HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-02-21, Page 11prices t` TEN pigs, 7 weeks old. Lloyd McKenzie, RR 3, Kippeni^8-58x1 paid for hardwood bush or lags. USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR g, Farm Stock For. Sale 14. Property For Sale ADVANTAGE :t TWO 5=yr. Tlbl'steinr my wife, Carol Wesurberg. 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed old Gows; due March 1st. Mac W`�l=;. HOUSE FOR SALE g, Found Brucefield, phone Clinton HU 2- Phone collect or write Craig's 4. Heli Wanted 9945, 8-58.-1 Three-bedroom home iu 10 5. Business Opportunities SIX Holstein heifers, registered taxes location, 3 years old. •Lr 6. Teachers Wanted and vaccinated, due to freshen Gated on beautifiul 3/4 -acre 1b 7. Situations Wanted in March,. (Bred to 'Maple Lea including. extra lot, llanrdseapei 8. Farm Stock For Sale Skokie, of the Waterloo Unit). Fall, heated basement, ready R 9. Poultry For Salle Apply to Wm. L: Boyd, Lot 1B•, recreation froom. The perfe( 10. Used Cars For Sale Con, 11, McKillap, phone 866 J famn2,y home. Must be sold a 1.1. Articles For Sale 3, Seaforth. el -58x,1 owner leaving town. Posse'ssio 12. Wanted To Buy bath and abhor conveniences, on May 1st. , 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale Law dawn payment, 6% v 16. Property For Rent B A B Y chicks', Sussex -Crass terest on balance. Low monthl 16. For Sale. or Rent Reds, Red-Crass•Susseao, Red- paymtent on mortgage, in,cludnn 17. Wanted To Rent CrossSussex-Crossed-Reds, LegL taxes. 18. Property Wanted horns, started pullets, hatches BOX 11Q34 19, Notices weekly. Pinder Chick Hatchery, The Huron Exliositor 20. Auction Sales Mitchell, phone 348-9961). 9-58-8 14 58x 21. Tenders Wanted K-137 and K-155 Kianber Leg- Located at: 22.ILegal Notices 'Directory horn pullets, 16 weeks, anytime 15. Property For Re 1 23. Business in Febuary, readywto-lay, an+y Bet+endsorin, phone' 91 It 4, Kirk; 24. Cards of Thanks time in March. Order your put MAIN St. apartment, Fran 25, In Memoriam lets now for large eggs with pro- Kling Ltd., phone 19, Seaford 26.. Personals fits for 1963, These pullets are 15-58-1 The cost is low. Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and roosting and are ready for the laying pen, Vaccinated, debeak- APARTMENT 6 rooms se; ' 17, minimum 40c an insertion. ed, dewormed and will' deliver. contained, available at on:e( heated. J. C. Crich. 1_5-58• Classification 25, minimum 65c R. J. Andrews and Son, RR 3, Work to be done under dire( �• plus 25c for each 4.1kniverse. Seaforth, phone 600 W 3. 9-57-2 MODERN apartment inDubiix All other classifications minis3 In order to be able to carry rooms, bath, heated, stovf mum 65 cents per hwertion 11. Articles For Sale frig , 'hot water supplied. Avail except Auction Sales, (20), Ten- , able March 1. Rent $40. Geral ders . Wanted, (21), and Legal 17Sparton console TV, re- Holland,., Dirblin, phone 3. - Notices, (22), rales on applies. conditioned. Call 741, lig-58x1 TWO -bedroom hum 021: fur tion. QUANTITY of. baled 'hay and I nace and bath, 3 mulles �ror For cash payment or if paid straw, E. Kosteniuk, R 3, Wal- I Seaforh, on maim road. T. Al by 10 days following last Inser- ton, phone Brussels 37 W 4. x.l J pleby, Seaforth, phone 279-R. ton, +� C e deducted from QUANTITY red clover' seed: ,I ' • 15-58x i �7 above rates. John Henderson, ,phone 858 R 4, MODERN -2 -bedroom apartmena Tenders will be, received by Ssafof th. 11r584 hot water heated, large living COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED SEVEN can milk cooler; Surge room, kitchen, modern batt RATES milking machine. A. P6ters'RR room, hardwood floors througl (For Businesp Firms, Trades- 2, Brussels. 11.58,01 out. AIM newly decorated. Le w men, etc.) : Minimum 50 cents SIX Collie pups, 9 weeks- olid. Learn, phone 1111; Seaforth. 58-1 Per insertion. Bill, mg, charge, 15 Apply Art Anderson, phone 857 MODERN hot water heat o cents per advertiseanent. R 21. 11,58x1 ,apartment, one bedroom, 1 tti THIRTY -inch automatic elec- Seaforth Apts,, suitable for ek 1. Coming Events tric range, 6 months old, $150. ergs couple or single lady; tw ; tw APRIL 27, Rnrmnmage Sale, St. Henry Koddyk, E,gmondwille. x2 - apartments in Royal ts Joseph McConnel Apply to J Thomas' Anglican -Church, 1 � INTERNATIONAL H tractor, in first class condition. New bat Seaforth, or Dr. E. A. McMa•: ; p.m. 1-581 tery, Tom Morris, phone 179, ter, Grand Bernd. 155&1 J. D. Cochrane, principal Cen- Seaforth. 11-58,01 19" NOt1C85 tral Huron Secondary School', WALLPAPER clearance! See 1963, at 3 p.m. . Clinton, will speak on new Ro- our many patterns at a, low 49c NOTICE --Far radio and TV re bart's educational plan: at Dub- roll, While. -it lasts,! Crown Hard- Pairs, Call IN, Bob Dinsmor( lin W.I., Tues'. •4•Feb. 26, 8:30 ware, phone 797, Sealorth. 11 2 19-57- p.m., at home of Mrs. Charles] Friend. Everybody welcome. x'1 000 bales choice hay,ialfal5a, PROMPT watch repair servic Shed in ,hamlet of E.gmondville, timothy; 500 bales clean oat at. Savauge's, (opposite Pof 4. Help Wanted straw, Peter Maloney, lot 15, con, 5,, MCKillop._ 11-5_8x1 tic') 2 certified watchm'al ers. Automatics a specialty. LADY to look after small child SPECLAL s:aie-Lumberja.ck 18" t in my' home four days a week. chain saw, 6 hp, reg. $205.95; ANSTETT Box 1182, Huron Expositor, -1 now $179.5 Castrol chain oil,, MAN wanted for Rawleigh busy $1.45 gal. Sharp's Maintenance, JEWELLERS, iness. Sell, to 1,500 families. phone 863J1. 11^58;1 No. 1 -Applications -Cvi11 be re- Good profits for hustlers, Write MAN'S fur cap; pair driving Offers you Rawliegh's, Dept. B -36,3.-S, 4005 gantlets two gi'rl's or Inaie's Easy Credit Terms Richelieu, Montreal. 4-58-1 spring coats, size 12 and 14, Phone blue; all good condition. with SELL Mutual Funds. We 232 R after 6 1 58-1 NO rtra'in you:, Double your income!. No canvassing. No delivering. No NORDHEIMER upright piano, Carrying Charges Phone. 77, Seaforth collecting. C a n a d a 's fastest- excellent. condition, Chelap as we 19-56-t b wing fund pays! test. Write are movng. May be seen at lot 15, con, 5, McKillop 21/z miles SAVE MONEY ON Watford, Box 206. 456x4. north,.2t/a miles east Seaforth.. h. CARPENTRY WORK LADIES in rural are'as'-invest Mrs. Peter Maloney. 11 58 and your time -and your earnings will multiply in relation to your COLONY house, an skids, ap- General Contracting efforts. -Write your Avon Mana- prox• 10 x 14', asphalt shingled; For alterations, new kitchen ger, Mrs. M. Milison, 960 Well- n sides braw• and roof green, cupboards,i rec rooms, extea ington Rd.,, S., London, or call Good condition. Joseph Riley, sions and repairs, call. Col. 432-9019, between 7 and 8 Kinburn, Ont., phone Seaforth, JOHN LANSINK p.m, 4=58-1 841 R 3. 11-56-tf Phone 79, Seaforth. Fly Act, FOR SALE Competent Workmanship WANTED • Girls' dress'coats, carcoats, - 19 5s ro Stenographer and coat, sets. To clear °$3,49 to $18.95, FAST SERVICE 21,.5&2 EVE? -MAR STORES on Capable of handling dictation, _11.58-1 WATCH REPAIRS general typing, inn'oicing, pro- BROWER Kero-Gas ail brood- Not Given Out 1 cessinng sales orders, etc. ers, twin 5V,." burners, 65" Am- All work guaranteed JOHN BOS'HART and SONS ers. Sale 'special', $42.90. J. Dean Williamson, located at Sharp's ANSTETT Limited Seaforth M-aintenanee S ervile Seaforth ' • JEWELLERS 4-57-2 phone 863 J 3: 11-57-2 Phone 77, Seaforth RUSSELL Oats, 50 torus, grown 10-56 ti Township of Hullett p from Reg. 1 ,seed, real' plump, — first class seed or feed grain, ANNUAL MEETING APPLICATIOS high germinal con,, why pay that high price.. S. H. P. Towell, Applications will be ceived Box. 342, Milverton, Ont., phone 21.1, between 12-1:30, afternoons of the McKILLOP MUNICIPAL by the Township of Hu tt for 5:30 p. m'. 11-58-_3 TELEPHONE SYSTEM the. position of Warble Flry In- specter in the Township of Hug- „ FAIRBANKS-MORSEi 23 TV; will- be held in lett far the year 1963. The Kirby vacuum cleaner, with poli fisher and attachments,; ironing FORESTERS' HALL, salary offered is 95c per hour, and 5c per mile while on Muni- board; card table; Astral apt.- Constance eipal,,Busines�s and the Inspector size fridge. Mrs. Wallis, Elast m on WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27, 1963 j moist be familiar with the William'. ,St., Darrell Hopper Apts. 1158x1 aro the' hour of 1:30 in the Terms and Conditions of the _ afternoon.. Warble Fly Act, All applica- tions, must be clearly marked Ladies cotats few left. Dress- LESLIE J. PRYCE as to contents, and be in the 3 coats, car, /a-lenngbh�. To Clear Secretary -Treasurer Clerk's Office not later than $6,95, 10.95, 13.95 and 28.95. 19-58-1 March 2nd, at 6:00 o'clock p.m., 1963. EVEI•MAR STORES NOTICE 1 11-58-1 HARRY F. TEBBUTT 13. Wanted Township of Tuckersmith Clerk, i RR No. 1, Landesboro, Ont. PASTURE for 19 head of cattle, Ratepayers and inhabitants of $ 4-58-2 -would do fencing. Carl Siemon, the Township of Tuckemsm2bh RR 2, . Walton. 13-56x1 are 'requested by the Council %. Situations Wanted not to • park cars' on Township 12. Wanted To Buy roads and streets during. the SEVENTEEN year old, mane, Winter months, in order twfac- High School Student wahts Sat,• PAIR used skis; also ski boats. iiitate snowplowing operations. emplbymennt, Phone- 563-J. 7.58x1 Box 1,185, Huron.Expos1t0r. 12.1 FOR carpenter work or recto.• .QUANTITY baler( hay. Bax 1180, Council will not be responsible Po de]Yrig or odd jobs around the Huron' Expositor. 12-58x2 for damages to any vehicles parked on roads- ori streets. l home, call Ed Andr-o ws, phone CHILD'S high chair, in good 863 W 1. ` 7-56-tf condition. Box 1183, Huron Ex- J. I, McINTOSH, positor. 12-58x1 - Clerk, Tuckersmith 8. Farm Stock For Sale- LOGS and standing timber 19-56-4 l t d Tin hest cash ., TEN pigs, 7 weeks old. Lloyd McKenzie, RR 3, Kippeni^8-58x1 paid for hardwood bush or lags. J. DEAN WILLIAMSON, will not be responsible for any SEVEN pigs. Ted Van. Dyk, 610 W 4, 8-58-1 We need Hard Maple,BassM1vood Cherry, Ash Soft Maple aril Distributor Poultry & Livestock Elquipment my wife, Carol Wesurberg. phone Beech. Other species handled, KEENCO- automatic equipment SEAFORTH TWENTY pigs,, 7 to 8 weeks Phone collect or write Craig's feeders, egg collectors, graders, Centre Street old.. Carl Vanderzon, Main St., Sawmill, Auburn, phone 526- washems. J Seaforth, phone 469. 8-58x5 7220, 12-57x3 BROWER�--,warterers, brooders ton, visited with friends in the graver, and delivered on tow) FIFTEEN choice pigs,, 8 weeks -qWP roads under supervision ( NELSON ---heated' stock water Road Superintendent. 1Materil- Township of McKillop old, Doug Hugill, R 2, Seaford'. 14. Property For Sale bowls. FISHER,-ihog and cattle bowls, iia 88x1 HOUSE, newly decorated with hog feeders, - TWO Durham cows, 5 years old, bath and abhor conveniences, on HeaENRt bHT-rotary Heat bulbs, thermostats, iher- winter. am on the roads are contrary tb due's,00n•. Wm., Thamer, phone pAgih St., Hensa,ll. Apply to Rests' mometers, ventilating fans and are a detriment' to operation of 830 R 14. 8.58X1 Jaques, Hensal'1'. 14,5'£x2 controls, nests, hangirtg feeders,, ' F'OURTE'EN good York pigs, $ FARM, 100 taeres, Dot 27, con. 7, automatic water valves., water left on, roads, and prosecution weeks old. Louis O'Reillly,. phone 1•iiibbert Township, 10 acres, Treaters, hen specs, detergent, WILSON LITTLE 107 R 3, Dublin. 8-59x1 hardwood bush, 35 racres fall egg baskets. . 19-561tf HOLSTEIN heifers, vaccinated, pgowned, bal'arnce in hay. never 6 Located at: and Mrs. Robert Gardiner, R 1, Cromarty a son. bred Hereford, due soon. John fa,i]inig! WA 1 ; buildings, good SHARP'S, Hoy, and the chapter from the study book, "Hong Kong," was reviewed by Mrs. Hoy relating Bet+endsorin, phone' 91 It 4, Kirk; cond,lt2tx►u; clbse to sdhool, Ap" MAINITENAME SERVICE not be held responsible for dam, bon on Ii44, 83, Lr/a easfi Of P11Y• x nvttd P. Mdrria, phone, Seeforthy p'hobie so J ship roads during the operation X79',, S�bfni+Gh.... .8. 1.,9. Notices 21. Tenders Walhted AS of Feb. 13th, take 'notice, I 25. In Memorial' will not be responsible for any Township of Hullett debts incurred in my name by PAGE 6BLAKE -" - `- -� - my wife, Carol Wesurberg. TENDERS FOR Joseph Wesinberg. 19-5&1 a SEAFORTH GRAVEL UPHOLSTERY • Sealed tenders, clearly marl Centre Street ed as to contents, will be ro Telephone 446 p ce"� by the undersigned unit p.m., Saturday,. March 2, 16 For all kinds of upholstering. for crushing and hauling al 1956 -ti Prnxdmiately 10,000 yam ton, visited with friends in the graver, and delivered on tow) NOTICE -qWP roads under supervision ( Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Road Superintendent. 1Materil- Township of McKillop to pass through 9/4" scree" Clarence Reeves. 24-58x1 Zbwgshdp to supply gravel an AN car owners in the Town, crusher to be shovel fed. Woo' ship of McKillop are requested must be completed by Oct. i not to park their cars on the 1963• roads of the Township during 'the Cars that 1Wamouamount A certfied cheque in, thl winter. am on the roads are contrary tb o$ $200.00 must accon parry the tei}der, the Highway Traffic Act and Mr. . and Mrs.. Joseph h De Groat, Seaforth, a daughter. are a detriment' to operation of The lowest or any tender n( snowplows. necessarily accepted. Please note -that Provincial. LEN CA.LDWELL, Police win take neees,ary ac. tion to' see that ears are not Road Road Superintendent perinb6iuletnde left on, roads, and prosecution 1. boro may follow, HARRY F. TEBBUTT, WILSON LITTLE Clerk Road Superintendent ' RR 1, Landeslboxo . 19-561tf 21-5& NOTICE' WARBLE FLY and Mrs. Robert Gardiner, R 1, Cromarty a son. SPRAYING Township of Hibbert HAK-At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Feb,. 171 to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hak, RR 5, Sea- Hoy, and the chapter from the study book, "Hong Kong," was reviewed by Mrs. Hoy relating TENDER The Township of Hibbert will Earth, a son, Ronald Gerard. MOORE - At Scott Memorial not be held responsible for dam, TOWNSHIP trailers etc., parkany ed on vehicles, OF TUCKERSMITH ship roads during the operation Egmondville, nee Lois Janes of snow removal in the. Winter For spraying cattle for Wan months of 1962.63. ble Fly in 1963. By Order Tender to state price per hea Council of Township of Hibbert, per spray, Work to be done under dire( POLICE VILLAGE tion • of the Inspector, in acco) dance with the regulations c OF DUBLIN the Warble Fly Act. In order to be able to carry Tenders to be clearly n arke "Tender - Warbk Fly Spray ,out snowplowing operations' in ing„ the Police Village of Dublin, a anyone leaving their motor veh- Tenders to be in Clerk's hand icles parked on village streets by 12 o'clock, noon, on March 4 after 6 p.m, will do so''at their 1963, and will be opened a'n, own risk. considered on March 5, 1963, a Trustees of -Police Villof 2:30 p.m.age ` Dublin. Lowest or any tender no 19-50, 52, 54, 56, 58=5 necessarily accepted. 21. Tenders Wanted JAMES I. McINTOSH, Clerk, mosa. Mrs. Roy Bell submitted RR. 3, Seaforth, Ontario; Township' of Hullett 21 -58 - day of Febru'amy, 1963.. ' TENDERS GRAVEL TENDERS Tenders will be, received by Township of Tuckersmitl the Township of Hullett, for the supplying and delivery •of 800 Far the crushing and haulm! lbs. of Warble Fly Powder.. 750 of approximately 14,000 cu, yds lbs. to be in 15 -lb. bags- and 50 of gravel to Township roads ii lbs. to be in 1 -lb. bags, Delivery 1063; screen to be used. to be made to the town nslup Contractors to supply call re garage` in Londesboro. All ten- ders to be clearly marked as gLirements except gravel, whicl to contents and are to be in will- be ,supplied by the Town ship at 3 locations. the Clerk's Offiice not later Auctioneer than March 2nd, at 6:00 o'clock Work to be completed by July P.M., 1963. Lowest or any ten, 1, 1963,'under the supervision 0 der not necessarily accepted. the Road Superintendent am HARRY F: TEBBUTT subject to the approval' of th+ Dept, df Highways, of Ontario. Clerk, ed to the store to express his RR No. 1, Londesboro, Ont. Tenders to be Clearly' marke( 21-58-2 "Tender - Gravel" and must bi Fully experienced and prices in the Road Superintendent'; WARBICIDE hands by 12 o'clock, noon, or TENDER March 4, 1963, and will be open JOHN E. LONGSTAFF ed and rowddered on March 5 Township of Tuckersmith 1963, at 3 p.m. . Goderich St. West. Tuesday to Tenders to be accompanied by For appmxim:ately 600 lbs.. of a marked cheque for $300. 'Aarbicide for spraying cattle for Warble Fly, Lowest or any tender, no necessarily^ a cepted. Tenders to state price per 15 lb. bag delivered to Township, ANDR HOUSTON, Shed in ,hamlet of E.gmondville, Ro uperintendernt Ontario. 3, Seaforth, Ontario. Tenders to be clearly marked "Tender - Warbicide" and in WARBLE FLY the Clerk's hands by 12 o'clock, noon, on March 4th, 1963, and CONTROL will be opened and considered on March 5, 1963, at, 2:00 p.m. Township of Stanley Lowest or any tender not necesslarily accepted, No. 1 -Applications -Cvi11 be re- ceived by the Township of Stan - JAMES I. McINTOSH,Tlerk,' ley for the position of Warble RR, 3, Seaforth, Ontario. Fly Inspector for the year 1963. 21-58.2 In apector must' be familiar with the Warble My Act arid, (must TENDERS keep an accurate record of cattir sprayed. Township of Hullett Salary -will +be $1 per hour and Tenders will, be received by 8c, per mile for mile -age,, the Town8hip'of Hullett for the Applications to be marked as Spraying of Cattle for Warble such "and to be in- hands of Fly Control within the Muriici- the clerk by 12 (o'clock noon, pality: All tenders are to be March 4, 1963. Clearly marked as, to the con tents and to state the Price Per No. 2- Tenderrs will be re" Read Per Spray and must be in ceived by the Township of Stan- tfie Clerk's Office not later than IvY far 'spray' cattle for March 2nd, at 6:00 o'elock li,m., Warble Fly Contro Ter 1963. The 1963. All, persons, tendering for township will suoply the powder, this position must Comply with Tenders to state price per head the Terms and Cotnditions of the per sp"a"y, All, work to conform Warble'Flys Spray Act. Lowest with the terms of the Warble Yr any, tender not necessarily Fly Act, accepted. No, 3 --Tenders ,0119' be re. HARRY F. TEBBUTT ceived four supplying approxn- CIcrk, rn Aely 1,200 pounds of Warble RR No. 1, Londesboro, Ont. Fly powder in 16 -pound and 1- 21,.5&2 pound bags, to be delivered to the township shed in Varna. Sealed tenders',fnr each of the Boxholders' Nameh above, Clearly marked as to con - Not Given Out 1 tents', will' be received by the undersigned until 1.2 o'clock It is. not possible for us noon, March 4, 1863, to divulge the flame or ad- dress of any advertiser Lowest or any tender not r I using a Huron Expositor nece'ss,ariLy accepted. box rpm or, Please do not MEL QRhHAM, Clerk ask fol Jt419 Information,': � Brlield, `t?tai'ia 21.. Tenders Wanted SPRAYING TENDERS WANTED Morris Township Tenders will be received by the undersigned untill 12 o'clock, i noon, March 4, 1963, for spray ing cattle for Warble Flies, stating .rate per head, Township to supply the powder. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. MRS, HELEN D. MARTIN Cberk, Belgrave, Ontario, 21-56-2 22. Legal Notices NOTICE -TO CREDITORS In the Estate of PETER CHRISTENSEN All persons having claims against the 'Estate oR . Peter Christensen, late of the Town- ship of Tuckersmiith, in the County of Huron, Manager, de - Ceased, who died on the Nt day of December, 1862, are hereby notified to send in full gartieu- lams of their claims to ,the under- signed on or before the lath day of March, 1963, atter which date the assets will be .distribut- ed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 20th day of February, 1963. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ot>rtarrio Solicitors- for the Executor 22-58-3 23. Business Director A. M, HARPER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants 55 South St. Telephone Goderich JA 4r7402 Licensed Municipal Auditor McCONNELL & STEWART Barristcrs, Solicitors, Etc. P.: D McCpNN)frLL, Q.C. D. 1. STEWART . Seaforth, Ont. : Phone 55U S°EAFORTH VETERINARY, CLINIC J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. 1). E. GALT, D,V.M., V.S. Plane 105• Seaforth G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL,,, HOME Goderich St., V., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for- rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 119 - Seaforth 24. Cards of Thanks THE neices and nephews of The late Joseph Michael, Heffernan, wish to thank all those who game spiritual bouquets, loaned cars and helped in, any way dur- ing our sad bereavement. 251-58;01 I wish to express my thanks to all who sent .cards and visited me while a patient in. St. Jwe'ph's .Hospital, Landon; also to the nurses and aides and Dr. Cameron. Special thanks to Fr. Coughlin and also Fr. McCowell for his- kindness and many visits. Emmett Malone, 24-58x1 BRUC'RIO.P Metsen9errx Hldx� Brucef'ield Messengers Meld heir Fobrlllary. ipep day with alt attendabce t► oyer 30. Ttre lmeetLgg •ol'eogbye e- Peating the Furppse EMO bile chorus, "rm happy,"' w.a s sung. A new chorus, "JeSlrs Loves the Little Ohildren," was praptised- Joe Lobb received the offering. The minutes were read Oy the secretarp., Uwa ence E1110%, and were adopted. During the business meeting, conducted by the president, Gordon Hen4r- son, Jimmy Ross and Paul Swan offered to learn to run the film- strip machine. Explorers Eeth Hill, Brenda Ann Hargreaves and Phyllis St. Louis offered. Ro assist the nursery and kindgr- garten during the March mieet- ing. Messenger buttons were distributed to those who had attended two meetings. Sandra Graham had received the copies of the "World Friends" maga- zine, and these were distribut- ed. Library reading . was circu- lated. The mission study on Koriea will commence at the March meeting. A second copy oft e mission book, "Sun Hee and the Street Boy," is being purchas- ed in order that the Messen- gers may read the book at home. When the mission study has been completed a report is to be sent to church headquar- ters, including tate number of Messengers who have read the study book at home. The meet- , ing closed with the Messenger prayer. NOTICE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS Too HENSALL 25. In Memorial' REEVES - In laving memory TO CREDITORS forth. Moriday, Clinton Medi- PAGE 6BLAKE -" - `- -� - of a dear mother, Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lewis, of In the Estate of Reeves, who passed away seven Sarnia, were weekend guests JQSEPH HEFFERNAN years ago, Feb. 25. with the Tatter's parents, Mr. Barris er, Solicitor, etc. We mourned for her in silence, and Mrs. Walter Spencer. All persons having • claims No eyes can see us weep; Mrs. L. E. Bordon, of Clin- aga•intst the Estate of Joseph But many a silent tear is .$.hed ton, visited with friends in the Heffernan, late of the Town of .While others are asleep, village on Saturday. Seaforth, in the County of Huron, - Ever remembered by son, Rev: Ross MacDonald will be Gentleman, deceased, who died Clarence Reeves. 24-58x1 guest speaker on a religious on the 10th day of Febuary, 1963 are hereby notified 'to send in service, or the offer is pro. program, "Think On These Things," on. M'Lady program on Births full .particular's of their claims to the undersigned an or before CKNX-TV, Wingham, Friday, DE GROOT-At Strethro Gen- y12, fire 15th day of March, 1963. e•al Hospital, on Feb. to Feb. 22, at .1:30 p.m. after which date the assets will Mr. . and Mrs.. Joseph h De Groat, Seaforth, a daughter. Arnold Circle Meets b,e dis'tributed, hawing regard only to eltaims then 'received. GALT -At Scott Memorial Hos- The Arnold Circle of Carmel Advertising accepted for' pital, on Feb, 19, to Dr, and Presbyterian Church inet Mon - DATED at Seaforth, this 20th Mrs. Douglas Galt, Seafar$b, a day evening ,with president Mrs. day of Febrinaiy, 1963, son. Gordon Schwalm presiding. Sev- or exaggerated comparative' GARDINER-At Scott Memorial enteen .members answered the McCONNELL & STEWART Hospital, on Feb. IS, to Mr, roll call with `Love." The wor- Sealorth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor and Mrs. Robert Gardiner, R 1, Cromarty a son. ship period was in charge of Mrs. Ed. Fink and Mrs. Harry 22-58-3 HAK-At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Feb,. 171 to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hak, RR 5, Sea- Hoy, and the chapter from the study book, "Hong Kong," was reviewed by Mrs. Hoy relating NOTICE TO CREDITORS Earth, a son, Ronald Gerard. MOORE - At Scott Memorial to the over- o P Pulndi, climate and poor living coondittions. In the Estate of Hospital, on Feb. 19, to Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth A, Moore, Mrs. B. Beaton reviewed the JOHN KENNY Egmondville, nee Lois Janes Presbyterial Record and spoke oke the All persons' having claims a ran, Brian Kenneth. on Apostles' Creed. A re - port on the annual Huron Pres- ` against the Estate of John Ken- ny, late of the Township of byterial, held at Clinton, pre- Engagements tihi . .,-. , pared by Miss Hannah Murray, ' Tuckersmih, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- Mr. ,and Mrs. Allan Townsend, was ,read by Mrs. A. R. Orr, ceased, who died; on the 1st day Mitchell, announce the engage- Mrs. Trevor Wilson reported on of December, 1962, are hereby , ment of their daughter, Ruth the Valentine boxes sent to 16 notified to send .in full particu= Evelyin, to Mr. John, Brian Innis, son of, Mr. and Mrs. patients at the Queensway Nursing Home, prepared by tars of their claims to the' under - signed on or before the 15th Harry Innis, Port Lambton, the • Mrs. Beaton and Mrs. Orr, and . day of March, 1963, after which wedding to take place in Main Street United Church, Mitchell, delivered by Mrs. Schwalm and, Mrs. Wilson. Five dollars date the assets will be distribu- ted, having regard only to March 2nd, at 2 o'clock. 1 will' be forwarded to the Bhil Sc hool claims them renewed. Mr, and Mrs�Charles Reeves, and nurses' residence at For. Seaforth, wish to announce the mosa. Mrs. Roy Bell submitted DATED, at Seaforth, this 20th engagement of their daughter, a report of the sale of church day of Febru'amy, 1963.. ' Margaret Jayne, to Mr, Jack calendars as a very successful William Ungarian, Seaforth, son project. McCONNELL & ST1,EWART Seaforth, Ontario of Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Un- 'Edmonton Setretary Mrs. Gerald Bell Solicitors for the Executors g.arian, Alberta, the vreddirng to take place the be• reviewed highlights g ghts of the 1962 Arnold Circle meetings. An " 22-5$-3 girn•�.ing of March in First Pres- b�•Qzria,n Church,- Ont. , vitation was accepted to the he Gordon Evening Auxiliary meet 23. Business Directory A rather crusty old man }n. ing to Caven Presbyterian Church, Exeter, April I. The . PERCY WRIGHT Auctioneer vested in one of the new hear - meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Ross MacDonald. Luncheon Cromarty -Ontario. For the next Auction Sale ing aids that are almost invis- ible. was served, Conveners were Call the Wright Auctioneer A few -days later, he return. Mrs, Wilson, Mrs. John Baker Phone Hensall 1 690 R 22 ed to the store to express his and Mrs, Harold Bonthron, Mrs. Collect delight. Sim Roobol, who has Fully experienced and prices "I'll bet your family likes it been a patient in Clinton Pub - Pub- very reasonabhe. to," said the salesman. "Oh, they don't.know I've got "And lic Hospital, returned home Sat - urday. Mr, and Mrs. Keith Love, JOHN E. LONGSTAFF O tometrist, optical services, P P it," said the old fellow. in the last two' days I changed Greg, Gary and Grant, of Zur- Goderich St. West. Tuesday to my will twice." ich, were Sunday guests 'with Saturday, 9-5:30, except Wed- - - Mr. and Mrs, J. E. McEwen. negday-Thursday evening by ap- FOR ADVERTISEMENTS Too pointment. Phone 791, Sea- LATE TO CLASSIFY, SEE forth. Moriday, Clinton Medi- PAGE 6BLAKE -" - `- -� - cal Centre, The Huron Expositor never A. W. SI-LLMRY knowingly publishes mislead. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Oesch and Barris er, Solicitor, etc. Ing, fraudulent or bait river• family, of Paris, were weekend Phones: (Jffice 173, Res. 781 tising, visitors with relatives in the Seafo h_ : Ontario vicinity. D. H. MC'INNES All advertisements are ajc• Mr. and Mrs, Roy Gingerich, cepted for publication on the of Zurich, were Sunday visi- Chiropractic premise that the product, the tors with Mr. and Mrs. :Melvin Commercial Hotel service, or the offer is pro. Gingerich. Monday, Thursday _1 to 8 p.m perly and honestly described, Mr. Andrew Corriveau, of BOX and is not worded or design London, was a Sunday visitor FUNERAL SERVICE ed "to mislead the reader in with Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Corri. R. S. BOX any respect. veau and family, Blake. LICENSED EMBALMER Advertising accepted for' Prompt and careful attention publication must not contain, WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Hospital Bed false or exaggerated claims, The FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS or exaggerated comparative' Women's Inter -Church Phones: prices, and if any reader en. Council of Canada invites all Res. 595-W - Store 43 counters anything less than faithful compliance with con- Canadian women to. join 'in prayer on .Friday, March 1, the first Friday in Lent, Service in J. A. BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service ditions, as described in an advertisement, we would ap- the Seaforth district will beheld at 4t. Thomas' DUBLIN ONTARIO Night or Day falls: preciale knowing of it. Just write or call The Huron Ex - Anglican Church at 3 P.M. Address will Phone 48 R 10 positor. Advertisers who deliber• so given by ,Mrs. W. J. Thorp - son. The 1963 Wold Day of W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario' ately violate,these .standards Prayer service was prepAred by LICENSED 'EIifl3A11AE will not be ;pormifted tip via .the Christian womIg df ,ga co, tite °theme, `1Vfarb''' nd, 1i)1HR I., - our. sdvtirt s�thy.�eolu , s, will~ fan. tihi . .,-. , Con' uef6r8•.'1'.,