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° ON EXI'osrroR, SEAIr ORTlf; ONT., MAR. 7, 1963
The . February meeting of
Jiurondale WI was held, in Cav-
enr Presbyterian Church, Exeter,
'►vttpi Mrs. Carmen Cann and
Mrs. -Clarence Down as hostess-
es, assisted by Mrs. Stewart
McQueen, Mrs. Harry Snell and
Mrs. J. M. Southcott.
'" Thirty-four members and five
visitors answered the roll call,
"What part of the newspaper.
Plans Visit
To Holland
Mrs. Richard Taylor, of Hen-
sall, accompanied by her son,
Dick, will fly by jet to Holland,
April 2, on a trip partly spon-
sored by The Netherland War
Grave Pilgrimage to Holland,
where they will spend 10 days,
and will go on a. conducted
Mrs. Taylor, who lost two
sons in the Second World War,
will visit their graves, Melvin,
who is buried in Holland, and
Sydney at Antwerp, Belgium.
Dick will also visit his brothers'
graves. Mrs. Taylor last week
celebrated her 75th birthday.
`Mrs. William Consitt, a high-
ly esteemed resident of Hensall
for over 25 years, passed away
at the Queensway Nursing
Home, Hensall, Thursday night,
having been a patient there for
three and a half months.
The former Flora Louise Ber-
ry, she was. a native of the
Province of Quebec, and was
in her 87th year. During her
residence in Hensall she en-
deared herself to everyone, and
was a wonderful neighbor and
friend. She was a member of
Hensall United Church and ac-
tive in the Women's Missionary
Society informer years.
Surviving are two sons, Or-
ville. RR 1, Hensall; James,
Burnaby,, B.C.; seven grandchil-
dren; seven great-grandchildren
and tworeat-great-grandchil-
dren. 'Mr `Vonsitt predeceased
her some years ago.
Public funeral services were
'held from the Bonthron fun-
eral home on Monday, March 4,
at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. H.
F. Currie, with burial in Bay-
field ` cemetery. Pallbearers
were Roy Consitt, Clarence
Parke, Harold Broderick, Laird
Mickle, Stanley Mitchell and
Ray Broderick. The floral tri-
butes were many and lovely.
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I read first," which proved
amusing. Mrs. Edwin Miller
commented on a very interest-
ing motto, "Lend yourself tQ
others, there is no such thing
as a selfish happiness."
Articles for a layette were
brought to the meeting, which
will be forwarded to the Chil-
dren's Aid at Goderich. Mrs.
R. E. Pooley, of Exeter, gave a
report on the CAC Bulletin
(Canadian Association of Con-
sumers). A motion was passed
that the group pay their share
of the expenses ($32.96) to-
wards the 60th anniversary.
The program was in charge of
Public Relations and Tweeds-
muir History conveners.
Mrs. Roylance Westcott, con-
vener of public relations, took
the chair and opened with a
sing -song, with Mrs. Strang at
the piano. District• president
Mrs. Harry Strang was guest
speaker, speaking on WI pro-
jects, "Pennies For Friendship:
International Scholarship." She
also spoke on the Consumers'
Crusade Trade, which she and
Mrs. Hicks, district secretary,
attended recently in Toronto.
Mrs. Rundale, convener of
Tweedsmuir History, spoke on
articles and history needed for
the Tweedsmuir book. A. skit,
"The Anti -Gossip Club," was
presented by Mrs. Pooley, Mrs.
William Etherington, Mrs. War-
ren Brock, Mrs. James Earl,
Mrs. Cecil Rowe, Mrs. Jean
Morgan, Mrs. Freida Bierling
and Mrs. Bruce Tuckey.
An invitation from Elimville
to attend their 15th annivers-
ary, March 22, at 8 p.m., was
accepted. President Mrs. Harry
Dougall opened the meeting.
The March meeting will be held
in "James Street United Church,
Exeter, with Mrs. Harry Dou-
gall and Mrs. William Dougall
as hostesses.
Auxiliary Holds
Card Party
The Legion Auxiliary card
party, held in the Legion Hall
Wednesday evening, was at-
tended by 46 members from
Exeter, Goderich, Clinton and
Hensall auxiliaries. Prizes were
awarded tor winners in crib-
bage, bride, euchre and five
hundred. rs: Margaret Mac-
Donald, of Clinton, was the
lucky winner of two door priz-
es, a pair of pillow slips, and a
towel and washcloth set. Lunch-
eon was Served.
W.I. Will Meet
The March meeting of Hen-
sall Women's Institute, "Citi-
zenship and Education," will be
held in the Legion Hall Wed-
nesday, March 13, at 8:15 p.m.
Roll call will be, "What I have
done since leaving school to
improve my education." Mrs.
George Rether, of Exeter, will
be guest speaker and will speak
on, "Behind the Iron Curtain,"
and will have souvenirs on dis-
play. A splendid program is
being lined up.
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Kinettes Pion
Fund. Raising
The regular meeting of the
Kinette Club, of Hensall, was
held at the home of Mrs. Wil-
liam Fuss. President Mrs. John
Heal welcomed four guests for
the evening—Mrs. Ron Ware.
ing, Mrs. Maurice Tudor, guest
speaker, Mrs. Gordon Baynham
and Mrs. Les Parker, of the
Kinette Club of Exeter.
Mrs. John Dietz, chairman of
ways and means committee, re-
ported the date for the spring
rummage ple had been set for
May 25, and that it would be
held in the arena this year.
Mrs. William Mickle gave a
full record on work which she
had completed recently on be-
half of the club. Chairman of
the service committee, Mrs. Bob
Baker, Jr.,, announced the date
for the annual spring shut-in
visits, for April 7, Palm Sun-
day. The club was informed by
Mrs. Homer Campbell that the
total amount raised in the town
for the March of Dimes was
Mrs. Jack, Drysdale introduc-
ed the guest speaker, Mrs.
Maurice Tudor, Reg.N., who is
associated with the Huron
County Public Health Unit.
Mrs. Tudor spoke on exactly
what the aim of the public
health nurse is and problems
which they face.
Ross Johnston
Wins Tickets
Ross Johnston, Zurich, was
the winner in the lucky benefit
draw at Hensall arena Friday
night, entitling him to four
tickets to Detroit at Toronto
hockey game, Saturday, March
9th, Mr. Johnston's son, Bob,
sold him the winning ticket and
he receives two tickets also to
the game. All proceeds from
this draw, which took place -at
a hockey game here between
Hensall-Zurich Combines and
St. Marys, with Hensall win-
ning 4-0, claiming a 3-0 series
lead, will go to Larry Bedard,
of Zurich, who played defence
on `the ' team and fractured his
leg during a hockey game. Lar-
ry will receive approximately
$150.00 from the sale of tick-
ets after expenses are deducted.
Hensall Marks
Day of Prayer
The Women's World Day of
Prayer was held in Hensall
United Church Sanctuary Fri-
day afternoon, with ladies from
St. Paul's Anglican, Carmel
Presbyterian, Chiselhurst and
Hensall churches participating.
Mrs. Fred Beer was in the chair,
assisted by Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin,
for St. Paul's, Mrs. Earl Camp-
bell, representing Carmel, and
Mrs. Percy Harris, Chiselhurst.
The message, "More Than
Conquerors Through Prayer"
was ably presented by Mrs.
Harold Currie, who, in her re-
marks, stated that today the
quiet doors of prayer swing
ever more vividly open as
groups of earnest women and
girls of every race and color,
and in greater numbers than
ever before, mill in humble
supplication to Almighty God.
This day is kept in the heart of
Africa, the frozen reaches of
Baffin Land, in the hustling
port cities of Latin America, in
the isolated villages of the Ori-
ent, as well as in thousands of
communities like ours in Can-
ada and the United States, all
praying for all nations of the
world and asking for greater
understanding, peace and a
strengthened faith. "Prayer is
not a matter of logic or formal
belief," she said. "It is the im-
pulse of the heart. Prayer
brings us to God, not to dic-
tate our terms, but to appropri-
ate His resources; not to mag-
nify our wants and expect God
to fulfill them in some magic
manner, but to put ourselves in
the place where God can do for
us what He wants."
The speaker concluded with
an ancient proverb from the
writings of St. Augustine, which
will have a direct bearing upon
the cultivation . of our prayer
life: "Make time for God," and
if we do this we shall become
"more than conquerors."
Mrs. William Fuss was pian-
ist for the meeting.
Guest Wins
$50 Draw Prize
At the Kinsmen dinner meet-
ing Thursday night a draw for
a $50.00 bill was held and the
winner was Kenneth Hern, of
Exeter, manager of Exeter Dis-
trict Co-operative Inc. Kinsman
Bill Fuss sold the winning
ticket, and Ron Warein drew
the winning ticket.
President John Heal presid-
ed for the meeting and wel-
comed the guests, Les Parker,
of Exeter, and Maitland Edgar,
Clinton. Ron Wareing was in-
stalled as a new member into
also70 Dublin
Meal. President Reab
the club by President John Phone R 2 • Dulin
gave a very interesting report
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