HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-02-14, Page 8fa u fc rK #'.,is r4M-1•'IUIi, SMFORT1i, RNT., F'Fa, i.'k, DM! ! 1, 'District ?.."!91 #1,!, Y, t4.411* 14+;4414:14:444 4.1 V3,V J,., 8A',D. "k To, TOR EDITOR EXPRESS APPRECIATION FOR AREA ' CHRISTMAS SEAL SUPPORT Seaforth, Feb. 11, 1963: Editor, The Huron Expositor: Dear Sir: On behalf of the guron County Tuberculosis As- sociation we would appreciate 'your publication of this letter ; in your newspaper by way of extending thanks to all who ;have helped to make our 1962 Christmas Seal Campaign a Be Warmly Contented With :Texaco Stove Oil or TEXACO FURNACE FUEL' OIL CaII Us To -day I WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 686 W Seaforth DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For Dead or Disabled Animals CALL Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 License No. 262-C-63 Seaforth Phone 863 W 1 License No. 240-C-63 ODORLESS CLEAN BURNING FURNACE OIL STOVE OIL D. Brightrall FINA SERVICE Phone ,354 success to date. We appreciate the generosity of those who, b'y their contri- butions, are assisting in the control of this dread disease in our county. Such contribu- tions finance free chest clinics in five county centres and an educational program in pro- moting same. The present cam- paigns ends Fgbruary 28th; it is hoped that many of the 6300 residents who have not yet sent in their contributions will do so before that date, in order that our work need not be curtailed. The officers of the association would particularly like to thank all volunteers who helped in folding the seals, the postmas- ters and their assistants in de- livering the seals, and Station CKNX, Wingham, for their con- tribution of advertising. The officers of the association want to think you, Mr. Editor, for the publicity that you have giv- en this import cause. Yours sincerely, D. I. STEWART, Chairman, Christ- ' mas Seal Committee J. E. McKinley, President. HOME WAS NEVER LIKE THIS When the British Common- wealth Trans -Antarctic Expedi- tion set up a scientific outpost during the International Geo- physical Year in 1956, one K. V. BlaikIock and seven men re- mained through the howling winter to .build a camp. Sea ice broke away nearby, bearing off most of their supplies. The eight men .lived through much of thee Antarctic winter. WIND • TORNADO •CYCLONE insurance R. F. McKERCHER Phone 849 R 4 - Seaforth Representing the Western Farm- ers' Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY T. Pryde & Son ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Inquiries are invited. Telephone Numbers: EXETER 41 CLINTON: HU 2-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas DID YOU• KNOW Sun ...that Sun Life of Canada is one of the world's leading life insurance companies, with 150 branch office. throughout North America? As the Sun Life represent- ative in your community, amyl be of service? JOHN iJ. WALSH Phone 40 R 20 - DUBLIN, ONT. ' Life Assurance Company of Canada TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA Annual Financial .Report --1962 RECEIPTS Balance, December 31, 1961 .... Tax Levy Ontario Grants . Sale of piano and pump Insurance proceeds Interest on bonds, bank . Rent Interest Clergy Reserve . Overpayment salary, 1961 . Temporary loans Superannuation deducted in 1962 PAYMENTS Administration Plant operation and maintenance Instruction, salaries Instruction supplies Services Tuition fees paid: To Seaforth Public .._...... ...... . To Clinton Public Capital expenditures ..._. Temporary loans repair Interest Balance, December 31, 1962 fr Capital Expenditures include: New roof, $360.34; new toilet accommodation, $773.00; new desks, $120.90; new pianos, $775.00. CURRENT ASSETS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1962 Cash on hand and in bank $ 2,013.37 Bonds - 3,000.00 2,247,64 17,848.49 26,568.99 192.00 72.01 128.75 60.00 738.27 100.00 20,000.00 1,974.37 69,930.52 1,240.80 7,651.49 32,906.17 2,560.71 578.47 110.00 100.00 2,029,24 20,000.00 740.27 2,013.37 $ 69,930.52 LIABILITIES Superannuation deducted $ 1,974.37 Surplus 3,039.00 $ 5,013.37 $ 5,013.37 Insurance carried . r_ _......$ 110,200.00 Assessinent 2,207,537.00 A. M. ARPER & CO., Municipal Auditor. CL1 AVE COOMBS, IVAN FORSYTH, Chairtttafi Of the Board. Secretary -Treasurer. LOGAN COUNCIL Logan council held their reg- ular meeting with all members present, the reeve presiding. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and adopted and correspondence read. Mervyn Leonhardt was award- ed the contract for installing an oil furnace in the township gar- age at $1,010.00; three prices were received. W. C. Hoegy was rehired as warble fly sprayer at 81/2 cents per head per spray, and Iloy Buddenhage was ap- pointed warble fly inspector. A bylaw was passed appoint- ing Wilfred Krauskopf as road superintendent. Tenders are to be called for crushing and haul- ing 20,000 yards of gravel for the March 4 meeting. Russell Sholdice was re ap- pointed to the Mitchell District Planning Board. Road 'accounts totalling $7,647.10 and general accounts amounting to $12,- 073.42 (this includes five tile drainage loans) were ordered paid. EAST WAWANOSH C. W. Hanna was appointed road superintendent for the Township of East Wawanosh at the regular meeting of council Tuesday. Mr. Hanna was hired at $200 per month and to pro- vide his own transportation. His appointment, subject to the ap- proval of the Department of Highways, is to take effect May lst. A grant of $25 was made to the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Association. The road superintendent was instructed to advertise for the crushing and hauling of gravel for 1963. Applications will be called for. a warble fly inspec- tor, sprayer operator and help- er. Appointed to the arena board at Belgrave were Roy Pattison, Norman Coulter, George John- ston, William Elston and Clara VanCamp. Accounts totalling $7,18L19 were passed for pay- ment. Council+ adjourned to meet March 5th at 1 o'clock, at the Belgrave Community Centre. USBORNE COUNCIL Tender of Ray Ireland, RR 6, London, for crushing and de- liVering of gravel from the Us - borne Township pit was accept- ed at the February meeting of that council. Reeve George Frayne presided at the session, and Councillors Ward Hern, Archie Etherington, Roy West- cott and Ken Duncan were in attendance. The tender of Mr. Ireland was 69c yard crushed and de- livered and 39c yard crushed and stockpiled. The tender was slightly higher than that of Joe Kerr, Wingham, at 67c and 35c, but this bidder could not meet the June delivery date set by the township. Other bidders were R. H. Jennison, Ltd., Grand Bend, at 72c and 40e, and Sandy Construction Co. Ltd., Goderich, at 75c and 45c. Court of revision met during the meeting and rebated 1962 taxes of $28.70 to R. Marchand and $43.73 to C. Knight. Both ratepayers had lost barns by fire. The council supported the resolution of the Ontario Cream Producers' Association oppos- ing any change in existing leg- islation regarding the .coloring of margarine. The resolution was presented to tJsborne coun- cil by Horace DeIbridge repre- senting the ,cream producers. Fred Harburn was re-engaged 'to do the warble fly spraying at the rate of 81/2 cents per head per spray and to supply the powder at $4.95 per 15 -pound carton. Applications will be called for a warble fly inspec- tor. MORRIS COUNCIL. A grant of $25 was made to the Huron, Soil and Crop Im- provement Association by Mor- ris Township Council at their regular meeting Tuesday. Reeve Stewart Procter presided, with all members of council pres- ent. The report on the Higgerson drain will be read on March 4 at 2:30 p.m. Council will ad- vertise for applications for a. warble fly inspector at $1.10 per hour and 7c per mile. At the same- time' tenders will be call- ed for spraying cattle under the Warble FlY Control Act, with the township to supply the pow- der. Tenders for the supplying, crushing and delivering./of grav- el will be called. C l it • ad- jollrned until March 4, at 1:00 o'clock. Accounts passed for payment 0 = cls were: Municipal World, sub- scriptions, 47.0Q; Municipal World, supplies, $22.20; Ross Anderson, light replacements, $27; Brussels, Merris $z Grey Telephone, extension, $10.74; Albert Cardiff, insurance on Hoy Estate, $5.40; Town of Clin- ton, debentures, $195.40; Blyth Standard, letterheads, $11.05; City of Brantford,, relief, $13.25; Township of East Wawanosh, Johnston Drain, $614.22; Cal- lander Nursing Honie, $84.25; Imperial Oil, Geo. Hutter, gas and oil, $10.21; C. W. Hanna, relief account, $70.63; Pinecrest Manor, $84.25; Ronnenberg In- surance Agency, bond, $31.35; Huron Soil and Crop Improve- ment Association, $25.00; Jas. A. Howes, plans, etc., Higgins: Drain, $250.00; relief, $78.00; Helen D. Martin, part salary, $65.00. The following road accounts were paid: Wm. McArter, wag- es, bookkeeping, mileage and freight, $292.43; Joseph Smith, wages, $336.25; Mel Craig, wag- es, $251.25; Clarence White, wages, $148.50; Wingham Auto Wreckers, transmission, $30.90; Wingham Tire, Service, chains and tire repair, $175.00; Ideal Supply, brake fluid, chain regu- lator and pipe, $52.05; Brussels Coal Yard, coal, $52.00; James Wright, chains and hooks, $46.55; Dominion Soil, soil test- ing, $1,942.15; Alex Inkley, gas, fuel oil, motor oil and tax, $822.36; Dominion Road, re- pairs, $61.38; Glenn Snell, snow plowing, $1,352.00; Geo. Rad- ford, snow removal and repairs, $845.75; L. B. Ryan & Sons, snow removal, $873.00; Mel Jermyn, snowplowing, $1,082.00; J. C. McNeil, oil, grind valves and wiper repair, $117.50; Pol- lards Chain Saw, cutting, $2.50;) Gordon Workman, bulbs and pipes;• $10.90; Listowel Trans- port, freight, $2.50; H. Kerr, pushing snow, $1,284.00; Joe Kerr, pushing snow, $1,494.00;,. Beirnes' Weldingre snow plow- ing, $174.Q0; Brussels, Morris & Grey, phone rent and tolls, $45.74. HOW ICK COUNCIL Howick Council, will remuner- ate the use e of the Morris Township water supply truck when called by the fire chief, and that the Harriston fire chief be notified that Howick will pay for fire calls. The decision was taken at the regular meet- ing of council Tuesday. ,A grant of $200 was made to the Fordwich rink committee to cover fire insurance. Charges amounting to $30.01 on the 1962 tax roll were ordered writ- ten off. Council endorsed the resolution of the County of Wentworth prohibiting the use of mineral base detergents. Applications will be sought for the position of warble fly inspector and tenders will be called for spraying for warble fly for 1963. Township assessor was grant- ed an increase in pay of $100 and 10 cents per card for pre BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, J r. BRUCEFIELD' , SALES - SERVICE Phone Collect: HU 2-9250, Clinton USBORNE . A N D HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. Directors: Timothy B. Toohey - RR 3, Lucan President Robert - G. Gardiner - RR 1, Vice -President Cromarty Wm. H. Chaffe - RR 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun RR f Science Hill Martin Feeney - RR 2, Dublin Milton McCurdy - RR 1, Kirkton Agents: Hugh Benninger --GDublin Harry Coates -,RR 1, Centralia Clayton Harris - Mitchell Solicitors: Mackenzie & Raymond - Exeter Secretary -Treasurer: Arthur Fraser - - Exeter CUCUMBER GROWERS WANTED . . Highest Prices Paid Picked up at gate -- Graded in Dublin Contact: ALBERT KRAMERS Phone 30 R 3 - Dublin 1, . 1 eet paring the assessor's cards fdr' 1963, The Huron Soil and Crop Improvement •4.ssociatian was granted $25. Clerk W. E. Whitfield - was instructed to prepare thr nec- essary by-law and copies for the Wills No. 2 Drain, the re- port of which was approved at the . meeting. Accounts totalling $9,30$42 were passed for payment. Coun cil adjourned to meet March 5, or at the call of Reeve Ivan Haskins. GREY TOWNSHIP Two drain reports were con- sidered by Grey Township council Monday, and passed. Reports considered were Beirnes' Drain and the McFar- lane Drain. Clerk Edythe Car- diff was instructed to prepare and serve the by-laws. Council accepted the agree- ment with the Department of Lands and Forests and Janles E. Smith and passed the neces- sary by-law. The meeting was presided over by Reeve Clifford Dunbar. The clerk was requested to advertise for 15,000 cubic yards of gravel and 1400 pounds of warble fly powder. Tenders Will also be called • for warble fly spraying. A grant of $25 was made to the Huron' Soil and Crop Improvement Association. Prior to adjournment to March 4, the following accounts, totalling $6,648.93, were passed for payment: B., M. & G. Tele- phone System, office phone, $35.23; Harold Swift, bulbs, of- fice, 87c; Howard Bernard, clean stove, $3.50; Robert Cunning- ham, stove oil, $9.07; Callander Nursing Home, January acct., $99; George Wesenberg, tax ar- rears notices, $16; E. M. Cardiff, division registrar, $L25; drain- age debentures, $475.01; Dick Bradshaw, fox bounty, $4; Nel- son Hanna, fox bounty, $4; Hur- on County Soil and Crop Im- provement Association, grant, $25.00; Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves, membership fee, $10; Association of Assess- ing Officers. membership 'fee, $10; Robert Cunningham, gas, battery and maintenance fire department, $23.19; Elwood Mc- Taggart, maintenance fire truck, $1.00; firemen to Terpstra, Cul- ly and Wardlaw, $60; James A. Howes, engineer's fees, Beirnes' Drain, $250; McFarlane Drain, $1'75; Wm. G. Beirnes, assist survey, Beirnes Drain, $10.00; Archie Campbell, assist survey, Beirnes Drain, $10.00; Stanley McFarlane, assist survey Mc- Farlane Drain, $7.00; roads and bridges, $5,419.81. 1. ' ■•f:...�,.,•. Henson Library Circulation Shows Increase Circulation at Hensall Public Library during 1962 was 7,717 books, borrowed by 241 persons, a report presented to the annual meeting Tuesday evening re- vealed. Presented by secretary - treasurer, James A. Patterson, the report reviewed activities of the year. Reeve Norman Jones was ap- pointed chairman for the com- ing year. The former officials were reappointed for the coin- ing year at the same salaries, also the book committe. The secretary- read the libra- rian's reports on the circula- tions for the month of Decem- ber: adult fiction 351, juvenile fiction 176, non-fiction 62, total 519; and for January: adult fic- tion 340, juvenile fiction 145, non-fiction 109; total 594. The circulation has decreas- ed to the level of the 1960 re- port owing to the fact we have lost several heavy readers through death and removals from the community, the libra- rian's report said. We have just recently recovered new mem- bers, especially in the rural dis- triet. Total circulation during the year was as follows: adult fic- tion 3,839, juvenile fiction 3,- 062, non-fiction 816; total cir- culation 7,717. Total borrowers: adult 161, boys and girls 89, total 241. Total books added during the year were: adult fic- tion 96, juvenile 40, non-fiction 52, total added 241. Of these added, eight were gifts from readers, or former readers. . On Dec. 31st there were books on the shelves or in cir- culation after . discarding 75 during the year listed as fol- lows: adult classed 1,360, adult fiction 2,384, boys' and girls' 1,506; total 5,250. Mr. R. M. Peck who has been a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital for four weeks with a heart condition, returned home on Friday. 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil WILLIS. DUNDAS, Phone 573 or 71 W BELL LIN h;S by W. W. Haysom your telephone manager How Fast Would We Fix Your Phone? If you're like most people, you probably can't recall the last time anything went wrong with your phone service. To- day's phone equipment is built and maintained to provide fast, dependable service, 24 hours a day. However, should something happen to your phone service, you naturally want it back in working order as fast as humanly possible. We do, too. That's why our service people work with two clocks. One that tells the time a service call comes in, and the other, the approximate time a servicemen will be at your doorstep. The time varies depending upon the work Load or disposition of the work force, but it is generally only a matter of a few hours. (Emergencies, of course, are taken care of at once). While we constantly check to prevent trouble before it hap- pens --once in a -while something may go wrong. If it does, you can be sure we'll fix it fast -at no extra cost to you. THE McKIKOP 'MUTUAL FIRE !NSURANCE COMPANY Office -- Main Streit. SEAFORTH, Insures: • Town Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available, AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. Lane, RR 5, Sea - forth; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, 63's COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR' 1963 MODEL CARS 1963 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR 880 r, 1963 RAMBLER CLASSIC 4 -DOOR 1963 AUSTIN CAMBRIDGE A-60, . Auto- matic 1962 VOLVO (Sports) 1962 RAMBLER AMERICAN DELUXE 1960 FORD -6 -Cylinder, Automatic 1960 RENAULT DAUPHINE 1957 PONTIAC AUTOMATIC ❑ 0 MILLER MOTORS PHONE 149 - SEAFORTH s • 1 • WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS - Phone 141 • bead the Advertisements - It's a Profitable Pastime ! r • r Andr'� ...or Fred Phone Saves Lady in Distress We read a news item recently was busily cleaning her kit- chen and suddenly found her- self trapped. She was trying to clean the space between the refrigerator and her kit- chen counter. Without think- ing she squirmed her way into the narrow slot . . . and managed to get thoroughly stuck. But right there on the wall over the counter was her handy kitchen extension phone. She called the police who sirened out ttl the rescue gave the refrigerator a few hearty heaves and releas- ed the lady. It's one reason for having a kitchen extension that hadn't occurred to us. about a housewife who ....or Hans It all depends on whether your home needs the touch of a master -painter, new bathroom fixtures, or a complete re -modelling job in the kitchen, If there's work to be done to improve your home, now is the time to put it in hand. Wintertime is the time when ,hands skilled in putting houses in order are available at short notice. Now is the best time to get repairs and renovations done thoroughly, quickly and at lowest, cost. If the work you have in mind costs more than you care to put out in'cash = there's no prob- lem. Simply see your . neighbourhood branch "of "MY BANIC" and arrange for a low-cost 13 of M Home Improvement ,uv r"�AN Loan. The man who serves you at the 13 of M will be glad to m ,xr BeKYaviaays do it - even if his name isn't George. ' BANK OF MONTREAL 64 tctda 7Gtda Bae Wonsan Branch: VICTOR PYETTE, Mgr. 13rutlefield (subFAgcncy): Open Monday, 'Wednesday & Friday WORKING WPM CANAbIAN$ IN. EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 ' 4