HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-12-20, Page 10Since 1860, Serving the Community First Published at SEAFORTH. ONTARIO, every Thursday morning by McLEAN BROS., Publishers ANDREW Y. McLEAN, Editor Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association h\.► Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association / O Audit Bureau of Circulations Subscription Rates: 11►\ MU.0 / Canada (in advance) $2.50 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $4,00 a Year b L p' SINGLE COPIES — 10 CENTS EACH Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 20, 1962 For Unto You is Born This Day, Luke 2:1-10 (R,S.V. ) In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be enrolled, This was the first enrolment, when Quirini-us was governor of Syria. And all went to be enrolled, each to his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethle- hem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be enrolled with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. And while they were there, the time came for her to be delivered. And she gave birth to her first-born son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn. And in that region there were shep- herds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear. And the angel said to them, "Be not afraid ; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which ` ;vill come to all the people; for to you is born this day in a Saviour the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a babe wrap- ped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger." And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,. "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom he. is pleased!" When the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let us go over to Beth- lehem and see this thing that has hap- pened, which the Lord has made known to us." And they went with haste, and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying, in a manger. And when they saw it they made known the saying which had been told them concerning this child ; and all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds- told them. But Mary kept all these things, pondering them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them, The Roads That Lead To Christmas (By Miss Elizabet The Roads that lead to Christmas Are white with falling snow, And fragrant with pine and cedar And bright with candle glow. The shining red of the holly And the mistletoe hanging high, And the rush and trample of many feet As the eager throng go by. Oh the roads that lead to Christmas Go where the doors stand wide, And arms are stretched to welcome You home, to your own fireside. No matter how far you wander Nor the ties that bid you -stay, h H. Taylor, Seaforth) The lights of Christmas call you back Though half a world away. For the roads that lead to Christmas, They devious are, and long, But warm with the hand of friendship, And sweet with laughter and song. And memory's bells are chiming Of days we used to know, And the golden lights of Christmas Are flashing against the snow. And it all leads back to a Manger bed; To a Stable dim and low, Where was cradled the King of all the Earth Such Centuries ago. 4 IN THE YEARS AGONE Interesting items gleaned from • The Expositor of 25, 50 and 75 years ago. From The Huron Expositor December 17, 1937 • Tuesday was radio, day. at Seaforth' police court, when 33 owners of radios in this dis- trict paid fines of $3.00 and costs of $2.50 on charges of failing to obtain a radio lic- ense before operating their sets. Mr. Fred Smallacombe, Hen- sall, expects to have his new restaurant and ice cream par - 'kid opened the first part of next week. Messrs. WF- H. Meir and W. .E. Southgate, Jr., were in Clin. rt -on Monday attending a dis- trict meeting of Boy Scout Lead- ers. Mr. Meir was appointed Commissioner II. Dr. McGregor, formerly of Dublin but who for some years has been in medical work in Africa, has sold his practice to Dr. Martin W. Stapleton. Dr. Stapleton, who is a graduate of Western University, is now in possession. County taxes, not due until Dee. 20, are coming in early this year, 'five municipalities,, one rural and four urban, al- ready having paid a total of $28,266, From The Huron Expositor December 20, 1912 The old Presbyterian Church building in Walton, which was sold by auction last week, was purchased by Mr. George Wil-. liamson for $240, and the wood furnaces by Mr. William Mc- Call for $26. Mr. George C. Petty, HensaIl, who has been in the meat busi- ness there for many years, has sold out to Bender & Sararas, of Zurich, who take possession at the New Year. The fine new Hensall station was open for business on Tues- day last, and is a great credit to the village. The slate roof is now com- pleted on the new Carnegie Lib- WA6F ca VAST TEEU I WONS•HAVE ANY TROUBLE LEARNING GEOMETRY THIS YEAR,SIR. WHY... THIS SUMMER. I LEARNED THE TW/ST /N JUST THIRTY MINUTES/ rary building in Seaforth. Mr. J. W. Beattie this week sold a very fine young Short- horn bull to Mr. Ed. Jarman, of the Huron Road, Tucker - smith. On Thursday evening of last week fire broke out in a house at Harpurhey belonging to Mr. James McNamara, and the house and contents were entire- ly consumed. Mr. Appleton Elcoat, who took two young cattle to the Toronto Fat Stock Show last week, received third prize for one of them. Mr. Hugh McGre- gor, who also had a calf at the fair, took second prize in a class of eleven. More grain than usual has come to Kippen granary this fall, which shows that the vil- lage is holding its own as a grain market. From The Huron Expositor December 23, 1887 The High School closed for the Christmas holidays Thurs- day. The threatened "G r e e n Christmas" has been averted, and we are now likely to have lots of sleighing. Dr. Scott has an eight -months - old ealf which weighs 710 pounds. He would like to hear from the farmer who can beat this. Edward J. Crawford, aged 18, recently threshed for Mr. Jas, McConnell, of Hullet, 32% bush- els of oats with a flail in one day. Who can beat this? Mr. John Modeland, Tucker - smith, has recently purchased from Mr. MacKay, of Oshawa, a very nice yearling bull and heifer of the Hereford breed, and he intends to go into the raising of that breed of cattle, as he thinks them preferrable to the Durhams, both for meat and for milk. "Papa, why is it that dentists call their offices dental par- lors?" "Because they are drawing rooms, my son." "Pat'don me for a moment, please," said the dentist to the victim, "but before beginning this work I must have my drill," "Good heavens, manl" ex- claimed the patient irritably. "Can't you pull a tooth without a rehearsal?" "You certainly were the life of the party, but most of the WouIdn't it be fun to have the power of Santa Claus just for a day and give everyone the gifts they really, truly want- ed, regardless of cost, instead of the junk they get? What would you do if you had such a power thrust -upon you suddenly? Would you heal). your favorite people with musk coats, Cadillacs, automatic dish- washers, dew $90,000 homes? If you did, of course, the magic power wouldn't last, and ';n Christmas morning, all the fabulous presents would van- ish, just after they'd been un- wrapped. And you'd be as p.ip- ular as a socialist in the Sen- ate - * * * Because, you see, those aren't the things that people really, truly want. And the Santa Claus magic would work only for really, truly gifts, not just the things people want for the sake of vanity or prestige or comfort. I know some of the presents I'd hand out. To childless cou- ples who wanted children ter- ribly, I'd give one Christmas morning, not one, but four of the fattest, prettiest, pinkest, wettest babies you ever saw. Two boys and two girls. And to even things out, I'd throw in a large bottle of tranquiliz- ers and a pair of strait jackets, * * * To all children, I'd grant a set of parents who would an- swer all questions patiently, read stories every night at bed- time, go sliding on the hill with them, not make them eat any, thing they didn't like, hug and kiss them when they were hurt, and whale the tar out of them when they needed it. On Christmas morning, I'd present to all old people a three -months prieve from all their aches, pains and ailments. I'd give them a good appetite and a rare fine set of choppers i to go with it. I'd give them love and kisses in, large mea- sure from a veritable host of grandchildren. And I'd throw in a round-trip ticket to Miami. paid -in -advance reservations at a posh hotel there, and a -size- able cheque to let them play the races, get married again, or do whatever else they wanted to do. To all clergymen, whatever the color of their cloth, I'd give a special present. They'd SUGAR and SPICE By Bill Smiley get a church packed to the doors with people who sang lustily, listened attentively, prayed humbly, gave bounteous- ly, and continued to do •these unusual things throughout the following year. All mothers of large families would iet something they real- ly ,truly wanted for Christmas. I'd give them families who ap- preciated all the work they did, praised their cooking, told them once in a while that they looked pretty, wiped their feet when they came in, did the dishes frequently, and paid at- tention to them on other occa- sions than Mother's Day. And I'd throw in the services of a cracking good housekeeper, and pay her salary for a year. * * On Christmas Eve, I'd give all merchants a cash register stuffed with money, and, at the same time, an irresistible urge to go out and spend the bun- dle on retarded children, or unwed mothers, or somebody. What would I leave under the Christmas tree for the farmer? You guessed it. I'd grant them a whole year of exactly the kind of weather they wanted, regardless of the comfort or convenience of the rest of us. Of course, I'd have to find them something else to bellyache about, but they could probably fall back on the complaint that those tremendous crops were taking a lot out of the land, * * * All amateur golfers would be donated one season in which they sliced not, nor did they hook, but banged everyone down the centre. All anglers would he given one year in which they were as smart as the fish. All weekly editors would be given one week in which there were no mistakes in the paper. All teachers would be given a free 10 days in a sanatorium at Christmas. ' All wives would be given one year's absence from the bor- ing, 'insensitive, callous, inat- tentive cretins they are mar- ried to. And all husbands would receive a similar parole from the nagging, complaining, spendthrift, over -bearing harri- dans they married. Serve them both right, There, I don't think I've left anybody out. But if I have, just drop me a line at the South Pole, I'm sort of a left-handed, or southpole Santa Claus. ;r ra,,r•,wrliri,r.t);rrir1)t"r;rlitriri;,.,;r,,uriri- i )t A MACDUFF OTTAWA REPORT DISCONTENT IN THE RANKS OTTAWA—Rumblings of dis- content among the ranks of the Progressive Conservative mem- bers of Parliament and support- ers of the Party are being heard over the leadership of Prime Minister Diefenbaker. For the first time since Mr Diefenbaker was named to head the Party six years ago there is a raft of speculation about whether he will be able to com- mand a vote of confidence at the annual meeting of the Par- ty in Ottawa January 17 to 19. The rumours have filtered down, to Washington and resulted rfi one leading U.S. news magazine carrying a report that Mr. Dief- enbaker would be "out of of- fice" early in 1963. A culmina- tion of the mounting criticism against Mr. Diefenbaker's lead- ership has been the reaction against recent appointments made by the Prime Minister to the Senate. When Allister Gros - art,' paid national organizer of the Conservative party was nam- ed to the upper house there were strong repercussions from the Party faithful from all across the country. In a nut- shell, they said they had been working hard for the Party all these many dears, expecting no reward. But why, • oh why, should a man who had been paid well for his services get the appointment to the Senate? And more reecntly the people who chose Kenora railway man J. A. (Pete) Robertson to run for the House of Commons disagreed with the Prime Min- ister's decision to appoint the same Mr. Robertson to the up- per house. They have been loud in their protests. But not just Kendra Conserv- atives have asked the Prime Minister to explain the appoint- ment. There have been com- plaints from the Tory faithful in several constituencies. Mr. Robertson who was a Federal candidate in 1958 and 1960 and lost both times, did not merit the appointment of the Atiko- kan P. C. Association. He said that under the circumstances he would not be interested in campaigning for the Party in the' Federal field. This sort of criticism of Prime Minister Diefenbaker's actions was unheard of two years ago. But now there is a groundswell within the Tory ranks against Mr. Diefenbaker. In fact there is so much talk of dissatisfaction with the Prime Minister's leadership that one can hear members of Parlia- ment on the Government side speculating, openly. Some sug- gest he would be wise to sub- mit his resignation and quietly retire from the active political wars. But there are others who say that the Conservatives must go through at least one more elec. lion campaign with Mr. Diefen- baker at the helm. They antici. pate the next general election will come early in the spring of 1963. With that in prospect it is too late to think in terms 'of selecting a new captain. They do not agree with those who say Mr. Diefenbaker could step down gracefully and leave the Government in the hands of a caretaker Prime Minister such as Hen. Howard Green or Hon. George Nowlan. That would mean a Conservative leadership convention in the late spring of 1963. It is expected that the leadership battle when it comes will see Trade and Commerce Minister George Hees and Mani- toba's Duff Roblin fighting it out toe to toe for the mantle of leader. There may be oth- ers in the ring but the big (Continued on Page L4 By REV. ROBERT H. HARPER CHRISTMAS In thinking of Christmas, aim to avoid some errors in con- nection with the sacred day. If you can do so, Christmas will be more meaningful to you and a greater blessing. First, let us not make the holy day the culmination of an ad- vertising campaign, which offers every kind of merchandise de- signed to make the season a time of receiving , and having, and to increase the profits of anyone who has anything to sell. There" is nothing wrong in increasing one's profits, but let us make that a secondary thing at Christmas. Second, the sacred season is not primarily a time for huge feasting and merrymaking. It is not a season to be enjoyed just for ourselves, except for our re- joicing in the greatest gift of God's love. For remember it is not our birthday we are cele- brating but the birthday of Jesus Christ the Lord. So let us strive to make Jesus happy on the latest celebration of his coming into the world, by renewed consecration to his mission. This Christmas let us observe the day as one that brings to our remembrance a day in the long ago when God came into the world to lift men toward himself and to make them heirs of everlast- ing life. KEATING'S . PHARMACY Phone '28 -- Seaforth J. E. KEATING, Phm.B. M. E., HOOVER, Phm.B. • FROM YOUR FAMILY CLOTHING STORE EVE -MAR, STORES PHONE 405 — SEAFORTH Pick a Gift from our Christ- mas Tree of Values for your Christmas Tree! /y • A Merry ,4,10 Chris/mew /0 411! We wish you and 36ours a IP' very Merry Christmas ... and extend our thanks for your loyal patronage. • is . F r'" r" r From Your FAMILY CLOTHING CENTRE • • 4 •