HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1962-11-29, Page 22)1,41 „9!,...11 ;r: I ;,..p - , el, .0 i sal. tl'• I ;r 146' i x+ i u. ;u1 2.'- HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., NOV. 29, 1962 NOTICE! All accounts owing to CLEARY'S IGA must be paid by December 10th, 1962. These may be paid at WILKINSON'S IGA, or to J. J. CLEARY. WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS — Phone 141 Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime I COCKTAIL BOOTS Here they are, the cocktail boots you need • Completely waterproof • Keep their shape longer • Lastingly warm and comfortable See them now! Srnyth's Shoe Store PHONE 97 — SEAFORTH "IT COSTS NO MORE Grey F of d4 Looks in Future loSee Farming Changes The annual meeting and luncheon of Grey Township Federatit., of Agriculture was held in Ethel Community Cen- tre, with the luncheon being catered to by the ladies of Eth- el Women's Institute. Jan Van Vliet, the president, acted as toastmaster and chairman for the meeting which followed. George Gear, agricultural re- presentative of Bruce County, was guest speaker and chose as his subject, "Farming and the Future"; problems are more or less the same across the coun- try. Farming has been gener- ally good in 1962. Dairying is a little gloomy at the moment; however, this is the first time it has found itself in this posi- tion. Hogs, cattle sand eggs have all found themselves inthis position, and he felt that dairy- ing would soon have a bright future. Cost of production was one thing we ,should be paying more attention to. Referring to farm manage- ment, the average age of farm- ers is 60. We have lost 700 farmers in the last. 10 years and we will possibly lose 1300 more in the next 10 years. Mr. Gear felt there was a future in farming for young people and thought a better attitude .to- wards farming should be cre- ated. Mr. Gear was introduced by Ross Smith, and words of appreciation were extended by Wilfred Strickler. Elmer Ireland, County Fed- eration president, was this year on a motor trip to the Maritimes and Eastern United States; had also been through the West, and felt the chances for success in farming were greater in Huron County than anywhere else. During the year he had attend- ed 80 meetings and felt the in- terest of the farmer was being. well taken care of. We have a lot of, good men at the top of our organization. Giving a report of the OFA annual meet- ing held in Toronto, Mr. Ire- land expressed the thought that this was possibly the best meet- ing yet. r Vaughan Douglas, CKNX farm editor, spoke a few words and drew attention to A new pro- gram every Tuesday on Farm Focus. This program is pro- duced by Professor Leggit, of the Veterinary College, ,Guelph, and will be dealing with dif- pet rl) i .w• r sr• I se9"I u' : le t sr 1,e.• ;w. u.- i ;tY I ;rY 1 i err• u.- t ;r i . - , sw ey i x.- i xr x, uyli rYli �li wli w' i x-lr -.,.e'w •. K. .. �, .. Y. ec9... y.,.. e4 «ek .. Ka ea.t.4 .. ek ..•. .»e4 •. *4 .*k �. •x.».4 e4•.Yn-i`r K•e'n • `llDe 1011,161 . . • , at Ditkounit Adm. Special Prices on TELEVISION SETS (New and Used) There is no more pleasing Christmas Gift than an Electrical Gift ! Here at Dublin Electric you have -a wide choice of Popular Appliances. END FOOD FRFJZING WORRIES - Large enough for the average family, 16.8 capacity; holds 575 pounds of food; 2 baskets, 2 dividers andone juice rack. with a 16.8 cubic foot or 23 cubic foot DEEP FREEZE 229.E Built for the large family, 23 cubic foot, holds 740 pounds of food with a large, fast freeze section. Saves more food dollars with this Targe size freezer; 3 baskets, 3 dividers, 1 juice rack. Christmas Shoppers ! Here's Your Chance to Save $ $ $ $ Toasters, Kettles, Electric Blankets, Radios, Transistors, Record Players, Vacuum Clearers, Polishers — ALL AT 250.00 1O%0FF UBLIN ELECTRIC Phone 70• R 2 -- DUBLIN • ferent phases of the dairy in- dustry. Doug Miles had been at Gode- rich at.12 o'clock and was some- what late in arriving. On be- half of tg department, he Pthanked the Federation for sponsoring 4-H club activity. Safety is everybody's business, and passed out posters to be hung up. Mr. Miles conducted the election of officers. Re-elect- ed president was Jan van Vliet, as was vice-president Wilfred Strickler. School section direc- tors were all returned, except- ing SS No. 9, where Scott Mc- Lean nominated Dan Snider, ! and SS No. 10, where William 'Bremner nominated Nelson Sleightholm. Mrs. Wilfred Strickler was nominated lady director. Dan. Snider suggested a• di- rector be responsible for ar- ranging a meeting and getting a speaker; meetings to be 'held in the local halls and subjects to suit local interest. Mrs. Carl Hemingway suggested Ontario Hydro be approached, suggest- ing that Hydro is willing to put on programs of up to three hours, providing an audience of 150 is assured. Ross Smith, grain club lead- er, spoke of the more intensive program of the club. This year the study was on soils, and next year the study will be on an- other phase of club work. Adjournment was moved by Charles Thomas. Remember, it takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just phone Seaforth 141. p4 r1 1' sal ;wl; r - • s<.I n. r• . w • '.L .. ..4 •. r4. . ..y .. . w it THE FAMILYA `S:ECONd CAR FOR CHRISTMAS .QUALITY 1961 Corvair Station Wagon 1961 Chevrolet Sedan 1959 Ford Coach, Automatic 1957 Meteor Sedan 1955 Dodge `Eight' 1958 Oldsmobile 4 -Door Hardtop, automatic, radio 1958 Chevrolet '8' Bel Air Sedan, automatic, radio 1955 Ford Fairlane '8' Coach, radio 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air Sedan "No Reasonable Offer Refused" Seaforth Motors Phone 541 Seaforth A •e. •... +,. +... w. ,.... ,x .. ,.,.. y+ .. y,, . +... w} . .de � t srlr ski pit i ..A` i .,.r I ..;% I i�.,F ..A r i ..A i ..r' t .nr i „J i I ..i% , ..I% i ..A , .n° . , ..k • MOD 00E10 • YOUR; CHRISTMAS BONUS FROM "SANTA" SANDY SAVER .SAYS: IF YOU WISH TO USE YOUR• GOLD BOND CATALOGUE AS A CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE, HERE ARE AN EXTRA THOUSAND STAMPS TO FILL YOUR BOOKS, AND A REMINDER THAT DECEMBER 1st IS THE LAST DAY FOR CHRISTMAS REDEMPTIONS. K GOLD, qONp' GOLD 80ND glampS .— ...- � •� — � I 25 roD1;e0..' E N 0 , G GOLD FRUIT .SALTS' BOND I BOND EXPIRES DEC. -1 I Stamps Stomps 25. With Purchase of ARRID ROLL-ON DEODORANT EXPIRES DEC. 1 With Purchase of.,. One 28 -oz. Tin MAPLE LEAF .' MINCEMEAT EXPIRES DEC..1 ttta. GOLD I BOND �SfampS 25 With Purchase of I 25 I Gictit.a, GOLD I BOND SfampS _ 25 X25 • c GOLD BOND i S iatrpS SHIRRIFF'S GOOD MORNING MARMALADE' a ROYAL GOLD GRADE "A" MEDIUM EGGS' 49( GOLD BOND Stam?s COCOA PUFFS EXPIRES DEC. 1 With Purchase of Ono Package 333's FACELLE FACIAL TISSUES EXPIRES DEC.,,,1 25 With Purchase of One 7-16. Bag FIVE ROSES FLOUR EXPIRES DEC. 1 Wits, Purchase of 1 One 16 -os. Jar GOLD BOND glampS MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ EXPIRES DEC. 1 25. t4. GOLD BOND,: Slamps zs 'GOLD BOND :Stamps 5 With Purchase of I One 2-11,. Cello DELMONTE BREAKFAST PRUNES EXPIRES DEC. 1 ROYAL GUEST GINGERALE GOLD, BOND gfainps . GOLD B0ND -- gfompS TEA BAGS EXPIRES DEC. 1 With Purchase of 1 One Economy Size CREST TOOTHPASTE EXPIRES DEC. 1 With Purchosc of One 11 -oz. Pkg. MORTON'S"FROZE Chicken -Turkey Beef DINNERS - EXPIRES DEC. 1 5A Q4tfLa. GOLD BOND Stamps t With Purchase of Ono Ib. or Moro CUT-UP CHICKEN Legs & Breasts - EXPIRES' DEC. 1 25 I' GOLD 1 BOND Stomps • I GOLD BOND I.: Sfampt With Purchase of One 20 -os. Tin • STAFFORD CHERRY PIE FILLING EXPIRES DEC. 1 25 IGon 1 BOND _ I vamps With Purchase of „One 32 -os. Bottle MAZOLA OIL EXPIRES DEC. 1 GOLD D I BON Stamps BOND , Stumps 23 12yLt.�La GOLD BOND gtamps • 25 1.1V1. ,. BOND ,Stamps With Purchase of One 25-R. Roll IGA ALUMINUM FOILWRAP EXPIRES DEC. 1 With Purchase of One Package Medium Size BAND-AID PLASTIC BANDAGES EXPIRES DEC. 1 Purchase of Ono Size 24's CELERY STALKS EXPIRES DEC. 1 I.GOLD BOND Stamps With Purchase of Ono '12" Frozen VIRGA DELUXE PIZZA PIE EXPIRES DEC. 1 -4- I Ghon BOND gfompS CANNED HAM EXPIRES DEC. 1 With Purchase of Ono 2 -Ib. 5.o., Pkg. TEA-BISK EXPIRES DEC. 1 GOCD BOND'', gfompS With Purchase of Ono Jar Vick's Vaporub EXPIRES DEC. 1 With Purchase Rf One SP CRT.D-vac COTTAGE ROLL EXPIRES DEC. 1 115 �•t'xa I'GOLD BOND Stamps With Purchase of Two B -oz. Bunches RADISHES EXPIRES DEC. 1 -.` Z'S 'l GOLD 1, BOND ,I gfomps ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE 1 NOV. 28 - DEC. 1 • INCLUSIVE 2,5 e ifttta GOLD BOND I Slatnps With Purchase of One 64 -oz. Bottle FLEECY EXPIRES DEC. 1 25 I GOLD I BOND Stamps 14..tfU LD BOND Stamps leytstai, GOLD 1 BOND 115 With Purchase of One 32 -oz. Jar MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing EXPIRES DEC. 1 {1t.CL IGOLD I BOND Stomps CANDY EXPIRES DEC. 1 With Purchase of Ono 24-0e. Jos PLANTER'S Peanut Butter EXPIRES DEC. 1 With Purchase of - One -100 -Tablet Jet 25 With Purchase of Any Two 6 -oz. Pkgs. TABLERITE COOKED MEATS EXPIRES DEC. 1 1.BOND • With Niehaus of CHICKEN IN- A • BASKET EXPIRES DEC. 1 FRESH — PRE -DRESSED — GRADE "A FRYING 1 Pyka GOLD BOND Starnes • ANACIN EXPIRES DEC. 1 t 5 tk a I GOLD 1.80ND Stamps 2y�ss.5•tt I God BOND gfamps CARROTS r3 EXPIRES DEC. 1 With Purchase of One Ib. Package TABLERITE WIENERS • EXPIRES DEC.. .1 .,.s0,4. I4 With Purchase of One Ib. or Mote Ground Chuck EXPIRES DEC. 1 ONT.' NO: 1 GOOD COOKERS BONUS FREEZER BUYS CHICKEN - TURKEY - BEEF - MAC & CHEESE MORTON'S POT PIES ASE A COMPLETE SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS. CANDY AND CRRISTtvIAS. NUTS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON Enjoy yourself at the Santa Clatos Parade on Saturday and when in kiwi.) come in and stye us • R R. 4'