The Huron Expositor, 1963-03-07, Page 4••••,--,, • ORUCEF1 Dublin Moves NEWS OF THE WEEK To Establish SPeeal, aervim uzs had In lautted Churl on $7.14%4AY r0.01Z1ZiCg„ when John .EroaoItcol, Robert Allan, jjr and J.7171S Bnig hen were • FOR SALE 16 Two-Tiuhe. 4-FoOt FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURES • Suit, store or farm build As affable first o eek iL April 9.50,„including tubes WILKINSON'S IGA ducted as member of the ses• son by the ite il johnstor. and ueloorried by the clerk of the 'w WLfliin Fut...benig- nant:I Aria McIntosh of Torun to. speni tine weekend tiith Mrs Walla:* Hang,t erc. fan, jh anti isotoi with her !moth er Mrs. C Heigh ofioueeno way Nursing Home in Hensai. -where she aa failing heaor. Mn idus 'Volt of Detroo spent the weekend with Miss Kathleen. Ellt.d Marie Elliott ant her aunt Mrs. '1' are Mrs Peter Clinton spent the weekene men Her parents. Mr and Mrs Norrioar Walker Mr John Rattenburi of Bur- lington i :th his ioso ter Mrs Ross Soon. INVESTORS' TRUST GUARANTEES 4 1 MEP. W. G. CAMPBELL 6 SEAFf Investors 104 CAtiAr$, LI itITED fire -4 Offrs: Wenr0e; Off=ir Privcip=1 Cthes STARTING CHICKENS ? We now have a good supply of . 22% Medicated CHICK STARTER • • PIG BOOSTER PELLETS are available in- 50 and 100-1b. Bags 'DOLMAGE MILLING (0. Grinding - Rolling - Mixing Quality FUL-TON Concentrates and Complete Feeds PHONE S55 R 2. Seaforth WINIHROP Cancer Unit A Meeza.g establiish a sub -anis tof the Perth County Cancer was held in the parish hall tv.r. Monday esening A small crowd of 50 was in at- :env:tante Re% Father Flynn of SOtoit-pt. 's parish Stratford :pel.eti the Meet:Mg and Dr p.athoitigist of Stratfoskil General Hospital explained the films the: Isere sh..wr .-th regard to cancer Entertainers ye -re Mr Dan. r Fooks and a barbershop quartel of Stratford Coffee and doughnuts-, were served the'..adies ar,endance The CPTA meeting was held ThursdayThur.da n St Patrick's School Dubitti.oth a large anent ?ince Culler Russel opened the meeting with prayer Nomino- uons were opened for a new treasurer since Mrs John Erauskopf had moved to Tren- to r_ Mr Russel u -as. nominated and ac-repted his nen offim. A skit by local talent was taker. from the tape recorder and was followed by a Phillipps 66 Dis.cussion Mrs. Joe De- laney. read am address by. Arch- bis.hop Morocco on -Apprecia- tion of Catholic Education." Mrs. Dor. MacCrae wor. a set of tonels donated by Mrs. James P Krauskopf Coffee was serv- ed by the tunc..1.. committee Mr and Y..2-5 Gordon Costello arid' dannhter Westhrooke. and Mr and Mrs Deus: McGilvery. and Pau:. c- iidr.. Wr.± and Mos L Costello. 102".S D Cootellik Kitchener Egmondville -4Dr.r. Pare 1) appro..' ed A ooa::: S'...500 was made "1-,e^ Park Board for repairs :c. `..)-•e• toortoo."ssor and the build - ^or.• r R Daro was apoc,iroed weer': i. -tor for 1963 Towners Take f Continued from Page 1) tendo Winner of a area- for a tur- key, held n conju.nction wait jthe 'game. waiS A. Dobsor. SooafDrch. • In the third Saturday. Bob and Jack- M Towners with • Sro O'Neil co goal for the Combines. • Midgets Win First Seaforth _Midgets dg eated Elora 7-4 in the first game of the best -of -three r.enes of the WOAA Itrildget -C" on Saturday right in Seaforth The second game. which was schedtled for Elora or. Tues- day. was cancelled due to of lee • at Elora However T.: i5 -scheduled for Fergtis tonight Thrirsday.,. al 8 30 pit Seaforth Is or. the toss for the third game he net-e..s.sary gamer. Lunen and Ker. Doig eLswah.- 7e.,,2 the two goals each rooted othe only Lumn-nder.or EVE -MAR STORES SEAFORTH, ONT. - PHONE 405 " " Where Your Dollar Buys More" Famous Makers . . Fine Quality SUITS 2 Pair Pants Charroa: ^:heck.s. etc S'Oeoially Priced 28-95 to 42.95 Men's SPORT COATS 15-95 • Men's DRESS PANTS Pure Wool Teryleoe. Casual Priced: 3.98, 1.95, 7.95 to 13.95 Dresses Priced to suit every purse ! We also carry Lovely Maternity Dresses New Styles for Spring ! and A> SLACKS °At N-. Reasonably ,41 prTed Ladies' Sens -Free 5.. NYLONS First Grade 400 needle 15 Denier 68c Pair 3 Pr. 1.98 Merr's SPRING TOPCOATS Reversible, laminated_ Priced For Quick Sate 1 PURSES Spring styles • ^ We have a few Gide and ,- Ladies- Winter Coats left / Dress Coats, Car Coat, 1/4 -Length To Clear Below Cost ! Conte in and look at these coats •and pekes.' $2.95 to $5.95 IVAN DOW, RR 3. Wingharn was. elected President of the Huron County Junior Farm- ers at their annual meeting Friday in Clinton. _Mr. Dow. centre succeeds Murray Gaunt. of Lucknowi as head of the count -wide group. Other officers are: left to right. seated. Marilyn Marshall_ RR 1. Kirkton, first vicepresiclent. !dr. Dow. RR 3. Wingliam. president: Tom Cun- ningham. RR 1. Auburn. second vice-pre.sidert; back row. Maurice Love. Exeter. provincial &rector: Amy Stewarn RR 5, Seaforth. recording secretary, and Gordon Deer. RR 1, Auburn, coirespandino secretary. (B-H Photo). Strikes 'n Spares At Seaforth Lanes (By 1 FP }WV) pie. Ruth Campbell. 133 and 469. Legion ,BowlingLeague Tear- st aufl ings • Limelight- ers. 81. Frozen Toads. 72: Jok- ers. 67 Teetotallers 59. Free- loaders. 57: Unexpected. 39. Ladies' high. single. Eva Brown_ 236: triple. Margaret Hudscor... 616. ME•E'S high. sin- gle and triple. Dor. Wood. 256 and 821. Saturday's schedule Frozen Toads No 6 vs Teetotallers No. 5 Freeloaders No 4 s Jokers. N: 3 Unexpected No 2 vs. Lenelighters. No 1. 333 Seaforth Mixed Doubles Team rtandologs' SnowbPils. 105. Dutchmen 84: Highballs.. K. Oddballs. 78. Teachers. 59: _FooL'o, 56. Ladies' high sir_st-les. Elva McKellar 227 and Mo12v Ken - de:. 213: triple Margaret -Cum. g. 538nie.r.i.s..high., smgies. Harry Cs7r.sr.g `Ki6 and George Garrck 278:, triple. Ray An- steri 645. Ladies. season's average high. roe WoOd. 170 high triple. jtme• BOLIS.Sey. 678: high single. Margaret Hudson. 301: men's seasons es. erage: igh Harry Cri•r•=.g 138. -high thple. Lar- ry Trittr;titie: 782: high si "gle, Bill Murdde. 309. 333 Highland Shoes League Team starg'5 ir Flintstanes. 98. Ur.touche.bles... 33: Cotton Pickers. 68: Orbit. 60: Whip- pets.'57: Sputniks 51. Ladies' high average. a Aub - it 159, high smile 11. Aubir- 212. high triple. A. Walters. 593. men s high average. Peter ,we'rra^r 197. high and: triple. , A. Aubm. 282 arid 625 333 COF Ladies' Leagtie Team standings: Crickets 82.' rass.hoppers. 33. Ladies nigh single and CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACRO" 47 B7 'A at :I • 74,1. 49 1•11--B,E 5t• Oat- who lood2y as.eeti 52 Ellaar rimty 53 Bier .TtrXt 54 Shine 55 Small n epressioc 58 Forrire 82 )71,..1•-ged .t npaning 5667 A:zed= seep= 69 Tprtlize DweE 79 Circlet 71 &ea eagles 72 San 04 Sett 73 Throv' 74 Distrilince41, as playing cards 75 Searcts 1at-ei..e refuse 5 Doc 'sizing 10 Ce f god of Meroptits 14 Or. tbe c.ce 15 Basso queen 15 C'itrnS Neranoi 17 Preoomse 18 Trieo Too= to. tea-rec ea.gle • :9 Fiera:etrr. crafted :II Referred t.c sametinrrt 22 v as left ossonote 24 Na. -r?"' neck o.f land 26 Porac-o 27 ilariosare 30 stotod Co.itoot -rex.) 32 Ary tr:.1.- sells troops 1.6 E.:a warm 37 B out 39 '7:4AT. tract of .and in Sussex 40 Narrow at.ets 42 Fathers 44 Tardy 45 Kind of • ezchnomrci. re GOWN 1 Reduce to a oulP 2 The Eea=alis 3 Raise 4 Tents oM 5 Foretells 6 Cereal pain 7 Tierra del Ptiega • Indians .7 JZZC No. 745 P 1 : E OMB OW U14 BUBB BUD ri •0110 RUBE =01 DEMO UM@ . U UM00 UUB UPROBUO OBUOUOU MUG 01!1DOM OODUCI urn MUM DUE MOULD SOU BODU BUI BO OUU BUM UO6 OBBU0 UMW HU MOUS RHES SQL .8 Coin (pl., 9 Viral organ 10 Baltire bra 11 To care for 12 Pok.a stake 13 Used a garden imp -Ione= 21 Bolo Petry 23 Yiea1rstve 25 Sesool 27 Persian eires 22 A cansteLls- dna 29 Muskat' tesMimient 31 glad el tapestry 33 Climbing 34 Go in 35 Tall mansh grasses 38 Lukewarm 41 Asiatic long crested ley (FL) 43 licist rig,ceons 45 Prise maga 48 Rational 51 Decayed 55 At whet plaoe 57 Wales 5.13 Kind 59 Group or three ,o 60 Balza forth 61 Tribe of No. California lo.dians 63 Excarstioa for ore 64 Cry of the Baccnatials 65 Writing tattle 63 Selected (abbr.) '2 3 LARGE SELECTION LADIES' SLACKS - Pure Wool Worsteds, Stretchies, Good Colton Plain and Plaids. All sizes. PRICED 13.911 TO WS COME Ilt^ - BROWSE AROUND NO OBLIGATION SATISFACTION FULLY GUARANTEED =====, = • • 45 50 5869 66 70 41 :„..1 6 7 5 6 23 33 12 13 38 40.43 66. 61 -,‘,62 73 74 48 68 r 69 • n ", 75 4i 63 g65 PUZZLE NO. 746 THE PIN TRADE IS BIG BUSINESS Pin Ynakinci was introduced ui Gjoucester. England. in 1626. 'It--rcospereti and soon employ- ed 1600 persons. an enormous number for one industry in t ; that day It is estimated that ' the USA alone now uses over ; 14 billion pins a year. plus an annual: one iiflor. gross of safety pins The word -pm" is also used in mechanics The crank -pin of a steausslup's main shaft pithy weigh a ton. but -the pm. Ir. a watch -plate can barely be seen by the naked eye. St. James' Church League Team standines Parrots. -89; Ailey pops, 78. Bluebtrds. 77: Flinstones. 76. Shamrocks 62: Roll-Rnes... 59. Ladies. .high single and tn.' pie Betty Salisbury. 212 and 553. mens high. single and tri- ple. Lloyd McKenzie 290. and 722. VARNA A surprise party as held at the home of Mr and Mrs Har- vey Taylor Varna.. on Saturday Dr. the oocasion of tte 35:1 o•eddir_g anno e.rsary. They received congratulations and lovely gifts from the fam- ily and friends. Ar. er.5oyable es -ening was spent playing euchre. Winners were: ladies' high. Mrs. Bill Caldss ell: ladies' low. Mrs. Ross Brown. men's high. Walter Baird: men's low. Ross Corbett. A delirious turkey buffet ltuich- eon was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs.. Taylor farmed or. the second concession of Stanley Township until 1951, when their eldest son. Jack. took over the farm. The cou- ple lived in Brucefield until 1..ast fall. when they purchased ti -ie Dr. Lloyd Moffatt estate. near Varna. Recently they have redecorated this home and it presents a very gracious at- .inosp.here to its visitors. ST. COLUMBAN Mis.s, Loretta Barry. Sudbury. with and Mrs Michael Bar- ry. Mr. and .Mrs Tom Sloan and faindy.Kingster.. and Miss Anne L2WIE'SE and Gerald Sloan. Cobourg. with Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan. Leonard Maloney, London, vr,ilh Mrs. Nor o ., Maloney. Moss Luella Moylar.. Kitchen- er. Mr. and Mos. John, Moylan Miss Mane Cronin is home from St Joseph's Ho•spital Lon- don. - • Siateer. tabes were in play at the euchre held irt the paris.h hall on Tuesday es -ening. Prizes for the hioh- store were won by Mrs. Wi'llienr McMillan and John Sfurray. for low- score. Mrs. Nora Maloney and Marlin Maloney. Follow -Log cards lunch was served. KIPPEN THRIFTY I( PP E N ETTES The fifth meeting of the Thrifty Kippenettes was field Saturday at 2:30. The roll call -One thing 1 have learned about using patterns.- was an- swered by 11 member -E. The secretary's report was read by Lois McLachlan. The group discussed the roc ers and decided on two pat - /terns. Mrs Forrest demonStrat- ed how to set in a sleeve Mrs. Alderdice demonstrated darts, mterf acing reinforcement 'on tuned underarm seam Every- one worked on their samples and also on the duster., The next meeting will be held on March 11 at the' "Bee and Jay' Beauty Salon un Hen- salL at 7 o'clock. FIRESIDE FORUM Fireside Farm Forum met Monday evening at the home . of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Buchan- an with 11 prsent.' Discussion i was. -The Rural Church:" When •the parents take their children to Sunday, SchooL Mission Bands. CGIT and Young Peo- 'ple's Union. it helps to develop the leadership necessar7 for a 'strong community. Churches should work more closely to- gether for the benefit of the community. • You can't expect your church to do niacin for 'you if you cannot do something for the church. Mrs. Harvey Taylor invited the forum for next greek. Win- ners at euchre were: games, 111041 Mrs. Harvey Taylor; lone hands, Mrs. Gordon McGregor, cor.solatio' n, Mrs. Oliver Ander- son. BLAKE Mr and Drys Edmund Erb and daughters were Sunday vim. tors with Mr and Mrs. Newell Geiger and John and Mrs Mary Manson Miss Mary Margaret Oesch and friend. of London, were Sunday guests with Mr. arid Sirs. Edmund Pesch and Linda Mr. and Mrs Don Forrest mere Sunda*. es ening isitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lo'.e. Miss Eleanor Erb and Mr Orland Jantzi, of Kltchener, were Sunday guests ts eh Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Erb and fam- ily. of Blake. Miss Margaret Fmlay was a weekend visitor nith Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hendrick and Rev. Bert McSpadden (formerly of this dktrict) will be preaching in • BA Y1: I ELM BAPTIST CHURCH 010 SUNDAY, MARCH 10th at 11:00 am_ and 730 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. DOUGLAS 0. FRY Minister Sunday, Match lath WORSHIP - 11:00 A.M. .945 a m.-Mmister's Class 10.00 a_m -The Senior Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-The Junior Sunday School 111:00 a.m.-The Nursery PAR.LEZ-VOUS FRANCAIS? '13erztri. 18 -year-old Montreal high school student was born in.Russia and lived brie5y u Poland. Germany and Israel before coming to Canada in 1954, Now she a.ssists Prof. JeansPaul Vinay on CBC -TV's Sunday program, Spe.a kir g Ftench. Together they prdve that learnmg 1,erf-uag can be fun. By popular request ALL THIS WEEK In the Huron Room Queen's Hotel THE CORVETTES from London Clean, Comfortable Rooms for Rent By the Day or Week The Week at . . . SEAFORTH ARENA and COMMUNITY CENTRE -FRIDAY, MARCH 8th - Skating - 8 to 10 p.rn. ' Admission - 35c and 25c SATURDAY, MARCH 9th- - Skating 2 to 3.:30 p.m. Arena -opens at 1:45 p.m. Admission - 10c • PEE -WEE HOCKEY • Windsor Walkers vs. Seaforth - 7 p.m. WOAA MIDGET PLAYOFFS Seaforth vs. 8:30 p.m. Admission - 25r and 50c TEEN TOWN - HALL TUESDAY, MARCH. 1.2th- . 6th Game Intermediate `13' Playoffs (if necessary) Lucan-Ilderton vs. Seaforth 8:30 p.m. Admission - 25c and 50c WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13th - Skating for Pre -School, Beginners and Parents ' This space contributed' throuell the -courtesy of UNION COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED SEAFORTH -- ONTARIO Too Late To Classify COMING EVENT -o -Bake 1e.r sponsored by Fireside Fellow- sLip, Group of First Church 4 Saiturclay. April 20. at 3 or. Frank Khrio's vacant otore. FOR s.•At.F.-Trade tn your old shaver now. low pric at Sas-eines. opposite Post Office.. 11-60-tif EUCHRE & DANCE C.O.F. Hall CONSTANCE Friday, March 8th HOWES' ORCHESTRA Admission SOc PLEASE pRING LUNCH DANCING I BRODHAGEN Community Centre Friday, March 8th Desjardine's Orchestra ADV.SS•CN 75 CENTS .1.==.11..••••.M.10. Finals for McKillop Federation of Agriculture Public Speaking Contest in Seaforth Distrkt • High School Monday, Mar. 11 Sao p.m. 12 Contestants EVERYONE WELCOME! - SILVER COLLECTION- GODERICH KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS and BLUE WATER SHRINE CLUB -- present -- Gala Sports Hite in aid of Crippled Children Goderich Memorial Arena Friday, March 15 at 8:00 pini. See These Attractions HOCKEY Goderich Bantam All -Stars vs. Detroit Bantams 0 BROOM BALL Shriners vs. Knights - 0 HOCKEY Goderich Old -Timers vs. CKNX Band - Parades- Over 100 Prizes Prize Tickets are your Admission -