HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1963-02-14, Page 6PI? ' di 0 of ht SE cc of et th tr. sc ti g: ci le w to c� sl of p1 al ei •01 it ti vl a:• •ei tE n E it ei al si dl f(. t •a a:' li M h s' n ti a 11 a it t. . p t: a c c t d 6-...VX91QSIVQ1, O , :,. EpB,14, 1963 .11 4 FOLLOWING A WEDDING at St. Joseph's Roman Catho- lic Church, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. George Conrad Sills left for a wedding trip to the Laurentians prior to making their home at North Bay. The bride is the former Patricia Mar- garet Scruton, of Toronto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John St:ruton, ,Clinton, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Charles P. Sills, Seaforth. and the late Mr. Sills. Rev. S. E. Maguire officiated at the ceremony. (Photo by NeQ,hew). WALTON NEWS OF THE WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rutledge and family, of London, spent the weekend with the Hum- phries families. Mrs. Margaret Humphries returnec..home with them after „spending the past three weeks' in London. Mr. Jack Gordon has return- ed home from Clinton Public Hospital after undergoing an appendectomy. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Flood and family have taken -up 'resi- dence at the CPR station. Mr• and Mrs. Andrew Turn- bull have returned home after spending several weeks -in Mexi- co. Mr. W. C. Hackwell returned home on Sunday after being confined to Scott Memorial Hos., pital for the past two weeks. Mr. Graeme C•.-aig returned home on Saturday after being confined to,Listowel Hospital for a week. ERRATA In the financial report of the Seaforth branch of the Cana- dian Red Cross, appearing in last week's Expositog, an item of expenditure was omitted: During the year the branch paid out $13.50 for the washing of the walls and the plastering of the store room in the Library. They also procured two window shades for the store room in the library at a cost of $6.29. eekli.esVjew Problems onor Exeter Publisher Weekly newspapers, facing a crucial period of test, due to risigig costs, are being revitaliz- ed by new business techniques, Bert C. Smith, 1962 president of Ontario Weekly Newspapers As- sociation, told the annual con- vention at Toronto's Royal York, February 8-9. Mr. Smith, who publishes the Weekly, Port Credit, said that despite strong opposition of other mass communication, weekly newspapers will not dis- appear. "With the application of in- telligence and imagination on the part of management, the bonafide weekly.is still and will continue to be the one medium in our land which is thorough- ly digested in every detail," he said. Mr. Smith admonished his fel- low publishers to watch costs carefully and raise rates accord- ingly. He drew on his 45 years' experience in newspaper work and handed out a number of "rules" for sound business ad- ministration. Werden Leavens, secretary manager of the association and publisher of the Bolton Enter- prise, said that weekly publish- ers should not --forget that most national advertising emanates in the papers own town. "It is friends up and down Main Street who tell the boys STAFFA Mr. and Mrs. Eldrid McNicol, London, visited on Wednesday with Miss Margaret and James Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Simpson, Kirkton, visited Wednesday ev- ening with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller. Mr. and Mrs. John Temple- man visited Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Russell -Miller. Hibbert's Federation of • Ag- riculture held a directors' meet- ing at the,home of Mr. and'Mrs. Russell Miller on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan, Exeter, visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Mr. and Mrs. John Temple- man and families. On Friday afternoon Hibbert Public -Schools, . SS 1 to SS 6, enjoyed a skating `party at Mit- chell arena. Joanne, Fay and Bob Temple- man visited Friday evening with their cousins, Joan and Ken Annis, and attended the Junior Farmers' Variety Night in Mit- chell with them. Terry Daynard, OAC, Guelph, spent the weekend with his par- ents, Rev. and Mrs. Daynard. Sunday visitors. with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowman were their nephews, Mr. Ken Yeo, Hamil- ton, and Mr. Lorne Yeo, Assini- boia, Sask., Lorne calling on his way home from a 'month's tour of European countries. Miss Heather Dubrick spent the „weekend with Miss Janie Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. James Norris and children, Brampton, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Norris. Mr. and Mrs. Don O'Brien and children, of Flint, Mich., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Walter O'Brien. OVERSTOCKED TIRES (At Seaforth Store Only) 600-16 Four -Ply HI -BI TIRES - 600-16 Four -Ply SNO-TRAVEL TIRES 670-15 Whitewa HI -BI TIRE - - 710-15 SNO - TRAVEL TIRES 525-16 SUMMER TRAVEL - OM Road Hazard Insurance Included BRUCEFI.ELD' in Toronto and Montreal to put National ads in the local week- lies," Mr, Leavens said. . Ed. Youngman, a correspon- dent of the Canadian Statesmen, Bowmanville, was named Cham- pienrWeekly Cor4espondent of the Year and received the award from J. A. Bay of Ontario Hydro. J. M. Southcott, publisher of the Exeter Times -Advocate, a former president of the associa- tion, was named Mr. Weekly Newspaperman of the Year. Starting in at $1 per week to learn the printing trade over 60 years ago, he established himself as one of the leaders in the business, highly respect- ed in his own home town as the owner of a prize-winning weekly. New officers are: President, Lynn Lashbrook, Rodney Mer- cury; first vice-president, 'John Morris, Prescott Journal; sec- ond vice-president, David Dills, Acton Free Press; secretary - treasurer, Werden Leavens, Bol- ton Enterprise; past president, Bert Smith, The Weekly, Port Credit. The following directors were elected: W. R. Workman, Win chester Press; A. Y. McLean, Huron Expositor, Seaforth; K. Glendinning, Delhi News; H. D. McConnell, Tilbury Times; Peter Hvidsten, Uxbridge Times -Jour- nal; Don Southcott, Exeter Times -Advocate; Wilson Boyer, Bracebridge Gazette; Keith Gra- ham, Chesterville Record; Ken- neth Campbell, Strathroy Age - Dispatch. • The regular meeting of the United Church Women was held in the schoolroom of the church on Tuesday- afternoon at 2:30. Unit No. 1 was in charge of the meeting. The meeting opened with rds of welcome by the presi- dent and all rising, repeating the UCW -Creed, A moment of silence was observed in mem- ory of a departed member, Miss Beth Murdoch. Mrs. John Hen- derson and Mrs. D. Triebner had charge of the devotions, with Miss Margaret McQueen at the piano. The president then , ttiok the chair. The sectional report was given by Mrs. Elgin Thompson and the toll call answered by a verse containing the word "heart". Mrs. H. Taylor report- ed for the treasurer, and the offering was received by Mrs. J. Henderson. Mrs. L. Eyre re- minded ' the group that the World Day of Prayer will be held at Kippen on March 1st. Mrs. Harvey Taylor was ap- pointed key woman for Bruce - field in 1964 Thank -you notes were read from the Murdoch family, Mrs. W. McCartney, Mrs. John Tay- lor and Mrs. Agnes Baird fam- ily. Mrs. Johnston reported that the hospital at Hazelton, B.C., was in need of babies' bootees and anyone . that can knit these articles would be appreciated. Kindly hai'e them ready to turn in at the March meeting. The meeting closed with the theme hymn and benediction. Unit No. 1 had charge of the lunch and program. Mrs. M. lson contributed tWo humor- ous a ings, and a dainty lunch was served by members of the unit. Unit No. 2 will have charge of the March meeting, program and lunch. Use. Coupons For FREE Installation `r:?:iii':?ii•:• ilii': .•"w�:�iF$w:Trr1�.•:�4wf7,::wt•R::T,:��1?:7�?i:TTS;'wt•}}:�IT,rz ASSOCIATE STORE W. V.' SMITH Phone 792 -Seaforth '+3'tIIFt'III:1fi;X`"i•Af Z::':;:. Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are ac- complished by low cost Exposi- tor Want Ads. KIPPEN At the senior citizens' meet- ing in Exeter last week, Ken- neth and Grant Jones played and sang several numbers. Mr. Ray Cooper, of Exeter, visited an evening last week with his father, Mr. W. R. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones visited Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Homey, of Exeter. Messrs. Robert and Lloyd Thomson visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Priestap of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Love and Elaine and Mrs. Pearl Love and Wayne, of the Parr Line, visit- ed Sunday with Mr. .,and Mrs. H. Jones and sons. Mother: "I certainly wish your handwriting would im- prove." Son: "I don't., If it did, my teacher would -find out I can't spell." • CROMARfi1F NEWS OF THE WEEK The Women's Missionary So- ciety met at the Rollie of Mrs, John Jefferson with 14 present. Miss Olive Speare was in charge of the meeting and opened with a poem. A hymn was sung and Miss Speare was in charge of devotions. Mrs. Dodds took the topic on "Prayer." The busi- ness was in charge of Mrs. Cal- der McKaig. The offertory pray er was given by Mrs. Grace Scott. The study book was taken by Mrs. Boyne on, "Korea." Mrs. T. L. Scott gave the highlights on the annual meeting of the Presbyterial in Stratford in Jan- uary. A vote was taken on hav- ing a Bible study during meet- ings, Mr, and Mrs. Roy McGhee spent the weekend in London with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc- Ghee. Mrs. Ed. Brooks and George, of Staffa, visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferson were Mr. and Mrs. William Chessell, Don, Paul and Marion, of Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing, Lorraine, David and peter. Mr. John Wallace and Debbie spent the weekend with Mrs. Shirley Elliott and family in Essex. Mrs. W'd'llace returned home with them. Miss Ina Jefferson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferson, of the village, while visiting friends in Seaforth, had the mis- fortune to sustain a cracked vertabrae in a toboggan acci- dent, and , is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton Office in Masonic Store Main Street Phone 75 Seaforth GREEN GIANT lLETS 541& BEANS e.88 AYLMER BROWN 15 -oz Tins AYLMER TOMATO CAT S AYLMER CHOICE DOG HOUSE G F WE RESERVE THE RIGHT• TO LIMIT QUANTITIES WHITE SWAN - BATHROOM TISSUE Cut from Fresh Young Porkers ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE FEB. 13 - 16 NENEMINIMIEW s�ac�D SIDE BACO Ib. 69( Extra Lean GROUND CHUCK Ib. 69 AYLMER FRUIT COCKTAIL 4 i -oz. 88c Tins TRADER, TASTY BUTT . PORK CHOPS LEAN, MEATY PORKKiBUTT ECONOMICAL NUTRITIOUS FRESH 3 5c' PORK LIVER lb. GOLDEN YELLOW, RIPE LEAN FRESH Minced BEEF 16. 49` le. 49E NANAS AYLMER MIX OR MATCH SPECIAL AYLMER CHOICE AYLMER CHOICE DICED DICED BEETS or CARROTS YOUR 7 15 -oz. 88 CHOICE Tins Carnation Milk CHaSE AND SANBORN-12c OFF LABEL Instant Coffee IGA Strawberry Jam DISHWATER DETERGENT—SAFE FOR HANDS Joy Liquid SCOURING AND CLEANING S.O.S. Pads COLLATE Toothpaste 20c OFF lbs.. FANCY QUALITY, FOR PIES COURTLA.ND APPLES ONTARIO No. 1 GRADE FULL FRESH GARDEN FLAV')UR 3 -Ib. Bag CARROTS ONTARIO'S BEST. FANCY QUALITY MAC APPLES 6 Uro: Tins • 6-o•. Jar 2 24 -oz. Jarl ' 32-ot. Raffia 4 Pkg. 10 88C 88C HOSPITALITY BRAND 88 Blueberry 88C PIE 88c 5 -Ib. Bag IGA C 6 -Qt. Basket No. 1 FLORIDA, ERSWEET EATING 29`• CEHEARTS 49` No. 1 MEXICAN RED RIPE TOMATOBESEi BAKERY FEATURE 88C 2 Giant 59` Tub. WILKINSON'S Cahada's Best Red Brand Beef Family Size Pies 69` 29c 27C Pkg. Cello Tube IGA FREEZER FEATURES DRAGON BRAND CANTONESE CHICKEN DINNER DRAGON BRAND CANTONESE SHRIMP DINNER FRENCH FRIES LAC PAC PERCH FILLETS PEAS YORK BF RAND BEEPOT PIES ,4-aPkg. . 650 1Pkg.4-az. 65¢ 2y b. 53¢ poly bag , 39Pkg. Pk9s 39 3 Pkgs. 85c SEAFORTH Fresh Imported Fruits, Vegetables LOW EVERYDAY FOOD PRICES tlt �ailnt'1" 1�t1•Ei 'Ane'• nyeLD ':..tit