus parade. Oc-
casionally, if it's the Queen or
Winston Churchill or some-
body of equivalent rank, there
might be a gentle patter of
handclapping. Once in a while,
some eccentric will actually
cheer—one little hurray! He
subsides immediately, horribly
embarrassed, while everyone in
his vicinity stares at him cold-
In other countries, university
students write poetry, join par-
ties, man the barricades, march
on the palace, die for their
ideals., in this country, the uni-
By Bill Smiley
versity students write letters
home for money, go to parties,
man the bars, march to the
folknik joints, and die at 'a ripe
old age, usually for their high
* * *
But things are changing. The
solemn, cynical Canadian is be-
ing swept out of his quiet back-
water into the seething main-
stream. His ink -like blood is
aboil. Strange,. savage snarls
are escaping his thin lips. Deep
within him, a , Beast is being
aroused. He's prying up the
stones of his patio to hurl at
somebody; -though he isn't quite
sure woo it is.
Gone is his decent reserve.
Vanished+ is his phlegmatic
calm. Ripped to ribbons is his
ancient fear that somebody
might think he was displaying
emotion. A new, strange vio-
lence surges through his knot-
ted veils. There's going to be
terror in the land. I can feel
* * *
"Nonsense," you say. Oh,
yes, I can hear you. "Piffle and
poppycock," you sneer. All
right, don't believe me. But
don't say I didn't warn yoq.
Just take a look at your daily
newspapers. It's all right there.
Your fellow Canadians have
gone haywire. "PM JEERED
BY STUDENTS," says the head-
HOWLED DOWN;" it gloats.
Isn't that enough evidence for
anybody? The Canadian pub-
lic, famous for its total, spori-
fic calm during election cam-
paigns, is aroused. The tiger is
* * *
Can you actually conceive the
pictupe of an honest, placid
Canadian standirfg up and ask-
ing questions at a political
meeting, unless he was drunk?
Can you imagine sensible Cana -
dian voters cheering, except at
a hockey game?
The 1963 election is going to
go down in history. It may not
solve anything, politically. But
emotionally it will symbolize
the time when the wild, free
spirit of the Canadian people
burst loose, and we were re-
vealed for the tempestuous, ex-
otic, romantic race we really
It's beautiful, somehow. And,
somehow, sad. For generation&
there was nobody like us. And
now we're just going to be like
everybody else,