HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-03-14, Page 13i• • it. ti •f• r• BENEATH THIS BANNER ARE THE WORLD'S BEST USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sae 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26, Personals The cost is low. Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Clasasificabion 25, minimum 65c plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. AB other classifications mini- mum .65 cents per insertion except Auction Sales, (20), Ten- ders Wanted, (21), and Legal Notices, (220), rates ops applicai- tion, For cash payment or if paid by 10 days following last laser - ton, • . C c deducted from �7 above rates. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business Firms, Trades- men, etc.): Minimum 50 cents per insertion. Billing charge, 15 cents per advertiaemnenh. 1. Coming Events SEAFORTH Skating Club An- nual Carnival, "Variety on Ice" April 5. Meeting of parents at arena 4:15, Tuesday, March 19. 1-61-1 SPRING House Cleaning! Save all your good,- clean used spring clothing for the Hospital Auxil- iary Spring Riimmiage Sale, Sat- urday, April 6th, Public Library. Also articles for white elephant booth. 1-614 THE local C.P.T. committee of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs are planning a Box Social and So- cial evening on March 217th, in the IOOF Hail. Proceeds in aid of loan cupboard equipment. Watch for further information. 1-61-1 2. Lost, Strayed LICENCE plate A-3367. Finder please contact White Rose Gar- age. 2-61x1 4. Help Wanted LADIES in rural areas—invest ,your time—and your earnings will multiply in relation to your efforts. Write your Avon Mana- ger, Mrs. M. Millson, 960 'Well- ington Rd., S., London, or call col. 432-9019,. between 7 and 8 p.m. 4-60-1 NE•FiDED, A Rawleigh Dealer for Townships Tuckersmith, Mc- Killop and Hulled. Over 1,500 families, where Products have been sold for manly years. Real opportunity for permanent, pro- fitable work. Start promptly. Write Raawleigh's, Dept. C-363- 232, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. -1 Township of Hibbert APPLICATIONS Applications will be received by the clerk up to 12 o'clock noon Monday, March 188th, 1963, for an inspector to supervise the Warble Fly Spraying Pro - grain in the Township of Hib- bert for the year 1963. Duties to commence April 1st, any appli- cation not necessarily, accepted. MRS. ANN BURCHILL, Clerk, Dublin, Ontario. 4-60-2 WANTED ASSESSOR for Township of Hibbert Applications will be received at the office of the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon, Monday, March 18th, 1863, for the position of assescser for the Township of Hibbert, for the year 1963. Ap- plicants please state age, ex- perience if any and salary ex- pected, also applieattion to be in own handwriting. MRS. ANN BURCHILL, Clerk, Dublin, Ontario. 4-60-2 8. Farm Stock For Sale SEVENTEEN pigs, 10 weeks old. Frank Murray, phone 101 R 6, Dublin. 8-61x1 TWO whiten -faced calves; 18 pigs. John Jans'en,°IRR 5, Sea, forth, phone 852 R 21. 8-614 EIGHT good pigs, ready -to - wean, Vincent Murray, phone 102 R 16, Dublin, 8-61-1 SIX heifers and 6 steers, rising, two years old, Durham and Hereford. Pat Ryan, Dublin. xl TEN pigs, 100 lbs., York and Landrace; 4 Bead white-faced cattle, about 500 lbs. David Liv- ingston, Seaforth, 9-81tc1 TWO Holstein heifers; 4. Hale• stein cows, due soon. David Triebner, Kippen, phone Henisail '264 J 3. . 8.814 8. Farm Stock For Sale FIFTEEN pigs, 8 weeks old, Doug Huai, RR 2, Seaforth. xa LACOMBE boar, 10 months old, guaranteed breeder; 4 pigs, 8 weeks old. Herrman VanBakel, R 2, Dublin, phone 55 R 12. 8-611 CHOICE lot of quiet, young sows., some York and York- Lanrace cross, bred Lacombe, due soon. Ervin Sillery, Brute field, phone HU 2-7590. 8-61x1 9. Poultry For Sale B AB Y chicks, Sussex -Cross Reds, Red -Cross -Sussex, Red- CrossSussex-Crossed-Reds, Legs horns, started pullets, ihatches weekly. Pinder Chick Hatchery, Mitchell, phone 348-9961. 9-58-8 10. Used Cars For Sale 1952 Dodge sedan, in good con- dition W. A. Hodgemt, phone 369-J, Seaforth. 10.61-1 1951 Dodge sedan, recently over- hauled. In good condition. Hugh Thompson, Shoe Repair, Main St,, Seaforth. 10-61-1 11. Articles For Sale CHIHUAHUA puppies, phone 184-M, Seaforth. 11-61x1 FOUR -hundred baa le s mixed hay; 200 bales oat straw. Clar- en'ce Maior}ey RR 5, Seaforth. x1 STRAW, 1,000 bales. -A. Peters, RR 2, Brussels; phone 497W4. 11-61x1 EVE - MAR STORES Men take advantage of these prices, suits, 2 pair pants, pric- ed, 28.95 to 42.95. 11-61-1 BALED hay; quantity Russell oats, suitable for seed. David Trie.bn.e•r, Kippen, phone Hensall 264 J 3. 11-61-1 FOR SALE—Trade in your old shaver now, low prices at Savauge's, opposite Post Office.. 11-6041 CEDAR posts and poles, all sizes, all lengths. Order now for Spring delivery. G. Heard, RR 2, Seaforth, phone 869. 59x4 EVE -MAR STORES Large selection ladies 2 and 3 -piece suits, dresses, carcoats, full length coats, etc. Priced to suit every purse. Come in and see for yourself. • 11-61-1 HONEY, 4 only 30 -ib. pails am- ber honey, $6.25; clover, 8-1b. pails, $2,00, 4-11)., $1.10; 2-111, 50c. No advance in prices. Ap- ply Wallace Ross Apairies. 61.2 WINGHAM cook stove; cherry extension table; Westinghouse frig., 7 cu. ft.; gram.aphone, (oabinet); cabinet radio. Mrs. James Souter, phone 609 J 3. xl COLONY house, on skids, ap- prox. 10' x 14', asphalt shingled, sides brown - and roof green. Good condition. Joseph Riley, Kinburn, Ont., phone Seaforth, 841 R 3. 11 -60 -if EVE -MAR STORES Extra Special Ibex Tex -Made blankets, No. 1 quality, 70" x 90", $5.49 pair. Curity diapers, 21" x 40", spec- ial, $3.98per doz. 11-67.E-1 12. Wanted To Buy CHILD'S bed or single bed in good condition. Phone 64 R 17, Dublin. 12-61-1 HAY wanted. All grades accept- ed. Cash at the 'barn. Gall R. Smock, phone 587-2531, Jarvis, Ont. 12-60x3 HIGH chair, in good condition, reasonable. Mrs. Wilfred Mc- Quaid, RR 5, Seaforth, phone Dublin, -46 R 22.- 12-61-1 WANTED -39" bunk beds, . in good condition, with or without mattresise's. Call Seaforth, 534, between 7 and 9 p. m. 12-61x1 HAY, any quantity, price, 35c for 40 to 45 lb. babes, 40c for 45 to 50 lab., bales; .straw, 40 lb. bale, 20.c. Call Dublin, 5, Tues. to Fri., Mr. Miner, or Box 1180, Huron Expositor, 12.61»x2 14. Property For Sale FARM -130 acre farm, in Grey Township, square brick house, L shaped barn, good water supply. Apply Box 1186, Huron Exposi- tor. 14-59x3 OFFERING FOR THE FIRST TIME A lovely 3 -bedroom home in immaculate condition, with built- in cupboards, fire place, hard- wood floors, oil furnace and mrany extras go with this pro- perty. It will be a plleasure to show you this one. Close to up- toovn. A completely renovated 6 - room home, close to pwblie school. $1,000. down will handle, early possession. Please Caleb AMOS CORBY, Phone 598-M Rep. for Wilfred Mclntee 14-61.1 15. Property For Rent HOME in Bayfield, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bath- room. Apply Bert Eckerts, phone 54 R 2, Bayfield, 15-61x3 TWO -bedroom apartment, three- piece bath, heated, available now. Gordon Noble, phone 71-W. 15.61,x1 ONE -bedroom alrartment, on second floor, in Simpson Week; 2 apartments in Royal Apts; Apply to ` Joseph McConnell; Seaforth, or Dr. E. A. McM•as- ter, 'Grand Bend. 15.604 15. Property For Rent MAIN St. apartment. Frank Kling Ltd., phone 19, Seaforth. 15-604f SEVEN -room house, on John St., new bathroom and cup - .boards, newly decorated. Pos- session 1st April. Mrs. James Souter, phone 609 J 3. 15-61x1 MODERN 2 -bedroom apartment, hot water heated, large living - room, kitchen, modern bath- room, hardwood floors through- out. All1 newly decorated. Lee Learn, phone 101, Seaibrth. 60-tf 17. Wanted To Rent ONE -bedroom apartment, on ground floor. Phone 508-W. 61x1 18. Property Wanted FARM wanted in Seaforth area, St. Columban or Dublin, 100 acres, good buildings. Will trade modern home in Seaforth as down payment. Box 1491, Huron Exipasitor. 18-61as5 19. Notices SNOW plowing farm lanes and drives. G. Heard Const., RR 2, Seaforth, phone 869, 19-59x4 NOTICE—For radio and TV re- pairs, calf 124, Bob Dinsmore, 19-57-6 AUTHORIZED dealer for Vik- ing Milkers and cream separa- tors for Dublin, Seaforth and Clinton, Basil O'Rourke, Black- smith and Welding Shop, Bruce - field, Ontario. • 19-60x8 PROMPT watch repair service at Savauge's, (opposite Post Office) 2 certified watchmak- ers. Automatics a specialty, 19-60-tf SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 For all kinds of upholstering. . 19-60-tf CARPENTRY WORK Now is the time to talk about new custom homes, kitchen cab- inets, rec. rooms, repairs. Free estimates, GRANT FIN -WIGAN Seaforth 19-60-5 ANSTETT JEWELLERS Offers you Easy Credit Terms with NO Carrying Charges Phone 77, Seaforth 19-60-tf A NEW KITCHEN May cost less than you think! 'For alterations, new kitchen cupboards, rec roorns, exten- sions and repairs, call: JOHN LANSINK & SONS, General Contracting Phone 79, Seaforth. Competent Workmanship 19-6041 FAST SERVICE WATCH °REPAIRS All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Phone 77, Seaforth 19.60-tf NOTICE Township of McKillop All car owners in the Town- ship of McKillop are requested not to park their cars on the roads of the Township during the winter. Cars that are left on the roads are contrary to the Highway Traffic Act and are a detriment to operation of snowplows. Please note that Provincial Police will take necessary ac• tion to see that cars are not left on roads and prosecution may fallow. WILSON LITTLE Road Superintendent 19-60-tf 20. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Performance Tested Bulls Western Ontario Agricultural School, Ridgetown. Friday, March 22nd, 1963, 2:00 p.m. Standard Time. Bull Premium, Policy applies, For sale catalogues apply, to: E. A, STARR, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. 20-61-2 FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TOO LATE TO ,CLASSIFY, SEE PAGE 6 Boxholders' Names Not Given Out It is not possible for us to divulge the name or ad- dress of any advertiser using a Huron Expositor box number. Pleasedo not ' ask for this information. 20. Auction Sales • EXTENSIVE CLEARING AUCTION SALE Extensive Clearing Auction Sale of 35 head of cattle, con- sisting of 14 Durham cows, Dur- ham an Hereford steers and heifers, Hereford bull, 185 togs, hay and straiw, 3 tractors and a full line of power and farm machinery, on Lot 5, Con. 3, Hibbert Township, 2 miles west of Mitchell, 1' muffle south of No. 8 Highway, on THURSDAY, MARCH 28, at 12:30 pan. A full list will appear nest week. ROBERT BURCHILL, Prop. W. E. NAIRN & SON, Auctioneers. 20-61-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Machinery, at Let 17, B.R.N., Shanley Township, 1st farm west of Varma., on TUES., MARCH 26th, at 12:30 p.m. CATTLE -4 -year-old register- er Guernsey caw, bred June 27; 5 -year-old registered Guernsey cow, bred June 25; 6 -year-old registered Guernsey cow, bred Aug. 26; 5 registered Holstein cows, 5-years=old, bred in June and July; 1 5 -year-old Holstein cow, fresh; 6 Holstein cows, bred in June, July and Aug.; 3 Guernsey heifer calves,; 2 Hol- stein heifer calves; 1 Hereford calf. MACHINERY — 460 Interna- tional tractor, (new), 300 hrs. with L.P.T., T.A. full hydraulic 3 -pt. hitch; 3 -furrow Int-rea- bional mounted trip -bottom plcw, (new); McCormick power drill; 15 -run double disk, 3 -years old; Case combine, with motor, 5 years old; Jahn Deere tractor, model! M, with scubfler and snow blade; Oliver side rake, No. 107, 2 -wheel, (3• yrs. old); Massey -Harris disc, 9", 4 yrs. old;.. John Deere harvester; Gell blower and pipes; wagon and forage box; Massey -Harris bean puller; John Deere mow- er, 7'; McCormick binder or swather; John Deere cultivator, 8'; drag harrows, 9'; Universal mailieing machine, 2 single units; milk cooler=, 4 cans, spray; 15 milk cans; hammer mill; 75 -ft. endless belt, (new) ; 1 -horse scuffler; hay car; forks; shov- els: quantity mixed grain. Other articles too numerous to men- tion. Terms—Oash, No Reserve, Farm sold. ROY ELLIOTT, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 20-61-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Live- stock, Imaplements, Hay, Grain and Household Effects, at Lot 17, Con. 5, McKillop Township, 21/2 miles north and 2 miles east of Seaforth, on MARCH 27, at 1 o'clock sharp. CATTLE consisting of 23 cows, Poll Angus and Hereford; five cows, Holstein; 1 Poll Angus bull, 5 year old, registered; 22 yearling Poll Angus and Here- ford cattle; 8 calves, 400 lbs., Poll Angus; half of the cows due at time of sale or before. IMPLEMENTS—Fardson Major diesel tractor, with 3 -point hitch,' live power, live hydraulic, this tractor has only 500 hours work; John Deere M tractor, with pul- ley; John Deere A tractor; with good rubber; Ford 8-N tractor, with 3 -point hitch; John Deere 17 -run disc fertilizer drill, on rubber, like new; Jahn Deere 3 - furrow plough; John Deere 7 -ft. power mower; John Deere 4 -bar side rake; John Deere harvest- er, with corn head; Allis-Chal- mers AC blower, 2 years old; John Deere heavy wagon, on rubber; farm wagon, on good rubber; 2 forage boxes; John Deere traitor spreader; John Deere combine, with power take -off; John Deere hammer mill, 10"; John Deere 8 -ft, stiff tooth cultivator; 9 section dia- mond harrows; 3 -section spring tooth cultivator; • John Deere 40 - ft. bale elevator; 7 -ft. I.H.C. binder; land roller; land pack- er; circular saw and frame; 36 -ft. extension ladder; black- smith forge; 1940 Dodge grain truck; feed mixer, 11/2 tori cap - The Huron Expositor never knowingly publishes mislead- ing, fraudulent or bait adver- tising. All advertisements are ac- cepted for publication ori the premise that the product, the service, or the offer is pro- perly and honestly described, and is not worded or design- ed to mislead the reader in any respect. Advertising accepted for publication must not contain false or exaggerated claims, or exaggerated comparative prices, and if any reader en- counters anything less than faithful compliance with con- ditions, as described in an advertisement, we would ap- preciate knowing of it. Just write or call The Huron Ex- positor. Advertisers who deliber- , ately violate those standards will not be permitted `to us* our advertising columns. wiraawieaa yy� .-YT% Atm' 20. Auction Sales acity; oat roller; fanning mill; electric brooders and range shel- ters ; poultry feeders and 'water- ers. HAY and GRAINL1000 bus. mixed oats and barley; 500 bus. Russell Oats; 100 bus. barley; quantity of bbaled, 'ha'yi. Some -household effects, and a host of other amticlesa, forks, shovels, pails, chains, etc. Terms—Cash day of sale. DAVID SHANNON, Proprietor. JOSEPH L. RYAN, Auctioneer. JAMES McQUAID, Clerk. 20-61,2 22. Legal Notices - NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of QUEENIE D. WILSON All persons having claims against the Estate of Queenie D. Wilson, late of the TGWU of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on, Widow, deceased, who died on the 13th day of January, 1962, are hereby notified bo send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of April, 1963, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 12th day of March, 1963. McdONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 22-61-3 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO Between: Finlay M. Semis, Plaintiff and Louis Waxman and Clara Waxman, Defendants and Guelph Metal Company Limited, M o r r i s Enushevsky,• William Burke, Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, Defendants added in the Master's Office. Pursuant to Judgment and the Direction of the undersigned Master sealed Tenders address- ed to the undersigned and en- dorsed "Tenders" will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to noon on Saturday, March 34th, 1963, for the purchase in separ- ate parcels of the property hereinafter described subject to reserve bid fixed by the Master. Parcel One: Lot 256 and 257 in the ,Village of Brussels. Parcel Two: The North-west corner of Lot 24 on the East side of Elizabeth Street in the Village of Brussels hav- ing a frontage on Mills Street of seventy-six feet by a depth of eighty-two and one-half feet. No deposit is required to be submitted with Tenders. Pur- chase pi -ice to be paid in full within forty-five days of the closing of tenders. Arrange- ments for inspection of the prop- erty may be made with Lloyd Michael, Brussels, "F. FINGLAND" Local; Master, S.C.O. at Goderich. DATED the 22nd day of Feb- ruary, 1963. Donnelly, Donnelly & Murphy 18, The Square, Goderich, Ontario. 22-61-2 23. Business Directory JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist, optical 'services, Goderich St. West. Tuesday to Saturday, 9-5:30, except Wed- nesday -Thursday evening by ap- pointment. Phone 791, Sea - forth. Monday, Clinton Medi- cal Centre. A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Phones: Office 173, Res• 781 Seaforth : Ontario D H. McINNES Chiropractic Commercial Hotel Monday Thursday -1 to 8 p.m BOX. FUNERAL SERVICE R. S, BOX LICENSED EMBALMER Prompt and careful attention Hospital Bed FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS Phones: Res. 595-W — Store 43 J.'A. BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN ONTARIO Night or Day Calls: Phone 43 R 10 W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER. and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls — 335 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St., W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 119 - Seaford, A. M. HARPER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants 55 South St. Telephone Goderich JA4562 Licensed Municipal Auditor ARGAI 23. Business Directory SEAFORTI1 VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. D. E. Galt, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 : Seaforth McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D McCONNELL, Q.C. D. 1. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 550 24: Cards of Thanks Mr. and Mrs.. Jake Broome wish to expresis thanks to the Turjer family and sail others .wtho help- ed at the time of their accident. 24-61-1 Mr. and Mrs. Percy Little wish to thank ell who called, sent cards and gifts on their 50th wedding anniversary, It was very much appreciated. -1 1: wish to thank all' who remem bered me with visits, gifts and cards while a patient in hospit- al; also nursing staff and Doc- tors. 24-61-1 Earl Kinsman. THE family of the late Mrs. Charles Dexter wish to thank their friends, neighbors, Rev. H Funge and Mr. and Mrs. -G. A• Whitney for kindnesses shown u,s in our recent sad bereave- ment. 24-61-1 THE family of the late Mrs. Ernest Monte wish to express their deep appreciation to the staff of Scott Memorial Hospit- al, the Doctors and all who were so kind on the occasion of their sad bereavement. 24-61-1 WE wish to thank our friends neighbors and relatives for the flowers, cards and kindness shown in our recent bereave- ment of a clear husband and father. Mrs. Wm. H. Nott and Family. 24-61-1 THE family of the late Mrs. Annie McPherson wish to ex- press appreciation to the Tha•m- cr Nursing Home,' the Doctors, her neighbors, and the neighbors of members of her family and all others who expressed sym- pathy and helped in any way during their sad bereavement. 24-61x1 25. In Memoriam CUDMORE — In ever loving memory of our dear father, Roland Cudmore, dvho passed away ii Hensall, on March 16th, 1928. —Daughters nand Sons, 25-61x1 . Births BALFOUR—At Scott Memoria•1 Hospital, on March 13, to Mr: and Mrs. Wesley J. Balfour, R 2, Dublin, a son. KEATING—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Keating, Seaforth, a daughter. MacKENZIE—At South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on March 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mac- K'nrzie, nee Neeb, Hensall, a daughter. A sister for Gordon, Tommy and Lorraine. SOME!RVILLE — At- Women's Cel e:ge Hospital, Toronto, on March 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Somerville, nee Arlene Diesel, 7 Sanetbury Place, Etobicoke, son, Charles John. UPSHALL—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on March 13, to Mr, and Mrs. Jelin Uoslt'•a11; RR 1, Cromarty, a daughter. Deaths 1icPHERSON—In Seafartah, on March 9, Anna Caroline Wei - ben, widow of Samuel Mc- Pherson, in, her 74th year. HENSALL Flowers in the United Church Sanctuary last Sunday morning were in loving memory of Mrs. William Consitt and Mr. John Currie, father of Rev. Harold F. Currie. placed there by mem- bers of the family. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Beer quiet- ly celebrated their 39th wed- ding anniversary on Tuesday of this week and were the recipi- ents of many congratulatory messages and gifts. Mr. and Mrs, James McAllis- ter and Mr. and Mrs. William Soldan are vacationing in Flor- ida. Kenny Smal , son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smale, has a lost racing pigeon at his home which he found at Mickle's Mill, be- ing white with black' on tail, with number on ring 887 CU 60, Stratford. Owner can claim pigeon by calling 125-M, Hen- sall, Mrs. Clarence Reid entertain- ed members of -the bowling club at her home aVlonday evening with members Mrs. Garnet Mousseau, Mrs..,IIugh McEwen, Mrs. E. R. Davis, Mrs. Byran Kylle, Mrs. Wm. Brown, Mrs. Fred Broadley, Mrs. Harold Wm. Bell and Mrs. Reid pres- ent. Captain Mrs. Davis, on be- half of the team, presented Mrs. Reid with a Floral bone china centerpiece. Mrs. Davis conducted a recreational per- iod of contests, arid the win- ners were Mrs. Mousseau, Mrs. Broadley, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Kyle and Mrs. Drown. A delicious luncheon was served. B.ROC HAGEN NEWS OF THE WEEK. Mr. Wilfred Ahrens attended the Canadian Automotive Sere ice Clinic in Toronto last week. Mr. Chris W. Iseonhar'dt at- tended the Mutual Fire Under• WINCHELSE,A The Winchelsea, school chil- dren enjoyed an afternoon of skating last Thursday with Us - borne School Area scholars at Exeter arena. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Horton, of Clinton, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, Clin Gilfillan and family. The Winchelsea euchre was held Monday evening at the school, prizes going to Mrs. Iv- an Brock and Mrs. Tom Camp- bell for high; Bill Walters, for lone hands; and consolation prize, Gary Hern. Mabel Gilfil- lan and Marie Brock were hos- tesses. Mr. Raymond Horne suffered a painful accident Friday eve- ning while helping his father load cattle. He will be off work for a month with a fractured pelvis. - Miss Carol Johns, of Elim- ville, visited on Saturday after- noon with her grandmother, Mrs. Garnet Miners. Miss Kay Horne, of - London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Mr. Clifton Webber, of Elim- ville, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- Wm. Walters and Dan- ny. The Elimville Institute euchre was held at the Township Hall Thursday evening with twelve tables in play, prizes going to: ladies' high, Mrs. Roy Johns; men's high, Heber Shute; lone hands, Don Parsons; lucky box of groceries, Beverley Parsons. There will be another party in the near future. Miss Kathy Hern spent Thurs- day evening with the Parsons children near Exeter. Mrs. Sam Hendrick was on the sick list the latter part of the week. Relief teacher Mrs. Baker i3 taking her place as teacher at Winchelsea School. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Barbara Anne visited on Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. Bill Church at Winthrop. Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn and family attended the Ice Capades at Kitchener on Saturday. STAFFA The Staffa UCW held a -crok- inole party in the Family Life Centre on Friday evening, Mar. 8. There were nine tables in play. Winners were: ladies' high, Mrs. Carter Kerslake; ladies' low, Janet -Miller; gents' high, Cameron Vivian; gents' low, Craig Kerslake, -A •delic- ious lunch was served at the close. !Hibbert's Little Lassies held the second meeting of their course,' "The Milky Way," at the home of Mrs. Kerslake on 1 Saturday afternoon. The meet - ling opened with the 4-H Pledge. Roll call was answered by 13 girls, each giving their average score of milk drank for - one week. Mrs. Parsons discussed the second -•topic, "Milk in Many Forms-" Each 'filled in the pamphlets, and the girls, un- der the supervision of their leaders, made cold banana and chocolate - drinks. The next meeting is to be held Saturday, March 16, at 1:30 p.m. Quite a number from this community attended the Ice Capades in Kitchener this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan, Exeter, visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Miller and Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman and families. Mr. and Mrs. James Lyall and Nancy, Agincourt, and Mr. Eric Norris, OAC, Guelph, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nprris. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. John Templeman and fam- ily were Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Annis and family, RR 3, Mit- chell, and Mrs, Mary Temple. man. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Agar and family, London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ald Agar and family. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McBride and family, of Windsor, were at their farm on the Town Line over the weekend. Miss Mary Margaret Oesch and friend, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Oesch and Linda. Mr. Hughie McBride, of Lon- don, was a Sunday guest with Mr. and Mr's. Roy McBride and Mr. and Mrs. John McBride, and Joanne. Mr, Andy Corriveau, of Lon- don, visited -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Corriveau and family ,of Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Oesch, Lin- da, Mary Margaret and friend visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Baechler and fam- ily. :writers' A,>aaocietinn 'cOnYe.ntiOn in Toronto .teas week, Mr.14.7m. August Wm, 1).artb eat the WagtericloWitit their naubter, Rey. PAT. Calvin •G;ilck, Aeabpirg• Mr. and Mrs, George Wheat - ,lex, of 111001,10p, Vxieh her mother, Mrs. Elizarl;etl} Buck on Sunday. Mr. ,and Mrs. Word ord Wood- ward, Donna and 04Y, 14 To- ronto, with her ,,nether, Ws - Albert QUArengesser• Cpl. Dick WAWA' anti CP - •McCullopgh, ,P1f CnP So#dep, at the Jame of 11th•. a>rnd Mrs. Lavern Wolfe.. ,Mrs. Wolfe Xe - turned home after about three weeks with ,her son Lorne We and Mrs. Wolfe in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Leon- hardt and Part and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bennewies and ;Eas- ily visited with 11ar. and Mrs. Alvin Scbellepherger in Mit- chell on Sunday. Many from here attended the Ice Capades in Kitchener last week. Successful Music Pupils The following pupils of Mrs. Audrey Vostenbosch, who teach- es piano at the Community Hall here, were successful in their recent examinations of piano and theory: Grade 8, Piano, first class honors, Paul Horan; hon- ors, Cheryl. Bennewies. Grade 8, Theory, Brenda Hoegy. Grade 6, Piano, Barbara Hoegy, hon- ors. Grade 4, Margaret Ellig- sen, first class honors; Phyllis Ahrens and Bonnie Hoegy, hon- ors. The teacher, Audrey Elaine Vostenbosch, was suc- cessful in passing with honors both her ARCT •and A.Mus. CONSTANCE Mr. Garry Jewitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt, and a student at Stratford Teachers' College, received word last week that he had been awarded a $200 bursary. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey -Taylor attended the College Royal in Guelph, last Wednesday. Mr: Charles Johnson, -of Clin- ton, spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt. The community extends sym- pathy to Mr. James Dale and family in the loss of his broth- er-in-law, Mr• William Knox, of Clinton. The COF held a ei,ichre and dance in the hall Friday eve- ning. Winners were: ladies' lone hands, Pauline Dolmage; most games, Mrs. Harvey Tay- lor; consolation, Mrs. Walter McClure; men's lone hands, Alex McMichael; most games, Frank Riley; consolation, Har- vey Taylor. Holds Meeting UNIT FIVE, UCW The March meeting of Unit 5 UCW was held at the home of Mrs- Jack McLlain with eleven present. Mrs. W. Henderson opened the meeting with « a poem, "March Miracle." Mrs. R. Renaud and Mrs. Margaret. Somers led the devotional 'per- iod. A thank -you note from Mrs. John Ombelet was read, regard- ing the silver spoon sent to her at Christmastime- A special thank -you was offered by Presi- dent Mrs. Glen. Staffen to all who helped at the supper. 'A reminder was given to all mem- bers of the thankoffering meet- ing in the near future. The next meeting will he at the home of Mrs. Ted Savauge and will be in the form of an auction sale. Each member is asked to bring something sale- able to this meeting anti to in- vite a friend to come with you. ,Mrs. Don Brightrall was in, charge of the program and in- troduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Neil Bell. She chose chap- ter 5 of the study book, "The Word and the Way," and led a discussion period following her talk. GROUP THREE, UCW Group three of UCW held its' March meeting at the home of Miss Abbie Seip on- Tuesday, Mar. 5. Mrs. J. W. Talbot open- ed the meeting with a poem, followed by the Lord's Prayer. The roll call was taken and the minutes were read by Mrs. A. McMichael. Mrs. P. Dunlop conducted the business period. Thelma Elsie and Mrs. Dunlop wer^ Int -mint- ed as callers for March. The Easter thankoffering ix •ill he held in the church Mi rch 26, with the Rev. Walter Tin^e as guest speaker. Plans wer^ made for the joint meeting of Unit 3 and Unit..4, to be held in the church in' April. Mrs, T. Wil - bee was appointed delegate to the Presbyterial, to be held March 21. It was decided to help Group 4 serve the dinner to the Women's Institute. Mrs. T. Wilbee conducted the worship service which she open- ed by the reading of a hymn, followed by prayer and scrip: ture. The chapter on Korea from the study book, "On the Rim of Asia," was very ably taken by Mrs. R. Knight. Mrs. Wilbee read a portion from the book, "The. Seven Deadly Sites."